HELP editing Phone.apk from Galaxy S CM9 to have full picture on the incoming calls - Galaxy S I9000 Themes and Apps

I want to modify the Phone.apk from teamhacksung CM9 B17 for Galaxy S.
What I want to do is to modify it that when I have an incoming call, to see the full picture of the caller. more precisely I want that the black rectangle where you have icon to answer or t reject, to be transparent.
It can be done. I got from the xda forum a moded Phone.apk for B16 where that rectangle is transparent.
I have attached a picture so that you understand what I'm talking about. i also have attached that transparent mod for B16.
Using Beyond Compare 3, I guess that I have to modify in the following file:
Phone.apk\res\layout\incall_touch_ui.xml and replace:
< android:id="@id/incomingCallWidget" android:background="@android:color/black" android:visibility="gone" android:layout_width="fill_parent" .......
< android:id="@id/incomingCallWidget" android:background="@android:color/transparent" android:visibility="gone" android:layout_width="fill_parent" .......
Here comes the problem:
I decompile Phone.apk with Apk_Manager_5.0.2, change that word, save the file and the recompile.
After i install the phone.apk using a zip container from recovery, when I try to make a call or receive a call, I get the: "Voice calls not suported" error.
I tryed all the combinations for compiling: system app, signed/unnsigned; nonsystem app signed/unsigned. Same error.
What am I doin wrong? Any ideas?

similar problem here, but my Phone.apk just crashs

I've had similar issues on Samsung's GB ROMs. I had no problems with Contacts.apk, MMS.apk and DialerTabActivity.apk. I could easily recompile them and moded versions would work. But recompiled Phone.apk kept FC-ing so I eventually gave up.
I don't know what tools themers use to make it work.

After recompiling the Phone.apk open it with 7zip, extract the file that you have modified and put it in the original phone.apk.
Inviato dal mio GT-I9000 usando Tapatalk 2 Final

copying the file did work, thanks for that tip. However the mod did not work, the lower area is still black :-(

You need to change some files from the apk manager to compile android 4.0 files. I can upload my apk manager whitch works as soon as I get home.

those apk manager changes (it's actually not a single change in apk manager but just using apktools 1.4.1) are only related to the smali/dex files. layout/*.xml aren't influenced by that.

These are the changes that I was talking about:
"No problem I used Apk Manager 5.x(dont know exactly). But I've done this two things with the APK-Manager:
-deleted the original aapt.exe in /others and copied the one from the platform tools folder in from the sdk(has to be done if you work with ics apps)
-(de)compiled with Apk-tool 1.4.1 instead of 1.4.3 as the newer version sometimes causes some errors. Just delete the Apkttool.jar in /others and download 1.4.1 from the apk tool webite and paste it in /other
afterwards everything should work fine.."

i know those changes (see above), they don't solve the problem though.
apktool 1.4.1 + copy unchanged files (everything but ressources.arsc and incall_touch_ui.xml): FC
apktool 1.4.1 + don't copy: FC
apktool 1.4.3 + copy unchanged files: no FC but contact pic is still the old size
apktool 1.4.3 + don't copy: FC

same proble here with GS2.
this incoming call screen filled with black is very anoying...
any news on how to fiw that?

phone transparent incoming call
That app does wgat it is supposed, ask mr goodle, for i don't kjnow where i have found it

i made it AOKP build 37

Thats great, but can you explain how to do that?
Cause i' use GS2, and not GS, adn with different rom, we have to use differents phone.apk.
So instead of asking you every time, i'd like to learn how to do it.


Hi. That's how I was able to do it:
First, copy your Phone.apk from the system folder inside your phone to your computer. Do not use any other Phone.apk, because it may be another version and it will not work. Or extract the Phone.apk from the rom that you flashed to your phone and use it.
You must make some changes to the apk manager to complie/decomplile Phone.apk.
Here is the list with the changes. If you follow it exactly, it should work:
-delete the original aapt.exe in /others and copy the one from the platform tools folder from the sdk(has to be done if you work with ics apps) - you must install android 4.0 sdk. Google it and you will find it easy.
-(de)compile with Apk-tool 1.4.1 instead of 1.4.3 as the newer version sometimes causes some errors. Just delete the Apkttool.jar in /others and download 1.4.1 from the apk tool webite and paste it in /other
afterwards everything should work fine...
Then, when you get the unsignedPhone.apk, rename it to Phone.apk, and put it in a zip file and flash via recovery. Do not copy it with inside the phone because it will not work. If you don't know how to make a zip file, just download any mod (perka, reloaded ...) and open the zip with 7zip, delete any apk's you find in it, and drag Phone.apk inside the System folder from the zip, and then flash it via recovery.
Good luck.
If it does't work, send me an email: [email protected], and I will send you my apk manager that is allready modified and works to compile/decompile.


[TOOL] Create ZipThemer patch from modified APK - Linux only

Hey guys & gals!
Here is a little tool I made.
What it does is take 2 APK files - the original, and the modified/themed one. It then extracts the APK's and collects all the files that have changed from the original in the modified APK. It also adds the new files in the modified APK.
It wont handle changes to the smali code, but any xml or png changes will work fine.
Then it builds the changed files into a zip file that can be flashed using ZipThemer.
To use:
make an empty directory for apkdiff to work in.
create 2 folders new_apk and old_apk and place the 2 files in their respective directories.
Run the script:
apkdiff /system/app Phone
The 2 parameters are:
The folder on your device the APK is located in
The name of the APK file (without .apk on the end)
There are a couple of parameters you may need to adjust at the top of the file.
The result will be a file in the "out" folder which can then be used on other devices to modify the original apk using ZipThemer. This is a lot smaller file than if you redistribute the whole modified APK.
I hope this makes sense to someone!!
I am sure there are bugs in it somewhere, so if you give it a try and it breaks let me know.
Great and useful work mate,
thank you very much!!!

[WINDOWS] Rom Zip Modifier

everytime I want to flash a new version of a rom I have to modify the zip file contents, i.e. delete some files etc, which is a very tedious process.
Thats why I created a little tool for Windows (requires .NET 3.5) that can do the following with a zip file of a rom:
- Delete files
- Add / Replace files
- extract .apk's, decompile them, modify (regex replace) inside text / xml files within, recompile them and put the updated version back into the rom zip.
The tool is still beta, so there could be many errors if you don't use it correctly... always make a copy of the rom zip before using this tool on it
The included apktool (for decompile/recompile of apk) requires JRE 1.6 and only works for Android Jellybean roms / framework-res.apk's - but I think you could just use another apktool version for different Android versions.
Included in the package is a sample configuration that is basically exactly what I am using. Of course you can change what files to add, delete and modify. Also there is a screenshot attached so you can see what it looks like - as you can see you need to have some basic knowledge of how android rom stuff works, I don't think this is useful to total noobs, sorry.
If you have any problems / suggestions feel free to write here.
I hope this is useful to someone
1.0: Inital release
1.1: Some error checking, not all errors will be caught but at least some basic ones.
1.2: Files to delete and apk's to modify can now be selected from the zip file via file browser
1.3: Log during modify operation and bugfixes
1.4: More bugfixes, plus the settings are now stored in the image of a cat
This looks like it could be useful. Thanks for sharing.
Great!!! easy to edit a rom for me
Thx, great job.
New version 1.1 with some error checking released.
Version 1.3 released with the following changes:
- Files to delete and apk's to modify can now be selected from the zip file via file browser
- Log during modify operation and bugfixes
Last version don't work with last nightly CM10 and Jellybro when trying to modify Navbar DPI.
ZipTest Error.
Sorry for bad English.
DeadMetaler said:
Last version don't work with last nightly CM10 and Jellybro when trying to modify Navbar DPI.
ZipTest Error.
Sorry for bad English.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah I noticed, the problem seems to be thatthe zip file contains some folders like "a" and "A" - which is no Problemon Linux, Android etc, but does not work under Windows I haven't found any solution yet, but I'll try to find a fix for it.

[Q] Help themeing blazer rom 1.9 ics gs3

Was wondering if there is a themeing form for dummies on how to theme galaxy s3, or a list of themes for blazer rom. I want to change colors of mms, icons in pull down, change carrier label, basically change the color theme of touch wiz to match the new sype beta red theme(white, black, and red), just need pointed in the right direction not asking for someone to do it for me. All the post i could find were for themeing samsung epic touch and so on. Thanks in advance and i will hit the button if helped.
First you need to set up apktool on your computer/laptop. Google "How to Set Up Apktool". I don't know what OS your home computer/laptop so you'll have to tailor your set up.
I use Windows, here is a decent guide for Windows 7 x64
After you install the prerequisites (java, sdk etc) go here and grab the modified apktool.jar AND aapt.exe and place them in your apktool directory (it will replace the older ones you used in the guide, the one I linked to is a new, updated version that works with TW and AOSP very well)
After you have everything installed and apktool is ready to go, pull these files from your ROM and place them into your apktool folder (you can use adb pull or simple copy/paste the apk's from your system onto your SD then transfer them to your computer). You will need:
Place all of these apk's into your apktool directory. Now open a new command prompt window and "cd" your apktool folder. For instance, mine is C:\apktool\ so I type
cd apktool
Next, type
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool if twframework-res.apk
This will install resources so you can now decompile apk's that use framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk resources
Next you can decompile all of those apk's. SecMms.apk is the messaging app, SystemUI.apk is the statusbar and the two framework files are the system framework
To decompile:
apktool d framework-res.apk
After you make changes you recompile (your new apk will be in the framework-res/dist folder):
apktool b framework-res
You can alter the folder names of each of these. For example if you want the decompiled framework-res folder labeled per ROM you could do
apktool d framework-res.apk framework-res-blazer
So, to make everything red and black your going to have to manipulate both xml's and png's. For png's I suggest Paint.NET or GIMP, both are free. I honestly prefer Photoshop and have been using it for quite some time, however it is expensive (I think they do a free trial and have discounts for students). Pay special attention on ".9.png's", these are stretchable images and need to be treated differently (Google some guides on that)
For XML's. in framework-res/res/values/ you will find plenty of colors to change, especially for TW. I would go to colors.xml and change the holo_blue_light and holo_blue_dark to a red color (I use this tool to find appropriate hex colors that android uses). If you see an "ff" in front of the color it just means that the color will be shown 100% (no transparency).
So I would dig through those apk's, the easiest parts will be modifying the images as sometimes colors can be tricky to mod in xml's, but like I said, those two holo colors do control a lot. Same in the SecMms.apk and twframework-res
After you recompiled you apk's you need to copy over the META-INF folder AND the AndroidManifest.xml from the original apk to your new one ( I use WinRar, however 7-Zip is free)
Here is a guide I made on how to make a flashable zip after you made your apk's, just follow that and make a backup before flashing
Good Luck!

[Mods] SG2 - All in 1 place

This info is gathered from different threads from XDA and not my own findings. Thanks to all the original posts and authors who researched and got the info. These have worked for SG2.
1) Center AOSP lockscreen ring after lowering DPI from 240 to 200 or 182, etc
framework-res.apk - The file that needs to be edited is "keyguard_screen_tab_unlock.xml" this file can be found in framework-res.apk/res/layout
2) Disable/remove status bar on lock screen [thanks to xperiacle] [there are 2 options in the below post, I preferred the 2nd one]
3) Remove labels from dock icons (touchwiz) [thanks to P123456]
line <style name="HotseatIcon" parent="@style/BaseHotseatIcon">
<item name="android:textSize">0.0dip</item>
4) Have AOSP dialer on stock ROM
Got this working with assistance from multiple users in the forum. There are multiple ways to get this working.
a) Borrow "contacts.apk" from Chameleon ROM 3.0.4 for SG2, then Disable signature verification ( and place the borrowed apk file into \preload\symlink\system\app, rename "seccontacts.apk" to "seccontacts.apk.bak", delete sym linked "seccontacts.apk" from \system\app, set proper permissions on "contacts.apk" and then create link of "contacts.apk" to "\system\app". Reboot. This will not replace the call screen (for this you need to replace "phone.apk" as well and follow the above procedure.
b) borrow "contacts.apk" from Chameleon ROM 3.0.4 for Sg2, decompile the apk and recompile it back without making any changes. If you get any errors, you may need to fix it. Ideally you should not get any error. The recompiled apk can be installed as a normal application over the installed dialer, thus allowing you to test the aosp dialer. It is always better to replace the file as per above step instead of using the installed app. The installed version will be lost during reboot. This procedure may work on other 4.2.2 based "contacts.apk" (tested using file of Baked rom; however you need to fix some errors that popup during recompile.
5) Enable quick dial button besides stock dialer contacts.
Add following section to /system/csc/feature.xml
<!-- Contacts -->:
For additional CSC features, refer to ""
Will add more of these from time to time.

[NST/NSTG] Multilanguage and modified Settings.apk for 1.2 firmware

For NST/NSTG with 1.2 firmware​
Hi, new NTSG owener here
After reading this thread I've decided to make similar mod for 1.2 firmware.
NOTE: this was tested on rooted 1.2 firmware on NSTG but should work fine also on NST
Modifications in framework-res.apk:
-added languages: the same as in original mod
-replaced some images: by default not-localized ones had ugly "X" painted on top, now they look as for English locale
Modifications in Settings.apk:
-all languages are now visible in language picker ( <extra android:name="hideDevLanguages" android:value="false" /> in xml/settings_locale.xml) removed due to SetupWizard incompatibility ( doesn't like this)
-added Development Options in main menu (changes in xml/settings_root.xml and xml/settings_root_gossamer.xml- first file is for NSTG, second for NST)
-locale picker is present in Development Options
-added Sync & Settings submenu
If you wish to play further with Settings.apk I can recommend this tutorial (it's for ICS but workflow is the same for Eclair).
All files are CWM flashable zips -modified framework-res.apk -modified Settings.apk -restore stock framework-res.apk -restore stock Settings.apk
Remember to make a full backup before flashing anything​
Updated Settings.apk- now Accounts & Sync is available
NST owners- please post feedback, I can't test modifications on your hardware.
Removed modded settings.apk due to SetupWizard incompatibility, testing alternate solutions
Modded Settings.apk back online.
Settings.apk is deeply tied to other B&N system apps, Setup Wizard will fail with a modded one.
So if you want to use it keep original one around in case of data wipe
PERFECT! just what I wanted.. hey this DOES have Japanese on it right?
as in.. the list that said..
languages with better support by android:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
EDIT: nope no Japanese... lemme see if I can add it in myself
MadHatterRyu said:
nope no Japanese... lemme see if I can add it in myself
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Languages were taken from 2.1 Samsung EU rom.
I've used Android Multitool
If you want to add language:
1.Grab a 2.1 rom which has your language onboard, decompile framework-res.apk,
-copy /res/values-[desired language code]/ folder which includes arrays.xml, plurals.xml and strings.xml
-copy /res/raw-[desired language code] folder
2. Decompile Nook's framework-res.apk
-put both previously extracted folders to /res
-copy any of existing /res/raw-XX to /res/raw-[desired language code] -this folder holds localized images
-compile apk
-there will be warning about missing strings in translation- dont' worry, system will use english ones
-copy AndroidManifest.xml file and /META-INF from original framework-res.apk to newly compiled one (apk is a zip)
3. Replace framework-res.apk in a flashable zip and flash it
I'd advise to wipe dalvik-cache after flashing (just in case)
And better don't use modded Settings.apk, language picker can be accessed in Nook Color Tools.
Sorry, I didn't find a way to make modded Settings work in SetupWizard (oobe.apk in reality)
And better check if fonts support japanese
ahead of that.. I just wanted it to recognize Japanese characters.. only had to add ttf files into the fonts folder.
(oddly the stock reader doesn't do that.. meh, I didn't like it to begin with.. I'm using AIreader) but thanks though : )
This looks great! Thanks, @gen_scheisskopf. Due to this mod's being created, I'm now working on my own modified Settings.apk.
ИΘΘK¡€ said:
Due to this mod's being created, I'm now working on my own modified Settings.apk.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'd suggest to take a look at dependencies, AFAIR settings.apk depends on B&N apks (this is most likely why my modified apk only FC-ed when booting system after a wipe)
gen_scheisskopf said:
I'd suggest to take a look at dependencies, AFAIR settings.apk depends on B&N apks (this is most likely why my modified apk only FC-ed when booting system after a wipe)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check. I've got the beta version of my Settings.apk working famously on my NTG - here's the project thread.

