Call Annoucements over BT - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

My old HTC Star Trek (3125) did this well, and when I got my HD2 I was pissed to find out that HTC had strayed from MS's Bluetooth stack and broke.
I hoped this would be fixed on the Android platform, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I ride motorcycles too and from work and on trips. I used to take calls on the bike but anymore what I really need to know when the phone rings if it's from someone I need to pull over and take the call from, or from someone that I can just let it go to VM. Having texts read over BT would be nice too.
I tried Sanity... even paid for it hoping the other features would make it work. No joy.
Has anyone else go this working?


Blue Angel speaker problem

I have had my SPV M2000 for about 6 months, and it has been unusable for about the last 3 months due to the fact that the speaker will not work properly. The speaker volume has almost disappeared and sounds like the speaker has blown i.e. rather tinny. At first it just sounded like the speaker was a bit tinny then after about a week or so i couldn't hear the phone ringing let alone hear the person calling me!
I was just wondering if i'm the only one with this problem and if there is anyway to fix it?, or do i need a new speaker if so does anybody know where i could get hold of one from?
I have had a good browse through the forums and can't find anybody with the same problem.
Any help would be great as i really miss my device i really do think it was the best phone i'd ever had!
bummer.......sounds like a blown speaker.... i had the same problem with my first will need to replace the speaker.....
i had contacted cingular about it.....they had set me up to send it off for repairs.... but i was able to exchange it.... so that was cool...
you should check to see if you can exchange it..... if you can not you should contact the manufactuer....they should be able to tell you where to send it for repairs....
hope that helps......

WM6 Upgrade Stopped Nokia CK-1W Bluetooth Kit Working

I've had the Nokia CK-1W Bluetooth hands free kit in my car for a while. I started out with a Nokia 6310i so it seemed the perfect choice when I got it.
Last year I joined the HTC revolution. I got a Wizard and this worked fine with the kit. I'm not a heavy user as I don't drive as part of my work, but didn't encounter any issues the times I did use it.
I lost my Wizard on a train and got the Hermes as a replacement (thanks household contents insurance). Connected it up to the kit in the car and once again I didn't have any trouble. I have only had it a few weeks so the device wasn't really setup, I didn't have voice tags or anything, but I was receiving calls OK and could make calls from the device.
So I took the plunge on Sunday and updated my O2 Hermes to the WM6 Rom from O2. I was really quite pleased with it, seems to be more responsive and generally a pretty good upgrade.
I didn't expect to have any issues with the car kit. Silly me. Connected up fine. When I pressed the button to invoke the voice tags, I didn't hear anything out of the speakers. This was a bit strange as before you would hear either the "Peep peep" noise to tell you to speak or the "You don't have any voice tags set, idiot" noise that you get otherwise. I didn't think much of it. Yesterday it got it's baptism of fire. My friend called me, I hit the button to answer and heard.....silence. The kit was connected, the call was answered and I could hear bugger all. Most amusingly my friend could hear me perfectly and started having a conversation with me until I pointed out that I couldn't hear anything.
So has anyone got any ideas? I am guessing that something has changed in the BT stack between WM5 and WM6 but any ideas what? I know a lot of people have written a lot of threads regarding BT car kit issues but I hadn't seen one quite like this.
Any help would be really appreciated!
School boy error
It seems that it wasn't anything to do with the phone at all.
Coincidence struck and it just happened that the day after I flashed my phone, a wire came loose connecting the hands free kit to the stereo!
I worked this out when I tried my old Nokia on it just to make sure it was a problem with the phone. When I couldn't hear anything on that I knew there was a problem elsewhere!
After I took out the stereo and replugged everything back together it all worked fine again.
Sorry about that!

[Q] VZ GNex speaker stopped working

hello all...
i'm looking for some help. a couple of days ago my VZ's GNex speaker stopped working. it occured on my way home. my son was watching a cartoon on YouTube and the audio was streaming through my cars head unit via BT. everything was fine. when i turned the car off...the audio didnt transfer to the it usually does.
since notification ringtones...NOTHING!!!
my headphone jack works fine. my earpiece (for listening to calls) works fine. the phone is ok...except for the speaker.
i am on CM9 running Francos Kernel.
i pulled the battery and rebooted. nothing. i relouded an back up (one that i knew everything was fine)...NOTHING!! i played with every single setting i know...nothing!!
my question is. is it hardware or software? and how do i find out. if its software...then maybe i can fix it...but if its hardware...i think i am going to need a new phone.
any body else encounter this problem? any fixes??
so a quick update:
i started all over...went back to 4.02 using the GNex ToolKit...NOTHING!!!
speaker is still not working!!!
so i guess i'm going to head into a VZ store today... here is my final status.
i called VZ last night and explain the situation. they transferred me to Asurion, who basically didnt do anything for me. except try to get 100 bucks from me to get a replacement. so after 30mins of a heated conversation...they basically said...we cant do go talk to VZ.
so i called VZ...and they transferred to Tech Support. and after a 30 second conversation (with the best tech support guy EVER!!) he said...we'll be sending you a replacement phone. should be here tomorrow.
i know that doesnt fix the issue...but i guess its a manufacturer defect...
long story short...i'm getting a new phone tomorrow to fix my speaker issue...

How do I find my lost Gnex? (long)

Hi XDA ... I have been a long time lurker and only post when I feel I can contribute. This post is not to contribute but to either (1) entertain or hopefully (2) look for help. Yes I did search but all of the leads I have followed have been dead ends, and I have a time constraint .. if there is a sure fire way to find my phone please post it, because I haven't been able to nail it, and I will be eternally grateful!
Writing this partially to vent, partially because writing it may help me think through this, and because I'm looking for ideas.
So I lost my cellphone today. It's a carrier-unlocked Google Galaxy Nexus ($350) with a Straight Talk AT&T MVNO Sim card in it, prepaid for 6 months ($250). If I knew it was lost for good, no big deal, I can move on. What's killing me though is the limbo of not being able to piece together a decent story, or enough information, that I could consider high-odds on what the hell happened. So I'm in missing-cell-phone purgatory at the moment.
Here's what happened. It's not exciting at all...
5:00 went to Nathan (8yo son)'s soccer practice
5:30ish Playing with phone, checking email, etc while sitting in a fold up chair at soccer. Occasionally put it in the chair cupholder when watching.
5:45ish Rachel (my 5yo daughter) sits on my lap for the last 15 min of practice. Not sure exactly where I put the phone, it was either in the cupholder or on the chair between my legs.
6:00 Practice over. Get up to leave, fold up chairs, pack backpack, walk straight to car (100yds) through grass, some mulch, some pinestraw
6:05 Put chairs and backpack in front trunk on the porsche, walk to driver's door, open and get in. Nothing in my hands but a key. Kids let themselves in the car.
6:10 Stop by pumpkin patch on the way home to buy a pumpkin, get out, and "Where's my phone? It should be in my pocket". It's not.
6:15 Assume I must have put it in the backpack while packing. Would check but I need to pee, so we jump in the car and go home
6:20 Pee
6:25 Check backpack, car, everything. Start calling it and listening for the ring. Nada
6:30-10:30 Drive back to the soccer par 3x, retracing my steps, shining bright flashlight, constantly calling my number from another phone, no luck.
So here's what I have done:
- Tried about 4 different "after the fact" phone locators via Play store including Plan B. All report installed correctly, but none give any indication that they work. I get some indication that none of these apps actually work on jellybean.
- Called about a million times. Seems to ring normally for a long time before going to voicemail. Not sure if this is an indication that the phone is actually on or not (or if the sim is still in it), but I assume it does mean it's ringing audibly.
- Sent several texts trying to activate the locators, they seem to go through with no error, but have no idea if that's an indication the phone is on and connected.
- Called Straight talk. They are useless. No location service, no way to ping the phone to see if it's active on the network
- Also called AT&T. They have no access to an MVNO phone/account
- Checked as many data trails as I can think of for access. No gmail usage, no play store access, no new charges on my credit cards, etc. I can't find any malicious usage.
- FYI phone had 100% charge when I left, and had great service at the park, both phone and data.
Here are the scenarios I'm working on in my mind. Problem is, I can't bring myself to believe any of them:
A. How I lost it
1. I left the phone in the chair cupholder, folded the chair, and while walking / swinging the chair, it fell out. I tested this scenario with another phone, and it's ain't gonna happen. The phone's in the way when folding the chair.
2. I left the phone sitting on the seat when folding the chair up, then it fell out while walking. Same problem ... first, it's obvious, and second, I tried it at home, the phone sits in the folded chair nice and secure.
3. I set the phone on the roof of the car when getting in. Nuh-uh. I don't put things on the car. Would have gone in my pocket first.
B. Where it ended up
1. Some 9 year old soccer kid in Cary found or stole my phone and pocketed it. Seems likely, but, seriously, what's the first thing a bad kid would do with a toy? Look for games. Most kids old enough to be devious would be smart enough to go to Play store and d/l some new stuff, but there is no new access. This would explain why it rings and rings, a kid would have turned the volume off so mom and dad don't hear it, but maybe not smart enough to realize how to yank the sim.
2. An adult found it, then went into the school and dropped it off with a janitor or staff and it's sitting on someone's desk. I really hope this is the case. But I find it hard to imagine that when passing through the hands of TWO adults, that no one would have hit the power button and seen the lockscreen message that says "EMERGENCY CONTACT 919-XXX-XXXX" (my wife's phone). Hard to believe.
3. I did put it on the roof and went screaming around some corners on the way to the pumpkin patch. Nope, I don't put stuff on the car, and during the 4 hours I spent looking for it, I also went ditch digging around the 2 corners and walked the entire way with a flashlight looking
4. An adult found it and pocketed it. If so, an adult would have been smart enough to yank the sim and wipe the phone. But google's still in contact with the phone, and it appears to ring. So it obviously is just sitting somewhere.
So, I don't really believe any of the scenarios. I hope at least for closure that I get to find out what the hell happened. Not ever knowing will absolutely be torture for me... Whew. I doubt anyone is still reading this. I think I feel better, or I will after another beer.
Any ideas? How to hack into my own phone and figure out it's location? If all is well I hope to have another 12-24 hrs of battery life, and I'm closely monitoring accounts to detect malicious use, but I don't want to nuke my accounts while there is still the slim chance of detection using access.
Not entirely familiar with your situation, but there are some apps that allow you to detect the location of a phone after registering it. By any chance, did you manage to install Lookout Mobile Security or Avast on your phone? These apps allow you to detect a phone's location.
Try plan b. Go to play store and read manual how to use it
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
The OP says he has tried Plan B
How about logging into your google account then clicking on this link This is where google thinks your phone is.
Crisis over! FOUND MY PHONE!
I didn't think about "Where is my phone #5": Kid finds phone on the ground, then runs half way across the park to show his parents, who tell him to leave it on a park bench. Now, I thought I looked at every bench and picnic table in the park in the dark last night, but must have missed that one. And how I never managed to hear it ring while wandering around, I'll never know. Got a call this morning from a nice lady who was out there blowing leaves this morning. Whew!
Re: locating software. DO IT! Learn from my narrowly avoided situation! Especially if you are on an MVNO with no customer service. I now have Plan B, Missing Droid Locator, Android Lost Free, and Where's my Droid installed on the phone. Note that none of them worked when installed after-the-fact. I'm going to play around with them and others over the next few days and I will try to come back here to post my recommendations.
Re: google maps. I did try some version of maps/latitude/history, but not that link. Looks interesting and will keep that around in the future.
Thanks everyone for listening and posting advice... Back to normal life for me
i had the same situation, sorta. someone stole my phone from my fraking house while i was on deployment. they didnt wipe the phone, but swapped sims.
this is what i did. phone was logged into my account, on a different sim.
installed this:
installed this:
then i installed any app. does not matter which one, as jumpstart monitors this and will fireup android lost.
Android lost will then report in to the AL server, and allow you to control it via the site.
If you are running jellybean, i do recall him saying there are some issues with android lost jumpstart working right, so that could have been your issue. Anyhow, it worked for me. i pulled GPS coordinates, did a password recovery vis sms, pulled SMS and got a name on the account. got the police involved and got my phone back. ****ing kids.
whit32 said:
Crisis over! FOUND MY PHONE!
I didn't think about "Where is my phone #5": Kid finds phone on the ground, then runs half way across the park to show his parents, who tell him to leave it on a park bench. Now, I thought I looked at every bench and picnic table in the park in the dark last night, but must have missed that one. And how I never managed to hear it ring while wandering around, I'll never know. Got a call this morning from a nice lady who was out there blowing leaves this morning. Whew!
Re: locating software. DO IT! Learn from my narrowly avoided situation! Especially if you are on an MVNO with no customer service. I now have Plan B, Missing Droid Locator, Android Lost Free, and Where's my Droid installed on the phone. Note that none of them worked when installed after-the-fact. I'm going to play around with them and others over the next few days and I will try to come back here to post my recommendations.
Re: google maps. I did try some version of maps/latitude/history, but not that link. Looks interesting and will keep that around in the future.
Thanks everyone for listening and posting advice... Back to normal life for me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use Avast! - it's free, and you remote lock, sound alarms, and even wipe via web browser or texting from another phone using the PIN you setup. Also comes with malware and virus scanners (which I disable due to extra load on the system/battery). You can also set it to lock the device if the SIM is switched. Fortunately I haven't had to use it real world yet.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium

HTC One M8 Weird issues recarding Microphone, calling people etc.

So ill try to keep this short.
Not so long ago i found out that when i call or someone calls me People cannot hear me. I came to the conclusion that my microphone just simply died out. When i try to record myself with the voice recorder all i hear is random annoying noise. But if i like slap the phone or scream loud enough i will eventually hear myself. To bypass this issue i had to use earphones which isnt a problem at all i prefer that honestly.
3 Days ago i was trying to call my Dad and he couldnt hear me at all. It was strange because i had my earphones on me. I didnt care of it that day so fast forward today i remembered that it didnt work by talking so i tested it with my brothers phone. Heres the weird part. When i dont have any earphones on and just try to talk straight up I can now hear MYSELF talking. Like whatever i say will just get back through my phone.
Then i got the idea to try out speakers instead. And this is where it got even more weird, almost scary. Here's the video of my brother recording my phone doing some strange noises after talking(TURN DOWN THE VOLUME A BIT):
At this point i have no clue as to why this is happening, where it even came from, anything at all. Im out of ideas. Nobody else as far as my research goes seems to have this issue. I'd appreciate any type of help.
Previously i was on ARHD 45.0 and earlier today i figured i'd try 53.1 again but no luck.

