Bell Optimus 4G LTE Adventures - LG Nitro HD

So for the first time i am going to do something i have never done before... HEEEEELP!!!!
Sooooo I guess i will admit that i have fubared my Bell Optimus 4G LTE. I accidentally disabled my LG Stock Launcher and in my haste really fubared my phone. Without any way of regaining an su prompt or root access, i am essentially screwed.
I now have all 3 softkeys at the bottom flashing at once, and the only mode i can enter is adb shell, no SU access available because the phone reboots constantly now before the system partition finishes loading. I can get into download mode, but this serves me no purpose. the Bell unit has only 2GB of internal storage and no other P930 is similar to this one so the chances of recovery are none to none.
I have a feeling i may have to wait until the ICS update comes along as there is no .kdz file available for the Bell p930 yet.
If anyone knows more than me or can come across a .kdz for the Bell P930, please let me know. Bell does not accept returns and will shoot it directly to LG and once they crack it open, well the SuperUser.apk will pop out like a sore thumb and will screw me over for any replacement.
I followed Manilion's guide HERE with one very important difference: BELL OPTIMUS USERS MUST NOT FLASH THEIR BASEBAND mmcblk0p14 WHATSOEVER!!! use THIS stock Bell baseband image to preserve your Bell network access!!!!
These are the partitions and image names:
mmcblk0p1 -> firmware.img
mmcblk0p8 -> boot.img
mmcblk0p13 -> recovery.img
mmcblk0p14 -> baseband.img BELL USERS DO NOT FLASH THIS!!!
mmcblk0p27 -> system.img
You will also need to add the Bell APN Settings in Settings -> Wireless and networks -> Mobile Networks -> Access Point Names
Here's the Bell APN Settings if anyone needs them (these also allow LTE access) :
Name: Bell
Port: 80
Username: <Not set>
Password: <Not set>
Server: <Not set>
MMSC proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 302
MNC: 610
APN type : <Not set>

If it isn't working then you have nothing to lose in sending it to LG to get fixed. The fix probably takes all of five minutes to reload the software. They may charge, but they may not? Never hurts to try...

True, but then again.... oh, can anyone with a Bell Optimus LTE 4G please post their APN settings??

Haha I guess I should not be a Lurker anymore.
repherb. Apn sent via pm. I cannot post outside links.. I'm not 8 post cool yet

So, i have successfully flashed the SU640 .KDZ file to my unit and rooted it. I am up and running but the firmware is.... buggy... sluggish, and quite a bit of FC's.
I am trying to find the LG Nitro KDZ to flash, any help would be appreciated on this, maybe i could get a LG Nitro user to send me their IMEI via PM so i can download it from LG please???

That's not surprising, seeing that it's a ported Korean ROM. I'd wait for ICS to be released, which is going to be an eternity from the looks of it.

Sweet! Sounds like you're about halfway through my recovery tutorial. What you need now is for a kind soul to post their partition images from the Optimus LTE 4G. I don't know if the default partition layout for the Optimus is the same as the SU640, though...
Maybe LiViD there can help you if he has the Optimus LTE 4G.
I'll do whatever I can to help guide you through the process should you need it.

I'm not programmer savvy, so whatever you require will require some direction from your behalf. I am familiar with the use of adb and that's it.

Alright, I'll dig through the partition layout and get you a list of the mmcblk's that you need to copy with the dd command
This'll be outstanding if we can get a recovery tutorial that works for both the Optimus and the Nitro.
---------- Post added at 01:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 AM ----------
There should be a file somewhere in a folder called bootimg-ramdisk/etc/recovery_mmc.fstab according to this post by schwin97. I need the contents of that file to make sure your partition layout is the same as the Nitro's. If it is the same, this is going to be really easy

If you can get into adb shell and stay there, then all you need to do is re-root.
In last 2 weeks I've done it at least hundred times while messing around with SystemUI.apk file.
If SuperOneClick doesn't work, then try manual root, if that fails, use the old version of zergRush binary which I posted under manual root topic. It might take several tries before it succeed (I once had to try non-stop for 2 hours, while it was boot animation looping, but zergRush finally succeeded)

[email protected],
repherb's already past the point of no return. He's on the SU640 rom already. I think we can get him back to stock though if LiViD helps us out.

<starts grinding up the ROM Flashing program> all right boys and girls it's time to FLASH!!
@ [email protected]: yup i am past the point of no return
@LiViD: feels like a spinoff of that movie: "Dude! Where's my (car) partitions?!", and yes your (or anyone's help on Bell) help would be most appreciated.
@Malnilion: Yup i have discovered the partitions are identical across the P930 from Bell and SKT SU640.
So it looks like this might be an exercise in patience waiting for ICS or the partitions from a Optimus LTE 4G. An industry insider from GlenTel (tbooth, wireless wave) has informed me that LG has notified Bell of a February timeline for the ICS update. Whether this holds true or not is beyond me, but he has been right before.
To everyone, thank you for helping me out of this jam so far, and for your help in the future.

If you're positive the partitions are the same, I'll go ahead and give the steps for creating the images so that LiViD or anyone with a Optimus can help:
adb shell
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 of=/sdcard/boot.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 of=/sdcard/recovery.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=/sdcard/firmware.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p27 of=/sdcard/system.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 of=/sdcard/baseband.img
Then get them off your sdcard. I actually don't know how to do this using adb commands lol, but I think you just do an adb pull for each of the filenames?
So assuming the partition layout is exactly the same (I'm still kinda hoping to get the output of the file I requested before), anyone with an Optimus 4G LTE can help you out.
In the meantime, repherb, you could try flashing the AT&T images as an experiment. I have a hunch your phone would work pretty much exactly as a Nitro would

Might want to edit that post to say "anyone with a Bell optimus lte 4g"
<GRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRINDGRIND> already flashing them now, will let you know in a bit what the outcome is. I hope they are the same base partition layout, because that would be pretty cool!!

I can assure you they most definitely aren't the "same" (at least the system one). They could be close enough to actually function properly, though. I'm really intrigued to hear the results

Sorry, jumped in this thread really late. So I'm assuming an AT&T P930 will not work with Repherb's Bell Optimus LTE, or will it work? If it will work, I can try to help the best I can. Just let me know what to do.

i am in the process of sending the Nitro HD system.img and firmware.img image files from gordec's post here to my Bell Optimus LTE 4G after trying <successfully!> to recover my P930 to the SU640 .kdz ROM image but having FC's and other issues... Anyone else get that sneaky feeling i am a Guinea Pig???

Just remember to do a factory data reset when you start your phone back up after flashing all 5 partition images.

5??? i can only find 3!!! unless i am blind, senile and anal retentive...
@aquariuz23: Pray, just pray!
Oh, i can confirm that the SU640 ROM _does_ achieve LTE access to Bell's LTE Network

Lol! I thought you were already following my unbricking guide.


[Q] unrevoked forever broke my mms (twice)

I have a desire (cdma) i have tried using unrevoked and unrevoked forever to obtain s-off. I have tried on 2 different phones. Both times, after making no other changes, I lose the abilitity to send mms. I can run unrevoked, and mms will work. I run the update to get s-off and it no longer works. Is there something I am doing wrong, is there any troubleshooting I could do?
I know this issue is a month old, but we may have solved it last night on the unrevoked IRC channel.
I had the same problem, and it turned out it was because unrevoked overwrote my phone's carrier ID and it was using the MMS protocol settings for another company.
The guide here will tell you how to edit your BCID, but it doesn't say how to find the right one if you're already having the problem.
unrevoked had changed mine to UTSI_005 when it was meant to be UTSI_019. I happened to know my correct one from my previous phone, and some versions of stock CDMA ROMs have a list buried somewhere in them.
If anyone is still having this problem, which is only likely to happen with people on carriers with outsourced MMS gateways like Interop, I'll see if I can get the list.
Im still having the problem. I am on a small regional carrier --Inland Cellular. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had basically given up on trying to fix it. They are supposed to release a RUU for froyo here soon, and I was hoping that would fix the issue, then I could put cyanogen back on.
deepsix_69 said:
Im still having the problem. I am on a small regional carrier --Inland Cellular. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had basically given up on trying to fix it. They are supposed to release a RUU for froyo here soon, and I was hoping that would fix the issue, then I could put cyanogen back on.
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The RUU may not update the /misc partition which is where the problem is. Assuming there's not another carrier named Inland Cellular and your carrier's website is, then they do use Interop and your problem is probably the same as mine was. According to the "telephony.db" file from the generic CDMA 2.1 RUU for the HTC Hero, your CID is UTSI_016. This is a carrier ID assigned by UTStarcom for CDMA interoperability and shouldn't change between handset models. To fix this:
Follow the instructions I linked above.
When you do the "getprop ro.cid" make sure it's something other than "UTSI_016" to confirm this is the most likely culprit.
When you get to the hex editing step, also make sure the first 8 bytes aren't "UTSI_016".
If it is the same problem, your "getprop ro.cid" and first 8 bytes of misc.img will probably be "UTSI_005".
Correct the string to "UTSI_016" and follow the directions to flash the corrected misc.img back.
You do need to already have the right MMS server address and port settings for your carrier programmed. If you've been wrestling with this for a while, I figure you've already verified those.
We just stumbled on this last night and as far as I know I'm the only test case so far, so I can't take responsibility if you brick your phone. I'd suggest joining #unrevokedtest on for more assistance.
Yep thats the right carrier. I have all the apn info, so that part shouldnt be a problem.
I do have one request if you are able to and its not too hard.
I have had problems with adb on my computer, so I have done everything through terminal on the phone and manaully moving/editing files through the root explorer.
Any chance you can modify your directions to use those methods.
If not, I guess its a good time to figure out adb a little better.
Thanks again.
deepsix_69 said:
Any chance you can modify your directions to use those methods.
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Sorry, I didn't write them. Someone else wrote them to fix a different problem and they just happened to work for this. But I think ADB will be pretty much mandatory for the dumping and flashing parts. They have to be done in some kind of command shell.
alright i got adb all setup and working. But I am having problems right from the getgo.
I type the first command ($ /system/__unrevoked_su) and it returns and error. I tried reloading a stock rom, rerunning unrevoked and rooting it to see if a file gets created when unrevoked is ran, but I still get an error. It returns a /system/__unrevoked_su not found.
update: i did some playing around was able to verify utsi_005 so it looks like I have the same problem. But I cant complete moving/editing any of the files becuase they dont exist for some reason.
Any ideas.
OKAY, I got it to work, I had to modify your directions to get it to work for some reason, just in case someone else is having problems.
What I did was install a hexeditor on my phone. Open up sdcard/misc.img edited it for the correct UTSI_016 then saved as /sdcard/new-misc.img then entered adb
$ su
# /data/local/flash_image misc /sdcard/new-misc.img
# exit
reran unrevoked and it worked just fine.
On a side note, I suspect I could have followed your directions directly had I used a $ su instead of $ /system/__unrevoked_su but by the time i figured it out, i was already pretty close to doing it without using adb at all.
Thanks again for the help, I would have never got that figured out without your info. Now time to restore my cyanogen mod 7 and restore some apn info.
If you re-ran unrevoked after flashing the new misc.img, it may have put it back to the wrong info.
Let me know how this went, I'm quite interested in whether this is going to be a common problem for CDMA Desire users.
Well by re ran, i quess I meant I ran it once. I was rooted which broke the MMS, I updated the img file and ran unrevoked in order to fix the mms.
It worked excellent though, I would assume its a wide spread problem for certain carriers. I know it happened to 2 different phone for the carrier I am on.
I flashed cyanogen again, and its being a little difficult getting mms to work, but thats a different issue, and I am sure i will be able to get the right solution after playing/searching/reading.
Thanks again.
well, this isnt going so great. I can get mms to work on the stock rom/rooted now (I couldnt before) I tried installing cyanogen back on, and am having no luck.
Any chance you got some pointers on that?
deepsix_69 said:
I can get mms to work on the stock rom/rooted now (I couldnt before)
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This is actually good news.
If it works on rooted stock when before it would only work on stock before rooting and not after, it means that now you just have the same problems as everyone else with Cyanogen, not a problem specific to the rooting method or the phone's carrier.
I haven't tried a non-stock ROM on mine since I squashed this bug. I have a few guesses as to how to fix it, but I need to test them first.
I have a CDMA Desire on the GCI Network in Alaska, rooted with unrevoked with s-off.
Right now the desire is running on USCC Rom.
Everything is working with the exception of MMS.
When I send an MMS, the number 970-111-1111 is attached to the message as my reply to number.
This is not my phone number.
When the message is replied to, an error is returned to the sender, 'Does not subscribe.'.
I suspect that the problem being addressed in this thread is similar.
I have searched for the misc.img file to edit and cannot find it on my phone.
If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it.
I do not know where to find the correct CID, nor what to do with it when I do find it.
Thanks for any and all input....
MrJustAGuy said:
I know this issue is a month old, but we may have solved it last night on the unrevoked IRC channel.
I had the same problem, and it turned out it was because unrevoked overwrote my phone's carrier ID and it was using the MMS protocol settings for another company.
The guide here will tell you how to edit your BCID, but it doesn't say how to find the right one if you're already having the problem.
unrevoked had changed mine to UTSI_005 when it was meant to be UTSI_019. I happened to know my correct one from my previous phone, and some versions of stock CDMA ROMs have a list buried somewhere in them.
If anyone is still having this problem, which is only likely to happen with people on carriers with outsourced MMS gateways like Interop, I'll see if I can get the list.
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your doing it wrong.
this line: cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/misc.img pipes the contents of /mtd0 into misc.img, thus creating the file you were looking for.
the command getprop ro.cid should return the cid value your devices is presently using. when I tried i did not receive a value, instead it echoed the command back to me. if your suspecting your cid has been mangled then this will of course return the incorrect value. for getting the correct value try an s-on gci phone.
you ever tried looking at your logcat when you send mms?
akdale said:
I have a CDMA Desire on the GCI Network in
I suspect that the problem being addressed in this thread is similar.
I have searched for the misc.img file to edit and cannot find it on my phone.
If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it.
I do not know where to find the correct CID, nor what to do with it when I do find it.
Thanks for any and all input....
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I managed to get adb working and talking to the desire.
When I type in 'adb shell',
I do not get the $ prompt, but a prompt that says 'sh-3.2#'
I managed to create the misc.img, pull it to my laptop, edit it with a hex editor changing the HTC__005 to the HTC__010 that was on an unrooted gci desire, push it back to my sdcard as new-misc.img.
The following gives an error
'adb shell
$ /system/__unrevoked_su --------------- (No such file or Directory)
# /data/local/flash_image misc /sdcard/new-misc.img'
I checked, there is a /system---I don't see the unrevoked
Any help is appreciated.
ipfreelytech said:
your doing it wrong.
this line: cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/misc.img pipes the contents of /mtd0 into misc.img, thus creating the file you were looking for.
the command getprop ro.cid should return the cid value your devices is presently using. when I tried i did not receive a value, instead it echoed the command back to me. if your suspecting your cid has been mangled then this will of course return the incorrect value. for getting the correct value try an s-on gci phone.
you ever tried looking at your logcat when you send mms?
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Well, I managed to get the file changed, and it shows up in logcat when I send a mms.
This did not cure the 111-1111 phone number problem. In fact, I did not notice any difference at all except for the CID being different in logcat.
I have the same problems with my small local carrier. Also I dont have another phone to pull the info from. Nex-tech is the carrier and if anyone could help me get this info so I could change the CID I would appreciate it.
I spoke to the unrevoked team in irc and unrevoked doesn't change anything that would break mms. With that in mind my piss ant cell provider did an update to their system and all of the sudden mms is working like a champ on rooted bravoc running cm7.
So I was able to follow all of these steps. I was also able to pull, edit, then push the files back to the phone. I am not able to make it work and when I do
getprop ro.cid it only shows "getprop ro.cid" but not UTSI_016. But if I then pull the file again from the phone, it does show UTSI_016 just not when running the command getprop ro.cid.
I have been able to make this work on the stock rom, and MMS is back and fully functioning.
I would however like to use Miui again but I cant get it to seem to do the MMS.
I'm on inland cellular with moto x gen 2. 2 when flashing custom roms I have no service. They don't use apns according to their tech support so how do I pull the needed info out of the stock rom and place it in custom one?

[Q] Rooting Breaks MMS

I rooted my HTC Desire CDMA from Cox Communication's new Wireless service. I soon discovered that I couldn't send or receive pictures via MMS. I thought it was a faulty phone so I swapped mine out for a new one. It worked, I rooted it, and it stopped working so I found out that rooting it was the cause. I asked HTC, Cox, and tons of other sources about Cox APNs. Well as it turns out, there are no APNs for Cox that you can enter manually, it's hard-coded into the device. No SIM cards either. So my question is, what about rooting could cause MMS to break? Everything else works except that after rooting. Could it be the unrevoked method I used? I'd be pretty sad if I'll never be able to root while having Cox as my carrier. After being on Sprint with a Hero for so long, I'm stuck on Gingerbread. I miss it, 2.1 is definitely not cutting it. Thanks.
Bump, anyone know? I'm dying here.
I also have a problem sending MMS message but I assumed it was because of CM 7 RC 2. Pain in the arse if its due to rooting. Anyone had any luck sending mms at all on a rooted desire?
still no answer from anyone?? I have Cox Wireless too and I rooted and lost MMS!!! So annoying!!
I dont know why these devices broke, but I know CDMA users who root that can send MMS. Not sure what you need to do though, sorry.
@ the person from the UK, check your APN's.
I'm in the same boat as well.. rooted the cox desire and now no mms. I'd unroot if I could figure out how...
---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------
looks like dunes found something here... but I'm not clear on the instructions that refer to flashing some files;
MrJustAGuy, on 10 May 2011 - 09:29 PM, said:
I was still having a problem on Cox with CyanogenMod after resolving the CID issue with the stock ROM caused by Unrevoked and I finally nailed it down. The reason the CID matters to the stock MMS program is because it tells the program what HTTP headers to send. Some MMS servers need an "X-(carrier)-MDN" with dashes, some need "X_(carrier)_MDN" with underscores, some just need "X-MDN" or "X_MDN". A CID of UTSI_X will tell the HTC version of the MMS program to send header X, and UTSI_Y will tell the program to send header Y. The version of Mms.apk in CM7 didn't seem to have the same function. (Maybe it does, I couldn't tell. I program largely by voodoo, not skill.) The InterOp server that Cox uses needs "X-MDN" and I don't even know what the stock CyanogenMod MMS program was sending but the error code I was getting in logcat was the same as I got before I fixed the CID problem on stock. So I edited /res/xml/mms_config.xml to send X-MDN, based on the edited Mms.apk for Gingerbread on GCI Wireless found here. It worked beautifully for sending and receiving with no errors, no delays, and no funky phone numbers. Then, just for kicks, I edited it to send all the X-headers I know of. Still works for me, now it might work for others. If you're on Cox, flashing this file will set your APN and ERI and replace your Mms.apk. If not, this file is just the edited Mms.apk to push to /system/app. This is based on the CM7 nightly, so it might not work below Android 2.3.4. I guarantee nothing, and probably don't have the skill to help anyone in detail. I just wanted to share what worked for me.

[Q] EVO 4g already flashed to cricket *all works* just a few questions

Lot of info here.....
i just had a couple of quick questions.
I have a evo 4g flashed to cricket using a ROM which i think is a STOCK rom
My phone was flashed by a friend of a friend, everything works, but i know i can do it myself with the help of this community. I wanted to know IF i decide to install a custom ROM what info will be needed?
IF i do attempt to install a custom ROM are there some files on the phone i need to keep? or i can i just install the rom and it will work, being that my phone has already been modified with QPST and CDMA workshop or will i have to do that part of the config over again.
The main thing i think that kept my phone from working last time was the QPST/CDMA workshop stuff. it seems complicated to me. when you start getting into APN MEID MSN XML PRI PRL Kernel files, i get lost.
Is there somewhere on here that i can get a complete explanation without having to piece it together from hundreds of posts. Ideally i would like to be able to feel confident that i know what im doing.
This community is great and i really appreciate all the time and effort that you guys put into helping us newbies.
You can flash whatever roms you want. Older roms had problems with MMS and Cricket but it seems to be pretty much straightened out now. With any rom you are going to need to configure your APN settings for Cricket in order to get MMS working (as Evo roms are typically intended for Sprint and have Sprint APN settings as such)
WOW, didnt expect you to reply. Thanks. what settings do i need to reconfig, IF i do this myself? will i have to do anything with xml files, qpst, cdma workshop? This is the problem i had last time. I do not really know what needs to be changed once i put a new rom on my phone. Could you provide me with a list of things TODO after the rom is
qpst/cdma workshop are where i get scared.
In most all modern Sense roms (the 2.1+3.0 hybrids like MikG for example) you simply need to go into the Messaging app and edit the settings under MMS. Change the size limit to something that is 500K or less (Cricket has a sending limit over 500k it seems) and then edit the connection settings by changing them to the following:
name: internet
mms proxy:
mms port : 8080
mms protocol: wap 2.0
You don't have to import an APN xml file like I used to have to do in 2.2 roms and with Jiminy
I've still never been able to get MMS working under any AOSP roms like CM6 and CM7, even when I do edit the APN settings (my last try was a couple months ago though, so maybe its been sorted since)
so if i flash over a new rom like Jiminy V do i have to re-edit anything through QPST or CDMA workshop? or do i just flash, config MMS stuff and thats it?
No I would advise against flashing Jiminy now honestly, it's old news.
I said Jiminy WOULD require some extra effort like importing an APN xml file
Jiminy is still based on 2.2. I would go ahead and use something like MikG or Synergy at this point.
Regardless of the rom, you don't ever need to do anything with QPST or CDMA workshop. That work is already done and independent of the rom you flash
I guess I've given up maintaining Jiminy at this point. Consider MikG to be the new go to rom if you're on Cricket. It works perfectly once you configure the APN through the messaging app.
Im running a stock rom and its all working, i want to try some diff roms out, but i do not want to break anything.
But i am still unclear if ill have to do anything through QPST or CDMA workshop. Just flash rom over and make some changes to MMS or are there other settings to change?
mentathf said:
Im running a stock rom and its all working, i want to try some diff roms out, but i do not want to break anything.
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see, apparently even stock roms work fine now. When I first started making Jiminy a stock Evo rom could not do MMS, it took some trickery. Later stock roms appeared to have cleared this issue up.
you got a good link to the mikG rom? Also how will the new rom know what my phone number and other info is?

Canadian LG Optimus LTE vs Nitro HD - Getting Canadin version to ICS?

I've done some searching on here but I keep ending up with posts regarding the Nitro HD.
I recently upgraded my phone to an Optimus LTE through Bell Mobility. I was told and it was advertised that it was easily upgradeable to ICS. I quickly found out this wasn't true. So I called Bell and their wonderful (not) outsourced tech support pointed me to a how-to on androidadvices . com and I ended up with my phone in an infinite boot loop with a nice Nitro HD logo. Luckily, I had only had my phone for a day and I played dumb and they swapped it out for me.
I'm new to modding Android phones, but would like to get ICS on my phone. I've already got it rooted, but before going any further I'd like to do a full backup and have a bit of confidence that I'm at least following the right directions.
1) Is the Canadian LG Optimus LTE (LG-P930) the same as the US Nitro HD (LU6200)? Can I use Nitro HD firmware on my LG-P930?
2) Can anyone point me to tutorials for getting my P930 to ICS?
Thanks for your help,
You seem to have the model numbers mixed up. The AT&T Nitro HD and Bell Optimus LTE are both the same device with the same model number (P930). That means that yes, whenever you see someone talk about the Nitro, it does also apply to your phone.
The LU6200 is a phone sold in South Korea (maybe other countries too, I'm not certain). It is sort of a "sister" device, but it's not completely the same as the P930 so you shouldn't try installing a LU6200 ROM on your phone.
As for making proper backups, make sure you do that before you do anything else. Install Terminal Emulator, then do the following:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 of=/sdcard/boot.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 of=/sdcard/recovery.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=/sdcard/firmware.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 of=/sdcard/baseband.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p27 of=/sdcard/system.img
Then you can copy the image files that it created on your SD card to your computer or whatever you want to do with them for safekeeping.
Thanks for your detailed response. The reason that I was confused on the model numbers is because in the Nitro HD forum topic list, one of them is development for "LU6200". (Because I'm new I can't even post a picture of it!)
I guess this made me think that LU6200 was the US model number. This and the fact that when my phone ended up being a brick, it was in a constant reboot with a Nitro HD logo. The firmware file that this site's how-to directed to use and linked for download was LU620160_00.kdz. This method used the LG Support Tool to force the update from you computer. I want to believe that if Bell's technical support pointed me to this and said it'd be OK for my phone, that it should work.
Does anyone have a Canadian Optimus LTE have experience getting their phone on ICS and recommend a certain ROM or have experience with the how-to below that uses the file above and the LG Mobile Support Tool?
Drumist, does this backup method allow me to completely return to to the phone's state when the backup is done (like if you make a Ghost image of your computer)?
Sorry, I'm a NOOB and can't post the link for further details on the method I previously used to try to upgrade to ICS.
drumist said:
You seem to have the model numbers mixed up. The AT&T Nitro HD and Bell Optimus LTE are both the same device with the same model number (P930). That means that yes, whenever you see someone talk about the Nitro, it does also apply to your phone.
The LU6200 is a phone sold in South Korea (maybe other countries too, I'm not certain). It is sort of a "sister" device, but it's not completely the same as the P930 so you shouldn't try installing a LU6200 ROM on your phone.
As for making proper backups, make sure you do that before you do anything else. Install Terminal Emulator, then do the following:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 of=/sdcard/boot.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 of=/sdcard/recovery.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=/sdcard/firmware.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 of=/sdcard/baseband.img
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p27 of=/sdcard/system.img
Then you can copy the image files that it created on your SD card to your computer or whatever you want to do with them for safekeeping.
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I'm quite surprised that Bell actually pointed you to installing a firmware not intended for your phone. I'm on Bell as well and hence have the same device as you.
Since you already have it rooted the next step is to install Rom Manager from the Play Store. Use that to install ClockWorkMod (CWM) to your phone (Select install ClockWorkMod, and choose the one for Nitro HD/ Optimus LTE)
After that, make a nandroid backup of your current set up (you can either start that in Rom Manager, which will restart your phone into CWM and perform the back up. once you have your back up, the next step is to pick your ROM.
If you don't want to go through the process of unbricking your phone to flash a different ROM later on, then avoid the ICS Leak, and HO!NO!'s ICS leak with CWM (you won't be able to install this without unbricking your phone first anyway)
Your options are AOKP, CM9 (either RC2 or nightlies), or HO!NO!'s variant of CM9 compiled with the linaro toolchain (CM9 Full Throttle), or Andasa's Variant of CM9. If you don't want to install ROMs very often then I would suggest either the CM9 RC2 or HO!NO!'s AOKP port. Both seem to be very stable. I would be more inclined to suggest AOKP since it seems to be the most stable (haven't tested though, just going off what I've read).
If you want, try them all to see what you like, just make a nandroid backup (with CWM) of each install. That way when you finally decide which one you want, you can easily restore it.
I believe HO!NO!'s Full throttle is the fastest, but it has it's quirks, and HO!NO! is constantly developing for it (thank him for it!) so there are frequent updates to it.
Just do your research before you do anything! There is a ton of information in these forums.
Or if you don't want to do any of this, just tough it out till the official ICS release (which I heard was pushed back to August)
AltaEgo said:
Thanks for your detailed response. The reason that I was confused on the model numbers is because in the Nitro HD forum topic list, one of them is development for "LU6200". (Because I'm new I can't even post a picture of it!)
I guess this made me think that LU6200 was the US model number. This and the fact that when my phone ended up being a brick, it was in a constant reboot with a Nitro HD logo. The firmware file that this site's how-to directed to use and linked for download was LU620160_00.kdz. This method used the LG Support Tool to force the update from you computer. I want to believe that if Bell's technical support pointed me to this and said it'd be OK for my phone, that it should work.
Does anyone have a Canadian Optimus LTE have experience getting their phone on ICS and recommend a certain ROM or have experience with the how-to below that uses the file above and the LG Mobile Support Tool?
Drumist, does this backup method allow me to completely return to to the phone's state when the backup is done (like if you make a Ghost image of your computer)?
Sorry, I'm a NOOB and can't post the link for further details on the method I previously used to try to upgrade to ICS.
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Last time i asked people from bell about qu'en Will ics be available for my p930 the first guy said isnt it allready available and the other guy sais it wont and then said tueur sont make it for the p930 witch would really suck
So does anyone has acurate information about when and will it be available?
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda app-developers app
unbranded optimus 4g lte work on at&t ?
So since every thing points to the phones being basically the same can anyone confirm that the unbranded bell optimus 4g lte will for sure work on at&t. I am looking at picking up a lg nitrohd today but if it falls through my other option is the unbranded version from bell will be able to work on at&t frquencies including lte? I tried to search this all i keep getting is people saying the phones are the same, but I want to be 100% certain.
freakboy13 said:
So since every thing points to the phones being basically the same can anyone confirm that the unbranded bell optimus 4g lte will for sure work on at&t. I am looking at picking up a lg nitrohd today but if it falls through my other option is the unbranded version from bell will be able to work on at&t frquencies including lte? I tried to search this all i keep getting is people saying the phones are the same, but I want to be 100% certain.
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In theory, everything should work.
I have the Canadian LG 4g optimus lte. It is a world gsm phone so it will work with any carrier. It is almost the same as the us phone just a different rom. The bell version is the "international version". That being said, when i visit the states i pay for coverage and my phone runs on sprint or whatever is available. Flashing a new rom is the same as nitro though.
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda app-developers app
Actually, saying the Canadian P930 is the international version isn't completely accurate. It's the exact same phone, just with no carrier branding (and yes, a different default ROM). The P936 is actually the European/ international version.
Sent from my LG-P930 using Tapatalk 2
I'm rocking a bell 930 unlocked on rogers with full lte running ho!no! 8.2 (including v10j baseband) .
Originally rooted by superoneclick.
You can flash whatever nitro HD rooms you want as long as labeled p930.
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda premium

lm450pm on 20n. is there a way to root yet and make with all carriers? im on stock

just like the title says.
All V50 models can be rooted, and you can see the guide further down in this section. As for carrier stuff, I rooted my Sprint V50 (also on software version 20n) and seem to get VoLTE on a T-Mobile MVNO using some VoLTE fix files from the LG G8 section. I haven't done a whole lot of testing with it yet since it's on a backup line and not my daily driver, but I can provide more details if you're interested. I certainly would like to see more V50 users in the U.S. with working VoLTE.
C D said:
All V50 models can be rooted, and you can see the guide further down in this section. As for carrier stuff, I rooted my Sprint V50 (also on software version 20n) and seem to get VoLTE on a T-Mobile MVNO using some VoLTE fix files from the LG G8 section. I haven't done a whole lot of testing with it yet since it's on a backup line and not my daily driver, but I can provide more details if you're interested. I certainly would like to see more V50 users in the U.S. with working VoLTE.
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um yea
we still have one lg v450pm (sprint unlocked) that dont work on tmobile last i remembered.
we wound up getting two s21 ultras for free after 2 year commitment.
i sure liked my v50 better.
expandable storage and headphone jack and no commitment as we owned both
im still bitter at tmobile as u can tell probably so i would love to get that phone working.
can you give clear instructions?
The general guide for unlocking the bootloader and rooting is linked in the first post of this thread:
There is also a video on YouTube showing how it's generally done:
I also provided some pointers in that thread in post #13 here:
The good thing about this weird procedure is that you can actually "practice" going into EDL mode and using QFIL to look at the phone's partition files without changing anything on the phone yet. You may also want to get used to the button combination to enter recovery mode when the phone is powered off (also mentioned in my pointers linked above).
After rooting the phone, grab the attachment file found in this post from the LG G8 VoLTE fix thread:
Using the files inside the attachment and following the included readme instructions, replace the corresponding files on your V50 (make sure you backup your original files first). Then reboot, and you should be done.
One major issue I currently have is that every once in a while, the phone signal just drops off and can't come back (it just happened again today). But after putting the SIM card into a different phone for a bit and then later returning the card to the V50, it works again. This is on a Tracfone T-Mobile SIM card, so I don't know if it's something weird about that MVNO or T-Mobile's network in general. I'll have to look more into this, and I hope this dropping off isn't because of the Sprint V50's IMEI number which, like all Sprint-branded phones, does not pass T-Mobile's IMEI checker.
Hope this helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

