Sensordrone - Tricorderesque Bluetoth addon - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Hi everybody,
I just discovered (and backed) a wonderful new Kickstarter Project. The so-called Sensordrone is quite similar to the "Node" and the Sensaris lineup of BT Smartphone addon Sensors, but it offers a lot more, at an attractive price and with a nice level of openness to outside input.
Head over and take a look here:
This could be one big step in the direction of Star-Trek Tech getting a bit closer to reality.

The project has already reached and surpassed it's funding goal...not bad in 3 days...

CommanderROR, great project, really excited to see how things turn out.

They could actually benefit from some XDA-Developer support. They are looking for app-inventors with new ideas of using all those sensors the device contains.
So if anyone has ideas, post them here or at their forums!


Changes at XDA, Please Read

Hey Everyone,
I’ve been an XDA user (under another name) for a long time, but now I’ve been appointed a new role to work with Flar and the moderators to make the user experience here better. For example, some of you may have noticed that the site has gotten faster in the last several days and that there are fewer 502 gateway errors. This is no fluke—we’ve employed an expert server administrator who has been restructuring the database to allow for quicker access speeds and far fewer errors. There is still a lot of work to be done, but we’re off to a pretty good start.
Beyond improving site speed, number two on our list is to cut down on spam. We’ve already experimented with a few tactics that have had varying levels of success, and we’ll keep at it until we get it right.
We’re also working on a home page redesign (or the “portal” as some of you know it). Our goal is to make it a useful destination for finding the best content in the forums and to make it easy for users to find new information about a particular device without having to scan through dozens of threads. We are recruiting volunteers to help identify and "promote" content to the main page, which requires some writing skills (see the "news" posted to the home page in the past couple of days). If you're interested and serious about helping, send a PM to Flar; she is organizing the effort.
Finally-- and hopefully this doesn't cause a mass uproar-- we are considering the idea of selectively adding non-HTC device forums (focused on Windows Mobile and Android devices). Every day we get requests from users for this, and there's really no good reason why we cannot oblige them. Already the discussion is happening in the general forums. That said, we will only add new forums if: 1. We are confident added traffic won't cause site speed to suffer; 2. We can recruit quality moderators; and 3. The content and discussion is of high quality. The only way to know these things for sure is to try it out. So, within the next 14 days we are going to add two or three non-HTC forums. The delay is to ensure the site continues to operate at a reasonable speed and so we can figure out where to put the new forums (the forum homepage is already absurdly long and cluttered). We are open to suggestions as to deserving devices for our first non-HTC forums, so give us your ideas in this thread.
I look forward to working closely with you to bring about exciting new changes to XDA that will make the experience better for you.
Hi Svetius
I asked a while ago for a forum for the Roadster, HP iPAQ HX4700, unfortunatly i received no more information on the topic since I sent a PM to Flar, if this could be added as a new forum, i would be happy to moderate it
The delay is to ensure the site continues to operate at a reasonable speed and so we can figure out where to put the new forums (the forum homepage is already absurdly long and cluttered). We are open to suggestions as to deserving devices for our first non-HTC forums[/QUOTE said:
It's not that bad Just make a Bookmark
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XDA in 2010
Great to know about all this changes and modifications!
XDA is the number one forum on it´s genre
Personally I think adding non HTC devices could add a lot of intensive traffic and may deviate the main objectives and efforts from what this site was created, but I will support and promote any final decision made by Owners & Admin
Count with my help if required.
Just my 2 cents
Long live to XDA!!
It's great to see another Admin aboard XDA, and a very ambitious one at that! These sound like very exciting changes XDA will be going through, and some are much needed, like spam control and an update to the portal. I look forward to watching these take effect
Amen to non-HTC devices!
As a longtime HTC fan, I appreciate the great community we have here at XDA. But I'm looking to branch out, and I recenlty purchased a Toshiba TG01 that is a powerful device and I'd love to see a forum for that if there is enough demand.
The LG Expo is also poised to be a big seller here in the states; already there is work going on with that here at XDA, so perhaps that deserves a forum (it's one of the first WinMo Snapdragon devices after all).
Long live XDA!
PS Maybe a different color scheme would be nice, the yellow has been giving me lots of eye strain recently...
chambo622 said:
Amen to non-HTC devices!
PS Maybe a different color scheme would be nice, the yellow has been giving me lots of eye strain recently...
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If you use Firefox you might want to try this.
Very glad to hear XDA is dropping their completely non-sensical rule of not allowing non-HTC devices (oh, but we will allow Android on a WM-centric site? pfff)
Aside from l3v5y, none of the better known people on XDA I talk to on a regular bases agree with this rule (most think it's a really stupid move), so I'm sure a lot of people will be happy there will be change.
If I might be so bold as to make a couple of device suggestions:
- Samsung Omnia 2 I8000 GSM & I920 CDMA
- Samsung Omnia Pro B7610 & Giorgio Armani II B7620 (pimped pro)
- Toshiba TG-01 (aka T-01A)
- LG Expo (aka IQ, Monaco)
- Acer F1 (aka neoTouch S200)
Of course there are lots of others but most of them are quickly getting old... At least from my perspective these are the most important devices... Then again, what do I know, ey?
Nice to hear that you guys are so busy in making the experience better on XDA.
But I think we should not include those other non-HTC phones.
Personally I hate those Omnia's, they're in my opinion just crappy phones.
Sad to see it happen but you Mods probably know what's best for the community...
Sounds great to me!
It means my SE X2 will have your support!!!
The main reason I've been opposed to extra forums is because it would impact the rest of the fora here. If the speed of this site is the first priority, and if this site can still achieve what it was made for (it's in the name really, XDA developers) then I can't really disagree.
Also, it would make a significant increase in the workload for the existing moderators, unless we recruit more....
I think it would work well if the devices selected were only ones that pass muster and are as feature rich as their HTC counterparts (e.g. Omnia II, Toshiba TG01 etc).
I'm fairly new to here, but one thing I do like is that this site is heavily slanted towards Windows Mobile. So while I think it would be great to welcome other Windows Phones into the community, I do not think that Android devices outside of HTC phones should be accepted.
This is absolutely awesome, thanks so much. Having the support of Xda-Devs is absolutely a must when buying a phone. until today buying a Samsung-device was completely unimaginable!
Maybe you can add some JS/AJAX to the page, so all device-specific subforums are folded, except the devices the user needs (multiple devices would be nice).
And IMHO you need a really good and catchy logo.
If you want me to help with designing feel free to send me a PM
What a great Decision
I am really happy to hear this. With my second smartphone (TD) i entered the world of xda developers and found answers for every question i ever had. I think it is the best place for discussions about htc devices. When i bought my Samsung Galaxy i was i little bit f***d up because of no more xda developers and it is great to hear this news now.
...hopefuly there will be a section for Galaxy Users?
I was crazy about xda back when I had an Apache/ppc 6700. But I am also a person who likes to try new things and move on to better things. There is no reason we should be penalized for buying a MOTOTOLA DROID or SAMSUNG GALAXY. Show us some love.
Great News Indeed
Wow! Just an awesome news! I think this is a realy good idea and the right way to became thes most important source for ALL Winmo (and Android) devices.
It's not nonsensical to focus on HTC devices on a website that is FOR those devices.
Imagine people asking for help with their Honda's on a Ford Mustang Forum.
As a long time XDA user, I love this website, when I got the Wizard, then the sapphire, I was insanely grateful to have such resources available to me on this site.
Eventually I got the DROID, at which point I had to abandon this forum, and all it's resources, which sucked, but I understand this isn't the place.
With that said, I am excited to see this forum open up for non HTC devices, as I will directly benefit from it. I am worried however that the forum may suffer not just in speed, but in focus. Think about those Chinese food restaurants that sell Italian food, hamburgers, and burritos, they make everything, but they don't make any one thing well. XDA forum is the equivalent of the BEST burger shop in town, so I think it is a very good idea to run a "Trial Period" and I hope for the best!
.... and yes svetius welcome on board mate
This site keeps getting better and better, I appreciate you guys taking time to consider and address suggestions (adding other popular phones-Android and Windows based) to the site. Keep up the good work guys and gals!
samsung galaxy

One of the best WM apps, Griff, looking to become open source- will you take over?

So one of the best apps on Windows Mobile, Griff, is about to die. The developer doesn't want to continue with it. I suggested that he make it open source and let the community take over, rather than let it die. He told me to post an inquiry here and see if there was any interest from the community.
Do any of you developers want to take over? Some more info on Griff:
The thread where the developer asks me to post here to possibly find someone to take over an open source project:
For those who don't know, this is the best mobile music making/sequencing app on the market. It has won plenty opf awards. It's virtually unchanged since 2000 (except for adding support for additional resolutions) and still today is better than anything on the iPhone.
I'm hoping there is someone out there who will take over this project and make it continue to be the best app out there as we move onto capacitive screen devices and devices that don't have a d-pad.
If you know of a better place to post this, please post it there...
Hmm Im not really into music making on my phone but It looks like a good piece of software
Im not a developer but I CAN do this
(lol hope it helps)
Hrm... very very interesting indeed! This would blend my personal life (writing music), professional life (development) and my hobbies (big focus on PDA's and WinMo for the last 4+ years) very well.
I'd be interested in joining a group to do this - I couldn't take it over alone (there just isn't enough time).
What language / libraries are used?
I was a C/C++ programmer at one time. Today I'm mainly enterprise Java with a smattering of other stuff. I've also designed quite a bit as well (project plans, UML, ROI, yada yada yada corporate stuff).
I run our corporate builds and manage developer assignments / team coordination - so out of the box I can pledge to help with source code management and developer support / project coordination. These are easy for me as I do 'em all day every day. Besides active development, as well
I'd like to see a few people express interest and I think I'd be willing to jump in with both feet here - especially if it migrated to a freeware kind of system.
Oh please someone take this over and make it COOL. It has potential but the UI is so unintuitive. I been doing pro audio for years and years and years and I had to drop the idea of killing time with this app.
Griff is easily one of the best applications for music production on windows mobile and indeed any mobile platform.
Im not a dev but i write music... i would be happy to get involved with this project somehow.
i do have some experience with programming but my code would probably be buggy as hell
I am personally very interested in this. only demoed the thing but found it really, really brilliant.
I can't promise I will have much free time for it, but I will be more than happy to give all the support I can.
I can do sourceforge, github, C/C++ also for Windows Mobile, C# for what matters. I can also do a lot of other things that probably don't apply in this context
bloody hell.. I didnt even know such an app existed.. thanks for sharing.. now who is going to take it over.
devices that don't have a d-pad.
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you mean 500+$ phones.
Edit: Just excited to see offers of contribution
You might be late on your ESP payment, looks like service is down and giving you erroneous insight.
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fixed now, sry.
*bow* thank you, I'm still optomistic that a project like this can come together and resurrect a great piece of paid software into a community-driven piece of open source and freeware.
And I didnt heard of this software before now?
Greetings and what a piece of software.
I'm a producer myself and have been looking for a software as this, looks awsome.
I'm not a developer but hoping that someone here will take over this fantastic project.
Haven't used Griff in a few years, but I'd would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see this project brought current.
This looks like something that could blend so well into an HD2.....and give Intua Beat Maker (iPhone), a very good run for the money.
I looks like it just needs a home start and a drum pad section, and it matches the best iPhone has to offer.
I hope someone takes this and runs with it.
please make it happend!
Greywolf_Ghost said:
This looks like something that could blend so well into an HD2.....and give Intua Beat Maker (iPhone), a very good run for the money.
I looks like it just needs a home start and a drum pad section, and it matches the best iPhone has to offer.
I hope someone takes this and runs with it.
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that would be nice
So here's what I know so far - Griff is primarily a single developer project with ~ 300 cpp/.h files based on the MFC framework. There's a couple of people who write plugins for it.
So, I'm in if Daniel (the developer / code owner) decides to go open-source with the project. Looks like we have several SMEs and testers ready to go - anyone interested in contributing with the coding? I can go it alone, but life has its time constraints
eknutson said:
So here's what I know so far - Griff is primarily a single developer project with ~ 300 cpp/.h files based on the MFC framework. There's a couple of people who write plugins for it.
So, I'm in if Daniel (the developer / code owner) decides to go open-source with the project. Looks like we have several SMEs and testers ready to go - anyone interested in contributing with the coding? I can go it alone, but life has its time constraints
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I don't now much about coding, but I do own Visual Studio 2008 (was planning on getting into it) and I would be happy to try. I do make a lot of music on the PC though (using Cubase) so I could definitely contribute some ideas at least.
I would definitely be willing to help with the coding too provided someone can help me out when I get stuck.
awesome SD!
Neither I was aware about this application. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
I play the guitar and the piano myself and occasionally I do some home-recording with Cubase although it is just a hobby. But still, I have a few ideas and knowledge about the music-tools available out there.
Playing around with Cubase is not my only hobby - I am also fond of programming. Unfortunately I hardly know any C++ at all since I am old "Basic"-user and now I am programming (both for desktop and Windows Mobile) in the .Net enviroment with C# and VB.Net.
So I doubt I could help with programming but I could indeed help with beta-testing (since I know the "logic" and way of thinking normally used by a programmer).
Just to summarize, I am ready to give a helping hand.

Are you a retro game artist?

I originally posted this on deviantART earlier today but have received no responses. 1800PocketPC recommended that I also try here. I didn't even think there may be designers lurking in the developer ranks...!
[EDIT: Apparently I'm not allowed to add a link to back-reference the deviantART link because I'm a newbie.]
I'm a software developer from the UK with absolutely no graphical ability. None. Every time I come here and see the awesome visuals that you guys produce I am literally blown away. The sheer range and quality of graphics are mind-blowing.
I'm primarily a web developer but in my past I've been involved with creating Flash-based games along with designers, but my eye's recently been caught by the Windows Phone 7 system that Microsoft are producing and the XNA architecture that you can use to develop games for it.
If you don't know, basically MS are throwing a tonne of money at their new phone operating system (coming out in a couple of months) and will have an application ecosystem similar to Apple's. My plan is to get a few (simple) 2D retro-style games up on their app store to try and capitalise on this surge of new people.
I am more than capable of developing the architecture for the game. I have experience in developing tile-based gaming engines and have already produced one example of a top-down "fighter" game using XNA and some dodgy graphics as a proof-of-concept. My plan is to take this and some other games I have ideas for, develop them in conjunction with a designer (or two) and put them on the marketplace.
I'm looking for someone interested in creating some retro-style game graphics/sprites to help me achieve the goal of selling these games and making us both - hopefully - some money. I'm hoping that someone out there there's someone, possibly a student, who'd like help. Even if the games don't get off the ground (and/or don't make any money), I will provide Windows-executables of the game that the artist might be able to use for course credit, CV, or something similar.
Please note that this is not a paid job. Not up-front, at least. However it is something that I hope will take off and we can arrange a profit-share for. I'm willing to accept the costs of getting onto the approved-developer-list (so that we can submit applications).
Is anyone interested?
check out this;
So, yes there are people interested .. here! right here!
I have some cogs turning in my head about a variant of audiosurf, except its more of a puzzle, with your favorite tunes. I really think it will take off if its done right, I just need the know-how to develop it myself
Cheers guys
Have emailed you both. Anyone else interested?
I think this is a great idea and my plan is to work with a number of designers on a number of different games/applications/projects over the coming few months, so as many as possible!
I'm interested. I have experience in Photoshop (7 years) and am a beginner in character design and fine arts as well. Shoot me an email and I'll show you some of my work.
glad to see you finaly got the ball rolling on this
Saijo George
Cheers Saijo - yes, thankfully things seem to be starting to move forward!
Thanks for all your help. I'll let you know when we have something public if you'd like.
Would love to see it , when you are done with it. just shoot me a mail [email protected] or on twitter @1800PocketPC
is your offer still actual? I would be interested in such project.
Worked as a graphic designer for few years. Also have experience with modeling in 3D, hand drawing etc.
Originaly from Czech, currently livingin UK.
Let me know if you still looking for somebody

Sensordrone - Tricorder-esque Bluetooth addon

Hi everybody,
I just discovered (and backed) a wonderful new Kickstarter Project. The so-called Sensordrone is quite similar to the "Node" and the Sensaris lineup of BT Smartphone addon Sensors, but it offers a lot more, at an attractive price and with a nice level of openness to outside input.
Head over and take a look here:
This could be one big step in the direction of Star-Trek Tech getting a bit closer to reality.
Collecting app ideas now in their forums:
P.S.: I'm not affiliated with the company, just a backer.
No commercial links of any kind allowed
hugs and kisses

Looking for App Dev Partner

Hi Everyone,
New to the forums but I have definitely browsed here before a lot of good things going on here.
To get to why I decided to post here: I am a professional web designer that has always inspired to make apps. I have thought of a ton of ideas in the past, acted on a few tried to have them developed only to fail because of the communication barrier when trying to work with freelancers. I would like to find an inspiring app developer who would like to work with me on some projects. I have one project that is ready to be made like yesterday so work would need to be commenced right away.
It may be such a thing where we could trade services back and forth web design for app design etc. OR Pay per project OR Profit share. Details tbd
A little bit more about me I have a degree in web design with another 2 years spent studying unaccredited courses. I know all about design and color usability etc etc. A lot of the same skills that it takes to develop apps. With me being in web design I come across clients who I could make apps so continued work would be expected.
If this sounds of interest to you respond get a hold of me or reply here.

