[HOWTO] Build CM10 For The I957 - Galaxy Tab 8.9 SGH-i957 Android Development

First things first: THANK YOU to all those involved in the coding of this, especially the msm8660-common kernel that so many folks have put so much effort into, and Mr. Cyanogen for the device tree, etc etc. NONE of this would be possible without your efforts. I stand on the shoulders of giants in providing these instructions, the code is NOT mine, I'm just documenting this so you all can help contribute. Kindest regards to everyone who has contributed to make this possible. Your work has enabled the community to beat the vendor to the punch, yet again!
DISCLAIMER: This contains information on working with very early code as well as hacking together a completely unsupported Frankenstein build with some proprietary samsung binaries from another device (ATT Note) and I will warn you: If you aren't willing to risk bricking your device, don't even think about this. Also, I'm not so much a coder as I am a QA engineer, so I know enough to be dangerous, but I couldn't code C++ get myself out of a virtual crashing airplane if I had to. I also might not be able to help you out of a sticky situation, so... have fun at your own risk! But do have fun
Looking for binaries? See post #2
That said, it's honestly not likely any of this will brick your tab, if you know what you're doing, but... early software always carries danger, and using binaries from a similar yet different device can do who knows what.
Also of note: you should probably back up your EFS partition if you're going to hose with the radios to get cellular data working... hasn't been an issue for me, but... corrupt EFS partition = no more cellular data for you. ever.
Cyanogen has added initial support for the i957 to the CM10 repository, and it's looking good so far! But, there are no nightly builds yet, probably because Cyanogen would like to do some more work on it before handing out binary packages... Or maybe he hasn't figured out how to get things quite functional yet. I considered releasing a binary package for you to toy with, but then realized that would defeat the purpose of helping along the development of an official Cyanogen i957 (p5att) release, and lock you into something I already built from "pre-alpha" code. It's best to check out the latest source tree and do your own build, then you can easily test and contribute your modifications, should you find any.
So with that, here's some instructions on how to build CM10 for your SGH-I957 ("p5att") device from source code. This will also ensure time is spent doing development work, not hand-holding the faint of heart (sorry, sue me!)
These instructions assume you've successfully built Cyanogenmod for a supported device and understand the basics of getting things going. If not, start with that first, then come back to this. I'm also assuming you've got the android tools that you get from any build of cyanogen (like mkbootimg) in your path for some of the "optional" steps, which is of course elementary...
I'm also going to assume you know what to do with the resulting zip... You know... backup, factory reset, wipe system, flashy the zippy...
I really recommend doing the boot image modifications after the build, without ADB on boot, if something goes wrong, you'll have no way of knowing whats going on. If you get the boot image modified properly as detailed below, you will be able to ADB to the device as soon as the second boot logo disappears. Also, there's probably a cleaner way (like changing something somewhere to invoke one of the other case statements in init.qcom.usb.rc), but I didn't have any luck with that. Feel free to school me! :laugh:
EDIT: If you don't feel like hacking the boot image, just flash the one attached (ps: none of the zips below are TWRP/CWM flashable, just zipped up files.. dd if=bootimagefilename of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 from a root shell to flash the boot partition on the i957)
I've attached the initlogo.rle file to this post so you don't have to fish it out of the ramdisk embedded in the stock boot image. Adding initlogo.rle to the ramdisk gives you confirmation the kernel is bootstrapping, and it's disappearance indicates ADB is now available. Also, use a linux box for ADB! silly wabbit, windoze is for kids.
According to comments in system.prop, the cyanogenmod boot animation is disabled because the framebuffer is "weird". Strangely, it sometimes displays for me, one in 10 boots maybe. Weird!
Here goes.
Initialize Repo:
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b jellybean
Sync Repo:
repo sync -j6
... Coffee Break!
Breakfast for p5att:
. build/envsetup.sh && breakfast cm_p5att-userdebug
Modify device/samsung/p5att/BoardConfig.mk to clean up a few things:
Comment out:
#BOARD_SDCARD_DEVICE_PRIMARY := /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
#BOARD_SDCARD_DEVICE_SECONDARY := /dev/block/mmcblk0p28
#BOARD_SDEXT_DEVICE := /dev/block/mmcblk1p2
Add above these lines:
Modify device/samsung/p5att/device-proprietary-files.txt:
Comment out all the entries, because they aren't really needed and probably dont work with jellybean. Worry about this later, blah blah.
Modify device/samsung/msm8660-common/common-proprietary-files.txt:
Comment out all the WiFi stuff, that is, like:
# Wi-Fi
# etc/wifi/bcm4330_apsta.bin
To get WiFi working later, you need /system/etc/wifi/* from your honeycomb image. Go save them to /sdcard/wifi or something like that now, so you can just copy them over after CM10 boots
Edit: attached the files
Extract proprietary files from i717 Note CM10 image, since I have no idea where else to get these files, and they work:
from device/samsung/p5att, run ./extract-files.sh <path to an extracted CM10 i717 nightly .zip>
... The path you provide should contain the "system" folder.. IE the root of the extracted nightly zipfile.
I had used the 0831 nightly with luck here.
Get prebuilts:
run vendor/cm/get-prebuilts
Do the build:
from the system directory of your CM10 source tree run:
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch p5att
Go find something or someone to do, this is going to take a while...
You'll end up with a .zip file to flash.
After you flash, you'll need to, manually:
1) Copy back the /system/etc/wifi/* files (wifi firmware/tools, the note ones dont seem to work).
2) Install a Skyrocket ICS AT&T radio if you want cellular data, the honeycomb radio doesn't seem to work with CM10. UCLF6 works for me, although it's slower to acquire LTE than the official samsung HC image... but it works great once it finds a cell, and HSPA comes up pretty fast.
3) Consider doing the stuff below to enable early ADB and add back the second samsung logo, for debugging purposes, if you care...
Things you might want to do after the build, start by unzipping the resulting .zip pacakge...
Edit: I attached a the resulting boot.img to this post so you don't have to do all this if you so desire. Bonus: working i957 JB kernel binary for whatever else you might want to do with it..
Remove the assert for platform type if your TWRP recovery, like mine, thinks it's a i717 Note:
Edit META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script, remove the assert lines (first two lines of that file)
Do some handy ramdisk hacks:
First, unpack the boot image. From the root of what you unzipped:
mkdir boot
unpackbootimg -i boot.img -o boot
cd boot
Then Unpack the initial ramdisk:
mkdir rd
cd rd
zcat ../boot.img-ramdisk.gz | cpio -id
Edit init.qcom.usb.rc to enable early adb:
Search for "on property:sys.usb.config=mtp", you'll find: (line 340, for me)
on property:sys.usb.config=mtp
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 04E8
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 6860
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_acm/acm_transports tty
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions mtp,acm
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
setprop sys.usb.state $sys.usb.config
Make this section like:
on property:sys.usb.config=mtp
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 04E8
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 6860
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_acm/acm_transports tty
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions mtp,acm,adb
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
start adbd
setprop sys.usb.state $sys.usb.config
Add the glowing samsung initlogo:
Copy initlogo.rle from the root of a stock ramdisk to the root of this ramdisk
... So you'll get the second samsung logo, so you know the kernel is bootstrapping... if you care.
Turn off ro.secure:
Edit default.prop in the root of the ramdisk and change:
Repack the ramdisk:
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../boot.img-ramdisk.gz
(you may want to save the original, if you care)
Make the new boot.img:
cd .. (ie get back to the directory with the files listed in the next line)
rm ../boot.img
mkbootimg --kernel boot.img-zImage --ramdisk boot.img-ramdisk.gz --cmdline "console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom" --base 48000000 --ramdiskaddr 49400000 --pagesize 2048 -o ../boot.img
Repack the flashable zip:
cd .. (ie get back to where you unzipped the original flashable .zip)
rm -rf boot (remove the extracted boot.img and ramdisk under it, save it somewhere if you care)
(also remove the original .zip from here if you extracted it in the cwd)
zip -r ../somezipname.zip .
Then flash somezipname.zip or whatever you called it..
(Remember you'll need to put the Honeycomb files from /system/etc/wifi into /system/etc/wifi of the running image after you boot if you want wifi
(And flash a Skyrocket ATT radio if you want cellular data!)

BOOTLOOP ISSUE? USE TWRP 2.1.4: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u07zrx808a5ae2z/i957_twrp_recovery.img.tar
Latest Flashable .ZIP, update 7: http://droid.arm.ee/957/cm10_p5att_nrvate_testrelease7.zip
Use TWRP, factory reset and wipe /system if you are coming from another ROM. Don't forget to install google apps http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/index.php?title=Latest_Version/Google_Apps
Update 2
* h264 hardware decode fixes for youtube HQ and other hardware-decode enabled apps (vidc/yamato firmware update)
* camera fixes from kunals.shah -- thanks!! (camera library in system/lib/hw)
* wifi address fix - get MAC from EFS, no more random address (insert proper path to .nvmac.info in dhd.ko kernel module)
* move /mnt/secure to internal sdcard to fix asec apps (asec folder linked to /sdcard/.asec)
* disable adb on early boot -- fix mtp maybe? (change to init scripts in ramdisk)
* remove a couple of (probably) harmless references to sdcard1 in init scripts
* update vold.fstab with the correct partition for the sdcard (26), not sure if anything even uses that, but...
Update 3
* Kernel Lovins ->
--- Picked up slew of bugfixes from msm8660-common cyanogenmod jellybean kernel tree -- up to and including 09/13/2012 commits.
--- Enabled CONFIG_USB_ANDROID_SAMSUNG_MTP and CONFIG_SPI_QUP kernel options to match SHV-140 ICS samsung kernel config
--- Disabled CONFIG_XVMALLOC and CONFIG_ZRAM kernel options, also to match up to SHV-140 ICS samsung kernel config
--- Now compiled with newest Sourcery cross-compiler
--- Modified dhd.ko (Broadcom WiFi kernel module) -- you can now create file /data/.ranmac if you want your MAC address randomized on each reboot (ignores MAC on EFS partition, random generation expanded to 5 bytes)
* symlink for light sensor (/dev/i2c11 -> /dev/i2c-11) -- Doesn't fix auto brightness, but at least things that access the light sensor via the standard API will get values back now, FWTW.
* RIL stuff from SHV-140S (korean Tab 8.9 LTE) -- An attempt to resolve SIM_NOT_READY error -> Files replaced:
* Update /system/etc/wifi stuff -- newer broadcom firmware images, wpa_supplicant.conf with p2p parameters
* Reenable early ADB since it appears MTP issues likely related to lack of CONFIG_USB_ANDROID_SAMSUNG_MTP kernel option -- Maybe someone who uses MTP can tell me whats up now?
Update 4
* Fix A2DP bitrate (48000 -> 44100 in /system/etc/audio_policy.conf)
* More invasive ASEC fix that might actually fix this jellybean nonsense (modified vold to use /data/secure locations, create /data/secure directory tree in init.emmc.rc)
* Revert SHV-140 RIL change, back to Note CM10 RIL libraries
Update 5
* Android 4.1.2 - Complete rebuild from CM10 tree retrieved on October 12th. Includes ASEC hack as in update4.
* SGH-i957 Radio Information Libraries (RIL) from official Telus ICS image - Thanks Dan!
Update 6
* Rebuilt from CM10 source code retrieved Nov 10 2012. ASEC hack applied.
* Update to latest msm8660-common kernel. Kernel unmodified (ie: no overclocking).
Update 7
* Rebuilt from CM10 source code retrieved Dec 20 2012. ASEC hack applied.
* Update to latest msm8660-common kernel. Kernel unmodified (ie: no overclocking).

Are you saying everything seems to work pretty well except the 4G radio? (No guarantees, at my own risk, etc. etc. I know, I won't blame you)
If so, I'm going to try this right away. I don't have a data plan for my SIM, and haven't used the 4G yet. (Got a free upgrade from the wifi version after some shipping trouble with the vendor.)
The Galaxy Tab has been kind of a letdown when I have JB on my Galaxy Nexus and Kindle Fire both, and the "upgrade" is a bit disappointing since I checked on custom ROMs *before* I ordered, but the AT&T version is further behind.
Thanks for your hard work! I'll let you know what happens.

YellowRex said:
Are you saying everything seems to work pretty well except the 4G radio? (No guarantees, at my own risk, etc. etc. I know, I won't blame you)
Thanks for your hard work! I'll let you know what happens.
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I haven't had time to try "everything", but the stuff that I use on a regular basis is mostly functional. There's quirks, but... It's usable!
For example, one thing I just found out.. the Adreno (qualcomm MSM graphics) drivers aren't production-build.. There's no such thing available -- The current drivers available from qualcomm are "early sample" binaries for jellybean bringup testing, which is what this is... So, I've seen the random screen flicker, etc. Remember there are only a few devices with tested jellybean images, and most of them are google devices... And the i957 will probably never see an official JB release.
This release contains an early sample of the user-mode driver binaries for Qualcomm's Adreno 2xx GPU on Google Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. It has been tested with the CAF release M8960AAAAANLGD105210.1 and supports any Adreno 2xx GPU on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. This release is intended only for developers that work on Jelly Bean bring-up work. It is an early release sample which will be replaced by a new driver binary in the future.
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I'm sure there's plenty of little quirks you can find if you "twiddle all the knobs and flip all the switches" -- But it's certainly testable, and way closer to the "usable" end of the spectrum than the "barely functions" end.

You did a great job nrvate !!. you inspired me to get ICS/JB on my SGH-i957. I did try your method and seems everything (3G, SMS, GPS, Bluetooth, Camera etc..) works except wifi. I am surprised that Voice calling is also working in this build !!! I will update you once I fix wifi issue. and also provide CWM/TWRP/ODIN flashable build if time permits.
Cheers !!

Its so exciting to see some real pregress.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I957 using xda app-developers app

Ditto. This is really good news. Thanks.

Cheers, y'all!
Only thing I had to do to get wifi working was stuff the original stuff (from honeycomb) in /system/etc/wifi.
first thing I'd do is make sure the dhd module is getting loaded.. dmesg will print your kernel log that'll show problems with loading that module.. also, try rmmod dhd and insmod dhd, see what happens.
If the DHD module doesn't report symbol errors or some nasty like that, make sure it's loading the firmware -- That'll probably leave an error in dmesg also if it's broke.
also check logcat for wifi-related nastiness
If you can find a specific problem post it and I'll try to help reproduce/solve.
Also working on hacking together a build of ICS based on what's been done with JB, but no idea how that's going to turn out yet. It'd be nice to have as a daily until qualcomm releases production-grade adreno graphics drivers (and, the CM9 ICS tree is now "final", might as well build it!)
update: due to needing the "late model" msm8660-common kernel for proper i957 device support, the later qualcomm (JB) graphics drivers are required too.. drat! however, looks like I'll still be able to hack together a build of CM9 based on the current "final" ics branch using the JB kernel and beta qualcomm graphics. got 'er booted, working out the kinks now. I'll start another thread for that when it's done

i wish i knew half as much as you do, keep up the good work!

orlandoxpolice said:
i wish i knew half as much as you do, keep up the good work!
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Thanks! Learning as I go with half this.. It's just bits, try one way, get dirt.. try another way, get bacon!
Some of this is so touchy.. ie kernel versions vs adreno drivers, blah blah.. seeing what the SHV-140 kernel does.. it boots CM9, now to see if it'll play nice with video decoders. might forget CM9, i <3 jelly beans anyways!

nrvate said:
Thanks! Learning as I go with half this.. It's just bits, try one way, get dirt.. try another way, get bacon!
Some of this is so touchy.. ie kernel versions vs adreno drivers, blah blah.. seeing what the SHV-140 kernel does.. it boots CM9, now to see if it'll play nice with video decoders. might forget CM9, i <3 jelly beans anyways!
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Solid work/mashery my friend. This indeed great news. I am currently waiting for my zip file to spit out, do a few mods and then give it a flash when I complete those things.
As far as the adreno drivers have you checked the site for them? I recall reading about them on another msm8660 device and perhaps may pertain to this project as well. The screen flicker has a few work arounds based on other devices that may relate to this device as well. Either to get rid of the flicker entirely or at least minimize them. Worth trying (here are a few I have seen work on some devices.. dev options, disable HW overlay, another is adjusting the debug.mdpcomp.maxlayer value in build.prop from 3 to 2, another is to set the min CPU freq to 486mhz).. last but not least, this was posted on cyanogenmod review, and can be cherry picked if not merged already: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/22782/ and may work. As far as getting LTE to light up in a more prompt manner, it may be worth exploring different modems (I see you are using UCLF6 from the i717 note), there are many others from the i717 leaks (ie. UCLF5, UCLE2/3, etc etc) and also of course any other Skyrocket ICS+ modems, as well as i717m (canadian, rogers modems such as XLA2 (gingerbread but worked on the i717 note in the US) and various others. If you cannot located them I will post links when I have more time. This is a great start, and I will help out when I have time to contribute to this project (I have a few on my plate plus a full time job so sometimes having the time is a difficult venture). In any case, great start and I can see this will progress very well in due time. Congrats and thanks for your contribution to the base of this, as this progresses and we work to manage these small issues, we will have something even solid

th3g1z said:
Solid work/mashery my friend. This indeed great news. I am currently waiting for my zip file to spit out, do a few mods and then give it a flash when I complete those things.
As far as the adreno drivers have you checked the site for them? I recall reading about them on another msm8660 device and perhaps may pertain to this project as well. The screen flicker has a few work arounds based on other devices that may relate to this device as well. Either to get rid of the flicker entirely or at least minimize them. Worth trying (here are a few I have seen work on some devices.. dev options, disable HW overlay, another is adjusting the debug.mdpcomp.maxlayer value in build.prop from 3 to 2, another is to set the min CPU freq to 486mhz).. last but not least, this was posted on cyanogenmod review, and can be cherry picked if not merged already: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/22782/ and may work. As far as getting LTE to light up in a more prompt manner, it may be worth exploring different modems (I see you are using UCLF6 from the i717 note), there are many others from the i717 leaks (ie. UCLF5, UCLE2/3, etc etc) and also of course any other Skyrocket ICS+ modems, as well as i717m (canadian, rogers modems such as XLA2 (gingerbread but worked on the i717 note in the US) and various others. If you cannot located them I will post links when I have more time. This is a great start, and I will help out when I have time to contribute to this project (I have a few on my plate plus a full time job so sometimes having the time is a difficult venture). In any case, great start and I can see this will progress very well in due time. Congrats and thanks for your contribution to the base of this, as this progresses and we work to manage these small issues, we will have something even solid
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Thanks for the input! The flicker, as is, is really minor. It only really seems to happen, for me atleast, in the main launcher window and sometimes when scrolling in maps. It's intermittent, actually. I will have a look at that change you linked, nice catch!
Qualcomm's dev site is linked in post #4, hopefully they will post the final drivers soon. Do they have another site that would receive them faster, or with incremental builds? I really wish OEMs would share engineering builds more openly with the community, but I guess I'm just used to being on an engineering team, lol. I've been spoiled with working for a few of the larger OEMs and getting all the cool toys first...hehe.
I tried a few of the note ICS radios, got nothing at all from them besides errors in logcat -b radio, wouldn't bring up the SIM.
All the skyrocket radios seem to work to varying degrees.
Also, it may be more of the RIL -- The UCLF6 skyrocket modem works very nicely on the stock honeycomb image, insta-LTE and everything.
I have not tried any of the non-ATT radios... wasn't sure how that'd work out. I'll give some of the non-ATT radios a go, why not! Besides Skyrocket or Note, any other similar devices? Only thing I can think of is the SGS II LTE HD (SGH-i757) but not much is available for that device as AT&T punted it for the S III (747) and it never got popular.. If you want the HD screen, you get a S-III, which came out about a month later, which is just why ATT punted it all together.
I hear you on the job. I've got an interview lined up for a better one, too! Man, I'm hoping that works out!

nrvate said:
Thanks for the input! The flicker, as is, is really minor. It only really seems to happen, for me atleast, in the main launcher window and sometimes when scrolling in maps. It's intermittent, actually. I will have a look at that change you linked, nice catch!
Qualcomm's dev site is linked in post #4, hopefully they will post the final drivers soon. Do they have another site that would receive them faster, or with incremental builds? I really wish OEMs would share engineering builds more openly with the community, but I guess I'm just used to being on an engineering team, lol. I've been spoiled with working for a few of the larger OEMs and getting all the cool toys first...hehe.
I tried a few of the note ICS radios, got nothing at all from them besides errors in logcat -b radio, wouldn't bring up the SIM.
All the skyrocket radios seem to work to varying degrees.
Also, it may be more of the RIL -- The UCLF6 skyrocket modem works very nicely on the stock honeycomb image, insta-LTE and everything.
I have not tried any of the non-ATT radios... wasn't sure how that'd work out. I'll give some of the non-ATT radios a go, why not! Besides Skyrocket or Note, any other similar devices? Only thing I can think of is the SGS II LTE HD (SGH-i757) but not much is available for that device as AT&T punted it for the S III (747) and it never got popular.. If you want the HD screen, you get a S-III, which came out about a month later, which is just why ATT punted it all together.
I hear you on the job. I've got an interview lined up for a better one, too! Man, I'm hoping that works out!
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I hear you on OEM not releasing the drivers in a timely fashion, and it is frustrating when you have sources for it as "leaks" .. pertaining to your question I did see a link to update drivers but in my 5 min search (short on time atm, work early in the morning), I didn't find it yet, but I will look a bit deeper and hopefully can find it. I recall it related to CM10 and addressing said drivers for a particular device or devices. I will see what I can find tomorrow, and hope that it pertains.
No harm in trying a few other modems, I would look at the i717/i717m (m is the canadian model, same device though and the modems from rogers work with the i717 as well as the skyrocket).. and obviously the skyrocket various modems which it seems you have tried at least a few of. They vary so much and your location has a lot to do with it. Some work better in certain areas, and others in other areas as I'm sure you know already. Worst case, even after trying a few you can always go back to UCLF6. I found it a bit odd that the rogers modems worked with ATT but hey I'm not complaining about that one I believe you are correct, however, pertaining to the RIL as being the issue, not so much the modem's themselves. (no telling though without trial/error)
I'm not sure the i747 modems would work or not, but, it will not hurt to try, as you can return to UCLF6 if it is a dead end. the i757 I have yet to even see, so I can't comment on that in particular.
I'd like to chat a bit more when we both have some time, not sure if you get on IRC (freenode network) at all but if you do look me up, same handle as here on XDA. It would be easier to chat that way.
I have more to say but having to be away in about 4 hours, I will have to get back to you. Good luck w/ the interview bud.
Take care, we'll catch up soon.

th3g1z said:
I hear you on OEM not releasing the drivers in a timely fashion, and it is frustrating when you have sources for it as "leaks" .. pertaining to your question I did see a link to update drivers but in my 5 min search (short on time atm, work early in the morning), I didn't find it yet, but I will look a bit deeper and hopefully can find it. I recall it related to CM10 and addressing said drivers for a particular device or devices. I will see what I can find tomorrow, and hope that it pertains.
No harm in trying a few other modems, I would look at the i717/i717m (m is the canadian model, same device though and the modems from rogers work with the i717 as well as the skyrocket).. and obviously the skyrocket various modems which it seems you have tried at least a few of. They vary so much and your location has a lot to do with it. Some work better in certain areas, and others in other areas as I'm sure you know already. Worst case, even after trying a few you can always go back to UCLF6. I found it a bit odd that the rogers modems worked with ATT but hey I'm not complaining about that one I believe you are correct, however, pertaining to the RIL as being the issue, not so much the modem's themselves. (no telling though without trial/error)
I'm not sure the i747 modems would work or not, but, it will not hurt to try, as you can return to UCLF6 if it is a dead end. the i757 I have yet to even see, so I can't comment on that in particular.
I'd like to chat a bit more when we both have some time, not sure if you get on IRC (freenode network) at all but if you do look me up, same handle as here on XDA. It would be easier to chat that way.
I have more to say but having to be away in about 4 hours, I will have to get back to you. Good luck w/ the interview bud.
Take care, we'll catch up soon.
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I'll hit you up on IRC at some point for sure
So I sort of figured it out... Found how to get the radio to play nice, still don't know why... The kernel! Went back to the 3.0.8 kernel as provided by samsung for the SHV-140 (replaced zImage in boot.img, reflashed mmcblk0p8) and BAM. Nice quick 4G. Nothing in /system changed (so a bunch of other stuff broke) but the radio sure got happy.
Not sure what the difference is, quite yet... Should be an interesting needle in the hackstack for sure.

Is the package manager a problem with this the same as cm9?
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium

orlandoxpolice said:
Is the package manager a problem with this the same as cm9?
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yes, the issue actually originated with jellybean -- since there's no device tree in the cm9 repo for the p5att, i jammed the cm10 p5att device tree into cm9 source to make it happen. the device tree includes the init scripts, so the problem actually originated from cm10, lol.
same fix works.. mount tmpfs on /mnt/secure (in addition to /tmp/asec) and use wide-open (777) permissions.

nrvate said:
same fix works.. mount tmpfs on /mnt/secure (in addition to /tmp/asec) and use wide-open (777) permissions.
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Heh! Is it just me or does that feel a little less than 'secure'? :silly:

i feel like a english lit major walking into an advanced calculus class with this jargon

This is how the sausage gets made.

Speaking of making sausage, I'm starting to think this is stable enough to share a binary build...
1) Camera is borked. I'm at a bit of a loss to figure it out, maybe I'll try again next week -- Suggestions very welcome, I'd like to get this working for video chat ala skype / gtalk.
2) MTP is borked. Again, at a bit of a loss, I suppose I'd care if I used it... Silly MTP.
3) New kernel fixes radio issues (mostly) - I've had it completely refuse to come up, showing no signal, fixed by rebooting the tablet. Goes right to LTE, but defaults to HSPA only. Change to LTE / GSM / WCDMA in mobile network settings -> network mode.
4) /mnt/asec / /mnt/secure issue (play store install problems) resolved.
5) FC in Settings -> Storage resolved by removing sdcard1 (which will never exist) from the build config
6) Boot animation is disabled due to framebuffer problems (supposedly) -- i know the spinny thing is cool, but you'll have to live with a black screen. Strangely, it comes up on some boots. lol.
7) Qualcomm graphics drivers are still the pre-release version. They seem to work pretty nice though. Haven't seen any of the flickering since some mdp changes in the kernel.
8) Video codecs aren't as screwed up as they are in the ICS build I did -- IE youtube works for all the videos I tried and bsplayer for android nicely plays my favorite x264 720P tv shows (win! gotta keep myself entertained at work some how...)
9) overclocked kernel HACK WARNING for you purists -- Modifed the kernel slightly, it now recognizes all MSM8660's as having the higher binned speed (1.66 vs 1.50 ghz) -- I didn't touch the frequency tables or anything, since it made more sense to just recognize the parts as 1.66ghz parts. Also, removed the logic that limited single-core mode to 1.2ghz (why?!). Gabe put out a OC kernel and most people reported stability at 1.7+ ghz, so... 1.66 seemed good. Hasn't borked for me. If you want stock speeds bad enough or run into problems.. http://d-h.st/8mB
Usual procedure, TWRP.. factory reset, wipe system, flash zip, receive bacon.
Bacon: http://d-h.st/Klu
I've been using this as my daily the past few days, and unless it starts behaving badly for some reason, it's probably going to be my daily for the foreseeable future. Really want to get the cams working, though!
Please share other issues. There has to be something else horribly broken I haven't noticed.
Usual "may make zombies run out of your tablet" warning applies to this test software.


[ROM] Darchdroid For Hero v1.1 | CyanogenMod, JIT, Fast!

Hey guys, it looked like you guys didn't have a real up to date aosp/cyanogenmod rom, so i decided to take my build and port it over for you guys. This is built from the latest cyanogenmod sources and whatnot. everything should work as fine as any other aosp rom. I Don't have a GSM hero, so you guys gotta tell me how this goes, and what needs fixing.
Thanks Cyanogen for the source to work off of, and experience for showing me how easy it is to port roms to other phones
Standard Order to flash this rom is first the Full Rom, then The Google bits. You only need to wipe if you are coming from a non cyanogenmod rom
HOW TO REPORT BUGS OR PROBLEMS? | kanged from cyanogen's guidelines for bugreporting, lol
- Was it a hard reboot? Get me the file "/proc/last_kmsg". adb pull /proc/last_kmsg
- Was it a soft reboot or a "boot loop"? Run "adb logcat" and get me the full output. Pastebin links preferred
- Please use the the bugreporter whenever possible!
well, here you guys go
Stable Darchdroid ROM
MD5SUM: c73584f2a52762b62f8e1a2acb26e5d6
Google Bits Flash these for the market app and other google proprietary stuff
MD5SUM: eee5a0de29831f913b2a40efa4df69ec
v1.1 - fixed youtube, gps, akmd issues, wifi, plus other additions made by cyanogen (check his github)
downloading now.
Will be interesting to see how it differs from VanillaEclair and aHero.
Is the rom directly ported from a non gsm hero, because is so wouldnt flashing this rom onto our GSM heros brick or cause problems with our hero? Any feedback from some1 who has flashed, or dev will be great
bratfink said:
Is the rom directly ported from a non gsm hero, because is so wouldnt flashing this rom onto our GSM heros brick or cause problems with our hero? Any feedback from some1 who has flashed, or dev will be great
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no it wouldn't. flashing a cdma hero radio (most of the time) would, but flashing a rom would never ever brick your phone.
And really, why would someone ever release anything with the possibility of bricking your phone, eh?
darchstar said:
no it wouldn't. flashing a cdma hero radio (most of the time) would, but flashing a rom would never ever brick your phone.
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Did you do something special with this rom? Cause it look interesting, but i don't think its gonna work without adjustments for HERO GSM.
Hope to see some progress with this rom. Thanks for sharing.
Flashing it now.
I will be running a logcat while booting, just to see if anything interesting turns up.
don't show to much gratitude
bratfink said:
Is the rom directly ported from a non gsm hero, because is so wouldnt flashing this rom onto our GSM heros brick or cause problems with our hero? Any feedback from some1 who has flashed, or dev will be great
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you even know how to flash a update.zip?
So if we could flash CDMA roms then why dont we grab the 2.1 roms off the cdma thread that are generally a step ahead in development than the roms we GSM owners have, unless they didnt work on our phones :S?
Pagan said:
Did you do something special with this rom? Cause it look interesting, but i don't think its gonna work without adjustments for HERO GSM.
Hope to see some progress with this rom. Thanks for sharing.
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I made the adjustments necessary to get it to run on a gsm hero, such as i changed the kernel... but i don't think i edited the base when packing the boot.img, if that matters. I edited the build.prop to point to wcdma, i editeed the sensors libs... though i think i need to port akmd from your guy's hero rom, and i edited the keylayouts to suit hero gsm
Well, I'm at the blue nexus load screen, still going
Nothing odd in the logcat so far
It's booted
Just going through setup.
darchstar said:
I made the adjustments necessary to get it to run on a gsm hero, such as i changed the kernel... but i don't think i edited the base when packing the boot.img, if that matters. I edited the build.prop to point to wcdma, i editeed the sensors libs... though i think i need to port akmd from your guy's hero rom, and i edited the keylayouts to suit hero gsm
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Flashed now but unable to start wifi.
ok guys, post all the bugs and i'll make one big update.zip to accommodate them all
Launcher2 force closes immediately after setup. :-(
Home is ok though.
just got it up and running, seems nice so far (battery indicator is good).. off to test..
Could anyone quickly run a neocore (W+w/o sound) and linpack test just to see what results this rom can give.
xanadu said:
Flashed now but unable to start wifi.
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yup me too..
Wifi isn't working the rest looks good.
Used this wlan drivers before to try n fix wifi and its worked, give it a go worth a try
adb push wlan.ko /sdcard/wlan.ko
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cp /sdcard/wlan.ko /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
Can't start Wifi.
logcat shows
Cannot open firmware file </system/etc/wifi/Fw1251r1c.bin>: No such file or directory.
I'll try grabbing it from another ROM.
I can post a full logcat somewhere if you need, from first boot until now (still going)

[Q] Google goggles ipv6

Hi all,
I have Fat Free Froyo installed with the latest 14th Jan 2011 kernel voguimg-240x320-2.6.32-froyo-14-01-11_14.nbh edited to froyo & panel type 2 from t029000.massey.ac.nz but Google Goggles needs ipv6 support.
Is this a kernel problem or a problem with the build itself? I am experienced in linux, so can modprobe or insmod the ipv6.ko but I don't know where to get it from
Any help would be appreciated!
(message for kernel's developers) take this man! he can dev ipv6!
Jumping the gun there a bit
I triage bugs and work on stuff for Ubuntu. Have also ported a few linux bits to ppc64 (PlayStation 3).
I'm pinching the ipv6.ko from slayhers latest kernel build, hopefully that will work insmod-ding or modprobing it into the kernel thru the terminal on the Kaiser itself.
So, fingers crossed, this may be solved in 5 minutes!!
Didn't work, it must be compiled for a different platform...
Anyone have or know where to get a kernel for the Kaiser with ipv6 support, or failing that the correctly built ipv6.ko for the Kaiser so that it can be insmodded?
Getting it compiled in the kernel is the easy bit, although it does use up a lot of space which is limited in the kaiser's kernel so a little tweaking is needed. Getting it to work with the Kaiser's modem and the builds we currently use is a different matter unfortunately. It will take a bit of modding for it to work but it's more then achievable with a bit of free time. Wish i could buy that stuff!!If i get a chance i will get you the ipv6 module for the kaiser's kernel or a kernel with support for it so you can have a play.
I definitely look forward to it! If I knew how and what to modify I'd do it myself, but I thought arch-specific kernels had to be compiled on the arch itself? If that's the case, I can see how free time would be needed, it'd take hours or days to compile the linux kernel at 400MHz
I have compiled kernels before so if/when I learn how to do it myself, I could start to use my own git repo for more recent daily builds or something.
I'm also thinking about starting working on some *buntu stuff (I know Ubuntu is there for the Kaiser, but soem tweaks would help if I get a chance.)
Hmm, a little Googling goes a long way http://www.androidonhtc.com/wiki/Get_Involved << was hard to find that,so hopefully I can add ipv6 somewhere in the 'make menuconfig' options for the kernel.
Are the standard kernel options used by "make vogue_defconfig" ok to use, i.e. will it build a normal useable kernel so that everything works?
xteejx said:
Hmm, a little Googling goes a long way http://www.androidonhtc.com/wiki/Get_Involved << was hard to find that,so hopefully I can add ipv6 somewhere in the 'make menuconfig' options for the kernel.
Are the standard kernel options used by "make vogue_defconfig" ok to use, i.e. will it build a normal useable kernel so that everything works?
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Yes, that is th correct make file to use. I have built the kernel with IPV6 support, haven't tested it but have attached the module to the post for you to try
Brilliant! I'll try it sometime within the next couple of days, although I might myself be working on a blazing fast kernel specifically for the HTC Kaiser, and it is SERIOUSLY!!!! fast, even at 400MHz I can notice a massive increase in speed with the exact same build, but I haven't economised too much.
I can see the the options for ipv6 in the ncurses menuconfig, so I guess it's just a case of enabling it and building the zImage right?
I seem to be having the old problem with the wifi though, and I know it's kernel related, but there are only patches for it, i.e. the wlan.ko, but can't see how to implement it myself so it's an all-in-one solution
When I get the hang of the Kaiser hardware properly, I might just push through a newer kernel from the armlinux site so watch this space
xteejx said:
I might myself be working on a blazing fast kernel specifically for the HTC Kaiser, and it is SERIOUSLY!!!! fast, even at 400MHz I can notice a massive increase in speed with the exact same build
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How have you managed that??? What have you done?
I have no idea how it happened, perhaps the other devs add a load of useless options, but all I did was follow the instructions at that link above and compiled a zImage from the 2.6.32 arm branch, using the 2010 arm tools. Used NBHeditor to edit it for Kaiser, panel 2, froyo, flashed it and bang (not literally thank god).
I can't answer any better than that. I used the default options (for now at least) that the vogue build script uses for the kernel, but bluetooth, camera and gps work. No internet connection as yet either through the network or wifi, dumno what I've missed there, and no ipv6 (but can add that easily enough). Wifi doesn't work either, but I'm working on it, although that MAY be the reason why it's so fast...maybe it's missing a few options...still unsure at this point.
I notice that although this is an open community, and people attach NBHs, there are no changelogs or anything showing what the people have done with the kernel to implement some options, so it's kinda holding me back at the minute.
xteejx said:
I notice that although this is an open community, and people attach NBHs, there are no changelogs or anything showing what the people have done with the kernel to implement some options, so it's kinda holding me back at the minute.
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That isn't true, all tested changes are pushed to git, you can see what has been changed and how from here: http://androidhtc.git.sourceforge.n....git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/htc-vogue-2.6.32
Didn't see that, will bookmark it and keep an eye on it, perhaps work with it. Thanks for the link
the androidhtc.com site is not related directly to the develop project because no developer is connected to it. Also the git repository it not hosted in linux to go but on sourceforge (so download the correct git). That site is very outdated.
wifi works if you use the correct branch (on sourceforge) and modules.
Am I right in thinking that http://androidhtc.git.sourceforge.n...7c0bf5edc4f5c6d64ce4df29254e8332ce26b;hb=HEAD is the prebuilt kernels and nbhs from the source at http://androidhtc.git.sourceforge.n...og;h=62f075ddd13f378fd252be94c77e4f93d12584fb ??
I think I'm looking at the right tree now.
Flashing the latest NBH: VOGUIMG-320-FROYO-01-16-11.NBH still gives me the wifi error. Do I need to manually add the wlan.ko to it or ??
I could've sworn that an NBH I flashed before had all that in the NBH and it worked fine.
Ok, got it back to how I had it:
Flashed latest.NBH from http://androidhtc.git.sourceforge.n...7c0bf5edc4f5c6d64ce4df29254e8332ce26b;hb=HEAD and dropped androidupdate.tgz to the /andboot folder of the SD card, installed update thru the boot menu and done.
So in reality there's nothing stopping me grabbing the same kernel source, building it and adding ipv6 support in the ncurses kernel config menu and making an NBH from it and flashing that over, and then doing the androidupdate.tgz, although I think with HTCFlasherGUI you can flash a zImage directly right??
Is there something wrong with the git at http://androidhtc.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=androidhtc/kernel.git;a=summary I can't get access, it's showing old stuff. It looks closed since git clone rejects me
xteejx said:
Is there something wrong with the git at http://androidhtc.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=androidhtc/kernel.git;a=summary I can't get access, it's showing old stuff. It looks closed since git clone rejects me
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No, nothing wrong with it. Just do:
git clone git://androidhtc.git.sourceforge.net/androidhtc/kernel.git
You then need to set it to the correct branch using 'git checkout -b <branch you want> '
It's the 2.6.32 branch you are interested in, you can find out exactly what it's called using 'git branch -a' which will list the available branches.
Cool. Knew something went wrong somewhere, had to be me lol!
I added that ipv6.ko to the NAND via a androidupdate.tgz (only way I could do it), and it didn't work, something about incorrect module format (or something like that).
Are there any prebuilt kernels or NBHs for the Kaiser that include ipv6? Either as a module that I can insmod it in the terminal or built-in?
I hate being upstaged by people that can use Goggles without any problems.
I know slayher's kernels have ipv6, but I flashed the new stock one from http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/4434-froyo-kernels-by-slayher/ and it didn't work. I mean the kernel did, but Goggles didn't - couldn't insmod it either - same invalid module format as the ipv6.ko scooter did for me
Also the git clone didn't work:
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/name/android-git/kernel/.git/
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

[BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Please read this entire post!
<<<This is a link to the... FAQ Click it!!>>>​
I have created a complete bundle of GingerBread with the newest kernel from GIT (Feb 28 / 1276), and the newest rootfs from GIT (Feb 24).
Please, feel free to DONATE to the XDAndroid project!
Every little bit helps!
1. Download the full bundle (zip). (Updated Mar. 11 2011)
If instead you just want the system.ext2 (zip) file (updated Mar. 25 2011) by itself... Don't download this unless you know you want to update!!
2. Extract it. You’ll see a folder, GBX0A, copy its contents to the root (base) of your SD card. If you want to run Android from a folder instead of all the files on the root of the card, follow the steps below.
3. Go into the STARTUPS folder. Grab the appropriate startup.txt for your device (if you don't know what device you have, you should read the FAQ), and move it to the root of the card (or where you run haret.exe from. If you want to change the location of the build, put a rel_path= statement in the cmdline section of the startup.txt. Mine is located two folders deep on the SD, so my rel_path=Androids/TP2Ref)
4. Download the ts-calibration file from this post (should work for RHOD/TOPA) and extract the .zip to where you run haret.exe from - typically the root or 'base' folder of the SD card. Not within any folders, unless you run haret.exe from a folder!
**If you have issues with the above file, you must calibrate manually. To start manual calibration, just delete any ts-calibration files and boot. Sometimes this doesn't work, and you have to use an older kernel from GIT (I found 1225 works well) and generate the ts-calibration file by booting and pressing the 5 zones. Once you have a good calibration file hold on to it (make 15 copies if it's a really good one ), reboot & go back to the newest kernel from the autobuild service! Thanks**
6. Run haret.exe... Profit!
Let it settle out on the first boot. Many have reported they had to reboot basically because it was so slow - if you let it sit for about 10 mins or so the media scanner can go thru everything, etc. If you want adb in and watch the processes via top, you'll see why the phone seems so slow - there's lots of background processes cranking because this is the first boot .
Please read the... FAQ
If you have any issues with the kernel, feel free to change it:
There are some devices that are having issues with the newest kernels. Please see the kernel autobuild service to get newer or archived kernels. Once you download a replacement kernel, go to where you run haret.exe from - remove your old zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz. Take the new zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz and replace the old ones, same folder - where you run haret.exe from. Make sure the ‘zImage’ is named just that. Do not rename the modules file, do not extract it - should be in .tar.gz format.
In addition, I am using the newest rootfs from GIT - Feb. 10. There are other rootfs options, see F22’s thread if you want to use more keys or move around the home button. Of course, there's always the roofs autobuild service if you want "stock" rootfs images - F22 builds his off of these and modifies them .
See Incremental Updates for more information on this topic of updating!!
Random issues can often be solved by forcing the system to create a new data.img. If you're worried about losing data, Titanium Backup works quite well. If you wish, you can rename the data.img to something else, and let the system create a new one - just to see if it resolves your problem.
Similarly, if you wish try formatting your SD card - I prefer to use the HP Tool - do a full format, FAT32.
Obviously this build is Alpha, and there are going to be problems. The next post will address issues particular to this build - PLEASE READ THESE before asking questions! Feel free to post questions in this thread, I will do my best to address them. Big thanks to stinebd for releasing the system image, and of course the other developers for their hard work on making these kernels available.
stinebd's original post HERE
Mar. 11 2011 Changelog
Things broken in this build:
libgps - explains itself, no GPS and probably no netloc (cell-tower based location). I think this also breaks the stock browser, I recommend using Dolphin Mini!
HW3D is either not working, or just not preset - I ran neocore and let's just say a lot of textures are missing. Got a ridiculous score, but again - no textures, not much to render haha.
Data - very flaky - CDMA users have data break for them after every phone call, and GSM users seem to have better luck but it's not flawless. Even seen reports of wifi having issues with data not going out to the WAN. There is a bug filed on this issue.
Anything that's broken in Froyo, is probably broken in this build. Although what is interesting, I noticed that in this build I don't have the landscape-on-boot issue that I get with Froyo...
Changelog​ March 25, 2011
Further tuned keyboard sizing to be useful on VGA (also made the key labels bigger)
World-phone settings support (very important for future RIL enhancements especially on CDMA)
Enabled HSPA icon (someone on GSM please let me know if it actually works)
Works good so far
Been using this for about 3 hours so far. Here's a little review. Upgraded through Stinebd's link in the XDAndroid thread (same as this I guess, but the arggggh's complete package includes all files needed). I deleted the data.img and replaced my system2 file. The first boot set itself up and then rebooted to winmo. The second boot worked. I was able to download Titanium backup from the market and restore my apps that I was using in Froyo. Overall it was working well. The default keyboard is tiny on my screen. My data connection is a little finicky as it was working when I restored my apps, but I could not connect after a while (same thing happened in my Froyo build periodically). As far as speed is good and bad, sometimes it's quick, other times it's quite slow. Overall, it's pretty good considering it was just released to us. Looking forward to future builds.
Edit: I reused my calibration file from Froyo. No issues
Rhod400, 2/10 Zimage and Rootfs from GIT
mmm, I may be blind but I can't see any download link! I'd like to test it and let you know!
anyway I already want to thank you for the hard work!
The system file was posted by stinebd in this thread:
Thanks, I've included the original link to stinebd's post in my first post.
Still working out kinks, and stine will probably want me to host it on files.xdandroid.com - sorry for the delay... It will be here soon .
so this is the neopeek build only in an image?
husam666 said:
so this is the neopeek build only in an image?
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This has nothing to do whatsoever with neopeek. This is AOSP code, modified to work on our phones. The system image work is done entirely by stinebd, and I have made a bundle - Link up!
arrrghhh any idea what the kernel incompatibility comes from? Thats strange...
edit- nvm I reread it a 5th time and understood heh
randomblame said:
arrrghhh any idea what the kernel incompatibility comes from? Thats strange...
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You mean the calibration issue? Some commit broke it, not sure which one. There's rumors that we can read it from the spl, then we won't need a kernel-based calibration - we'll be able to do it in userland, which is really what we want especially going forward to NAND.
Gonna try this release this weekend
rhod100 does have the same panel problems as on a FRX04 release a guess?
JBS2 said:
Gonna try this release this weekend
rhod100 does have the same panel problems as on a FRX04 release a guess?
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Panel problems are kernel related, not system image related.
What kernel do you run FRX04 on...? Thanks.
arrrghhh said:
Panel problems are kernel related, not system image related.
What kernel do you run FRX04 on...? Thanks.
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Most recent from your testing topic.
Panel wakes up very slow normally or after touching the screen or power button multiple times.
JBS2 said:
Most recent from your testing topic.
Panel wakes up very slow normally or after touching the screen or power button multiple times.
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Ah. Again, that's a testing kernel. Let's keep testing kernel discussion in that thread and build talk about this build in this thread... Thanks...
arrrghhh said:
Ah. Again, that's a testing kernel. Let's keep testing kernel discussion in that thread and build talk about this build in this thread... Thanks...
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I know, you asked which kernel I was using
Just wondering if these release has something to do with the panel issues but I realize this is a kernel related problem.
Keep up the goog work, I'll keep testing the testing kernels to see if the known problem could be fixed
Okay, here's my 2cents:
BTW, i use rhod100.
Hardware3d doesn't work because the line is missing from the startup (as far as i am concerned, maybe you removed it on purpose).
steyn_e said:
Okay, here's my 2cents:
BTW, i use rhod100.
Hardware3d doesn't work because the line is missing from the startup (as far as i am concerned, maybe you removed it on purpose).
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That entry is no longer required. Put it in and see... Thanks!
this is such an exciting build. It runs really fast. keep up the good work guys. Btw, to get a bigger gingerbread keyboard, search for "gingerbread Keyboard" in the market. its a larger sized version of the one that comes with the rom.
kdub94 said:
this is such an exciting build. It runs really fast. keep up the good work guys. Btw, to get a bigger gingerbread keyboard, search for "gingerbread Keyboard" in the market. its a larger sized version of the one that comes with the rom.
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I've already included a fix in the second post, thanks!

[Gen9] ICS build Alpha 1, now works for A80 and A101.

Hi Guys,
Teaser time is over, here is the build.
Version alpha 1 is here, nothing new for A101, it just adds touchscreen for A80 owners.
Preliminary warning: this is buggy as hell, don't expect a functional build. This is only if you want to get an early taste of ICS. And as usual, I'm not responsible if you blow your tablet.
What works:
- Framebuffer with 3D driver enabled.
- Touchscreen (A101 only)
- Wifi
What doesn't work:
- Everything else
- Internal storage is not mounted.
- Most notably, audio/video/power management/charging.
- You need sde menu enabled, see instructions here if you didn't do it already.
- Copy sysroot_ice.img to internal storage root:
adb push sysroot_ice.img /data/media
- In developer menu, flash kernel and initrd from zip file:
On boot menu, select "Recovery system"
Select "developer edition menu"/"flash kernel and initramfs"
A drive should appear on your PC, copy zImage and initramfs.cpio.gz to it.
Select OK, the kernel should flash.
Select OK to reboot.
- Choose developer edition in boot menu
You should see two menus coming before boot, just wait for timeout. Other options won't work for your device.
- Wifi AP scan doesn't work at first. Just add a dummy network, it doesn't matter if it doesn't exist really, scan will work after that (on wifi panel, click on "Add Network" button, top right of the screen then type "dummy" as network SSID, then OK).
- As I didn't want to interfere with regular build, data partition is the same as system image file, so there is only about 90M for apps.
I don't need feedback on bugs and problem running it as there is too many in current state. But let me know if you were able to run it though.
12/12/2011 - version alpha1, should support A80 now. Thanks to a1Pha for the test!
* reserved *
for the buzz
Archos 70?
If this can be done on an Archos 101, could it be done on an Archos 70 as well? [The 8GB version without the hard drive.] My old Archos 70 needs a new lease of life!
pstjmack said:
If this can be done on an Archos 101, could it be done on an Archos 70 as well? [The 8GB version without the hard drive.] My old Archos 70 needs a new lease of life!
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This a 101 G9, not G8... I believe it could be done on G8, even though ram will probably an issue. I'll try probably someday.
Build released, see first post.
how use the 2 anothers files ?
Hi Cajl,
The zImage and initramfs.cpio.gz ? These are the one that must be flashed through sde. I added the instructions in first post, this is the same thing as previous rooted firmware.
As it is, the initrd is not compatible with previous rooted firmware, you'll loose the possibility to run it after flashing ice kernel+initrd. You can reflash it again afterwards though.
Alpha 1 released, touchscreen should now work for 80 G9. Let me know if it doesn't work for you, there is two touchscreen drivers and only one is confirmed to work.
Market Working
Good news, after digging with it and deleting all Archos's craps. I finally make Market to work + Wifi, so this will be a great news now.
First google and download Market_v3.4.4.apk
then adb push Market_v3.4.4.apk /system/app
then adb shell
#cd /system/app
#rm Phonesky.apk
#cp Market_v3.4.4.apk Phonesky.apk
#rm Market_v3.4.4.apk
#chmod 777 Phonesky.apk
there we go!
letama said:
This a 101 G9, not G8... I believe it could be done on G8, even though ram will probably an issue. I'll try probably someday.
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Please try for A70 when you have time as there is a large audience of us.
wozhere said:
Please try for A70 when you have time as there is a large audience of us.
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I did this weekend, results are not very good so far... It's quite slow, few seconds to go from apps to widgets for instance. I didn't play much with it, touchscreen driver need more work and I couldn't make it work properly yet.
We'll see. Much work needed and slowness could come for a hidden problem somewhere, but I couldn't see anything obvious.
letama said:
I did this weekend, results are not very good so far... It's quite slow, few seconds to go from apps to widgets for instance. I didn't play much with it, touchscreen driver need more work and I couldn't make it work properly yet.
We'll see. Much work needed and slowness could come for a hidden problem somewhere, but I couldn't see anything obvious.
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Sounds a challenge, thanks for working on it whenever you have spare time and keep us posted from time to time. If pulled off, even in a limited version, it will be a great coup.
Yeah... everyones leaching for ICS these days
The limited RAM on Gen8 will be definitely a blocker...
On the other hand people even made efforts to run ICS on the good old Dream device. But this of course is a technical challenge, it's far from daily use.
Anyway i like reading your threads, letama...
Just saw this, ICS on the old HTC G1 (528MHz CPU & 256MB of RAM):
Works so far on my G9 80, no problems with the touchscreen driver. Good work
you are the man, keep on the good work
link is down
i want to help with developing (I have a AOSP ICS rom for the play so i know how ics works)
I re-uploaded on uploading.com, first post updated.

[ROM][WIP][kexec] Ubuntu with Freedreno!

I've been working on getting Ubuntu running on my Sprint Galaxy S3 using the same method I used on my Epic 4G - kexec from recovery loading the root filesystem off a partition on an SD card.
What I've done so far:
* Found a kexec loader to boot into a custom kernel, which is required for booting off an SD card, among other things;
* Compiled a custom kernel with KGSL DRM support enabled for Freedreno;
* Built a minimal Ubuntu 13.10 armhf rootfs and compiled the Freedreno DRM/DDX/Mesa Gallium driver with changes to support the Adreno 225 and stub occlusion query (possibility of full dekstop OpenGL 2.1 support!);
* Got X11 working with USB keyboard, touchscreen, and fbdev. Still working on getting the Freedreno DDX to load.
I still get a kernel oops with the camera driver (http://pastebin.com/egZbxsED), but it apparently doesn't affect stability or cause reboots anymore.
Working so far:
* USB Host - only tested with a keyboard, but other input/storage/audio/video devices should also work.
* Framebuffer console - thanks castrwilliam!
* Touchscreen works with X.org fbdev driver and the following added to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/11-evdev-quirks.conf:
Section InputClass
Identifier "Touchscreen"
Driver "evdev"
MatchProduct "sec_touchscreen"
* Power and volume buttons
* Bluetooth - might need firmware
* Sensors - should work just fine
* Home, menu and back buttons should work but probably need mapping
Unlikely to work due to proprietary Android-only blobs:
* Camera
Kernel config changes:
# IMPORTANT: remove the line that says "depends on !MSM_KGSL_DRM" from drivers/gpu/msm/Kconfig:70
I may eventually post a pre-built kernel, but if you don't know how to compile a kernel from source, this guide is not for you.
Likewise, if you don't know how to prepare an armhf Ubuntu root filesystem, this guide won't help much.
After building the kernel, copy arch/arm/boot/zImage to your SD card along with the attached zImage.zip (CWM-flashable kexec loader).
It might need modifications (META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script) depending on how you have your card set up.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, this phone hasn't been a good fit for me. I never got very far booting Ubuntu or Freedreno, so I decided to sell it.
For anyone still interested in this project, I believe castrwilliam has the required patches.
When I get my next Snapdragon device (either the new Nexus 7, a Nexus 4, a Galaxy S4, or another phone with Adreno 320 graphics), I will post the Mesa patches for occlusion query support. Sorry I wasn't more helpful with this device.
Added to favourites, I'll see what I can do with it over the weekend
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Great work. Good luck debugging.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Maybe taking a look at how Motorola worked Ubuntu, in a way, with Webtop that came on the Photon. The Photon has the integrated Ubuntu-based 'Webtop' application from Motorola. The Webtop application is launched when the phone is connnected to the external display through Laptop dock or HD multimedia dock. In Webtop mode, offering similar user interface of typical Ubuntu desktop, the phone can run several applications on external display such as Firefox web browser, SNS clients and 'mobile view' application enabling total access of the Photon and its screen. In September 2011, Motorola released the source code of Webtop application at SourceForge.
I know it's not an app you're trying to use but it may help in finding how to work some of the kinks you have. I hope that helps
Hi, I'm the person maintaining Ubuntu currently for HP Touchpad (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2225462) (which also uses an MSM SOC.) It's starting to show its age... I'm trying to get this to where you have it currently on a Verizon S3 / d2vzw (obviously, kexec'ing into a Verizon kernel instead.) Maybe we could collaborate?
Currently I have the KT747 kernel (kexec host support as well as guest) (compiled as a zImage. If you can provide me with access to the patches you have for freedreno and hopefully also an initramfs image (I'm going to mod the HPTP rootfs, so no need there)... I'd love it.
My only modifications to the kernel so far are the ones I mentioned in the OP and three of Rob Clark's Freedreno commits from the mako-kernel branch of kernel-msm on his GitHub - namely, "kgsl: drm: remove checking on 'active'", "video/msm: add true ARGB", and "kgsl: fix null ptr on cache flush".
At one point I had X11 working with freedreno displaying the GNOME background, but the screen blanked after 10 seconds and I couldn't recover from that. Unfortunately, after experimenting with different kernel config options, I lost that semi-working configuration and the GPU started to page fault, sometimes displaying a corrupted screen and sometimes rebooting before displaying anything.
Believe me, I've been working on this for weeks, and it's very frustrating that it doesn't even sort of work. My minimal modifications to Mesa to get it to recognize the Adreno 225 are highly unlikely to be the cause of the problems, and I highly doubt the differences between the 220 and 225 are to blame since it was working at one point. It's a one liner, figured out from from freedreno/mesa issue #2.
Castrwilliam, the initramfs is the least of your worries. I don't use one, since its only function is to display the Plymouth splash, which doesn't work anyway.
gTan64 said:
Castrwilliam, the initramfs is the least of your worries. I don't use one, since its only function is to display the Plymouth splash, which doesn't work anyway.
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Yeah, I realized how you were doing this after looking at the kexec script. I was trying to boot from Android, not recovery, and was under the impression you had put a disk image on external SD, and then made the initramfs loop-mount that and boot from it... but now I see you partitioned it.
It's a shame you don't have your original config, I'll try to get it booting again on my end. I remember doing something like this a while back, where I made like 10 differently configured kernels at once, and tested them each in turn. I imagine the ramconsole would help a good bit so that I could look a how far we're getting. (The touchpad has its own version of that, which you can read directly from the bootloader (bootie.) Then again, it also has LVM volumes for storage instead of actual partitions (except for boot) - which makes it uber easy to boot lots of OSes.)
Currently I'm not doing too well. I remember that kexec did work at one point on d2vzw hardware but I'm assuming that it still does now (new bootloaders, 3.4 kernels, ...) I do kexec -e, the reboot happens, I see the Samsung bootloader screen, then the screen blanks for like 5 seconds and it reboots again - back into android.
castrwilliam said:
I imagine the ramconsole would help a good bit so that I could look a how far we're getting...
the screen blanks for like 5 seconds and it reboots again - back into android.
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The RAM console should be enabled by default, so check /proc/last_kmsg once Android boots back up.
It could be something simple like the root filesystem not mounting, either due to how you partitioned the card or not having time to settle, hence rootwait. Or it could be something else. I haven't gotten any useful output in /proc/last_kmsg with the framebuffer console enabled, so make sure that's disabled unless you want a headache and a psychiatrist visit.
Unfortunately, I've spent way too much energy trying to debug the GPU page fault, and I probably won't have much time to work on it after next month. I want this bug dead and forgotten, so more eyes would be great!
X11 works (shows something on screen) with the X.org "fbdev" driver. I can't reproduce anything with "freedreno" (or "modesetting", which I accidentally loaded at one point...)
The touch screen doesn't respond, but the power key works and brings up a shutdown dialog.
Screenshot attached. I used the 13.04 Touchpad rootfs with some modifications...
Okay, you can get the fbcon working by either loading it as a module during boot OR changing its "module_init" macro in drivers/video/console/fbcon.c to "late_initcall".
Picture attached. Sorry for blurriness, I don't have an actual digital camera, only what's on my sig. This should make debugging a bit easier.
Nice to see some more freedreno development on android phones
I'm using freedreno with a slightly different approach, starting it directly from android on a chrooted shell, which is a lot more easier to debug.
The kernel needs some fixes from the mako branch and the following configs:
Rob Clark (the maintainer of freedreno) has been working on his own kernel driver for adreno gpu:
This would be a nice addition/replacement for the current qualcomm gpu driver.
Wootever said:
Nice to see some more freedreno development on android phones
I'm using freedreno with a slightly different approach, starting it directly from android on a chrooted shell, which is a lot more easier to debug.
The kernel needs some fixes from the mako branch and the following configs:
Rob Clark (the maintainer of freedreno) has been working on his own kernel driver for adreno gpu:
This would be a nice addition/replacement for the current qualcomm gpu driver.
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How do you stop the SurfaceFlinger (I think that's proper terminology) from hogging the framebuffer?
Semi Working Freedreno/X11
castrwilliam said:
How do you stop the SurfaceFlinger (I think that's proper terminology) from hogging the framebuffer?
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HEY, look what I did?!
(There are a lot of patches req'd to get this far. Even at this point, there's a weird bug where the cursor loops across the edge of the screen and windows overlap themselves. If you want to know, I'll elaborate in a further post, otherwise, let's get that touchscreen working for release!)
Thanks to Rob Clark (again, the author of freedreno) who helped me get this far on his IRC channel at Freenode.
castrwilliam said:
HEY, look what I did?!
(There are a lot of patches req'd to get this far. Even at this point, there's a weird bug where the cursor loops across the edge of the screen and windows overlap themselves. If you want to know, I'll elaborate in a further post, otherwise, let's get that touchscreen working for release!)
Thanks to Rob Clark (again, the author of freedreno) who helped me get this far on his IRC channel at Freenode.
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Are we keeping track of all the necessary patches? I'm on https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_d2, branch cm-10.2_kgsl, with the per-process pagetable hack, the "active" kgsl_drm fix, Adreno 225 case in Mesa (freedreno_screen.c), and my stub occlusion query hack. I wasn't on #freedreno when Rob Clark pointed out the libdrm bug I heard about from the Wiki - did you fix that? I'm still getting the assert crashes.
I'll be on #freedreno at some point tomorrow.
gTan64 said:
Are we keeping track of all the necessary patches? I'm on https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_d2, branch cm-10.2_kgsl, with the per-process pagetable hack, the "active" kgsl_drm fix, Adreno 225 case in Mesa (freedreno_screen.c), and my stub occlusion query hack. I wasn't on #freedreno when Rob Clark pointed out the libdrm bug I heard about from the Wiki - did you fix that? I'm still getting the assert crashes.
I'll be on #freedreno at some point tomorrow.
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I got this to work by using a fairly old libdrm, but a new DDX (xf86-video-freedreno). I haven't fixed the assert bug on the newer ones.
You need to patch the DDX's msm-device.c to set the width to 736 (has to be a multiple of 32), and then disable/comment out/delete where it calls the mode-set function (there's a comment about making xrandr happy in the right place.) I can make a patch soon, but I have a feeling that this is what made the other bug happen with the looping cursor.
edit -- I fixed the looping cursor. A patch is attached...
Youtube video of it working: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh9wmmYuKxY
Set the firnware path for the dhd (wi-fi) driver to /system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin (WITHOUT the _b2 buffix, it will be added by the module). Set the nvram file to /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt. Then, add the Android partitions to the /etc/fstab (mmcblk0p14 is system.)
apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-multitouch and then add a config file under /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to get the touchscreen working. It will act like a laptop trackpad. You MUST use the multitouch driver. "evdev" will segfault the server on any touch. Note that you can match the TS in an InputClass with its udev name, "sec_touchscreen".
The date that I compiled the working Freedreno libdrm was the date that Ubuntu 13.04 was released. I'm working on narrowing it down to a Git SHA1 revision. I used Rob Clark's repository, not the freedesktop one.
Use the master branch of the DDX, sorry for the earlier confusion.
For battery savings, you might want to cherry pick the DPMS commit from the a3xx branch of the DDX.
castrwilliam said:
How do you stop the SurfaceFlinger (I think that's proper terminology) from hogging the framebuffer?
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There are two binaries you can execute with adb shell stop/start that kills and restart the android proccesses, allowing access to the framebuffer.
Okay, so 2-D does work with my mods, but I just tried 3-D last night (ran es2gears with the Adreno 225 mod in place on mesa) and the pagefaults returned.
I did notice something about your pagefault reboots, though: they shouldn't necessarily be happening, it's a NULL pointer dereference that can be fixed in the handler by doing this in drivers/gpu/msm/kgsl_iommu.c (function is kgsl_iommu_fault_handler):
curr_context->pagefault = 1;
curr_context->pagefault_ts = curr_global_ts;
if (curr_context) {
curr_context->pagefault = 1;
curr_context->pagefault_ts = curr_global_ts;
So anyone got any updates for this if not i will start building upon what is there if it is ok
Sent from my SCH-S960L using xda premium
allenjthomsen said:
So anyone got any updates for this if not i will start building upon what is there if it is ok
Sent from my SCH-S960L using xda premium
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I guess it is OK. Hopefully you can make a dent in this development. Keeping my eye on this thread.
No longer developing for this phone
Unfortunately, this phone hasn't been a good fit for me. I never got very far booting Ubuntu or Freedreno, so I decided to sell it.
For anyone still interested in this project, I believe castrwilliam has the required patches.
When I get my next Snapdragon device (either the new Nexus 7, a Nexus 4, a Galaxy S4, or another phone with Adreno 320 graphics), I will post the Mesa patches for occlusion query support.

