[Q] Spell-check with different input/system language problem - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I've copied this post from another forum user, but I cannot seem to find a solution. Anyone know how to solve this? See below...
Big thanks!
I have a problem with the spelling correction build within ICS. I’ll try and explain as good as possible.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android: Stock, unrooted, 4.0.2
My system setting is set to English while my keyboard/input language is set to Dutch. I prefer it this way since it’s much easier to look up problems and answers with English as a system language then Dutch (should a problem arise, the chances someone has asked it somewhere online in English are ‘a bit’ larger). However most of my texts are to Dutch friends, so the input language is Dutch. So far, so good.
If I mistype a word, the auto-correct does correct the word to a Dutch word. If I type words correctly, the auto-correct does nothing (and rightfully so). However, here’s my problem. The correct word remains correct, however ICS feels the need to underline it in red, showing it’s wrong. Touching the ‘wrong’ word gives suggestions for correct words, all of them in English.
Is there anyone who knows how to have the system language and the input language be two different languages, yet not have the spellcheck use the system-language?
I hope I’ve explained it clearly, such things are always more clear in your own head then when you type them out!
(If this has previously been discussed, my apologies, I couldn't find it)


HTC S620 (Excalibur) and T9...

Does anybody know a way to install T9 or the newer version from the Dash on the S620? I really like the word-completion feature of my other smartphones and PPC's.
we'll probably have to wait until someone extracts the extrom of the dash rom
Careful what you wish for
why did you buy the S620 if it is to put T9 on it?
The only benefit of this smartphone is the full qwerty keyboard, it sounds a bit strange to want to restrict yourself to the numeric pad to type your messages?
It's actually the newer xT9, you're not restriced to the numeric keys -- it predicts as you're typing words with the qwerty keyboard. Future versions might be more useful, but I find it more of a hinderance now. There's no way to configure it or edit the dictionary, it kicks in when you don't necessarily want it to and memorizes passwords, as well as showing them while you're entering them. Where ever the dictionary resides, mine is full of typos and passwords. Would be nice if you could uninstall or just shut it off. You can press ALT then SPACE and switch to just letter entry, but at some point it'll come back...
unlockMe said:
why did you buy the S620 if it is to put T9 on it?
The only benefit of this smartphone is the full qwerty keyboard, it sounds a bit strange to want to restrict yourself to the numeric pad to type your messages?
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I understand that T9 is directed more towards standard phone keyboards, but I use it on my Hermes all the time. When typing a long email, the word completion can save time.
T9 dictionary edit
I am super annoyed by wrong words being added to the T9 dictionary!
I tried using the msT9Ed.exe, but it seems to not find the correct file.
I did find a file called "eT9Cdb.cdb" in the Windows folder, but don't know if this is the right thing to edit.
Anyone found something lately to edit the T9 dictionary?
newer xT9
chaznet said:
It's actually the newer xT9, you're not restriced to the numeric keys -- it predicts as you're typing words with the qwerty keyboard. Future versions might be more useful, but I find it more of a hinderance now. There's no way to configure it or edit the dictionary, it kicks in when you don't necessarily want it to and memorizes passwords, as well as showing them while you're entering them. Where ever the dictionary resides, mine is full of typos and passwords. Would be nice if you could uninstall or just shut it off. You can press ALT then SPACE and switch to just letter entry, but at some point it'll come back...
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Hi All
Great site
my first post so forgive me now.
I have only just got a s620 phone and very new to it all, so learing all the time.
love the phone.
I just have a cab file that I put on my sd card and install it, it has languges english french germanitalian spanish dutch czech greek romanian polish portuguese slovak turkish hungarian in the language options, i have version v01.01 dont know how old this is or if a new version is about.
But I had to put on xT9 as after a rom upgrade my key pad was all messed up and being a newbie not knowing much at all this may be off subject but any one give me a link I can read or any help as to why?
Ill now go on reading to see if i can find any thing out myself
thatnks for yu time
leggoman said:
Hi All
Great site
my first post so forgive me now.
I have only just got a s620 phone and very new to it all, so learing all the time.
love the phone.
I just have a cab file that I put on my sd card and install it, it has languges english french germanitalian spanish dutch czech greek romanian polish portuguese slovak turkish hungarian in the language options, i have version v01.01 dont know how old this is or if a new version is about.
But I had to put on xT9 as after a rom upgrade my key pad was all messed up and being a newbie not knowing much at all this may be off subject but any one give me a link I can read or any help as to why?
Ill now go on reading to see if i can find any thing out myself
thatnks for yu time
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I think this is what you need to fix your keyboard http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2271723&postcount=1
Both fixes in sig as depends on location US or UK?
After install reboot, then in text input box FN+Space ABC.
stylez said:
Both fixes in sig as depends on location US or UK?
After install reboot, then in text input box FN+Space ABC.
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thanks for the reply
and Im kind of getting the hang of things now with this phone.
just one thing, I will search and see if i can find it, but if you read this could you place a link in you reply where i can find UK.English xt9? I saw this in your reply and is just what I need as I have the US version.
OPPS it is a link in your post silly me LOL thats what sig ment
thanks again for your help. all working great now
great site so much info and help

Word Suggestion Issue

I don't have the Touch Pro 2 yet but I am trying to help someone out to fix his issue.
Basically his problem is the suggested word feature doesn't work as well as the Original Touch Pro.
Here is his issue. If anybody could help I would greatly appreciate it.
The correct word "também" is correctly suggested if I type "tamb". So far, so good (although on Touch Pro I could type "tambem" and he would suggest "também" also). The problem is with small words like "olá", "não", "é", "há", "ás", etc...
The T9 only starts suggesting words after the third letter.
Does anyone know how to make the T9 start suggesting after the first typed letter? It would make things better, but it would not solve the problem. There are many words that are single lettered: "é", "à", "á", etc..
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Maybe a registry setting? I don't have the TP2 so I am not able to browse the registry and find it but I figured you guys would be the best help for this issue. Thanks in advance.
Try this...
Dont know if its what you are after, but might be
hope this helps
I think most t9 starts after the third word because just by typing one letter, there are thousands of words that it can be. So when more letters are typed, it narrows down the selection in the dictionary. The only words that might show up quicker is if the TP2 actually stores newly added words into the dictionary.
dfootball56 said:
I don't have the Touch Pro 2 yet but I am trying to help someone out to fix his issue.
Basically his problem is the suggested word feature doesn't work as well as the Original Touch Pro.
Here is his issue. If anybody could help I would greatly appreciate it.
Maybe a registry setting? I don't have the TP2 so I am not able to browse the registry and find it but I figured you guys would be the best help for this issue. Thanks in advance.
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Hi. I'm the one who wrote the quoted message
Thanks dfootball56!
Let me just add some more info: what madjsp wrote is indeed true. However, on Touch Pro, this never happened... If I typed "esta", the XT9 on Touch Pro would suggest "está", "esta", "estámos", etc... On TP2, "está" only is suggested if I type "est".
This is, if I type the full accented word (without the accent) it does not suggests the correctly accented word...
Hope I'm not being too much confusing...
Thanks for any help!
you've been clear enough! same problem here, very very annoying since in italian accented letters are very common too.. no solutions / hacks / tricks??
that would be great! thaks a lot!
Hi. I'm the one who wrote the quoted message
Thanks dfootball56!
Let me just add some more info: what madjsp wrote is indeed true. However, on Touch Pro, this never happened... If I typed "esta", the XT9 on Touch Pro would suggest "está", "esta", "estámos", etc... On TP2, "está" only is suggested if I type "est".
This is, if I type the full accented word (without the accent) it does not suggests the correctly accented word...
Hope I'm not being too much confusing...
Thanks for any help!
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Hey man. Figured these guys on here were the best resource of new hacks and tweaks. I'm sure someone will get bored and try to figure something out...haha If I had one now I would search the registry for you but it hasn't came out in the U.S yet
Update: I mailed HTC and they understood and acknowledged my problem. Just hope it was worth the "effort"...
I'm quoting all the mails:
Me: (...) already described the problem
HTC:"Hi Nuno,
The T9 dictionary does not include words with special characters. You can add these words manually, and they will be remembered next time you need them. On the onscreen keyboards, tapping and holding on the letter assosciated with the special character will display all the extra characters for that letter, and you can drag and select them.
Best REgads"
Me: "Hi. Thanks for the fast reply. I'm afraid I disagree with you: the T9 does include words with special characters. I've never added words like "está", "também", "já", and they are there. The problem is that even if I add the word "olá" to the diccionary (not needed because it is already there), the T9 will not suggest it because the suggestions only start after the third letter. I type "ola" and it does not suggests me "olá". However, the T9 of the 'old' Touch Pro that I've got does this correctly: I type "estariamos" -the full word - and it suggests me "estaríamos". On the Touch Pro 2, I would have to type "estar" so it could suggest me "estaríamos". Are understanding what the problem is? I hope I'm not being too confuse. Thanks."
HTC:"Hi Nuno,
I understand the issue now, I do not think I can resolve this for you now, I have forwarded details to our developers for investigation and possible resolution. Please monitor our support pages for fixes and updates in teh future, and I will be back in contact once I have further news for you.
Best Regards"
I then closed the "support case". I think there's nothing much I can do...
Nuno, did you recieve any reply from their side?
great job nuno, so basically we have to wait and pray for them to fix it in a rom update or hotfix... wtf
fadimck said:
Nuno, did you recieve any reply from their side?
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Yes, I did... you can see what they told me on my previous post.
Unfortunately we just have to wait for a hotfix...
at least they said they will do this hotfix.. it's a good start, now let's hope it doesn'take ages!
Today I found that the T9 word suggestion work's perfectly if I write the messages in portrait mode (without hard keyboard out) and with the "telephone numeric keys" selected...
This is indeed a bug somewhere on the T9 definitions...
I worked out a solution!! ;D ;D ;D
I borrowed a Portuguese Touch Pro, copied the following files from \windows
and then placed them on the \windows folder of the Touch Pro 2
Reboot and DONE!
Good "old" XT9 with the correctly suggested words!!
I've placed the files here, in case someone needs it:
Mind that this is for the Portuguese TP2; I don't know if there are differences from TP2 from other countries.
Thank you all for your help
Well... not that solved after all...
I found out that the Touch Pro has specific keys for these marks:
/ ? + = - _
Meaning: on the Touch Pro 2, I can't write them with the hard keyboard
I also found out that it is only necessary to replace the eT9ime.dll file; all the other are pointless as far as I figured out.
So, to put it back in it's original form, just re-replace the eT9ime.dll file.
Here is the link, in case someone forgot to backup the files before replace them with the files from the Touch Pro:
Because it is an .dll file I don't really know if it is editable in any way... is someone knows how to do it, please do tell me..

Where is the word completion file stored?

Hello there! I use WM 6.5 blue angel.
I think there must be a file where the word completion store the words,
default one's and new one you write.
Where is this file located?
Can you back it up?
Can you edit?
Ola A.
that is an extremely interesting question, to which i actually don't have the answer, but i would like to know that, too, because i like english roms best but everything i write, like sms or emails are mostly german, and i would like to swap those files then, to keep the english rom and keyboard layout, while still get german suggestions. and also, of course the custom words are interesting, for names and places that are not in the database.
Do you still remember the DictonaryEditor? I don't know if it works under WM6.5.
Hello out there!!! No one???

Bilingual post spelling options

The HTC One X has the option to underline badly spelled words. It seems to be related to the system language, and therefore it does not seem to be possible to make it bilingual. I would like to have the system check for both Dutch and English, but it seems I have to choose based on my system language. On the other hand, text prediction (so not the post-spelling check!) is able to work with two languages at a time.
Therefore my question: is it possible to set the post-spelling options to both Dutch and English, or will I have to live with just one language (as I fear at the moment)?
Bilingual trace
I'm afraid I'm replying not with an answer, but with an additional question.
I have the impression that the bilingual feature is strictly limited to predictions/suggestions while normally using the keyboard. Because I noticed that when I'm using the Trace feature (very handy in my opinion), it reverts to only using the System Language... sad
Did anyone else notice this? Is there any way to make the second language work for Trace as well (and for the post-spelling check)?
Shouldn't be that hard to develop, so it seems like they just forgot to add this. Except if I'm missing something?

AOSP Keyboard LOS17.1

I still coming back to this topic when dealing with different version of LOS system. I hope that someone will help me clear out some doubts regarding AOSP Keyboard.
1. Dictionary with predicted words are just wrong at least for PL and CS languages. There are some weird words which seems okay, but there is a space between last two letters of a the word. I have to manually delete this word or create my own user dictionary.
Is there a way to replace or edit those dictionaries for predicting words?
2. There is something wrong at least in LOS 17.1 with spellcheck. IT only checks words for the the language set for the system interface what is a bit useless. I would like to have done for the language I've chosen in the keyboard settings

