[Q] Apex Launcher wallpaper - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I LOVE Apex, my wallpaper isn't displayed properly... never is. Sometimes it displays the top of it and not the bottom. For the last week it shows the bottom and not the top. I don't know what to do at all.
Any suggestions


[Q] LauncherPro Icon Resize

Hey I've switched back and forth between ADW and LP quite a few times and I feel like I know both well enough to say that LauncherPro is better for my tastes... but there is one thing that ADW does a lot better. Auto-resizing icons to fit the grid on the homescreen. I like to have small icons with no labels on my homescreen. It gives it more of a minimalistic look. Has anyone else noticed that anything past 5 columns and 6 rows starts to chop off the edges of icons in LP? Is there a fix to this? Is there a way to at least remove the glow for selecting icons? That gets chopped off really bad leaving only two sides of an icon glowing/being highlighted.
Menu > Prefererences > Appearance Settings > Hide Icon Labels
For the glow around the icons, you could change it to a color that matches your wallpaper, then you won't really see it.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G with Tapatalk

How to make stock weather app on home screen transparent like it is on lock screen?

The stock weather app is fine for me, I believe it is the acuweather app. However, on the lock screen it is beautifully transparent, I'd like this same amount of transparency on the home screen after i unlock it. As of now, its transparent at the lock screen. Then, once i unlock it, it is the classic white with black lettering. Id rather it be transparent like it is on the lock screen. I am not sure how to do this.
Also, I did look into getting other apps however none of them have the same layout as the stock one when you click on it to see the forecast for the following days of the week etc.... So that seems to be an issue

[Q] White line under status bar on stock launcher

I'd like to know if this white line is normal and everyone has it. Basically, it is a white line under the status bar, on stock launcher screens only, and it is not part of the wallpaper. If I set a sifferent wallpaper, it' still there. It's more evident with light wallpapers. My screen is fine: this is a screenshot, so this line is a software thing.
Can you guys, using the stock TW, try to set a white wallpaper then report results here?

[Q] Kindle 1G: GUI obscures GO Launcher EX UI. How do I fix this?

When I updated to the latest version of GO Launcher EX, the Kindle OS gray home bar at the bottom of the screen overlaps and obscures GO Launcher EX's bottom icon menu. How do I fix this?
edit: Well, I guess I fixed it by switching to ADW Launcher EX!

Stock Launcher Icons

Just got my phone today and started loading my apps noticed that some icons are not taking the stock shape. Is there anyway to force this? It kind of bugs me lol I know I can use another launcher and icon pack but I enjoy the new pixel launcher.
Long-press an open area on the home screen and go into home settings. There's an option to change the shape of the icons.

