Very weird problem.. - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I have been running the Petes nightly rom for a couple months now and have been loving it. However last night something really strange happened. I was watching tv and turned my screen on to unlock the phone and when I did I noticed about 3 force close messages and I never get fc. I tried to open other apps and almost all of them force closed. I rebooted the phone and same thing. I rebooted into recovery and chose the fix permissions option and when I rebooted it seemed better at first besides a few apps still fc. Then I noticed that all my homescreens were deleted except my default one which still had my app folders on it. I am running francos kernel with the updater. I have been on milestone 2 for about a week now and hadnt had any issues. It's almost like I did a wipe data on the phone because I had to sign back in to certain apps as well. Any idea for what could have happened? The only changes I made to the phone yesterday was updating 3 apps and I used the settings in francos updater to drop all the voltages down 25mv but I don't see how either could have done anything.


Random rebooting?

I've had a 2013 Nexus 7 since it came out, and I never really had any issues with random reboots for the longest time. I had even rooted and was running a custom ROM/ kernel, and I had no issues.
It seemed to start once I had installed a different ROM/ kernel, while I was trying new stuff out just for kicks. I started getting random reboots, and I thought it was just the particular ROM/ kernel combination. Figured it was a bug that would get fixed in future updates, so I just tolerated it for a while. But, it persisted through the ROM and kernel updates.
So eventually, I switched ROM and kernel for something brand new, thinking I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Nope, still got random reboots. I've jumped around to some other ROM/ kernel setups over the last couple weeks, and no matter what I'm on, I still get random reboots.
It seems to mainly happen while I'm using Chrome (though, in fairness, a majority of what I do is browsing the Internet, so...), but it's also happened once while in the camera app, and also once while the tablet was "asleep" while casting a video to my Chromecast.
It's just getting kind of annoying, at this point. Last night, it rebooted four times in the span of about 45 minutes. Is this a known issue? Are there any fixes for this?
I'm having a similar issue. I run default 4.4.4 and have found no pattern to why its rebooting.
I found a possible solution of switching to ART (instead of dalvik) in developer options. Not sure why this should work, but the tablet hasn't rebooted last day using this. Along with a factory reset (which hasn't helped), I have no real solutions. Next step for me is to reflash the default ROM again to see if this makes a difference.
Any extra tips would be appreciated.

Phone Randomly Crashing

I am currently running the latest build of the PacMan rom for my Sprint S3, but my problem didnt start there. As over the course of a few weeks my phone has been randomly crashing while running build 7 of Slimkat. It started crashing when i wanted to take a picture with the AOSP camera (when i hit the camera button and then it would shut off). Then it progressed to just crashing trying to use accuweather, or even when the screen was auto-rotating in my SMS app. So finally i just backed up my important bits and made a clean wipe into Wicked X 8.0 TW rom (because i'm on Ting and TW roms initially work on their network and wanted to export, or to just copy down the settings of, the APN xml to use in AOSP roms). After playing around with that for 20 minutes, i didn't experience any fc's or reboots. Though i did not use the camera in that time (i forgot to check). To which i then wiped it into PacMan rom that im at now. Which at the moment seems fine to do everything, except it will shut off if i want to OPEN the camera (doesn't let me use it at all). Plus i did have it crash once rotating with the play store up...
So im kinda lost, i wonder if this is just an issue with the camera in the rom, or if it might be a bigger issue with the phone itself. As ive been having the same random error's with two roms and i dont see anyone having FC's with pacman rom with the camera.
more testing done
So i have also attempted to odin completely back to stock and i have a stock rooted rom with nothing touched. The sudden shut-offs still happen and occur randomly. I installed logcat and what seems to be throwing error's is the accelerometer. Plus at first when i flash a new rom it seems to work ok with no problems for the first day, then suddenly start showing symptoms the next. Plus ive had it shut off during bootup too while going through the sprint 4g animation screen. Though i have not had it die on me in recovery, so thats a thing.... Plus it will rotate no problem half the time, and then ive seen it die rotating to use my keyboard.
So at this point i feel like its actually a hardware option. If it is the accelerometer, is it easy to fix (i guess re solder the connections if they're broke?)? or should i just try and replace the main board?

Apps not installing correctly

My wife and I both have OP3 and this morning we are seeing the same issue of apps installing but unable to open. Just get the app splash screen and then it closes again. Tried on a number of apps and even using data or WiFi. Still does the same.
We both updated to 3.2.2 the other day and that is the only thing I can think that has changed.
Any ideas?

D850 tweaking out randomly

I was on a 2-3 week old build of CM13, was working fine until this morning.
It started freaking out when I opened gmaps, it'd freeze in regular intervals, about once every second for maybe half a second. You could hear it in the music playing. I closed gmaps and it 90% went away. I tried flashing 08/05 CM13.1 and now it keeps crashing randomly, and sometimes when I try to boot or go into recovery, this weird green "crash handler" screen comes up and gives me the option to reboot or go into download mode.
Factory reset and installed 8/5 again and it's still crashing randomly for no apparent reason. There aren't any apps that should be doing this, nothing like kernel auditor or any of that installed currently.

Random Rebooting

I haven't unlocked the boot loader nor added any custom ROM on my Pixel, but last few months it started to reboot at random times. I did a factory reset and it lasted a few weeks before doing it again. I've been slow to add my old apps back to see if it was an app, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
I thought about flashing a ROM, maybe it would help haha.
Any ideas?
markyb said:
I haven't unlocked the boot loader nor added any custom ROM on my Pixel, but last few months it started to reboot at random times. I did a factory reset and it lasted a few weeks before doing it again. I've been slow to add my old apps back to see if it was an app, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
I thought about flashing a ROM, maybe it would help haha.
Any ideas?
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Do you have Pokemon Go installed? I have the same problem when that game is installed.
I don't. I don't have any games installed right now to test things but it still reboots.
Having the same problem - started about 2 weeks ago as far as I can tell. Haven't done anything to the bootloader and isn't rooted - completely stock. Seems to happen when browsing web pages, or pages with links on such as within Twitter or Google app. Not every time. Phone just freezes for about 3 seconds and then reboots. WTF?
I believe this is an app problem so try to pay attention to what specifically you are doing when it happens. Like the guy above says, happens fairly frequently with Pokemon GO since one of their updates this year-ish. I personally haven't noticed it anywhere else.
Have tried uninstalling bitdefender ... see if that makes a difference
2 DAYS LATER - seems to have solved the problem!

