Sharing an idea with a major manufacture - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

Several years ago I wrote to HTC about an idea I had on how to possibly incorporate an existing technology onto their electronic devices to "possibly" give their screens better scratch resistance, clarity, fingerprint resistance as well as dust & water resistance. I never said exactly what the idea was as I was hoping HTC would write back & ask what it was, but alas they never did.
Mind you I'm not really interested in any profit as the idea is simply using someone else's invention on smartphones.
Anyone here ever try to share an idea with a manufacture to help improve a product? If so what was the outcome if any. I always see those inventors commercials stating if one has an idea to share they can help you out but I'm always wary of them.
I think we can all relate to some degree. How many times have you seen something & tell yourself "Hey that could work on such & such" or "If they did this it would be so much better"


Official channel for feedback?

I'm a new Note 4 user, and generally like the phone. Like anything complex, though, there are a handful of things that I'd prefer to be different. I'll spare everyone from my litany of pet peeves, and just get to the question:
QUESTION: What is the best way to send feedback to Samsung regarding new features / fixes / etc. for the Note 4?
I went to their web site and found various technical/customer support options, but I'm looking for something more focused for enhancement requests. TIA.
I wouldn't waste the time, they are to concerned with jamming their sub par software and applications into their devices just to have their branding and signature on everything you see or interact with to concern them selves with anyone's logical or rational suggestions. Just look how Samsung operates in total perspective, they make TVs and monitors, that's their bread and butter, its where the majority of their most profitable pattens reside. To put this into the most transparent terms possible, they sell more TVs each year than there are phone subscribers with access to their devices in the entire global cellular phone market.
However for some reason to prove to them selves or whoever it is they think they are impressing or competing with, they chose to build garbage on top of googles already 1st class, free operating system and interface, they waste millions of dollars doing so and for some odd reason continue to think that they will one day create a better user experience than Google the company whos bread and butter is development and let's not forgot the company who designs every operating system for every phone they sell.
Until Samsung learns to stop wanting so much counterproductive attention on their products and realizes they would make more money hand over fist buy just selling their products as is with free standard android OS, they will continue to just shovel crap onto their mechanically awesome products rendering them to nothing but bright HD displays running ads that say how stupid they are.
In my personal opinion Samsung just looks stupid next to every other electronics company. And Google needs to grow a pair and say no android OS if you modify a single thing on it. I can't be the only person who sees this flawed business model am I? When's the last time you used an HP, Dell, or Gateway computer that had System modifications of any kind on Windows? You can go out on the limb and applaud HTC for their modifications because they are cell phone company that's all they do, but for Samsung a company that specializes in displays and makes no mobile hardware of their own worth noting, they somehow get the green light on damaging Android OS with their cut rate software, and continue to make the end user of their products disappointed. The worlds gone mad.
I can't say I entirely agree nor disagree with the long post above. I don't hate Samsung, nor am a fanboy of theirs. I just needed a large phone with a stylus, and my previous phone, while large and I LOVED it, didn't have a stylus which was highly needed. All I'm going to say is this:
Most of the time, a large corporation who sells many different devices within a market (ie, phones) wouldn't care about a single consumer's opinion. You are but a single-celled organization to them. They know you're there, but you aren't big enough to see as an individual. In addition, what changes you'd like to see or need- or whatever- most likely won't be what these corporations think their consumer market wants and will buy.
So in other words, if you send them feedback, all you'll get in response is a prewritten thank you letter saying (in summary), "Thanks, we appreciate the feedback and will keep it mind," (but wont).
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (sm-910a) using Tapatalk
So, it sounds like Samsung doesn't have an email address, web form, forum, etc. for enhancement requests?
On the parallel topic of big evil companies, and with respect to the folks who have offered their opinions on that subject so far, my experience has been quite the opposite - I find that most successful companies do care what their users think about their products. I work in the software industry, and the products I use most on a day-to-day basis invariably offer some sort of channel for sending feedback to the developer. Every app on the Google Play store has a "Send email" link at the bottom of it's page - in addition to many companies monitoring and responding to written feedback in the ratings section. QuickBooks has a "Send Feedback Online" option under the help menu - and even offers different options for sending comments onenhancements, bugs, and doc. A large software company that I used to work for recently implemented a suggestions forum where users can vote on enhancements, actively prioritizes work on new releases based on this feedback, and publicizes the heck out of the results in conferences, doc, and webinars. Every year I see literally thousands of people give standing ovations at one of their conferences because the developer added better Excel integration, or trimmed two clicks from a common workflow. Perhaps the best example is Atlassian, whose products many in these forums no doubt use. They are laser-focused on the people who use their tools - developers - and have been extremely successful at growing into small and large companies alike by inspiring grass roots adoption.
The list goes on. From what I've seen, companies who listen to their users do well as a result.
That said, not every company is as open to feedback as the ones in the examples above. I've found it difficult to provide feedback to Microsoft, for instance, without being part of a beta program. That said, they have robust forums that are well-attended by their internal staff. I can't say for sure, but I have to assume that the most common squeaky wheels get at least I little grease in future releases.
I don't know Samsung very well, which is why I'm asking about feedback options. It would seem odd to me that they don't have some way for users to weigh in on their Android implementation. Collectively, we buy new phones too frequently and switch vendors too easily for them not to care what we think. I like my Samsung phone, but not because it's a Samsung - it just has the features that I want. They obviously do their research into what's likely to sell. I'm hoping that there's some channel where they're actively soliciting input for improvements.
Like spexwood said, I'm not going to waste my time sending a letter to the president of Samsung and get some generic form letter in return. I know that that doesn't work. I also don't expect that Samsung will care about my suggestions, per se, even if they do have some feedback form. But, I'm sure I'm not the only one who misses text messages because the [email protected]#$ing notification beep doesn't fire when a thread is already on the screen (for example), so if mine is one of 10K voices complaining of the same thing, it would behoove them to listen - or maybe next time I'll switch to that nice LG G3 that I almost bought instead of this Note 4.
Anyway, I'm still interested in practical options for sending OS-related feedback to Samsung. Otherwise, I can just rant about stuff xda-developers and hope that someone at Samsung is watching.
Please excuse me for quoting myself, but I stand corrected:
mcmannion said:
[Samsung] obviously do their research into what's likely to sell.
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I just read an article on the S6 that says that it neither has a replaceable battery nor an SD card slot? When I went phone shopping last month, these were the only two requirements I had. I looked at phones from different manufacturers, with different OS, in different price ranges... the battery and card were the only thing they all had in common.
Maybe Samsung is right and I'm wrong on this one. People seem to flock to the iPhone because it has metal and glass on the outside, even with it's hardwired battery, fixed (and expensive) storage, small screen, lack of widgets, etc. If the S6 sells better than the S5 then... then... well I'll just be a monkey's uncle.
BTW, "premium" has gained the cherished center spot on my bull$hit bingo board. The only premium I see is the extra money you'll pay for a metal phone - which will probably be covered by a rubber case, anyway. I'll take a plastic phone with a swappable battery any day.
mcmannion said:
Please excuse me for quoting myself, but I stand corrected:
I just read an article on the S6 that says that it neither has a replaceable battery nor an SD card slot? When I went phone shopping last month, these were the only two requirements I had. I looked at phones from different manufacturers, with different OS, in different price ranges... the battery and card were the only thing they all had in common.
Maybe Samsung is right and I'm wrong on this one. People seem to flock to the iPhone because it has metal and glass on the outside, even with it's hardwired battery, fixed (and expensive) storage, small screen, lack of widgets, etc. If the S6 sells better than the S5 then... then... well I'll just be a monkey's uncle.
BTW, "premium" has gained the cherished center spot on my bull$hit bingo board. The only premium I see is the extra money you'll pay for a metal phone - which will probably be covered by a rubber case, anyway. I'll take a plastic phone with a swappable battery any day.
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I almost waited for the S6, then saw the final specs on it, yep not gonna happen no water Resistance no dust resistance and by the way the metal case most likely will have the same issue with scratches that the bezel on the note 4 has. not to mention an octocore 64bit processor that is hobbled at 32bit.
I still might go check it out once my local AT&T store gets them in stock. just to see

[Q] Fire TV. HDMI to VGA converter.

Hi this is my first post. I'm looking at buying the Fire TV stick but my TV has no HDMI socket. My TV is a Panasonic Viera TH-42PE30 and I'm wanting to know what converters will work with this TV and the fire TV stick. I've been told that some converters haven't worked for some people. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated as I'm looking at purchasing both the fire TV and the converter together.
They make HDMI to DVI and VGA cables should work fine. That's how my PC is running at the moment HDMI out of video card to DVI on my monitor. The HDMI port went bad
Keep in mind that there might be problems with the HDCP copy protection of the HDMI output. If it´s activated within the FireTV many converter may delivered only a black picture on VGA.
edit removed wrong links provided.
No comments about quality, because those things have to do a signal conversion. Its not a simple "cable", all of them are doing signal processing.
Also you might run into problems with HDMIs copy protection.
No comments about quality, because those things have to do a signal conversion. Its not a simple "cable", all of them are doing signal processing.
Also you might run into problems with HDMIs copy protection.[/QUOTE]
So do you think both of those might work?
How likely do you think it is, that I spend the 10 dollars and the effort of hooking up the Fire TV to a VGA port, just to figure out which parts of the video output amazon encrypts with HDCP?
Also - there is a hint in there what you should google next to find out how android devices usually are set up in regards to a certain form of copy protection.
Or you just spend the 10 USD and then come back to tell others - highly unlikely concept, trying something and then reporting back... Nobody does it on social platforms today. Not enough upvotes. people care about the occasional insight into a field, because it makes them feel like they are diverse in their interests, but really, the second time around, it already feels somewhat old. Ask into the aether, wait for the Answer to come back. No filter, no quality control, just random noise. And if you feel like you really want a more valid answer, just venture out and try to exploit a tech community. XDA made a video for this demographic once.
Also, just as a tip - there is a reason that I cant tell how the image quality on these things would be today - even in third world countries - and I mean this in no way demeaning - the proliferation of HDMI enabled TVs is high enough that they start to reach lower income households. Thanks to offbrands. There is absolutely no market anymore for those converters. Thats why they now are in the 10 dollar impulse buy category.
Now you want buying advice on that... Ask your walmart sales rep often which 10USD coffee is the best? Ask some one who worked at those specially retailers, who now go bankrupt, because they were in the business of hiring people who understood what they were selling first, and were salesmen only after that? Then buy it on amazon. You know - the difference between Rhine capitalism ( ) and whatever form americans are living in contrast to that today.
The economy in an internet forum is really not made for such requests. You bring nothing, you've invested nothing, you take value, you learn nothing that would prevent you from needing personal treatment the next time around, then you repeat the process whenever another need comes along. You exploited others when this still was a job they were paid for by companies - now you are exploiting nameless random people on the internet.
Face it - at least to some extend. Or be happy with the "there be cables" answer, because - there is no middle ground. The economy to provide you with informed and detailed answers simply does not exist.
Do something for yourself, show engagement, search before you ask - and dont fake it, because it just makes you a person who now knowingly abuses others for their benefit.
(And please follow, click subscribe and become a premium member of my one person brand. I get 20% of the proceedings. - You know, the new type of artist, we currently all like so much. Clickingly.)
---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------
Also, this:
Thank god for copy protection.
edit: And if you are really in need for a solution, read this:
I can sum it up for you. Just buying a cable that says HDMI to VGA will not work. You have to actually have a converter. Converters for what you are wanting to do usually cost around $40 minmum. The cables are usually used in conjunction with PCI type converters. PCI type converters will not work with the Fire TV since they only work with PCs, so you will need a converter that plugs into an electric outlet.
Actually - I learned something today.
I learned, that now does freely sell devices that strip HDCP out of the signal into the american market. Which of course is illegal.
So search for hdmi vga dac hdcp
and read the product descriptions and or comments.
Whatever those boxes cost, they cost 16+ USD from an asia based vendor. Also - because they are this cheap in production (it doesn't count that some vendors sell them for tripple their price), your monitor better supports 1080p natively. With the correct scaling (picture not squished or cut off) and everything.
According to a german amazon post by a customer who talked to their technical support, the FIre TV (not the stick) needs at least a HDCP 1.3 compatibility - at least this was suggested by an answer regarding potential sound issues.
So whatever device you end up buying in the end, it should have the ability to strip HDCP 1.3.
Also - Im suddenly much more forthcoming, because I accidentally, initially provided two links to devices that will not fit your questions profile (just looked for the right connectors (male/female), didnt read that they still werent dac (Digital to Analog converters - which is what you need)) - so I'm in "making good" mode. Because if you are talking as harshly as I was, imho you have to be correct down to the last details.
Wow, thank you all so much. I'm not really a tech guy but I can tell you I'm very appreciative of all the information provided. I will have a look at some converters and let you know how I get on. Thank you again
Its just a very unfruitful question - because the real answer is "buy something that has a HDMI port, everything does - nowadays". The followup answer is, to achieve this your way, you need something that converts the signal. Which is not just "buying a cable" - this thing has to have a chip in it. The follow up answer to that is, that those devices commercially only make sense anymore, if they are dirt cheap, which might lead to signal quality issues (also, potential scaling issues).
The next problem is the copy protection layer (HDCP 1.3) which has to be removed so you can even convert the digital HDMI signal to analog VGA. This wasnt always possible. Also - I would not openly talk about this information, if not amazon themselves were suddenly selling those devices in their store. So I'm choosing just not to share links.
At which point you also have to take into account the different versions of HDCP (because the industry doesnt like broken copy protection standards and writes new ones) and which one you have to circumvent.
And what for? First - copy protection at a point in the signal path, where currently only game streamers rip anything. And second - all that for something that increasingly even woulndt be an issue anymore in third world markets. Because everything nowadays has a HDMI port (- supporting or stripping HDCP). So this is all theoretical, and practical for almost no one in here. Which is why "should I buy this one, or that one" is even harder to answer.
harlekinrains said:
Its just a very unfruitful question - because the real answer is "buy something that has a HDMI port, everything does - nowadays". The followup answer is, to achieve this your way, you need something that converts the signal. Which is not just "buying a cable" - this thing has to have a chip in it. The follow up answer to that is, that those devices commercially only make sense anymore, if they are dirt cheap, which might lead to signal quality issues (also, potential scaling issues).
The next problem is the copy protection layer (HDCP 1.3) which has to be removed so you can even convert the digital HDMI signal to analog VGA. This wasnt always possible. Also - I would not openly talk about this information, if not amazon themselves were suddenly selling those devices in their store. So I'm choosing just not to share links.
At which point you also have to take into account the different versions of HDCP (because the industry doesnt like broken copy protection standards and writes new ones) and which one you have to circumvent.
And what for? First - copy protection at a point in the signal path, where currently only game streamers rip anything. And second - all that for something that increasingly even woulndt be an issue anymore in third world markets. Because everything nowadays has a HDMI port (- supporting or stripping HDCP). So this is all theoretical, and practical for almost no one in here. Which is why "should I buy this one, or that one" is even harder to answer.
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I appreciate its not easy to answer but thank you for trying to do anyway. You've really helped me out so thanks! I'll be sure to let you know how I get on.
Does not work. Tried it. You need a converter that has its own power source, cable or other so called converter powered by USB will not work. You need something like this:
Most cost effective one I've seen with good reviews.
I'very tried a few others that have not worked which is why I'm confident in what I'm saying. Good thing about AMAZON, hassle free return if it doesn't work.
To reiterate again, I wouldnt have answered the question properly, If I hadn't indadvertedly messed up and linked to two wrong items in the shortform statement. (The hints toward solving the problems were right, the links were wrong.)
I dont care how much this helped your case specifically . I simply dont accept a simple line of heartfelt gratitude as "currency". Is it decent - sure. I'm just not motivated by it at all. Not before I read the question, not after the fact.
And if you feel the need to emphasize your gratitude again I have clearly done something wrong here - my motivation was to show, that it is not ok, to drag a picture perfect example of an egoistically motivated request into a public forum, without any research or intellectual investment on your part - and then expect a short solution delivered to you on a platter.
The investment of people who are clued in is so much larger on their part, and is almost solely concentrated on you personally - without any chance, that this will help many others, that it becomes necessary to demand work from you as well. Not gratitude. You acquiring information yourself and therefore rethinking the approach of exploiting the community.
This goes differently, when a community is highly active and you have many people reitering the snippets of information they just learned and helping each other out, because it is encouraging for them. Which is by the way what support forums sell to advertisers (Context matters).
See the difference in the approach, see the resulting difference in motivation.
If you dont want to learn or reciprocate yourself - do what the last poster did, and exploit a company that factors in consumer support/returns into a business model. That way it can at least be measured by capitalism as a social structure.
What you are doing is effectively destroying social structures. You take all efforts that go into problem solving, and give back no value in return. Again, gratitude does not count.
And by the way - you are lucky and in the end some one else had the very same problem and had to solve it for themselves. When they have done so - they put in the work for themselves (in this case by exploiting a companies return policy), and sharing doesnt take much effort on top of it. But looking for others to solve your problem - not parts of it, just the problem entirely - is a different animal. My motivation then is to first refute the false answers that come out of the "well I dont care who..." "well I dont care so much about how either, but I have heard" exchanges that follow. At the end of which no one even cares so much about if its factually correct or not - or even to mention the outcome.
I made an error at that stage.
And this is the only reason, why I have become this active in here - because suddenly it potentially impacted my reputation negatively.
The problem with information ecosystems is, that information nowadays is practically free, but filtering and researching it - is not. Always try to remember that.
harlekinrains said:
To reiterate again, I wouldnt have answered the question properly, If I hadn't indadvertedly messed up and linked to two wrong items in the shortform statement. (The hints toward solving the problems were right, the links were wrong.)
I dont care how much this helped your case specifically . I simply dont accept a simple line of heartfelt gratitude as "currency". Is it decent - sure. I'm just not motivated by it at all. Not before I read the question, not after the fact.
And if you feel the need to emphasize your gratitude again I have clearly done something wrong here - my motivation was to show, that it is not ok, to drag a picture perfect example of an egoistically motivated request into a public forum, without any research or intellectual investment on your part - and then expect a short solution delivered to you on a platter.
The investment of people who are clued in is so much larger on their part, and is almost solely concentrated on you personally - without any chance, that this will help many others, that it becomes necessary to demand work from you as well. Not gratitude. You acquiring information yourself and therefore rethinking the approach of exploiting the community.
This goes differently, when a community is highly active and you have many people reitering the snippets of information they just learned and helping each other out, because it is encouraging for them. Which is by the way what support forums sell to advertisers (Context matters).
See the difference in the approach, see the resulting difference in motivation.
If you dont want to learn or reciprocate yourself - do what the last poster did, and exploit a company that factors in consumer support/returns into a business model. That way it can at least be measured by capitalism as a social structure.
What you are doing is effectively destroying social structures. You take all efforts that go into problem solving, and give back no value in return. Again, gratitude does not count.
And by the way - you are lucky and in the end some one else had the very same problem and had to solve it for themselves. When they have done so - they put in the work for themselves (in this case by exploiting a companies return policy), and sharing doesnt take much effort on top of it. But looking for others to solve your problem - not parts of it, just the problem entirely - is a different animal. My motivation then is to first refute the false answers that come out of the "well I dont care who..." "well I dont care so much about how either, but I have heard" exchanges that follow. At the end of which no one even cares so much about if its factually correct or not - or even to mention the outcome.
I made an error at that stage.
And this is the only reason, why I have become this active in here - because suddenly it potentially impacted my reputation negatively.
The problem with information ecosystems is, that information nowadays is practically free, but filtering and researching it - is not. Always try to remember that.
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Clearly you have too much time on your hands.
harlekinrains said:
To reiterate again, I wouldnt have answered the question properly, If I hadn't indadvertedly messed up and linked to two wrong items in the shortform statement. (The hints toward solving the problems were right, the links were wrong.)
I dont care how much this helped your case specifically . I simply dont accept a simple line of heartfelt gratitude as "currency". Is it decent - sure. I'm just not motivated by it at all. Not before I read the question, not after the fact.
And if you feel the need to emphasize your gratitude again I have clearly done something wrong here - my motivation was to show, that it is not ok, to drag a picture perfect example of an egoistically motivated request into a public forum, without any research or intellectual investment on your part - and then expect a short solution delivered to you on a platter.
The investment of people who are clued in is so much larger on their part, and is almost solely concentrated on you personally - without any chance, that this will help many others, that it becomes necessary to demand work from you as well. Not gratitude. You acquiring information yourself and therefore rethinking the approach of exploiting the community.
This goes differently, when a community is highly active and you have many people reitering the snippets of information they just learned and helping each other out, because it is encouraging for them. Which is by the way what support forums sell to advertisers (Context matters).
See the difference in the approach, see the resulting difference in motivation.
If you dont want to learn or reciprocate yourself - do what the last poster did, and exploit a company that factors in consumer support/returns into a business model. That way it can at least be measured by capitalism as a social structure.
What you are doing is effectively destroying social structures. You take all efforts that go into problem solving, and give back no value in return. Again, gratitude does not count.
And by the way - you are lucky and in the end some one else had the very same problem and had to solve it for themselves. When they have done so - they put in the work for themselves (in this case by exploiting a companies return policy), and sharing doesnt take much effort on top of it. But looking for others to solve your problem - not parts of it, just the problem entirely - is a different animal. My motivation then is to first refute the false answers that come out of the "well I dont care who..." "well I dont care so much about how either, but I have heard" exchanges that follow. At the end of which no one even cares so much about if its factually correct or not - or even to mention the outcome.
I made an error at that stage.
And this is the only reason, why I have become this active in here - because suddenly it potentially impacted my reputation negatively.
The problem with information ecosystems is, that information nowadays is practically free, but filtering and researching it - is not. Always try to remember that.
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I'm not sure who this is aimed at or what you are trying to say. My gut feeling is that you're offended that I asked for some information to something. It was merely a question that I asked. For your information I have done a lot of research but am not the most technically savvy person when it comes to this. Why some people feel the need to have knowledge and not share it is beyond me, but that is your choice.I thanked you for your help, just as I have everyone else for theirs, accept it or don't, that's up to you. I did not intend to offend but am thankful for the help I have received
I agree with the post above, maybe you have too much time on your hands.
I'm using this one, you can extract the sound from the HDMI too.
chuandinh said:
I'm using this one, you can extract the sound from the HDMI too.
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Wow I didn't think anything like this would work. I have an old Panasonic viera so I'm hoping something like this might work as would be a lot cheaper that way. Thank you for posting:good:
>Wow I didn't think anything like this would work.
If you had read amazon reviews, you' have found out that some of those models strip HDCP as well. Just saying. They advertise it as "compatible with DVD players, Playstation 3 and XBOX", because its illegal.
harlekinrains said:
>Wow I didn't think anything like this would work.
If you had read amazon reviews, you' have found out that some of those models strip HDCP as well. Just saying. They advertise it as "compatible with DVD players, Playstation 3 and XBOX", because its illegal.
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Was there really any need? I have read reviews about this so stop making such a big deal about this. People are trying to help, yet you seem intent on making out what I've done is wrong. Nobody else has reacted like you, I suggest you don't post if it annoys you so much
Yes there was a need. Focusing on the form factor is harmful, when more than half of those adapters (same form factor) dont strip DHCP from the signal.
Linking to certain ebay sellers or product rebrands is solicitation. Also ebay auctions are gone within a few weeks which might induce the search for similar looking models. "I never thought it would be possible within this form factor" - without context - is drawing potentially harmful conclusions that others could copy and end up with non working devices.
Those are two reasons why It was necessary to break the focus on form factor - and focus on the stripping DHCP part again. As far as price point is concerned, 16USD from some sources also was old news. (This one is 10 USD with no mention of DHCP stripping in the product description (could still be in it) and one anonymous recommendation from someone on the internet.)
This is enough for me to feel the need to become active again.

[Q] HDMI to Component/audio

I am trying to connect a FireTv box to an older 70" XBR Sony TV with only DVI and component inputs. Can someone direct me what would I need to make this work. Thank you
Nope, because it gets boring pretty quick.
What you didnt do so far.
Look on page 2 of this forum.
Search Amazon for HDMI to component.
Ask how hdcp is handled.
So get your answers from the thread I linked to instead.
Also at some point dragging along people that still dont have HDMI ports gets too bothersome. I dont care how much you spent back then - if people in third world markets have adopted a standard you still are scrambling with, something is very wrong. 70" wasnt economical back then (dont care), and now you want a cheap solution for a problem almost no one else has. Which also isnt economical (from a different POV, and now I care) right now. It will always be a cheap solution, because there is no market for it. Amazingly this means - that there are no consumer grade "brand" products. Amazingly this might also correlate with the fact that you have to strip DRM in order for it to work. Amazingly this means - this just doubled the unlikelyhood for there being branded products.
tldr to is it possible - yes. Even with the copy protection problem.
Translation: Hi - I want illegal, cheap, eastern market converters to degrade my video signal, or strip the audio from the HDMI chain - to facilitate the use of my 10+ year old TV which cost me a small fortune back then. Who is the expert here - that can solve this (partly industry created - see DRM) problem for me? For free.
No, no - thank you.
Chop, chop. Even though Radioshack has gone bankrupt, because the middle of society has turned to the internet to ask their very specific case problem questions - this still doest make this Radioshack. You see - the people you would ask before did get paid to listen to your very interesting case problem, then sell you a gadget. You had value to them, regardless of what you said, because you were a sales target. Question in return, what value do you bring to this forum - with this question?
Especially to those experts who surly would want to help you with your problem.
What you need is an IBM service rep. IBM, where you buy overpriced electronic solutions that will last you for decades. Hint - those are the guys with pocket protectors in a company suit, that still occupy the mental spot of "what electronics as a field is" to probably the majority of an aging society.
Wow! what a lecture for a simple question and BTW I did not ask you (in special) for any illegal options.
And after the rant:®-Conve...pebp=1435681310873&perid=0H04E8YTJV3JE9B58KMG
DVI is the better solution, since the video signal doest have to be touched.
Does it work? It should (educated assessment), but I dont care. Is there something better? There is no comparative level also no one would be interested in finding out at that point. Could there be a problem when I... Yes.
Did you really just use the amazon search for me? Yes.
At this point we can stop it - short, but hopefully not entirely uneventful.
---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 PM ----------
@bula1ca: Thats the entire problem - you did (ask for an illegal solution).
You just dont care about any of the ramification, about whose support we are "playing" here, about who created the issues along the way (DRM which requires an illegal solution, but dont threat, amazon will gladly sell you one), about prolonging certain behavior models, about what a community is, about what motivates it - and what behavior actually destroys it and so forth
This is the prototypical example of being ignorant (part of that also includes not knowing how exactly) and in the end still getting an answer out of it. You did - but hopefully it wasnt entirely painless.
In short - the industry has abandoned you, some of the problems you are facing are industry created, there is no popular interest whatsoever in answering your question, you didnt bring anything to the table (searching, asking the right questions), your electronics buying and usecycles are adding to the problem and you are mistaking a forum for a support site. Also you want free. Thank you.
So at what point would we both find it easier to ignore this question entirely and behave like it didnt happen? And at what point would this discourage others from, in a very distinct way, abusing this platform?
This is the only cause I'm putting this much effort into answering it. To make people like you realize, that if you treat communities like a zero sum game that do your bidding (Hey, I just searched amazon for you! Doesnt that make you feel grand?), you dont do any of us any good.
If you are ignorant to whats causing problems ("Those hackers will always crack DRM!" "Pirates are bad, mkay") - this causes additional problems in the long run. You have managed to get this far without thinking about DRM. Congratulation - but maybe this should change.
Also - I write fast.
edit: As a further notice, if the solution linked to above doesnt work, the DRM on the FIre TV is to new. Is it? Well, find out. Do some research.
bula1ca said:
I am trying to connect a FireTv box to an older 70" XBR Sony TV with only DVI and component inputs. Can someone direct me what would I need to make this work. Thank you
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Before I upgraded my amplifier, I did something similar.
This cable will get you from HDMI-out to DVI-in without any perceptible loss in picture quality. I'd offer my old one for the asking, but it's huge and they're cheap. That takes care of the video.
For the audio, you'll need something like this. I used it because my old amp had optical inputs but no HDMI switching. As with the cable, you can have it for the asking, but I'd recommend getting a newer one. The first gen ran hot and the LEDs are blindingly bright (easily fixed with electrical tape ) But if your old TV has optical inputs, you'd be set.
If your old TV doesn't have optical audio inputs (most only have outputs), it's time to start thinking about HTiB or Home Theater in-a-Box. You can have all my old stuff, but by the time you've paid for the shipping, you can get something newer and shinier.
P.S. Try to ignore the trolls. Eventually, they will get bored and go back to the sandbox.
wellersl said:
Before I upgraded my amplifier, I did something similar.
This cable will get you from HDMI-out to DVI-in without any perceptible loss in picture quality. I'd offer my old one for the asking, but it's huge and they're cheap. That takes care of the video.
For the audio, you'll need something like this. I used it because my old amp had optical inputs but no HDMI switching. As with the cable, you can have it for the asking, but I'd recommend getting a newer one. The first gen ran hot and the LEDs are blindingly bright (easily fixed with electrical tape ) But if your old TV has optical inputs, you'd be set.
If your old TV doesn't have optical audio inputs (most only have outputs), it's time to start thinking about HTiB or Home Theater in-a-Box. You can have all my old stuff, but by the time you've paid for the shipping, you can get something newer and shinier.
P.S. Try to ignore the trolls. Eventually, they will get bored and go back to the sandbox.
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Thanks much appreciated, LOL. I had it hocked up with a HDMI to DVI cable (used for my cable box) however I had a very choppy picture when any video played. This box is the basement very close to the router and should not be a wifi problem. BTW I even plugged in a cable direct from my router and no difference in video quality. My 1st unit on the 2nd floor and plays without any issues.
"Something like this" is also stripping HDCP - so it is in fact the same solution (HDMI goes into a powered black box, ...). With a unnecessary switch added to it. And you made him/her buy an additional cable that arguably isnt needed. (But thats a minor thing.)
When people would at least be surface educated about DRM (HDCP) in this case "just strip it out using these fine products you find on Amazon" wouldnt be an acceptable answer.
Still there is a faction that thinks that we should ignore that, and find it totally normal that we have to point to illegal applications to solve legacy problems, that this is our function on XDA - and please do that politely and mostly silent - because thats what good product support does. Please be so understanding and you get a LOL out of it in return - for your efforts.
I dont see myself as a product support kind of type. Much.
I have different interests - like talking about issues, when they are so obvious. They cant be ignored.
Luckily some are still willing in assisting you in "buying them away". There is just a little problem to it. There is no guarantee that this will work after the next revision of HDMI, or the one after, or the one...
And as we have established, no one is willing to educate, search, or reflect on the issue at hand.
I insist, that the OP is more of a troll than I ever was, not intentionally, but in effect.
Thank you to everyone participating - especially the members of this community that still think skipping the "learning something" part and getting right to the product endorsement was what was needed in this case.
Also, thats just the "ignoring DRM" part. The selfentitlement in not finding out anything about where the problems lie, and how to circumvent them (thread was on page 2) is an entire different chapter. I've covered that one as well.
That is enough. No need for you ignorance and sarcasm to a simple question.
When did I request any support from you?
I asked a simple question. Do you really think it is OK with Sony building all these TVs and now we are left behind with no support?
That is the only reason we are looking for a solution so give us a break and go find someone else to irritate with your stupid remarks.
Thanks for the flavor text.
HDMI and DVi are entirely digital. A choppy image that is caused by the signal connection from the box to the screen is basically impossible (maybe after 50 feet of cable, but still - *neh*). But it surly isnt the wifi. Why even look at the player cache?
When flavor text is used to "simulate" being "technically interested" it changes the entire mood of the situation. Im always appreciative of that one as well.
But thank you for mirroring the "being ignorrant" mantra on to me.
My reaction was animated - but it is justified.
If you can find someone that is willing to give you a product endorsement, you win.
You had little to no effort opening this thread, the other person had little effort answering the question. You learned nothing and no expertise was needed. ("i found that on amazon" was successfully transfered from one person to another) Thats minimal effort, no harm done - maybe the wrong forum, but who cares.
And tomorrow two of you follow.
edit: As for the question "are you ok with this being Sonys fault and us not getting any support from them". Again - your question basically is a paid support question ("dosnt work with what I bought"). You get no support from Sony, because the screen at this point is over 10 years old, or was sold as a professional screen, produced not with consumer devices in mind. Understand that. Companies factor in support, they pay for it, and after a few years, you cant get it anymore. Also, it isnt Sonys fault, because the push towards HDMI always was at least "accompanied" by content provider interests. Your problem to the largest extend is a DRM problem and not a compatibility problem. Solving the DRM problem requires illegal solutions. That are openly sold on amazon (lets not talk about that) - so amazon can profit from it, but we should solve it for you, right?
In addition you havent read up on the problem behind your issue, have bought the hdmi/dvi cable that doesnt solve it for you (but you can now buy a switch for that will strip HDCP), and way back when bought a 70" screen with none of the conventional inputs (maybe an age issue). Again - what have you brought to the table, and why should anyone on XDA cater to your problem - when it was discussed already in a thread on page 2.
Again - "looking for a paid solution, getting it of amazon, followed by an "oh it works" moment - then sharing it with another one" is easy. But it ignores all structural issues with it, the approach, the solution, the problem itself...
And to be very frank - I would even have reacted if someone had just posted an amazon link not contextualizing that this vendor (and amazon) are profiting from an illegal solution to an etirely made up problem (DRM) that was factually "produced" to harm users (legacy issues), on behalf of the content industry.
Why is it in your interest that none of this gets addressed?
I'll gift you not talking about your product buying cycles and why XDA should be the last source to frequent to get support for "whale" (industry term, not derogative) like behavior..
Reduced complexity. Not having to learn anything. But that lets these threads pop up one after the other, and I dont get my chance to point the finger at who actually is responsible for the problem (not you. For the most part. Although you could have done your research.). Because everything becomes "just a simple question" in this light.

Something very strange going on here

I can't be the only one who's noticed that there's a bunch of people on this forum, who for whatever reason seem to be on some kind of campaign. These people are insisting that Note 7 owners must power them off and return them and they take every opportunity to say that the phone is a huge danger and that no only must all handsets be returned, but that the networks and Samsung must block the devices. It goes far beyond the occasional post and the odd comment. It's repeated, vitriolic, aggressive, confrontational and dogmatic.
Fine upstanding citizens these people may be and perhaps they are so motivated to ensure the safety of their fellow humans. But I seriously doubt that. I doubt most of them surely don't care a damn about the safety of other phone users. So what's driving this campaign of vitriol? Why are these people not simply making their point and moving on? Is it because they have surrendered their devices and don't like others still enjoying their Note 7's? is it because they are somehow feeling inadequate and feel the need to demonstrate their superiority?
I can't remember circumstances before where so many self-rightous, sanctimonious vigilantes have sprung up who seem hell bent on TELLING others what they must do.
I'd like to say to all of them, what people do with their own Note 7's is a matter entirely for them, their supplier and their mobile operator. That's it. Beyond that, it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
For those with eyes. IRIS = SIRI, reverse engineering.
---------- Post added at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ----------
On a serious Note, yes there are moles on here. Think different? Think for yourself! If you want to keep your Note 7, then do it! The only "proof" that there ever was a fault was through the media. Remember, the media is not your friend!
Happy to still keep using mine (is slated for swap out to S7E which is not the phone I forked out $1350 for, that is for sure!)
My phone survived a huge cooking with the Oculus dodgy update, so I feel it is one of the good ones
I know some users here who definitely match your discussed behaviour though!
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
I was actually thinking of making a thread exactly like this.
I, too, have noticed this. I truly think they are former Note 7 owners who wish they'd kept their devices. They know they made the wrong choice giving it up, and are now stuck using a device that has half the features. And as they stare at their crappy phone, they fill with rage that other people still have Note 7s and are enjoying them to the fullest.
Nobody is taking my Note 7 away from me, that's for sure. This device is so far ahead of everything else. It's better than 90% of 2017's devices will be.
I had the exact same thoughts as well. Very unlike XDA forum members, who are in general all about doing whatever they want with their devices, regardless of who says what.
I will be returning mine for a refund at the latest possible moment, since unfortunately the idea of keeping it indefinitely with no future updates and no Oculus support, doesn't work for me.
But it's kind of irrelevant what I will be doing with mine. The point is, it's entirely up to me and I am sick and tired of people who I don't know, nor care to know, telling me THEY know better.
andoxviii said:
I was actually thinking of making a thread exactly like this.
I, too, have noticed this. I truly think they are former Note 7 owners who wish they'd kept their devices. They know they made the wrong choice giving it up, and are now stuck using a device that has half the features. And as they stare at their crappy phone, they fill with rage that other people still have Note 7s and are enjoying them to the fullest.
Nobody is taking my Note 7 away from me, that's for sure. This device is so far ahead of everything else. It's better than 90% of 2017's devices will be.
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I don't miss mine one bit. Care to keep generalizing? Maybe we just don't want our aircraft cabins filled with toxic fumes from smoldering batteries, as UNLIKELY as an event that may be. I for one don't mind people keeping their N7's. Do what you will. I do find it comical that people with small children in the home are hardcore defending keeping the device, however. Even though the slightest possibility of a device going up in smoke is slim to none, the safety of my family comes first. No amount of iris scanners and expandable storage can make up for a potential fire hazard in the home.
this forum is about people interesred in this device, I got my replacement, and I am happy with it, besides my carrier will keep a one year warranty, so, it is a good deal for me, in my country there is no mandatory recall, so, they can not force anybody to surrender the phone, also by no means , they wont block/deactivate remotely, as it woul be considered against your consumer rights, I started a thread about over sensitive s pen, and only thing I got was "get rid of your note7" in my opinion, this kind of replies defeat the entire purpose of this portal, that is helping and improving, there are lots of people keeping their note7, so, whoever returned, or backed from a note 7, should show some respect to those keeping it
Rado_vr6 said:
I don't miss mine one bit. Care to keep generalizing? Maybe we just don't want our aircraft cabins filled with toxic fumes from smoldering batteries, as UNLIKELY as an event that may be. I for one don't mind people keeping their N7's. Do what you will. I do find it comical that people with small children in the home are hardcore defending keeping the device, however. Even though the slightest possibility of a device going up in smoke is slim to none, the safety of my family comes first. No amount of iris scanners and expandable storage can make up for a potential fire hazard in the home.
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Q. E. D.
winol said:
this forum is about people interesred in this device, I got my replacement, and I am happy with it, besides my carrier will keep a one year warranty, so, it is a good deal for me, in my country there is no mandatory recall, so, they can not force anybody to surrender the phone, also by no means , they wont block/deactivate remotely, as it woul be considered against your consumer rights, I started a thread about over sensitive s pen, and only thing I got was "get rid of your note7" in my opinion, this kind of replies defeat the entire purpose of this portal, that is helping and improving, there are lots of people keeping their note7, so, whoever returned, or backed from a note 7, should show some respect to those keeping it
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What country are you in out of interest. I'm in the UK and I'm not entirely sure if it's voluntary or mandatory. Also if it is voluntary then we may still get some updates which at the very least means security patches. I hope.
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
It is evident on other Android Forums too, I got "Warnings" and had my Posts outright Deleted when I posted this link:
(Strange how the reporter's name is Niamh)
---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------
andoxviii said:
I was actually thinking of making a thread exactly like this.
I, too, have noticed this. I truly think they are former Note 7 owners who wish they'd kept their devices. They know they made the wrong choice giving it up, and are now stuck using a device that has half the features. And as they stare at their crappy phone, they fill with rage that other people still have Note 7s and are enjoying them to the fullest.
Nobody is taking my Note 7 away from me, that's for sure. This device is so far ahead of everything else. It's better than 90% of 2017's devices will be.
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I agree. I was actually an unfortunate Pre-ordered Note 7 customer who never got theirs in time due to the recall and have even posted asking if anyone who has one instead of returning it I would buy it from them. It was ignored by a moderator who in turn replied to the previous poster asking if they had received their 'fireproof' return shipping box.
Either these are shills or are just hypnotized by the recent mass media campaign and genuinely believe the Note 7's are dangerous. Yet you need to question that when you post clear evidence that even today's news is showing iPhones exploding and destroying cars.
People are either brainwashed or are working undercover counter intelligence
Chippy_boy said:
I can't be the only one who's noticed that there's a bunch of people on this forum, who for whatever reason seem to be on some kind of campaign. These people are insisting that Note 7 owners must power them off and return them and they take every opportunity to say that the phone is a huge danger and that no only must all handsets be returned, but that the networks and Samsung must block the devices. It goes far beyond the occasional post and the odd comment. It's repeated, vitriolic, aggressive, confrontational and dogmatic.
Fine upstanding citizens these people may be and perhaps they are so motivated to ensure the safety of their fellow humans. But I seriously doubt that. I doubt most of them surely don't care a damn about the safety of other phone users. So what's driving this campaign of vitriol? Why are these people not simply making their point and moving on? Is it because they have surrendered their devices and don't like others still enjoying their Note 7's? is it because they are somehow feeling inadequate and feel the need to demonstrate their superiority?
I can't remember circumstances before where so many self-rightous, sanctimonious vigilantes have sprung up who seem hell bent on TELLING others what they must do.
I'd like to say to all of them, what people do with their own Note 7's is a matter entirely for them, their supplier and their mobile operator. That's it. Beyond that, it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
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Samsung is also one of these people who keep telling to give back your phone... weird...
Rado_vr6 said:
I don't miss mine one bit. Care to keep generalizing? Maybe we just don't want our aircraft cabins filled with toxic fumes from smoldering batteries, as UNLIKELY as an event that may be. I for one don't mind people keeping their N7's. Do what you will. I do find it comical that people with small children in the home are hardcore defending keeping the device, however. Even though the slightest possibility of a device going up in smoke is slim to none, the safety of my family comes first. No amount of iris scanners and expandable storage can make up for a potential fire hazard in the home.
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I don't plan on taking my personal phone (Note 7 w8) into an airplane. I plan on using my work iPhone for that.
Nor do I have children.
And if all you see is an iris scanner and expandable storage when you look at the Note 7, then this device isn't for you anyways.
Check out the website of your country. To see if the recall is voluntary or mandatory. All sites will ask you to power down and exchange for another Galaxy model ?
?hardcore signatures?
Sent from my SM-N930F using XDA-Developers mobile app
I've not posted in the various other threads on this topic but to the starter of this thread, how would you feel if someone posted pretty much what you said but instead of talking about the note 7 it was talking about drinking and driving?
Many of us live in societies with incredible levels of self entitlement. People believing that they are special and rules don't apply to them. It's not really about YOUR safety it's about the safety of people around you. That is the real issue. While some of the people who are keeping their phones may never take it outside their house I don't for a second believe that none of them will take them on planes, subways, etc. Just like drinking and driving you may get away with it for a very long time but it only takes one time to change your life forever. In order to keep a note 7 as normal it requires you to actively circumvent updates from Samsung. If something goes wrong and someone dies there will be no "I didn't realize" defense. You absolutely will be going to jail.
As for myself I surrendered my note 7 yesterday. I was sad to see such a great phone go to waste but I have no regrets. I respect my safety and that of others around me too much to take a risk. I fly frequently and don't need any headaches like this.
I don't for a second think that Samusung is taking this **** kicking, both financially and to their reputation for fun. I think it's wise to heed their advice and replace the phone.
Wooba99 said:
I've not posted in the various other threads on this topic but to the starter of this thread, how would you feel if someone posted pretty much what you said but instead of talking about the note 7 it was talking about drinking and driving?
Many of us live in societies with incredible levels of self entitlement. People believing that they are special and rules don't apply to them. It's not really about YOUR safety it's about the safety of people around you. That is the real issue. While some of the people who are keeping their phones may never take it outside their house I don't for a second believe that none of them will take them on planes, subways, etc. Just like drinking and driving you may get away with it for a very long time but it only takes one time to change your life forever. In order to keep a note 7 as normal it requires you to actively circumvent updates from Samsung. If something goes wrong and someone dies there will be no "I didn't realize" defense. You absolutely will be going to jail.
As for myself I surrendered my note 7 yesterday. I was sad to see such a great phone go to waste but I have no regrets. I respect my safety and that of others around me too much to take a risk. I fly frequently and don't need any headaches like this.
I don't for a second think that Samusung is taking this **** kicking, both financially and to their reputation for fun. I think it's wise to heed their advice and replace the phone.
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Great - good for you. No need to repeat it any more.
CerveCesar said:
Check out the website of your country. To see if the recall is voluntary or mandatory. All sites will ask you to power down and exchange for another Galaxy model
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As you say. Ask.
Chippy_boy said:
Great - good for you. No need to repeat it any more.
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Not planning too. I know it's a waste of time trying to convince people so I don't try. You asked a question, I answered it.
And you never answered my question.
Wooba99 said:
Not planning too. I know it's a waste of time trying to convince people so I don't try. You asked a question, I answered it.
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EDIT: Sorry I missed your question. The answer is, the two are not comparable. Drinking and driving is proven to be extremely dangerous. Note 7's are proven to be pretty safe. The issue is that they are not as safe as some people would like, but to compare the levels of risk to that of driving a car whilst drunk, is misleading.
There's already a flight ban in place and people I would imagine are sensible enough to respect that. I know I would. And regards the public safety risk more generally, NO-ONE has suffered serious injury and there have been no deaths out of 4 million units shipped. Worst case, the device is going to catch fire and guess what - people will put it out. The idea that automatically when a phone catches fire then some kind of apocalypse occurs, is also misleading. These are fundamentally fairly safe devices. Samsung however necessarily look at it down the other end of the telescope since they are responsible for all 4 million devices and whereas the chance of you or I having an issue with our phone is very very low, the chances of Samsung having an issue with one of the 4 million of their phones, is very very high. That's why they needed to cancel the phone, not because any one phone is intrinsically dangerous - it is not.
I am of the belief that some, not all, of the owners who returned their Note 7's would be better served with an iPhone anyways. Those are the one's that take a shine toward being dominated in every aspect of their lives.

Is there any way to get Gear VR working again without rooting?

I've tried using Google Cardboard with the Gear VR headset and the results are not great - nothing like as good as with the Oculus software.
I know you can hack it to get it work again if you are rooted, but I am not. Is there any other way?
I have read many of your posts Chippy_boy and I doubt I could dissuade you but for the sake of anybody else reading this thread can I point out what a really stupid idea using any VR device with a Note 7 is. Does it really have to be said?
I'm sure nobody needs it pointing out that this is a device that has been withdrawn by the manufacturer at enormous expense because it has a fault that causes it to catch fire in spectacular fashion. And before people start posting their home brewed calculations of the risk, NOBODY knows the risk of this happening in the future because you have NO information what the fault is and therefore the future likelihood of failure.
<Mod Snip>
Tom, perhaps you mean well and thank you for your thoughts on this matter.
But have a think on how many Note7's have been shipped. And how many have caught fire in a GearVR headset, i.e. none.
In fact have another think on how many have "exploded". Also none.
People can make up their own minds about how dangerous or not this might be, but thanks anyway.
Let's keep things respectful please.
I think, in my opinion, when somebody asks for help about some topic, if anybody has an answer or idea as to how to help, that person may choose to or not to help, but please, dont try to convince or educate others, to do what you think must be done, help if you can, thats all
rooting is likely the only option outside of cardboard. unfortunately in the situation there is going to be very limited new development for the phone.

