List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)

Currently: this is a tentative supporting thread for my aGPS patch. Assuming more report success, I will start officially supporting this device.
Please let me know your success rates. Thus far, a few people have sent me messages and emails stating that this patch works great on this device.
As such, I'm thinking it would be good to provide this officially for this device.
This has been used on over 40 devices successfully. I don't offer official support for all devices. Rather, I offer official support once users convince me to do so for that particular device. That happened here.
Statistically, here is part of my post from mid-December on all official threads:
So, let me give you a general update directed to those 3.x trunk users:
My server has automatically generated an xtra.bin file for your GPS excitement 3,980 times since September 26th when the first beta went online to test it out.
My server attempts to build a new version every 30 minutes. Depending on what it can decypher from other xtra.bin sources, it provides a totally fresh xtra.bin approximately every 1.2 hours.
My server has served up over 500,000 xtra.bin files to users like you on XDA since v3.1 was released.
My server continues to provide a reliable NTP pool to v3.x users by directing your phones to a handful of RELIABLE and FAST-RESPONDING NTP servers around the world. This ensures you can travel and not have to switch NTP pools.
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Dude i have question about the Patch
1st i already done this on my Wildfire S :
Im with the Latest Stock EU 2.3.5 ROM and i must to tell you
that after i donte this gps.conf file now when u turn on my GPS even from cold start i need 2 to 5 seconds to Lock the Satelites
But i saw just your pach now and wondering to try it too.
So what does the patch do exactly?
And can you tell me witch one to install i mean will be better for me and my stock ROM?
Thank you in advance!
P.S Now im cheking what is writen inside your gps.conf file if you need i can give you mine i don`t know do is posible the GPS to lock for 1 seconds but im sure that my gps.config work because im using GPS all the time and befor to edit it i waiting 3 times more for satelites. this is why im interesting in your pach too

tsalta said:
Dude i have question about the Patch
1st i already done this on my Wildfire S :
Im with the Latest Stock EU 2.3.5 ROM and i must to tell you
that after i donte this gps.conf file now when u turn on my GPS even from cold start i need 2 to 5 seconds to Lock the Satelites
But i saw just your pach now and wondering to try it too.
So what does the patch do exactly?
And can you tell me witch one to install i mean will be better for me and my stock ROM?
Thank you in advance!
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Good question. First, that user used my work as a base for his article. I spoke with him on that because no credit was given. Apparently, someone else gave him my work and my explanations to be a basis and didn't inform him that it was verbatim something I said.
However, my patch does more than what is discussed there especially if you choose the 3.x trunk. The reliance on NTP.ORG is not the most prudent choice. So, I created my own centrally controlled DNS pool for NTP servers that have proven to be reliable across cellular networks. NTP.ORG pools thousands of servers that do not always have the best networking transmissions. This causes issues to phones who are served that NTP server by NTP.ORG.
Next, v3.x uses my own centrally maintained xtra.bin file. My server and its mirrors have proven to provide users with that data file much faster than Qualcomm servers. Further, we use a series of scripts to ensure that we are serving the most reliable file. Sometimes, Qualcomm files aren't reliable enough for our tastes. We replace it with a custom file when Qualcomm falls below a minimal reliance threshold.
Literally, a large number of ROM developers bake this into their ROMs on already supported devices. From that, thousands of users operate with this patch daily. My servers are sending xtra.bin files and NTP server information constantly.
I always recommend the "Google Build" to all users. Most ROM dev's use the 3.1 Google Build in their ROM's at this time. Other builds are available for those who want Network specific options.
The alternate build is for those who have an old Qualcomm GPS chipset that cannot handle particular data processing. This resolves that problem.

My GPS is working good but I'll test this tomorrow out of curiosity.
I stumbled upon your thread a couple of weeks ago and posted a link to it in a GPS thread for wildfire s, just never got round to trying it.

intel007 said:
My GPS is working good but I'll test this tomorrow out of curiosity.
I stumbled upon your thread a couple of weeks ago and posted a link to it in a GPS thread for wildfire s, just never got round to trying it.
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Let me know how it goes. I'm looking forward to supporting more devices officially. Right now, I'm on target to do official support for 7 more devices including this one if all goes well.

crypted said:
Good question. First, that user used my work as a base for his article. I spoke with him on that because no credit was given. Apparently, someone else gave him my work and my explanations to be a basis and didn't inform him that it was verbatim something I said.
However, my patch does more than what is discussed there especially if you choose the 3.x trunk. The reliance on NTP.ORG is not the most prudent choice. So, I created my own centrally controlled DNS pool for NTP servers that have proven to be reliable across cellular networks. NTP.ORG pools thousands of servers that do not always have the best networking transmissions. This causes issues to phones who are served that NTP server by NTP.ORG.
Next, v3.x uses my own centrally maintained xtra.bin file. My server and its mirrors have proven to provide users with that data file much faster than Qualcomm servers. Further, we use a series of scripts to ensure that we are serving the most reliable file. Sometimes, Qualcomm files aren't reliable enough for our tastes. We replace it with a custom file when Qualcomm falls below a minimal reliance threshold.
Literally, a large number of ROM developers bake this into their ROMs on already supported devices. From that, thousands of users operate with this patch daily. My servers are sending xtra.bin files and NTP server information constantly.
I always recommend the "Google Build" to all users. Most ROM dev's use the 3.1 Google Build in their ROM's at this time. Other builds are available for those who want Network specific options.
The alternate build is for those who have an old Qualcomm GPS chipset that cannot handle particular data processing. This resolves that problem.
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OKay thank you i already install Patch 3 Google you recomend will chek and will see how its working and will write a coment here
TEST: I install the Google one that you recomend And i test it outsite from cold Start what i mean is just restart the device and RUN the GPS after 6-7 Seconds IS done and what i saw i have Locked 11 Satelites this is alot i think.
So this is when i run the GPS for 1st time after sistem rebot
After this if i run it again there is not time to lock the satelites i mean the satelites are lock for 1-2 seconds almost imideately after run the GPS
So im guessing your pach is working Because the result is cool and 11 Satelites is serious

How fast received data is "expiring" ? I'm asking this because my phone rarely has internet connectivity while using gps (mobile internet disabled).

__DS__ said:
How fast received data is "expiring" ? I'm asking this because my phone rarely has internet connectivity while using gps (mobile internet disabled).
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The xtra.bin data files upon creation are valid for 24 hours. The least amount of time from my server (v3.x uses it) is 23 hours if you download it right before rebuilds.

Version 3.1 flashable works great on the marvelc.
Sent from my HTC_A510c

Hello Bigchillin what file and method did you use for our version of the phone i am running S-off rooted 2.3.4 insink71Marvelc rom

Turtlejoe22 said:
Hello Bigchillin what file and method did you use for our version of the phone i am running S-off rooted 2.3.4 insink71Marvelc rom
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If you want to give it a try before you hear a response from him, I'd start off with the v3.1 Google build. That is used almost all the time. It's also the version ROM dev's include in the ROM's that do include this patch.

But what method should i use ??

Turtlejoe22 said:
But what method should i use ??
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I prefer flashing the file from my SD card in recovery mode.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

btw, where downloaded file stored in phone filesystem ?

__DS__ said:
btw, where downloaded file stored in phone filesystem ?
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It depends on what files you are discussing. Do you mean the files that the patch flashes? If so, it flashes gps.conf and suplrootcert to your /system/etc/ directory.

I used the version 3.x trunk cwm flashable zip. Just download and flash just like any other zip.
Sent from my HTC_A510c using Tapatalk

crypted said:
It depends on what files you are discussing. Do you mean the files that the patch flashes? If so, it flashes gps.conf and suplrootcert to your /system/etc/ directory.
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No, downloaded file with gps info.

__DS__ said:
No, downloaded file with gps info.
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Good question. In theory, it should be downloaded and stored in /data/ but that never happens. The daemon, gpsd, is in charge of downloading and parsing it. Various configurations operate differently. I would imagine yours downloads, parses, and stores it as data within its general gps temp files containing operative information.
Sorry I cannot be more specific at this point. My work focuses on better retrieval of information, time, and enabling extra variables which permit faster processing of the GPS data.
I haven't played with the internal guts and libs of the GPS system itself. I have found the internal structure is fine as it is based on our work thus far; the problem for many of us lies in the gps.conf configuration and latency for data downloads.

I install it via the ADB push i think this is even more easy because no need to put the file in the storage card then go in recovery and flash it etc
Its simple download just the ADB conect the device run the bat press 3 or whatever you want hit enter and you are ready then will ask you for rebot its a job for a seconds super easy so i flash it like this


[2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

This thread is for development related to the Google Android OS running on the CDMA version of the Touch Pro 2.
Special Thanks to all of the GSM developers for taking care of the hard stuff
Last Update Date: 2/27/2010 11:45 PM EST
Current Download Link:
For those who still can't get wifi to load with the most recent upload please try the 2 suggestions below:
-Ensure wifi is started in WM prior to initiating haret
-Turn off security on your wireless connection
1) Delete existing android files (ensure data.img is deleted)
2) Extract files from zip onto root of SD card
Use this at your own risk. I doubt any harm will come to you or your phone, but if you get hit by a bus while loading android don't blame me.
Please see post #2 for zImage Downloads, FAQ, Detailed Status and Change Log
Detailed Status and Change Log
Upcoming Changes:
-CDMA Data
-Speaker w/o calling prior to loading Haret
Change Log:
2/27/2010 11:45 PM EST
Issues with previous upload. Please try new link.
2/27/2010 10:00 PM EST
-autobuild zImage and my modified rootfs to use CDMA radio
-WIFI thanks to MrPippy
2/27/2010 2:22 PM EST
-Many many new enhancements from the current repository. Still no wifi, data or BT, but some great UI and other hardware updates. Special thanks to phhusson, mrpippy and the rest of the GSM guys for their constant changes!
1/25/2010 1:10 AM EST
-Mic is now functional in calls w/o having to initiate a call in WM
-Power management is now active, screen will turn black
-Keypad response on dial pad has been greatly improved
-Phone can now be fully powered off by holding end key and selecting "Power off"
Please use full download link in post #1
1/12/2010 11:24 PM EST - Updated Keymapping
CDMA Radio - Ability to make and receive calls
Key Mapping
Power Management
Screen Rotation
Not working:
Much Much more...
-In order to fully utilize mic / speaker you must place a call in WM prior to loading haret. Easiest method is to call your VM then while connected load haret. If you do not place a call prior to loading haret only your mic will function.
-If you have trouble registering onto your network follow the instructions below:
Go to Settings
Select "Wireless & networks"
Select "Mobile Networks"
Select "Network operators"
(Let the phone search)
Select "Select automatically"
You should now receive a message stating that you have been "Registered on Network"
If this does not work the first time, try it again.
For anyone who is interested in setting up their own dev environment follow my guide below.
Even if you don't have any programming expeierce you may have fun exploring the inner workings of Android.
Quick and Dirty Install Guide to setting up local dev environment by 95-Civic:
1) If you don't already have a linux box setup I would suggest downloading VM ware and finding a free image of Ubuntu.
2) From there head over to which should walk you through the installation of all packages required to retrieve and compile the source code.
3) It will take several hours to pull in the entire repository. Once download you do not need to compile the android code in order in order to build the kernel, we will use the prebuilt directory
4) Once you have copied the repository you will want to get a copy of linux-on-qualcomm. cd into the android source directory
5) type:
git clone git://
this process may take several hours depending on your internet connection speed
6) Copy the prebuilt directory from the android source over into the new directory created by the command above (linux-msm)
cp -r prebuilt ./linux-msm
7) CD into the linux-msm directory
8 ) Run the following command
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.3.1/bin/arm-eabi- htc_msm_android_defconfig
9) If no errors are listed you will receive the following message: "configuration written to .config". Continue to step 10
10) Run
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.3.1/bin/arm-eabi- zImage
11) When complete (if compiled successfully) you will now brand new zImage located in ./arch/arm/boot/zImage
As long as you use the rootfs.img and system.sqsh that I provided in the zip file you should have access to the CDMA radio to make and receive calls. In some cases you will not have access to the radio depending on the default configurations in the htc_msm_android_defconfig file.
Custom config is attached. You will need to unzip and copy the attached file into the linux-msm/arch/arm/configs directory. When running step 8 replace htc_msm_android_defconfig with htc_tp2_cdma_defconfig
This will not have any of the changes, additions, and tweaks I've made to the linux-msm source. However it should give you a fresh bootable image and a great place to start. I would like to create a gitorious clone in the near future but right now any free time is better spent on data.
Happy coding and please feel free to PM with any questions.
Just wanted to thank you for your effort, this is very exciting! Are you planning on following this all the way through until everything is functional and it can flashed on to the phone?
95-civic said:
CDMA Radio - Ability to make and receive calls
Key Mapping
Not working
Just about everything else
Mapping of the End key (I'll post an updated image tomorrow with the correct mapping. Easy fix)
Speaker and Mic (unless you make a call from WM prior to loading Haret)
Many more...
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I have a GSM phone I see your working on the end key mapping for cdma.
I did ask in the bounty thread about learning how to map and fix end key for tilt 2 gsm your compiled zimage wont work for my gsm phone with the fix will it?
Looking forward to testing your work Civic, great job so far and looking forward to future updates.
Way to go Civic, this is extremely exciting. I have been quite envious of the RAPH800 Android functionality (turned my RAPH800 into insurance for the RHOD400).
I have you bookmarked, will continue to test updated builds and report back.
On this one, nothing new to report on errors - no data, but I did connect to sprint network. I had called my VM before booting, but I had no mic or speaker, will try again.
Thanks and great job!
Great Job
Hi Civic,
I just wanted to thank you for your work, flashed the rom last night, this is the best build thus far.
I did try out your version of XDAndroid and it seems a bit more sluggish/buggy than ones I have used out of the Topaz/TD2 thread.
CDMA radio works for me in both versions.
Obviously No Data or SMS.
One good way to speed up the install on the slower SD cards is to put the card in a memory card reader on a PC and run windows defragmenter on the card.
This is after you have booted into android the first time so you have the 256MB data.img already generated. I personally noticed a speed/fluidity improvement on my 8gb Class 2 SD card (came with BB Storm), however your mileage may vary.
defragmenting works on regular HDD because if a file is spread across different sections of the disk, it takes time to move the head and read those parts of the disk.
defragmenting won't make any difference with solid state media because there are no moving parts and its access time is virtually 0. it doesn't matter if a block of a file is on sector 0 or on sector 308563434, solid state drives access them all with exactly the same speed.
defragmenting on solid state media is a snake oil recipe.
torn8o said:
I have a GSM phone I see your working on the end key mapping for cdma.
I did ask in the bounty thread about learning how to map and fix end key for tilt 2 gsm your compiled zimage wont work for my gsm phone with the fix will it?
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Shakes head, you do realize why this thread was started. Not to work on GSM, but for CDMA version. There are a TON of GSM android threads right now, but no real CDMA thread.
And 95-civic... THANK YOU!!!
Thanks been waiting for this kind of thread.
I loved using Android on my XV6800 but once I switch to TP2 I lost access to the marketplace (still waiting to see if someone can get wifi working). So I cannot wait to try this for TP2!
Just out of curiosity, what is your end goal? A fully functional flushable android rom (which would be great) or a fully functional harret?
---and I am more that willing to donate some cash for the final result
klynch_gdd said:
Shakes head, you do realize why this thread was started. Not to work on GSM, but for CDMA version. There are a TON of GSM android threads right now, but no real CDMA thread.
And 95-civic... THANK YOU!!!
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I do realize this is a cdma thread you must have missed this statement
I did ask in the bounty thread about learning how to map and fix end key for tilt 2 gsm your compiled zimage wont work for my gsm phone with the fix will it?
I asked here because an option to help was offered in the prior posts in another thread.
Also, is it possible to get the gsensor working. I find pulling out the stylus to activate landscape to be somewhat annoying. Is that just a temporary thing, will we eventually get to use of the gsensor and the keyboard slide activating the landscape?
It's amazing how such great progress can be made and yet someone has to ask about the gsensor working. Baby steps man. Speakers and Mic are very important. Then data and SMS. Once the basic phone functions are there, I'm sure Civic or someone else will start attacking things like Gsensor. Sorry, not trying to be rude but focus on what's more important and don't worry about the smaller stuff. Kudos Civic. Well done.
On a side note, I also would like to know if you plan to take this all the way to the finished product with a flashable ROM. Either way, you can expect a donation in the next few weeks from me. (Christmas wiped me out!)
Thank you so much!! I love this phone, and I think android on it will blow the nexus one away. I cant stand on screen keyboards!! Keep up the good work and you will be getting my donations and many many thanks!!
new zImage Available
The most recent zImage can be found in post #2. Unzip the zImage to your SD root and over write existing file. Don't forget to delete the data.img file as well.
Not a huge change but I've fixed the key mapping. I've had less than an combined hour over the past 48 hours to get in front of my home computer due to long days at the office this week, next step is to tackle the speaker / mic issue.
torn8o said:
I have a GSM phone I see your working on the end key mapping for cdma.
I did ask in the bounty thread about learning how to map and fix end key for tilt 2 gsm your compiled zimage wont work for my gsm phone with the fix will it?
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I don't own a GSM phone so I can't confirm. Try the most recent zImage in post #2, just remove the ".95-civic" from the end of the file and overwrite you existing zImage.
BTW the ".95-civic" will be removed in the next build. Obviously it's just a simple renaming of the file, but we'll call it .CDMATP2 or something along those lines.
drb115 said:
Just out of curiosity, what is your end goal? A fully functional flushable android rom (which would be great) or a fully functional harret?
---and I am more that willing to donate some cash for the final result
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Would you like me to put a project charter together? lol... j/k
For now I will continue with Harret, but ultimately we all would love to have a flashable rom to utilize the phone's internal memory. Since just above every other htc phone is ahead of us with their android ports, I'm hoping someone figures this part out by the time we catch up!
drb115 said:
Also, is it possible to get the gsensor working. I find pulling out the stylus to activate landscape to be somewhat annoying. Is that just a temporary thing, will we eventually get to use of the gsensor and the keyboard slide activating the landscape?
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As mentioned in another reply this is low priority on the list, however if you could get everyone else in the group to agree that this is more important that the speaker / mic I'll gladly do this for you.

[2010.2.4 New Testing Package] Online..

Time changes, and things go better and better.
This thread is dedicated to test the android and try to figure out where is the problem
The NEW KERNEL ROCKS.. With double RAM.
And the new rootfs is cleaner than before.
I am going to release a new package (which I just did some small editing)
What can you do with this package?
Connect ADB (very important for debugging)
Put everything in a folder of your SDCard
Supply with NEW kernel and now you have more free RAM
Enjoy the cleaner rootfs (I have made some small modifications)
Download :
If any of you know how to enable chat in irc, please let me know.
Current Android boot from HARET which start from Windows Mobiles.
It consist of several components. Each of those is having unique functions.
Passing parameters to kernel which enable users to specify machine specific data
Current parameters including screen size, dpi, rotation, etc.
2. Kernel
The most important piece of code that enable everything to talk to the machine.
Developers here are most focus on this area as the other are greatly supported by google and other developers.
Kernel also determine what the hardware could do, and how it connects to other devices.
3. rootfs.img
This is the root of the linux, which initialize the OS. Especially running some startup scripts and mounting folder.
4. system.sqsf
The is the base Operating System of something call ANDROID. For others, you may considered them the basic environment of mobile Linux. For what we call CupCake / Donut / Eclair are stored here.
What we will be doing is to test out the features and bugs and locate the part of the about components affecting it.
Updated ADB howto:
Grab my base package.
Connect to computer before running Haret.
Wait until Android boot complete.
Install Google SDK USB drive for whatever device show up.
droid explorer or "adb device" to test.
If no device found, replug the usb cable.
This post would be updated with agenda drawing most concerns. We need your testing to see if you have any similar problems.
Top priority:
Device can't be wake.
Rear speaker always on.
This post would updates the testing items, and report the latest status.
Everything here are replaced with most recent findings and once more users confirmed, it moves up.
Do not believe everything in this post, but try falsify it. Reports in here would be presices to the level of component and versions.
So make sure you know what you are testing.
This post is a testing invitation, with trials and errors.
If someone raised an interesting phenomenon, we are going to invites members to test it. And the result format would be given as well.
This post may be changed from time to time to refect the new items needed to test (including the return format)
Now, let's kick start.
#1 To Test the base package in post 1
Return with following format.
Machine Type: BLAC100 (other devices are welcomed, but of course we are BLAC owners and would focus on it)
Test build: 2010.2.4
Calendar / Gmail : BOTH OK
Google Voice: OK
Deep Sleep: YES (To test it, disable WIFI, Any USB, and press END KEY to sleep. If deep sleep is working, the system should not be up with key other than the power key)
Wake up: Crashed sometimes initially and get stablized later
ADB Connection: OK
Additional Package Installed: Facebook, dolphin
Suggestion: Replaced with kernel version xxxx would help to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (if you found out how to make the build better)
Please post your kernel version (or if you have no idea, the file name of the wifi module) if you found youself never had problem with sleep and wake (not yourself, but your blackstone android).
Lets begin this thread with a constructive approach to achieve our desired goal.
Will Post the feedback as requested.
Machine Type: BLAC100
Radio: Security unlocked (Kovsky)
Calendar / Gmail : BOTH OK
Deep Sleep: YES but say after 10 minutes it wont wake-up.
Market: Working with downloads.
Additional Package: Facebook, Wifi toggle, Currency converter, Battery lite.
imtiyazee said:
Machine Type: BLAC100
Radio: Security unlocked (Kovsky)
Calendar / Gmail : BOTH OK
Deep Sleep: YES but say after 10 minutes it wont wake-up.
Market: Working with downloads.
Additional Package: Facebook, Wifi toggle, Currency converter, Battery lite.
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Thanks for your report. Developers is aware of the wake up issue of blackstone. It is however, seems still not fixed in the new kernel.
And Pierre-Hugues Husson would disable the deep sleep function (consume a little more battery) in up coming kernels, and we can try it on very soon.
mcdull said:
Thanks for your report. Developers is aware of the wake up issue of blackstone. It is however, seems still not fixed in the new kernel.
And Pierre-Hugues Husson would disable the deep sleep function (consume a little more battery) in up coming kernels, and we can try it on very soon.
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Thanks for the update.
Brendan shanks has changed pid on kernel to "0c01", this should enable working with ADB without hacking the inf file.
This was deployed on Build: [email protected]_071547.
Let us know if this makes any difference for you, and whether HTC sync is now possible.
It works perfect
I am using ANDROID_bLACKSTONE_TESTBUILD_20100125.ZIP & zImage-modules-20100129_022341 and it works perfect on my Blackstone till now.
Wi-Fi - OK
Synchronization with google account - OK
Sleep mode - OK
It is FAST
Call IN and OUT - OK
this combination is best of the best till now what I tried.
Roadrunner100 said:
Brendan shanks has changed pid on kernel to "0c01", this should enable working with ADB without hacking the inf file.
This was deployed on Build: [email protected]_071547.
Let us know if this makes any difference for you, and whether HTC sync is now possible.
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AFAIK, HTC Sync will not work just yet. And I was not able to connect to ADB after the change. I need to test on some editing.
- Theory
As I already mentioned, the latest implementation of kernel prevent the proper installation of usb driver, and we need to fall back to old kernel to install the driver first (which the old kernel has 0c02 address).
Now, the modification has put the case into dead end. coz we can have no way to ask the computer to install a correct driver with 0c01 address.
In such case it is more difficult to modify the whole batch of driver setting then just the ini. I still have no go in using ADB.
The HTC Dream driver for windows seems works on ADB again.
As suggested by Brendan Shanks, you need to modify the "eclair.user.conf" (stored in the conf/ folder on your SD card), at the bottom, add this line to the custom_shells section:
echo 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
And I have successfully to connect to ADB again.
mcdull said:
The HTC Dream driver for windows seems works on ADB again.
As suggested by Brendan Shanks, you need to modify the "eclair.user.conf" (stored in the conf/ folder on your SD card), at the bottom, add this line to the custom_shells section:
echo 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
And I have successfully to connect to ADB again.
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Thanks for that. I will try also.
Today, I started seeing the traffic animating 3G icon for the first time.
ADB working
Thank's mcdull ,using the Brendan Shanks method , ADB is working very well.
I'm using the 29-01 kernel and i changed the eclair.user.conf.
After that , the Droid explorer works well .
Bluetooth and GPS , the last frontier.
cbolumar said:
Thank's mcdull ,using the Brendan Shanks method , ADB is working very well.
I'm using the 29-01 kernel and i changed the eclair.user.conf.
After that , the Droid explorer works well .
Bluetooth and GPS , the last frontier.
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Great. For others information, all needed changes and new kernel has been included in the latest package.
can some1 list what is working with this release of android and what isnt..thnx
WiFi don't go ON
In my blackston WiFi is not workng , anyone have some idea how i can solve this problem.
Check Out 7) (2nd post)

[Source][Dll][XAP] The HtcRoot project - Testers needed

The result of probably more than 100 hours of solo hackery: a working COM DLL for allowing any application to elevate itself to SYSTEM (root) permissions.
What you need:
An interop-unlocked HTC phone. Sorry second-gen and Arrive users.
A working HtcUtility driver. It's possible some HTC update at some point crippled this. It works for me; if it doesn't work for you let me know what updates you have.
What it does:
Allows changing the security token of any application to give that app unrestricted permissions. At this point, you can call any user-mode API, perform any operation, with full access.
It also allows you to read or write any value from memory, even kernel memory (this is how it modifes the security token).
What it can be used for:
Darn near anything. If it can be done while the phone is booted, you can do it.
What it can't be used for:
Modifying the ROM - the R and O stand for "read only" and they mean it.
Interop-unlocking a phone - it requires interop-unlock to get root in the first place.
How to use it:
In your app, include the HtcRoot.dll library.
Include the code from DriverAccessTest.cs in the test app (defines the COM API and enables using it).
Call the OpenHtcUtility function (will throw an exception if your device is incompatible).
Call the MakeMeRoot function (can also throw exceptions).
(OPTIONAL) Call the ReturnZeroIfRoot function to make sure your app is elevated (does not throw exceptions, will return an error code if you get one).
Do stuff with SYSTEM permissions (probably using another COM DLL, such as for registry or filesystem access).
Call the RestoreToken function (failure to do this *might* cause a kernel memory leak).
Call the CloseHtcUtility function (OS will probably handle this if program just exits).
What you can do right now:
Try the test app. It should pop up a series of messge boxes. Hopefully none of them say anything like "FAILURE".
Report any bugs or failures you discover.
Build things with this library, and publish them!
Breakdown of the download:
There are two folders in the ZIP, one for the Visual Studio 2010 C#/Silverlight XAP project, and one for the Visual Studio 2008 C++/COM DLL project.
The test XAP is in the HtcUtilityTest\bin\Debug folder.
The native (COM) DLL is also available in that folder, or under its own project.
If you want to mess with this, I'm going to assume you are already familiar with hybrid native/managed development for WP7. If not, Heathcliff74 has posted an excellent tutorial on this forum.
Special thanks to:
Heathcliff74 for the hybrid app tutorial and interop unlock info.
Paul_Hammons for the links and info about HtcUtility, the driver that makes this possible. Thread:
Supported devices / firmware versions / ROMs
All HTC devices (if interop-unlocked and with the right firmware numbers) should be compatible.
Some custom ROMs work, some do not. This will depend on the version of the firmware that the ROM's HtcUtility driver is taken from.
I believe I compiled the test app as Mango-only, but the native library doesn't care at all.
Stock ROMs with compatible firmware for HD7, Trophy, Mozart
HD2 (BttF [XBmod-Yuki] v2 SP1)
Not compatible:
Firmware version 2250.21.51004.401 or newer
Verizon Trophy firmware version 2305.13.20104.605 or newer
DFT ROM with build 8107, Firmware 5.10.401
Arrive (except on pre-Mango), Titan, Radar, Titan 2 (no interop-unlock)
Others are untested or results are incomplete.
Goals and future work:
Support more devices:
* Try and add support for newer firmware.
* Help ROM cookers ensure the library is supported.
* Look for similar openings in other OEM libraries.
* Allow installation of a mod to support this capability after known updates.
* Resilience against possible future updates.
* Allow users with incompatible devices to downgrade (possibly to NoDo), install the mod, and be able to use the phone after upgrading.
Improve the library:
* Fix some memory leaks.
* Clean up the code - remove dead code and improve comments.
* Allow reading/writing more than 4 bytes at a time from managed code.
* Add APIs to elevate other processes (by name or ID) to SYSTEM.
Develop homebrew around the library:
* Support accessing common APIs (filesystem, etc.).
* Resurrect the Advanced Explorer app, perhaps (registry and filesystem).
* Support native app launching on stock ROMs.
Also reserved
Reserved for OP #2
It does not work on HTC 7 Mozart (HTC Europe):
Error to Write the value 1337 to test address - System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8007001F): A device attached to the system is not functioning
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OS: 7.10.7740.16
Firmware: 2250.21.51101.401
Boot: 5.11.2250.1(133487)
Please include the full error message or a description of what went wrong.
Failure on fully updated devices is unfortunately possible - my phone is (intentionally) a few updates behind. I'm looking into ways to make it work anyhow (either sending an older CAB update to roll back, or using the root acess to create an unlocker/root-enabler that survives subsequent updates). I'm going to look into how the full-unlock ROMs differ from standard ROMs, and see if I can do the same thing in running software.
Does it works with custom roms?
If the custom ROM has a working HtcUtility driver, then yes. My goal is to unlock the kind of capabilities normally restricted to custom ROMs on stock firmware, though.
@bleh815: Thanks for the report. That's frustrating; it looks like it is capable of doing read but not write. Write might just be restricted in what addresses is allowed, or it might be disabled entirely (the driver gives the same error code for every problem that I've encountered so far). Time to figure out
A) what update causes the problem (I'm on 2250.21.30102.531, HD7, stock ROM)
B) what restrictions that update introduces
C) how to work around those resrtictions (possibly by downgrading and then using root access to add something that will still work after upgrade).
GoodDayToDie said:
A) what update causes the problem (I'm on 2250.21.30102.531, HD7, stock ROM)
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I've just downgraded a mozart of mine back to stock NoDo (TMOB-DE) to find out which OEM update breaks (actually fixes) it.
Cool, thanks! It's one of the post-Mango HTC updates; a Microsoft update wouldn't have modified an HTC driver, and my phone has all the pre-Mango HTC updates but it still works.
Hi, at first it says "SUCCESS!", then it says "Trying to open a file gives error 1260" and then it says "Now opening a file gives error 0" and finally "Finally, opening a file gives error 1260".
System informations:
HTC 7 Trophy.
That is *exactly* the sequence of messages it is supposed to give!!
In particular, the messages I need to see are the "SUCCESS" (the rest is potentially interesting info, but not very important) and then the "Now opening a file gives error 0".
The "SUCCESS" means that a sequence of read/write tests succeeded.
The "Now... error 0" means that the process has been elevated to full permissions.
The "Finally... error 1260" means that the security token was successfully restored at the end, so it was unable to open the file again. This is the expected and correct behavior.
I don't recognize your Firmware Version number; I'm guessing it's specific to your phone. What method did you use to upgrade to Mango?
how do i install it?
Tried on interop-unlocked HTC Surround, not working Tested any call in VS debug mode - no luck at all.
I can confirm that it works with any OS version, from 7004 to 8107.79
On a HTC 7 Mozart (TMOB-DE) it works with firmware 2250.21.13201.111 (Stock NoDo ROM) but the hole gets fixed with 2250.21.51101.111 (1st Post-Mango HTC Update).
You guys are gods taking programming to a hole new level!
I wish to see ms take you all more serious and not let wp7 fail like minmo6.5 did!
I wish I could get on your level!
I realy need some help lerning basic silverlight my self!
But I have read how hybrid working ant this is just fantastic!
conradulations on all your developments so far you guys are truly amazing!
Oh, that code, beautiful reading that!
Thanks for sharing this learnfull code!
I'd like to try it on my Verizon HTC Trophy, I would love to get file access back....
I downloaded the package and I even have VS 2010 installed but beyond that I have no idea as I am not a programmer.
Can someone post a compiled XAP for us to try to see if our phone works with it or not ?
Or some step by step VS 201 directions to try would also be helpful.
@Ttblondey: *FACEPALM* The path to the test XAP is given in the opening post. You install the XAP on your phone using any XAP deployment tool. It requires that your phone be interop-unlocked; Heathcliff74 has a nice long thread about that. The app is called called HtcUtilityTest. Run it, and report the results. If you want to actually *use* the DLL, the instructions for doing that are given too but you need to write some code.
@sensboston: PLEASE give a more complete report! Success and error messages, at the least. Also, your phone version info. Thanks!
@bleh815: THANK YOU! I mean, it's a little annoying to know how far back this was fixed ("First post-Mango HTC update" means the one that was included *with* Mango for most people, or the one after that?) but good to know. Now, to look at exactly what they changed...
@jackrabbit72380: Thanks man! As for working with it yourself, like I mention below, I'm planning to provide a universal homebrew library that people can easily use to do whatever they want.
@fiinix: You're welcome! Honestly, I didn't expect anybody to call my mess of debug-commented and mildly hacky C++ "beautiful" but that hack itself *is* pretty awesome. My only concern with using it is the risk of a context switch causing the wrong app's token to get overwritten, and I should probably look into that, but I think it's OK for the moment. There are bigger fish to fry.
In the meantime, it should open up a huge list of capabilities for tools like your DllImport project. I'm currently considering reviving Advanced Explorer (like TouchXplorer + Registry Editor, but open source; was never ported to Mango though) using the root access instead of using ComFileRW and the provxml driver. Let me know what you want to do with it!
One other thing I'd like to add is the ability to easily elevate *another* process; it's not hard to do but I haven't written it yet. This could be handy for apps where we don't have the source code (for example, elevate Schaps registry editor, which uses low-privilege native code for browsing, so it can read *all* registry locations instead of just some of them).
@DavidinCT: Well, running the test app is easy, just install the XAP. It just runs a battery of tests though, it doesn't actually *do* anything useful. To get filesystem access, you'll need to write some native code (which means using Visual Studio 2008 and the CE/Smart Device plug-in, see Heathcliff74's toturial on the subject). Basically, you would first use this DLL (accessed via COM, you can look at my own C# code for how to do that) to opent he driver handle and elevate the process to root. You could then write your own COM DLL that uses the standard Win32 filesystem APIs (CreateFile, etc. - all are documented on MSDN) and exposes those APIs, or the results of them, to managed code via COM. Then, back in your phone app (the one that called into my HtcRoot DLL) you can call into your own DLL to access the file system.
If that's too big a leap, don't worry. I plan to release a general-purpose high-privilege homebrew DLL that exposes some of the most-used functionality (filesystem, registry, provxml, and other things by request), is easily extensible (possibly using something like the DllImport project, where you just specify the function you want to call and the DLL it's located in right from C#), and that will be a lot easier to hack with. You'll still need to know C# and basic Silverlight, but it'll be a lot easier (and hopefully useful without knowing any C++ or COM).
GoodDayToDie, you are amazing, always keeping me interested!
When starting the test xap, I get the below, it then goes into the "Page Name" and that's it.
Device Info here, running a FullUnlock DFT Rom by a Chinese dev from the DFT Forum.
Nonetheless, top work on getting this started and can't wait to keep reading about the progress!

[XAP][Source] Root Webserver - v2.3.1 (supports Full or Root Tools unlock)

UPDATE: Still working on a newer version of the webserver, but I've been distrcted by a number of other projects lately (including getting a new job). The most important news is that the Root Webserver works great with WP7 Root Tools; you don't need a full-unlocked ROM or HtcRoot compatibility anymore! Just mark the app as Trusted in the WP7 Root Tools policy pivot, and you're good to go.
Sorry for the long delay, I've been working on many different things. One of them is re-write of a substantial part of this app, to make it more modular and extensible and also to add more features. That re-write is far from done, any may end up being broken into a few smaller pieces once any of the new or re-written features reach release-quality without the whole app being unusably broken.
This project started out as a child of the HtcRoot project. It no longer requires HtcRoot; full-unlock or WP7 Root Tools work fine. It's also a child of the Functional Webserver / WebServer (Mango) projects, and builds on their open-source foundations. Its goal is to allow unfettered access to your phone through the convenience of a web browser.
Fifth release (v2.3.1)
Platform release, minor feature release, minor library update, bugfixes
Should now be compatible with fully unlocked custom ROMs, even if they can't use the HtcRoot project.
This release does not include NativeIO_Mango source, as it was not changed. If you need the source for this library, extract it from the 2.2.0 download.
Homebrew library (v1.6.3)
Better detection and reporting of exceptions due to not being root.
Should be safe to use the HtcRoot functionality on fully-unlocked ROMs.
Please see the changelog in the app for details and history
Note that this app requires a slight update to NativeIO_Mango from @fiinix's version. There were some bugs in the library that were making things difficult, so I fixed them. I also changed the return values of a couple functions (though the signatures are unchanged) to give the ability to return error codes from COM. Source code for both the managed Homebrew and COM NativeIO_Mango libraries is included, along with compiled binaries. Source code for the HtcUtility library can be downloaded from the HtcRoot proect.
View folder and ROM Module last-modified dates. (NEW 2.3.1)
File attribute info now presented better. (NEW 2.3.1)
Upload files anywhere. (2.2.0)
Create and delete directories anywhere. (2.2.0)
Delete writable files.
Add or Remove readonly attribute from files. (2.2.0)
See file size and attributes for any file.
Browse the entire filesystem.
Download any file (still not ROM modules, though).
Static HTML files in a "Content" folder for easier editing.
Easy link to browse (and add your own files) to Content folder (2.2.0)
All features of previous WebServer versions (IsoStore uploading, authentication, etc.)
Fixed a case where setting file attributes or uploading a file would fail due to lacking permissions.
Fixed the potential for infinite loops on fully-unlocked ROMs compatibel with the HtcRoot project.
More effort to eliminate RootException / Error 1260.
Access the registry as well as the filesystem.
Better access to installed application info and folders.
View, edit, move, and rename files.
Rename and move directories.
Server-side commands (process provxml, for example)?
Filesystem/Registry/Application search?
Known Bugs:
App may take several seconds to close; don't re-launch it immediately or weird things may happen.
Touching the screen while the app is in "root" mode appears to cause a crash, and posible resource leak.
Error 1260 (Least Privileged Chamber) may still occasionally appear on first access attempt or two... really wish I knew why.
Developer-unlocked phone (if you remove ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES it will work without root access, cutting off most of the filesystem).
For root access, you need *EITHER*
* A fully-unlocked ROM
* An interop-unlocked HTC phone with working HtcUtility driver
If your phone is compatible with the HtcRoot project, you're OK.
Thanks To:
Davux (original author of the "Functional Webserver" app)
Fiinix (Ported the NativeIO library and Webserver app to Mango)
MarysFetus (designed icons and graphics for the webserver app - site
Everybody who helped make the HtcRoot project possible.
Have fun!
Reserved for OP
Also reserved.
pretty neat
I'm not by my HTC HD2 but anybody know if will this work on it under the B.t.t.F ROM?
Awesome work GDTD!
EDIT: Doesn't work on a HTC HD2 on B.t.t.F v2.1 @ 8107 (no SP1) I get the following error when trying to connect from my PC:
Exception while getting the listing for /!
Homebrew.InteropException: Error listing subdirectories of ! GetLastError: 1260 at Homebrew.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories(String filter) at Homebrew.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories() at WebServer.MainPage.handler.BuildDirectoryListing(String dirPath) at WebServer.MainPage.handler.Process(RequestContext context) at HttpServer.Server.ProcessModules(RequestContext context) at HttpServer.Server.HandleRequest(RequestEventArgs e) at HttpServer.Server.OnRequest(Object sender, RequestEventArgs e) at HttpServer.HttpListener.OnRequest(Object sender, RequestEventArgs e) at HttpServer.HttpContext.OnRequest(Object sender, FactoryRequestEventArgs e) at HttpServer.Messages.MessageFactoryContext.OnMessageComplete(Object sender, EventArgs e) at HttpServer.Messages.Parser.HttpParser.OnComplete() at HttpServer.Messages.Parser.HttpParser.GetHeaderName() at HttpServer.Messages.Parser.HttpParser.Parse(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at HttpServer.Messages.MessageFactoryContext.Parse(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 length) at HttpServer.HttpContext.ParseBuffer(Int32 bytesLeft) at HttpServer.HttpContext.OnReceive(Int32 bytesLeft) at HttpServer.HttpContext.b__a() at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStartHelper(ThreadHelper t) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStartHelper()
It is interop unlocked so I don't get the error.
Kill me now ;_; sigh sob sigh
EDIT : good work and good luck
@voluptuary: If you can run the HtcUtilityTest app successfully (from the HtcRoot page) then yes, this will work.
On that thread, I have the following listed as compatible:
HD2 (BttF [XBmod-Yuki] v2 SP1)
That your ROM?
To quote from the Known Bugs section:
First attempt to access the filesystem will often fail or take too long; hit refresh a couple times and it should work.
I don't know why it does this. I built in some delays and some automatic retries, and that improved things dramatically - it will *almost* always work on the first freresh attempt (or second click on the Filesystem link) now - but didn't eliminate the problem. I'm not sure what it is; on the test app the switch to SYSTEM token is effectively instant. Maybe it has to do with the number of threads or something?
Anyhow, give it another shot and it should work. I contemplated just putting in a 5-second auto-refresh on the error page...
GoodDayToDie said:
To quote from the Known Bugs section:
First attempt to access the filesystem will often fail or take too long; hit refresh a couple times and it should work.
I don't know why it does this. I built in some delays and some automatic retries, and that improved things dramatically - it will *almost* always work on the first freresh attempt (or second click on the Filesystem link) now - but didn't eliminate the problem. I'm not sure what it is; on the test app the switch to SYSTEM token is effectively instant. Maybe it has to do with the number of threads or something?
Anyhow, give it another shot and it should work. I contemplated just putting in a 5-second auto-refresh on the error page...
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Sorry, I should have read your post better. I hate when people do that to me in my threads, I should know better.
Anyways I got it working, kinda. It still gave the error at the top of the page but then it listed the directories anyways, then navigating to Windows always fails, just times out or stays loading forever. This is over Wifi, I guess it could be a latency problem but everything else on my network runs fine.
I install but it does nothing.It shows serial on usb, softwareloopback interface1,bcmsddhd1
I'm looking into ways to resolve the read error issue. Once it decides to work, I can leave the app running for hours (on USB power, idle detection disabled of course) and browse with no trouble, but when I first open the app it's ornery for a few minutes. Very weird (and annoying). I'm guessing it's due to a threading issue, which would technically be a bug in the HtcRoot library, but I'll need to explore more.
By the way, the Windows folder takes a moment to load (it's huge). It should work pretty reliably though (you can open it for reading without having root at all, actually) and it opens a lot faster on my version than it did on the earlier ones (StringBuilder + half as many FileSystem calls + eliminated one of the slowest calls).
@Ttblondey: Dude, it's a W E B S E R V E R app. It runs a web server on your phone. You browse it through a web browser. I literally don't know what else to tell you, except to go read the threads on the other web server apps.
New version uploaded!
This contains some bigfixes - in particular, the Error 1260 bug (failure to elevate to root before trying to access the filesystem) has been mitigated to the point where it shouldn't be a problem.
It also uses a new version of the Homebrew library, 1.6.0, which incorporates access to the HtcRoot project under the Homebrew.HtcRoot namespace. Previously, the HtcRoot project was tacked onto the webserver directly, which meant the Homebrew library was unaware of its existence.
Requirements and major features have not changes in this update. Source code is included.
Great work you are doing here man! Too bad i don't own a HTC
@Briefcase: Thanks! I wish I could support more phones. Heathcliff74 may be able to enable something for Samsung (gen1 at least) but he hasn't released a library for doing so yet.
FEATURE RELEASE 2.1.0 is out.
Major changes: File attributes information, file deletion.
You should talk with ROM chefs here to include read/write enabled HtcUtility in their roms because all recent ROMs unfortunately doesn't support your findings.
@Pr0xiMUS: That's a good point. This tool is potentially more powerful that TouchXplorer or Registry Editor from TouchXperience, but those are the primarily-targeted apps in custom ROMs.
I wonder if adding registry support will be as straighforward (and simultaneously frustrating, due to bugs) as filesystem support...
New version (2.2.0).
Some bugfixes, more file operations (uploading any file anywhere, adding and removing directories). Add your own files to the Content folder so you can serve them directly, if you want.
If anybody knows of a ready-made and Mango compatible registry COM library (that's open source, thanks a ton @schaps), this would save me some time. If not, I can either ports one from NoDo or write my own well enough.
I am not able to browse the File System getting the following error.
Exception while getting the listing for /!
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8007001F): A device attached to the system is not functioning.
Using DFT V3 rom on Htc 7 Pro (Gold)
@Kr3i0s: Your ROM is not compatible with the HtcRoot project, due to it having a crippled HtcUtility driver. If the ROM is updatable, it might be possible to downgrade the HtcUtility driver using a custom CAB. Otherwise, you'll need to wait for (or switch to) a ROM that has a working HtcUtility driver.
EDIT: Actually, a fully-unlocked ROM can probably use this app even without HtcRoot compatibility. I'll modify the app so that it detects Error 31 and tries to fall back on whatever permissions it already has.

[Newbie] All You Need To Know ( SGY Basics)
-This thread will be the All You Need To Know ( SGY Basics) Thread.
-This thread is dedicated to answer questions that can be answered and will be limited to what we know right now.
-This thread will not be a development section, but we will link you to the threads that are developing such things in order to give proper credits to the developers.
-This thread will not be a tutorial thread, but will give information of what you are looking for.
-This Thread may link to other guides,tutorials and more but will be limited to information only.
-Please do not troll and ask questions that are far beyond what we know.
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THE DEVELOPMENT SECTION IS FOR DEVELOPMENT ONLY. If you are posting something that others may use regarding development such as a new ROM, kernel, guide, mod, recovery, or tool, it will be posted there. If in doubt, just post in the general section. Our moderator will move the post if it should be in the development section. Please do not post questions/concerns in the Android Development section.
THE FAQ THREAD IS FOR YOUR COMMON OR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. If you are going to post a question about development, it goes in the Q&A thread of that project mainly in the General Section. If you have a question about accessories or themes/apps, post your question there if you like. If you have a question regarding a particular part of development such as a current ROM or kernel, you can post in that particular thread to see if you can get some help.DO NOT POST A NEW THREAD FOR A QUESTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT SECTION.
THE GENERAL SECTION IS FOR EVERYTHING THAT DOES NOT FIT INTO THE OTHER CATEGORIES. If you have anything else that you would like to talk about that is not a question, accessory, theme/app, or method of development, you will want to post it in General. If you post a question in General (even though it should go in the FAQ Thread), you probably won't get yelled at. You will, though, if you post in the Development Section when you should not.
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Table Of Contents​Introduction(Specifications)
1. What is Root and Why Root
2. Recovery : Stock and Clockwork Mod
3.Nandroid BackUp
4.Stock and Custom ROMS
5.Remove Sim Lock [Openline SGY]
6.How To Flash ROMS
7.Safe To Remove Items(Bloatware)
8.What is a Kernel
9.How to Flash Custom Kernel
10.Definition Of Brick
11.Guides In Alphabetical Order
14 toggles for SGY
BCM Tweak Module
Compile Kernel From Source
Hardware Basics For Dummies
How To Customize A Rom
How to Deodex Stock ROM
how to fix wifi connection problem + enabling wifi adhoc connection
Increase Data Partition Size(Non-Dual Boot)
Increase RAM using Swap File and Swap Partition
Introduction to edify updater script
Kernel Patch
Locate Lost Phone
Reset Bin Count
Single Click Bootable Kernel
SGY for Dummies
Tuned MegaBassBeats for SGY
V6 SuperCharger
This Thread Is Just A Single Building Block
Let Us All Work Together And Build This FAQ Thread
Everybody Can Suggest What To Be Added Here
Just Post What You Think Should Be Added​
Disclaimer : This is not a development thread, I reserve the right of Developers To Keep Users in there thread. I may link some of there works, but will not further explain more. Development must be in their respective support threads.
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The Samsung Galaxy Y is a smartphone approved for all audiences. Perhaps in hindsight, our Galaxy Note review should've been rated PG. But well yeah, we're always wiser in hindsight. Anyway, you don’t just wake up one morning wanting a superphone like the Note. You need a place to start.
The Samsung Galaxy Y is one little step above dumbphones. It won’t be long before you know how big this step really was. Android is friendly, especially in a package like the Galaxy Y, and highly addictive. And there's plenty to explore.
The Samsung Galaxy Y is most likely someone's first smartphone. It comes on the cheap so you don't have to ask yourself if you really need all the extra features. Soon enough, you'll be wondering how you could live without them.
And no, the Galaxy Y isn't full of the latest tech. It keeps things neat and simple at a very reasonable price. There's a good package of preinstalled apps and a full connectivity set. The reasonably fast processor and the very recent Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread are a bit of surprise. This is a basic smartphone but one that looks up-to-date.
Key Features
Quad-Band GSM and dual-band 3G support
7.2 Mbps HSDPA
3” 256K-color QVGA TFT touchscreen
ARMv6 830MHz processor, 290MB user available RAM
Android OS v2.3.5 (Gingerbread) with TouchWiz UI
160MB of internal storage, hot-swappable MicroSD slot, 2GB card included
2MP fixed-focus camera with geotagging
GPS receiver with A-GPS
Stereo FM radio with RDS
3.5mm audio jack
Document viewer
Accelerometer and proximity sensor
Swype text input
MicroUSB port (charging) and stereo Bluetooth 3.0
Social network integration
Main disadvantages
Low screen resolution limits choice of apps
No touchscreen haptics
Fixed focus camera
No secondary camera
No camera flash, no dedicated camera key
QVGA video recording @ 15fps
No Adobe Flash support
Advanced Specifications
Manufacturer Samsung Electronics
Series Samsung Galaxy
Successor Samsung Galaxy Pocket
Type Touchscreen smartphone
Dimensions 104 mm (4.1 in) H
58 mm (2.3 in) W
11.5 mm (0.45 in) D
Weight 97.5 g (3.44 oz)
Operating system Android 2.3.6 (Gingerbread)
CPU Broadcom BCM21553 ARMv6 832 MHz processor
GPU Broadcom BCM2763 VideoCore IV LPDDR2 128MB (neocore: 45.5fps), 1 gigapixel fill rate, 40nm
Memory 290 MB RAM
Storage 190 MB (158 MB user available)
Removable storage 2 GB microSDHC (up to 32 GB)
Battery Li-ion 1200 mAh
Data inputs Multi-touch touch screen, headset controls, proximity, magnetometer, accelerometer, aGPS, and stereo FM-radio
Display 240×320 pixels, 3.0 inch (133 ppi pixel density) TFT capacitive touchscreen, 256000 colors, 60Hz Refresh Rate
External display Main Middle Button
Rear camera 2 Pixel Megapixel, 1600×1200 Fixed Focus, 15 fps QVGA 320x240px video recording and stills, Panorama & Smile Shot
Front camera None
Connectivity 3.5 mm TRRS; Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n); Bluetooth 3.0; Micro USB 2.0;
What is Root, and Why Root?
The good thing about having root is you can go back if you want. The same is not true of not having root. We do not know what steps Google/Tmobile will take to rid the end users of root in the future. For all we know the next OTA will remove the keys that allows the RC29 downgrade method to work and you could be stuck on a non rooted G1 forever. If you have root and for some reason it does not work for you there is always the option of going back.
What Does Root Give Me?
1.Full control over your system
2.Ability to alter system files. You can replace many parts of the "Android Core" with this including:
-Core apps (maps, calendar, clock etc)
-Recovery image
-Toolbox (linux binary that lets you execute simple linux commands like "ls") can be replaced with Busybox (slightly better option)
-Boot images
-Add linux binaries
3.Run special apps that need more control over the system
-SuperUser (lets you approve or deny the use of root access to any program)
-Task Manager For Root (Lets you kill apps that you otherwise could not kill)
-Tether apps (like the one found at [])
4.Backup your system
-You can make a folder on your sdcard and backup all of your .apk files to your sdcard (helps if an author decides to "upgrade" you to a version that requires you to pay to use the version you just had)
5.Relocate your (browser/maps/market) cache to your /sdcard
6.Relocate your installed applications to your /sdcard
7.Reboot your phone from the terminal app easily (su <enter> reboot <enter>)
What Do I Lose Having Root
-The ability to accept OTA updates (well, you can but you would lose root, so its been made so they get denied)
-The sense that someone else controls your phone
-The need to sit in an Android chat channel asking how to get root
-The need for a stupid useless "File Manager" that lets you see filenames but almost nothing else.
-The ability to have a knowledgeable conversation with a T-Mobile rep about your phone. (Ask one of them to spell root for you)
Source : Root
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narasimhan said:
Here is a short tutorial(how to root) to save your time
1. Download the zip files to your SD Card (not in any folder).
2. Switch off your phone.
3. Boot into recovery mode(Press Vol Up + Power Key + Home button together at the same time to boot in recovery mode).
4. Touch screen is disabled in recovery. Use Volume keys(UP/DOWN) for scrolling and home button to select the highlighted option.
5. Select Apply update for sdcard
6. Select (which you have downloaded).
7. Wait for it to show complete and then select reboot system.
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Stock and Clockwork Mod Recovery
What is recovery?
In Android, recovery refers to the dedicated, bootable partition that has the recovery console installed. A combination of key presses (Home+Volume Up+Power Button for SGY) will boot your phone to recovery, where you can find tools to help repair (recover) your installation as well as install official OS updates. Because Android is open and has the recovery source code available, building a customized version with more and different options is relatively easy as well. Let's look at both options.
The stock recovery is pretty limited, but that's by design. Its main purpose is to delete all user data and files, or to perform system updates. Normally, both these operations are started from the running Android system, or you can do things manually and boot right into recovery yourself. When you tell your phone to do a factory reset, recovery is what boots up and erases the files and data. Likewise with updates -- when we restart to install an official OS update, it's done in recovery. Recovery is also where we go to manually install official OS updates we've downloaded from the Internet. It's very useful, but limited.
Clockwork Mod or Custom Android recoveries offer much more. They have been coded to allow for backup and restore functions, selective deletion of data so you don't have to wipe everything, and modified to allow update packages that have not been digitally signed by official sources. You also can mount various partitions so that you can copy files to the SD card without having to remove it or reboot into Android. Anytime you see someone mentioning Clockwork or Amon Ra, they're talking about custom recoveries. Because of the extra functionality built in, they are a pretty important tool for folks who want to hack their Android phone or tablet. Recoveries aren't as pretty as a custom ROM and don't get the same love from users and bloggers that custom builds of Android do, but in the end they're even more important. Without them none of this custom ROM stuff would be possible.
ClockWork Mod By Madteam
CWM by Skin
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Nandroid Backup
In case you are not quite tech savvy and have been hearing the term “Nandroid backup”, you probably must be getting confused and perplexed even more. Well, in a simpler term, Nandroid backup is a highly convenient back up option, which very carefully backs up the systems complete internal memory along with all the related apps, ROM, and other correlated features. You also can very conveniently restore it just in case you come across a destructed ROM, or kernel, etc.
This backup is actually not similar to other apps such as the titanium backup and in fact has a completely different system and well equipped. If you take the backup at the right time then it can be a complete savior for you, saving your important data from getting lost or damaged. This is basically the back up system of the Android OS (operating system) from the NAND memory of the phone and this gets saved in the storage card slot.
This is the reason why it is generally suggested to have your phone’s proper NAND backup just before you even think of flashing inside a new ROM. This step is important and must be completely followed as because, if something goes wrong, the phone can move back to the previous working condition.
Just before you start off with the restore or the Nandroid backup process, remember that it is important for you to root up your phone, and get the Clockwork Recovery installed. Make a note that, the backup for this entire process moves to the SD card, and this is the reason why the SD card must have enough free space so that the phone’s entire contents of the phone memory get restored.
One of the safest, easiest and most convenient ways of performing the Nandroid backup is by systematically utilizing the ROM manager. This is basically a free Android App, which can be easily downloaded from the Android Market. One can use it while running over Android to schedule operations so as to perform it in recovery.
It also offers a GUI through which one can easily install ROMs and at the same time perform, manage and restore the backups. This does not by itself, exercises the procedure, and rather reboots the device into recovery, soon after the action had been timely scheduled, finally automatically performing it through the recovery.
Hence, the Nandroid backup is nothing but the duplicate copy of your phone. Just in case you are clear with ideas such as cloning or creation of ghost image of the computer hard drive, then this is just a similar operation like that. It is not just having the complete back up of your entire email and contact list, but at the same time having an entire copy of everything.
To get a nandroid backup,You will need Clockwork Mod Recovery:
Backup-Boot into stock recovery>update from SD>choose Clockwork mod>Backup and Restore>Backup
Restore-Boot into stock recovery>update from SD>choose Clockwork mod>Backup and Restore>Restore
[Backups will be saved to a folder named clockworkmod in your SD card
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Stock and Custom ROMS
A stock ROM is the version of the phone's operating system that comes with your phone when you buy it.
A custom ROM is a fully standalone version of the OS, including the kernel (which makes everything run), apps, services, etc - everything you need to operate the device, except it's customized by someone in some way.
So what does the "customized" part mean? Since Android is open source, developers are free to take stock ROMs, modify them, strip them of garbage, optimize them, add things, and pretty much do whatever their imagination and skills allow.
Why You Want Custom ROMs?
Update Frequency
Using a custom ROM usually results in more frequent updates that fix bugs and introduce new features because the developer behind the ROM doesn't have the same procedures and red tape that the manufacturer+carrier combo does.
-A quality update can be churned faster because it doesn't involve the bureaucracy of 30 different project managers, 15 vice presidents, and 5 dozen marketing departments.
-A ROM developer usually gains a loyal community which beta tests his updates in real life situations and provide feedback, or even fixes bugs - that's the beauty of open source software.
-Finally, most custom ROMs out there are updateable over the air (OTA) and without reinstalling anything.
Who doesn't love open source after this?
Better Performance And Efficiency
Custom ROMs are oftentimes faster, more efficient, and use less memory because
-the developer ripped out useless garbage, such as carrier installed apps or
-the developer optimized the kernel. For example, an undervolted kernel can provide a much better battery life than the stock one.
Ability To Install Apps To The SD Card
Most custom ROMs nowadays come with the ability to install applications to the SD card, called Apps2SD (or A2SD).
This is currently not possible on stock ROMs, even in Android 2.1 and is supposedly on Google's TODO list.
If you have run out of space on your phone (which I have repeatedly on my Hero), Apps2SD is a killer feature to have.
The Downsides Of Custom ROMs
Of course, there are dangers of using custom ROMs which you should be aware of.
Something Could Go Wrong
First of all, something may go wrong with the flashing process (that's the process of installing the ROM) and leave your phone in a bricked state. The chances of this are pretty low nowadays, and most of the time you can restore it back to normal.
Try to go for the ROM that has been tested by time and has lots of positive feedback.
Clean Wipe
In order to install a custom ROM, you need to perform a clean wipe.
Potential Problems
Custom ROMs could have bugs… but then so do the stock ones.
However, in case you do find a bug, you actually have a 2-way channel of reporting it - post in the ROM forum and you will more than likely get an answer back and your bug acknowledged.
Try doing this to your phone manufacturer and see if you can get past the first level of outsourced monkeys, let alone actual developers.
You May Void Your Warranty
Stock ROMS
Custom Roms
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Remove Sim Lock [Openline SGY]
What is SIM-LOCK?
Sim-lock, SP-lock, “coding” - all these words have similar meaning: a programmed limit in the phone to work with a single network. A sim lock allows a network provider to prevent handsets from being used on other GSM networks. Usually those handsets are sold with a discount, and the provider covers the price difference. The handset stays inside the same network and within a year pays back the expenses of the service provider.
SIM-LOCK could be installed by the manufacturing or distributing company. The network provider orders some quantity of handsets from manufacturer. The producing company supplies the phones along with the SIM-LOCK removing codes. The physical sense of Sim-lock: there is a unique MCC/NCC code of the country and network saved in the SIM-Card. Phone detects those codes when it's powered on. If they have coincided, the telephone works normally, other ways on display appears the following massage: “Invalid SIM” or “Enter the SIM-Lock code”. There are some other methods of coding the handsets, but the considered above – is the most widespread.
How legal is to remove a sim lock ?
The legality of the SIM-Lock removing procedure depends on the law of the country. Some countries don't have a strict law that directly forbids this act. It could be declared as “An invasion into informative technologies”. But from another side, the person that bought the phone is allowed to do with it everything. For example: if you have a TV that supports only one standard of the incoming signal. Nobody can take you to the court if you will install a multi system receiver on it. You can modify it in the way you like. The only thing you will lose is warranty cover. It could be explained in different way, depends on the lawyer.
It gets a different sense when it comes to the illegal export of the mobile devices. They could come legally only from the manufacturers or the official distributors.
Off course GSM service providers are loosing the profits, when the handsets, sold by the 10% of the original price, are crossing the networks.
How To Remove Sim Lock
Easy Way By Doky73
Hard Way By devion14
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How To Flash ROMS
Stock Rom
Short Flashing Guide
- download the necessary files in [Stock][ROM][Odin] Galaxy Y S5360 flashable firmware packages
- extract files, you will have 3 files PDA,Modem,CSC in .tar or .md5 format
- install Kies, or Samsung driver pack
- download Odin3 1.84 or 1.85
- stop Kies
- stop all active ADB sessions
- start odin
- power off Your SGY
- boot into download mode
- Press Vol Down, Home, and Power at the same time
- When (about 5 sec) Warning screen appears, release Volume Down and Power, then (a bit later) Home
- press Vol Up (You'll get Odin mode screen)
- in the PDA field, browse for the PDA file
- in the CSC field, browse for the CSC file
- in the Modem field, browse for the Modem file
- leave all other fields and checkboxes default!
- connect your phone, You must see yellow 0:[COMxx] in the first ID:COM and "Added" in the message box
- Start flashing by the START button.
- flashing will start immediately, see the progress in the message box, and progress bar on the phone
- Wait 1-3 minutes, until green PASS! in the upper left
- SGY will reboot, leave it as is for 2-5 minutes until startup finishes
Custom ROM
Custom ROM istallation may vary, but the most common One is
-Download the Rom zip File
-Copy it to Sdcard Directly
-Power Off the Phone
-Boot into recovery by pressing (Vol. Key Up + Home Key + Power Key)
-Do a Data RESET
-Select Install Zip From SdCard
-Choose the rom zip
Safe To Remove Items(Bloatware)
Bloatware means software that is stuff you simply don't need or use. Stuff that come installed from the factory.
Exclusive Bloatware List For SGY
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SpreadSheet By Kurotsugi
What is a kernel?
If you spend any time reading Android forums, blogs, how-to posts or online discussion you'll soon hear people talking about the kernel. A kernel isn't something unique to Android -- iOS and MacOS have one, Windows has one, BlackBerry's QNX has one, in fact all high level operating systems have one. The one we're interested in is Linux, as it's the one Android uses. Let's try to break down what it is and what it does.
Android devices use the Linux kernel, but it's not the exact same kernel other Linux-based operating systems use. There's a lot of Android specific code built in, and Google's Android kernel maintainers have their work cut out for them. OEMs have to contribute as well, because they need to develop hardware drivers for the parts they're using for the kernel version they're using. This is why it takes a while for independent Android developers and hackers to port new versions to older devices and get everything working. Drivers written to work with the Gingerbread kernel on a phone won't necessarily work with the Ice Cream Sandwich kernel. And that's important, because one of the kernel's main functions is to control the hardware. It's a whole lot of source code, with more options while building it than you can imagine, but in the end it's just the intermediary between the hardware and the software.
When software needs the hardware to do anything, it sends a request to the kernel. And when we say anything, we mean anything. From the brightness of the screen, to the volume level, to initiating a call through the radio, even what's drawn on the display is ultimately controlled by the kernel. For example -- when you tap the search button on your phone, you tell the software to open the search application. What happens is that you touched a certain point on the digitizer, which tells the software that you've touched the screen at those coordinates. The software knows that when that particular spot is touched, the search dialog is supposed to open. The kernel is what tells the digitizer to look (or listen, events are "listened" for) for touches, helps figure out where you touched, and tells the system you touched it. In turn, when the system receives a touch event at a specific point from the kernel (through the driver) it knows what to draw on your screen. Both the hardware and the software communicate both ways with the kernel, and that's how your phone knows when to do something. Input from one side is sent as output to the other, whether it's you playing Angry Birds, or connecting to your car's Bluetooth.
It sounds complicated, and it is. But it's also pretty standard computer logic -- there's an action of some sort generated for every event. Without the kernel to accept and send information, developers would have to write code for every single event for every single piece of hardware in your device. With the kernel, all they have to do is communicate with it through the Android system API's, and hardware developers only have to make the device hardware communicate with the kernel. The good thing is that you don't need to know exactly how or why the kernel does what it does, just understanding that it's the go-between from software to hardware gives you a pretty good grasp of what's happening under the glass. Sort of gives a whole new outlook towards those fellows who stay up all night to work on kernels for your phone, doesn't it?
How To Flash A Custom Kernel
Short PDA Flashing Guide(Odin Method)
- download the .tar file
- install Kies, or Samsung driver pack
- download Odin3 1.84 or 1.85 (download links above)
- stop Kies
- stop all active ADB sessions
- start odin
- power off Your SGY
- boot into download mode
- Press Vol Down, Home, and Power at the same time
- When (about 5 sec) Warning screen appears, release Volume Down and Power, then (a bit later) Home
- press Vol Up (You'll get Odin mode screen)
- in the PDA field, browse for the kernel tar
- leave all other fields and checkboxes default!
- connect your phone, You must see yellow 0:[COMxx] in the first ID:COM and "Added" in the message box
- Start flashing by the START button.
- flashing will start immediately, see the progress in the message box, and progress bar on the phone
- Wait 1-3 minutes, until green PASS! in the upper left
- SGY will reboot, leave it as is for 2-5 minutes until startup finishes
Mai77 Method
1. Turn off phone and boot into CWM
(Note: To boot into CWM press Vol Up, Home, and Power at the same time and in the stock recovery choose update from zip and select the
2. Once in the CWM recovery, simply choose install from zip and select
(Note : Kernel looks for a boot.img file in SD card and flashes it)
3. After successful kernel up press power to return to CWM
4. Press Reboot now, and your kernel is updated
Current Custom Kernel
[CUSTOM][KERNEL] MerrukTechnology Kernel 2.0 PRE-FINAL, For Samsung Galaxy Y
[DEV][Kernel] Vivek-Kernel Development [Overclock V6 (New)][26/3/2012]
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What is a Bricked Phone?
Soft brick= a FAILURE of the device that can be reverted by the user
Hard brick= a FAILURE of the device that has to be reverted via external devices see jtag
Superbrick= a FAILURE of the device where the only solution the service center and a replacement of the component that malfunctions.
Pixel salad = a problem of the graphics unit or the screen to display correctly the image and put instead random colored pixels on some areas of the screen or the whole screen.
14 toggles for SGY
BCM Tweak Module
Compile Kernel From Source
Hardware Basics For Dummies
How To Customize A Rom
How to Deodex Stock ROM
how to fix wifi connection problem + enabling wifi adhoc connection
Increase Data Partition Size(Non-Dual Boot)
Increase RAM using Swap File and Swap Partition
Introduction to edify updater script
Kernel Patch
Locate Lost Phone
Reset Bin Count
Bin Count is the count that shows how many Roms have you flashed. It must be 0 in order for you to claim warranty if your contract says so
Single Click Bootable Kernel
SGY for Dummies
1.Guide to Flashing ROMs and Kernels
-How to use Odin
-How to use Recovery
2.Guide to Tweaking and Modding
-Flashable ZIPs
3.Guide to Unlocking and Getting Warranty Back
-Unlocking Samsung Galaxy Young
-Resetting Bin Count
Tuned MegaBassBeats for SGY
V6 SuperCharger
ROFLkopter said:
Anyone know how to get this Jelly Bean Play Store working for our phone, or is it just for ICS? Seen it on one of the forums here but can't remember which phone...
Typed with SwiftKey 3 using XDA Premium on my GT-S5360
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Here, try use this method, i'm able to push it in & using it now:
---------- Post added at 12:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 PM ----------
wa198007 said:
i used Minitool partition once on my memory card. It did not seem to work and my card also got corrupt as well as the card reader I was using. The first proper partition I did was with Clockworks Recovery. Can you please give me a link of Minitool for Windows 7 and give my some instructions on how to use this properally.
How do I check which filesystem I use?
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Here (use search tab & u will get what u want):
Best Settings Rom Toolbox?
Install the Toolbox ROM but am not sure of the best values ​​I should use to increase device performance. I want to change values ​​are:
- Auto Memory Manager
- Sysctl Tweaks
deathnotice01 said:
you need to modify a systemui to work with EDT
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Yes i know that part,
But the problem is modify with what?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Hindi font problem on repencis
The hindi font is properly rendered on ddle stock rom but its theres a problem in repencis v 3.5 rom . any solution ?
Ask : tutorial to make touchwiz landscape enabled..
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Error Deodex stock rom
can anyone help me how to deodexed DXLE1..
im having problem with xUltimate 2.4/2.3 i can't deodex the rom
I always get this error
sorry for my bad english.
iMaker said:
can anyone help me how to deodexed DXLE1..
im having problem with xUltimate 2.4/2.3 i can't deodex the rom
I always get this error
sorry for my bad english.
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Try deodex with dsixda kitchen.
Just search bout it.

