Goo and You - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

Ok so in case you werent aware, i love they are an awesome team of guys helping provide amazing file serving services for free. they created their own app that allows for updates on your phone (should devs make use of it). some of you have complained about when it goes down and some have complained about slower speeds. well such is the way of android, to many people download from them every day and not many give them a second look to click on their ads or to donate.
as many of you know i host the cm9 nightlies thru em, for teh foreseeable future i will continue to as well. now im not gunna name names, but "other" rom downloading apps may cost less to get the "premium" version which only lets you download the official nightlies (assuming your device supports them). thats it, thats all. at goo if you become a sponsor its for life, and the perk? aside from saving the environment and the whales/chickens/sheep etc you get to skip that nasty 10 second wait on ALL downloads via goo manager . this is across all devices and on any roms, not just select ones.
you can read about their current plight at where they have started to ask for donations. sure the goal is a bit on the high side, but cmon if the oatmeal can raise 200k surely we can help get these guys 20k to help the entire android community.

i host all my builds on Goo also... great guys.. they also host my build server which allows me to build the builds i host, Ive donated..

Goo is a great group of people that provide a great service to android developers. They do much much more then just host files. If I wasn't a broke ***** I would donate. As soon as I get a few bucks extra I plan on it. If you're looking or wanting to donate to someone and not sure who to donate too. You can't go wrong with goo. Unlike some other sites they truly use every single penny that is donated to them to do what they say they're going to do. They lay out what they need and how much it is. Some sites aren't so transparent with their intentions. So please. No amount is too small believe me when I say that. Goo appreciates the people that donate a dollar just the same as they appreciate the people who donate 50 bucks. To them you all are equal and they love and thank everyone.
Sent using an AOKP'd ET4G courtesy of Times_Infinity!


Theme competition

I am looking to in the near future organize a theme competition. I would be willing to put up $100 dollars donated to the winning designer. If others would like to offer up as well we can figure that part out. I know many of the theme makers here do it for nothing more than for fun, the challenge and to give back to the community. I would love to see how far the envelope would get pushed and what amazing things could be done with something more on the line.
What I want to know is would any of you theme creators be interested in this? I'm sure many people would, but would the right people? I'm thinking all themes would be based on RC33 once everyone figures it out since its the most adopted...We'd have to work out the details.
So what say you? Any interest?
Edit: Contest is a go!
Ending date is March 13th ALL themes much be submitted by midnight pacific time - US. No exceptions!
Donation Link: Thank you to "brandenk" for handling the money. He has provided my with verification information and I am comfortable enough to give him $100 of my own.(You don't have to donate, but if you believe in this competition and what it will provide, I would be greatful if you did. I am donating $100 of my own money. Any donations will go towards future competitions. 10% off the the prize money will be donated to XDA. for example...If prize = $100, then first place gets $70, second $20, and 3rd $10, XDA gets 10% of what the total prize is, however it will not come from the prize itself. If we donot get any donations to do this I will donate this out of my own pocket. I refuse to do this without giving back to XDA)
I am also toying with the idea of people who donate being allowed to BETA test and/or judge in some capacity (More on this as it develops, until then...Donate because you believe. This may not happen so don't donate just for that reason)
If you choose to donate please PM me your email address and donation amount, I want to keep track of everyone and give them a special thanks and credit for helping at the end
1. No previously released themes, this goes against the push for innovation I hope to achive during this contest.
2. Designer has the choice to work in whatever enviornment he chooses...however RC33/ADP1.1 are the prefered choices as they are the most widely adopted releases.
3. The contest will last for one month from the start date. All themes must be recieved by midnight US/Pacific time on the final day to be entered in the voting. NO exceptions will be made. END DATE IS MARCH 13TH
4. The prize for this competition will depend on donations we receive, it will however be atleast $100 but no more than $200. If total donations exceed $200 the remain funds will be put towards future competitions. The winner will receive 70%, second place will receive 20%, and third place 10%, XDA gets 10% of what the total prize is, however it will not come from the prize itself.
5. The themes will be scored based on three catagories. Innovation/Originality(25% of final score), Technical Difficulty(25% of final score), and popular vote(50% of final score. If you are interested in being a judge let send me a private message and let me know. Judges are not able to compete, so any theme makers looking to sit this one out I can use your help as a technical judge.
6. All themes must be stable enough to run flashed to a phone and be useable.
7. Teams are allowed, however it will be limited to 2 members per team in order to keep the amount of themes up. I may do a larger team competition in the future however.
If you plan to compete please contact me via private message, so i can get an idea of how many contestants we are looking at. I hope so see this bring out some favorites as well as some new faces.
If you are interested in donating towards the prize look for donation information soon, or feel free to PM me and i will get back to you with information when we have it.
Any questions and/or concerns may also be conveyed to me through Gtalk if you wish. Hit me up if you wish "Doooshty at gmail dot com"
Stericson said:
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What do you think? I value your opinion seeing as you are the creator of all things theme(With help from JF, i know you're too modest to take all the credit ). Enough to bring the great Stericson out of theme retirement? lol
I think its a great idea, but how would you secure the funds? Plus, what would the time frame be? I might be interested.
[Edit] Not too modest, just like respecting the work and time of others that have helped me.
Stericson said:
I think its a great idea, but how would you secure the funds? Plus, what would the time frame be? I might be interested.
[Edit] Not too modest, just like respecting the work and time of others that have helped me.
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Initial thought on fund was I would donate it to Jesus Freak and he would then donate it to the winner...that was just a quick idea. We are pretty sure he's not going anywhere however he may very likely want nothing to do with it, but i'm still looking to work that out. As far as time frame, I was looking to get input from theme makers on this. Not being one myself I am un aware how long this process takes, I also know that no one does this fulltime so I want everyone to have a chance to make something nice.
Like I said it's in its early stages, I just wanted to see how much interest there was before I really went forward with it
This is a good way to get a bunch of themes in the wild =) I would participate...would you supply coffee and peanut butter & fluff sangwiches =)
well well well, i could enter a theme competition.... what time frame are we looking at
best in a month's time? 2 weeks? 2 months?
also, you could secure the transaction through paypal, or send a personal check to someone.... hmm
also will there be "all-the-neccessary-tools" to edit everything, from .9 pngs to png, i guess a fair playing field (well technically starting line) then whoever excels from there should be crowned winner....
Like having a select set of icons, or a pool of resources and see who makes the best from that pile? And how fast?
This is a great idea! I would gladly chip in the prize bucket to see the outcome.
JackD3ath said:
Like having a select set of icons, or a pool of resources and see who makes the best from that pile? And how fast?
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This is a very cool idea, makes it a real competition...If this doesn't pan out for this thread i will work with you on another thread.
i'm glad to see some interest...i was thinking 1 month, but i'm interested to see what everyone thinks. i'm at work right now...i'm off at 3 est, and i'll post some more thoughts i have on it, but until then let me know what you think. i'm excited...i think this could be fun
damnitpud said:
This is a very cool idea, makes it a real competition...If this doesn't pan out for this thread i will work with you on another thread.
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Like iron chef themeing? That could be interesting
The tough part is figuring out what iconset would be used...something with a few different colors so each themer can use a different color scheme. I think this could be fun. A month is a long time, i would say 2 weeks tops. If someone sits in one place for about 6-7 hours strait a theme could be completely finished, maybe even faster now that some of the images are supplied.
We should start a thread for people to post iconsets, then take a 1 week poll for the best one. Let the community decide the default stuff.
Actually, A month is perfect for me. I have a lot on my plate and I can't devote a lot of time at once. I have some tricks up my sleeve I'd love to throw into this....
Depending on how this pans out, I'll be willing to donate ATLEAST $20.
My vote will go to the most "THEMED", not color matched
However, I don't like the idea of just themeing for RC33, it's not as free as ADP1.1, which is way easier to theme on and allows you to do more things. I feel kind of limited by RC33.
After all, Adp1.1 is the "Dev Phone"
What build? Please tell me ADP1.1
Boo!!! Well I guess this will give me a push to start reading more about ADB/ADP. I don't want to jump out of my limits.
Theme on themers
Maybe we can set up a donation spot and keep it full and have regular monthly contests whenever the donation pot is above $100. Maybe even split the $100 to $60 - 1st place, $30 - 2nd place, $10 - 3rd place.
Shoot, put me down for 20 too and you can call on me for it. Id love to see something with animations.
So here is a noobish question, I assume I can flash the ADP 1.1? If so, and if it is easier to theme, are there elements of RC33 missing from ADP1.1?
My thought is, if we all decide to stick with one build, it would help the communal effort of making themes.

[ATTENTION DEVS] Donations and Open-Source/Freeware Discussion

I just thought I'd start this thread to ask other developers about their opinion on the matter.
I spent many hours across several weeks reverse engineering the Samsung Galaxy S flashing protocol and then programming, testing and distributing Heimdall as open-source software.
Based on bandwidth consumption Heimdall has been downloaded anywhere between 2000 and 8000 times (depending on whether the source or binaries were downloaded). I have received no more than eight donations, a very sincere thank-you goes out to those eight people! Let's assume that 25% of the total number of downloads were repeat downloaders, so we have somewhere between 1500 and 6000 unique users. So only 0.134-0.534% of users actually donate. Those sorts of donation rates are barely able to cover the cost of bandwidth, if at all.
I know there are a lot of people out there who consider themselves avid supporters of open-source and open-source software. I wouldn't necessarily call myself one of those people, however I do believe there is definitely a time and a place for open-source software, Heimdall being a perfect example.
I also know a lot of people who distribute ROMs, apps, tools, mods etc. are hobbyists who do what they do in their spare time, and the community should be very thankful of that. As for myself, I work as a independent software/games developer, not particularly the most monetarily rewarding profession around.
As much as we do enjoy releasing free software for the community, it is difficult for developers such as myself to justify the work involved when there is little to no return, after all the bills need to be paid somehow.
My question is this, is it possible for developers releasing open-source software directly to the community, not large corporations, to make a living off their work? Furthermore, how do we encourage community members to give back to developers who have donated their time to the community?
Can't you use Google Code instead for hosting? or SourceForge? all provide free bandwidth IIRC.
Don't expect any donations as a rule, if you are expecting profit then either use ads on your website or charge.
I would have thought the primary reason for developing OSS on your phone is to improve the product you originally bought.
If you want free hosting, I can hook you up at that I'm paying for anyway for z4mod. Unlimited bandwidth/space. Offer goes out to anybody who wants to host anything for the SGS.
EDIT: Oh, and to answer your question: No, I don't believe it's possible to make a living off making 3rd party open source tools that only a fraction(technical users) of a device's users will use. If you want to make a living off open source, the best bet is through a company such as Canonical, or by creating applications focused at casual users with as much potential marketshare as possible. Or do what most people do: get a regular 'closed' job, and do open source stuff as a hobby.
MiG- said:
Can't you use Google Code instead for hosting? or SourceForge? all provide free bandwidth IIRC.
Don't expect any donations as a rule, if you are expecting profit then either use ads on your website or charge.
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I don't think you fully understand what I'm trying to discuss. The bandwidth costs are fairly negligible, especially if I'm approximately able to cover the costs with just eight donations. A developers time however is substantially more expensive, and in some ways the effort and intention is priceless
I'm not expecting profit as such, nor do I particularly wish this discussion to center around myself (I'm just using my statistics as an example). I'm just curious to know whether people think it is possible to be a "sustainable" open-source developer who contributes software directly to a community? As opposed to large open-source products targeted towards large corporations who pay technical support contracts.
I'm also not a big fan off stuffing ads down the throat of my user-base. Also, in this particular context I seriously doubt that sort of approach would work, especially if third-party free hosting (sourceforge, github etc.) is used.
MiG- said:
I would have thought the primary reason for developing OSS on your phone is to improve the product you originally bought.
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Not necessarily. In my particular case I've simply released a tool to further enable the community to do something that other users (myself included) could already do, in some capacity or another.
For most developers releasing open-source software isn't so much about improving something they own. It's more about providing something for a community to use and benefit from without constraints. It's not unreasonable to ask the community to support you in return. After all there is nothing that forces developers to ever release the software they develop, unless you've used GPL code which is another matter entirely.
MiG-, based on your answer I'm assuming you're saying, no you do not think it's possible, which is definitely a perfectly valid answer to questions I've asked. Although I would definitely love to hear what more community members, particularly developers, have to say about the topic.
RyanZA said:
If you want free hosting, I can hook you up at that I'm paying for anyway for z4mod. Unlimited bandwidth/space. Offer goes out to anybody who wants to host anything for the SGS.
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Bit of topic.. you can host roms?
DocRambone said:
Bit of topic.. you can host roms?
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Until someone stops me, sure.
RyanZA said:
EDIT: Oh, and to answer your question: No, I don't believe it's possible to make a living off making 3rd party open source tools that only a fraction(technical users) of a device's users will use. If you want to make a living off open source, the best bet is through a company such as Canonical, or by creating applications focused at casual users with as much potential marketshare as possible. Or do what most people do: get a regular 'closed' job, and do open source stuff as a hobby.
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I agree with pretty much everything except the part about targeting casual users in order to make money. In my experience technically inclined users, who have an appreciation for a piece of software, are substantially more likely to donate that casual users who lack the knowledge of the work involved. Of course selling software is something that can be more easily achieved when targeting a casual user base, especially if they know nothing of piracy. However it is generally not possible to sell "open-source" software directly.
Benjamin Dobell said:
I agree with pretty much everything except the part about targeting casual users in order to make money. In my experience technically inclined users, who have an appreciation for a piece of software, are substantially more likely to donate that casual users who lack the knowledge of the work involved. Of course selling software is something that can be more easily achieved when targeting a casual user base, especially if they know nothing of piracy. However it is generally not possible to sell "open-source" software directly.
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Of course it is. Why do you think all of these app stores and market place etc is all catching on? You're never going to get rich off it, but putting up a popular open source application with an advert (and the option to turn it off even) should be able to bring in a pretty good revenue! Social networking seems to do the best for these types of apps.
Also, you'd probably want to diversify if relying on ad money - one banner ad in 25 open source apps, with 100K users each could easily reach a lot of money. And it should be possible to crank out a simple, well made open source app that serves a definite purpose in under 3 months. So with some time investment, in a couple years you'd be able to live off it. No different from closed sourced apps when you you use advertising.
Most important thing though is to make something that
1) the average user understands what it does
2) does the job as simply as possible
3) actually helps the user
4) has as wide a potential market as possible
You could look at firefox as the ultimate in this type of thing.
This is all a lot of work though, I'm sure, and if you're after money, a regular desk job is almost guaranteed to work out better.
RyanZA said:
Of course it is. Why do you think all of these app stores and market place etc is all catching on? You're never going to get rich off it, but putting up a popular open source application with an advert (and the option to turn it off even) should be able to bring in a pretty good revenue! Social networking seems to do the best for these types of apps.
Also, you'd probably want to diversify if relying on ad money - one banner ad in 25 open source apps, with 100K users each could easily reach a lot of money. And it should be possible to crank out a simple, well made open source app that serves a definite purpose in under 3 months. So with some time investment, in a couple years you'd be able to live off it. No different from closed sourced apps when you you use advertising.
Most important thing though is to make something that
1) the average user understands what it does
2) does the job as simply as possible
3) actually helps the user
4) has as wide a potential market as possible
You could look at firefox as the ultimate in this type of thing.
This is all a lot of work though, I'm sure, and if you're after money, a regular desk job is almost guaranteed to work out better.
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Agreed, I mostly meant that it's difficult to "sell" open-source software. If your software is truly open-source then users are likely to download it, compile it and then redistribute it for free, which is sort of reasonable given that it's meant to be open source.
However advertising in a free application is slightly different than selling an application and it does have a lot more potential to succeed. However depending on what you mean by "putting up a popular open source application" I might have moral issues with that. Unless the popular application is your own or you've substantially modified (added a UI etc) to an existing piece of open-source software. Although a lot less likely to happen if your app is free, if it is open-source there is still the chance someone else will distribute it for free, unless of course the non-code assets aren't open.
I definitely do believe that at the moment it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to live off the type of open-source software I initially described. It's a bit saddening though to realise how massively one falls short, hopefully this will change in the future.
About those donations. If I would use it, I would probably donate.
I worked my a** of for the community, providing ROMs and kitchens for 3 years for the HTC S710 and S740 and I got about 4 or 5 donations over that period of time. Sometimes it get's very frustrating, but hang in there, it's worth it after all (there would be no WM 6.5 on the Vox or the Rose without me (dare I say that ), but I wanted it anyway, so I made it and just released it for others as well)!
PS: SAP r3 is open source and it sells veeeeeery good
I think the community can recognize such invaluable work & devote a part of their donations to them, if they are using his software & really think its worth.
I think however small percentage it could be, it would make the developer feel wanted & make him continue devoting his valuable time.
I just read an article either today or yesterday regarding a conference of software developers for android community, & when one developer went to the podium & said he is earning a steady $1-$2 per day, people actually laughed. He retorted, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. Android hasn't penetrated the markets YET like iPhone. So awareness & earnings are still low.
BTW, a nice GUI would change everything.
Just my 2 cents worth.
PS : In continuation to RyanZA's talk, I would like to mention that if you think you have something worth using, MAKE A LOT of noise about it. THAT's how people notice, use & donate. No one can understand a software's worth until you tell them. Like some WWii prime minister said, if you want the world to understand what you are telling, tell it like you are telling a donkey.
Ben, I think you need to differentiate between recognition, fame & money. Ideas are many have you tried ?
Benjamin Dobell said:
Agreed, I mostly meant that it's difficult to "sell" open-source software. If your software is truly open-source then users are likely to download it, compile it and then redistribute it for free, which is sort of reasonable given that it's meant to be open source.
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Most companies "built on open-source" provide binaries, and real support for those binaries, and earn a living from that. In an enterprise environment giving support can earn a lot of money (mainly because a lot of companies have policies to only use software/hardware that has decent support). On my last job we had to use a really crappy software, just because the (really) good alternative didn't had a support center in our country.
For the casual users: the marketplaces + ads are a good place to start. If you manage to create something that casual users will use, then it might pay of. Those users don't actaully care about the software being FOSS or not. Actually there aren't many people who care how free an application really is (except for most people working in IT or similar)
If bandwidth is an issue then host it over megaupload and such, problem solved.
ragin said:
BTW, a nice GUI would change everything.
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And give users the ability to think they are actually a power user. Most people here at xda can't write even simple scripts, but they do want to try out new and experimental stuff. (on the other hand there are a lot of users who want things that just work, for them give a simple gui saying: "DO DA STUFF")
EarlZ said:
If bandwidth is an issue then host it over megaupload and such, problem solved.
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I hate when people upload source code to megaupload. There's github, and is although quite old now, the other too are still great when it comes to hosting FOSS stuff.
Github is even nicer since they've added a big "Download" button for the end users.

Isn't asking for donations for an app the same thing as a commercial app?

Sometimes a church will have a car free car wash and accept donations, but whith some of these apps on the market , the "donation" is required before you can download the app.
Why do they use these misleading terms. Is it because they don't have a biz tax id? Just curious.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
potna said:
Sometimes a church will have a car free car wash and accept donations, but whith some of these apps on the market , the "donation" is required before you can download the app.
Why do they use these misleading terms. Is it because they don't have a biz tax id? Just curious.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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You work for the IRS?
I know with a few apps you can get them free either in the forums or from the person's webside. They usually just ask if you like their app you can make a donation by going to the market
Sent from my Evo while i should be working
Most of them have a free version and a donate version. Usually the free versions have ads and the donate versions don't, or the donate versions have some additional features. I don't see anything wrong with this at all.
Most ROM developers ask for donations, but you can still get their ROMs for free. I don't see anything wrong with this either.
tgruendler said:
You work for the IRS?
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I doubt he works for the IRS, but I think that does bring up an important issue. Anyone that is taking donations would be wise to keep track of how much money they are making from donations, and should be reporting it as income when they file their taxes. They could find themselves in trouble with the IRS if they don't report it. It would be pretty easy for the IRS to find this income since it's all done with Paypal or other electronic payment methods. Not to mention it's just the right thing to do. As a fellow taxpayer, I wouldn't be too happy if developers weren't paying their fair share of taxes on this income.
kd0axs said:
Most of them have a free version and a donate version. Usually the free versions have ads and the donate versions don't, or the donate versions have some additional features. I don't see anything wrong with this at all.
Most ROM developers ask for donations, but you can still get their ROMs for free. I don't see anything wrong with this either.
I doubt he works for the IRS, but I think that does bring up an important issue. Anyone that is taking donations would be wise to keep track of how much money they are making from donations, and should be reporting it as income when they file their taxes. They could find themselves in trouble with the IRS if they don't report it. It would be pretty easy for the IRS to find this income since it's all done with Paypal or other electronic payment methods. Not to mention it's just the right thing to do. As a fellow taxpayer, I wouldn't be too happy if developers weren't paying their fair share of taxes on this income.
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I doubt the vast majority of people who receive donations actually report them lol
I was just curious. I am a small business owner and I have learned the hard way that when you put something together and present it to the public you need to be very precise with your wording.
The word donation to me means: when our local vfw has a donations based .....say ...breakfast, you can pay nothing, or as much as you want.
But if they require a donation, is it really a donation? Or has it become commercialized when the donation is required. It sounds more like a trade, your money for my stuff and this is taxable.
I really don't care, but I guess my mind just picks things apart until everyone wants to kick my ass, lol. But I bet this terminology doesn't last long, atleast not in the given context.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
It's all about terminology, and while to some extent it doesn't matter, to another extent it still does. I think if a donation is required to unlock any functionality, then it's not really a donation. *Asking* for a donation doesn't make it a commercial app though. It's a question of whether it's required to use it. Basically if you're giving it away for free, and saying "hey, if you want to support what I do, throw me a few bucks," that's a donation.
There's nothing wrong with asking to be paid for your work. There's also nothing wrong with demanding to be paid for your work. No dev needs to apologize for choosing to make their app -- or some functionality within it -- available at a price, and they shouldn't try to make it sound better by calling it a donation.
I don't think calling it a donation affects IRS rules at all. No matter what you call it, you're supposed to report it. I'm not judging you if you don't. But developers are no charity, and calling it a donation doesn't make it exempt. Hell, even drug dealers are supposed to report their income on Form 1040, line 21, or schedule C. (I am not making that up.)
The presumption is those that are asking for donations are doing so simply to bring a ROM and/or app to market. Those app and ROM developers can incur significant costs in doing so, but typically the primary focus is the development process and open source community-not financial gain.
The developers that are asking for donations spend a significant amount of effort on products that we use here within XDA and the Market.
I do not see our appreciation in the various forums here as commensurate to their efforts: In my opinion, donations from time to time are a more proper gesture.
I have a little bit of legal experience in this area. For a donation to be, legally, a donation, it must be made with no material benefit expected in return.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Maybe Julien Schapman isn't full of empty promises
Assassin5150 said:
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Crossing my fingers.
As he stated the other day, its going to be released....and it was, i have it and its awesome for beta program!!
He has been a long time developer around this community for quite some time. I wouldn't doubt him.
Can someone drop the beta program anywhere here. I couldn't find how to register as a beta tester.
You can register, just by going to his site and donating just a few bucks and send him email on site with your confirmation number from paypal and he will register you right away, and then you will be able to see the beta test forum to download the program. I would love to share but i jad to pay my dues and its not finished and am sure he wouldn approve of distribution of his release for free. He could probably use the donation to further devote his time to finish the release in full access of the program instead of partially being done. Soon it will offer a unlock tool but not the jailbreak because there will be an official way to unlock devices without compromising security or IP.
For those that dont have his site here is the link:
I remember donating some $ to him years ago when i was on windows, before i discovered Android
There was alot of controversy back then regarding his work always being in beta stages and nothing final ever being released.
Something can only be in development for so long before people just get over it. When i donated it looked unreal and Android was just about to come on the market, look at it now.
Dont get me wrong, ive used his work before, he definitely knows his stuff but i always found it funny whereby making a donation entitles you to be a tester, most other developers on here who require beta testers is first in best dressed vs pay me money. Sure he needs $ to purchase more devices for testing but each to their own.

I have an offer for those who need to share files

Hello everyone,
There is a known issue that most cloud share sites like dropbox and loose sharing due to bandwidth allocation issues.. with that said, I have a offer for you if you need to share development files here.
I am a technology solutions provider for the whole region where I live, (in the united states) and I offer you my personal site it has limited bandwidth for now, but the more people sign up for accounts using my link provided in the first post on my site, you will notice that it says it will give me more features, theses features include bandwidth and more storage, its my dream ultimately to self host but due to new baby being born and taking care of 6 people hinder such dreams for now.
So if you need storage and bandwidth, I rarely use my site as I'm busy running my business and being a family man, if I can help out with this, I'd be happy to do so! So thanks for reading and I hope that this can help you.
Sent from my SGH-I927
Are you offering housing space for development?
I am offering a place to share, I don't have much to offer in terms of anyway to have a CVS repo or anything, but I am offering a place to put your final test projects for members both here and there to test on. If it was self hosted (money issues) I'd offer what more I could.
Sent from my SGH-I927
Hell if you can make the site work for development purposes and give me feedback on plugins and such that I should add, I'd be happy to listen.
Sent from my SGH-I927
hazard1nc said:
I am offering a place to share, I don't have much to offer in terms of anyway to have a CVS repo or anything, but I am offering a place to put your final test projects for members both here and there to test on. If it was self hosted (money issues) I'd offer what more I could.
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If it's a money making site then I'm afraid that isn't allowed here on XDA.
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Its not about making money, I am doing it out of the kindness of my heart and funding it myself. I just said that I don't have the funds currently.
I won't turn away donations, the site itself was just a way to share my tech interests with my local community freely offering tips and tricks for their computer needs as I am the only technology consultant around for 100 miles.
In reality, I just don't have time, I was going to post my local services on a page but if that makes it bad for helping people here then I won't
Sent from my SGH-I927
hazard1nc said:
Its not about making money, I am doing it out of the kindness of my heart and funding it myself. I just said that I don't have the funds currently.
I won't turn away donations, the site itself was just a way to share my tech interests with my local community freely offering tips and tricks for their computer needs as I am the only technology consultant around for 100 miles.
In reality, I just don't have time, I was going to post my local services on a page but if that makes it bad for helping people here then I won't
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Would you happen to be able to give Team Aurora (ItsMeBdon, Shawn, me) a part of your site where we can upload? We're nearing our Dropbox limit and don't really have any other options :|
I kinda jumped before looking, id be happy to assist but my host caps uploads at 8mb if you can keep it in that range I'd be happy to, I'm looking for another host and might have found one, keep in touch with me and I will do my best. I gotta make sure they don't cap my uploads to the server but I'd be happy to once I get the right host
I927UCLG9 Stock ICS 4.0.4
keyboard back light fix
super user 3.1.3 ARM Signed
CWMR Touch
Aquethys said:
Would you happen to be able to give Team Aurora (ItsMeBdon, Shawn, me) a part of your site where we can upload? We're nearing our Dropbox limit and don't really have any other options :|
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As far as that goes, there are many hosts out there, I'll compile a list if you want, I am a tech consultant and solutions provider so its in my nature to do this just gimme a few or let me figure out my upload limitations I will get this all sorted and once done we will be in business
I927UCLG9 Stock ICS 4.0.4
keyboard back light fix
super user 3.1.3 ARM Signed
CWMR Touch
Okay guys I'm sorry it took me so long, I found a new host but can't take my domain with just yet to it.. not going into details why, but if you want me to host your projects, I will be happy to do so.
I am also surprised that none of you share bigger files like roms and such on bittorrent.. would seem more ideal to share this way and its more safe as it uses hashes to piece the app back together.. anyways that's not the point.
I have a list of numerous different share sites and cloud technologies on this page here.
Most note worthy of the cloud servers would have to be giving away 50gb storage for free for banners, and as long as you set your hosts files just right, you don't even see a single banner or ad, I haven't yet anyways.
I just hope that this helps everyone who working on these projects and I will do my best to keep these site lists current for you and add more as we go along.
I am just sorry it took me so long to get setup, my wife about to give birth any day now, my 4th and its been mad hectic with work and steess, but the site is down right now on the new host and will be for a couple weeks.
Thank you all for being patient and I will get this going for you, I'll put up polls and such so you can help me make the site better for your needs in this way..
Anyways, busy times for me ahead,will try to pop in when I can yo test for those who need a tester, but gonna be hectic more so for a few months, will keep updated on the sites progress and will need some help testing that when able, sign up for that when its more close to the end, maybe a couple weeks more, at the latest.
Current System:
CWMR Touch (Stable)
i927ruclg9 ICS 4.0.4 stock
CWM keyboard backlight fix
Superuser 3.2 RC3 arm signed
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Honestly, I'm very glad that people don't host their roms via bittorrent, as it's a nightmare for anyone who's looking to snag something for an older phone. I often find myself in possession of old android hardware, and I repurpose them for VoIP phones or other misc. With older hardware, it's often unbearably slow on the official rom, and the best solution is to track down something custom.
I just spent like 4 hours tracking down a rom for the Huawei Ascend M860, over half of the links were dead, and an entire site where a large portion of the development took place had folded because of the age of the device. With torrents, it's easy for something less popular like an older device to lose what few seeds it had, while a reliable mirror site will at least be up for reasonable amount of time.

