[Q] Google Play After "un" Root - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I had a Galaxy S Fascinate (Verizon) - after I rooted it, I discovered I could not rent movies from the Android Market. I "un" rooted it, (return to stock) - and found I was still unable to rent movies because it still considered the to be rooted.
Now I have a Galaxy Nexus - I would love to Root it and try some ROMs, but want to avoid this issue.
Has anyone successfully returned their Galaxy Nexus to Stock,and rented movies from the Android Market (Play)

I know how to fix this since i've been in a situation the other way around (wanted to get us possibilities in market from europe)
Clear cache, appdata and forceclose the following apps from settings/apps/all apps:
Download manager
Google account manager
Google services framework
Network location
Package installer
Google play store
Then reboot your phone, open play store and accept the terms and conditions again. Now Google will re-pinpoint your device location based on your sim-cards company and your position in the network. Good luck!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA

An easier method is using OTA Root Keeper to temporarily unroot your phone. It should work for renting movies.

The question that I have is does anyone know where if you rent a movie and download it for viewing offline what directory it is stored in on internal memory or the file extension?

Ok I finally figured out where it is stored. So I temp unrooted my phone made purchase and then selected download for offline viewing. So in the directory there is a file
so i brought my root back to get into that directory then where i was stumped i figured it would be wmv mp4 3gp or whatever with drm protection but no its wvm I have never heard of wvm. so anyways I moved the wvm file to a different directly. Temporarily unrooted my phone . Then went into the google play movie app and it said that the download was missing. so i know I have the proper file. Now my question is does anyone here know anything about a .wvm file ?

What are you trying to do with it? if you're trying to keep it beyond the rental period or copy it off the phone then this probably applies to any answer you would find useful:
xda rules said:
9. Don't get us in trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things that will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably don't want to do it here either. This does not mean we agree with everything the software piracy lobby try to impose on us, it simply means you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users, and those that write great code.
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[UPDATED] Android Market Apps I bought for my Hero: Are they "paid for" on my Desire?

[UPDATED] Android Market Apps I bought for my Hero: Are they "paid for" on my Desire?
Updated April 18, 2010
Now I get it. See Post #6 below. Google's dragging their ass on "fingerprint" approval. They need to be SHAMED virally across the web for sheer incompetence -- or intentional malice toward purchasers of a phone that competes with their Nexus One. "Do No Evil" my ass.
========== My Original Posting =========
I bought maybe 6-7 apps for my hero -- 2 different keyboards, "Executive Assistant", some kind of alarm clock... When on my Hero, even after factory reset and resetting up my phone, when I went to MARKET and "My Downloads", those paid for apps showed up as available to install again on my Hero.
I have been using my Desire -- but thus far only for Wifi as I set it up and get acquainted with the phone. Perhaps stupidly (!) I am still using the Hero as my "phone" til I have all my apps and widgets and layouts replicated on my Desire.
Though I do not have my carrier's SIM card installed in my Desire, 90% of the device works fine, especially all wifi usages, Market downloads, email, web, etc... I did set up my Gmail account as well.
It's one's Gmail account which is your linkage to PAID FOR apps, via Google Checkout. So, I am surprised that when I select "My downloads" i don't see any indication of paid for apps.
Is this tied to a SIM card? (if so seems ridiculous)
RELATED: I can't even find BETTER KEYBOARD app in the Market now, nor "SMART KEYBOARD" ... Does the market auto-filter out apps that do not run on Android 2.1 ?
thank you
the paid apps are tied with your google account.
(no longer relevant)
From what I read, some paid and free apps should appear as soon as google finishes some signature thing related to that! so it's a matter of time.
By the way, do you see paid apps in general? For me, I always had to use Market Enabaler on the Hero to open Market to paid apps.
A temporary solution, you can use your Hero to extract the paid applications (apk files) using Root Explorer, copy them to the Desire SD card and install them using any file manager. The only limitation here is that you have to keep checking for updates on the Hero.
Re: Android Market > Apps I bought for my Hero: Are they "paid for" on my Desire?
as far as I know, and experts correct me if wrong, the ability to get access are directly connected to the sim from which you connect.
which is why market enabler used to spoof the apn's from which paid apps were available.
with no sim card you should only be able to get free apps or nothing at all.
I live in Sweden, no paid apps.
was at friends last night who has an old UK sim card, popped that in and I got access to some paid apps. but still with the limitations as previously discussed in this forum. (waiting for Google to get it straightened out)
so, yes & no, the apps are tied to your sim, cuz it tells the phone which apn/ network your phone is connecting from...
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I just read a few other threads, with links to the official Android Market forums. First off, I have to ask some basic vocabulary:
What are "protected apps" ?
I have no idea what this means.
Second: salahag, thanks for your reply. I didn't respond initially because I didn't understand it at all. Paid apps showed up in my Hero from day 1 and that was for me October 2009. I was baffled because I had no context for even thinking "is everything that's available showing here?" because by default my brain had no reason to pose that question. I just assumed the Market worked one way, and I was seeing everything the way everyone else sees it.
I'm suddenly quite baffled by this emerging mystery now that I can't find a bunch of apps for my DESIRE. But now the mystery of "where are my paid apps that I bought on my Hero?" is solved, replaced by "why are hundreds of apps that were available on my Hero not available on my Desire?"
XDA-devs to the rescue, via another thread here about "Missing apps in the Market" linking to this posting in Android Market forums:
by nprussell - 4/8/10 (LINK to this posting at Android Market forums)
Hi all,
I'm an Android developer from the XDA forum & VillainROM.co.uk. I've primarily worked on the Hero, but I received my Desire yesterday.
I can confirm that I too am missing several apps from the market. I also have an answer to your question.
First things first, it's protected apps that are missing from the market. There are generally two reasons why apps will be missing from the market.
(1) When a new ROM/Phone is released, the manufacturer, in this case HTC, sends the build to Google, which includes a 'Fingerprint' (a unique line of text which governs its market access) in the build.prop file. Generally, it states the name of the phone and Android version in the fingerprint. With Root & system write access, this fingerprint can easily be changed... but we don't have that luxury right now.
Once Google approve the build, the fingerprint will be added to their allowed database to view protected apps on the market.
(2) The other cause for apps missing from the market in builds (such as twidroid, layar, barcode scanner etc) is that these apps require permissions to use the camera/auto focus. They are NOT protected apps. If the XML permission files are missing from system/etc/permissions, then Google Market will simply block these apps from showing.
So again... to answer your question... we'll see the protected apps as soon as either:
a) HTC chase up Google
b) Google get around to activating the fingerprint
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It's like the equivalence of a dumb low-IQ bureaucrat holding up a long line for Drivers' License renewals at the "Department of Motor Vehicles". No reason at all for the stupid delay other than some asshole letting some work order sit on his desktop til he feels like getting to it.
No wonder the author (gogol) of that other related thread recommends consumer activism or we just stand in line each time and just wait to get ****'d in the ass by beaurocratic process that sounds WAY more like Microsoft than "the smartest guys in the room" at Google -- who pride themselves on only hiring Ivy-league grads and equivalents, like from Stanford. They ought to be ridiculed out of town with this.
gogol writes: I really cannot believe Google screws this great Android platform like this. Think about the next firmware update, from Google or HTC ... We will AGAIN get this issue ... Then wait again very long. I am really mad and hate this.
If one of you guys is capable of writing a good professional article or blog regarding this issue, we could spread the voice all over the internet / twitter / facebook / blogs / news so Google could "end" or "fix" this.
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I'm game to SHAME GOOGLE into getting their f-ing act together or be ridiculed for incompetence -- everywhere we can post that message on the web. And they have the nerve to criticize APPLE for their ridiculous App Store totalitarianism?
xrrkrrkx said:
I live in Sweden, no paid apps. Was at friends last night who has an old UK sim card, popped that in and I got access to some paid apps. but still with the limitations as previously discussed in this forum. (waiting for Google to get it straightened out)
so, yes & no, the apps are tied to your sim, cuz it tells the phone which apn/ network your phone is connecting from...
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Can you clarify this further. Thank you for information related to SIM card needing to be in use in order to access paid apps -- god only knows why -- it's retarded to me.
But is it correct that I have read other places that there are LOCALIZATION ISSUES? where some apps are only available to certain regions? (Like YouTube does) -- Or can you shoot that one down as rumor. I don't get this. Open source OS. Google's entire revenue model based on ads. More phones = more ad impressions = more money to Google. What possible motivation is there to block access to apps in a marketplace that I am willing to pay for -- where Google gets % of all sales, as well as transactional revenue thru Google Checkout? -- Something doesn't make sense. And usually when that's the case, SOMEONE IS BEING PROTECTED in some corporate deal.
What's the story. Is this another CARRIER-TAINTED example of holding customers hostage? If so, I can't wait til the day we can blow up that Carrier-driven model that strangles the free marketplace. They should make it or break it based on direct delivery of services at competitive pricing. I am so tired of Boardroom Protectionist Policies agreed to by major competitors, to ensure a baseline profit well above anything deserved if there was open competition. ... But I could be off on my little side rant and it has nothing to do with this issue, in which case, .... ooops. sorry
salahag said:
From what I read, some paid and free apps should appear as soon as google finishes some signature thing related to that! so it's a matter of time.
By the way, do you see paid apps in general? For me, I always had to use Market Enabaler on the Hero to open Market to paid apps.
A temporary solution, you can use your Hero to extract the paid applications (apk files) using Root Explorer, copy them to the Desire SD card and install them using any file manager. The only limitation here is that you have to keep checking for updates on the Hero.
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Many thanks - I never even thought to do this. Rooted my Hero, copied the apks (they're in /data/app-private) to the Desire and installed. I now have National Rail and Locale Lockscreen back again
you can use your Hero to extract the paid applications (apk files) using Root Explorer, copy them to the Desire SD card and install them using any file manager.
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I meant to ask: Is Root Explorer an app from the Market (I'll check of course), and does it only work on rooted Heroes? Mine is unrooted. But I have used Astro app many times for moving stuff from my computer to Hero, and now my Desire. So, it would just be a matter of my knowing which folder/directory to look in on my Hero to access the .apk files.
(EDIT: I see now from daern above: they're in /data/app-private ... well Astro Explorer shows me root folder and data folder but both say "directory is empty", so I am guessing unless I root my Hero i can't access this stuff... right?)
So, thanks from ME also!
Easy. Install "InstantRook.apk" on the Hero (Google for it, download directly to the device and run from Astro).
Once installed, it will announce "your device is rooted". Now fire up Root Explorer and note that you can see the /data folder. Copy the private apk files to /sdcard and away you go.
It really is as easy as that. It may stuff your Hero (it didn't affect mine in the slightest) but as I'm assuming that you're replacing it anyway, the worst it would require would be a hard-boot anyway.
Took < 5 mins

Researching the Kindle Fire's 'no Amazon Video with root' lock

So it's a bit rubbish that you can't use Amazon Video on your Kindle Fire if it's rooted. I don't want to steal movies, crack DRM or anything else, I just want to have a rooted device to use with my Amazon Prime VOD feature. Bit harsh imho. Sooooo.... I thought i'd have a poke around and see what I could find out.
What I found was a very complex web of protection on a scale above anything i've seen an Android app before. Not only does the application check for root in more that one location (in the application itself and in the native library), it also performs tamper detection on the APK. Not only that but it also checks that the signature on the APK to check that no code has changed (if you change the code in classes.dex and drop it in, this is usually OK on a /system/app file, but not in this case). The code itself doesn't have a single, uniform tamper / root check function, it does it all over the place. Finally, just to make things even more difficult, key parts of the code are pretty heavily obfuscated to make the code hard to analyse / modify.
Despite this, I thought i'd see what I could achieve by patching it piece by piece with the goal of allowing video with root.
The first step was to work out how to get around the signature check. Without sorting this out, the app would immediately flag up as being tampered if I made ANY change to the code. The answer to this was to re-sign the Amazon Video APK, ATVAndroidClient.apk. Of course we don't have the Amazon certificates, so we can sign them with our own, or with SDK certificates. Since Amazon Video uses a shared user id, other APKs need to be signed too. The full list is ATVAndroidClient.apk, KindleForOtter.apk, OtterTutorial.apk, AmazonVenezia.apk, Launcher.apk, Windowshop.apk, CSApp-unsigned.apk, MyAccount-unsigned.apk, amazonmp3-unsigned.apk, Cloud9-unsigned.apk, OOBE-unsigned.apk, com.amazon.dcp.apk, Cloud9SystemBrowserProvider-unsigned.apk, OTASilentInstall.apk, Facebook.apk and OtterAppManager.apk.
After doing this, the next step is to patch out the tamper checks. This can really only be achieved by tracing where the app goes and how it works and by carefully analysing logcat to get clues as to where the errors are happening. Since i'm in the UK I also had to use a DNS proxy with a static IP... I used unblock-us which works a treat. Eventually I got to a stage where I got the application to ignore any tamper detections, thereby enabling the various 'Watch' buttons.
In the next step I could see what something was triggering another problem, and it turned out to be detection of root. This was happening in one of the more obfuscated bits of code, but again with careful tracing I managed to find this and patch it out.
At this point the application was loading, passing tamper checks, giving me the watch buttons, requesting the stream from Amazon and giving me the loading progress bar etc... BUT... the licence request to Amazon continually failed. This is the point where I came to something of a brick wall. It appears that there is some additional root checking going on in the native library, and unfortunately, reverse engineering this is beyond both my abilities and more important the time I have available, so we don't have a fully working solution.
The positive things though are that we now have a patchable Amazon Video APK, which means we can implement the functionality of the 'root keepers' within the app itself. We can effectively make the Amazon Video APK hide the su binary from itself on launch and put it back after it's run it's checks. Not ideal, but might be the best way to go. Note that the root check doesn't care about the Superuser APK, it only checks for 'su'. It checks in all the locations in the PATH variable, so moving it to, say. /system/root and adding that to the path won't help. Unfortunately.
For now, I have to put this on the back burner, but i'm posting my patched APK below so that if anyone wants to pick up the work of reversing the native binary they can do so, simply by using this APK and re-signing it and the other APKs mentioned above.
Any questions, feel free to ask them here. Obviously I have no interest in saving streams, downloading movies or any stupid stuff like that, so don't even ask.
DOWNLOAD - MD5: f6044dbeffa4eb3f8361c71a96683150
send to kindle - passage through amazon servers
Apologies if this seems off off topic but I believe it may tied to your explanation of the security at Amazon --
As proof of concept Ive been messing around with the SendtoKindle.exe from the desktop explorer -- and have failed to get anything worthwhile past the amazon servers.... to see if I can use the Send to Kindle to get say, a rom file or binary kernel or apk or something of that sort -- and have not been able to get anything past.
The fact that everything is failing is only making me want to keep trying different things -- which Ill just keep on trying.. so i will try different things -
Ive sent 40 different documents of all kinds to see what goes through and what doesnt... and the only things that are going through are basically legitimate items.
If this is entirely irrelevant to your quest, then my apologies -- but regardless I shall enjoy observing how you shall achieve your success Paul!
Solved. Its hacky, but I've confirmed it working. http://rootzwiki.com/topic/15134-how-to-get-amazon-prime-video-working-with-rooted-stock/
infinitybiff said:
Solved. Its hacky, but I've confirmed it working. http://rootzwiki.com/topic/15134-how-to-get-amazon-prime-video-working-with-rooted-stock/
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No offense but this has been around for awhile and is known as a workaround. This thread is about finding a solution instead of having to use a workaround I suppose.
Here is an example of a thread posted in November with this information.
And another thread in December.
G1ForFun said:
No offense but this has been around for awhile and is known as a workaround. This thread is about finding a solution instead of having to use a workaround I suppose.
Here is an example of a thread posted in November with this information.
And another thread in December.
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Late to the party i suppose
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
What ROM were you testing on? Even if you temp unroot with RootKeeper on CM7, Amazon Video will not work (in my experience). The Watch button is always greyed out.
Takenover83 said:
What ROM were you testing on? Even if you temp unroot with RootKeeper on CM7, Amazon Video will not work (in my experience). The Watch button is always greyed out.
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Have you tried force closing the video app and restarting it while unrooted?
Also does video work on CM7? I have not installed it to try.
Sent from my E4GT using xda premium
mkuehn10 said:
Have you tried force closing the video app and restarting it while unrooted?
Also does video work on CM7? I have not installed it to try.
Sent from my E4GT using xda premium
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Yep, sure did. Something about CM7 that amazon does not like
Takenover83 said:
Yep, sure did. Something about CM7 that amazon does not like
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I'm sure it's more than just the Amazon video app you will need to get this working...what apps are installed and are they on the system partition. Can you keep us posted on your progress?
B3L13V3 said:
I'm sure it's more than just the Amazon video app you will need to get this working...what apps are installed and are they on the system partition. Can you keep us posted on your progress?
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There was 3 or 4 apks I had to install. Cant remember all the names off the top of my head. I know some account apk just to sign into amazon, video. I wish I could be more helpful but do not have my Pc in front of me right now (out and about). But the app its self was runing just fine. I Just was being blocked (even though I unrooted.)

[Q] HTC one X in China - how to get the google play store

I'll try to explain me as best as possible here about the 2 main issues I have with my One X.
I'm living in Shanghai, and I've bought it here, however, because of the stupid issues between Google and China, my One X doesn't have the Google play store.
I tried to dowmload it, and it doesn't launch, after a second or 2, I'm back to the main screen of my phone.
I contacted HTC, and they basically told me to use the Hiapk market, but it's extremely limited, and some apps won't work. For ex: downloading Foursquare through this parallel market is ok, but when it comes to the install, it would just tell me that the app can't be installed...
I asked HTC if it's possible to overcome these restrictions, as I'm french, and would certainly go back to France someday... Had no answer... As for foursquare, HTC told me to contact foursquare directly.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to change the OS of the phone to put one from anywhere else in the world where the play store is not factory censored, and if that would for example solve the foursquare issue (or any possible issue that I might have with other apps).
Sorry if I'm not using the good terms, but I just switched from IOS to android 3 weeks ago...
The warranty would certainly be void, but I'm up taking the risk as I can't use the phone for more than 2/3 games... I feel like I've just made an expensive mistake...
Thanks in advance for your help!
You can root it and install a custom rom on it that will give you access to the play store.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
How could I do that ? what does root exactly means ?
I'm new to android, and I'm not sure about what I should do. Did few research but I'm not sure about what I should pick and install on it.
I'm not looking for anything fancy, just the same OS but with the possibility to have the play store, I don't really want to overclock or change it at all levels.
Thanks for the answer!
Rooting is like "administrator" access on a PC, if that makes sense. You can install a custom ROM that looks like what you have now but with extra features. I think if you go in the development section there are a few threads you can look at that will help you root and install a custom ROM so you can access the play store. Goodluck
Will definitely give it a shot
Thanks for your help!
If you are rooted you can simply install the 'market enabler' app
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
use a VPN
(and others behind the #@$!%* Great FireWall)
i live in SH as well,
Do yourself a really big favor! Get a VPN!
Rooted phones do nothing for websites that are blocked (which come and go).
A rooted phone is not a solution to blocked websites
Market Enabler, although a great app, can not be used to unblock websites, it merely tells the Android Market/Google play store you are using a different service provider so you can download apps not available in your country (to bypass the “This item is not compatible with your device” MSG) IE my China Unicom Device is displayed as "AT&T HTC Desire" in the play store
AND because almost every non-Chinese website in the world has a facebook, twitter, and a Google+ feed/rss button/, every time a non Chinese page loads the #@$!%* Great FireWall needs time to check it out before it loads, so without a vpn surfing on a mobile can be horrible.
I use a VPN service provided by 12vpn, you can use it with multiple computers and mobile devices simultaneously. It will change your life. I have it on 4 desktops, a laptop, an iphone and android phone.
And you can use it to access online content that is not available outside certain countries ie: i can access the online TV website hulu.com which is only available to US residents.
one caveat: you CAN'T use it on a computer that has a running a torrent program though...which sucks! You have to close the program before you can run the vpn but just on (i pretty sure this a 12vpn policy, other providers should let u use a torrent program simultaneously)`
Costs about 400RMB a year but freedom is PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!
Disclosure: I am 4 year customer of 12vpn.com and have no other interests/connections to the company
IMHO Chinese censorship is mostly a BUSINESS decision. Same as any governmental organization that requires a certain amount of local programming on TV or radio (FCC, CRTC,oxfam etc)
Hi! I was wondering if you found a solution? I have the exact same problem. I recently bought a Galaxy S3 and found out i cant access google play or any of the google apps. i downloaded the APK files and tried to install it, but they don't open at all. I'd love to hear how you solved (and hope you di!)
qtableau said:
I'll try to explain me as best as possible here about the 2 main issues I have with my One X.
I'm living in Shanghai, and I've bought it here, however, because of the stupid issues between Google and China, my One X doesn't have the Google play store.
I tried to dowmload it, and it doesn't launch, after a second or 2, I'm back to the main screen of my phone.
I contacted HTC, and they basically told me to use the Hiapk market, but it's extremely limited, and some apps won't work. For ex: downloading Foursquare through this parallel market is ok, but when it comes to the install, it would just tell me that the app can't be installed...
I asked HTC if it's possible to overcome these restrictions, as I'm french, and would certainly go back to France someday... Had no answer... As for foursquare, HTC told me to contact foursquare directly.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to change the OS of the phone to put one from anywhere else in the world where the play store is not factory censored, and if that would for example solve the foursquare issue (or any possible issue that I might have with other apps).
Sorry if I'm not using the good terms, but I just switched from IOS to android 3 weeks ago...
The warranty would certainly be void, but I'm up taking the risk as I can't use the phone for more than 2/3 games... I feel like I've just made an expensive mistake...
Thanks in advance for your help!
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I found a solution by paying a bit more...
I gave up on trying to read all the tutorials on how to root phones and went to an electronic market in SH (where I live, if you do, go to xujiahui to do so)
For a hundred RMB, I got it changed to a hongkong OS, where everything is allowed and works great. Some updates not even available on the official one in China went with it. Hope it helps and that you'll be able to find a market near your place.
Basically, my advice for some other people reading this thread: Don't buy it in a real shop, go to a market, they're half the price, and already flashed to a "working" version... wish I'd known that
Play Store also don´t work with VPN cause the issue isn´t connection kind but factory blocked. So I wil go also the way to get my OS changed. Guess there´s a big risk of abortive flash so is there any possibility of orig. OS back up to be flashed back if any inconvience happen?
Pls help me
Hi, I do have the exact same problem with my Note2. I bought it in store in Beijing.
And now I'm stuck coz there's nothing more I could do without the Play Store.
How did you find the market? And What did you tell them?
Most of the chinese here cannot understand English so how can we tell them?
Please help me out with this.
Thank you.
download orbot.apk(requires root to fully function) or hotspotshield.apk look for them on google (how ironic), use them only when using market(they slow down the internet to some extent, but act as a proxy on your phone)
qtableau said:
I found a solution by paying a bit more...
I gave up on trying to read all the tutorials on how to root phones and went to an electronic market in SH (where I live, if you do, go to xujiahui to do so)
For a hundred RMB, I got it changed to a hongkong OS, where everything is allowed and works great. Some updates not even available on the official one in China went with it. Hope it helps and that you'll be able to find a market near your place.
Basically, my advice for some other people reading this thread: Don't buy it in a real shop, go to a market, they're half the price, and already flashed to a "working" version... wish I'd known that
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Hi, do you know if you made something else to your phone? i know that this S3 version from UNICOM uses a different modem that wont allow us to install anyother Samsung build and i was wondering about if in the WHOLE world there was another country that used the same modem so i can install that build in my China/unicom phone. If this is a transparent solution I AM SOOOO DOING IT!
Android phone without Google Play
qtableau said:
I found a solution by paying a bit more...
I gave up on trying to read all the tutorials on how to root phones and went to an electronic market in SH (where I live, if you do, go to xujiahui to do so)
For a hundred RMB, I got it changed to a hongkong OS, where everything is allowed and works great. Some updates not even available on the official one in China went with it. Hope it helps and that you'll be able to find a market near your place.
Basically, my advice for some other people reading this thread: Don't buy it in a real shop, go to a market, they're half the price, and already flashed to a "working" version... wish I'd known that
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HI bleau,
Did the guy explain to you in detail what he has done to your device? I have the same problem with the phone (THl W8) I bought in China.
Vcek said:
download orbot.apk(requires root to fully function) or hotspotshield.apk look for them on google (how ironic), use them only when using market(they slow down the internet to some extent, but act as a proxy on your phone)
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Probably the best way, spoofs ip address.
Sent from...... The Milky Way
Hello guys!
If you have this kind of issues then the only thing you need to do is:
- Download FASTBOOT files, Google it, it should be 3 files. The size small. Make your own folder called "Android" on C: Drive. Put the files there.
- Unlock the Boot loader, go to your respective forums and find a way to unlock your device's Boot loader.
- Get ClockWorkMod recovery for your device, Google it, go to their website, search for newest version for your device, download.
- Put the .img file onto the "Android" folder.
- Enter Boot loader mode (For HTC it's POWER + Volume Down). Navigate using physical buttons, and Select FASTBOOT option.
- Flash it with CMD on Windows by using this command:
--- cd c:\Android
--- fastboot flash recovery name_of_recovery_you_downloaded.img
--- fastboot erase cache
- Done all that, search for a custom ROM that's already pre-ROOTed and has built-in Kernel to avoid troubles like boot loops.
- Put that ROM onto your SD card, DO NOT EXTRACT THE ZIP.
- Enter Recovery by going into Boot loader mode
- Full Wipe/Factory Reset your phone through Recovery, then erase Cache through Recovery too.
- "Install zip from SD" card through Recovery, select the ROM.zip, select YES. Now wait.
- Voila, Democracy speaks for itself ;D
Thank me if i helped! :laugh:
*All credits goes to Mr Hofs, as he is the one that guides me from nothingness *
Hi. I have the same problem and I live in Shanghai as well. Can you let me know where did you get your phone jailbroken?
qtableau said:
I found a solution by paying a bit more...
I gave up on trying to read all the tutorials on how to root phones and went to an electronic market in SH (where I live, if you do, go to xujiahui to do so)
For a hundred RMB, I got it changed to a hongkong OS, where everything is allowed and works great. Some updates not even available on the official one in China went with it. Hope it helps and that you'll be able to find a market near your place.
Basically, my advice for some other people reading this thread: Don't buy it in a real shop, go to a market, they're half the price, and already flashed to a "working" version... wish I'd known that
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Ignore/hide app update

I have an app (calorie counter) that keeps showing a notification there is an update. I don't want to update it because the new permissions seem intrusive (allowing hardware controls - take picture and video).
Does anyone know how I can disable getting a notification about the update?
Open Google play, go to settings and uncheck " notifications" option.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
That will turn off notifications for all apps though, which I'd rather not do.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Gucci.Nexus said:
That will turn off notifications for all apps though, which I'd rather not do.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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You could use titanium backup to disassociate the app with the Google Play store. I've personally never done it myself, but I think this is the solution you're looking for
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium
Gucci.Nexus said:
That will turn off notifications for all apps though, which I'd rather not do.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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You can also specify it on a per app basis. Just open the app in Google play and uncheck the checkbox.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Petrovski80 said:
You can also specify it on a per app basis. Just open the app in Google play and uncheck the checkbox.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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No, you can't
The only check box is for Automatic Updates, not update notifications.
Go to settings, apps, select the app, uncheck notifications.
Solution by using ZipSigner 2
I just came across a solution (android.stackexchange.com/a/25527)
If you've got root access and have the original apk of the version you want to keep at hand (via Titanium backup or copied out of your \data\app folder), you can use ZipSigner 2 to give that apk a different key (auto-testkey).
When you install the apk with its new key, the Play Store will not recognize the installed app and will therefore not try to search or push any updates. :good:
ZipSigner 2 is available for free in the Play Store: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kellinwood.zipsigner2
If you have root, you can simply use ti backup to detach an app from the market.
It was assumed op doesn't have root though.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Petrovski80 said:
If you have root, you can simply use ti backup to detach an app from the market.
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It was my understanding that detaching an app in Titanium does not work anymore since an update from Google Play has more checks on the server side.
Djezpur said:
I just came across a solution (android.stackexchange.com/a/25527)
If you've got root access and have the original apk of the version you want to keep at hand (via Titanium backup or copied out of your \data\app folder), you can use ZipSigner 2 to give that apk a different key (auto-testkey).
When you install the apk with its new key, the Play Store will not recognize the installed app and will therefore not try to search or push any updates. :good:
ZipSigner 2 is available for free in the Play Store: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kellinwood.zipsigner2
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Thanks for this. What a quick and easy solution. Now I can keep the old Foursquare without getting it automatically updated to that new version.
Please note: ZipSigner 2 does not require root!
The solution probably still works. Thanks for the hint!
Now I did test it.
1. Use App Backup and Restore to save the apk
2. Use Zipsigner to give the apk a different autokey
3. Uninstall original app
4. Install the apk modified by Zipsigner, you may need some file manager like TotalCommander for this
It is all possible without root and works well
Gucci.Nexus said:
I have an app (calorie counter) that keeps showing a notification there is an update. I don't want to update it because the new permissions seem intrusive (allowing hardware controls - take picture and video).
Does anyone know how I can disable getting a notification about the update?
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I know this is an old thread. And I understand that Ti Backup used to work for detaching an app from Play Store. But I also understand that this works no longer. For those who are interested, I have created an app that does a pretty good job of this. It is called Hide Updates In Play Store. There is a video showing the app at work. It does require a rooted device. Thanks
Let me summarize:
- it costs money
- it needs root
- it needs an additional app
- the solution may not persist if you uninstall the controlling app
All these disadvantages can be avoided by reading just one posting higher ...
tag68 said:
Let me summarize:
- it costs money
- it needs root
- it needs an additional app
- the solution may not persist if you uninstall the controlling app
All these disadvantages can be avoided by reading just one posting higher ...
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You are, of course, correct in the disadvantages. But the above method has its own limitations:
1) I wonder how/if it will work with system apps unless you have root. For instance, I actually wanted to get rid of updates to Google Search since later versions hose-up Utter.
2) It is something of a pain to "undo" since you will loose any settings or data (unless you are VERY CAREFUL) related to the app when you uninstall the "fake-signed" app and re-install the "real" app. Of course, this would also happen during the install of the "fake-signed" app in the first place. In some cases, this may be trivial but in others, it may not. And App Backup/Restore - which I use - fine app - only processes the .apk file.
3) It requires a minimum 2 apps be installed.
4) It isn't terribly easy to do. Developers would likely be able/willing to handle this - or even know what signing is or what to do. But how about others? The first one would be hardest for sure.
Like my solution, it also seems not likely to work with paid apps or apps having in-app purchases. I am not 100% sure, but would guess that the re-signing will mess up most Play Store license checking. Indeed, App Backup/Restore handles these differently and with far less functionality.
Still, for someone who is willing to do it and for those lacking root, the solution suggested above seems like it will work and those who are rooted can certainly save that $1 which can be used to make a one-time purchase of maybe 1/2 cup of coffee at the nearest Starbucks
David, if you would have mentioned the possibility of resigning in the description of your app, maybe even give the manual how to do without your app, I'd much more be willing to believe and support you.
Without that hint it has a little smell of betraying for me, not showing people who do not know better or do not have root that there are cost-free alternatives. But probably I have just to admit that you seem to be good at selling. I usually don't like people who are good at selling.
tag68 said:
David, if you would have mentioned the possibility of resigning in the description of your app, maybe even give the manual how to do without your app, I'd much more be willing to believe and support you.
Without that hint it has a little smell of betraying for me, not showing people who do not know better or do not have root that there are cost-free alternatives. But probably I have just to admit that you seem to be good at selling. I usually don't like people who are good at selling.
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First, I developed and posted my app on Play Store before I even saw this forum thread with its reference to resigning apps. So I was not aware at the time.
Second, I still have not even tried to confirm that the re-signing approach will work (although I can see that it might). I will take the word of the person who posted this technique that it does indeed work. But I now have a solution that I like and use. So I have no real need to find and test other solutions.
Third, there are often many possible solutions to a given problem. In fact, my original approach to this particular problem was done via Tasker and shell scripts. It worked but was not particularly user friendly. I tried to remedy that in my app. It seems you are saying that a person (me) choosing to implement one possible solution must also run down, verify, and advertise all other approaches. If so, I think that is a bit ridiculous and would appreciate a list of examples of app authors who are doing this who you do "believe and support." I do not think it is very common.
Fourth, I found this thread via a google search. I think it is fair to believe others will as well if they are seeking alternative approaches. So they too can learn about the resigning approach and decide for themselves how to proceed. I never claimed (here on in my app) that mine is the only approach. I never say it is the "best" approach. I do not denigrate proponents of other approaches. I only implemented one approach that seemed reasonable to me. I posted here so others who suffer from this weakness in Play Store can, if they wish, can check it out for themselves. Play Store gives buyers 2 hours or so to test the solution and decide if it works for them. If not, they are free to return the app and cancel the sale and charge.
Fifth, if you check my list of apps on Play Store, you will see that they are all very small apps and all are either free or very low cost. All of these apps were the result of my trying to resolve situations that I found personally irritating. I then thought that maybe others would find them useful as well. If you look at the number of installs for all of my apps combined, I think you will find that I am NOT at all good at "selling". Indeed, if the net proceeds from all of my paid apps combined exceeded much more than $300 total it would be a miracle. With programming, testing, and support time this likely works out to be maybe $0.10 per hour. I figure the market for this app will be no larger than my previous apps and at $1 per sale, it will be a while before I can use the proceeds to buy even a six pack of beer (especially after Google takes their cut). So I can hardly be considered a successful salesman. If only that were true! I do sell some of my apps. But truth be told I really do this, not for the money, but so I can show some revenue to the tax authorities so they permit me to write off some computer-related expenses.
I am sorry you feel "betrayed" by me somehow. And I am sorry that you have somehow decided that you don't like me for the rather limited reasons you have managed to list here. I really do not think I have given you or anyone else cause to reach such conclusions. It really makes me kind of sad. But you are entitled to your opinions and I will leave it at that as I walk away in wonder.
You admit that you googled where you could post ads for your app, did not even have a look what was last written in the thread and then sent your ad? In my opinion that IS Spam, nothing else ...
So thank you for the offer, and for staying away from this thread in future. For everyone who needs a good working solution free of cost and less use of resources but with a bit more manual handling of apk-files, have a look at posting #13 of this thread.
Djezpur said:
I just came across a solution (android.stackexchange.com/a/25527)
If you've got root access and have the original apk of the version you want to keep at hand (via Titanium backup or copied out of your \data\app folder), you can use ZipSigner 2 to give that apk a different key (auto-testkey).
When you install the apk with its new key, the Play Store will not recognize the installed app and will therefore not try to search or push any updates. :good:
ZipSigner 2 is available for free in the Play Store: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kellinwood.zipsigner2
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Thank-you! That worked like charm!!

[Q] About External Data & Google Play

Hello guys, I have some questions about data generating and mainly modifying Google Play billing information, hope I can find answers here...
1. Each time I open Titanium Backup or Google Play has some update on apps, my external SD Card will generate 2 folders which are "data\com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup" and "Android\data", the second one will have some system apps folders inside suck as "com.android.gallery3d" and "com.google.android.apps.maps". I rooted my G3 and use ES file explorer to manage my files. But I didn't experience such issues in my previous Galaxy Note, which means those apps or system won't generate any app data on external SD Card. Most importantly those app folders (13+ folders) are empty and all 0.00 KB!
It is somehow annoying and I can't ignore it so each time I access my external SD card I will have to delete them manually. I wonder what is the problem and how can I tweat the system so that it won't generate it in SD card again, internal storage folder already contained all those app data folders!
External SD Card's folder (root):
Inside the "Android\Data" Folder:
2. It's about Modded Google Play Store. If you guys know the creater of Lucky Patcher also created the modded version of Google Play Store, and I found on the internet that there are a method which almost make you buy paid apps for "free". The website is in below:
I wonder if this method is true... If it is then I think it would be chaos and Google will surely patch it... Because it makes you really get paid apps for free, imagine you paid for the app, save it and refund to take back the money, while you didn't really return the "product" you bought... That would be awesome if it can be done but I don't have the time to try all that... Is there anyone who are currently using this trick and it works?
3. Alright recently I have been paying attention on how to crack in-app purchases... I wonder if Freedom and Lucky Patcher works on server-based online games? For example One piece Treasure Cruise and Puzzle and Dragons if you guys heard of it, they require 100 yen to buy 1 magic stone or Gems and 5 stones to play a lucky draw to get a new character. Well although I think it has a very little chance to hack or crack it, maybe the two cracking apps won't work too, but I still have some faith on it which I think it may be possible...
I wonder why it works on Candy Crush or something like that, but won't (maybe) work on the 2 games I mentioned? Aren't they are using the same mechanism in Google Play billing? (Press purchase, connect to Google Play, a Pop-up displaying what you are going to buy, press buy and enter billing information, then complete purchase.) If they are the same then why we can't crack it?
4. I found here:
That by using Lucky Patcher to "Patch to Android" and tick on "Signature Verification status always True" and then tap on "Apply" then reboot, and it will change how Google Play's status, that means the cracked apps you installed will also be regonized as purchased apps in Google Play and you got it legally. I wonder if this is true and is it still working?
And by doing that signature verification, can I skip the process of using luck patcher to patch Titanium Backup every time I update it from Play Store? This is a little bit annoying actually...
That's all of my questions, sorry for the long words but I really hope to get the answers... If it can't be done then I want to know because it has been consuming my time trying to find the answers... Thanks a lot in advance, hope you all have a good day!
Sorry, but nobody is going to help you steal apps from the playstore.

