Fully Bricked Galaxy Nexus! HELP! - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Okay so my friend bricked his galaxy nexus (Gave it to me because he said its bricked) of course i accepted it lol. But i tried to fix it i did everything i could from reading forums i swear i have worked forever looking for a fix. It is completely unresponsive no download mode. no ADB connection because when it plugs into a computer it shows up as OMAP 4440 or something like that. i have tried all kinds of different drivers and i have tried on multiple computers (Xp, Windows7, even a mac) he said he was flashing the sdcard or something and unplugged it by accident. So i could understand that being a issue since the phone only has a internal sd card. Anyone know how to get it back? i havent seen a Jtag yet for it and i have a Jig for my Galaxy Sii Skyrocket but it doesnt work on the nexus (FYI to anyone out there the jig works on my dads samsung windows phone) HELP!

You tried different drivers? You should just use the most current ones for the phone. Did you try the new toolkit mskip posted? Did you isntall the SDK?

paperhurts said:
You tried different drivers? You should just use the most current ones for the phone. Did you try the new toolkit mskip posted? Did you isntall the SDK?
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Thanks for the response i didnt use mskips i dont think. i have tried the galaxy nexus toolkit 6.0 or whatever but i have tried all kinds of drivers including the google official galaxy nexus i515 or something like that. it shows up as omap 4440 in app manager and disconnects and connects constantly then says device didnt install properly. what do you mean by the sdk? i cant find any way to access my phone. i think i tried something with sdk but im not sure

Yes i read up i did do that GNex Toolkit v6.0 and it wouldnt find my phone (Because of the omap 4440 disconnect and reconnect thing i believe.

First off, on't use a toolkit.
Second, when you plug it in, go to device manager, right click the "OMAP 4460" and click install driver. Either install PDANet or find the driver online and your phone should be able to be used in fastboot.
Finally, if your (Or your friends) phone was "Fully Bricked" it wouldn't be recognized by the computer, it wouldn't turn on, it would literally not be able to do anything except sit there, the fact that the computer sees it means that it is "Soft Bricked" which is much less serious.

miketoasty said:
First off, on't use a toolkit.
Second, when you plug it in, go to device manager, right click the "OMAP 4460" and click install driver. Either install PDANet or find the driver online and your phone should be able to be used in fastboot.
Finally, if your (Or your friends) phone was "Fully Bricked" it wouldn't be recognized by the computer, it wouldn't turn on, it would literally not be able to do anything except sit there, the fact that the computer sees it means that it is "Soft Bricked" which is much less serious.
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i appreciate it but when i install the driver which one should i select? it is the Verizon LTE one and i have tried manually choosing the driver but there is so many. What one should i choose?

When i try to install pdanet it always uninstalls at the end automaticaly? why is that?

IRusselldABear said:
When i try to install pdanet it always uninstalls at the end automaticaly? why is that?
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I couldn't get PDAnet to work for me either. It asks you to enter Debugging mode and I can't get into android

I cant get into android neither thats the problem... it is unresponsive except for the fact that it says omap 4440 over and over. im gonna play with it more when i get home but im currently in school. LOL

is it possible to volume+power into recovery mode?

Jsweetser2 said:
is it possible to volume+power into recovery mode?
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I can get mine into CWM, but whenever I'm flashing a ROM, it reboots itself.

Install PDANet and when it asks for your phone, go into Task Manager and force close the process. This will keep the driver/program installed without needing your phone and it should then be seen in recovery.

Not working still :/

Thanks for highjacking my post twinky lol. i have seen the answer to yours around... google a little more.
TwinkyOfHope said:
I can get mine into CWM, but whenever I'm flashing a ROM, it reboots itself.
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Jsweetser2 said:
is it possible to volume+power into recovery mode?
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Please Help!
My phone goes into boot loader and download mode however every time I flash Stock it finishes successfully and goes to the same google screen its always stuck on. I'm kinda a n00b so if anyone could help me with this (try to have a lot of detail) I would be grateful. Thanks

It sounds like what I did to my Galaxy Note before I bought my Nexus. When unrooting I overwrote my bootloader with a missed character through ADB. I tried everything, naked drivers, ODIN, all it would come up with was OMAP on the PC. I ended up having to return it to AT&T. Ask him if he was trying to root it the old way through ADB.
samiaziz said:
My phone goes into boot loader and download mode however every time I flash Stock it finishes successfully and goes to the same google screen its always stuck on. I'm kinda a n00b so if anyone could help me with this (try to have a lot of detail) I would be grateful. Thanks
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samiaziz, make sure you're wiping everything before flashing a stock rom. It wouldn't hurt to wipe system, cache and dalvik and then restart recovery (in advanced menu) and wipe again before flashing the stock rom.

Ok, as long as it shows up, it's still working
OMAP440 is the processor, which means, that is is working, but the bootloader is corrupt, or missing. I'd say it's corrupt (Flash-error)
The best way I've found, check this website: http://www.mobiletechvideos.com and see if they have a JTAG solution... (My JTAG device will arrive in a few weeks )
Even if they don't, send it in, and they'll figure out a way to do that I think they do some special offer, if you send it in for testing purposes...
But, other than that, there's no way I can help you. The firmware is completely fu**ed...

Tried That
I have already tried getting into recovery but that dosnt work. it takes me to the google splash screen

2 words: fastboot, linux.
sent from my i9250

Instead of JTAG-ing it, you could always try this. The maker of the Riffbox JTAG has come out with a solution for unbricking by reflashing the OMAP processor.. Aptly named OMAPFlash.
I've used it with success several times, but also had it fail on me. It can't hurt though, if your phone is already bricked.
If it's coming up with OMAP4460 (even briefly) when the phone is plugged into your computer without a battery, you are able to run the program. You just need to install the drivers for it.
See http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f634/unbrick-dead-samsung-gt-i9250-galaxy-nexus-32gb-prime-via-usb-cable-freeeeeeeeeeee-1465412/ for download.
Lemme know if you need instructions.


[Q] Bricked Galaxy Nexus GSM 16GB (GT-I9250M)

Hey Everyone,
I'm hoping someone can help me find a way to un-brick my Galaxy Nexus GSM 16GB (GT-I9250M). Before you call me an idiot, I'll have you know I wasn't flashing it or anything. I was simply listening to music when the screen went all glitchy and the sound started looping. Then the phone attempt to restart, but mid way through booting, it would glitch out again. It would repeat this until I finally pulled the battery. When I got home, I tried to get it into Fastboot mode or Download/Odin mode. Neither of which worked. I was running the stock version of android. If I recall correctly, it was running 4.0.2.
So in a nutshell, here's the status of the phone:
Regardless of what I do, Fastboot mode and Download/Odin are not accessible.
No matter what combination of buttons I press, the screen always shows: Phone ... Yellow Alert Triangle ... Computer
Using Galaxy Nexus Toolkit or Wug's Toolkit, the phone is not listed under Fastboot or ADB devices.
While the phone is plugged in via USB without a battery, I see device manager adding and releasing an OMAP4440 device every second or so.
When I plug in the phone (with the battery) in via USB while its off, it will turn itself on showing the alert screen mentioned above.
ODIN is about the only app/toolkit I've used that "sees" the device.
Using ODIN, I have tried various stock images mentioned in the forums. All of them have either failed or get stuck on "NAND Write Start!!"
I've read dozens of posts on various forums but I could not find a concrete solution, so I'm appealing to you guys for help. Any help would be great appreciated.
Thank you!
Based on what you have described, even if I could get it working again, I would try to get a warranty replacement, provided that is an option. Sounds like a hardware failure. Like I said, even if it somehow started working again, I wouldn't trust it.
1. first off you need to download "Odin 3 v1.85" here
2. also download CF-Root-GGN_YAKJU_ICL53F-v5.1 here
3. open Odin in your computer
4. where it says PDA put CF-Root-GGN_YAKJU_ICL53F-v5.1
5. Power on the device and when you have the "phone triangle pc screen" connect it to your PC.
6. ???
7. PROFIT!!!
kmdub said:
Based on what you have described, even if I could get it working again, I would try to get a warranty replacement, provided that is an option. Sounds like a hardware failure. Like I said, even if it somehow started working again, I wouldn't trust it.
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You're probably right. I still have my Nexus S which I can fall back to resort to this. I will try what nonione has suggested, and if that doesnt work, I will likely look to replace the phone.
I've never seen a samsung phone that couldn't be recovered (other than physical or water damage).
You can easily get the phone back with odin (no you do not have to be in odin mode on the phone).
Study up on it....tons of threads, use search.
Never seen a bricked Samsung....ever...and I've had at least 6 or 8 different models.
There;s quite a bit more to it than nonione tried to walk you thru.
You will need the correct drivers on your computer first...buncha other steps too.
Study hard before you try odin.
Google, "Galaxy Nexus OMAP Unbricker". Download it and when the OMAP devices comes up in the Device Manager quickly right click on it and install the driver includes with the OMAP download. Once the driver has installed run the .bat file in the download. Should go to Fastboot now.
Download the .pit file here:
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
That's easy to repair, dude
That's not a brick, that's just telling you, that the firmware files are corrupt, all you need, is a jig, a Windows PC, Odin and chainfires ODin files
I can walk you through, on Teamviewer, if you want. I've had this problem quite a lot (Not on the GNex, though) I jope I get it, so I get a GS 3 ^^
I do have the same phone with the same problem..but currently out of the country, so cant get it replaced.. I get no yellow triangle my phone is completely dead..I tried the omap flash no luck..please let me know if the omap flash tool worked for you..
Hey guys,
So a bit of an update. I tried using Odin to flash. None of the files suggested worked for me. I also tried the OMAP flasher. While it "did something" without erroring out, it did not switch to fastboot mode for me. My phone is simply stuck in that yellow alert state. So now, i'm going to try using a Jig as familyguy59 has suggested. I saw a video of one guy use one to fix the exact same issue as I'm having, albeit with his Samsung Galaxy 2, but it looks promising. I purchased one a couple days ago and it should come soon. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Hey Guys,
So I tried the jig i bought. No dice. I'm pretty disappointed. : / I guess off to Samsung it goes... I just don't have any luck with Samsung products.

[Q] Galaxy Nexus kinda bricked, need help!

Hey guys
Ok so I have a bit of a tricky problem. I got in over my head on my nexus and tried to install ubuntu mobile with a friend. Suffice to say things didn't go so great and now my nexus wont boot, when i turn the phone on it sits on the Google screen. To make matters worse, no computer I plug the phone into can see the device. The strange thing is I can still boot to cwm recovery mode but there is no longer an android image to flash from and I can't load one back on.
Any help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated.
Zephyr737 said:
Hey guys
Ok so I have a bit of a tricky problem. I got in over my head on my nexus and tried to install ubuntu mobile with a friend. Suffice to say things didn't go so great and now my nexus wont boot, when i turn the phone on it sits on the Google screen. To make matters worse, no computer I plug the phone into can see the device. The strange thing is I can still boot to cwm recovery mode but there is no longer an android image to flash from and I can't load one back on.
Any help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated.
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Download the factory image from here https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/takju-jdq39-factory-5e273f02.tgz. Unzip the downloaded file and you would see a file "flash all.bat". Open this file and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Done! You have flashed factory image.:good:
mannyvinny said:
Download the factory image from here*tag removed*. Unzip the downloaded file and you would see a file "flash all.bat". Open this file and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Done! You have flashed factory image.:good:
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Hey mate, sorry its been awhile since i've been on this, gave this a go but got the following error
" fastboot is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
Anyone else care to weigh in?
Zephyr737 said:
Hey mate, sorry its been awhile since i've been on this, gave this a go but got the following error
" fastboot is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
Anyone else care to weigh in?
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you need the fastboot.exe
follow this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1626895
Zepius said:
you need the fastboot.exe
follow this:
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Will that work even when my pc does not recognise the phone?
That just means you have a driver issue.
063_XOBX said:
That just means you have a driver issue.
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The issue is on the phone, not the pc I have several android handsets that all work with this pc and I have tested with another pc, same issue. I get a charge from the pc and thats it.
Zephyr737 said:
The issue is on the phone, not the pc I have several android handsets that all work with this pc and I have tested with another pc, same issue. I get a charge from the pc and thats it.
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No it is definitely a driver issue. Uninstall the drivers you have installed for the galaxy nexus. Then install these.
Toro | Xylon | AK Diamond
Sandman-007 said:
No it is definitely a driver issue. Uninstall the drivers you have installed for the galaxy nexus. Then install these.
Toro | Xylon | AK Diamond
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Forgive my ignorance, but how to do install those files?
If you uninstall all galaxy nexus drivers in device manager, and Windows doesn't at least tell you it needs drivers when you plug your phone in, then you either have a bad cable or a very messed up phone. In that case you'd have a hard time installing universal naked drivers. There's something called 'OMAP flash' you might want to search for and ask about. All I remember reading is that some people have used it to recover their phones in situations like yours. Never used it myself. Yet. You might want to ask efrant. He knows everything.
strumcat said:
If you uninstall all galaxy nexus drivers in device manager, and Windows doesn't at least tell you it needs drivers when you plug your phone in, then you either have a bad cable or a very messed up phone. In that case you'd have a hard time installing universal naked drivers. There's something called 'OMAP flash' you might want to search for and ask about. All I remember reading is that some people have used it to recover their phones in situations like yours. Never used it myself. Yet. You might want to ask efrant. He knows everything.
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It tries to install the drivers but always fails. I'm even trying this on a virgin pc i've never connected the nexus or any android device to before. I'll look into OMAP cheers!

SAMSUNG epic 4g stuck on boot screen after trying to restore Stock Rom

I was running CM10 but I got a message whenever I got into the Camera App that said "Unfortunately, Gallery has stopped working", after a research in here I found that I wouldn't get that msg again if I installed this "gapps-jb-picasa-20121011-signed" thing.
I did, but when I got into my Camera App, I didn't have the other options like "Image Effects" and all that stuff.
So, what I did was to Restore my phone from my BackUp folder that I've created before installing CM10, but for my surprise I got a msg saying "VolumeError" or something like that and other things that I can't really remember... and as a good Mexican that I am, I ignored it and hit the Reboot System Now..
What happened next almost made me cry...
I was expecting to get in my stock rom without any problems and yadda yadda but... OH SURPRISE!
I got stuck on the boot screen, where it says "Samsung" and the website of it and I didn't freak out... I waited like 5-6 mins and took the battery out. When I turned again, I tried to get in Recovery Mode but the screen just kept turning off and on and saying the exact same thing, the "Samsung" logo and it's website.
I hope you can help me and please answer me. I don't know if I'm 1000000% screwed but I will only wait for the worst. Sorry for my bad english and don't hate me for being mexican
I don't know if I can get into my phone from my PC but whenever I plug my phone in, it just loads it as if it was in Charging Mode
Flash again CM10 with wipe data, cache, dalvik
If still stuck
Odin to stock ROM, you can search on google to odin the epic
Sent from my JellyBeer v.4.14 epicmtd (b3)
Questions go in Q&A
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Like @dropple said, it seems you stuck "SAMSUNG" and in this case you can't get into recovery so you can't flash CM10 as of now. Go find some tutorials and Odin back to stock via download mode. Then install CWM recovery if you want and do whatever you like. Should get you outta trouble.
Sent from HTC Incredible S @ PACman v21
AndyYan said:
Like @dropple said, it seems you stuck "SAMSUNG" and in this case you can't get into recovery so you can't flash CM10 as of now. Go find some tutorials and Odin back to stock via download mode. Then install CWM recovery if you want and do whatever you like. Should get you outta trouble.
Sent from HTC Incredible S @ PACman v21
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Thanks to Everyone!
I solved this like 2 hrs after all this happened.
I got it by Odin. I couldn't go into Recovery Mode, but I got in Download Mode and do it by Odin.
Sorry, I'm a n00b to all this.
Greetings from México and thanks for all your support.
Here's a weird one for you,
Same thing as OP stated. Device is stuck on logo. Can't get into CWM. Was on People's Rom. Device was lagging really bad. Then the system requested superuser permissions. Yes the system requested. Being as I did not request it, I declined. Shut the device down to see if that would help with the extremely bad lag (i mean BAD lag. Like..........................ok it does something then.......................................................................ok it does something else. 10-20 seconds lag)
Connect device to computer to Odin back to Stock or whatever ROM would have worked, computer recognizes device..... wait for it.......
But in download mode Odin does not see it. Com Port will not illuminate. Tried 3 different cables. Tried 6 different USB ports on computer. Still nothing.
Any ideas, because I'm all out?!?
To the OP:
I would follow the instructions in this video from the part where qbking77 talks about putting the phone in download mode, as you presumably did when you first rooted your phone. Download all the files linked/referenced on the site, especially the Samsung mobile drivers, Odinv3 1.87, CWMRecovery, and the deOxed versions of the stock ROM. In sum:
1) get into recovery mode by holding onto the volume down, camera buttons, and then without letting either of those go, press and hold the power button.
if you get into recovery mode, skip to step 4
2) while your phone is completely off, hold onto the "1" button on the slide out keyboard first, then without letting the 1 button go, press and hold the power button until you're in download mode.
3) flash the version of Clockworkmod
4) once in recovery mode, wipe your phone, clear the cache, and dalvik cache, and then flash the deOxed version of the stock ROM
niteNarmor said:
Here's a weird one for you,
Same thing as OP stated. Device is stuck on logo. Can't get into CWM. Was on People's Rom. Device was lagging really bad. Then the system requested superuser permissions. Yes the system requested. Being as I did not request it, I declined. Shut the device down to see if that would help with the extremely bad lag (i mean BAD lag. Like..........................ok it does something then.......................................................................ok it does something else. 10-20 seconds lag)
Connect device to computer to Odin back to Stock or whatever ROM would have worked, computer recognizes device..... wait for it.......
But in download mode Odin does not see it. Com Port will not illuminate. Tried 3 different cables. Tried 6 different USB ports on computer. Still nothing.
Any ideas, because I'm all out?!?
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Do you have the mobile drivers installed on the computer you're trying to connect your phone to?
Yes. The drivers have been installed previously. The computer will see the device as "Samsung SPH-D700 Card USB Device". But Odin3 1.85 will not see it.
EDIT: When I put device into download mode and connect to computer, the computer only sees it as "Gadget Serial".
niteNarmor said:
Yes. The drivers have been installed previously. The computer will see the device as "Samsung SPH-D700 Card USB Device". But Odin3 1.85 will not see it.
EDIT: When I put device into download mode and connect to computer, the computer only sees it as "Gadget Serial".
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Uninstall and reinstall drivers.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
Have already done that. But just for laughs, I did do it again with no change.
can you get your D700 into download mode as described above?
Yes I can get into download mode but without Odin recognizing the device (not computer. The computer recognizes the device) there is not much I can do.
niteNarmor said:
Yes I can get into download mode but without Odin recognizing the device (not computer. The computer recognizes the device) there is not much I can do.
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Try to install another version of Odin or getting Odin from a different server.
My phone is fully recovered and now I'm only SuperUser 'cause I don't want any CM by now.
Greetings from Mexico!
I'm using the same version of Odin I used to root the device. Would a different version really help and if so, what version to use?
I actually have a different version of Odin I used for another device and tried that one as well, with no luck.
EDIT: I have now downloaded and tried 4 different Odin programs with no avail. Again, that makes 6 Odin programs, 6 different USB ports, 3 different cables with the same exact results. The computer recognizes device but Odin will not.
niteNarmor said:
I'm using the same version of Odin I used to root the device. Would a different version really help and if so, what version to use?
I actually have a different version of Odin I used for another device and tried that one as well, with no luck.
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Had a simular issue when I had two odins on the same computer, for a lark and as I had nothing better to do, tried installing drivers and one version of odin to a vertual machine running vista and checked to see if my computer's vertual machine would reconize and it did, I took it as a sine that at one point I had done something to my computer's main os sometime between rooting my epic 4g and frying it (recovering from a backup from a different parition layout I think, bad times with bootloops and seeing way to much of the samsung logo.) So as I'm not brave enough to run odin on vm I instead removed all of odin from my main os and all of the samsung drivers, then reinstalled rebooted and repluged my epic in, got reconition and reflashed with plesure.
The other issue might be that your computer is reconizing the device and try/failing/hanging and not allowing odin in. Had an issue when my computer was failing to pop up a 'what do I do with this' window and hanging round in the system. A reboot with the internet unpluged strangely solved that for some reason, might be the reboot might be the combo, but I find better connection reconition with my computer when I've fewer things connected.
Don't mind the spelling to much I clean up with my other device.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using xda app-developers app
One question I noticed that hasn't been asked is when you plug the phone into the computer while the phone is on, is usb debugging checked? If not, check it, and reinstall drivers again.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
jeffreyjicha said:
One question I noticed that hasn't been asked is when you plug the phone into the computer while the phone is on, is usb debugging checked? If not, check it, and reinstall drivers again.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
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Phone does not boot past the "Samsung - www.samsung.com" logo. Plus, as with all of my devices, USB debugging is always checked.
Thanks for the suggestion though. Always helps to double check things.
I believe I am going to take it to Sprint tomorrow.
If I can't get into it, they should not be able to get into to it either. If they can't get into it, HELLO WARRANTY....
Perhaps before doing the whole getting found out thing with the return center, perhaps they do know what they're doing, try rolling this link past your eyes?
I know I've been in your boot problem situation and recovered, it just took persistence and eyenumbing amounts of reading.
Note On the multiple Odin, USB, and driver installation: if you've access to another computer it could be worth wile to run once though on a previously virgin computer, meaning your phone and computers' USB's have never touched. Just do the installation, rebooting, and plugging in exasperatingly meticulous order.
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs using XDA app
"it never hurts to help"
Yep tried the "virgin computer" computer as well. The computer sees the device but Odin does not. Com light will not illuminate.
Sounds grim.
So to rap up all the cables, plugs, computer, and software with odin is out of the debug process.
So I did some digging into the past and if your computer is reconizing and odin is not then ADB (android debug bridge) and the sdk are the other option
Ran across this and it might just be what you need. Its not quick but it has worked for me in the past.
The other thing that may work is ejecting the sd card and battery before doing anything. Though its likely something you've already tried.
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs using XDA app
"it never hurts to help"

[Q] Nexus stuck in boot loop. how get to install drivers?

Hey guys i've been looking through alot of google and can't seem to come up with anything so i turn to you awesome people.
My friend got a Galaxy Nexus GSM and he bought it with a boot loop problem. The phone is rooted and bootloader unlocked. I know because i can go to CWM recovery and also theres the unlock sign on it. However I can't get my computer to recognize it what so ever not even mount the storage. I figure i need to get the drivers to install but i need it to be recognized in device manager to do it through a rootkit. I tried to install the ADB drivers but also got no luck. I then tried to get to ODIN for it to work but ODIN won't recognize it either. Is there any way to install the drivers so i can put on a ROM on this. I think the person he bought it from formatted everything and messed it up. Is there anyway i can install the drivers without getting it to recognize first? I tried it in windows 7 and in windows 8. ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
dnpmoney45 said:
Hey guys i've been looking through alot of google and can't seem to come up with anything so i turn to you awesome people.
My friend got a Galaxy Nexus GSM and he bought it with a boot loop problem. The phone is rooted and bootloader unlocked. I know because i can go to CWM recovery and also theres the unlock sign on it. However I can't get my computer to recognize it what so ever not even mount the storage. I figure i need to get the drivers to install but i need it to be recognized in device manager to do it through a rootkit. I tried to install the ADB drivers but also got no luck. I then tried to get to ODIN for it to work but ODIN won't recognize it either. Is there any way to install the drivers so i can put on a ROM on this. I think the person he bought it from formatted everything and messed it up. Is there anyway i can install the drivers without getting it to recognize first? I tried it in windows 7 and in windows 8. ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
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read the stickies
Pay attention to Section A. Forget Odin, no need to be using that.
First off thanks so much for the reply and help it is very aprreciated!
Secondly i did come across this sticky however like i stated the phone is in a boot loop which means i cant get past the google logo in order to set it in developer mode and set usb-debugging neither can my computer recognize the phone when i plug it in, using the original cable i've tried every port there is on my desktop and laptop and nothing comes up in device manager. The phone is completely wiped and no OS is on it. Is there any way i can get a ROM on the phone?! This is one idea i have but i don't know if it'll work, I was thinking of buying a another working nexus install the drivers with that one and then i can get the bootloop one to get recognized? and return the new one. Will that work?
dnpmoney45 said:
First off thanks so much for the reply and help it is very aprreciated!
Secondly i did come across this sticky however like i stated the phone is in a boot loop which means i cant get past the google logo in order to set it in developer mode and set usb-debugging neither can my computer recognize the phone when i plug it in, using the original cable i've tried every port there is on my desktop and laptop and nothing comes up in device manager. The phone is completely wiped and no OS is on it. Is there any way i can get a ROM on the phone?! This is one idea i have but i don't know if it'll work, I was thinking of buying a another working nexus install the drivers with that one and then i can get the bootloop one to get recognized? and return the new one. Will that work?
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You need to get adb to work with your device, which you can do in a custom recovery. You don't need to have USB debugging enabled, you would if you were booting into the OS, but not the recovery.
You can get drivers setup while in recovery or fastboot just as easy as if you were booted into the OS, so no you don't need another device.
cupfulloflol said:
You need to get adb to work with your device, which you can do in a custom recovery. You don't need to have USB debugging enabled, you would if you were booting into the OS, but not the recovery.
You can get drivers setup while in recovery or fastboot just as easy as if you were booted into the OS, so no you don't need another device.
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thanks thats great news cause i dont have that kind of cash but how do i get ADB to work with the phone every installation guide i've looked at requires that i have the phone recognized om device manager. Is there anyway to install adb without having the device to recognize?
dnpmoney45 said:
thanks thats great news cause i dont have that kind of cash but how do i get ADB to work with the phone every installation guide i've looked at requires that i have the phone recognized om device manager. Is there anyway to install adb without having the device to recognize?
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again, read the thread i gave you. if you're still asking this question, read it again.
Isn't that for the nexus 4? And I did pay attention to section A but it told me how to install the drivers which is the same way as every other tutorial I've looked at. My device doesn't show up on my computer and I can't install their way. As for the fastboot driver installation idk what their talking about. I followed the instructions though and got no results. I didn't do the whole thing cause for part C I need the original rom for galaxy nexus and also I don't know if the platform tools zip is for my device so I haven't gone through with it just yet. I'm sorry it's not my phone so I don't want to mess it up even further. I've read about the part with it being in recovery mode with the volume up + power option but I'm at work and haven't tried that yet but I doubt that will work since the phone is clean. Can u please be a little more specific there's 99 pages that I have to go through for that sticky. If u can't it's ok I'll just have to go through it next week. Once again thanks for pointing me in the right direction and giving me some hope.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
WTF, how in the hell did that thread get here, sorry man
This is the right one
a maguro wrote this.
Oh ok thanks this makes a lot more sense. Sorry for not telling u that earlier lol.
seriously thanks ill try it tonight.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
ok so i tried the link but im always stuck with part A. When i go into fastboot and then try the command "fastboot devices" it hangs on waiting for the device. I can't see the device anywhere on my computer to install the fastboot drivers as instructed by 1wayjonny in this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20058157&postcount=1
Am i missing something here? i did everything in the other steps such as downloading all the files into the same directory and everything. Im using windows 7 and i updated all my drivers for usb and even tried different usb cables including the original and usb2.0 and 3,0 ports but still no dice. I also tried it on windows 8 and got the nada.
dnpmoney45 said:
I can't see the device anywhere on my computer to install the fastboot drivers as instructed by 1wayjonny in this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20058157&postcount=1
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You reboot the device into bootloader/fastboot mode, then you connect the USB, and there's no sign at all that a USB device has been installed?
Remove all drivers, reboot, and start over. Get a tool for Windows that allows you to really dig on all of the installed drivers and remove all Nexus devices drivers permanently. Rant: Umm, Windows sucks bad. Thanks Linus!
bk201doesntexist said:
You reboot the device into bootloader/fastboot mode, then you connect the USB, and there's no sign at all that a USB device has been installed?
Remove all drivers, reboot, and start over. Get a tool for Windows that allows you to really dig on all of the installed drivers and remove all Nexus devices drivers permanently. Rant: Umm, Windows sucks bad. Thanks Linus!
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I've done it both ways just to ensure it wasn't something that simple. I uninstalled all drivers i can possibly find theres non no where i used CC to look for more and device deview and even unistalled the java se and eclipse and android SDK and all the packages and installed them again and still nothing. My nexus 4 however recognizes both in adb and fastboot ......
Anything at all? Anyone?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
dnpmoney45 said:
Anything at all? Anyone?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Well, maybe you could try omapflash. If you can't get several PCs to see the device, then something's wrong with the USB port?
Not even on Linux?
a manta wrote this.
bk201doesntexist said:
Well, maybe you could try omapflash. If you can't get several PCs to see the device, then something's wrong with the USB port?
Not even on Linux?
a manta wrote this.
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I did a little looking up about omapflash and from what i can see so far there needs to be drivers installed first. I may be wrong but i have to do some more research on it and i dont have a linux pc my laptop is down thanks to a power pin connector pin being pulled out. and i dont know if the device port is good or bad i can get a charge but that doesnt mean its fine. What if i get another device and install drivers via that and then try to get it to recognize? would that work?
dnpmoney45 said:
What if i get another device and install drivers via that and then try to get it to recognize? would that work?
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To really make sure that the issue isn't on the host side but rather the USB port on the device? Yeah, that would rule it out.
Also, I just remembered: you're not using the USB ports of your PC case are you? Make sure you're using the motherboards' own USB ports.
a maguro wrote this.
bk201doesntexist said:
To really make sure that the issue isn't on the host side but rather the USB port on the device? Yeah, that would rule it out.
Also, I just remembered: you're not using the USB ports of your PC case are you? Make sure you're using the motherboards' own USB ports.
a maguro wrote this.
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Thats all it would do?! What about making me able to install the drivers and get the phone to be recognized? No wont work im dreaming?
And no im not using case ports at all i use them for charging and thats all i know at least that those arent reliable.
Windows 8 64-bit...drivers install...stuck
even I am stuck on the same roadblock. have my GNex stuck on the google logo. can access recovery mode though (TWRP Now i just upgraded my PC to Windows 8 64-bit and cant seem to be able to install drivers.
the problem is that almost all the methods require:
1. GNex to be connected with USB Debugging ON
2. install ADB Drivers
3. get into Fastboot or Recovery
4. install Bootloader Drivers
since i cant get past the Google logo on my GNex...i cant perform Steps 1 & 2.
and if i directly try to install the bootloader drivers the OS returns an error (yellow exclamation next to the installed driver)
Added pictures to help explain better.
Thnx in advance.
rej_ares said:
even I am stuck on the same roadblock. have my GNex stuck on the google logo. can access recovery mode though (TWRP Now i just upgraded my PC to Windows 8 64-bit and cant seem to be able to install drivers.
the problem is that almost all the methods require:
1. GNex to be connected with USB Debugging ON
2. install ADB Drivers
3. get into Fastboot or Recovery
4. install Bootloader Drivers
since i cant get past the Google logo on my GNex...i cant perform Steps 1 & 2.
and if i directly try to install the bootloader drivers the OS returns an error (yellow exclamation next to the installed driver)
Added pictures to help explain better.
Thnx in advance.
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SOLVED (Dont know how but it worked):
1. Factory reset (TWRP)
2. Installed an old ROM which was already on the GNex
3. Restart...it gets stuck at the Google logo...remove battery
4. TWRP - Factory reset
5. reboot...

[Q] Bricked, computer won't recognize phone in Download mode, won't boot, no recovery

Hello all,
I have flashed ROMs via recovery and Odin plenty of times. I would say I generally know what I am doing and I flash ROMs on the regular. This is my second Samsung device and have been rooting/flashing for almost two years, so not a noob.
I was stuck in a bootloop on my Note and it wouldn't even let me boot into recovery, so I decided to Odin and back to stock and try again... I got the one-click, phone recognized, yellow COM box popped up, hit start, walked away for 10-15 minutes. Come back and there has barely been any progress at all... I could barely see the green progress bar. I figured something is wrong because I've done this before and it only takes a minute at most. What I did next is what I think messed me up...I pulled my phone and closed the Odin dialogue box and tried to redo it. Problem is, nothing I could do would get me the Yellow COM box. The phone goes into download mode but Odin doesn't seem to want to recognize it. I've tried EVERYTHING. When I boot the phone normally, I get the Samsung error screen saying there was an issue with a firmware upgrade and I should try Kies. I download Kies and attempt to upgrade firmware that way, but I get to the last step where it says "Upgrade Firmware" or something like that on the button but the button remains greyed out and I can't click it... I have tried everything. I downloaded the toolkit and installed drivers but each time I do that, the driver install freezes my PC at the end of the install. Same thing happens if I try to get the drivers from the Samsung site directly, the computer freezes. I have rebooted a million times and tried every USB port there is. I have had the computer try to "set up" the deivce while it's in download mode a few times but usually hangs at the end (probably bc drivers not properly installing). Once or twice it setup fine, but still Odin won't recognize. I think the driver thing is moot because it was recognizing the device before this mess just fine and it recognizes and accesses my wife's S2 just fine.
I am at my wit's end. Did I destroy my phone???? Is there nothing I can do to salvage it?
I just aged about five years in the last 2 hours. Please someone help!!!
Longshot, but try installing the toolkit on a different system and try again. I've had drivers from different systems mixed up and it worked fine when installed on a fresh system. Probably not your problem, but worth a try before trying to warranty your phone. Good Luck.
Also try a different usb cable.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
RTC88 said:
Also try a different usb cable.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
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Longshot, but try installing the toolkit on a different system and try again. I've had drivers from different systems mixed up and it worked fine when installed on a fresh system. Probably not your problem, but worth a try before trying to warranty your phone. Good Luck.
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Different cable didn't work.
I'll try a different system but I'm not holding out hope.
Will warranty work if in Odin mode the phone says that I have a custom ROM and custom recovery installed???
Am I out of luck here? I always thought that if it boots up, it's not completely bricked. Shouldn't a PC see it if I get the drivers installed???
If no computer sees it and the Download/Odin screen shows Root and custom ROM/Recovery so no warranty replacement, what are my options?
mikelav456 said:
Am I out of luck here? I always thought that if it boots up, it's not completely bricked. Shouldn't a PC see it if I get the drivers installed???
If no computer sees it and the Download/Odin screen shows Root and custom ROM/Recovery so no warranty replacement, what are my options?
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You say it finds your wife's phone just fine and she has the same model? Have you tried installing the drivers manually through the driver update in device manager?
As to other options, if you're paying for the additional insurance Sprint offers, and are willing to pay the $200 deductable (as opposed to the $500 replacement cost) you could always turn it on and drop it in a bucket of water. They won't be able to pull root/rom info from the unit at that point. Otherwise I think it's a matter of luck as to what kind of techs work in the store you go to. I've heard stories about those who were sticklers and those who didn't care (the latter tend to those who root their own phones). All you can do is ask, hypothetically of course.
Wish I could be more help. Good luck.
Please help!!! Does anyone have any other advice?
DreamingWolf said:
You say it finds your wife's phone just fine and she has the same model? Have you tried installing the drivers manually through the driver update in device manager?
As to other options, if you're paying for the additional insurance Sprint offers, and are willing to pay the $200 deductable (as opposed to the $500 replacement cost) you could always turn it on and drop it in a bucket of water. They won't be able to pull root/rom info from the unit at that point. Otherwise I think it's a matter of luck as to what kind of techs work in the store you go to. I've heard stories about those who were sticklers and those who didn't care (the latter tend to those who root their own phones). All you can do is ask, hypothetically of course.
Wish I could be more help. Good luck.
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Appreciate your help. Wife's phone is a different model, but also Samsung.
I do not have the Sprint insurance unfortunately. I will probably try to go through the Samsung warranty, but not holding my breath....
mikelav456 said:
Appreciate your help. Wife's phone is a different model, but also Samsung.
I do not have the Sprint insurance unfortunately. I will probably try to go through the Samsung warranty, but not holding my breath....
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If you can get the drivers to extract (I know it crashes when you try to install) you could still try the manual update method for your phone's drivers. (can't count how many times I've had to do that for peripherals and my win7 laptop that isn't certified for win7)
Did you try completely uninstalling the drivers before you tried to reinstall them?
DreamingWolf said:
If you can get the drivers to extract (I know it crashes when you try to install) you could still try the manual update method for your phone's drivers. (can't count how many times I've had to do that for peripherals and my win7 laptop that isn't certified for win7)
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Not sure how to do this. I'll look into it.
Avatar said:
Did you try completely uninstalling the drivers before you tried to reinstall them?
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Yes. I'm going to try a different computer tonight.
I had the same problem.forgot what I did though. It was something like a oneclick selfextracting installer to install factory rom.older than ljc. let me look and ill try to find it for u..
---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------
try this.http://www.sxtpdevelopers.com/showthread.php?t=228 same idea just different modem. read through and make sure you understand what garwin is saying. If you dont have anything special on your internal sd card I would use the wipe all as the no data restore didnt work for me some reason. also download this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1957155 as it will hook you up with the right drivers.
johntheman_692003 said:
I had the same problem.forgot what I did though. It was something like a oneclick selfextracting installer to install factory rom.older than ljc. let me look and ill try to find it for u..
---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------
try this.http://www.sxtpdevelopers.com/showthread.php?t=228 same idea just different modem. read through and make sure you understand what garwin is saying. If you dont have anything special on your internal sd card I would use the wipe all as the no data restore didnt work for me some reason. also download this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1957155 as it will hook you up with the right drivers.
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Thanks but this is exactly what I tried first and continue to try... The problem is I unplugged the phone while the one-click was doing its thing because it wasn't progressing. The phone still goes into to Download mode but the one-click no longer 'sees' the phone when I plug it in, so I can't try again...
mikelav456 said:
Thanks but this is exactly what I tried first and continue to try... The problem is I unplugged the phone while the one-click was doing its thing because it wasn't progressing. The phone still goes into to Download mode but the one-click no longer 'sees' the phone when I plug it in, so I can't try again...
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You said the computer doesnt recognize it right? If it did I would recommend flashing a custom recovery then going from there.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Avatar said:
You said the computer doesnt recognize it right? If it did I would recommend flashing a custom recovery then going from there.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
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If I get my computer to somehow recognize the device via the drivers, I should not use the odin one-click to just go back to stock? How do I install a custom recovery if I can't boot into Android?
mikelav456 said:
If I get my computer to somehow recognize the device via the drivers, I should not use the odin one-click to just go back to stock? How do I install a custom recovery if I can't boot into Android?
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I would download the tool kit and reinstall the drivers from their. I had the exact same problem months ago. took hours of trying to flash different stuff to get it to work. make sure that you try to unplug then replug in the cord and I think you must use a cord that is made for your phone. Mine wont work unless I use the one supplied with it which is weird but I read somewhere that the prongs are longer or something.open the oneclick oden then plug the phone in and let it sit for a min or 2
johntheman_692003 said:
I would download the tool kit and reinstall the drivers from their. I had the exact same problem months ago. took hours of trying to flash different stuff to get it to work. make sure that you try to unplug then replug in the cord and I think you must use a cord that is made for your phone. Mine wont work unless I use the one supplied with it which is weird but I read somewhere that the prongs are longer or something.open the oneclick oden then plug the phone in and let it sit for a min or 2
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I'm going to try tonight on a different computer.
So you think I should do the following:
1. install drivers
2. open odin one-click
3. put phone in download mode
4. plug phone in
5. even though yellow COM thing should pop up right away let it sit for a while
6. flash one-click back to stock
I'll give it a shot after work.
mikelav456 said:
If I get my computer to somehow recognize the device via the drivers, I should not use the odin one-click to just go back to stock? How do I install a custom recovery if I can't boot into Android?
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I have actually had this happen before. I couldnt get anything to work even the one click. So what I did was use the toolkit to flash a custom recovery with the stock kernel. Then when it rebooted I held the volume up home, and power buttons. Go into recovery and nandriod back to my previous rom and it worked. But my pc did recognize my device.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Avatar said:
I have actually had this happen before. I couldnt get anything to work even the one click. So what I did was use the toolkit to flash a custom recovery with the stock kernel. Then when it rebooted I held the volume up home, and power buttons. Go into recovery and nandriod back to my previous rom and it worked. But my pc did recognize my device.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
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I didn't know you could flash a recovery to the phone without booting to Android. The toolkit says boot to android as pre-req for installing recovery. If I could get to recovery I could fix this. I'll give it all a shot again tonight.
mikelav456 said:
I didn't know you could flash a recovery to the phone without booting to Android. The toolkit says boot to android as pre-req for installing recovery. If I could get to recovery I could fix this. I'll give it all a shot again tonight.
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Never mind I miss understood. Good luck with the pc switching
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

