Is galaxy nexus worth buying? - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Im standing in a delimma rught now. Im about to choose between galaxy nexus and iphone 4s.
I dont want to hear which phone is better i want to hear about the galaxy nexus, how it feels in your hand, smoothnes etc etc.
This is not another which phone is better thread.
Thabk you
Best regards
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium

GSM? The phone feels great in the hand because it is light for how big it is. It is kind of slick and will take getting used to if you have never had a phone this big but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.. the screen is good for most people when above 20% brightness. Some people lag on the stock rom but most don't have any problems on custom roms or the latest stock rom. Also battery life for the most part is great.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Size wise I feel the Nexus is small, and no way too big at all. But I had the Epic 4G Touch with 4.5" screen, the Nexus feels smaller.
Build quality is very high, the metal band around it feels solid, and the dark gray color makes it look like a stealth fighter jet. Does not feel like cheap plastic on the Galaxy SII.
High Res screen is on par with "Retina" but with a million times better color.
ICS software is a huge leap forward for Android, makes it more mature and polished and better design over last year Androids.
iPhone LOL 3.5" screen
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

I have been an iphone user for years and after spending some time using the Nexus I sold my iphone 4s to buy the Nexus. You will not be unhappy with either but the Nexus is hands down a more up to date and distinguished device for me.

Play with them both and see which appeals more to you. I was an iPhone user for 4 years until I got my Galaxy Nexus and I couldn't go back. That said, the 4S is still a very good phone and definitely has a place. It gets better battery life and has a nicer app selection, but the screen is small, you're much more limited in terms of modification/customization/app and service integration, and I feel like iOS is starting to show it's age.
I love the Nexus' huge screen, I think the design of the phone itself is nicer, and I like ICS way more than iOS.

Zorachus said:
Size wise I feel the Nexus is small, and no way too big at all. But I had the Epic 4G Touch with 4.5" screen, the Nexus feels smaller.
Build quality is very high, the metal band around it feels solid, and the dark gray color makes it look like a stealth fighter jet. Does not feel like cheap plastic on the Galaxy SII.
High Res screen is on par with "Retina" but with a million times better color.
ICS software is a huge leap forward for Android, makes it more mature and polished and better design over last year Androids.
iPhone LOL 3.5" screen
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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There is no metal band..... that said it still feels like a good quality phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Ex-wife has iPhone 4S and I, the GNexus. No comparison. I feel bad for the ex, with that 3.5" LOL display, and no me. ;-)
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

Thank you for the replys!
The galaxy nexus here in sweden is expensive. But im considering getting galaxy
Edit: i forgott, the ics dont have autocorrect for swedish lang :/
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium

Without a case, it's great in the hands. Even with a case it's fine depending on which one though.
But holding it raw is wonderful. The screen is absolutely amazing. Text is so crisp I almost sometimes prefer using it over my tablet! The keyboard is amazing in portrait, because of the size I can type REALLY fast and get almost no errors.
Everything is smooth too. My friend who has had an Evo 4g for a while was amazed at how smooth animations and everything else are compared to his phone.
I have unlimited 4g from Verizon and it is blazing too.

elinho said:
Im standing in a delimma rught now. Im about to choose between galaxy nexus and iphone 4s.
I dont want to hear which phone is better i want to hear about the galaxy nexus, how it feels in your hand, smoothnes etc etc.
This is not another which phone is better thread.
Thabk you
Best regards
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
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have used both. I keep changing my phones regularly. Generally every 3 months. I always have 2 phones regardless.
Sometimes as my Prof kept saying,
it all comes down to what you are used to the most.
If you are a busy man and just want to get things done and you are used to the iOS platform then go for the iPhone 4s, it really surprises me how consistent they have kept their platform from over 5 years.
But there is a price you pay. For ex when you compare the maps and email/Gmail apps; the iOS apps feel archaic.
Ics is a complete overhaul. There is a significant amount of learning curve. Not much if you are coming from iOS. But to be on the record, it is completely rewarding no matter what platform you come from (keep in mind it takes about a week)
One of the gripes that I have with iOS is that it is not Rewarding to the power user. The speed at which you do things the first time is pretty much as fast as yo can ever be.
Let me address a few issues with galaxy nexus
Mammoth like if you are coming from iOS
Little big if you are coming from the almost standard 4 inch androids.
But the feel in hand is really good. It is lighter than the iPhone 4s. After a week you wont notice the size but will really appreciate the 720p screen, the real estate that it gives you. I can't go back to the iPhone like screen size after using galaxy nexus, it is like what the first iPhone did to the typical smartphone users back then (who were mainly on windows mobile and palm/blackberry on their 2.4-2.8 inch devices)
I'm on AOKP rom with Francisco Franco s Kernel and it is the smoothest Android experience.
IOS introduces a lot of delays to keep the os feeling smooth. Just try opening an app as soon as you hit the home button.
And it still lags everytime when you go to the spotlight search by swiping left on the homescreen.
Right now they have just 3 hardware platforms and then can test the heck out of it for delivering 60fps (also known as butter smooth performance) albeit making actual performance sacrifices (though I've heard from internal sources that it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so on 3gs)
The point I'm trying to make is that iOS has engineered smoothness at the cost of performance, you will have to decide for yourself if this is OK with you.
I feel that ics and Android in general gives app developers a lot more freedom and versatility in app design (clearly demonstrated by the mlo app which is still in beta on Android but much better than the iOS app).
But app developers go by the penetration and clearly iOS has more than android (again demonstrated by the Mlo app which is still in beta on Android)
And as far as the stock apps are concerned there is no match for ics, just check the iPhone vs galaxy nexus sunspider and browesermark benchmarks on the browser which probably is the top most used app on the smartphone os (tip don't compare the iPad 2 with galaxy nexus as iPad 2 is clocked at 25% more than iPhone 4s, and there are quad core options available in android ics tablets (friend just got pics pushed to his transformer prime ))
And the Gmail app.(
ICS has a lot of potential If you are not porting over your apps from iOS , a lesson for you speed
Now to conclude I've not gone back to iPhone 4(couldn't stand iPhone 4s as it didn't have a jailbreak and hence my favourite jailbreak app swipenav which avoids the most inhumanly possible HCI design of tapping the left most corner to go back (which is probably the second most used function from going to home screen )
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premiu

trincisor said:
have used both. I keep changing my phones regularly. Generally every 3 months. I always have 2 phones regardless.
Sometimes as my Prof kept saying,
it all comes down to what you are used to the most.
If you are a busy man and just want to get things done and you are used to the iOS platform then go for the iPhone 4s, it really surprises me how consistent they have kept their platform from over 5 years.
But there is a price you pay. For ex when you compare the maps and email/Gmail apps; the iOS apps feel archaic.
Ics is a complete overhaul. There is a significant amount of learning curve. Not much if you are coming from iOS. But to be on the record, it is completely rewarding no matter what platform you come from (keep in mind it takes about a week)
One of the gripes that I have with iOS is that it is not Rewarding to the power user. The speed at which you do things the first time is pretty much as fast as yo can ever be.
Let me address a few issues with galaxy nexus
Mammoth like if you are coming from iOS
Little big if you are coming from the almost standard 4 inch androids.
But the feel in hand is really good. It is lighter than the iPhone 4s. After a week you wont notice the size but will really appreciate the 720p screen, the real estate that it gives you. I can't go back to the iPhone like screen size after using galaxy nexus, it is like what the first iPhone did to the typical smartphone users back then (who were mainly on windows mobile and palm/blackberry on their 2.4-2.8 inch devices)
I'm on AOKP rom with Francisco Franco s Kernel and it is the smoothest Android experience.
IOS introduces a lot of delays to keep the os feeling smooth. Just try opening an app as soon as you hit the home button.
And it still lags everytime when you go to the spotlight search by swiping left on the homescreen.
Right now they have just 3 hardware platforms and then can test the heck out of it for delivering 60fps (also known as butter smooth performance) albeit making actual performance sacrifices (though I've heard from internal sources that it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so on 3gs)
The point I'm trying to make is that iOS has engineered smoothness at the cost of performance, you will have to decide for yourself if this is OK with you.
I feel that ics and Android in general gives app developers a lot more freedom and versatility in app design (clearly demonstrated by the mlo app which is still in beta on Android but much better than the iOS app).
But app developers go by the penetration and clearly iOS has more than android (again demonstrated by the Mlo app which is still in beta on Android)
And as far as the stock apps are concerned there is no match for ics, just check the iPhone vs galaxy nexus sunspider and browesermark benchmarks on the browser which probably is the top most used app on the smartphone os (tip don't compare the iPad 2 with galaxy nexus as iPad 2 is clocked at 25% more than iPhone 4s, and there are quad core options available in android ics tablets (friend just got pics pushed to his transformer prime ))
And the Gmail app.(
ICS has a lot of potential If you are not porting over your apps from iOS , a lesson for you speed
Now to conclude I've not gone back to iPhone 4(couldn't stand iPhone 4s as it didn't have a jailbreak and hence my favourite jailbreak app swipenav which avoids the most inhumanly possible HCI design of tapping the left most corner to go back (which is probably the second most used function from going to home screen )
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premiu
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Thank you for your time and effort!
Im considering buying galaxy nexus due the screen, but i like the siri function in iphone and their smoothnes in the games due.
But overall the Gnex is above all much better then iphone.
But as i said erlier the gnex is much more expensive here in sweden :/

Siri is a worthless bum.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

I'l give you an honest overview : the phone is SINCERELY NOT THERE to compete as a completely functional device to be honest.
And let me also tell you that I'm an Android fan boy, and I completely ABHOR apple and everything to do with them.
BUT YET. Samsung Galaxy Nexus is NOT EVEN a complete functional device yet, and paying 530 £ or so (in the UK) for such a phone - IS WASTE OF MONEY.
There are MANY glitches that makes the whole experience very unsavoury. To the point that it definitely DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A FINISHED phone to me at all.
All the gloss of ICS apart, I have seen stability issues with this phone that just totally kills every thing. And mind you this is only on 4.0.1 GSM version UK (I've others here who have the same issue)
I'm a pretty heavy user. I've had a HTC Desire and worked out the ins and outs of the system and that device was EXTREMELY usable over the years.
This phone has so many problems -
1. The LED light does not even support missed calls by default. If you had a missed call you would not know till you turn the screen on (It is a basic feature was available 2 years back on HTC desire) I dont want to install a complicated APP like Light Flow to do it. This is basic stuff that should come out of the box
2. The phone in landscape mode does not type properly, this is just hilarious. Shame on google. The typing works perfect when you keep your phone straight, but the same phone, same stuff if you type in landscape it is incredibly jittery, you dont see what you wrote for good couple of seconds! This is just SHODDY work. how can screen orientation screw up your typing so badly - i have no idea. Just shameful from google.
3. The SMS dont go many times, and I've seen many threads about the same. Apparently you can screw up the message center settings? I dont know how but I'vent done that still had SMS problems a few times. And I had to restart my phone or send multiple times to make it work.
4. The call quality is the WORST I have seen on ANY phone in my entire life. I've been using the phone in exactly the same locations as I was using my HTC desire, and the call drops so much more often that it is just unbelievable! and needless to say incredibly frustrating. If the call doesnt drop the sound, sometimes (& often), is really pathetic and many a times it is inaudible to either party on the call. Is this a phone?
5. The phone is crashing randomly, this happens every 2 days or so (lately every single day now) and I'm a pretty heavy user. People say it is because I'm still on 4.0.1 - well I dont buy that because if 4.0.3 (the latest version) was fixing so many stability issues, then there is NO reason for Google to delay the release of that version on here in the UK for such a long time. Then some people say it is because I've some app installed, well I uninstalled most of my apps - but this problem doesnt go. And the phone becoming unresponsive due to an APP sounds like a serious piece of cr*pware to me. My settings page becomes unresponsive!! How can that happen? It has NEVER happened on android 2.3.7 with my HTC desire. If an APP is buggy, your home and menu screen buttons work perfectly! your android system doesnt become unstable because a stupid APP is incompatible or buggy! but here the WHOLE PHONE BECOMES UNUSABLE!!
And there's more! The latest of the glitches, yesterday - after the usual while typing the phone crashed, and then on reboot - all widgets on my screen - were all scrambled. No widget was displaying any text but jumbled ASCII characters, when you move the widgets the text would show but not without. I rebooted and it has been okay since.
but how horrible is that to put in so much of your money to get a piece of sht phone that doesnt even work and does basic functions correctly?
6. The phone also starts lagging, and is jerky ... especially with live wallpaper. That was really frustrating to see if you bought the phone to be on the cutting edge of mobile technology!! Samsung galaxy s2 scores much higher even on CPU benchmark tests I downloaded. Galaxy nexus fails to score any more than 1700 on the tests while Galaxy S2 (almost the same hardware) notches up to 3200+ scores!!! and these are basic tests that check cpu performance and your animation rendering capabilities. You cant mess with that really.
Now this could really be because of the high resolution of the screen... which brings me to the only two GOOD points of this phone :
1. Really crisp resolution. It is really just a class apart from older generation phones. Your icons, text, everything looks extremely good!
2. ICS - as everyone already mentioned it is a huge step up in terms of usability, and looks great deal polished. The phone feels good to navigate through, and ICS brings in some other features that make it a good OS. Others can cover on that more.
But anyway, I find those two points as largely ineffective in my choice to buy a phone (but i have unfortunately bought it and got rid of my desire and have been regretting the has been about 21 days on the galaxy nexus now)
Honestly, STAY AWAY FROM GALAXY NEXUS. The device is not worth it, and ICS evolution (especially bug fixes) and the hardware upgrades later this year would make for a really good and a competitive phone that you can buy!

Try Romain's AOKP rom
See if that fixes most of your problems
About performance I think you are comparing quadrant scores. Quadrant is not a good benchmark
Try individual performance like
multi threaded linpack
Mflops scores
Ics has been vastly optimized for performance.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

dhruvraj said:
I'l give you an honest overview : the phone is SINCERELY NOT THERE to compete as a completely functional device to be honest.
And let me also tell you that I'm an Android fan boy, and I completely ABHOR apple and everything to do with them.
BUT YET. Samsung Galaxy Nexus is NOT EVEN a complete functional device yet, and paying 530 £ or so (in the UK) for such a phone - IS WASTE OF MONEY.
There are MANY glitches that makes the whole experience very unsavoury. To the point that it definitely DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A FINISHED phone to me at all.
All the gloss of ICS apart, I have seen stability issues with this phone that just totally kills every thing. And mind you this is only on 4.0.1 GSM version UK (I've others here who have the same issue)
I'm a pretty heavy user. I've had a HTC Desire and worked out the ins and outs of the system and that device was EXTREMELY usable over the years.
This phone has so many problems -
1. The LED light does not even support missed calls by default. If you had a missed call you would not know till you turn the screen on (It is a basic feature was available 2 years back on HTC desire) I dont want to install a complicated APP like Light Flow to do it. This is basic stuff that should come out of the box
2. The phone in landscape mode does not type properly, this is just hilarious. Shame on google. The typing works perfect when you keep your phone straight, but the same phone, same stuff if you type in landscape it is incredibly jittery, you dont see what you wrote for good couple of seconds! This is just SHODDY work. how can screen orientation screw up your typing so badly - i have no idea. Just shameful from google.
3. The SMS dont go many times, and I've seen many threads about the same. Apparently you can screw up the message center settings? I dont know how but I'vent done that still had SMS problems a few times. And I had to restart my phone or send multiple times to make it work.
4. The call quality is the WORST I have seen on ANY phone in my entire life. I've been using the phone in exactly the same locations as I was using my HTC desire, and the call drops so much more often that it is just unbelievable! and needless to say incredibly frustrating. If the call doesnt drop the sound, sometimes (& often), is really pathetic and many a times it is inaudible to either party on the call. Is this a phone?
5. The phone is crashing randomly, this happens every 2 days or so (lately every single day now) and I'm a pretty heavy user. People say it is because I'm still on 4.0.1 - well I dont buy that because if 4.0.3 (the latest version) was fixing so many stability issues, then there is NO reason for Google to delay the release of that version on here in the UK for such a long time. Then some people say it is because I've some app installed, well I uninstalled most of my apps - but this problem doesnt go. And the phone becoming unresponsive due to an APP sounds like a serious piece of cr*pware to me. My settings page becomes unresponsive!! How can that happen? It has NEVER happened on android 2.3.7 with my HTC desire. If an APP is buggy, your home and menu screen buttons work perfectly! your android system doesnt become unstable because a stupid APP is incompatible or buggy! but here the WHOLE PHONE BECOMES UNUSABLE!!
And there's more! The latest of the glitches, yesterday - after the usual while typing the phone crashed, and then on reboot - all widgets on my screen - were all scrambled. No widget was displaying any text but jumbled ASCII characters, when you move the widgets the text would show but not without. I rebooted and it has been okay since.
but how horrible is that to put in so much of your money to get a piece of sht phone that doesnt even work and does basic functions correctly?
6. The phone also starts lagging, and is jerky ... especially with live wallpaper. That was really frustrating to see if you bought the phone to be on the cutting edge of mobile technology!! Samsung galaxy s2 scores much higher even on CPU benchmark tests I downloaded. Galaxy nexus fails to score any more than 1700 on the tests while Galaxy S2 (almost the same hardware) notches up to 3200+ scores!!! and these are basic tests that check cpu performance and your animation rendering capabilities. You cant mess with that really.
Now this could really be because of the high resolution of the screen... which brings me to the only two GOOD points of this phone :
1. Really crisp resolution. It is really just a class apart from older generation phones. Your icons, text, everything looks extremely good!
2. ICS - as everyone already mentioned it is a huge step up in terms of usability, and looks great deal polished. The phone feels good to navigate through, and ICS brings in some other features that make it a good OS. Others can cover on that more.
But anyway, I find those two points as largely ineffective in my choice to buy a phone (but i have unfortunately bought it and got rid of my desire and have been regretting the has been about 21 days on the galaxy nexus now)
Honestly, STAY AWAY FROM GALAXY NEXUS. The device is not worth it, and ICS evolution (especially bug fixes) and the hardware upgrades later this year would make for a really good and a competitive phone that you can buy!
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Why don't you sell it while it's still "fresh"..? You could easily get a desire for 200£, if not less actually!

dhruvraj said:
I'l give you an honest overview : the phone is SINCERELY NOT THERE to compete as a completely functional device to be honest.
And let me also tell you that I'm an Android fan boy, and I completely ABHOR apple and everything to do with them.
BUT YET. Samsung Galaxy Nexus is NOT EVEN a complete functional device yet, and paying 530 £ or so (in the UK) for such a phone - IS WASTE OF MONEY.
There are MANY glitches that makes the whole experience very unsavoury. To the point that it definitely DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A FINISHED phone to me at all.
All the gloss of ICS apart, I have seen stability issues with this phone that just totally kills every thing. And mind you this is only on 4.0.1 GSM version UK (I've others here who have the same issue)
I'm a pretty heavy user. I've had a HTC Desire and worked out the ins and outs of the system and that device was EXTREMELY usable over the years.
This phone has so many problems -
1. The LED light does not even support missed calls by default. If you had a missed call you would not know till you turn the screen on (It is a basic feature was available 2 years back on HTC desire) I dont want to install a complicated APP like Light Flow to do it. This is basic stuff that should come out of the box
2. The phone in landscape mode does not type properly, this is just hilarious. Shame on google. The typing works perfect when you keep your phone straight, but the same phone, same stuff if you type in landscape it is incredibly jittery, you dont see what you wrote for good couple of seconds! This is just SHODDY work. how can screen orientation screw up your typing so badly - i have no idea. Just shameful from google.
3. The SMS dont go many times, and I've seen many threads about the same. Apparently you can screw up the message center settings? I dont know how but I'vent done that still had SMS problems a few times. And I had to restart my phone or send multiple times to make it work.
4. The call quality is the WORST I have seen on ANY phone in my entire life. I've been using the phone in exactly the same locations as I was using my HTC desire, and the call drops so much more often that it is just unbelievable! and needless to say incredibly frustrating. If the call doesnt drop the sound, sometimes (& often), is really pathetic and many a times it is inaudible to either party on the call. Is this a phone?
5. The phone is crashing randomly, this happens every 2 days or so (lately every single day now) and I'm a pretty heavy user. People say it is because I'm still on 4.0.1 - well I dont buy that because if 4.0.3 (the latest version) was fixing so many stability issues, then there is NO reason for Google to delay the release of that version on here in the UK for such a long time. Then some people say it is because I've some app installed, well I uninstalled most of my apps - but this problem doesnt go. And the phone becoming unresponsive due to an APP sounds like a serious piece of cr*pware to me. My settings page becomes unresponsive!! How can that happen? It has NEVER happened on android 2.3.7 with my HTC desire. If an APP is buggy, your home and menu screen buttons work perfectly! your android system doesnt become unstable because a stupid APP is incompatible or buggy! but here the WHOLE PHONE BECOMES UNUSABLE!!
And there's more! The latest of the glitches, yesterday - after the usual while typing the phone crashed, and then on reboot - all widgets on my screen - were all scrambled. No widget was displaying any text but jumbled ASCII characters, when you move the widgets the text would show but not without. I rebooted and it has been okay since.
but how horrible is that to put in so much of your money to get a piece of sht phone that doesnt even work and does basic functions correctly?
6. The phone also starts lagging, and is jerky ... especially with live wallpaper. That was really frustrating to see if you bought the phone to be on the cutting edge of mobile technology!! Samsung galaxy s2 scores much higher even on CPU benchmark tests I downloaded. Galaxy nexus fails to score any more than 1700 on the tests while Galaxy S2 (almost the same hardware) notches up to 3200+ scores!!! and these are basic tests that check cpu performance and your animation rendering capabilities. You cant mess with that really.
Now this could really be because of the high resolution of the screen... which brings me to the only two GOOD points of this phone :
1. Really crisp resolution. It is really just a class apart from older generation phones. Your icons, text, everything looks extremely good!
2. ICS - as everyone already mentioned it is a huge step up in terms of usability, and looks great deal polished. The phone feels good to navigate through, and ICS brings in some other features that make it a good OS. Others can cover on that more.
But anyway, I find those two points as largely ineffective in my choice to buy a phone (but i have unfortunately bought it and got rid of my desire and have been regretting the has been about 21 days on the galaxy nexus now)
Honestly, STAY AWAY FROM GALAXY NEXUS. The device is not worth it, and ICS evolution (especially bug fixes) and the hardware upgrades later this year would make for a really good and a competitive phone that you can buy!
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No idea which galaxy nexus u are using man , but had mine for just about a month now running aokp with franco kernel , And no i didnt use the stock i rooted and slapped a rom on after 2 days if i wanted to use what they gave me i wouldnt buy a nexus device .
this phone is SMOOOTH i mean FLUIIID is keyword here.
ive had 1 crash on phone in a months time , 0 lag
Seriously wtf are u about when it comes to call quality this is one of the best devices ive used when it comes to call quality ive had many other 3 other droids before this .

if only you read, you dimwit you wouldnt open your mouth
GSM 4.0.1 UK, unrooted stock (I dont want to flash with a new kernel I expect Google to do a good job to begin with)
and I've others on here who have same issues. dont chest thump your way up here, this phone is NOT a finished product and you've no clue what you are talking about
here stock kernel 4.0.1 - i'm attaching screenshots.
1. xda not responding
2. then SETTINGS not responding!!! :: native "settings" not responding (I've never seen that on any android before)
3. how my home screen looks
4. how my home screen looked after a crash and a reboot!! (the one i mentioned in the point above as widgets got screwed!)

dhruvraj said:
if only you read, you dimwit you wouldnt open your mouth
GSM 4.0.1 UK, unrooted stock (I dont want to flash with a new kernel I expect Google to do a good job to begin with)
and I've others on here who have same issues. dont chest thump your way up here, this phone is NOT a finished product and you've no clue what you are talking about
here stock kernel 4.0.1 - i'm attaching screenshots.
1. xda not responding
2. then SETTINGS not responding!!! :: native "settings" not responding (I've never seen that on any android before)
3. how my home screen looks
4. how my home screen looked after a crash and a reboot!! (the one i mentioned in the point above as widgets got screwed!)
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your an idiot nexus is purely aimed to be a developer device.
and all the nexus devices run the latest OS which means some might have issues thats the whole reason they get updates quickly and 4.01 is suppose to be buggy thats why all the good roms are on 4.02 or 4.03 and like how 2.3.3 was the base for all gingerbread roms 4.03 will be the base for all the ICS phones.
People like u should just buy an iphone or a SG2 or some other phones which are tried and tested before they are launched not a nexus device.

just read this thread to see how many problems they have with this phone :
and many others about SMS not going, jerky rendering... its all mentioned all over these forums
developers play with custom ROMS which this phone makes easier for you to do, that is not an excuse to dole out a phone riddled with bugs in basic functionalities, just so it looks glossy and cool! that is pathetic
---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------
and here's for the call quality
stop your chest thumping around here for a piece of junk phone

Dont fight guys thank you for your answers!
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium


Those of you that own a Galaxy-Nexus; are you happy ?

Curious the opinion of real owners of a Galaxy-Nexus, are you happy with your purchase ? Is it your favorite Android phone of all time ? I know only the European owners can tell me about the phone, which is slightly different than the CDMA version coming to the U.S., but overall do you like the new Nexus ?
I am looking to possibly leave the U.S. carrier Sprint, I have their Galaxy S 2, rooted with nice ROM, LOVE this phone, but hate Sprint service. Last few Sprint phones my Wife and Brother have as well, the worst network this year, 3G speeds in Chicago are like 1x Edge speeds at best, texting and receiving pictures is a pain, half don't go through, dropped calls have been happening more often the last couple of months.
So I might make the switch to Verizon, everyone I know with Verizon service swear by it as being rock solid, #1 call service, no dropped calls, very solid network. I use my phone a lot for business, and need a network that is faster and more stable.
And I am a huge Android fan, owned both the Nexus-One and Nexus-S 4G, and those were my favorite Android phones at the time I owned those. But Sprint is killing me.
It's a very solid device! You won't be disappointed!
I have had my SGN for a few days now. I got it from Expansys, who provided extremely good service in getting it to me! I am still learning how to use Android (this is my first android so it is slow learning ).
But the large, bright screen, ability to enlarge text (so my weak eyes can read it), ease of use, is a winner for me. So far, I have not run into any problems, so I am real pleased!
Extremely happy! I've been on android since getting the G1 on day one. This is by far the best device I've ever owned. You can look at all the youtube videos and reviews you want but once you get the phone in your hands you'll be blown away!
Love the device.
Hard to know whether it's ICS or the phone itself which stands out. ICS was very good on the Nexus S, but only really played with it as an SDK port. Hopefully will have chance to play with my old S when it officially gets ICS.
The screen (despite the weirdness on low brightness) is stunning, the OS is incredibly smooth and slick - it impresses me MUCH more than iOS which I've always loved for it's transitions and smoothness. Web browsing is also excellent - incredibly fast. Call and Audio quality are also excellent
The only drawback is that it's a little on the large side (sometimes hard to grab the notification bar with one hand)
I've come from the Nexus S, I'm not sure a GSII (once it gets ICS) would be much of a noticeable/fantastic upgrade though. Maybe more a sidegrade - although the shape of the GN, lack of hard/soft buttons & Screen curve do make it look massively pretty. It's also MUCH less common than the GSII & comes with pure Android - definitely a plus!
You won't be unhappy upgrading from a 2.3.x GS2 but as soon as the ICS official or custom ROM's hit it may well be a closer call!
Have had my GN for 9 days now and loving it. I have no regrets on buying it and highly enjoy both the hardware and vanilla android.
I do see what people say if the screen brightness is really low its doesn't look that great but I typically keep my screen set at 50% so its not a issue for me.
If I had to really point out a single thing that is probably the biggest drawback is the damn speaker is so quiet its basically useless unless your in a quiet environment. Driving down the highway with the music on quietly (drive a 08' bmw and its quiet inside) theres only a couple ringtones that are barely audible. My iphone speaker was loud enough to hear in all but the loudest places.
galaxy nexus
Love the screen love the size, the Chrome type browser is fantastic, however there are issues, why would you launch a new phone with no manual.Customer care at Samsung are unaware of the model of phone. The bug volume bug is now fixed but there is no flash which is ridicolous one of the primary reasons you chose android. Also the phone dialler ui is crap its all over the place and its complicated just for the sake if it.. Iam used to htc phones and in my opinion the tweak to the original ui is just the most simplistic thing to use..
I LOVE it! Especially when you can go to Wal Mart and get on a T-Mobile $30/m prepaid plan that gives you unlimited data and texts and 100 minutes with no contract, you'll end up breaking even in no time from Sprint.
It's not perfect but it's a fantastic device. Easily the best I've ever owned. Very happy with it.
I only wish they included gorilla glass. People can laugh at gorilla glass all they want but the fact for me is, my nexus already has 3 scratches on it. While my 1.5 y/o vibrant still looks brand spanking new.
Some who are coming from a GSII are disappointed. But that's really a lateral move, so otherwise, quite fantastic!
Very zippy. A great improvement over my N1 in terms of speed and function. Though I will miss the illuminated LED trackball.
What about voice/call quality!?
For example - huge improvement with a Razr over my ole' Droid Incredible.
What about the GNex?
seanmcd72 said:
What about voice/call quality!?
For example - huge improvement with a Razr over my ole' Droid Incredible.
What about the GNex?
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my experience i find it better than the nexus s...
I had a galaxy s II and I enjoy the nexus more..
The Galaxy Nexus feels a lot better in the hand.. and I love the display and I particularly enjoy the lack of capacitive buttons on the front. Just staring at a 4.65" monolithic display with nothing to break up the sleek look.
Ice Cream Sandwich is really what brings it all together for me, though.. it's such a huge improvement over gingerbread.. it's hard for me to use the gmail app on gingerbread now..
This is easily the best android device I've ever owned.. even though the Galaxy S II has better specs, this device feels like it is in another league to me.
How are the network/wifi speeds? Is it 4G capable? Still trying to choose between this and the LG Optimus LTE.
I am really considering getting a Nexus to upgrade from my HTC Desire but I'm not sure if I should wait for a mobile phone with better hardware specifications (e.g. Quad-core processors) to be released if that is the case very soon or if I should just go with the Nexus.
I think it would be a big upgrade from my awesome Desire. The idea of a stock Android Google/Samsung phone makes things very exciting, as well. The only thing holding me back are the reviews going on about how the Nexus is the best Android phone on the market but isn't good enough to be a flagship phone because of it's hardware but it appears to be a wonderful device.
Did anyone here that owns a GSN come from a phone like the HTC Desire at all? I am trying to figure out this years Christmas gift to myself, you see!
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
lathanub said:
I am really considering getting a Nexus to upgrade from my HTC Desire but I'm not sure if I should wait for a mobile phone with better hardware specifications (e.g. Quad-core processors) to be released if that is the case very soon or if I should just go with the Nexus.
I think it would be a big upgrade from my awesome Desire. The idea of a stock Android Google/Samsung phone makes things very exciting, as well. The only thing holding me back are the reviews going on about how the Nexus is the best Android phone on the market but isn't good enough to be a flagship phone because of it's hardware but it appears to be a wonderful device.
Did anyone here that owns a GSN come from a phone like the HTC Desire at all? I am trying to figure out this years Christmas gift to myself, you see!
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
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UPGRADE I had an Inspire (a model up i think) and this phone is a HUGE upgrade! besides there wont be another nexus device for a good while yet so you will have less development options on them.
overall yes.
I'm looking forward to a lot of apps being updated to function on ics.
I don't get the same speeds as I was pulling on my skyrocket, but I would never know if I didn't run speedtest. My google music and everything else runs fast and smooth.
no regrets...
I'm very happy. The only bad thing abt the phone. It's written Samsung at the back...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App

What makes the Nexus better than the iPhone?

You guys are dropping some serious cash on the Nexus, and for serious cash, I expect there must be serious reasons. What makes the Nexus better than the 4S, for you? I don't just want to hear blanket statements like "more customizability," I'm looking for specific things that effect how you use your phone day-to-day, in a positive way. (hey, it rhymes)
I don't own a GN, but here's some reasons I can think of switching:
-I can turn off annoying animations
-hi-res screen, shows more content
-bigger screen
-no physical buttons
-I can turn off the lock screen
-loads webpages faster
-slightly better browser tabs
-widgets. They'd be slightly helpful
-Flash, for when I need it
-file system. This is kinda crippled now, but whatever.
-better YouTube app
-better Gmail support
-better Google maps
I figure I'll mention the cons, too...
-worse camera
-not as smooth
-no 100% reliable, native syncing for my photos and music
-no comparable suite to iWorks
-less app selection
-bad battery life
-no good solution for security if I lose my phone. Find My iPhone is pretty sweet.
What about you? I'm hoping to hear about some things I didn't think about. Part of me really wants to get the Nexus.
Yumunum said:
You guys are dropping some serious cash on the Nexus, and for serious cash, I expect there must be serious reasons. What makes the Nexus better than the 4S, for you? I don't just want to hear blanket statements like "more customizability," I'm looking for specific things that effect how you use your phone day-to-day, in a positive way. (hey, it rhymes)
I don't own a GN, but here's some reasons I can think of switching:
-I can turn off annoying animations
-hi-res screen, shows more content
-bigger screen
-no physical buttons
-I can turn off the lock screen
-loads webpages faster
-slightly better browser tabs
-widgets. They'd be slightly helpful
-Flash, for when I need it
-file system. This is kinda crippled now, but whatever.
-better YouTube app
-better Gmail support
-better Google maps
I figure I'll mention the cons, too...
-worse camera
-not as smooth
-no 100% reliable, native syncing for my photos and music
-no comparable suite to iWorks
-less app selection
-bad battery life
-no good solution for security if I lose my phone. Find My iPhone is pretty sweet.
What about you? I'm hoping to hear about some things I didn't think about. Part of me really wants to get the Nexus.
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I had a 4S and I honestly didn't like it. I don't like the way it handles multitasking or really anything about it. I guess I am also accustomed to larger screens having had a few 4.3" phones before this and the iPhone. My 4S had absolute **** battery life so this is an improvement and it's not bad at all. I don't know where you got that we have no security apps like find my iPhone because we have a dozen or so that work just as well if not better. Documents to go is reliable for when I need to make a quick edit on the go. I find my nexus to be just as smooth as the 4S I had as well. Also in terms of less app selection.. we have most of the big names
Hope this helps quell some of your fears a little
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
because it's not apple. Setting up apps and.screen is lot better over the good old setup. Hw acceleration finally. Bigger screen. Not apple. Higher res. Better sound. And I get great battery life. What you talking about Willis?
And the no. 1 reason is dev support. They pick up where Google and Samsung don't and then some. And some more. Thanks devs without you guys we'd eat more apples.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I haven't had an issue with battery life ever since phone started coming with micro usb. One of the reasons I didn't buy an iPhone is the proprietary usb, with GN (or any other android phone) everywhere you go has a charger.
That and it's a phone with a large screen, I'm not going to quibble over a few hours difference in battery life. It either lasts a month on 1 charge or I need a charger everywhere I go....
My main beef with iPhone is the connectivity, I need iTunes and not just on any computer but an authorised one. I use a lot of computers so that's out...
Apps, camera, OS, battery life its all the same more or less. Like comparing Mercedes to BMW.
The other feature I can't live without is Google Navigation, even though you can download an app on iPhone that does the same, having it fully integrated with Google Map is very useful. I use Google Maps like Yellow Pages now....
The search is also a lot more useful with ICS (wont be GN only feature soon) as it combines searching for apps/music/files on your phone with google search.
All this will be on any ICS phone/tablet, not just GN. So it's not really GN vs iPhone, its ICS vs iOS5.
Oh and another nice feature is having multiple accounts in Market. So if you want your wife/girlfriend to have the same purchased app/game you don't have to buy it twice.
I won't go into a device comparison, but here's what I like about the Nexus/Android:
- Super Amoled HD Screen
- Pentaband & Unlocked
- Widgets and customizability
- Scrolling and/or Live Wallpaper
- Replaceable Battery
- Faster data speeds on AT&T (For my location)
- The best web browsing experience on a mobile device...PERIOD. If you goto Settings->Labs and select Quick Controls and's a whole different experience. Full HD screen is used to browse and it's buttery smooth
- I prefer ICS's Task Manager MUCH MUCH better than iOS. It's quick to hit a button and swipe on the android vs. double table, hit small x's and scroll.
- Voice Guided Directions via Google Maps (Improved over previous versions)
- Face Unlock
- Better youtube
- Camera isn't as good as the iPhone, but IMO the app and shutter speed make up for it.
- Syncs beautifully with iTunes with iSyncr app!
- People always bring up selection of apps, or lack thereof as a bad thing. While there are some titles missing from the market, there are apps available that you would never be able to download on the app store. For example mp3 downloads, bit torrent remotes, etc.
- Type as you speak voice recognition
- I find the battery life equal, if not better than the iPhone 4S
- Free mobile hotspot (Don't abuse her)
- Built in data usage tracker and limiter. Perfect for those on data caps. Also displays what apps are hogging
- Notice a killer app on the Market only to find out it's garbage after the purchase? 15 min refund window!
Don't like compared to the iPhone...
- Build quality is good but the quality of materials could be better
- Speaker sucks
- Front facing camera may have more pixels, but looks like crap compared to the 4s
- I miss iTunes Match, iCloud and Photostream
Don't get me wrong, the 4S is a sweet device and I've used a ton of Android phones in the past, but the Nexus w/ICS is a whole different ballgame. My Nexus and iPad 2 are a match made in heaven.
I switched from an iPhone 4S to a Galaxy Nexus (and a Galaxy Note between).
First of all I like Apple products, I use an iMac and a MacBook Air for work and have owned iPhones, iPods and iPads. They are usually well designed and do the job at least as well as competitors and yes there is a premium to pay for that and I have always thought that worth paying extra for.
But for me the iPhone 4S was a major disappointment. I had seen some of the renderings of possible designs and they looked exciting but what we got was a revamp of the iPhone 4 with new notifications and Siri.
I still bought one as I like to have the latest tech but after you realise that Siri is a gimmick that last 10 minutes and is then redundant and the pull down notification system has been perfected by Android 100 phones ago, then the same old IOS niggles surfaced.
For me the first time I used the Galaxy Nexus I thought 'this is better'. ICS is smooth and runs quickly on the Nexus out of the box. I have owned virtually all the top smartphones and my one gripe about Android is that to get the very best out of the phone I have to visit XDA and start updating and tweaking.
My main reasons for switching away from the iPhone were lack of Flash support and screen size. So I bought a Galaxy Note and was blown away but the size was just a little too large and when I read up about the Nexus I just had to have one. I can wait a month or so for Flash but otherwise I don't think I have ever been happier with a phone.
Yumunum said:
You guys are dropping some serious cash on the Nexus, and for serious cash, I expect there must be serious reasons. What makes the Nexus better than the 4S, for you? I don't just want to hear blanket statements like "more customizability," I'm looking for specific things that effect how you use your phone day-to-day, in a positive way. (hey, it rhymes)
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Keep in mind that not everyone here is buying it outright for $600+, and keep in mind that a lot of people here wouldn't even consider an iPhone instead of Android in general. This post sounds a bit like flame bait, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
My personal reasons are as follows:
Screen: Not just quality (AMOLED), but size. Ever since I had my Samsung Captivate, holding an iPhone has just felt wrong. Everything feels tiny on the iPhone, watching movies is a significantly worse experience etc.
OS: In a nutshell, I prefer Android to iOS. The notification system is better, the multitasking is better (especially in ICS), the OS gives me more options and doesn't hold my hand telling me I'll break my phone if I'm given any more freedoms.
Widgets: Falls in line with OS, but deserves its own category. Why the hell does iOS not have widgets yet? Why don't I have glanceable data on my homescreens such as weather, calendar, and RSS feeds? This is the killer app for me as far as Android is concerned. iOS simply does not compare.
iTunes: I hate it. Especially on PC. I don't like Apple's music format, I don't like being forced to sync content as opposed to drag and drop, and I don't like how iTunes on PC is so badly coded that it completely freezes up and becomes unresponsive while syncing. Something like iTunes should be optional at best.
TV out: the iPhone simply doesn't have it. Connecting my phone to my TV to output youtube videos, emulated SNES, PS1 etc. games, and pictures is a huge boon for the GN. Yes there are alternatives, no they are not as simple as "connect a cable and the picture literally pops up the next second".
General freedom: No emulators or inappropriate content on the iOS market. Yeah, I don't put porn on my phone, but the next guy may want to and he should be able to do so freely without a company scrutinizing his morals. The Android market allows virtually anything as long as it's legal.
Programming freedom: In the same vein as the above, iOS is extremely locked down. There are no custom ROMs, there's no system level tweaking.
As far as drawbacks go:
Camera: Let's face it. The iPhone 4S' camera is best in class. Yes the GN's is faster, but for sheer quality iPhone simply wins hands down.
Touch response: This one may be a bit subjective, but every time I pick up an iPhone I marvel a bit at how smooth it is. Yes ICS is smooth, but I don't feel that it's quite at the same level.
Applications: For sheer quantity, Android is getting there. Quality however, is just now starting to pick up. More triple A developers are starting to realize that Android is a force to be reckoned with, so this is one that will fix itself in time. For the time being however iOS' app selection is simply better.
GPS: Every iPhone I've tried locks instantaneously indoors to a 10-15 meter radius. Every Android phone takes 5 seconds to forever to do the same. It's a minor gripe at best since the GN's GPS is pretty good but it's still technically worse.
That's about all I've got. Also OP, you'll be pleased to know that Android also has a variation of "Find my iPhone". "Where's my Droid" does basically the same thing.
I thought of getting an iPhone but then I took an arrow to the knee
I don't own a GN, but here's some reasons I can think of switching:
-I can turn off annoying animations
-hi-res screen, shows more content
-bigger screen
-no physical buttons
-I can turn off the lock screen
-loads webpages faster
-slightly better browser tabs
-widgets. They'd be slightly helpful
-Flash, for when I need it
-file system. This is kinda crippled now, but whatever.
-better YouTube app
-better Gmail support
-better Google maps
I figure I'll mention the cons, too...
-worse camera
-not as smooth
-no 100% reliable, native syncing for my photos and music
-no comparable suite to iWorks
-less app selection
-bad battery life
-no good solution for security if I lose my phone. Find My iPhone is pretty sweet.
First off, I'll say that I don't own a G_Nex... yet. I have also thought long and hard about making the jump to the iphone and the other side but a few things have kept me back. And this is my experience with a Droid Incredible which came out early last year so It's based off of an old device with outdated software.
First, I hate iTunes, with a passion. If you like it, cool but I have had such a hard time moving all my media from windows media to itunes I finally gave my ipod away. I'm sure it's a much less stressful endeavor with a Mac but I don't have one of those either so... It just seems way easier to use windows media for me
As far as the camera. I haven't seen it in my hand but there are a few iPhone4s/G-Nex picture comparison and from what I can tell it doesn't look very different. I say that the SGN does have some advantages over the iPhone with the no-lag feature and panoramic photos but that is just opinion. my camera is outdated but like everyone says your not gonna blow up an 8mp photo to put on your wall, it just doesn't make sense.
I don't use it personally but HTC sense has an onlive service similar to Find My iPhone, but without an HTC device your options are limited to apps like Lookout Mobile Security which you can disable everything except for the GPS service so you don't have annoying popups everytime you download an app. I believe they are also apps that can wipe your phone remotely in case your worried about your personal info.
Although I feel like Sense on HTC is just as smooth as an iPhone I've seen the lag and jerkiness of other devices. that said, I think if you check out some YouTube vids of the G-Nex you'll see that there is nothing but smooth butter on 4.0
I agree as far as the battery life goes. sometimes I can go 6hrs before my phone dies but I've settled on the idea that I will need a charger with me everywhere I go work/home/school. But there is a big reason for this: Android does so many other things in the background compared to iPhone. widgets, live wallpapers, etc... look at the animations on a new HTC device with the 3D widgets. it takes a ton of battery to keep all that running and running smooth. Also with the introduction of 4G the battery technology just hasn't caught up with it yet. but give it time.
One thing I will say about iPhone is the quality of apps are way better than Android, but it will not be that way forever. app developers are wanting to make money and if they can expand to another platform they will. There are only a very few app devs that are brand loyal and there are more and more devs porting there apps to Android every day.
To me, Apple did a great job in making a great phone and marketing it to the masses when it first came out. However, there are still a ton of flaws in their ideals. they want to make things simpler but unless you already have a Mac you will struggle. And they don't want to change it because they know most people will get frustrated and just go buy a Mac which makes them more money. and that is something I can't get with.
last but not least I will ask, who's idea was it to design a phone incased in glass anyway? I mean the only way you could've made it anymore fragile is if you made all the componets inside the out of glass as well. I mean really?!
Bad battery is really bad. and also bad reception.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
native syncing for my photos and music - The camera app on the GN can auto matically sync your photos to google+ if you want it to. Also google music can sync your music from the cloud thus meaning you dont have gig's and gig's of storage taken up on your phone.
First of all, generally speaking the main reason that pulled me away from Apple (I had a 3GS) and towards Android was widgets. It might be a minor thing for most people, but I really really love having them on my screen. It just makes things so much easier and faster to accomplish.
Now, focussing on the Galaxy Nexus specifically, the biggest plusses for me where those two:
- The combination of a large AMOLED-screen and the top-notch resolution which takes care of all the "Pentile"-drama that was going on.
- Direct updates through Google (I know, it's the same with Apple, but no other current Android handset offers this, and since your question aimed at why we spend so much money on the GN: This is the main reason why I picked the GN over a Moto or an HTC)
And that's basically it. Mind you, I was almost going to buy the Moto RAZR instead of the Nexus, because I am not a fan of handsets made entirely of plastic shells. But in the end I dismissed the Razr, mainly because of the "Software Update"-reason mentioned above. I could have lived with the lower-res display.
Of course, there are dozens of other reasons why I pick Android over iOS (open platform, costumizability, direct filesystem-access, etc. etc. blah blah), but you probably know them already anyway, so I'm not gonna repeat here once again
Both Android and iOS have their advantages and disadavantages, my take on this is that you should first decide which ECOSYSTEM is better suited for your personal needs and usecases, and after that decide on the actual hardware you're going to buy. Getting a new phone is quickly done, making everything run after an OS transition is much more of a headache (starting with the money one spent on all the apps that become rendered useless the moment you change sides)
only things I miss from my iphone 4 so far are
battery life
quick gps locking
Screen is beautifull. I just got mine and i Love IT!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
Yumunum said:
You guys are dropping some serious cash on the Nexus, and for serious cash, I expect there must be serious reasons. What makes the Nexus better than the 4S, for you? I don't just want to hear blanket statements like "more customizability," I'm looking for specific things that effect how you use your phone day-to-day, in a positive way. (hey, it rhymes)
I don't own a GN, but here's some reasons I can think of switching:
-I can turn off annoying animations
-hi-res screen, shows more content
-bigger screen
-no physical buttons
-I can turn off the lock screen
-loads webpages faster
-slightly better browser tabs
-widgets. They'd be slightly helpful
-Flash, for when I need it
-file system. This is kinda crippled now, but whatever.
-better YouTube app
-better Gmail support
-better Google maps
I figure I'll mention the cons, too...
-worse camera
-not as smooth
-no 100% reliable, native syncing for my photos and music
-no comparable suite to iWorks
-less app selection
-bad battery life
-no good solution for security if I lose my phone. Find My iPhone is pretty sweet.
What about you? I'm hoping to hear about some things I didn't think about. Part of me really wants to get the Nexus.
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What do you define as comparable to iWorks? Personally I preferred QuickOffice on my ipad and android also has that.
Besides games I have yet to find an app I need not on the market.
There exist some security things in the market. Don't know how well they work but they are there.
Some pros for the nexus
- custom ROMs do more with your phone nor just what apple tells you
- third party sync with contacts such as Google+ twitter and eventually Facebook when they update the syncing for ics
I came from an iPhone to an atrix before my nexus and I will never go back. It's a personal choice but I like the freedom of android.
Sent from my GT-P7310 using Tapatalk
Yumunum said:
I figure I'll mention the cons, too...
-worse camera - Want a better camera, by a SLR, its a phone remember...
-not as smooth - No i find it smooother
-no 100% reliable, native syncing for my photos and musicPersonal preference, i find the syncing very good for mail, photos, contacts, music. The Music sync infact is amazing. I can access my music collection on ANY flash enable browser!
-no comparable suite to iWorks Really, your going to work on the 4.6" screen on documents, spreadsheets? buy a galaxy note, galaxy 10.1 or if you want iWorks, buy an Ipad or Mac!
-less app selection But also the app market is managed by the apple sheep so you actually have access to more apps which are banned on the apple store on the android market
-bad battery life Manage it better then! Its because you can customize everything on an android battery can drain so quickly, if you could do the same on an iphone as you can on an android im sure the iphone wouldnt last 10 hours!
-no good solution for security if I lose my phone. Find My iPhone is pretty sweet. Google an alternative.... like Also you can encrypt your phone, which is stronger than any solution done by apple at the moment
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Come on, really its down to personal preference. Every pro can be argued with a con, and vice versa
A big plus for me is accessing the app store in a browser!
I'm unclear why the OP said we were dropping serious cash for the nexus, and then proceeded to ask why it's better than the 4S, they are the same price, so what gives?
I'll be the odd one out, this is why I sold my Galaxy Nexus and kept my iPhone 4S:
- I find iOS notifications to be better. Sure, swap to discard is a lot better than the tiny "Clear" button on iOS, but being able to see pending notifications on the lockscreen is a lot better than having to reach up and pull down the list. I never managed to find a working solution to get the same function on ICS. Also iOS categorizes them per app, which I like. I also love push notifications and there's really just one twitter app that does it on Android, and its just not a very good app.
- Browsing. Sorry, but I find the ICS browser to not be very good. Sure, it's fast, but Google still treats pages like a desktop browser and text is TINY when zoomed out. iOS picks up what text is important and increases its size so it's readable on most websites without having to zoom in. Also, double tapping to zoom on Android zooms to the general area you want, but will usually cut off text or images. iOS somehow manages to fit the window exactly to the paragraph you want.
- Battery life. Yes, the 4S is famous for not lasting very long, but at least I don't have to worry about what colors im displaying on it because white will burn the battery out faster than black. With SAMOLED (I've had a Galaxy S, Galaxy S 2 and the Nexus) I always found myself worrying about using apps with mostly a black background.
- Screen. I want to lick the Galaxy Nexus screen, really, it looks amazing. Except when I look at slight dark pictures, where the extreme contrast and black levels will degrade and oversaturate colors. Also PenTile, while less noticeable is still there and makes text look horrible at small sizes. Watching HD video on it was an orgasmic experience, but I honestly never watch movies or series on my phone so I just wouldn't have taken advantage of it.
- Speaker. Its bad, really bad, and positioned in a place where setting the phone on a sofa or any other soft surface will muffle it. Volume+ on the market fixes the problem mostly, but still sounds like a low quality speaker.
- Apps. I love the ICS UI, I love how the google apps look on the GNexus, but I HATE how most third party apps look and function on ICS. Yes, I realize this will change in time, but just picking the iPhone and opening Tweetbot or Whatsapp and seeing how much smoother they were compared to similar apps on ICS made me angry.
- Camera. Photos look pretty good in daylight, but it breaks apart easily when light is low. Mushy colors, no sharpness. I love the 4S camera.
- Size. This one I guess is more personal than the others. I found it to be slighty larger than I like and had to flex my hand too much to use it one handed most of the time.
- Smoothness. ICS has hardware acceleration, fine, and it works most of the time, sure, but it's really noticeable when it's not there and really inconsistent to have it be completely smooth in some areas and really stuttery in others. I guess this will get better over time, but I like having this work "out of the box". iOS is smooth 95% of the time.
I'm not dissing the GNexus, I find it to be the best android phone to date and I really love most of what Google has done to android. However, after more than a year owning several android handsets and then buying the 4S I remembered how pain-free the iOS experience is, and I realized I spent more time changing ROMs and customizing android than I did enjoying it and using apps.
I never had a need for a real filesystem, I have no issues with iTunes and I don't feel limited by iOS' restrictions, though I understand if most of you do. I'll probably go back to android with the Galaxy S3 or whatever, and I guess everything will be more mature by then, but right now I'm happy with my 4S and it suits my needs better than the Gnex did.
For some reason when you own an iphone you start wearing turtlenecks and people start calling you a pretentious douche.
-Flash, for when I need it // Nexus Doesn't support flash...yet
-file system. This is kinda crippled now, but whatever. //Why? Works just like it has on my other Androids?
-worse camera // It's as good as the person using it.. my iPhone wasn't that great.
-not as smooth // Depends on what you have running unlike the iPhone that just randomly shuts apps off.
-no 100% reliable, native syncing for my photos and music //This is why I quit iPhones Itunes is a joke takes fooooorever to sync the it duplicates and deletes... just drag and drop...simple.
-no comparable suite to iWorks // There are many office apps most are the same ones in the app store.
-less app selection // seems like both stores have pretty much the same ones and the billion junk apps
-bad battery life // If you run the screen and skype and video... guess what iPhone or android the battery drains.....The iphone will win not because it has better battery life but because it will quit skype force the screen off and stop the video because it knows what you want better than you do.
I have had every IOS device except the 4S... so I don't dislike them but I do dislike lists like this... Because you really should try out Android (especially ICS) and formulate your opinion. Because its not just about the hardware its about changing from my phone knows best I just expect the battery to last.... To taking the time to set it to do exactly what you want it to....and yes if you have 50 apps running the battery WILL die a quick
The difference and what makes it better is easy. I am in no way bashing the iPhone. I own it and love all apple products. Here are the facts iPhone is a place that houses all your apps the SN is a OS with apps.

Would you recommend me upgrading?

Hello everyone! I'm currently using an iPhone 4 on AT&T and I recently played with a Galaxy Nexus at Verizon after watching a lot of videos on it (I just had to play with one). I must say, I loved the screen from the short amount of time I used the phone and loved the interface of Android 4.0. I've been using iOS for awhile now and its not because I'm a 'lemming' or some other ridiculous term (please lets keep the fanboyism out of this) and have always jailbroken my phones. The Galaxy Nexus just seemed very nice (although I dislike the backing of the device) and I'm not sure if it's just the allure of something different since I'm so used to iOS (which I'm finding to be stagnant) or if its because its that much better.
I guess I would like to hear anyone's experience with the device, especially if they upgraded from an iPhone 4 as well. The biggest complaints I've heard about the phone are the sub par camera, the build quality, wifi issues, multitouch problems, and battery issues (this one worries me). Upgrading to the SGN would cost me quite a bit, probably around $650 dollars. I'm thinking I could sell my phone off for about $250-$300 making the price slightly more bearable.
Few of the things I liked while playing with it:
* Increased screen size with high pixel density
* Ice Cream Sandwich has a very futuristic feeling to it and I absolutely love the look of it
* Seemed very fast
* Camera took very fast photos
* Full screen browser was amazing (so much more content)
* Face unlock
* Live wallpapers (is this a big battery drain?)
So from a purely objective opinion (not a biased one, although I suppose that is impossible to avoid) do you think its worth the price for me to upgrade to a Galaxy Nexus from the iPhone 4?
Thank for you for time in answering my question(s), I really appreciate it!
I also had an iPhone 4 and chose to upgrade to this phone. Best choice I ever made when it comes to phones! The killer for me was the screen, I absolutely could not go back to a 3.5" screen now. And ICS is just fab! Go for it.
What you're experiencing right now is Night. If you were to upgrade the the Nexus then you would see Day. The only disadvantage the Nexus has over the iPhone is battery life. If you can deal with that then do it.
Had a Fascinate > Charge > iPhone4 > Nexus. I just can't stand that damn 3.5" screen.
Honestly, when i had an iPhone 4, the battery life was horrid. 8 hours at most.
sent from my 3v0
You pretty much nailed why this phone is better, but I think it comes down to apps. You'll miss some apps on Android at the beginning but you'll also find out that most of those apps you'll miss are irrelevant in an Android environment. You'll miss the battery life on your iPhone that's for sure unless you get a GSM version which I have, I have 10hrs on it and still 84% left of battery, didn't even try to conserve power.
masamichi7 said:
Honestly, when i had an iPhone 4, the battery life was horrid. 8 hours at most.
sent from my 3v0
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Yea I don't understand the myth of iPhone 4 having great battery life.
The nexus will last 8-10 hours on 3G just like the iPhone 4/4s and it has more power hungry specs.
Although face unlock works well, I can't help but tell you it is a gimmick. Once you press the power button, it takes a while for the camera to initialize so there is some delay when unlocking (as opposed to the quick slide to unlock) but on the other hand is amazing to show-off to friends
Also, many users have reported that live wallpapers cause lag although I cannot confirm that myself. (But, when I did turn live wallpapers on, I did notice some slugishness/lag but it might be because I was running a lot of processes in the background)
The battery drain is also noticeable, for me on Android Revolution HD with Francisco Franco's kernel (dec 13 test non overclock) I get about 10 hours of usage but I still am yet to confirm the battery of the device. You should check out the galaxy nexus LTE review at for more info. But I'm fairly certain that it does state the battery drain is heavily noticeable on the LTE variant.
Finally, I absolutely love the screen on the Galaxy Nexus as well. I would never go back to a ~4.5 inch screen ever again
I personally get tired of mobile OSes every couple years. I started with the original iPhone, upgraded to 3G, then jumped ship after 3GS release. Not only did I want to dump AT&T, but I also wanted to try out Android.
I was getting sick of Gingerbread so I upgraded early from my Droid Charge. I love the change so far, and I think I'll be sticking with Android for a bit longer. But coming from an Apple product you have to realize that Android will never be as polished or smooth. Google just doesn't have the closed ecosystem like Apple.
The gaming department is really disappointing for me over the iPhone, and is one of the primary reasons I want an Apple device again. But that 3.5" screen makes it hard to enjoy too lol. I think I'll just settle for an iPad 3. If you really like customizing and personalizing your devices, Android is perfect for you.
4G LTE is simply awesome. If you are around a lot of power sockets during your normal daytime gig, battery life is no big deal. Screen size is awesome. No dropped calls is awesome. And I know with Verizon, iPhone 4's fetch like $350-400 still, even after the release of the 4S.
Either way, I hope some of this info helped you lol.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
As long as you can deal with the reinvestment into a new ecosystem and possibly buying the Android version of any paid apps you want to continue to use I'd say go for it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
My first android phone was a HTC Desire, then I sold it for iPhone 4S, which I was using whilst waiting for the Galaxy Nexus to be released. I've used an iPhone 2G before and to be honest 2G -> 4S has basically no difference. Using the dialer is poor, no smart dial, small screen which is pretty poor if you want to read web journals on your phone.
So many other basic features are missing from the iPhone such as you have to enter facebook to upload a picture. On Android you just take the photo, and share VIA Whatsapp/Facebook whatever. As easy as that.
Get the Nexus, you definitely won't regret it. Also if you get like a Note or SG2, it'll have the problem of when it gets ICS 4.0 it will still use the Touch Wiz which is frankly crap. So unless you're good at setting up Alternative Launchers or using Custom ROMS your best bet is just using the Nexus. Good luck.
Don't know much about the networks over there in America, but it seems that verizon is very much like Telstra here in Aus. Best coverage but biggest dicks.
That aside, I can say that the Galaxy nexus is awesome. While iOS has always been smooth, ICS has a nicer look about it. The GNEX screen is just amazing - similar to retina but more real estate, which is a winner in my books!
PS. Getting 11 mbps speeds here in aus with HSPA+ too
ive never owned an iphone 4 but i have worked with them a lot.
would i upgrade to a GN? without question.
if you want 'safe' phone then stick to the iphone
if you want a phone you can actually enjoy and play with then go android and the GN is one of the best options out there.
I havent had much trouble with the battery to be honest yes under heavy use it can go down quite quickly (although not as quickly as some devices)...for example i used about 45% when streaming a Newcastle game for 2 hours on full brightness which isnt to bad in my experience.
In 'normal' daily use the battery performs as well as most phones so far.
A lot of iphone users throw the battery issues with android phones out there, but believe me we have had plenty of situations when iphones have drained just as quick.
Just remember that heavy data usage, poor coverage and heavy screen use are the usual culprits for batteries dying.
The GN hasnt got a problem with the battery - at least not for me
Thank you for your replies! I'm still debating about it. One part of me says that a better phone will be coming out soon, while another part of me says that there will always be a better phone coming. Regardless, I do have one question for those of you with a Galaxy Nexus:
If I were to download an app from the Android Market will it scale to the Galaxy Nexus's screen properly? I imagine the graphics would have to be updated in the app to support the higher resolution, but I was curious if Google had worked anything out for generic images to scale correctly. Also do things like buttons (generic images used throughout the UI basically) change to their Android 4.0 counterparts?
Thanks again
ErikWithNoC said:
Thank you for your replies! I'm still debating about it. One part of me says that a better phone will be coming out soon, while another part of me says that there will always be a better phone coming. Regardless, I do have one question for those of you with a Galaxy Nexus:
If I were to download an app from the Android Market will it scale to the Galaxy Nexus's screen properly? I imagine the graphics would have to be updated in the app to support the higher resolution, but I was curious if Google had worked anything out for generic images to scale correctly. Also do things like buttons (generic images used throughout the UI basically) change to their Android 4.0 counterparts?
Thanks again
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Some apps scale, some don't, some will say not compatible. A lot of games don't work
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
nrfitchett4 said:
Some apps scale, some don't, some will say not compatible. A lot of games don't work
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
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That is disappointing. From your experience would you say enough work? Also, do you (or anyone else in this thread) think developers will update their graphics for the SGN's resolution (is it a standard resolution for ICS)?
Nah its just a few lines of code. Most everything will scale properly. ICS is still new and we only just recently got the Nexus. Its not even really updating graphics. Its not like Apple where things get stretched and look hideous. Completely different methods. I hated Apples method to make iPhone apps work on iPads. Most Android apps look 100% normal when scaled. Google doesn't want Tablet and Phone apps... they want 1 app that conforms to all... and most do. A few don't.
I typically take my phone off the charge at 8am. Its 8pm now with 30% left after going all day with corporate email, Gmail, Facebook, xda a few hours, and scrabble a few times. Pretty normal usage but its new so I keep tinkering with it.
-Galaxy Nexus
-Asus Transformer
player911 said:
Nah its just a few lines of code. Most everything will scale properly. ICS is still new and we only just recently got the Nexus. Its not even really updating graphics. Its not like Apple where things get stretched and look hideous. Completely different methods. I hated Apples method to make iPhone apps work on iPads. Most Android apps look 100% normal when scaled. Google doesn't want Tablet and Phone apps... they want 1 app that conforms to all... and most do. A few don't.
I typically take my phone off the charge at 8am. Its 8pm now with 30% left after going all day with corporate email, Gmail, Facebook, xda a few hours, and scrabble a few times. Pretty normal usage but its new so I keep tinkering with it.
-Galaxy Nexus
-Asus Transformer
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Why is it that the graphics don't need to be changed? I'm sure games would need different sized graphics to take advantage of the higher resolution screen. As for the whole iPhone app iPad app thing. I would rather developers create a dedicated tablet app versus's a scaled up phone app any day, so either way isn't that great in my opinion. Great news on the battery! I'm assuming your using the GSM version of the Nexus since your on T-Mobile?
Sorry I couldn't help it
I'm in a weird mood today...
Gsm sexier ....thinner and more pronounce curve lte version battery drains fast. Hate it .. I returning the lte and staying with gsm version
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

My Love-Hate Reltionship with my HOX

I got my HOX just over two months ago but as much I love using this phone, there are a few things that just bug me. I had a Desire S before the One X and a Desire before that. Compared to the Desire S it is much faster and I am glad I upgraded, but I still have a few gripes. I have have been considering switching to the Galaxy SIII since my brother has it and it looks and feels better then I thought. Is it worth switching? Or are there some tips that can help me get past these problems. Here is a comparison of the things I love and hate about the HOX.
- The beautiful screen. Best screen I have ever used/seen on a phone hands down. When I leave my phone beside me after using it and the screen is still on, the viewing angles still surprise me. I have compared to the S3 screen and it pretty much trumps it in every way apart from the blacks. One of the best features of the phone.
- Sense. I've never rooted or installed my own custom roms onto a phone and even though I was thinking about it, I would prefer to keep my warranty intact and I enjoy sense. Obviously a matter of opinion but I love using sense as it feels very organized and I use some of the features like text reflow on the browser, smart dialer and car dock mode a lot, and I love the tons of widgets available. Touchwiz on the other hand is just bleugh. Too cartoony for my taste and just feels all over the place.
- Camera. Even though it isn't the best in low light condition, I love the widescreen pictures, and in decent light or even with the flash, the pictures are very, very clear. Also the camera interface is brilliant.
- Design. Love the unibody design, curved screen, drilled speaker holes and the led under the grill.
- Battery Life. How do I describe the battery life on this phone. So damn inconsistent. Some days I can get 15h with 2.5h screen time. While some I get 8h with just over 1h screen time. I just don't get it. No matter what I do I won't get over 3h of screen time. Standby time on the phone is brilliant, but as soon I switch on the screen, the battery level just plunges. I never used to look at my battery level this much on a phone.
- Multitasking. I have tried some fixes, but as soon as I open more then 2 things at once, apps start to close. I am browsing the internet, switch to send a text message and come back after a minute or two, the page reloads. The same happens with games and other apps. I find myself hurrying to reply to a text in less then 20 seconds otherwise that app is restarting. This does not seem to happen on the S3.
- WiFi. Connection when using the WiFi on the HOX is fine. It is just when the phone is left on standby for too long, all data cuts off. As soon as I switch on the screen, connections fire up again, and all emails start flowing in. This doesn't happen all the time and is very random.
- Big nipple on the back of phone. Even though it looks cool, the way the camera sticks out is a strange design by htc. I am worried about scratching the glass every time I put down the phone. I'm not a big fan of using cases, but I am forced to as I would hate a scratched lens.
I have thought about switching to GS3 but I don't know, I just don't find it very appealing.
What do you think? Anyone share my views? Anyone feel there is a way past these problems. Even though the HOX has problems I still love it, but as much I enjoy using this phone, I need something that will work properly. My decision on switching phone is about 80% staying with the phone 20% switch to the GS3. I can't really imagine switching phones, but was just hoping for any suggestions to solve these problems.
What do you guys think? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Broken GPS made me root and rom in the end, it was the deal breaker. The dislikes were a big factor. I thought I used to like Sense (went from Samsung Omnia HD > HTC Desire > Iphone 4S > Galaxy Nexus > HTC One X), but after coming from a Galaxy Nexus (vanilla ICS) I realized the error of my ways.
1. Sense (choppy UI, reduced functionality and still doesn't necessarily look task switcher, browser tab switcher)
2. Sense UI would reload all the time
3. Sound was crackling in videos
4. HTC Updates few and far between and don't fix anything
1. Screen
2. Unibody design
mujj said:
- WiFi. Connection when using the WiFi on the HOX is fine. It is just when the phone is left on standby for too long, all data cuts off. As soon as I switch on the screen, connections fire up again, and all emails start flowing in. This doesn't happen all the time and is very random.
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In the mail app under settings, did you already check the sync schedule? By default it turns off syncing in the evening and in the weekend
I have both. My gs3 is in mothballs. Waiting to sell it when a new phone comes out.
I used the one x from launch until July when I got the s3. I used the s3 for three weeks before finally calling it quits.
Reasons why I chose hox over s3.
Hox with sense is just miles ahead because of
Productivity software built in, mail, google tasks sync, evernote sync.
The mail app in sense is so good that I use it primarily instead of my blackberry mail. My blackberry is now used only for bbm. The less said about the s3 email app, the better. It is just pathetic.
Contacts integration with social networks.
The sense ui is far far ahead of anything in my opinion in the android ecosystem.
The phone radio is again far superior to s3.
The sense dialer is the best of any phone out there.
How can I forget the gorgeous screen. Again its by far the best that I have ever seen.
The HTC sense keyboard is good that I use it over swiftkey and thumb keyboard. The trace feature is amazing as well.
Friendstream is another winner for me.
Using sense means that I don't need extra apps for mail, tasks, notes and social networks. It's all built in.
Am not much of a gamer, play angry birds and stick cricket on occassions and hox does well.
Only shortfall is inconsistent battery. But I carry around a small Belkin portable battery pack in case I run low. Have only had to use it a couple of times though.
Sd card is subjective, most of my pictures are on drop box and on picasa so my storage is used for music. Some may want more space so having an external sd card is nice.
Cameras I actually preferred the s3 but the difference is marginal.
In short if you like an integrated productive ui and don't measure speed in micro seconds then hox is better.
If you love aosp, cheezy features like smart stay and s voice and love flashing tons just to get rid of the horrible horrible touch wiz ui and require an external sd card for 30 odd gb more then go for s3.
Again this is my opinion based on owning and using both phones. I also own and use a blackberry and an iPad so an well aware of the pros and cons of each phone and ui.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
With WIFI data-connectivity, I think there is some 'smart' (although disputed) functionality that disables WIFI through the night. This has been discussed on the forum before and a way to disable that.
My advice would be to stick with the device for at least another two weeks so that you get the new OTA update to 4.0.4. There are many good things said about that update throughout here, esp. UI speed, enhanced multi-tasking, three dot fix, etc that brings out the real tegra 3 power from the device. I too am waiting for that OTA or will flash an RUU if that arrives earlier. Or you could not wait and root the device and flash the linked ROM. Your call!
I don't have an issue with the Samsung per se, but it does not look as polished a device as the One X is and it doesn't feel that someone spent time designing and crafting the device but instead moulding plastic panels that make the S3. Samsung has historically preferred plastic (and amoled screens) on their devices and I am not a big fan of them at least not now when competitors are using advanced materials.
BTW, your camera description is hillarious....
not going to go into an essay i will just say this. i had first an iphone and was always an iphone user..then i switched over the galaxy s2...i still say for me that is the best damn phone i ever had. now the HOX i will say this. i love it in everyway and specially love how the music sounds on this and the camera is amazing...but if you are one of them who love rooting and flashing and customizing your phone with ease then your best bet is the S3.
if i had the choice i would stick with the One X as for user experience it is far more better than the S3 due to T3 for games and beats as well for is down to you really what you want to go for both phones are great it is just down to you at the end of the day...i say stick with your One X for now and wait for the Nexus to come out...
s1977 said:
With WIFI data-connectivity, I think there is some 'smart' (although disputed) functionality that disables WIFI through the night. This has been discussed on the forum before and a way to disable that.
My advice would be to stick with the device for at least another two weeks so that you get the new OTA update to 4.0.4. There are many good things said about that update throughout here, esp. UI speed, enhanced multi-tasking, three dot fix, etc that brings out the real tegra 3 power from the device. I too am waiting for that OTA or will flash an RUU if that arrives earlier. Or you could not wait and root the device and flash the linked ROM. Your call!
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I like the idea of the three dot fix and if multitasking is improved and the WiFi problem fixed that would be brilliant. But I doubt the battery will get any better. Hope this update hits the UK soon. Thanks
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
TBH battery life too is quoted as improved with the screen time easily over 5+ hours from 3+ (I think this was from the CNET article)...Anyways I don't worry about battery life nowadays as we all are surrounded by easily accessible power sources, be it the car or office and can always top up if need be.
I suggest you read up some articles on what is fixed in the 2.15* fix or in the 4.0.4 update on the AT&T One X. If you think the fixes are what you'd like on your phone, then stick with it.
skywalker1970 said:
I have both. My gs3 is in mothballs. Waiting to sell it when a new phone comes out.
I used the one x from launch until July when I got the s3. I used the s3 for three weeks before finally calling it quits.
Reasons why I chose hox over s3.
Hox with sense is just miles ahead because of
Productivity software built in, mail, google tasks sync, evernote sync.
The mail app in sense is so good that I use it primarily instead of my blackberry mail. My blackberry is now used only for bbm. The less said about the s3 email app, the better. It is just pathetic.
Contacts integration with social networks.
The sense ui is far far ahead of anything in my opinion in the android ecosystem.
The phone radio is again far superior to s3.
The sense dialer is the best of any phone out there.
How can I forget the gorgeous screen. Again its by far the best that I have ever seen.
The HTC sense keyboard is good that I use it over swiftkey and thumb keyboard. The trace feature is amazing as well.
Friendstream is another winner for me.
Using sense means that I don't need extra apps for mail, tasks, notes and social networks. It's all built in.
Am not much of a gamer, play angry birds and stick cricket on occassions and hox does well.
Only shortfall is inconsistent battery. But I carry around a small Belkin portable battery pack in case I run low. Have only had to use it a couple of times though.
Sd card is subjective, most of my pictures are on drop box and on picasa so my storage is used for music. Some may want more space so having an external sd card is nice.
Cameras I actually preferred the s3 but the difference is marginal.
In short if you like an integrated productive ui and don't measure speed in micro seconds then hox is better.
If you love aosp, cheezy features like smart stay and s voice and love flashing tons just to get rid of the horrible horrible touch wiz ui and require an external sd card for 30 odd gb more then go for s3.
Again this is my opinion based on owning and using both phones. I also own and use a blackberry and an iPad so an well aware of the pros and cons of each phone and ui.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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Touchwiz is less intrusive than sense.. Using a different launcher pretty much disguises most of it whereas sense is everywhere on the HOX.
I originally subscribed to the school of thought that the siii was a hideous blob "supported" a by a ridiculous marketing campaign, but having actually used an s3 I am impressed and Touchwiz is much improved.
I am going to swap to an s3, mainly because the HOX is the first Android phone where I've felt forced to root just to make the phone usable. The screen and design do not make up for the crap Multiasking, sense constantly reloading, hogging ram and rubbish battery life. I wouldn't mind if I actually had the option to change these things (e.g. Removable battery, memory expansion etc) but I dont.
I'm sick and tired of the bugs, and hardware faults. I've had screen flicker, Wifi problems and what seems eerily similar to death grip. I flashed an asop rom (CM10) and the only thing I slightly missed was the camera interface. With my galaxy s2 there were actually a number of good reasons to stick with stock (hardware video decoding being one)
I'm tired of constantly eyeing my battery, I despise the fact my warranty is now void because I had to root, and the plethora of bugs and defects mine and others have suffered is the reason I'm selling this phone.
Tbh I feel like a lot of this is to do with nvidas overhyped processor, and the rest is htc's inexplicable hostility towards the hacking community and their poor quality control.
Goodbye forever HTC
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
narcoustic said:
Touchwiz is less intrusive than sense.. Using a different launcher pretty much disguises most of it whereas sense is everywhere on the HOX.
I originally subscribed to the school of thought that the siii was a hideous blob "supported" a by a ridiculous marketing campaign, but having actually used an s3 I am impressed and Touchwiz is much improved.
I am going to swap to an s3, mainly because the HOX is the first Android phone where I've felt forced to root just to make the phone usable. The screen and design do not make up for the crap Multiasking, sense constantly reloading, hogging ram and rubbish battery life. I wouldn't mind if I actually had the option to change these things (e.g. Removable battery, memory expansion etc) but I dont.
I'm sick and tired of the bugs, and hardware faults. I've had screen flicker, Wifi problems and what seems eerily similar to death grip. I flashed an asop rom (CM10) and the only thing I slightly missed was the camera interface. With my galaxy s2 there were actually a number of good reasons to stick with stock (hardware video decoding being one)
I'm tired of constantly eyeing my battery, I despise the fact my warranty is now void because I had to root, and the plethora of bugs and defects mine and others have suffered is the reason I'm selling this phone.
Tbh I feel like a lot of this is to do with nvidas overhyped processor, and the rest is htc's inexplicable hostility towards the hacking community and their poor quality control.
Goodbye forever HTC
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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The LG optimus 4x HD uses the same processor, but it competes neck to neck w the SGS3 in terms of responsiveness. So it's clearly HTC's part that makes the phone lag.
The camera positioning is a real pain. I don't use a case and already there is some micro scratching on the lens.
The battery issue was almost a deal breaker for me until I rooted and installed a ROM that gives fantastic battery time (Maximus One).
Can't think of any major dislikes apart from those.
Well, everyone will always have an opinion about battery life. Nothing wrong in that. We have all been spoilt by those Nokia phones that lasted the whole week on full charge, haven't we? For me, the One X more than sufficiently lasts the whole day and where it doesn't it can be either attributable to some hardware issue or consumer usage. It shouldn't go flat overnight and I have seen far fewer posts that suggest such behaviour. Everyday that I have put the device on charge, it was already at 50+% and therefore could easily survive another day.
My only gripe is that if HTC had decided that they were going for a unibody design with no SD card expansion, then they should have at least maxed out the battery on it like how the Motorola RAZR MAXX did. This is possible and clearly some other manufacturer will get there. Form factor issues aside, if they were putting in a big screen, etc, then max it out as much as you can. Leaving it to be at 1800mah is like leaving a sore sticking point that will always fail to win consumers, esp. when the S3 has a removable cover, better battery and a SD card expansion slot. Clearly most people can do simple maths and can work out that the Samsung looks preferable with a high capacity battery and would go that way unless they know the things that make the HTC stand out well like screen, UI, etc where the HOX trumps. No one would have complained about anything other than hardware issues then and this phone would have tromped well over any competitors offerings.
mujj said:
- WiFi. Connection when using the WiFi on the HOX is fine. It is just when the phone is left on standby for too long, all data cuts off. As soon as I switch on the screen, connections fire up again, and all emails start flowing in. This doesn't happen all the time and is very random.
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This is due to SmartSync. You can disable it if yr rooted.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
how do u guys feel about the battery life after the 2.2 update? lasts a few hrs longer for me
Still haven't got it waiting patiently in the UK
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Did you force the update?
Settings/info/Software info/'Check now'?
mujj said:
Still haven't got it waiting patiently in the UK
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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Laurentius26 said:
Did you force the update?
Settings/info/Software info/'Check now'?
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Many...many times
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app

[Q] Moving from iPhone to Note 2, advice please!

Evening all,
I am a long time lurker on this forum, and I have noticed that a lot of you have got Android phones so I was after a bit of advice.
Currently, I have had the pleasure of using an iPhone 4 for the last two and a bit years. It has been a spectacular phone and with the combination of iTunes for management, it had made everything a lot easier. However, with the launch of the iPhone 5 I personally feel that the ‘enhancements’ made do not warrant the extra expenditure, so I am looking for a change.
My next phone of choice is probably going to be the Samsung Galaxy note 2; which, I have read a number of reviews and watched a variety of different YouTube videos showing its features and functionality. I was looking at buying this on a 24 month contract with 3UK but there are a few little things stopping me.
First, from the management side of things, is there anything like iTunes for the Android platform, secondly is Android as fluid as iOS as I know a few early adopters who used Android and it was one of my primary decisions to go to iOS and lastly what is the build quality like on the Samsung devices?
Thanks in advance!
Do yourself a favour and get Tunesync. It syncs your iTunes library perfectly over wifi - to this day it's the only way I know to get iTunes libraries to your phone without the album art etc screwing up.
Saying that, there's always Spotify too!
In terms of build quality, the Note 2 is a mile ahead of the S3 and has a far better screen, although the sheer size difference may make your head spin. Android runs great provided you get a custom ROM, Android revolution HD is my favourite as it's a very fine tuned version of the ROM it comes with. In fact, after the hideous iOS 6 update to my ipad 3 I'd say my Android is smoother.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
I have been offered the note 2 on three with £30 discount.
I love the way the iPhone works, but I want something that is a little different. What about app synchronisation? How is this done with android?
I'll make this short and sweet.
In terms of build quality, iphone much is better.
It terms of anything else, note 2 is better.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
MohJee said:
I'll make this short and sweet.
In terms of build quality, iphone much is better.
It terms of anything else, note 2 is better.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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In what way is the note 2 better?
MohJee said:
I'll make this short and sweet.
In terms of build quality, iphone much is better.
It terms of anything else, note 2 is better.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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I totally agree you pay much more for the build quality, thats why iphones are expensive.
I have been very disappointed by the quality of the note2, let's start with the usb cable not working out of the box, a small scratch on the screen out of the box too, and a little bit deformed back cover (camera hole didn't fit perfectly).
Otherwise, I think it is a real smartphone, not a tinny cute Iphone.
How the note 2 is better? It is a computer like not a normal phone, you throw any media file in it and play it, you can use the stylus for working by writing notes on pdf files, highlighting sentences, signing docs, making plans... The extra real estate screen fot browsing Web and i mean, real browsing, not playing it cool with a 4inch toy, you can even use the stylus the way you use the mouse. And finally usb otg, just stick a usb drive and copy, cut, create docs or files or whatever you want.
I can't keep on, but as I said, you will use a smart phone for the first time in your life (if you are coming from iphones as you said) windows smartphones where very cool, but android is taking over.
Sent from my GT-N7100
RokkaMan said:
Android runs great provided you get a custom ROM, Android revolution HD is my favourite as it's a very fine tuned version of the ROM it comes with.
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I disagree, most new Android phones with ics and above run great as stock without using a new rom.
Sent from my Samsung Note II.
Tomo1971 said:
I disagree, most new Android phones with ics and above run great as stock without using a new rom.
Sent from my Samsung Note II.
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I don't use any custom roms. I love stock Samsung Note 2
Dylanlewis2000 said:
In what way is the note 2 better?
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-Screen size. Speaks for itself.
-Battery life. Probably the second best battery life on a smart phone, second only to RAZR MAXX.
-S-Pen(which comes with a whole set of features far too long for me to list here.)
-A lot of cool and useful features (multi Window, smart stay, smart rotation, direct call, pop up video player, pop up browser, swipe to screen shot and much more)
-Jelly bean (4.1.1) out of the box, official 4.1.2 coming soon.
-Quad core 1.6GHz processor, which is faster than iphone 5 dual core A6 processor.
-2GB ram.
- Feature rich camera. (best shot, best faces, low light, hdr, burst mode, panorama, face detection, share shot, smile detection, timer, anti shake + 12 effects + set exposure value +auto focus & macro focus etc...)
-micro sd card. Enough said. Allows you to add up to 64gb of additional storage. (64gb SanDisk card cost 40 or 50 dollars in amazon, or somewhere around that).
-removable battery, should for whatever reason the 3100mah be not enough for you, you can buy a spare one. Although you probably won't need one because like I said the battery life in this phone is amazing.
On top of my head, these things . I still haven't gone into the tens of dozens things what android can do that IOS simply can't, and I really don't want to since that'll take a lot of typing, and you can Google this stuff.
Also I strongly disagree with above who said that you NEED a custom rom. In my opinion, the stock experience in this phone is excellent and touchwiz is hugely improved than what it was before. You can get custom rom if that's you're thing, but you certainly don't need them. Only thing I'd advise anyone to do is to root their phone.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
You can mention thousand points why Note 2 is better, but the point is how many points are actually applicable in real life usage.
Anyway, replying to OP's query, well in short, NO, Android is NOT smoother or as smooth as iOS 6, in fact it is not smooth like the previous iOS, and I am talking about Jelly Bean 4.1. Well I am using both iPhone and Android/Samsung flagships for over three years now. I have never ditched my iPhone 4S for anything, but I just sold it for iPhone 5. I purchased Note 2 because I loved the S-Pen idea, the screen size. But being said that, when I scroll through my contacts, or some apps, my iPhone 5 is LOT smoother than my Note 2. Jelly Bean might have a name like 'Project butter' but iOS has the real butter.
Also, keep in mind that Android applications (Play Store) are NO MATCH for App Store. Yes, there are several crap in App Store, but more in Play Store, and the overall quality is pretty bad.
I love both my devices for several different reasons, so can't ditch either of them. And another thing about Android users you will see is their pathetic fanboys. They don't even mind a laggy, buggy, crappy device, they just want openness, now I never found out what is openness, the craze of CM ROM's maybe?
Now build quality, well boy, what can say but plastic? Well, Note 2 has all plastic. So I will not comment on it's build quality. Some kids will say glass will break easy, well lets drop both iP5 and Note 2, then see.
So, IMO, if optimization, fluidity and smoothness of OS matters to you big time then stick with iPhone 5, for all the other reasons go with Note 2, and if you have spare money to burn, then have both.
Now you see I have skipped all the cons about iOS, why? Because you know them already.
I am NOT a fanboy of either iOS or Android, I hate them.
I am used to prime-evil OSs, as over the last few years I have had a variety of devices ranging from Symbian os to windows mobile 3,4 and 5. All have their advantages and disadvantages, I loved windows mobile As it had fantastic email client support and a lot of apps (2003-2005 era) and I like Symbian for its simplicity and the devices Nokia created like the E90’ But since transitioning to the iPhone I have found a fantastic yet restrictive user experience.
The restrictiveness with apple is one of the main reasons they have created a fantastic App Store, whereas the Nokia and wimo stores back in the day were utter gash.
Do you get many problems with android apps? Do the fill the screen? I remember reading early reports that android apps were not filling the screen on some devices and on others refuse to run. This is something that would annoy me.
Tomo1971 said:
I disagree, most new Android phones with ics and above run great as stock without using a new rom.
Sent from my Samsung Note II.
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Uh, let's just say in my experience compared to my other android phones, that hasn't been the case yet.
And for the record, Android revolution HD is just the stock rom that's been tweaked, just to counter the "custom rom" misinformation in this thread.
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Dylanlewis2000 said:
The restrictiveness with apple is one of the main reasons they have created a fantastic App Store
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Well this is so simple to understand but some so called 'power users' are too dumb too get it
Dylanlewis2000 said:
Do you get many problems with android apps? Do the fill the screen? I remember reading early reports that android apps were not filling the screen on some devices and on others refuse to run. This is something that would annoy me.
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They fit the screen. At least the one I use, and I don't install anything I see. I first see if it's labeled as 'Top developer' or 'Editors choice', then I see the users rating. Just for an example, a good sports app, Score Mobile, labeled as Top developer, available in Play Store. I already was used to this app from my iPhone 4S. It was so smooth, so fluid in iOS, but when I use it on my Note, oh boy, I have never seen an app could lag/stutter like that. Now if this is an app labeled as 'Top Developer' then imagine the apps which are not labeled in anything.
I was an I phone user for 2 years then switched to galaxy s2 and now note 2. The I phone is idiot proof and everything just works but android is catching up. The apps are all full screen any phone and just as good as ios. The real beauty of android is if you don't like something rhen just change it. You can change anything from keyboard to launcher and widgets are a godsend. Got to say I'm really impressed with google now its spookily good, its like it can read my mind
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
I switched from iPhone 4 to Note 2 in this week.
I'm very satisfied. The only problems that i have noticed are:
- Bad email clients (even those from the market. iOS Mail is much better to use)
- Bad space management (it's impossible, i have a giant 5.5" screen and Messages app is impossible to read decently with the keyboard open)
- Best app quality in iOS (Whatsapp messenger for iOS has more options, like custom ringtones for every single contact)
- Bad display quality if you not see it directly in front of you (iPhone has IPS, which is the best display for view angles)
- Some strange response when i receive a notification. If that is a SMS the phone rings, display turns on etc, if that is a mail, i receive only a notification sound, no display on. And seems that is no way to change this.
- Apps like Facebook Messenger, that has a unique notification tone on iOS, doesnt' have that particular ringtone here, but they use a default tone chosen by the user. And that is the default tone for ALL the application that doesn't permit to personalise it.
I know that there will be solutions for a lot of this things, they will be hidden somewhere but hey, it is a huge waste of time.
Besides, it is a great phone. Great sound quality, great battery, great screen and it has so powerful hardware that it results more smooth than iPhone 4. And it's Android, which means infinite personalization and possibility to use custom roms for reaching better battery life (i suppose), better personalization, better user experience.
Sorry for my english, i'm an italian user. :fingers-crossed:
Music sync can be done with either double twist and tunesync, they both mirror itunes libraries and playlists etc.
I've been a user of the iphone 4 for 2 years and the note 2 is a HUGE improvement. People that say ios never lagged are just lying lol. iOS lagged and apps crashed on my iphone several times.
From the opinion of someone thats been on both sides, I honestly could not go back to an iphone. Mainly because of the screen size of the note 2 makes iphone screens seem too small for me to use anymore. But to each his own. Its about what suits you.
Stock rom on the note 2 is fine. I only get a lag when opening the S-Note app and a slight delay when opening the contacts app. Other than that everything has run smooth even with 3 browser windows open at once and a video playing at the same time.
As for app syncing, why? lol. I never understood the point of it on iOS and always disabled it.
app quality is definitely more refined in iOS. But improving slowly on android finally.
edit: @ the guy above my post: you can change most notification tones in the individual app settings. Facebook -> menu -> settings -> notification tone
In what way is the stock email client bad? :S I find it miles ahead of the iOS email client because you can actually attach multiple files at once. Plus for me, it is easier to use. I find the iOS mail client to be garbage. But again, thats my opinion
If iOS email client is garbage then I see fanboyism again here? And no one said iOS never lagged.
Anyway, I don't wanna argue.
jujuburi said:
If iOS email client is garbage then I see fanboyism again here? And no one said iOS never lagged.
Anyway, I don't wanna argue.
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Lol no fanboyism here. Just my opinion. I used the iphone for 2 years and the app honestly annoyed me because it felt so limited. I actually do find the stock android one better. I dont count it as fanboyism as I genuinely used both and gave both a try instead of blindly bashing one without experience.
As for the lagging. My bad, I misread one of the earlier posts. But in general I do find my friends claiming that ios never lags.
All good bro, im not looking to argue either
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
@Note 2 might be too big specially if ur coming from an iPhone
I even felt the difference between s2 and s3
2 inches more straight away ! You gonna take some time for adjusting for sure !
sent from my gs3 GT i 9300
---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------
I would say go for nexus 4 instead it has best software and is better than iPhone 5 in terms of fluidity also it has s4 pro processor faster quad core processor presently for mobile.
Only problem is space if it doesn't bother then go for it I used nexus 4 yesterday and it is awesome a bit better than s3 overall I feel , note 2 was too big for me when I used.
I think nexus 4 was the only phone I have used and is way fluid than iPhone, note 2,galaxy s3
sent from my gs3 GT i 9300
I see that the discussion took a turn to android vs. ios. I guess this is inevitable in these kind of topics. Anyways, here's my take, and I've used both operating systems.
-IOS has the advantage in a number of things. For one, there are way fewer devices to worry about. After all, the IOS is exclusive to Apple devices, which you can count on your finger tips. Android, on the other hand, runs on literally hundreds of devices (a side-effect of being open-source). Naturally, this has it's advantages and disadvantages. For instance, app developers for the IOS, for instance, can make sure that their apps work flawlessly in the Iphone, with all its models, and the Ipad, with all its models, before pushing that app into the market. An advantage of using an open source OS would be that manufacturers don't have to pay for using it in their devices, and as such can offer their devices at lower prices due to lower costs. Another advantage of being open source is that each one can manipulate the system however they like to make it unique than the others and add to it whatever they want (eg: Samsung's Touchwiz, HTC's sensation).
-Google and Apple have completely different philosophies. Apple believes in a "walled garden" approach. Meaning that they'll reject any app unless it fits to their criteria. Of course, what works for Apple in this case can't work for Google. If Google rejected any app that doesn't work perfectly with all android devices, their market would be a ghost town. Consequently, an app developer in android can release an app even if it doesn't play nice with all devices. Most of them will then update it to make it as perfect as possible (at least for the popular android devices) taking into consideration user feedback. Having said that, you'll be hard pressed to find an app that doesn't run on an android device, unless that device is old/obsolete/runs on a very old version of android. To put things in perspective, I still haven't run into an app or a game that don't work well in my note 2 or doesn't fill the entire screen, the same app would work perfect in my old Galaxy S2 before I sold it, which has a much smaller screen and used to run on Android v. 2.3 (this brings me to my next point, read below).
- Largely because it is open sourced, Android is a much more flexible OS. What do I mean by this? Well, take for example the jump from 3.5" Iphones to the now new screen size 4" in the Iphone 5. Most apps in the apple store would get letterboxed until the developers update them to support the new screen size, even though the increase in screen size is only 0.5". I've yet to run into a game or an app that doesn't fill my 5.5" screen in the note 2. If there are any, and probably there are, they would be rare.
- It's difficult to go wrong with IOS because it's a bare-boned operating system (all you really have is an app drawer.. i.e: a bunch of icons on the screen). For the most, the iOS now looks exactly how it did back in 2007. Even the notification slider (which was copied from android) is nowhere as good as it is in android. If that's all you'll ever need or want, then by all means, stay with the Iphone, because you're going to get much more than that moving to Android. It hard to go wrong when you don't actually add anything major. Of course, that's not to say Apple doesn't add things. They are masters in the art of adding things (say for example, the notification slider, rejecting a call with a message, or Panorama mode in the camera) and then calling it revolutionary, notwithstanding the fact that such things existed in other OS's for years.
Like I said this could go on for pages, and it really doesn't have to. Once you understand the concept of a 'closed' system vs. an 'open' system, you'll understand the major advantages and disadvantages of each. Having understood that, you decide for yourself which one is the best one for you. For me personally, I'd rather have device that runs Froyo than one that runs the on the latest iOS 6.

