[Q] LG Ally or LG Enlighten - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Before I begin, I'm sorry if this is wrong forum, however, it does sort of relate. My friend accidentally stepped on his Samsung Stratosphere this morning and cracked the inside of his screen; outside is perfectly fine which stuck me as odd. So I took him to Verizon store to try and come up with some story to get them replace it, because his grandma never got insurance because (It was too expensive). He came up with the story that a stack of books fell on top of it and cracked it, but they noticed it had no insurance. So they said They couldn't do anything. I'm thinking of trying a different store with a different story. Any tips on that?
However, he is able to get a used Ally or Enlighten for free and my question is which one is easier to root, and which one has more options once rooted?
Ally supposedly is what the Evo was, a first android in a sense, without the 4g. Enlighten seems more current somewhat, but notes say it's sluggish, which is most likely fixed with root.
Which one is better overall? (including root) Or, is there another option besides those two phones he can have? I myself will be rooting his phone so I'm not worried too much about it, just as long as mandatory fixes that are required for certain ROMs are mentioned.

Moved to Q&A...​

Don't think changing stories or stores is gonna help him..and fraud does not help anyone else

It wasn't so much the fraud.... I was perfectly fine with the other phones. just curious to tips

any preferences between the two phones guys?


dropped calls/no signal

Hi all, i know this is a well talked about subject as i have done numerous google/ask searches, i find an awful lot but don't really seem to get any answers, over the last week i must have read hundreds of pages so please anyone who is going to tell me to google this problem, please don't as i have until i could scream lol......anyway, this is the problem i am having......
Hubby bought the HTC desire on ORANGE but then decided he wanted an iphone4 so he gave his desire to me, i am a vodafone user, as we have teenage children and the freedom/family packs are such good value, i wanted to stay on vodafone so i got the phone unlocked with an unlock code at my local mobile fone shop...hubby had never used it as a phone, just as a gadget to mess about on so we weren't aware there was any problems.... the problems i am having are these...i can't get the phone to hold a call, if i use wmcda only mode, its slightly better and i can usually get a call out but it will drop out if i stay on the line to long, if i use gsm only then i can't get a call out at all, the phone stays silent for a few seconds and then just drops out......on both settings the signal is fluctuating like mad and often gives me a x where my signal should be, i love the phone as a gadget but at the moment im not getting much luck with it as a phone.....a few things i thought may be to blame are
could it be the way the fone shop unlocked it??
i have used the same sim card (voda) for around 4+ years, could i need a better sim???
could it be because all the settings on the phone belong to orange and arn't set up to use on voda??
i have read on a few sites where people have returned these phones only to be given another one that has the same issues where others have recieved another hand set and the problem is solved but some people say they have no call dropping/signal issues at all and love the phone....im confused, i have been looking around the site and seen peopl are using custom roms and/or debranding the phone, could that help with my issues??
if anyone can help me i would really appreciate it ...
thanks in advance
emma......ps sorry for such a long post
If your SIM is 4+ years old, I would suggest that a new one might be in order, so at the very least I'd request one if I were you.
You've not mentioned which ROM version or baseband you phone is currently using (see Menu->Settings->About Phone->Software Information). Try posting these so we can see if you are running a very early ROM and/or radio.
P.S. Lastly, divorce hubby for being unfaithful to the Desire and buying an iPhone!
lmao he's an iphone fanatic, he has the 3g, 3gs and now the iphone4, oh and a macbook lol.. personally i love the desire but i'm having a nightmare using it as a phone, i called HTC up on friday and ups have actually just came and picked it up, i have been waiting on them, so i can't actually check anything now, i wish i had realised and put the stats of the phone in my post, they said it will take 7/10 working days to get it back and i feel lost already lol....i am hoping and praying that they can sort the problem out, i have also requested new sims from vodafone and they are on their way to me also, so if i get my phone back and i still have same issues with my sim i will try the new sim, if that doesn't work, then i guess i'll be back on here or trading it in
i think im right in thinking the rom is the software, but by radio are you referring to the FM radio or to the radio waves your phone uses??
I have an iMac and a Macbook, but I dislike the walled garden that Apple has put up around the iPhone/iPad!
When I referred to the radio, I meant the cellular radio - not the FM radio, but the point is moot now if you've sent it in for repair!
yeah i forgot he also has the ipad, i love that like, he jailbreaks them himself so we get all the apps, better than the ipod, which he has also lol...he's a total apple nut!! once i get my device back i will check the stats an post them up here straight away......if the radio is old could that be the problem?? and do the newer ones help, i had to sign a fom to say they could erase everything and put the latest software on so im presuming they will also update the radio?? if so maybe that will correct the problem, i had looked into using a custom rom before i sent it back but i was scared that if i did that then they wouldn't repair/replace the unit also i was a little wary as the instructions seem a little complicated
.......i have since sent my desire of for repair/replacement and have contacted them today (since they have had it 3 weeks) and was told it is ready to be sent back to me and that it has had the mother board replaced...has anyone else had similar problems who had had a new mother board fitted and then the problems have stopped??? im thinking that when it comes back it will be as useless as a phone as it was when i sent it off
As far as holding calls are concerned, the Desire is bad... much worse than any iPhone I've used. That said in built up areas I never really have problems with voice, but in rural areas the reception is very poor... I struggle to make calls in my house, which was never an issue when I used Samsung phones.
3G reception is a separate issue!
Well the motherboard is basically the phones guts, so that coupled with the new rom/radio should solve your issues. I can't see them replacing the MB just for the sake of it!
Let us know how you find it afterwards. Personally, I've no bother with reception and love my desire
well i've been expecting my phone back for days and it still hasn't arrived, i was quoted 5 to 7 working days when i sent it off for repair 3 WEEKS ago, anyway when it comes back i'll see how it goes and let you all know....could it possibly have something to do wiht the fact that its an orange branded phone and im getting a code to have it unlocked to vodafone????
(which i will have to pay for again now i have a new motherboard)

buttons quit working

so i bought a second hand slide for my wife maybe a month ago. it was supposedly brand new (i believe it was). i've rooted it and have cyan's latest running on it. today, however, several of the buttons quit working. home is okay and so is the genius button. but the menu, back, and touchpad have all stopped responding. is this something that's occuring with this phone with frequency? i haven't called tmobile yet as i'm currently restoring her app's from a fresh wipe but i'd thought i'd see if this has happened to anyone else.
damngood98 said:
so i bought a second hand slide for my wife maybe a month ago. it was supposedly brand new (i believe it was). i've rooted it and have cyan's latest running on it. today, however, several of the buttons quit working. home is okay and so is the genius button. but the menu, back, and touchpad have all stopped responding. is this something that's occuring with this phone with frequency? i haven't called tmobile yet as i'm currently restoring her app's from a fresh wipe but i'd thought i'd see if this has happened to anyone else.
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No, never happened to me, did you say you already tried doing a full wipe/reflash? If that didn't work try flashing a different ROM like cr_mod or 3rd sense and see if the buttons work in those. Could be a corrupted ROM, redownload and reflash it. If you haven't already, update to 6.1.1.
next day the touch screen stopped working next. can't even answer a phone call. phone is fried. that was after upgrading. beginning to doubt htc as a phone maker. went through several g1's. my nexus has screen issues, now this. not a fan of motorola's phones. and samsung sucks too. well, she's due for an upgrade, just at a loss as to what she's going to get now. thanks for trying to offer help though
damngood98 said:
next day the touch screen stopped working next. can't even answer a phone call. phone is fried. that was after upgrading. beginning to doubt htc as a phone maker. went through several g1's. my nexus has screen issues, now this. not a fan of motorola's phones. and samsung sucks too. well, she's due for an upgrade, just at a loss as to what she's going to get now. thanks for trying to offer help though
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What kind of torcher you putting your phones through? Lol
Seriously though, never heard of someone going through phones the way you describe. I have yet to have even 1 issue with an HTC phone. Same with any other HTC users i know.
Might i recommened the motorola defy to you lol
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
guitarist5122 said:
What kind of torcher you putting your phones through? Lol
Seriously though, never heard of someone going through phones the way you describe. I have yet to have even 1 issue with an HTC phone. Same with any other HTC users i know.
Might i recommened the motorola defy to you lol
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
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Haha, same here. I received a used g1 from a friend, I was its fifth owner I think, it had no issues, I ended up accidentally breaking it because I fell asleep on a recliner chair and it fell out of my pocket into the recliner mechanism and got its chin crushed. Poor thing. I took it apart and wiggled the bent connector a little bit, and it actually worked for a few more months, although fragile. Now it won't turn on anymore though, totally done. It lived a long life though.
Now I'm using the same friend's old slide, which he spilled a full glass of lemonade on. It didn't work for a week, then randomly started booting, so he gave it to me since he had already gotten a vibrant. The only thing that doesn't work on it is the camera, which I couldn't care less about.
HTC phones have been great for me, you must be treating your phones like they are $40 dumbphones made by nokia.
lol! no, that would be my son who treats his g1 like a hacky sack. it's my wife who's having all the bad luck. i may try taking it apart and seeing what i can do but believe me she pretty much uses her phone as a phone and to facebook. otherwise it sits in her purse. although she has gotten into angry birds lately and i do see her getting frustrated more & more.....
You bought a second hand phone that is now failing and you're blaming the manufacturer? It sounds like to me the previous owner may not have foreclosed some previous "incident" happening to the phone.
damngood98 said:
next day the touch screen stopped working next. can't even answer a phone call. phone is fried. that was after upgrading. beginning to doubt htc as a phone maker. went through several g1's. my nexus has screen issues, now this. not a fan of motorola's phones. and samsung sucks too. well, she's due for an upgrade, just at a loss as to what she's going to get now. thanks for trying to offer help though
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I realize I'm arriving a little late to this conversation but Im wondering if you ever figured anything out with this? My phone did the exact same thing this last weekend and after completely tearing it apart and cleaning all the connections I could, with not fix, I finally gave up and bought a G2. If you do have any ideas it would be awesome!
Same thing happened to me, I have a thread in the general section, I'm on my fifth slide
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
One of the Cyanogen Mod nightlies was very unresponsive on touch and a few other things.
You can try a more stable cyanogen rom, and see if that makes a difference.
Its not that. The slide isnt just unresponsive, its not working at all. I wiped it all to start over and try a stable but now I cant get past the start up screen where you have to tap the android haha. I bought a G2 so if I fix it, it would just be to sell or as a backup. Anyone know anyone that wants to buy it?

[Q] Getting rid of my dINC, should i get an X or a Fascinate

I've had nothing but bad experiences with every HTC phone i've ever had. From the Touch Pro, to the TP2, to the incredible.
I sent my old INC in and got a new one because it would boot loop for no apparant reason, the only thing i could think of is the 2150maH battery but tried with the stock battery and same thing.
So the first replacement phone i never received because somehow fedex got the shipping address fine, except the wrong city and zip code and they said verizon would have to call and have it changed, which they did, but it never got delivered and returned to sender. so they sent me a 2nd replacement. I got that one. Activated it yesterday morning, and not 4 hours into it, its boot looping again. I've had to factory reset 3 times and activate it twice (not counting the initial activation)
User error? Ive had all 3, the dinc is the best overall. did you root it and install custom roms?
Was the replacement (or original) DInc refurbished? I've heard nothing good about refurbs.
Are you using an SD card from another device in the DInc? An old SD card?
Is the SD card full or nearly so?
Rooting w/ UnrEVOked?
The 2 DInc's in our family have none of the issues you listed, we have one each of the AMOLED and SLCD. Both have been extensively modified - ROMs, kernels, PRL's, etc etc. Both run the 2150 battery from VZW. Is your 2150 from elsewhere?
Subjective Opinion:
FWIW, the DX is severely limited in what can be modified since it's not fully rooted. Compared to the DInc, essentially all you can really do on the DX is theme variants of the stock ROM. Then there is the small, and seemingly dis-interested group of devs. There just aren't as many devs because there is so little you can actually truly develop for the device.
IDK anything about the Samsung, but a quick look @ the Fascinate forum here on XDA..... the number of ROMs or mods isn't anywhere near what there are for the DInc.
To be fair, the DInc community has the benefit of time and has a strong bench of interested developers, but browsing the Fascinate forum doesn't look so interesting as the DInc forum.
So, it really depends on what you want to do w/ your device - if you want to be able to modify it six ways from Sunday, it's the DInc, no question.
DX, not so much.
Fascinate - meh.
that's my $0.02
I had both the TP1 & TP2, used mightymike (from ppcgeeks) roms on both of them and the phones were amazing. The Inc is the best phone I have ever owned. I too am going to have to go with user error.
Are you stock or rooted? If you are rooted what have you installed? What kernel are you using? What type of screen is the refurb?
If you don't care to try and fix it, and you must have a different phone now, I would go with the Samsung. The DX is horrible, screen looks like crap, not fully rooted, etc... The Samsung is a bit better, but I don't think it is anywhere near as good as the Inc.
Verizon has a batch of crap Incs that they got back in as warranty phones and instead of actually fixing the problem (bootloop) they factory reset the damn things and set them back out broken. Its just a big cycle, it took me 3 Incs in a week to get one that actually worked. They offered the X and honestly I probably would've taken that over the Fascinate, neither phone has the developer support that the Inc has, and at least the X will be supported by the manufacture.
Wait a couple weeks and get the Thunderbolt. Just don't mess up your phone again and you won't have to bug Verizon for a replacement.
I am on DINC 3 myself. The 'bad batch' would be the first batch of DINC's as they shipped with a faulty hardware radio. They would struggle so hard to get a signal, that the phone would superheat, and bootloop. That happened to my DINC 1.
DINC 2 shipped to me with an already blown speaker (I guess running 30 seconds of electronic diagnostics before shipping out a returned phone, doesn't test for that).
I have had DINC 3 since August, and while I think I may have a small power issue, it is fine.
I would not get the X. My wife has the Droid 2 and I just can't stand MotoBlur. Combine that with the relative difficulty of getting a custom ROM on the 2/X (you have to use a few market solutions to force one on), and you may as well pass on Motorola products.
I'll just tell you that I've had nothing but problems with my Droid 1 and 2. I went through 7 (I lost count) before they sent me the Droid 2. I had two replacements for the Droid 2 before they sent me the Incredible. My 3rd incredible is on the way tomorrow. In general I've had terrible luck with refurbs. The quality control is non existent. But if I had to give you advise on the X over the Samsung I would go with Samsung. Knowing how many problems I've had with Motorola phones I'd hesitate to ever own one again.
I got a refurb in November. AMOLED and works perfectly. My fault I needed to get it replaced, too.
Jes7er said:
I got a refurb in November. AMOLED and works perfectly. My fault I needed to get it replaced, too.
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I hope I have your luck then. I don't care about the whole AMOLED vs LED deal. I just want a freakin phone that works correctly.
At first the fascinate was an okay phone and slow on developement and me being use to my d1 development amount got frustrated by the lack of it. Now however, I have to say with froyo being here and other ROMs at around 80% done with more on their way I'm beginning to love this phone like I should have in the first place. You honestly can't beat the internals on this phone right now with anything on the market and I highly recommended it over the DX due to the locked bootloader (and let's not even get into the screen/camera differences)
As always remember that any kind of post on here (including mine) is subject to bias and you should really just get the one that suits your needs best if you really want to even leave the dinc. Just my 2cents.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
if you constantly like to flash things, i would not recommend either, but just stick with the incredible and wait for something else.
I would wait as well. I've not had a lot of confidence in moto phones since my pos Moto Q (which I stall have and works if anyone wants to buy that junk lol). I've also seen the fascinate from a coworker, and while the screen looks nice, the rest doesn't seem to impress me.
Get yourself a free flip, cancel the data plan and wait a month or 3, take the money you saved from no data plan and get some newer nicer phone than all the rest of us on aa 1 year contract. Or get another Dinc, find someone on CL or something that wants to trade you for a samsung and a couple of bucks and swap or something.
A buddy of mine hates his Droid x. Don't know anything about the others
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Don't get either.
X sucks
Fascinate sucks and buggy and not well supported. Get the thunderbolt or wait for the LG or MOTO dual core phones. There might even be a dInc 2 coming soon.
trillonometry said:
User error? Ive had all 3, the dinc is the best overall. did you root it and install custom roms?
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The first one I did, but it happened while stock as well as rooted, with any kernel/rom combination i tried.
the refurb i got was jewed out of the box. I highly doubt its user error as I didnt even do anything outside of activate it and add my google account before it started
smtom said:
Was the replacement (or original) DInc refurbished? I've heard nothing good about refurbs.
Are you using an SD card from another device in the DInc? An old SD card?
Is the SD card full or nearly so?
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Yes, it was a refurb. thats all they will give me.
I've tried a number of SD's and even bought a brand new one. no change
g00s3y said:
I had both the TP1 & TP2, used mightymike (from ppcgeeks) roms on both of them and the phones were amazing. The Inc is the best phone I have ever owned. I too am going to have to go with user error.
Are you stock or rooted? If you are rooted what have you installed? What kernel are you using? What type of screen is the refurb?
If you don't care to try and fix it, and you must have a different phone now, I would go with the Samsung. The DX is horrible, screen looks like crap, not fully rooted, etc... The Samsung is a bit better, but I don't think it is anywhere near as good as the Inc.
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See above, but there is absolutely zero way this is a user error and so many people are having problems. there is literally a 20 page topic on the VZW forums of people having this issue who are on their 7th and 8th dINCs
jdmba said:
I am on DINC 3 myself. The 'bad batch' would be the first batch of DINC's as they shipped with a faulty hardware radio. They would struggle so hard to get a signal, that the phone would superheat, and bootloop. That happened to my DINC 1.
DINC 2 shipped to me with an already blown speaker (I guess running 30 seconds of electronic diagnostics before shipping out a returned phone, doesn't test for that).
I have had DINC 3 since August, and while I think I may have a small power issue, it is fine.
I would not get the X. My wife has the Droid 2 and I just can't stand MotoBlur. Combine that with the relative difficulty of getting a custom ROM on the 2/X (you have to use a few market solutions to force one on), and you may as well pass on Motorola products.
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Yea mine was pre-ordered so it would definitely have been from the first batch
bomber889 said:
if you constantly like to flash things, i would not recommend either, but just stick with the incredible and wait for something else.
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this phone is literally unusable. hopefully number 3 (4 actually, though i never received 2 to know if it would work) will be better.
xmilkmanx said:
The first one I did, but it happened while stock as well as rooted, with any kernel/rom combination i tried.
the refurb i got was jewed out of the box. I highly doubt its user error as I didnt even do anything outside of activate it and add my google account before it started
Yes, it was a refurb. thats all they will give me.
I've tried a number of SD's and even bought a brand new one. no change
See above, but there is absolutely zero way this is a user error and so many people are having problems. there is literally a 20 page topic on the VZW forums of people having this issue who are on their 7th and 8th dINCs
Yea mine was pre-ordered so it would definitely have been from the first batch
this phone is literally unusable. hopefully number 3 (4 actually, though i never received 2 to know if it would work) will be better.
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Good luck man, I know how your feeling.
the refurb i got was jewed out of the box.
Wtf does that mean?
hexon said:
I'll just tell you that I've had nothing but problems with my Droid 1 and 2. I went through 7 (I lost count) before they sent me the Droid 2. I had two replacements for the Droid 2 before they sent me the Incredible. My 3rd incredible is on the way tomorrow. In general I've had terrible luck with refurbs. The quality control is non existent. But if I had to give you advise on the X over the Samsung I would go with Samsung. Knowing how many problems I've had with Motorola phones I'd hesitate to ever own one again.
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Hmmm what's the common denominator here? 12 phones total over 3 models?
midnight assassin said:
the refurb i got was jewed out of the box.
Should watch what you say a little closer. No offense, I'm not anyone's dad, but that's crossing the line.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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So... Sprint rooted my phone...

I have had both Camera and GPS issues since the day I bought my E4GT. My Camera will randomly give me "Recording Failed" when I try to take photos. Changing Camera settings was also a good way of reproducing "Recording Failed" And my GPS simply just doesn't lock, and if it does it is unbelievably inaccurate.
So, I took my phone in several months back, of course all they did was flash it to stock, I came back in an hour and they claimed it was fixed. Within 24 hours I was still having the same Camera issue, and GPS wasn't improved.
I have dealt with this issue up until today and simply ignored it, used my girlfriends GPS etc. Keep in mind that both these issues exist on stock EK02, EL30, and any custom ROM I install, and GPS status or other GPS related apps don't help either.
So, after flashing to EK02, using a USB Jig to reset my download count and then doing the OTA to EL30, the problem persisted. I brought it to the Sprint store, came back an hour and a half later, and they claimed it was fixed. I instantly starting taking photos in the store, after 2 photographs my phone actually just restarted itself. Once it restarted, I tried taking several more photographs and received my usual "Recording Failed" message. At this point the tech takes the phone back, fiddles around on his computer and tells me they will just have to order a new one.
Great news! Glad I'm getting a brand new E4GT. The real kicker... I got back in my car, drove to work and then I noticed something funny, I have the superuser app installed. I installed Titanium backup to confirm I had root, and I did. The Sprint tech seems to have rooted my phone, most likely in attempt to try a few 3rd party fixes.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Doesn't rooting technically void my warranty... Or is it only flashing non-official ROMs? I know I'm still ok on my warranty because they already confirmed they are shipping a phone to the store for me to pick up. I was just shocked to have Sprint root my phone.
Fendulon said:
I have had both Camera and GPS issues since the day I bought my E4GT. My Camera will randomly give me "Recording Failed" when I try to take photos. Changing Camera settings was also a good way of reproducing "Recording Failed" And my GPS simply just doesn't lock, and if it does it is unbelievably inaccurate.
So, I took my phone in several months back, of course all they did was flash it to stock, I came back in an hour and they claimed it was fixed. Within 24 hours I was still having the same Camera issue, and GPS wasn't improved.
I have dealt with this issue up until today and simply ignored it, used my girlfriends GPS etc. Keep in mind that both these issues exist on stock EK02, EL30, and any custom ROM I install, and GPS status or other GPS related apps don't help either.
So, after flashing to EK02, using a USB Jig to reset my download count and then doing the OTA to EL30, the problem persisted. I brought it to the Sprint store, came back an hour and a half later, and they claimed it was fixed. I instantly starting taking photos in the store, after 2 photographs my phone actually just restarted itself. Once it restarted, I tried taking several more photographs and received my usual "Recording Failed" message. At this point the tech takes the phone back, fiddles around on his computer and tells me they will just have to order a new one.
Great news! Glad I'm getting a brand new E4GT. The real kicker... I got back in my car, drove to work and then I noticed something funny, I have the superuser app installed. I installed Titanium backup to confirm I had root, and I did. The Sprint tech seems to have rooted my phone, most likely in attempt to try a few 3rd party fixes.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Doesn't rooting technically void my warranty... Or is it only flashing non-official ROMs? I know I'm still ok on my warranty because they already confirmed they are shipping a phone to the store for me to pick up. I was just shocked to have Sprint root my phone.
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lol the only thing that happened to me like that was:
i brought my evo 3d in so they could check out the power button... (it was pushed down and wouldnt turn on) the phone had cm7 on it... and the tech showed me his OG evo with cm7 on it with the same theme on it (cm7 red remix)
i couldnt restore it back to a stock RUU because of the power button...but he got a replacement for me even when he got it turned on and seen cm7 on it
I've noticed that most techs don't care if your phone is rooted or not. In fact, I used to go down to the Sprint store to look at new accessories, and I would show off that mine was rooted and running CM. I had a couple of the people working there have me root their phone for them.
It would surprise me at all if the tech rooted your phone. Probably jumped on XDA to see if anyone else had solved the problem yet too.
blackroseMD1 said:
Probably jumped on XDA to see if anyone else had solved the problem yet too.
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LOL i bet he did... anyone that has any problems with their phones i direct them here... im waiting for the day that the techs in the sprint store ask me "have you checked xda to see if they have any resolution to this problem"
because ive had customer service reps/android tech department (on the phone) tell me to check xda or android community..
Out of curiosity, when recording video were you recording to internal memory or a microSD card? And if a microSD card, what Class? I got that error all the time with my Class 2 16GB, but when I upgraded to my 32GB Class 4 I have no trouble. Apparently the write speed wasn't high enough for the video stream.
Weird. I've got problems where my GPS sometimes won't lock.... but I reboot and it seems to work for another day or whatever.
TurboFool said:
Out of curiosity, when recording video were you recording to internal memory or a microSD card? And if a microSD card, what Class? I got that error all the time with my Class 2 16GB, but when I upgraded to my 32GB Class 4 I have no trouble. Apparently the write speed wasn't high enough for the video stream.
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I actually never recorded video really. This was an issue with simple picture taking at any resolution. I could save to internal or external storage and receive this error. I currently have a class 8 16gb that I use that hasn't given me issues that I know of.
As for the GPS, it was a longstanding and ongoing issue with my phone. No amount of reboots, reflashes or GPS fixes would remedy it. I've tried at least a half dozen roms, plus every OTA and sprint leak. I'm just glad to be getting a new phone.
Also, I've never dropped this phone once. It is literally in pristine condition, you could probably put it in a box and nobody would know that it was used.
yea crazy.. obviously the sprint rep thought he knew what he was doing but in the end, you probably know more than he does .. then again, anybody can read lol. i would have pointed it out in the store and been like hey buddy, whats this? lol then watched him try to explain himself..
elliwigy said:
yea crazy.. obviously the sprint rep thought he knew what he was doing but in the end, you probably know more than he does .. then again, anybody can read lol. i would have pointed it out in the store and been like hey buddy, whats this? lol then watched him try to explain himself..
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Lol that would have been a fun one to watch him try to talk his way out of. At least you had a competent sprint guy, my stores in reno seem to never have people who know anything, not even the selling points of a phone in their store!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Haha I would have loved to ask in store, but unfortunately I didn't notice this for about a half hour when I was at work.
I'll definitely be asking them about it when I go to pick up my replacement phone. I still have my "Sprint Rooted and certified" phone in my hands haha.
Once again, contrary to popular belief, rooting does not void your protection plan with us, nor does it prevent us from doing a paid repair (no TEP). Only the iPhone holds the distinction of having it's protection plan voided by software modification, as per Apple.
Now, are we allowed by corporate rules to root your phone as a method of repair? No, of course not. But we're also supposed to only use software that's provided to us, and a lot of times that just isn't enough.
Of course, there are special cases; if somebody carelessly lost their wimax keys when trying to get s-off, i wouldn't replace the phone for two reasons: it's nonessential to telephony functions (meaning youre not stuck if you need to call 911), and it's technically DBR (damaged beyond economical repair), because our warehouse wont be able to get them back, and the board would end up being scrapped.
To that end, hard bricked phones could be rejected due to DBR, but i have no way of telling if it happened due to flashing the phone, now do I?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
squshy 7 said:
Once again, contrary to popular belief, rooting does not void your protection plan with us, nor does it prevent us from doing a paid repair (no TEP). Only the iPhone holds the distinction of having it's protection plan voided by software modification, as per Apple.
Now, are we allowed by corporate rules to root your phone as a method of repair? No, of course not. But we're also supposed to only use software that's provided to us, and a lot of times that just isn't enough.
Of course, there are special cases; if somebody carelessly lost their wimax keys when trying to get s-off, i wouldn't replace the phone for two reasons: it's nonessential to telephony functions (meaning youre not stuck if you need to call 911), and it's technically DBR (damaged beyond economical repair), because our warehouse wont be able to get them back, and the board would end up being scrapped.
To that end, hard bricked phones could be rejected due to DBR, but i have no way of telling if it happened due to flashing the phone, now do I?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Well thank you very much for this info. Its nice to know the ins and outs of my warranty service. May even take a look into the the terms of service and such for it. It'll nice to have a shiny new phone though for sure.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Bear gri11z said:
because ive had customer service reps/android tech department (on the phone) tell me to check xda or android community..
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I have the Viewsonic G-tablet and if you contact viewsonic customer support, they always point you to XDA fourms. lol. I wish i could get paid just telling people to check XDA
Just wanted to second this. At this time only jailbroken iPhones have their warranty/protection voided.
You should have no problem getting help even if your phone is rooted, though we should not be the ones doing it for you lol
squshy 7 said:
Once again, contrary to popular belief, rooting does not void your protection plan with us, nor does it prevent us from doing a paid repair (no TEP). Only the iPhone holds the distinction of having it's protection plan voided by software modification, as per Apple.
Now, are we allowed by corporate rules to root your phone as a method of repair? No, of course not. But we're also supposed to only use software that's provided to us, and a lot of times that just isn't enough.
Of course, there are special cases; if somebody carelessly lost their wimax keys when trying to get s-off, i wouldn't replace the phone for two reasons: it's nonessential to telephony functions (meaning youre not stuck if you need to call 911), and it's technically DBR (damaged beyond economical repair), because our warehouse wont be able to get them back, and the board would end up being scrapped.
To that end, hard bricked phones could be rejected due to DBR, but i have no way of telling if it happened due to flashing the phone, now do I?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Full Disclosure: I am a Sprint employee. Any opinions are my own and in no way endorsed by Sprint.
Sent from my SGSII on the Sprint network.
When i went to go get my e4gt one of the salesmen was talking about his jailbroken iphone to someone he was selling an iphone to. I wasnt really paying attention since they were talking about iphones and i was downloading the xda app while they finished my paperwork.
You sure your method of returning to stock didn't preserve your root? It's possible.
Bear gri11z said:
LOL i bet he did... anyone that has any problems with their phones i direct them here... im waiting for the day that the techs in the sprint store ask me "have you checked xda to see if they have any resolution to this problem"
because ive had customer service reps/android tech department (on the phone) tell me to check xda or android community..
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im a sales rep in a preferred retailer. but because of the time ive spent here, im also the unofficial lead technician in our store, and the last resort for our actual techs when they cant fix it themselves... and they went into training for their job..
evantribley said:
Just wanted to second this. At this time only jailbroken iPhones have their warranty/protection voided.
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99% correct. if an android has a rom flashed, its warranty is void. but we can still repair/replace them with TEP, and paid repairs are fine too. its the unlocking of the bootloader that is looked at, not the actual rooting
see: htc evo3d (htcdev dot com), unlocking nexus s, flash/binary counter in E4GT
As much as I like to side with Sprint employees in regards to TEP & rooting, it tends to be more of a personal Sprint employee decision as opposed to actual TEP policy.
After reading over the TOS in regards to TEP, there are some things written in there that could potentially be used against you should rooting be considered the cause of your problem:
"Sprint is not liable for the websites you visit or anything you download or cause to be downloaded to your device. Damage related to websites visited or downloads to your device may not be covered by Sprint's Service and Repair policy or your device insurance policy."
Personally, it's a chance one takes & it depends on who you deal with on any given day should you run into any trouble. There just seems to be alot if what if's in how it's written, how it's defined & how a Sprint rep would handle the situation.
You are right in that it may change but their are policies and procedures in place that dictate how we do our job. We have clear direction to help Android customers who have rooted devices. The other poster who corrected me is right in the fact that your manufacturer warranty is likely voided from rooting but Sprint will still make an attempt to help you with paid repair or TEP.
We also have clear direction that a jailbroken iPhone loses it's protection.
That is in the ToS so you cannot hold Sprint liable if you break your phone, if you download a virus/malware, install custom apps/software etc.
Yes you can break your phone beyond a point that can be fixed but that doesn't mean that we won't try to help you. Sprint doesn't get anything out of a customer who cancels because their rooted phone breaks and can't be fixed.
As much as I like to side with Sprint employees in regards to TEP & rooting, it tends to be more of a personal Sprint employee decision as opposed to actual TEP policy.
After reading over the TOS in regards to TEP, there are some things written in there that could potentially be used against you should rooting be considered the cause of your problem:
"Sprint is not liable for the websites you visit or anything you download or cause to be downloaded to your device. Damage related to websites visited or downloads to your device may not be covered by Sprint's Service and Repair policy or your device insurance policy."
Personally, it's a chance one takes & it depends on who you deal with on any given day should you run into any trouble. There just seems to be alot if what if's in how it's written, how it's defined & how a Sprint rep would handle the situation.
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Full Disclosure: I am a Sprint employee. Any opinions are my own and in no way endorsed by Sprint.
Sent from my SGSII on the Sprint network.
Overstew said:
You sure your method of returning to stock didn't preserve your root? It's possible.
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I can honestly say I am absolutely certain I didn't have root when I handed them my phone to be repaired.
I ODINed EK02, which removed my root, then I used a USB Jig, which reset my download count, and then I booted up my phone and was informed there was an update, and so I did the OTA to EL29. At this point I actually tried to install Titanium for ****s and giggles, only to be told I didn't meet the requirements to use the app, root, so I uninstalled it.

New device No more radio problems VZW

So after trying endless combo of radios/roms/sim cards etc I finally gave in and called for a replacement device to be sent to me, VZW was friendly and kind, i was hesitant because i heard ppl having to get 3-5 replacements before find a phone without the radio issue, and not having any weird banding in the screens. Luckily my first replacement phone has no radio issues, Screen is perfect radios do not drop and come back every 5 mins (I was losing both voice and data randomly) In fact i ran no signal alert, and the log is empty!!!
so dont bother with all the fuss, I think i got a good device because samsung/vzw know there was a bad batch and is weeding them out, Get your replacement device because its a hardware error.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
hardware version 9
build date Jan 24th 2012
4.0.4 IMM76K Radios and Bootloader
BAMF Paradigm v1.25
I am in the same boat here. I actually called Verizon and the guy told me to go to the store and replace the sim card. I did this and it did help a little bit but I am still getting drops when on 4g. I am going to try new radios next before I call Verizon again to get a replacement. I am glad to hear it worked out great for you cause I am afraid of getting a bad one.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using XDA
IMHO, I wouldn't even bother with flashing different radios. I tried every combo I could find. None of which really did anything. And, really, did you shell out a bunch of your hard earned money for a device that needs fixed the moment you take it out of the package?
My first gnex wouldn't stay connected (3g or 4g) for more than a minute or two at a time. When I took it back, the associate and the manager both denied ever hearing if the problem. Then, it happened while the associate was using it. First, they offered to replace the sim card (almost useless). While they were setting up the new sim, another customer came in and started discussing the same issue with the manager. He immediately started in on the same story about never hearing about the issue before. I couldn't stop laughing! I grabbed the display phone (also defective), and said very loudly, "looks like you're 3 for 3 today. This ones junk too."
While the manager never admitted to knowing about the issue, he abruptly turned to the sales associate and told him to replace both phones. They hadn't even booted my phone with the new sim.
My new friend was happy with the first replacement.
They had to go through two more before I got mine.
After all of this, I really feel that the only way to fix the problem is to replace the phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I'd sure like to know what the solution is and why it is taking so long for there to be an update for the Verizon version of this phone.

