Is this the right time to buy the gnexus? - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I know this question must have been asked about a million times but is the galaxy nexus NOW worth buying?
I currently have a xperia arc s running aokp rom milestone 6.

Only you can decide when something is worth buying...
Its your money. The GNex is $350. Its a damn good price for a damn good phone. You just have to decide if its worth the money to you.

As a Nexus, it's always worth it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

The main reason I'm chosing the gnex over the one x and the galaxy s3 is because of the amount of xda support for it.
My only concern is future support of high end games and by the time the next nexus is released the gnex will in a way become "obselete".

i had to choose between the s3(international) and gnex so development wasnt a issue. but from what i have been seeing with all android devices other than the nexus series related to updates being either slow or not there at all, i decided to wait till November and buy the new nexus

GNex is awesome! No need to get the S3 in my opinion. The Speed with JB is insane

If you are a poweruser don't even think about the S3, had a S2 for 6 months and it was a nightmare. Lots of issues with custom roms.
If you are concerned about games then go and buy the S3.

It's the right time! Just bought for 359€! Can't wait!!

Its never a wrong time to buy a Nexus. whether it fits your needs better than the SGS3 is another topic.
Consumer friendliness / gaming / camera = SGS3
Support / dev support / futureproofing (as official updates go), value ($350) = GNEX
Are you Jelly...? Galaxy Nexus JB 4.1.1

It's worth to buy! Coming from a Motorola Defy and I've no regrets!

If you only get a phone every 2 years because that's when you get your upgrade, then I would probably skip this Nexus and either wait for the next or go with another phone. I used to care a lot about Developer support, and I still like it but for the most part I keep my phone stock because it just already does all I care for. I know I'd be just as happy with an S3 or One X. So yea, that totally depends on you.
With that said, check out this youtube video, shows the Nexus vs the Evo 4G LTE. A completely unfair competition based on hardware but I was very surprised to see how good the Nexus with Jellybean did vs one of the top phones out there now.

I would rather wait a few months and get the next nexus.. the ui is very fast on jellybean, but demanding games usually won't run very well.. the graphics chip is quite old.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Lazer Bear said:
I would rather wait a few months and get the next nexus.. the ui is very fast on jellybean, but demanding games usually won't run very well.. the graphics chip is quite old.
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I love my GNex and I would not trade it for anything that is available now, including SGS3. But if I were you, I would wait for the next generation which is only a few months away. If a gadget will be updated within 6 months, you are usually better off waiting for the new version.

You won't find a better phone for $350. Not now, and not for quite some time. So yes.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus


[Q] GNex or wait for GS3?

I'm on AT&T and wanting a new phone. The GNex is rumored to drop for AT&T any day now with Sprint getting it on 4/22. I've been planning on making that my next phone for a while now, was just waiting for AT&T get it. Then I started hearing these rumors about the GS3 being out as soon as the end of April, latest being end of May. Don't know how much weight that holds, but if it were true, should I wait it out and go for the GS3? Or just go with the GNex when it comes out?
S3 announcement is supposed to be may 5th in London (from memory, an event was announced a few days ago- its definitely early may though) so that's at least June before its in stores.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
S3 announcement is supposed to be may 5th in London (from memory, an event was announced a few days ago- its definitely early may though) so that's at least June before its in stores.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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not only at least june before it hits stores but at least june before it hits stores in the UK america is seriously lacking when it comes to new Galaxy devices the GS2 was what.. like 6 months old when it finally launched in america? Not to mention we got the **** end of the stick with a phone that had a completely different chipset..
Wait the announcement of the s3 and see if the s3 is better than the nexus and if you can wait, wait !
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Some of the rumors I heard said that Samsung was going to try and emulate Apple's strategy and have the phone globally available immediately after the announcement. And that it's going to have 1.5GHz Exynos 4412 quad-core CPU (Samsung's Cortex A9) and 4.8" 1080p Super AMOLED Plus. Others said it's just going to be what the iPhone 4s was to the to iPhone 4 in relation to the S2. I don't know what to believe anymore.
Does anyone know when the GNex is actually going to release for AT&T?
Sleeping Giant said:
Some of the rumors I heard said that Samsung was going to try and emulate Apple's strategy and have the phone globally available immediately after the announcement. And that it's going to have 1.5GHz Exynos 4412 quad-core CPU (Samsung's Cortex A9) and 4.8" 1080p Super AMOLED Plus. Others said it's just going to be what the iPhone 4s was to the to iPhone 4 in relation to the S2. I don't know what to believe anymore.
Does anyone know when the GNex is actually going to release for AT&T?
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I'll be waiting till may 5th if its not day one in america or shortly there after I will be buying Gnex for sprint. Also the original S2 had exynos processor but the american version didn't =[
Yeah, I guess that's my plan, too. Wait for the launch and see what it actually releases as and then make the decision.
The Galaxy Nexus is OFFICIALLY for sale on Google Play either thru the app or online for GSM customers, i.e. Tmo and ATT The 16gb version. No biggie
I was excited and still like the phone, although from Day one when I got my Tmo Galaxy S2 (which I love) some bloggers, I forget said that the hardware on the GS2 I have is better than the Nexus
Prolly true so I have to decide do I want pure Google NOW and also ICS NOW OR Wait for ICS to come to the GS2 I have OR wait for the next GS3?
Idk. between the current Tmo GS2 and the Nexus, is it worth it spending an hour or less coming up with an ebay ad to sell, then order it??
eric0668 said:
Idk. between the current Tmo GS2 and the Nexus, is it worth it spending an hour or less coming up with an ebay ad to sell, then order it??
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It takes you an hour to post something on eBay?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
lazaro17 said:
It takes you an hour to post something on eBay?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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Probably less. But if you are anal or want it perfect, yes.
In any case, longer than it took you to make that donkey of a comment.
I know many a senior member here who would not post that
And from one member to another, and one human to another, if you dont have anything positive to ad, dont say it
You need to either lookup or learn to incorporate paradigm into life and your help here. How do you know one isn't on disability, maybe can't create an ad that quickly maybe due to physical ailments, or psych ones like add or simply can't concentrate. Like me
But I wont say all that. I will just ignore my thoughts, you do also, and let me thank you for your help!!!
Didn't mean any offense by that man...I was just legit asking out of concern. Lighten up a bit...
Anyway if you're trying to decide between a sgii or a galaxy nexus. Everyone here is going to tell you to go nexus route mostly because of the great developer support it carries and the priority it gets when it comes to google updates.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Thank You. Gave you thanks
So iyho, if it is no problem to sell the GS2 I already have to get the newly available GSM from Google, then go ahead and do it even if the newest Galaxy will be out 3-6 months from now. (keeping in mind that I don't mind getting a new phone soon after) In other words, the perks of pure google and ICS are worth it--better sooner than later.
Thanks again
Anyone have an opinion on the HTC One X? That is also one of my choices.
Sleeping Giant said:
Anyone have an opinion on the HTC One X? That is also one of my choices.
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I haven't personally used one yet, but the general reviews all say the same thing: fantastic looking, powerful phone. Unfortunately battery life is mediocre and Sense 4.0 is a little wonky.
Personally I'd grab a GNexus or wait for the next Galaxy phone. The Nexus is plenty powerful, VERY simple to mod, and you can expand the battery with almost zero additional size to the phone.
Lately Samsung hardware is the hardware to beat. They're on a serious roll with their mobile devices.
May is only several days away. I'd wait for the Galaxy announcement and release date. You can make your mind up then. I just think it would be silly to buy a One X or a GNexus before seeing what is happening with the GSIII. Waiting a month for what could be a killer phone is worth it considering how many years you'll likely be using whatever you buy.
Personally I decided to pick up a galaxy nexus last week and have been absolutely thrilled. This is my first nexus device and I can't believe how nice stock Android is. Hardware wise, it doesn't get much better than the gnex and probably won't for a while. Quad cores are cool, but do they matter? The gnex does everything and you'll never have to worry about waiting for updates to the newest version of Android. Even the nexus one which is 2 years old runs 4.0.4 without issue, whereas much newer phones like the RAZR are stuck on gingerbread. I think the hardware is good enough at this point that the software is really what limits you. Just my $0.02.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
IMO Gnex for sure or wait on the next Nexus! Nexus phones always will have better developer support due to the nature and openness of the device and ASOP. For me at least that is the deciding factor.
It depends on how much you are ready to spend. Right now, the G Nex is $440.
When the Galaxy S III comes out, it will be about 700$. You will have to wait a while for the price to come down, and by then we'll have the next Nexus device.
Moreover, having the G Nex means you will have the next Android version sooner than Galaxy S III.
But if raw hardware power is what you are looking for and money isn't much of a concern, Galaxy S III is the device for you.
The gnex is actually now $400 straight from Google For what you're getting, I think that's a steal.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Sounds like the S3 is going to be pretty BA.
GNex is at the top of my list. I still want to wait and see what the GS3 has to offer, though.

[Question] Change phone?

hi i got a nexus like 2 weeks ago and is it worth exchanging it to a note or s3? im a bit confused is nexus like out of the league compared to note and s3? pls help me decide
im currently running paranoid android 2.16 and having fun with it but in my case i want the best phone there is on the galaxy side
If you want to be "up to date", get the s3. The GN has been out for almost a year so I understand your confusion.
If you want the best Android experience with tons of exclusive features, stay with the GN.. It's like the ultimate Android device.
I used to be under the impression that our phone was outdated and I looked to upgrade but nothing feels better than someone walking up to me saying, "wow, what phone is that?"
Honestly, if you already have the GN, stick with it. No need to upgrade an already awesome device.
Thank you for helping me figure out which is the best phone i think ill stick with the Gnex since your right about people asking what phone are we using and i did a little research on you comment " It's like the ultimate Android device." i just found out that Gnex is the only device that is using the original jellybean really thank you for clearing up my mind
SocialReject said:
If you want to be "up to date", get the s3. The GN has been out for almost a year so I understand your confusion.
If you want the best Android experience with tons of exclusive features, stay with the GN.. It's like the ultimate Android device.
I used to be under the impression that our phone was outdated and I looked to upgrade but nothing feels better than someone walking up to me saying, "wow, what phone is that?"
Honestly, if you already have the GN, stick with it. No need to upgrade an already awesome device.
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I recently got a Gnex as well. I didn't own an S3, but have played with a couple for extended periods. I didn't have the GNex at the time, but now that I got it, I think the vanilla android is amazing, and I wouldn't change for anything atm.
stay where you are. Ive had the s3 & ditched it for the nexus. next time to change is when the new gnex is announced.
trust me
If you get a S3 just because it is the latest thing then it won't be the latest for long - the S4 will be out early next year. Actually the "latest thing" is actually the Note 2. I passed on my awesome Note to my with 5 weeks ago to get the even more awsomener GNex. The thing about a Nexus is it can be a long term commitment as it will receive speedy updates and wont be forgotten whilst the hardware is still capable – look at the Nexus S getting JB. I don’t think I will bother with a new Android phone until the 2013 Nexus although I do fancy picking up a cheap WP8 device in spring when they slash the prices of all the unsold stock. For me to keep the same phone for more than 3-4 months is unheard of, I have had 9 in 24 months, so I must really love the Gnex!
actually this answers a lot the main reason i want a latest phone cause of support, the last android i got was the moto cliq and after 4 months support for it went no where so i was kinda disappointed and moved to the iphone and now i got the Gnex well im gonna stick with Gnex reading a good feed back from you guys :victory:
finbaar said:
If you get a S3 just because it is the latest thing then it won't be the latest for long - the S4 will be out early next year. Actually the "latest thing" is actually the Note 2. I passed on my awesome Note to my with 5 weeks ago to get the even more awsomener GNex. The thing about a Nexus is it can be a long term commitment as it will receive speedy updates and wont be forgotten whilst the hardware is still capable – look at the Nexus S getting JB. I don’t think I will bother with a new Android phone until the 2013 Nexus although I do fancy picking up a cheap WP8 device in spring when they slash the prices of all the unsold stock. For me to keep the same phone for more than 3-4 months is unheard of, I have had 9 in 24 months, so I must really love the Gnex!
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I'd stay with the GNex too, if you are interested in custom ROMs then the S3 wouldn't be good for you because of bad support from Samsung for their Exynos chipset. Some CyanogenMod developers have already ditched devices with Exynos due to the reason I wrote.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda app-developers app
im really impressed i compared the Gnex against s3 and note the Gnex runs smoother it could be cause of the project butter but wow it beats the quadcore of s3 to dust :highfive:

Is it worth getting the S Galaxy Nexus now in 2013?

Hi Guys,
First up I'm from India and have no way of getting my hands on the nexus 4 anytime soon ( with US stocks apparently refreshing on 20th , i doubt ill beat ppl to it ) so i was going to settle for the galaxy nexus instead. I'm getting it for around Rs 22K ( ~ 400 US$) .
The only reason i was going for this is because of the great number of devs for the phone and a good screen. ( Basically the only 2 things i'm looking for - good screen and custom roms). My other options are :
-The Xperia S/SL or ION which i'm also getting for 400$ ,
- Galaxy S 2
- Used galaxy S2 i1900 for 12k( ~ 210 $ about 1/12 years old)
The HTC One X is about Rs 30k( 550$) and the S3 which is quite high as well (600$)/
So is it worth getting the galaxy nexus now
I've had mine for about a year and have no desire to upgrade. The fact that the development community is so active with this device will prolong its life longer than the average phone.
I'm also from India looking to buy Gnex! And I heard that you can get it in Mumbai for 18 k very good deal!
Is absolutely still a superior phone and i highly recommend it still.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I agree with the others, the Gnex is a great phone still. The development community is its greatest asset. As long as I have the latest firmware I am content. The Galaxy S series has good development too.
Bull_Moose said:
I've had mine for about a year and have no desire to upgrade. The fact that the development community is so active with this device will prolong its life longer than the average phone.
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eqjunkie829 said:
Is absolutely still a superior phone and i highly recommend it still.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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If you get a good price. It got quite a outdated SoC, but that's alright if you don't care about gaming. Another positive thing is that it will get Ubuntu in the coming weeks, that's actually the only thing that keeps me from getting a new phone (N4/note2) right now.
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No "S". Just Galaxy Nexus. The Nexus S is totally different and a lot of places mix up the names.
Just got my Galaxy Nexus (VZW) right after Christmas off eBay (mint condition, for $170). I kept my unlimited data plan, and couldn't be happier. I have never flashed/modded/tinkered with a phone more than the Nexus, and that's 1000% because of this forum and developer community. I love it!
Is it the fastest, most competent phone available today? No. But it's so much damn fun playing with!
063_XOBX said:
No "S". Just Galaxy Nexus. The Nexus S is totally different and a lot of places mix up the names.
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The S Means Samsung.
With your options get gnex . best in Dev and software !
PS I'm from the sub Continent too
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Great device but I wouldn't pay $400 for it now. I got mine for about US$300 6 months back when a shop was running special deals. Wait a bit, prices might drop on those other devices, CES and all the new announcements will mean S3 etc might get cheaper soon.
Yes it's worth getting it. I had the galaxy note running cm10.1 and then I bought the galaxy nexus and I am just loving it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Phone is outdated, better alternatives available. I wouldn't recommend it coz the price is quite high for what you get.
This is still a great phone to use although is 2013, the development community will continue for a time even Nexus 4 was out!
Recommend u grab a Galaxy Nexus XD
P.S. I still using one and do not got any desire to change it
Transmitted from my Nexus
Just bought mine!!!
rishi_storm said:
Hi Guys,
First up I'm from India and have no way of getting my hands on the nexus 4 anytime soon ( with US stocks apparently refreshing on 20th , i doubt ill beat ppl to it ) so i was going to settle for the galaxy nexus instead. I'm getting it for around Rs 22K ( ~ 400 US$) .
The only reason i was going for this is because of the great number of devs for the phone and a good screen. ( Basically the only 2 things i'm looking for - good screen and custom roms). My other options are :
-The Xperia S/SL or ION which i'm also getting for 400$ ,
- Galaxy S 2
- Used galaxy S2 i1900 for 12k( ~ 210 $ about 1/12 years old)
The HTC One X is about Rs 30k( 550$) and the S3 which is quite high as well (600$)/
So is it worth getting the galaxy nexus now
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Look, is very simple (for me) I bought the phone because: Is a samsung device, 1st to get upgrades, Decent speeds, good looking screen and resolution, unlocked. The only downside I see, and really see, is that the phone does not support external SDCARDS, for me thats a bummer since I dont have unlimited data, so streaming for me is not an option, I like having my stuff saved on a SDCARD. I had 20GB of pictures and music on my Galaxy skyrocket but now on my nexus I can't. For me that's the only mistake with this phone.
If I were you, try to get those 200.00 more an get the S3 (only if is the GT-i9300) if you don't care about always being up to date with the software. But I think your paying to much for the phones, I bought my nexus for 290.00 (e b a y) , and the galaxy S3 is arround 460.00. Those prices are for MINT condition phones. I can also find the S3 new for about 500.00.
Do not get the nexus s under any circumstances you won't get ota updates. I would recommend either the galaxy nexus or LG nexus 4.
Sent using xda premium.
I would suggest you wait till Jan end! I spoke to a few ppl who said that the Nexus 4 is going to launch in India and it's under 30k or so.. Wouldn't be surprised if it launches in mid Jan also at 27k maybe.
Galaxy Nexus is a good phone and is aging really well but the SOC just manges to keep up. The Nexus 4 development had just picked up pace and will get only better! I prefer to use a phone during its early development stages to its mature stages. That way it's more fun and you really get to know your phone
Yesterday I almost traded a guy for a galaxy s3, but I played with them side by side an honestly found the galaxy nexus snappier and apps worked better. There are faster phones out there in benchmark scores and gaming but for day to day use I still find the gnex the smoothest and most consistent experience. BTW the guy wasn't surprised I didn't trade because he uses his dads gnex and realised it just works better without all the bloat that the gs3 has. My phone also runs better then my wife's optimus 4x for everything but gaming. Only phone that will replace my gnex is a newer nexus device. Is it just me or did the camera become really good after 4.2?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Some good feedback here...
Glad to know the community is still strong for the Gnex since I just purchased one yesterday for $250.
Also, where is your source that says that American stock for the N4 will be refreshed on the 20th?
I personally got tired of waiting and that is the reason I got the Gnex.
GNEX is a good phone but its been in market for a year now, who knows wut would happen next year
when nexus 4 get good stock, many ppl may move to nexus 4 and leaving gnex less and less popular, its life maybe in question next year
but gnex still going healthy this year, imo, it depends on how long u want to use the phone for

Disappointing Google I/O. Waiting for Nexus 5 but instead got Samsung S4

Hi All,
I am quite disappointed with how things turn out at Google I/O event regarding Google announcement of Galaxy S4 device.
First there is nothing wrong with Galaxy S4 but in my country there are no I9505 (Snapdragon variant) available. I 'assume' this to be the device that Google intend to support since it is available in the US. This kinda turn me off purchasing S4. Not sure how many people really care about this but for me it is a deal breaker and I am for one will not purchase S4 octacore device.
I was hoping to upgrade my Galaxy Nexus, not that it urgently needed upgrading, since it is still fast and very usable especially with my current Rom/Kernel setup (Purity 5.4.1 + AK latest nightly) but I was hoping for something with longer battery life. HTC One / Xperia z/ S4 all clocked it at around 3-4+ hours of heavy usage, that is only slightly better than my current GN.
How do you guys feel. Has Google made the right decision to partner with Samsung and not releasing a new device this year?
kcharng said:
Hi All,
I am quite disappointed with how things turn out at Google I/O event regarding Google announcement of Galaxy S4 device.
First there is nothing wrong with Galaxy S4 but in my country there are no I9505 (Snapdragon variant) available. I 'assume' this to be the device that Google intend to support since it is available in the US. This kinda turn me off purchasing S4. Not sure how many people really care about this but for me it is a deal breaker and I am for one will not purchase S4 octacore device.
I was hoping to upgrade my Galaxy Nexus, not that it urgently needed upgrading, since it is still fast and very usable especially with my current Rom/Kernel setup (Purity 5.4.1 + AK latest nightly) but I was hoping for something with longer battery life. HTC One / Xperia z/ S4 all clocked it at around 3-4+ hours of heavy usage, that is only slightly better than my current GN.
How do you guys feel. Has Google made the right decision to partner with Samsung and not releasing a new device this year?
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Nexus 5 is impossible, look at past trends.
And the s4 ge is not a nexus device, it's just AOSP supported..
Correct me if I'm wrong..
What is expected is a updated nexus 7, which did not come out as of today, there is still 2 days of I/o, who knows what will happen..
Beamed from my Maguro.
I don't think this year's Nexus is functionally the S4. I'm guessing that a real Nexus will come out this year. It's just that the S4 will also run AOSP, unlike what the S line has done in the past. Nexus phones usually come out later in the year. I was kind of expecting a 2nd generation Nexus 7, but oh well.
IO had updates to a lot of existing apps. Hangouts was a little lackluster, but the Books and Music apps got big updates, and it looks like the Maps app will get one soon. And there's the new IDE and the Games framework might be quite nice. So I'm actually not all that disappointed.
bananagranola said:
I don't think this year's Nexus is functionally the S4. I'm guessing that a real Nexus will come out this year. It's just that the S4 will also run AOSP, unlike what the S line has done in the past. Nexus phones usually come out later in the year. I was kind of expecting a 2nd generation Nexus 7, but oh well.
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kcharng said:
I was hoping for something with longer battery life. HTC One / Xperia z/ S4 all clocked it at around 3-4+ hours of heavy usage, that is only slightly better than my current GN.
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Me and you both. I'm leaning towards the Note3 unless a better option is available by September.
Just like the g1, ogdroid, hero, g2, g2x, and maybe 1 or 2 other Verizon droid phones....pure Google s4....nothing new to see here.. #stillnotanexus
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
the only good things is the S4 with stock android
this the only stock android with expandable memory
hoping for the specs will be the same as the original s4
1080p,13mp octa or snapdragon 600/800 will be very very fast device
this device will probably run 2years or more
If they had a new device to announce they need a new version of android. And if there was a new one they would do it at the highlight keynote. Not during the workshops.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
There's actually something bigger than a new Android version or device in this I/O.
They improve the rest except those I mentioned above.
I actually hoping for the next Android version.
And I'm still hoping they'll surprise us in the middle of another event. Hahaha. This is a silly hope, but who knows?
elnitrox said:
the only good things is the S4 with stock android
this the only stock android with expandable memory
hoping for the specs will be the same as the original s4
1080p,13mp octa or snapdragon 600/800 will be very very fast device
this device will probably run 2years or more
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Nexus/Google Dev devices before the Nexus S have expandable storage.
Mach3.2 said:
Nexus/Google Dev devices before the Nexus S have expandable storage.
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And those devices (Nexus 1) had practically very very small amount of usable space for apps anyway. I don't see this as a valid argument.
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akash3656 said:
And those devices (Nexus 1) had practically very very small amount of usable space for apps anyway. I don't see this as a valid argument.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Ntm who's going to run out and buy a legacy device lol
I've been waiting for I/O to see what I want to do about my upgrade. I've been eligible for one since last August. Currently on Verizon so I was also hoping for a cdma nexus 5 or something. Not really into the S4. I mean it's nice, but the price tag is a little high for me personally. I get paid the day after tomorrow and I'm seriously considering picking up a Google nexus 4 on a straight talk plan. Then again if they do announce something new (maybe even later this year?) Like a new CDMA nexus I will be pretty upset I cancelled and lost my grandfathered unlimited data.
I love my gnex, but playing newer games or heavy multitasking, you kinda realize how old it is.... What do you guys think?
Why would anyone in their right mind expect a nexus 5 at I/o every nexus phone to date has been released in October, and it is still only 6 months since the nexus 4 was released.
I was, however, a little disappointed not to see a nexus 7 upgrade and android 4.3, but given all the leaks, it seams 4.3 simply got delayed and we'll probably see it at some point this summer.
crixley said:
Ntm who's going to run out and buy a legacy device lol
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I would say that depends heavily on if you're a collector of all things Google or not
Sent by my G-Nex
---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------
RoyJ said:
I've been waiting for I/O to see what I want to do about my upgrade. I've been eligible for one since last August. Currently on Verizon so I was also hoping for a cdma nexus 5 or something. Not really into the S4. I mean it's nice, but the price tag is a little high for me personally. I get paid the day after tomorrow and I'm seriously considering picking up a Google nexus 4 on a straight talk plan. Then again if they do announce something new (maybe even later this year?) Like a new CDMA nexus I will be pretty upset I cancelled and lost my grandfathered unlimited data.
I love my gnex, but playing newer games or heavy multitasking, you kinda realize how old it is.... What do you guys think?
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Hang in there. There's still hope Motorola will come through with something unlocked, stock, and hot for all carriers. And no, I'm not talking about the XFON, that was revealed to have mid-grade specs. Perhaps it's big brother though, which is rumored to be launching for all carriers with similar specs to that of the newer super phones.
I'm in the same boat as you, have been sitting on my upgrade since December hoping for some news or acknowledgement of things for come for our CDMA network...
Sent by my G-Nex
Saw some speculation on Android Central that Google may be moving in the direction of annual update cycles now that Android has achieved a degree of maturity and polish. I am a little dubious. Part of what has made Android great up to this point has been the fact that we don't have to wait a year for updates. Two or three updates annually keeps things fresh. I would speculate that it also helps to keep the development community involved since there is always a new challenge to be tackled, but not necessarily at the expense of all of the hard work that went into the previous iteration. Just my 2¢.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
akash3656 said:
And those devices (Nexus 1) had practically very very small amount of usable space for apps anyway. I don't see this as a valid argument.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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There is no arguments over here, just correcting misinformation. Unless you are trying to tell me Nexus One is not a nexus device, then fine.
Beamed from my Maguro.
It was a pretty blah I/O from our consumer standpoint. It looks decent from a Developer one.
I wanted to see a N5 and updated tablets also. The S4 at $650 does not interest me at all. My GN can still do everything I want it to well.
Lythandra said:
It was a pretty blah I/O from our consumer standpoint. It looks decent from a Developer one.
I wanted to see a N5 and updated tablets also. The S4 at $650 does not interest me at all. My GN can still do everything I want it to well.
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The s4 costs $848 here so consider yourself lucky you get it for $650, i don't think s4 will outsell iPhone 5 at that price, well at least not off contract, s4 looks just like my friends s3 an its already been said that its a measly upgrade from the s3 an not worth upgrading to s4 if you already own a s3, kind of like gnex to lg n4 , if your looking for something completely new i suggest waiting out for the next nexus an hoping it delivers
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
slayr76 said:
The s4 costs $848 here so consider yourself lucky you get it for $650, i don't think s4 will outsell iPhone 5 at that price, well at least not off contract, s4 looks just like my friends s3 an its already been said that its a measly upgrade from the s3 an not worth upgrading to s4 if you already own a s3, kind of like gnex to lg n4 , if your looking for something completely new i suggest waiting out for the next nexus an hoping it delivers
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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The S3 to S4 is a fairly large upgrade compared to the GNEX to N4. The S4 improved on virtually every aspect of the device and even shrunk the dimensions while increasing the screen size. They improved the screen, battery, camera, processor, GPU, ergonomics and added features. How is that a measly upgrade...?
I find it hard to understand that people want a complete overhaul of the devices looks in order for it be considered an "upgrade".
If they were to radically change up the overall look of the S5 people would make a million threads *****ing about the changes...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Has everyone switched platform away from the G'Nex?

I see more less and less interaction everyday.
Where is everyone flocking to? Nexus 4? Are they staying true to the nexus brand?
How about the HTC One/SGS4 with vanilla android?
I sold it for 200€ and got a N4 from German Play Store for 265€ with shipping. New nexus doesn't intrigue me, specially because it seems it's going to be bigger from those Google videos.
I still use my GN, but it is an aging platform (by smartphone standards) and I've been eyeballing the Note 2 more and more. I'll likely make the jump to the 2 after the 3 is released and the price drops...I still can't justify a $350+ price tag for even a used Note 2. Luckily, Beanstalk 4.3 and Lean Kernel make the GN a nearly flawless performer and much easier to stick with.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I switched from my Galaxy S3 to my Galaxy Nexus after my S3 died. It was very inexpensive to get a used 32GB Verizon model.
I have to say the Galaxy Nexus feels dated and incredibly slow compared to a modern phone like the S3.
After the next Nexus device is announced, I'll likely buy out of my Verizon contract and switch to a T-Mobile month-to-month plan and grab the Nexus phone.
CDMA is suffering.
switched to HTC one months ago. I use my gnex as a mp3 player now
My GN more-or-less abandoned me...the cell radio stopped working. I thought about sending it to Samsung for repair but decided it was probably better to put the money toward a new phone. I went with the Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Edition. I'd have rather stayed with the Nexus line, but I really wanted to have a removable battery and microSD card support, which the S4 has. And the Google Edition version is the next best thing to a Nexus in terms of promised OS updates. So far, it's been a great phone. But, if my Galaxy Nexus hadn't given up the ghost, I'd still be using it. It's a great phone.
id wait if your looking at the N4, it sucks compared to the Galaxy Nexus. the Galaxy was a beautiful thing. wait to see what the next nexus is like
How exactly does the Nexus 4 "suck"?
One of the few legitimate criticisms I hear about it is that it has no removable battery compared to the Galaxy Nexus.
I'm guessing the response will be something like "it's made by LG and therefore I will dismiss it as being a bad phone."
Got the N4 today and it's a jewel compared to the GN, specially the screen and extra RAM is awesome.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Try customizing first
I bought my GNexus a year ago. I felt this device very good in my hands. The moment in which I started to think about some other devices I started to customize my GNexus first. So I unlocked bootloader, I rooted it and then tryed many kernels and ROMs. The result was that I had a better devices at zero cost.
So this is what I'd like to recommend to anybody who's willing to change GNexus.
Sorry for bad English
I'm still on the nexus but I have been so impressed with Carbon ROM I haven't flashed anything in months and thankfully I have had no issues.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
I'll be sticking with mine another year. I bought the wife an N4 a couple days ago and love it. We've moved to using VZW as our sole source of internet so the GNexus is really just a hotspot. With 4.3 the phone runs better than it ever has and without another unlocked phone on VZW everything else is garbage.
I still use my GNex, I don't have much issue with it. I have preordered an Omate Truesmart watch though, which I'll replace my GNex with in October when it ships. I'll most likely buy the new Nexus 7 for movies and such. Then I can use the watch as a hotspot for it should I need to.
I got the N4 as a freebie upgrade on contract then sold it for $300 wasn't impressed at all with n4 , still on gnex until nexus 5 comes.
Sadly I still have mine. I hate the battery life and it's really slow. My next upgrade is in May and if the rumors are true about the S5 being aluminum instead of plastic I'll probably get that.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Weakest part of the GN for me has always been the GPU, it was already a year old when the phone was launched. The CPU is good still good enough now for what it has to do, for a 2 year old phone. Shame Ti bailed out of the market.
I probably would have upgraded ages ago, but apart from regular phone stuff the only other thing I really need it to do is be a music player. And thanks to nexus louder mod, I haven't felt the need to change it.
deniros said:
Weakest part of the GN for me has always been the GPU, it was already a year old when the phone was launched. The CPU is good still good enough now for what it has to do, for a 2 year old phone. Shame Ti bailed out of the market.
I probably would have upgraded ages ago, but apart from regular phone stuff the only other thing I really need it to do is be a music player. And thanks to nexus louder mod, I haven't felt the need to change it.
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I personally think the omap 4 laggs worse than the old single core scorpion processors, I have a gnex and I find on stock 4.2/3 I have constant freezes, lag and such, had an old galaxy exhibit 8 months ago as well and it ran 4.2 better than the gnex in my opinion
Sent from my Nexus 4 [NEO @1.836 GHz] on [PSX v4.1 4.3]
IRX120 said:
I personally think the omap 4 laggs worse than the old single core scorpion processors, I have a gnex and I find on stock 4.2/3 I have constant freezes, lag and such, had an old galaxy exhibit 8 months ago as well and it ran 4.2 better than the gnex in my opinion
Sent from my Nexus 4 [NEO @1.836 GHz] on [PSX v4.1 4.3]
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From my own personal experience, I think the Galaxy Nexus's horrible lag issues (which people here like to deny the existence of) are due to the I/O stack being terrible.
On every Galaxy Nexus I have tested, doing anything that puts even mild stress on the I/O stack causes the entire system to jank around. Putting enough stress on it can cause it to lock up entirely.
I agree that earlier single core Android devices I own will handle better than the Galaxy Nexus in certain situations, because they don't jank up after mild I/O taxation.
I have a launch day GNex, and being on verizon, i have yet to find a phone worth changing to.
I've learned to deal with the lag and bad battery, but Roms BAMF, PA, Purity, and now CM 10.2 has made this phone usable.
The GalNex is slow as hell on really any version of Android.... I mean it's best IMO on 4.3, I can type and the keyboard generally keeps up... For once.
I would have had to trash the GalNex because of the battery, but instead I was able to buy a new one... I think an important part of having a phone last is being able to replace the battery.
Then again, if I switch to the GSM Nexus line, $350 every year or other year isn't so bad, and the battery situation would more or less be remedied since I'd be getting a new phone often.
Hell maybe I'll just go iPhone
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