[Q] Samsung S3 Stock Camera in Cyan? - AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus Samsung Galaxy S III

I was wondering if anyone was able to get the stock camera from the stock rom to work in Cyanogenmod? I cannot find any threads about it.

wrong section bro and im pretty sure its not going to work but i could be proving wrong

smartguy044 said:
wrong section bro and im pretty sure its not going to work but i could be proving wrong
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Oops sorry, had tabs opened, didn't look haha. Yeah Probably depends on the touchwiz and libraries and stuff. . Just wish the Cyan/pure android had a better camera.

Under zero tolerance posting question threads in develpment will earn you an infraction
Questions go in Q&A
Thread moved


{QUESTION} How Can I Make A ROM??

I Am Pretty smart at doing this type of stuff, but i havent found word on making ROMS for this phone. Any Answers? Please. Everything is greatly appreciated!
I Think I Found The Answer Here! :
danm dude did you honestly post the same question in 3 boards
1 is enough not all
mrpuffin said:
danm dude did you honestly post the same question in 3 boards
1 is enough not all
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Well at least this place is better than in development.
To the OP:
It depends on what you want in your rom. Do you want sense less the bloat ware? Froyo? ASOP? Mix?

disregard, this thread being in Q&A defeats it's purpose

[Q] Why do people post [Questions] in the [General] section???
I don't get it. Do people not understand WHY we have a Q&A sub-forum?
Do people think their question will get answered sooner/better if they post it where it's not supposed to go?
I understand this is not an original thread and I am only one of many who are getting fed up with the lack of e-courtesy on the part of the wrong-section-question-posters, maybe some of them who haven't seen the other frustration threads will see this one and start posting in the right places.
Get with it people.
Can a mod move this thread to the correct section?
Bioxoxide said:
Can a mod move this thread to the correct section?
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This thread is already in the correct section.
It isn't actually a question, more of a statement.
If this thread was moved to Q&A then only the people who are already posting in the correct section would see it and not the people who come to the general section to post questions, who should see it.
I'm still annoyed at the whole "[Q]" thing. We can tell it's a damn question arleady. That's what question marks are for.
I agree, but people need to just ignore the post in the wrong forum and the mod will move into the right forum. The problem is that when you tell someone they are in the wrong forum they go to that forum and post the same thing. Then the mod moves the other one and now we have two posts of the same thing.
I would think that a specific issue related to the phone would be posted in the Q&A section.
Like, "how do I change the settings for blah blah blah?" would be in Q&A.
But if someone wants to get a feel for the community, like "has your phone dl/ul speeds changed" or something like that, they post in the General section.
Q&A is for questions looking for solutions to a specific problem/issue and General is for general discussion of the phone. Just my 2 cents.
i feel the OP's pain..
people post in general because they want their question "seen" by more eyes.. some post because they dont care for the sub forums.
this site is a devs site FIRST.. but over time the novice has made his or her way here and the dev base has eroded a bit with questions like "make me decide to keep my phone" or "iphone sux and here's why"... those questions should not even be asked in the first place and when they are posted it just muddies up the forum...
it gives mods more work to do in the end and the other sub forums dont see the right traffic they should be seeing.
if more folks post in the appropriate section, that would engage others to explore those forums...
nebenezer said:
This thread is already in the correct section.
It isn't actually a question, more of a statement.
If this thread was moved to Q&A then only the people who are already posting in the correct section would see it and not the people who come to the general section to post questions, who should see it.
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Seems very much like a question, ya even have the cute little [Q] to further indicate a question was about to go down. Complete with question marks, not to mention 3 question marks...sure looks like a question to me. And do you not seek answers?
Q&A, let's go.
beesneazy said:
Seems very much like a question, ya even have the cute little [Q] to further indicate a question was about to go down. Complete with question marks, not to mention 3 question marks...sure looks like a question to me. And do you not seek answers?
Q&A, let's go.
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and the [Q] was to bring attention to the fact that QUESTIONS DO NOT BELONG IN HERE, otherwise you wouldn't be suggesting this thread be moved... thank you for illustrating my point
And no, I do not seek answers. I seek for people to ask themselves the question "where does my shiny new thread go" before they post it.
Was more in jest than not. I do get your point as well and I didn't prove your later point. It's clearly a question, either way. Coulda posted "reminder - questions belong in Q&A." People that can't already figure that out might be further confused by the thread.
I get ya though.
Another thing is the whole "I searched and couldn't find anything..." response that is put in the title or question itself.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Now its time for the Dr. Phil "your so mean!" responses to start coming out.
So let me see if I understand. If you want to say something, then do it in the general section. If your statement begins with: who, what, why, where, how, can, is, when, if, (I can't think of anymore), then it is a question and should be in the q&a section. Do I have this right?
Oops, now this belongs in another section because I asked a question. Ya just can't win, can ya? Crap! Another question!
Hey mods and forum police, I was just trying to be funny but I failed miserably... I'm not trying to mock you.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck then its a DUCK!!
[Q] Why do people post [Questions] in the [General] section???
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nahhhhhh thats not a question..ahhh the irony of your question asking why people asks question in the general section that you just did yourself!
MrDSL said:
nahhhhhh thats not a question..ahhh the irony of your question asking why people asks question in the general section that you just did yourself!
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Yep, that was the point
nebenezer said:
Yep, that was the point
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I'm guessing you don't have kids. If you do, then oh boy....
Just learn to ignore threads, you don't have to click them.
This is why we have mods. (Its more work on them which I feel bad for....but this is always going to happen on an internet forum.)
Oh ****... The [Q] thing has spread to other xda boards now. D:
champ052005 said:
I'm guessing you don't have kids. If you do, then oh boy....
Just learn to ignore threads, you don't have to click them.
This is why we have mods. (Its more work on them which I feel bad for....but this is always going to happen on an internet forum.)
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No I don't have kids and I don't flame people (very often) and I'm a master at ignoring stupid threads. I'm aware of the extra burden misplaced threads puts on the mods, that's why I started this one to hopefully help prevent some of it before they have to take their time to move them.
TheBiles said:
Oh ****... The [Q] thing has spread to other xda boards now. D:
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i believe the [q] is an automatic feature now, if you check the 'is this a question' box when starting a new thread. i highly doubt that some of these people that start new threads out of the blue intentionally included a relevant bit of info in the thread title, lol
lol, I'm a little surprised this got moved


Is there any way to dualboot a desire? Like dhd?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
wrong section dumbass and no there is no dualboot
^ Haha
but yeah man this should be in Q&A! getting sick of all these questions in the development forum
Easy solution: only devs should have permission to create new threads in dev section (duh!).
Wrong section but its a great idea that would not work too little memory on the phone inself to run a dual boot. so could a Mod just close this as it is completely pointless.
@howdid, You made my day lol
m1l4droid said:
That's a good idea, but it also has a problem, a new developer without a recognized developer badge, can't open a thread and share his work.
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oeps accidently thanked you ghehe, my opinion is someone below 300+ or 500+ posts cant open a new thread here
howdid said:
wrong section dumbass and no there is no dualboot
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you could read forum rules too
This looks like a start of a war between the defenders of n00bs and fighters against n00bs. Mods, how about returning from Tahiti and dealing with this situation?
m1l4droid said:
That's a good idea, but it also has a problem, a new developer without a recognized developer badge, can't open a thread and share his work.
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How 'bout reviewing new threads by mods? (Hypocritical suggestion, I know).
That's a fairly standard option on a lot of forums, in some sections only specific categories of posters can start a new thread ( Mods and recognized developer should cover it here). Everyone else has to submit a new thread for mod approval. If implemented it would stop these "random questions" and d******s who post "hey i'm using this rom but can't be a***d reading the rom thread and gosh this is so important i'm gonna start a new thread
nickislauw said:
oeps accidently thanked you ghehe, my opinion is someone below 300+ or 500+ posts cant open a new thread here
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Good idea but don't forget not all people with low post counts post before they think, also i have seen noob type mistakes from senior members with 500+ posts before now.
The better idea is devs only being able to make new threads.
Maybe giving to top 3 devs mod status for entire Desire section. I'm confident they're capable more than enough to keep this place tidy.
with some basic search he could find this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=15442534
Hmmm maybe 2 moderator per section is not enough we need more then 4...that's all...personally I don't have any prob. with noobs but at-least read the section rule....
BTW let see... does how desire is capable to run dual.boot...
I clicked that with expectations.
well I posted in the apps section for beta testers for a multiboot app http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1182325 since it's not rom development but then saw this thread and figured i'd link here if anyone's interested...
howdid said:
wrong section dumbass and no there is no dualboot
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EDIT: Sorry for not reading the second page @Conap beat me to it
N3m3515 said:
with some basic search he could find this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=15442534
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Granted the OP could have searched and found his question has been asked already,
1. Was this originally posted wrongly in the Dev section then moved???? If not, why in the h** are people freaking out about ANYONE asking a question in the Q&A (QUESTION and answer) forum?????????????????????
2. The Desire has the same size nand as the Nexus one, we have apha rev with custom MTD partions and Hboots. One would think that if this is possible on the Nexus one, it should be on the Desire.
3. As someone else said, post count and join date do not necessarily reflect one's amount of knowledge. Some people lack common sense about where to post, others are lazy. No matter what the forum rules are that will never change.
jmitr said:
1. Was this originally posted wrongly in the Dev section then moved???? If not, why in the h** are people freaking out about ANYONE asking a question in the Q&A (QUESTION and answer) forum?????????????????????
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Yep it was, although it could be better said to just be moved in the Q&A Forums, instead of feeding this post with 15+ responds about the same fact.
Anyway I think this thread should either be continued on the topic or closed.
Sorry for off-topic.
to answer the op question, at the moment no, but uncorrupted has been working on dual booting but hasnt had much joy, there is a thread about it, he'll be starting work again soon
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

[Q] GridOS on Desire?

Hey all,
Been seeing this new GridOS around (aka in the Grid4 from FusionGarage).
Reckon it would be possible to get a ROM of it on Desire?
It looks really cool and with all the awesome android devs out here we could get some serious stuff cooked up!
may i have the link...btw i think wrong section...
Here's a brief article I found regarding what GridOS is all about.
Oh, sorry! Wasn't 100% which section to put this in 'cause it's dev stuff but also a question.
Here is some info. on it:
yep buddy WRONG SECTION, this type of posts should be asked in Q/A section not in dev.section, i dont see that you develop something...
I'm also not too sure if it's really THAT fantastic (i.e. laggy and busy) but it would be fun to get it to work and make it a combo of this and, say, cyanogenmod.
coolexe said:
may i have the link...btw i think wrong section...
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But this is not just OS, this are devices based on Android, and there's no ROM leaks available if that's what your interested in They will be released in Q4.
AssassinSvK said:
yep buddy WRONG SECTION, this type of posts should be asked in Q/A section not in dev.section, i dont see that you develop something...
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My bad. Is there anyway to move the thread?
ivicask said:
But this is not just OS, this are devices based on Android, and there's no ROM leaks available if that's what your interested in They will be released in Q4.
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Yeap! That's what I'm interested in
Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
Please Post in the Correct Forums and Read THIS
Moving to Q&A
Does Q4 start in October?
Where would the ROM be leaked?

For my closed 4.2.2 TouchWiz Thread

Maybe it has been asked, but I have searched and found almost no info on the subject. Not everyone can post in the developer section and this is a general question. I don't appreciate my thread being closed because you feel that its a stupid question. My whole point is that now that the S4 is out and has 4.2.2 with TW the devs may have a more solid foundation with similar hardware to bring us all of this. My hope is that a dev will shed light on the likelihood and ease of this happening. Don't be a rude ass mrevankyle, if you don't have a helpful answer then obviously it was not geared towards you.
So I'll ask again, can any devs shed light on the likelihood of this now that its been fully released and you've had chances to look at the code?
Sorry it wasn't meant to be rude i just know a lot of us are getting fed up with this continually being posted. Honestly only the devs know if it is coming so there is no point in continually asking for it
Traqic said:
Maybe it has been asked, but I have searched and found almost no info on the subject. Not everyone can post in the developer section and this is a general question. I don't appreciate my thread being closed because you feel that its a stupid question. My whole point is that now that the S4 is out and has 4.2.2 with TW the devs may have a more solid foundation with similar hardware to bring us all of this. My hope is that a dev will shed light on the likelihood and ease of this happening. Don't be a rude ass mrevankyle, if you don't have a helpful answer then obviously it was not geared towards you.
So I'll ask again, can any devs shed light on the likelihood of this now that its been fully released and you've had chances to look at the code?
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That is no way to get the 10 post count. Making a thread immediately after your other one was closed... On the same topic no less!
Sent from my CLEAN Note ll
AND, questions go in Q&A, NOT here...
prepare to have this thread closed too....
wase4711 said:
AND, questions go in Q&A, NOT here...
prepare to have this thread closed too....
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Ya i was going to say something about that but i figured he would just call me rude again instead of actually bothering to read the community rules
brandonarev said:
That is no way to get the 10 post count. Making a thread immediately after your other one was closed... On the same topic no less!
Sent from my CLEAN Note ll
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I could easily just go somewhere else to post, in any thread that interested me. So no I wasn't using it as a way to get to 10, I was simply stating my case. The manner in which it was closed was not appreciated.
wase4711 said:
AND, questions go in Q&A, NOT here...
prepare to have this thread closed too....
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And you are completely right, I should have posted in the Q&A that is my fault. I assumed that a general question would be in the general section because Q&A seemed to be more for troubleshooting and help. Won't happen again

