split out Win7 and Window >6.5 in the forum "Devices by" drop down? - About xda-developers.com

i often use the drop down at the top of the forum, to list "Devices by OS or Manufacturer"
Would it not now be a good idea to split out Win7 from previous iterations of Windows, seeing as these may as well be totally different OSs now?
It would save a lot of scrolling and searching on occasion
Just a thought, thanks for all the continued good work

I think a sub-menu under 'All Windows Mobile Devices' would be nice, but not a top-level one, then it would be too long a list at the top of the page.
Oh...and add Nokia, they are coming to the U.S. market very soon.


Sense recording website screenshots.

Hi all,
I think this came up briefly in the “Flaws and annoyances thread” and I believe someone has started a post in the evo forum, but I thought it would be worth just mentioning it to notify the odd few in here.
There’s been a bit of news flying around about the Sense bookmarking widget creating little JPEG files and saving them to .bookmark_thumb1 on your SD card. The issue seemingly being that it doesn’t only take screenshots of your bookmarks; from time to time it records images of general sites you’ve visited. Since they aren’t stored on the phone memory, they won’t be removed by a factory reset – they also aren’t removed by clearing the all your internet history.
I’ve just had a look on my own desire and, sure enough, it’s got odd little snapshots of lots of webpages I’ve visited since I’ve had the phone (I didn’t count before I deleted them but it was about 2MB worth of tiny JPEG images). Any password entry pages it captured did not have any input in any of the fields (the password info would not have been displayed for me anyway).
I’m not particularly worried because I don’t really do anything super-secret with my phone browser, but it may be somewhat alarming for many people.
Does make it awfully tempting to explore other phones though =D
Apologies if this is a duplicate post / would be better placed somewhere else; please point out any daft mistakes I’ve made in describing the behaviour.
Cheers all.
Original article at boygeniusreport.com/2010/06/16/browser-privacy-htc-senseui/
EDIT: The consensus seems to be that this should only be happening for bookmarked and most visited sites. After clearing that directory and starting from scratch, that seems to be the most likely explanation.
I think this has been blown all out of proportion.
BGR is saying it is privacy issue, but since these screenshots are not being broadcast all over the internet, I don't see it that way.
Yes, I agree that if you clear your browser history it should clear down all those thumbnails, but since I generally keep my phone on me at all times, my privacy is not affected.
If I was selling my phone, I'd be factory resetting the device and clearing down any SD card that I'm selling with the phone anyway.
It's a flaw. I get it since purchasing too and have to keep deleting all the images. Not just bookmarks, every other webpage I've visited is pictured there at least 2-3 times.
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
I used the HTC browser only for a short time (switched to Dolphin HD).
I checked my SD card today and the thumbs were still saved there so I deleted them. No big deal (as foxmeister already said).
The only thing I don't understand why does the browser take these screenshots in the firs place?
I agree completely with you on the size of the issue. I scrub all my stuff before it leaves my possession; I also never leave my phone alone and don't really keep any sensitive data on the SD card.
Thought it might be worth mentioning for the odd few that would benefit.
I'm still unclear on what it decides to store and when (I understand updating the bookmarks, but the seemingly random ones are puzzling, maybe multiple windows?).
ferus said:
The only thing I don't understand why does the browser take these screenshots in the firs place?
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Presumably for the bookmarks widget, and the previews you get when you switch browser windows.
This isn't random pictures. Obviously the ones you bookmark...that's a given. The others are times you have multiple windows open. If open a new window/tab, a picture is taken of the previous page you were on so that a preview will be shown when you want to switch between windows.
BGR and Engadget have blown it all out of proportion by suggesting it's not deletable data. Why on earth would my bookmarks be cleared with my history? Bad journalism.
The others are times you have multiple windows open. If open a new window/tab, a picture is taken of the previous page you were on so that a preview will be shown when you want to switch between windows.
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Is that officially stated as the working anywhere, or your personal estimate?
This isn't how it is working on mine at all. I've just opened/closed 4 windows of sites, switched through them a few times, then loaded another two pair of 4 on them in the past 3 mins. Not a single screenshot was added except for three of the homepage each window opened with at the beginning (Google).
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
th3 said:
This isn't how it is working on mine at all. I've just opened/closed 4 windows of sites, switched through them a few times, then loaded another two pair of 4 on them in the past 3 mins. Not a single screenshot was added except for three of the homepage each window opened with at the beginning (Google).
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I wonder if it is something to do with the browser being killed. Perhaps if you open/close windows in a browser session, it does delete the screenshots. However, if you open a few windows and then go back to the home page, Android may at some point kill the browser leaving the screenshots behind.
I'd imagine that something similar might happen if you mounted the SD card whilst in a browser session.
th3 said:
Is that officially stated as the working anywhere, or your personal estimate?
This isn't how it is working on mine at all. I've just opened/closed 4 windows of sites, switched through them a few times, then loaded another two pair of 4 on them in the past 3 mins. Not a single screenshot was added except for three of the homepage each window opened with at the beginning (Google).
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
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It seems you may be right...I'm finding it's the "Most Visited" sites that it's saving the thumbnails for. It keeps two versions of each pick, which coincide with the two different views in the most visited tab.
Is that officially stated as the working anywhere, or your personal estimate?
This isn't how it is working on mine at all. I've just opened/closed
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It seems you may be right...I'm finding it's the "Most Visited" sites that it's saving the thumbnails for. It keeps two versions of each pick, which coincide with the two different views in the most visited tab.
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It's multi tab and bookmarks for me. Engadget won't admit they're wrong either lol.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
All very good points.
It seems you may be right...I'm finding it's the "Most Visited" sites that it's saving the thumbnails for. It keeps two versions of each pick, which coincide with the two different views in the most visited tab.
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You know, after nearly a day testing/observing, that is also what I've understood. Two thumbnail views for the most visited sites are saved. Only for these sites. One is for the "Most Visited" section previews and one the preview of that window when switching between windows.
The only flaw I deem in it is the endless saving without delete. I've had the browser open in the background days on end many times, and always quit through the back button after clearing history/cache. Such images remain undeleted. I don't have any security/privacy concerns with it. Both me and my better half use the phone, just as I might use hers at times (she watches vids and takes pics on mine, not her iPhone ).
BTW, anyone noticed that after clearing history/cache you can still go through all the pages you've visited through the Back button?
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
Ah, I hadn't considered the most visited sites; that most likely explains the large number of pictures I had (I rarely multi-tab or bookmark).
Certainly seems to be the case now I've started from scratch and have been watching closely.
always makes me chuckle, the term "sensitive data", I take it we mean legal, banking documents etc? only? I bloody doubt it given that this is a forum full of geeks
"da intarwebs is for pRon"
just kidding fellas, no offence....
I used the HTC browser only for a short time (switched to Dolphin HD).
I checked my SD card today and the thumbs were still saved there so I deleted them. No big deal (as foxmeister already said).
The only thing I don't understand why does the browser take these screenshots in the firs place?
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I hope dolphin is better with your private data than opera, read what they do with your phone number and your history to finance there work!
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Its a pain in the arse on my bookmarks since it usually saves a snapshot of the next page I visit on a bookmarks thumb for instance my YM bookmark shows a snapshot of this forum.. so its just confusing when I'm trying to quick select my bookmarks.
I dont care about history, its my phone I can do what I like with it.

[Q] Moving the "taskbar" in Dragonstorm

Hi there,
I recently installed a program on my IQ called "QMail". In setting it up, all the documentation says to start by clicking on the "Tools" menu. The problem is, I can't see any tools menu, and I have a feeling it may be blocked by the Windows taskbar, which is at the bottom of the screen in the Dragonstorm roms.
Is there any way to temporarily move the taskbar/start menu location to the top of the screen?
Also, has anyone tried using QMail? I'd be interested in hearing experiences - it sounds too good to be true! (here's a link: modernnomads.info/wiki/index.php?page=Installing+and+configuring+QMail - as you can see, the menus are at the bottom of the screen...)
Hi, Sandmonkee,
I'm having the exact trouble with viewing the qmail menu bar in EnergyROMs and an HTC Touch Pro 2.
Coming from CE machines, I've always used qmail. Though not as robust as nPop, qmail will do imap, which nPop obviously won't.
Did you ever find a solution to this? I haven't.
jakfish said:
Hi, Sandmonkee,
Did you ever find a solution to this? I haven't.
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I have actually. Using the 2003SE version ended up working for me, the toolbar stays on top. Its this one:
When you sync, it'll ask you if you want to update the program. Say no. It still has great functionality.
Good luck!
how is qmail better than the built in windows mobile mail application?
josefcrist said:
how is qmail better than the built in windows mobile mail application?
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Well I can't answer that really, as I've never tried the windows mail program. I don't use Outlook on my computer (Thunderbird for me) so I was looking for something similar that I could use on my phone. I wasn't able to find any kind of "Mobile Thunderbird" (a real miss on Mozilla's part imho), but QMail is pretty darn close. Plus you can use it for RSS, IMAP, POP3, NNTP and all kinds of other great stuff that I don't think the windows one can do. Look here for more info:
Sandmonkee, many, many thanks.
This version does work; I have searched everywhere for a solution--you were the only person who had one.
Heh, I'd forgotten what a bear it is to setup qmail. Took the entire evening. Filtering is difficult, especially. The good news is, once you set up, then just copy the qmail directory, along with your Mail directory, to the desktop and upon re-flashing, etc, those two directories will preclude setting anything up again.
It's much faster than Pocket Outlook and with its infinite adjustments to fonts and other visuals, it makes email on a phone almost a pleasure.
I did find that if you commit to a certain filter, say "headers only," and then want to change that to "all," qmail wouldn't recognize the change. I had to delete the entire account and start again.
Too, for a Tmobile TP2 user, I really had to go back and forth b/w landscape and portrait to access all the menu buttons. And the hardkey back arrow is sometimes the only thing that will close you out of a menu. But sometimes not.
It is a crazy program, but ungodly sophisticated. It's so funny to have such a good English translation of the program itself but so little documentation elsewhere.
Again, I'm grateful for your help,
Glad that got it working for you!
Gmail does work, I use it on my phone. You just need to get the SSL files that are on the download site and copy them to your Qmail directory on your phone.
Hopefully more folks will clue in to this great app!
I'm looking for some keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl-D will delete the message upon next sync, so you don't have to go through the hassle of Marking, etc.
But have you figured out a way to exit the actual program via a keystroke?
I still have to go to File and work my way to Exit.
Another thing I noticed is that if I make a shortcut in /Windows/StartMenu/Programs, I get a trusted certificate error. With keyboard config, however, I can at least map, say, ctrl-e and bring up QMail.

official suggestions for WP7 improvements!!

I've only just found the official feature suggestion website, it amazes me that so few people have been shouting for the same three things I want to see:
As it's a bit of a search/tag based site, I'm going to link to the three features I thinking EVERYONE should jump on and vote for, and hopefully they'll get some weight behind them:
1. Allow Zune to Analyse WP7 "Space reserved by other devices"
2. Drag and Drop files
3. Device backup
the last one's already got big support, so please spare 3 votes for each of the first two, and ask your friends to do likewise if they agree...
I've linked to these 3, as hopefully this might avoid repeated feature requests for the same thing, and all votes can be concentrated in one place. As people vote, these suggestions will rise to the top of "most recently voted on", and consequently snowball and gather more votes.
The homepage for the feature request forum is here, should you want to request anything else:
Feature requests
If this was a sticky, I might have known about this earlier
I've never experienced that first one; what's the issue?
Device backup would be great. But I think I'd rather see some type of notification center; if you miss a third party app toast notification there's no easy way of knowing which app it was. Also, skype integration would be nice, assuming they integrate skype messaging as a bbm alternative.
Are you kidding, OP?
I've never heard of this "space reserved" issue. I've got a couple movies, tons of songs, tons of videos, tons of apps, and still have 5gb free.
This obsession with drag and drop is reaching critical mass of annoyance. I mean, how hard is it to open up the Zune software?
And device backup? Is that a joke? You can do that any time you want. In the Zune software.
My goodness man. If you're gonna troll this forum please bring your A game.
I actually think it's a good idea to link to that list and make people aware of this.
sure haven't. He sure hasn't acted like a troll. I do not understand why you have to attack him for something he'd like to share. Ok, if you don't like it, but don't make it personal. The "joke" is shared by at least over 1000 other people on the feedback page btw (>4000 votes). If you want to take this to the next level why don't you convince those that it's a joke?
Can you please tell me how you backup everything on your device (apps, app settings, os and media) via the Zune Client?
Not knowing or trying to understand what somebody is saying and then acting like that person is a fool - that is trolling to me.
keep it civil
Troll? Maybe google a bit first, follow the links, or at least research before you throw that out there
Point 1.: If you've not come across the "reserved space" issue then, then I doubt you've ever hooked your WP7 up to several PCs, as it will happen sooner or later if you do.
The above is my first post on the issue. I had no idea how bad it was going to get from there. In trying to fix the issue by changing sync setting on the 2 PCs I'd used, nearly all of my device is now taken up with "reserved Space".
There are LOTS of posts all over the internet with users having the same issue.
there are many more, including a massive page on Zuneinsider trying to decipher it:
Basically, my WP7 now shows currently as having 200 MB free, with virtually the whole phone taken up by reserve space.
If I "delete all content" from both PCs I've used, this leaves me with between 6GB and 7GB still used in reserved space, and I've certainly not used that with Apps and email (and i don't use GMaps). For a day after Mango update I actually had 13GB reserved space, not bad for a phone with only 8GB
Currently, the only way to sort this is a factory reset. But because the Windows Phone website doesn't work for me, I can't even check to see which Apps are in my history and whether I'd have to manually reinstall them all along with resetting everything else.
So.. brings us to Point 2. Drag and Drop. I hate Zune. I do not want it to sync anything for me automatically anymore. I also want to drag media from a PC without Zune installed, or running Linux, or a Mac. Not too much to ask.
Point 3. Well, point 1 wouldn't be such a major issue if Point 3 existed. If WP6.5 can have a simple backup (even if 3rd party), then why can't Wp7? And choose which to backup from contacts, email, and apps at will.
A simple image backup is going to backup the same issue I'm trying to get rid of.
Hope I'm not trolling too hard here...
i like to have a livetile with a clock like the htc sense
Livetile with a clock
Good luck, just remember on this forum talking about WP7 problems = troll
Drag & Drop would be great, this automatic sync drives me nuts too.
It was getting dark in the cave, so I came back to add this one:
Make Windows Phone a 1st class citizen in Windows
Rather ambiguously titled, but this one combines a few of my suggestions, and also already has quite a lot of support and is appearing on the front page of the forum anyway. Please add 3 votes
I think I have a few
* Add Support For Gtalk, mxit, and Nimbuz in the messaging hub. Believe it or not, but these are leading chat networks in both India and Africa by both Businesses and individuals.
* Add Support for Other Bluetooth devices. I want to be able to receive VCard Contacts from other phones as well as send them. If my PC can connect to other phones then why not my WP7??? Its anoying!!!
* Add Dedicated storage area to be used as FLASH Storage, so i can transfer files between PCs that do not have Zune
* Lastly Can someone do some thing about this interface??? the start menu idea is good and by all means should be carried forward. But I want to be able to customize it more say may be have 5 columns of icons. The menu should have a back ground etc. The back ground could be my wall paper, so i don't have to lock my phone to see how cool my wall paper looks.
---------- Post added at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------
boma23 said:
Troll? Maybe google a bit first, follow the links, or at least research before you throw that out there
Point 1.: If you've not come across the "reserved space" issue then, then I doubt you've ever hooked your WP7 up to several PCs, as it will happen sooner or later if you do.
The above is my first post on the issue. I had no idea how bad it was going to get from there. In trying to fix the issue by changing sync setting on the 2 PCs I'd used, nearly all of my device is now taken up with "reserved Space".
There are LOTS of posts all over the internet with users having the same issue.
there are many more, including a massive page on Zuneinsider trying to decipher it:
Basically, my WP7 now shows currently as having 200 MB free, with virtually the whole phone taken up by reserve space.
If I "delete all content" from both PCs I've used, this leaves me with between 6GB and 7GB still used in reserved space, and I've certainly not used that with Apps and email (and i don't use GMaps). For a day after Mango update I actually had 13GB reserved space, not bad for a phone with only 8GB
Currently, the only way to sort this is a factory reset. But because the Windows Phone website doesn't work for me, I can't even check to see which Apps are in my history and whether I'd have to manually reinstall them all along with resetting everything else.
So.. brings us to Point 2. Drag and Drop. I hate Zune. I do not want it to sync anything for me automatically anymore. I also want to drag media from a PC without Zune installed, or running Linux, or a Mac. Not too much to ask.
Point 3. Well, point 1 wouldn't be such a major issue if Point 3 existed. If WP6.5 can have a simple backup (even if 3rd party), then why can't Wp7? And choose which to backup from contacts, email, and apps at will.
A simple image backup is going to backup the same issue I'm trying to get rid of.
Hope I'm not trolling too hard here...
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boma23, you should kno better than to plug your device into multiple PCs, let alone sync with them. The WP7 is designed to be a hand held version of your PC, and since every PC is different (System Locale, Time Zone, Registry, Zune Settings, etc) there is bound to be a problem. Though luck for you will have to reset your device. So never do it again there after.
File Backup and Drag-n-Drop would be cool indeed
I expected smart /T9 dialer to be a popular request, but it has less than 100 votes (across different requests). I guess an app can fix this, but when WM had it as an OS feature, I don't understand why WP team thought it was unnecessary.
USB outlook sync, without cloud/exchange etc, is my biggest wish. seems there is some interest for that feature.
TED906 said:
---------- Post added at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------
boma23, you should kno better than to plug your device into multiple PCs, let alone sync with them. The WP7 is designed to be a hand held version of your PC, and since every PC is different (System Locale, Time Zone, Registry, Zune Settings, etc) there is bound to be a problem. Though luck for you will have to reset your device. So never do it again there after.
File Backup and Drag-n-Drop would be cool indeed
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That is utter crap! Why should he know better? What about people with multiple PC's? Say a desktop, laptop and possibly a work laptop too. Why should we only be able to use our phone with one PC? I plug my htc 7 pro into both my PC and laptop but luckily I havn't came across this problem yet. But I have seen many posts about it and Microsoft need to fix the issue.
A way to copy music, pics and video to the device without Zune would be great. Some of my music is hard to find in Zune. But it would be much better to allow WMP to sync with the device. Then I could just drag a music folder over to it and sync that way. Exactly the same way as I used to with Windows Mobile.
Apart from the lack of bluetooth file transfer, and even thats not a biggy for me. I very pleased with WP7.5 even more so now my 7 Pro has wi-fi tethering
A battery percentage tile would be awesome imo
scoobysnacks said:
A battery percentage tile would be awesome imo
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Check this out if you like the idea of a battery tile:
Multiple text message selection like you can with the email. Landscape support for homescreen and throughout OS. Led notification a standard on all devices. Forward button in browser, better yet a better laid out browser. One button access to dialer keypad instead of two. Should be able to access a mini menu when u press the drop down notification for the sig al bar WiFi and battery to have quick access to toggle or more info. That's just a few. I know it's more but that's off the dome
Sent from my Venue Pro using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I'm guessing the "know better than syncing across multiple devices" thing was sarcasm
I've just thought of another - we need the keybpard API releasing so we can use SWYPE again in WM... I think I miss that app more than anything else since 7 came out

Browser Crash \ Read an article for me on your 900

I think there is a bug in the Windows Phone IE implementation.
Even on my Focus I had tabs simply go blank while I was reading them or after I opened them but before I got to read them. It wasn't repeatable until now. Previously I reopened the same article a second time and it was usually fine. The reason it is so problematic is the way I read articles. I have an igoogle page full of RSS feeds from the top two dozen sites I follow. I skim the igoogle page and open the first five articles I want to read in other tabs, then I go back and read them one at a time. I would read engadget or gizmodo similarly. If the articles span multiple pages then I when click the "next button" I switch tabs to another article while the page loads. Maybe it is obvious to everyone but I do it this way so I don't have to wait for pages to load. Also I have my internet website settings on my phone set to desktop preference rather than mobile.
Anyway, the fact that the pages would go blank was most annoying because when I opened a tab that went blank I would have to go back through the original list of articles to figure out which one I had missed.
I couldn't duplicate it until I tried to read this article:
The article is pretty interesting - it is Tom's Hardware take on the new Intel Z77 chipset and Lucidlogix implementation. I would appreciate if anyone would try to read it for me. You will have to set your browser preference on the 900 to "desktop version" to duplicate the bug. I can sometimes get two or three pages in clicking 'next' before it crashes in one way or another. If nobody can duplicate my problem then my Lumia is going back for another 900.
Brought me to m.tomshardware.com for an article called "Intel’s Z77 Express And Lucidlogix MVP: New Features For Gamers - Z77 Express: USB 3.0 And Enhanced Manageability" with no problems...
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Update: So then I went back and opened the link with the browser in desktop mode and was able to get it to crash around the 4th page. However... I saw some funky rendering on the 3rd page so I'm not sure what caused the crash (could have been bad code from the article's site not handled well in IE).
Bug Submitted
eknutson said:
...was able to get it to crash around the 4th page. However... I saw some funky rendering on the 3rd page so I'm not sure what caused the crash (could have been bad code from the article's site not handled well in IE).
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Thanks. I have submitted this as a bug. I am surprised that more people haven't commented on "desktop version" crashes in Windows Phone Internet Explorer. Maybe I should switch back to "mobile version" since most sites are now coded correctly for that.

Hardware compatibility list for RT-where is it?

I saw a link somewhere, for the RT. Cannot find it now.
I was going to use a let me google that link, but actually, it gave a different set of search results to google :/
Was first result when I searched "windows rt hardware compatibility" on google, was on the 3rd page of lmgtfy for some reason.
its the same page as the windows 8 compatibility checker, theres just a dropdown box in the top right to switch between 8 and RT.
Well that explains it, I only went two pages deep, and did not see it, tried several ways to google it.
That was a page I did go to, but it does not show what is compatible with Surface RT.

