Trying to modify to bring back some 1.2 functionality - Bada Software and Hacking General

Been a lot of complaints on other forums about the crippled camera app in bada 2.0 and I'd like to restore some of the fuctionality from 1.2. Perhaps it's not actually possible as all I have seen is the KK5 app brought back to enable front camera, and no 1.2 app for bada 2.0 to restore some of the other missing functions like pause in video recording or editing options. So if this is waste of time please let me know, but I though the main problem was passing the sequrity check which has now been solved thanks to kubika. SO if possible this is the precise scope of the project:
It's not just the ability to pause a video recording, or edit anything after, there's a lot of other stuff too...
NO Image Quality selection
NO countinous/sequance shoot mode
NO sharpness, saruration, contrast adjustment... but still have auto contrast check box... as oppesed to what?!?!?
NO thumbnail or info view for picture when reviewing from cammera app
NO edit fuction for anything from anywhere as already mentioned... though admittedly if I really want to edit a pic I'll probably do it on my PC anyway.
Although a noob at this I do have some expeciance with PC's, and my understanding is that bada apps are in C++ so if one can decompile and recompile the camera app. Then ALL missing functions, with possible exception of editing that probably calls on seperate app, should be easily recoverable in the bada 2.0 camera app. I've actually checked the samsung developer website, and it gives guidelines on how to implemnet many of these functions if whishing to create your own app, so the code should be easy to reinsert even for me in their own app. The one problem may be creating/inserting buttons/tiles for the menus if not already available but simply uncalled, which I hope is actually the case since one can easily recover the record call button.
The main issue is I don't know how to decompile the two apps to read and compare the code, and then recompile them, so could someone please point me to the appropriate program(s) with hopefuly some instructions on how to use them. I think this is something that may be appreciated by many since we can now more easily upload modified apps, and is a relatively simple mod for a noob to atempt... so if anyone can offer some help with that to get me started, it's a project I'd be looking to take up .

innovative ..
liked your idea.

to keep it simple, you can't 'decompile' a binary code to a c++ code, the compiling process is a one-way procedure..


Evo front-facing camera only does mirror images

The HTC Evo front-facing camera will not take an image in standard left-right format. I can see the argument for providing a mirror image to the display when setting up a picture (self-portraits), but the result (the actual picture) should not be mirrored.
If using Skype through Fring to video chat (which is really cool, BTW if just a little choppy) the video feed I'm providing to the other party is again mirrored.
It's clear there is a deliberate manipulation of the images going on here, but I can't make out why they would do that. Is there some fix, upgrade, or setting that will clear the problem?
I have not yet rooted my phone, and honestly I'm new to Android (much more familiar with security unlocking and re-flashing WinMo phones up to this point) so I might need the less-than-expert explanation if that's what's needed. ;-)
I remember a few people talking about this right after google i/o, I think they found a way to fix it, ill look around a bit to try to find the thread. It could be a setting in the camera settings also..
Looked around, but couldn't find a solution, but a few people think its a software issue, and has to do with qik and fring. Im not sure though.
nvm, i was wrong

My First App, Need Serious Help :/

Hey guys, like the title says, I'm attempting to create an app, but with little success at this point.
What I want to do, didn't sound all that complicated in my head. I want to make an episode guide for a TV show I like. Nothing too fancy, but I do want it to look WP7-authentic.
First off, I don't know or really understanding coding in the slightest. I was hoping to be able to design most of the app through the on-screen WP7 display, which it seems I can do a lot on.
From what I've gathered, here's what I'd like to do:
Use the "Pivots" as the different story arcs or "seasons"
Within each pivot, Episode # and Title
But I'd also like to go one further and have each episode be clickable, which would take the user to a page containing info about the respective episode. Synopsis, International Titles, Airdate, etc.
It's a big project, I just need a little help getting it going.
what you're describing can be done one of two ways.
1. just display images after images
2. input text into the program
from what im gathering, it should be fairly easy for you to do as this is the sort of beginner stuff in most windows phone 7 programming books. id suggest you look into programming because even the slightest pivots and transitions require code.
now if you were on android or webos, thats different. they have full on graphics based programming thats a simple matter of drag and drop and choose function.
Download Expression Blend. You can do pretty much everything without having to write any code. It includes a "Pivot" template which has a pivot all ready for you, then you just add PivotItems using your mouse. Then you can use the Sample Data feature to mock up how your episode data will look.
The only thing you would have to write code for would be to pull the episode information from a datasource. Bind it to your controls and Expression will have the rest done for you.
Sample Data:
First thing you'll need before you even open Visual Studio or Blend is a data feed.
An rss feed is ideal, And I'm sure theres alot of them out there for TV listings. Without that, theres little you can do (other than screen scraping websites, but people don't look too kindly on that)
If you can find me a Url for the RSS feed you want to use, I'll be more than willing to help you out
xanderkaiber said:
First thing you'll need before you even open Visual Studio or Blend is a data feed.
An rss feed is ideal, And I'm sure theres alot of them out there for TV listings. Without that, theres little you can do (other than screen scraping websites, but people don't look too kindly on that)
If you can find me a Url for the RSS feed you want to use, I'll be more than willing to help you out
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What he said
I'd be willing to help you out as well. I'm in the process of writing a feed reader to help me make the move WP7 from WPF/Silverlight. The idea I have for the UI is similar to yours and the feed reader (at least in the basic form) will be open source so I've no problem sharing my code...
I appreciate your willingness to help me out, but it's actually a series that has been over for quite a while.
Hey guys, I've gotten much further on my app and have become a little more well-acquainted with coding in the form of using Expression Blend 4. That said, I do have a few questions:
1. After making a few pages, I decided to make a sort of Welcome page for my app. How do I tell it to show that page first instead of "MainPage.xaml"?
2. On that welcome page, I would like to make a button that pulls up the user's E-mail and have it have my e-mail as the recipient.
Thanks a bunch!
This is in the WMAppManifest.xml file within the Properties folder.
for the email look into the email compose task
barryallott said:
This is in the WMAppManifest.xml file within the Properties folder.
for the email look into the email compose task
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That doesn't really help me too much...
What am I supposed to do in the WMAppManifest.xml?
And where do I find the email compose task, and how do I implement it into the app?
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out both of those questions. A new question, though: How do I take screen shots of the app? I need at least one to submit it to the marketplace, but I don't know how :/
dbG33K said:
That doesn't really help me too much...
What am I supposed to do in the WMAppManifest.xml?
And where do I find the email compose task, and how do I implement it into the app?
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out both of those questions. A new question, though: How do I take screen shots of the app? I need at least one to submit it to the marketplace, but I don't know how :/
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Download this:
Make sure your emulator is set to 100% size and uncheck the "Show Device" checkbox in the tool. That will give you the necessary 480x800 sized .png
There's a fair lot you can do using the designer panel, but you will definitely need C# code for what happens 'behind the curtains'. Things like pulling the episodes from the internet and such.
I definitely recommend these tutorials:
Windows Phone 7 Development for Absolute Beginners.
It builds up slowly, but definitely gives you the foundation you need to put together basic applications.
Hey guys I found this thread and after reading it I feel I have a lot in common with dbG33K's tasks & questions. I feel I have a lot to offer WP7 apps as I learn more! I started out in January learning and studying as an absolute beginner (even did the 5 day course online). After a lot of studying, I felt confident enough to write my first BIG app.
I'm pretty good at the xaml part and getting real familiar with c# as I go along. Also, I think I have all the pieces I need, just need help putting it all together. I'm using an API for the data source (i have all the dlls and resources in place even all the c# methods for the API).
I have the UI all put together, now working on the c#. I'm just unsure on the binding part. I know my listboxes and other controls should be binded to a method in c#, but what calls that method? When the page loads that listbox, textblock, etc? Also, what kind of coding is generally used inside the {} of the methods that pulls info from the datasource?
As I have learned a lot aver the past couple of months, I find that I've learned it from examples I've found online, but I'm drawing a blank on this one. Any help would be great!
Do any of you can tellme how can I save text from the text box??
Sent from my LG-C900 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

Multitasking on wp7

Have a look at this
Our own developer Jaxbot is up to his tricks again, and this time, it's paid off: Finder of a hack that brought instant resuming to Windows Phone 7, he has been developing a full fast app switching/multitasking solution for Windows Phone 7.
Shown in the video above, the preview of the application is triggered by pressing the half shutter button (pressing the camera button halfway, not to the point where the camera would launch), and allows the user to jump between desired applications. The applications run in the background to a degree, as shown with the timer, and no time is required to bring the applications back from their background state. It's all very technical, but rest assure that he will be sharing some more details in the future.
Keep in mind the application is a preview-the interface and how it functions may very well change before release, and no release date is available. But if you're interested in having it on your device, share some thoughts about how you think it should look, function, etc, in the comments below.
Without further ado, watch the video above for a demonstration of fast app switching on Windows Phone 7.
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Yeah, checked the article out yesterday. Hopefully he'll be releasing something to everyone soon. It's the one thing I'm dying without No third party alarms (as the one MS provides kind of blows) and all this resuming nonsense is becoming slightly annoying.
That looks pretty slick! Would love to see this one in the wild soon, now if I could only get Pandora I would be set.
kwill said:
Yeah, checked the article out yesterday. Hopefully he'll be releasing something to everyone soon. It's the one thing I'm dying without No third party alarms (as the one MS provides kind of blows) and all this resuming nonsense is becoming slightly annoying.
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Its still work in progress, there are limitations... people work as hard as they can to overcome these limitations and make it work for all devices.
Currently I believe its not possible to automatically find the titles of the running apps, so they are manually added (hardcoded) however they can find the paths to the files... so the remaining thing is getting access to the files in these paths to extract the title and tile image.
However what you see really works, its real and should work with every app once this is accomplished.
Marvin_S said:
Its still work in progress, there are limitations... people work as hard as they can to overcome these limitations and make it work for all devices.
Currently I believe its not possible to automatically find the titles of the running apps, so they are manually added (hardcoded) however they can find the paths to the files... so the remaining thing is getting access to the files in these paths to extract the title and tile image.
However what you see really works, its real and should work with every app once this is accomplished.
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Thanks a lot for the insight on the operation and the obstacles they have to overcome. I'll be monitoring for any progress or assistance I can provide. Although, I'm sure my non-expert help won't be of much help.
kwill said:
Thanks a lot for the insight on the operation and the obstacles they have to overcome. I'll be monitoring for any progress or assistance I can provide. Although, I'm sure my non-expert help won't be of much help.
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you can monitor here:
and here:
btw I have nothing to do with the developments, I was just excited by the news and kept contact with Jaxbot who made this app/video with the code wrapper provided by fiinix
Looks great! I like the idea of a half shutter press. Very elegant solution.
Want that app!
Is this app on the video released?????? I can't find any link to download, although it was introduces about 2 years

ROM Building: The Basics Part II

Welcome to Part II of the basics of ROM building.
If you have not had a chance yet, please check out this link. This should be followed after all of the "files" are gotten from the first part of this Trilogy of tutorials. Okay enough Lord of the Rings, the true trilogy (nerd reference may be criticized below, I preferred the matrix until the third one lol) I digress.
So, we have the files we downloaded them, Red bull/Rockstar/Monster/Bawls, whatever your legal poison. Let's set up working directories.
Organization is critical to the development process. I mean, I only realized this after I started modifying. I mean wow, it was so much easier once I started to record notes and logs.
To begin, always go to a root of a hard drive
Create a folder called
Tools and then create a new folder called Smali and APKTOOL
Multimedia and then create a new folder called Pictures and Sounds
So we have created 5 folders, do you need 5? No. Do you need 20? It doesn't matter, do what you are comfortable with. It is about staying organized.
Take the ROM you have selected from the first Basics Rom Tutorial. I assume for (hint hint) simplicities sake you chose a DeOdexed rom version of the Sprint S3 MD4 rom. Freeza Thank you. It will be in a zip file
Rename it to, feel free to call it whatever you want (remember feel comfortable). I will refer to it as MD4 from now on for simplicities sake.
So you have 7-zip installed right? Uh Oh, check, make sure that is ready to go before we start.
I cannot go into that tutorial because....well come onnnnnnn is it really that hard to press next 10 times or less ?
Extract all the files to MD4_Version_1
Oh yeah, we will be making hundreds of versions if you want. Trust me later down the line, after each mod is good, you can just continue naming them in increments. But version control should always be implemented in case you mess something up. So the logic is:
Make 1 mod or set of mods, try mod, if it works keep using that version as your base version and keep going until you are ready to try it again. Mind you it is time consuming but the only way you truly learn this backwards art of reverse engineering.
So lets look at this disaster. I mean it's overwhelming so do not think you are King of the Hill or Any hill. Maybe a mole hill because this a very complicated system in front of us.
Let's analyze the anatomy, BTW, I do not even know what everything does or is, but by all means, ask questions and we will find out. A forum is meant to voice opinions and feedback to those opinions.
The root folder has 2 folders and 2 files
The META-INF folder is extremely important. It contains useful information about signatures and is very necessary for android to" say its official software" remember the idea of this folder, not its contents. I do not mess with this META-INF but there are so many all over the place down the road that we will need to know it plays an important role.
The system folder has every file that we are going to modify, we will hit this folder harder than a head crab being hit by another "delay" at Valve.
The boot.img is an important file for booting up android. We will not be touching that right now. Can you? Sure but hell, don't bother with it for this tutorial. If you know all about ROM mods like some of our bad-ass developers ( yes Cyanogen all of you are badass), Stop reading get to better pastures.
The installbusybox should be there for tools for ROM modifications. It is basically a set of functions that makes Android have teeth. I will not be using it right now but we can keep going. The best tools collected into one so do not delete or modify
Lets get to the meat, the big shabang, the wholy mole(for my Latin friends), the kabosh(for whoever knows what that is)
The sub folders are:
app: Contains all the apps that come with the ROM. Remember android operates by utilizing apps for different functions. Modify the files in here can be good and bad, we can make the best tweaks ever here or ruin everything. Be very careful, I have had boot hangs happen to these files
bin: This folder appears mysterious but it contains important files, the binary files. Complexity gets checked right here. This folder is extremely sensitive, I have not modified this folder just yet but when I feel like bricking my phone like a gravity gun dropping combine soldiers, I will get to this asap.
cameradata: Contains important files for camera raw data to JPEG conversion, I do not mod this folder.
csc: This is a jewel, it contains Consumer Software Customization. It has multiple XML files that can be edited and modified critical settings for various functions. Very nice to start your ROM customization here, but not the easiest, lets ease in with another folder first.
etc: This folder contains critical data storage. It has things like the hosts file which will allows you to block ads(cough cough, youtube) and many other files. This folder can brick your phone. Lets not get crazy here...yet
fonts: Pretty obvious, fonts for the ROM, oh and it requires True Type Fonts so contact your local free repository for those.
framework: This folder is an important folder, almost just as important as the app folder
hdic: Language files they are based off the first 2 initials of the language. Not affecting anyone if we are not trying to pinch each ROM's size down to the bare minimum
lib: Library folder, this has files with extension .SO, they will contain libraries of information for different functions. For example, how to take a "Best Pose" picture mode would have functions in this folder as well as other areas of the rom.
media: Contains the most obvious of sounds and a prime location for android universal sounds and bootimages. The bootimages is a touchy subject, the files are Samsung proprietary which makes them useless to us for modification, but we can make the puppet dance one way or another. The sounds, however, are key as we can isolate sounds when the phone starts up, or mute certain camera functions here, we can even make it sound like all of your favorite games(Yes I did, Mechwarrior boot sounds are acceptable, F.E.A.R. sound effects and some DOOM noises added for ambiance and of course Half life 2 noises for complete nerdgasm)
T9DB: This folder contains T9 predictive text in I believe 3 languages: English, Spanish and Korean, can you get rid of 2 of these sure, but expect problems if you decide later you need them. I mean they are not that large in size but at the same time, everyone has their own way of doing things
tts: This folder houses the Text to Speech programs. They suck. I am sorry but they do, SVOX is better, I love IVONA personally. I always like a british women to wake me up and tell me I am late. But that's me.
usr: This folder is not really meant for us to modify as it has to do with the keyboard layout, grammar recognition and customization. Realistically though, I use Swiftkey and call it a day. So do not hate me if I do not bother with mucking around here. It is useful to some I am sure but nothing I want to dabble in. But by all means, it can be useful for setting well Settings.
vendor: Contains library and binary files for certain features from the vendor, I would say camera related but I do not care for this folder just like people really hated the HEV suit announcing all of its amazing features, are you kidding me that was the best part. Yes I fell 100 feet, please let me know about my fracture and how this suit somehow repaired it. It might have well said "Oww". Nothing wrong with that.
voicebargeindata: From my understanding, Svoice related. No need to bother, that feature is about as useful as a Crowbar in a Gun Fight.
vsc: Version Software Control
wakeupdata: Acoustic and Grammar models contains several languages as well
xbin: Has busy box and Super User, a useful tool to become well super.
build.prop: Very sensitive file that is magical and detrimental. There is a lot of false promises on performance with this one. We will dig through this one carefully.
CSCVersion.txt: Should have the model number of your phone
SW_Configuration.xml XML file with more model number configuration
Please feel free to let me know what is understood or not.
This run down allows us to attack the appropriate folders for the next parts
Before we even begin with the complicated mods, let's attack the basic mods first.
The media Folder then go to audio, there is 4 folders
The first 3 folders you can place anything you want inside. They each correspond to the default ringtones you would like in the phone. I recommend using .ogg files or .mp3 files, you can use Audacity to modify your sounds. Sometimes the length of the sound plays an important role. Short sounds should be kept short for a reason. If you play a noise and its barely half a second, do not make it 4 seconds long because it will sound ridiculous longer than what is meant to sound. Taking a picture while hearing Puff Daddy's Come with Me can be quite awkward but hey its all about your ROM, your choice, your likes. Who the hell is going to tell you that you cannot have a sound of a crowbar whacking a headcrab while in the middle of a busy subway.....besides the police. This works similarly to the situation of ringtones, keep them full blown songs and I have noticed some lag. Do not be discouraged, but most modern phones end the call after about 30 seconds. This time limit has to do with how long the phone is takes to find the phone and ping it. Of course, I safely recommend 45 seconds of your song to cover yourself.
Take note that there are 3 files in these folders that are set to default (ringtone, alarm and notification). We can change that with the build.prop but that's after we mess with the ui folder that contains the User Interface Sounds.
Alert_on_call.ogg: An Alert when you are on call. This should be subtle noise
Auto_focus.ogg: Tricky one, I modified this, still makes an auto focus noise. Clearly a trick has been devised
Auto_focus_error.ogg: Same as above
Call_Connect.ogg: When the call first connects
Cam_Start.ogg: Video Recorder start noise
Cam_Stop.ogg: Video Recorder stops noise
camera_click.ogg: Camera Click noise
Camera_click_short.ogg: Camera Click noise
Camera_empty.ogg: Camera related
camera_focus.ogg: Tricksie this one is, mute and still makes noise, will discuss where noise is coming from
Camera_Timer.ogg: Timer for camera countdown
Camera_Timer_2sec.ogg: 2 Second timer
Charger_Connection.ogg: When you plug in your phone to charging port
Dialer_new.ogg: Tricky one will get to later
Dock.ogg: When you put the phone on dock, useful to distinguish from charger_connection.ogg
Effect_Tick.ogg: I have heard it whilst changing pictures but not sure
Highlight.ogg: I Silenced it, and "I dont know whhhyyy"( Can you guess which comedian said this line and if you know it say it in his voice)
HoverPointer.ogg: I Silenced it, and "I dont know whhhyyy"( Can you guess which comedian said this line and, if you know it, say it in his voice)
Insert.ogg: Google Voice Noise
KeypressDelete.ogg: Default keyboard, I do not use this
KeypressReturn.ogg: Default keyboard, I do not use this
KeypressSpacebar.ogg: Default keyboard, I do not use this
KeypressStandard.ogg: Default keyboard, I do not use this
Lock.ogg: When you press the power button and it instantly locks. This noise will play. Mechwarrior noise here
LowBattery.ogg: Doom low amm noise here to indicate I should have brought a charger becuase my battery is low
New_chat.ogg: Chat software related, I got rid of that junk but thats for another tutorial
PowerOff.ogg: Most people silence this as it is the noise that powers off the phone, I got creative here but you do not have to.
PowerOn.ogg: Most people silence this as it is the noise that powers on the phone, I got creative here but you do not have to.
S_HW_Touch.ogg: The HW indicates Hardware touch, basically the buttons and any touch screen action
S_SIP_Backspace.ogg: Backspace stuff
Sent_chat.ogg: See New_chat.ogg
Shutter.ogg: Silence this for sure if you do not want noise but really silence everything camera related here and it wont be 100%. So just do it
Shutter_multiple.ogg: Burst shot related
TW_Battery_caution.ogg: Any TW has to do with TouchWiz related actions. This one is for battery
TW_Call_Disconnect.ogg: The tricky thing is, some of these are controlled by another piece of software, this one is one of them
TW_SIP.ogg: Sounds like the default tapping sound for the rom's built in keyboard
TW_Touch.ogg: The default TouchWiz touch noise. Tricky little one this was as I had to verify there was no other location for the droplet noise, it turns out there is, so stay tuned as we dig into the apps and locate where the rest of the sounds are
TW_Unlock_Glass.ogg: Gallery Noises for file management
TW_Unlock_Puzzle.ogg: Gallery Noises for file management, not sure why I heard these exact noises in the gallery app other than they are linked
TW_Volume_control.ogg: The volume rocker button on the side, i mean logically there is only one choice, the Half Life 1 Medical Bay MedShot sound, okay maybe too annoying sure, but bada$$
Undock.ogg: Removing the phone from the dock that so few of us get because you know it doesn't fit my big case, or expanded battery or whatever. You know what, custom solutions are too expensive but trust me people do make the docks that accommodate bigger cases
Unlock.ogg: When you type in your Pin/Password/Pattern, the sound that it makes to unlock
VideoRecord.ogg: Camera video start recording noise, of course, I silenced this one as well
So this takes care of some of the noises, the problem is, Samsung software actually hides the rest of the noises. They are actually hidden away in the APK files in the system/app folder. Do not worry, in future parts of this Discovery channel special on Black Mesa, we will be investigating why they detonated a nuke in the first place if it didnt do anything to stop the invasion. I mean future parts of this series
So where do we go now? Well modify the sounds you want or add the ringtones you want. But something that I felt was important was that certain noises be set when I reboot my rom by default. No I do not want that stupid Samsung whistle! NO ONE DOES SAMSUNG!.
Lets set the default sounds on ROM start up, we will need to modify the build.prop file
This file contains an amazingly large set of instructions for the start-up of the phone and features in the phone. it is therefore, very sensitive to screw-ups. Hopefully, notepad++ was installed.
Navigate in Windows to the working directory of your ROM in our case MD4/system/ there is a file there that says build.prop
Let's open that up in notepad++, we should see some intimidating pieces of code or more like lines of text that tell the phone what and when to do something.
A caution to all, the build.prop has been synonymous with words like "increase performance", "maximize battery life" and other claims that are unfortunately sometimes not always true, for every mod someone makes to this file, someone traces the code to a Gingerbread rom that is useless on Jelly Bean, or an old reference to ICS(Ice Cream Sandwich),
I would highly suggest we not dabble too much on this. XDA has some great people who have found great information about the build.prop file. This link, user Chris_84 has put a great Wikipedia together on this so I will not try and explain each one. But there are so many other links that can show a post of good tweaks and bad tweaks and useless tweaks that I will not go into. Let's instead focus on our start-up sounds
The build.prop code we will scroll to with the ctrl+f button should be enough for us to get started is
Each of these do have a word after the equal sign, which means if you configure the correct file in the correct folder(hint hint) alarm, ringtone,notification folders we talked about earlier, all you have to do is add the name of the file exactly as it appears, please only use .ogg files here. MP3 files also work but you know just do it okay. I don't ask Alex why she never made a move on me, I just know she cant have a meaningful relationship with a guy who doesn't even say hi, that's a little creepy but you know and I know she loves Freeman alright.
As an example, just in case my rant did not make any sense,
let's say you put the following sound in the system/media/audio/ringtones folder kick_push_lupe.ogg
you would put in the code the following
And that's how simple that is.
So you say you have ranted on too long. Sure I have, but that's not going to be the end here. We will be modifying the rest of this rom business in the more difficult lesson which is part III, that will take the longest because we want to have fun. And I still have some Freduian issues with my role model Gordon Freeman that I need to bring out. Anyway
Also, before I go, you might ask, how do you execute TEST BATCH ALPHA-TRON!.
Go Back to your Home Folder MD4_Version_1/. You should see the folders we discussed earlier
Select all of those files and right click the mouse button to get a context menu from 7-zip or WinRAR and click Add to archive. Make a ZIP FILE ONLY. You can choose to compress the file if you want, I just click fastest compression options available and proceed.
When the zip file is in hand, I take the file and put it on the SD Card root directory. When it transfers(in about 5 minutes), you can open the CWM (clockworkmod) recovery or the TWRP recovery and install the ROM. Sure I did skip some steps here on how you get these recoveries and the like but this tutorial is about ROM modification and the sort not the super basics, you need those to even be reading these. If you need to get those going, let me know in the comments and we can spool that up in part III.
I do not know how many parts this will take, but it is time consuming, i have to research this stuff and recall my notes. I know the spirit of the guide is in the right place but please be patient. I will not fail you Krypton(YES I LIKED MAN OF STEEL, let the downvotes begin, oh wait not imgur).
I appreciate all feedback, do not get me wrong, and I will work whenever I am free to add as many of these parts as I can. I do want to help anyone out who has their own twist on what they want their ROM to do. It is the least I can do to payback this great community and assist one person or inspire one idea. That is all it took for me to get going, the next part will also have a very heavy hand in taking code from other people for examples of mods. I want to say from now, I did not do any of these codes, I used common sense to implement somehow into my own rom mods. They deserve all credit as they are amazing coders/crackers/hackers/whackers/ whatever you name it they truly deserve the praise. I am just compiling their logic into our ROM that we are building together. And has anyone seen the YouTube channel Vsauce, that channel is AWESOME.
Again, thank you. Very, very helpful.
Sprint Galaxy S3
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This is great. Man u really put this down in a way that is really understandable!
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Appreciate it
Thanks guys, seems you are tracking my every word, I posted the other ones it seems you hit those up as well. Appreciate it and everyone, please let me know if something did not make sense, we got a great pool of people that can help out.

Please teach me: HDR algorithm port

Excuse me for asking a silly question.
Just wondering, how difficult is it to reverse engineer the HDR algorithm used in the Pixel camera app?
Is the algorithm itself is embed within encrypted codes to prevent reverse engineering?
(I guess in this case, ported camera apps all just copy and paste the code?)
Or can we actually look at the algorithm if we open the app on a developer platform?
I'm not trying to develop an app, just more general question because I see many manufactures are not quite catching up with Google HDR and wondering why...
You can extract the apk and copy the code and build it in your own app or if you want, You can help me develop my rom which can have the HDR algorithm and many more thing.
If you want to contact me you can post anything on the post mentioned below with the link
Ugh.. Sorry I'm not a developer myself. I'd love to help as much tho...
You can download and install RAR and then press the .. button and press it again and copy everything to your download folder and upload everything to mega and tell me your mega account
muhammad42620 said:
You can extract the apk and copy the code and build it in your own app or if you want, You can help me develop my rom which can have the HDR algorithm and many more thing.
If you want to contact me you can post anything on the post mentioned below with the link
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Did you ever get the ROM going?
I suspect that a lot of the camera processing algorithms used are made with high-perf compiled languages, such as C++, making reverse-engineering quite difficult (but definitely possible). Many of the gcam ports take the original app and make edits, for new UI features or editing libs for features such as contrast. I'm not sure if Google obfuscates their code to protect their intellectual property.
(there is a chance that I am wrong, but simply "copy and pasting" HDR code will definitely not work to create a new app that is separate from GCAM)

