WiFi often not reconnecting (not hardware related) - HTC One X

I've been having this problem ever since I got my One X; unfortunately, the WiFi hardware issues make it hard to search for any possible fixes. Basically, my One X (Tegra 3, 2.17.401.2 currently) will very rarely reconnect to WiFi after turning it on from sleep. I tried manually assigning an IP address instead of doing DHCP as suggested in some places; this didn't seem to have much of an effect, and there are some places where I can't manually assign. The only thing that's reliable is if I manually toggle WiFi off and back on -- at that point it'll instantly find a network and connect. I've tried the various wifi power savings settings and other bits; none make a difference. This is pretty annoying; it's almost as if the phone doesn't bother to scan for APs until I manually toggle it.
With 2.17.401.2 fixing a whole bunch of other little annoyances, this is probably the biggest one that's left for me. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix or work around this?

I read somewhere (can't fine the post) an xda user fixed this issue by soldering (physically) the wifi antenna inside the phone.
I don't recommend that though. I'm not a fan of opening up my phone.
However, I suggest you try a custom ROM from the many available here. Maybe this will fix it for you if it were a software/radio issue.

Yeah, that doesn't seem like the right way to go... pretty sure it's not a hardware issue since I have no problems with wifi reception in general. The phone just doesn't seem to search for wifi to connect to as often as it should.

Sounds so familiar
rustak said:
Yeah, that doesn't seem like the right way to go... pretty sure it's not a hardware issue since I have no problems with wifi reception in general. The phone just doesn't seem to search for wifi to connect to as often as it should.
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Same issue here ...
Not sure whether this is hardware problem though, most of the complaints that were verified as hardware problem were signal and connection related.
Our mutual problem is RE-connecting.
Anyways, I haven't found any solution for this yet. Turning on and off always works.
One idea I have is to use an app like AutomateIt, this is an automation app that lets you set rules for bunch of stuff on your phone.
One use case could be setting a rule to turn wifi on once at home, turn off once out of home and turn back on once at work etc..
Hope someone will find a solution for this ...
Multitasking and wifi are major pain in the a** for me with this otherwise great phone ..

try wifi fixer app from market

I'm not a fan of automation taskers. They are battery hogs.
Try the custom rom ARHD 9.4.0 and let me know how it goes.

Thanks for the help !
xbiggyl said:
I'm not a fan of automation taskers. They are battery hogs.
Try the custom rom ARHD 9.4.0 and let me know how it goes.
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Will try both solutions, see how goes ..


[Q] wifi "avoided poor internet connection", screeoff kills connection

im trying for a week now to get around an issue that is costing me my nerves and renders my phone useless, especially on travel without roaming and data-plan. after screenoff my nexus kills the wifi connection, after some time though, 30 minutes, 1 hour, it seems to change. my company uses skype as the primary means to communitate and i'm just cut off, won't receive important mails, messages, whatever.
when i switch my phone back on wifi starts up again, if im quick enough the settings reveal "avoided poor internet connection" in the hotspots status. so basically it looses the signal for a moment and is not able to connect back on its own. i read 4.0.1 had a setting to circumvent that but since 4.0.2 it's gone. of course keep-alive-during-sleep is checked to "always" in the settings and i tried just about anything, changing basebands, factory resets, cache wipe, etc. nothing helped. the weirdest thing i that the battery stats to not reflect it, the blue wifi line is uninterrupted all the way.
i searched and found dozens of people complaining about this but no solution anywhere. they switched phones and had the same problems still. from little fragments i collected it seems that samsung devices had this issue before, cm7 supposedly fixed a hardware driver that had issues with certain wifi devices on certain frequencies.
im on AOKP b27 now (powersaver on or off with setting to untouched or "leave on" made no difference), leankernel, xxkl1 baseband. today i went back to stock 4.0.2 to see if that does something. still, has anyone here similar problems and maybe even solutions? what about the cyanogens "nexus one sleep fix" i read about, anyone can provide links or informations?
Did you try settings - wifi - menu - advanced - keep wifi on during sleep - always
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Try changing that setting. I know 2.x defaulted to turn wifi off during sleep but I thought they changed that in ICS. Either way that sounds like the problem.
its not that setting, it's the first thing i checked. it's set to "always" and it should never kill wifi in theory. from what i have read by now it seems more of a wider problem, a software or hardware related issue affecting all nexus devices. most people don't know about it since it only fails for certain routers having certain settings (which other phones digest without problems though). i also never knew it until i had to stay one month in a place with a wifi-hotspot my phone doesn't like. my gf's s2 has no problems at all, neither have our laptops.
here on xda people have switched their devices because of that problem, got new ones and the problem persisted. i have installed roms, kernels, stock-images, basebands, nothing helped and i am sure the problem won't go away if i exchange the device. i knew i'd probably not gain much by asking again, threads like this can be found here, on rootzwiki, google, etc., but i was hoping to gather a little more knowledge. to read about cm7's patch for a similar issue on the nexus one gave me hope that something must be out there ...
btw, stock ICS seems to have the best reception by now, it stays connected for hours. but once it looses it, it won't re-connect aswell. my experiences are worse with AOKP. and it sucks because i love that rom so much. i guess when i'm home again it wont bother me since my own wifi is okay - but man, here, in another country it really hits me.
i had the same problem, seems like the connection would drop when the wifi signal is weak regardless of what settings you choose. i saw this problem on 4.01 and 4.02 stock, and apex rom. i had to switch to a router that could broadcast a stronger signal. i would get about 80-90 dbm with the old router and the new gone give 60-70 dbm. it seemed to have fixed the problem, i havent seen my gnex drop the wifi since i got the new router a few weeks ago.
Ive heard some people have a bug with wifi sleep policy setting not working. But mine seems to actually work. Set to "never" is the best choice and after hours of screen off my wifi is still connected.
Maybe try that setting a few times to kill the bug.
“never"should actually kill wifi immediately after screen off I think. If it doesn't that would be just another bug. I read somewhere that for some people setting it to never resolved the issue but i tried pretty much every setting by now, nothing worked out though. I became so desperate I installed wifi monitor apps that reset wifi after they figure it got dropped, but not even these patches could revive it in some occasions. The only thing that works for sure is switching on the screen every now and then.
It's a wifi sleep policy. So never = never sleep.
Weird, mine says "keep wifi alive during sleep": always, when plugged in, never. our I miss something and there's another setting I haven't tried yet.
this may fix ur problem... for rooted phone
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do you have " avoid poor connections" unchecked?
martonikaj said:
It's a wifi sleep policy. So never = never sleep.
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How do you get that? It says "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep", which implies "never" would always keep the Wi-Fi off during sleep.

[WIFI] Browsing works, market etc doesn't

Hello everyone,
My phone is doing good so far, i have some of the known bugs, but i'm very satisfied!!
But.... when i'm connected with wifi at home or at my gf's home (different locations, different hardware) I can use my browser but I can't use Market, Zedge etc. I'm a system administrator, so I already checked everything network-related that could cause the problem(Encryption, channel, toggle between g/n, ports). My HD2 doesnt have any problems.
Is there something changed on the HOX in how it handles a wifi connection?
Like to hear your ideas and suggestions!!
arthasz said:
But.... when i'm connected with my wifi at my home or at my gf's home (different locations, different hardware) I can use my browser but I can't use Market, Zedge etc. Since i'm a system administrator I already checked everything that could cause the problem(Encryption, channel, toggle between g/n, ports). My HD2 doesnt have any problems...
Is there something changed on the HOX in how it handles a wifi connection?
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Mine is currently connected via wifi, and was also connected using the Mobile Network, and have had no market/email/browsing issues on any of those. Have you done any modifications on it? Are there any port lockdowns on those wifi signals you've been using?
DamoElDiablo said:
Mine is currently connected via wifi, and was also connected using the Mobile Network, and have had no market/email/browsing issues on any of those. Have you done any modifications on it? Are there any port lockdowns on those wifi signals you've been using?
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The phone is still out-of-the-box. I only installed whatsapp and a few apps but nothing big.
I tried it with no security at all, port 5228 UDP/TCP are open, tried a different router.. no luck so far!
No such problems here.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA
I have the same problem with all Android devices. Enable the Data and connect to Market once (Accept the terms and conditions). Once Market authenticates then it should work with WiFi. I have spend hours trying to find out the cause but no luck. I tried to DMZ the router to make sure there is no Port being blocked. In case you find out let me know how you fixed it.
just make sure the date and time is ok
Posted the following in another thread but thought it would be worth posting in here:
Might sound strange, but try rebooting the router. I was having problems with my One X, almost the same issue as you. My HTC Sensation would be fine and my Galaxy S and my laptop also fine, but my One X would have terrible WiFi performance, even tried deleting the wifi settings and re-connecting, and also a factory reset, to no avail. At this point i was ready to take it back as I thought it was faulty.
As a last desperate attempt i rebooted the router (unplugged it for 10 seconds then plugged it back in), and my One X has been perfect ever since. Doesn't quite make sense why one device but not others would have a problem, but worked for me anyway!
I've actually had a similar issue, in that TuneIn kept refusing to stream, even after restarting the phone. Power-cycling the router fixed it, although other devices on the same network were having no problems.
Ok, Im starting to think this phone is killing my WiFi network.. having ip issues with all my laptops now everything is set to static now so lets wait and see..
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Posted the following in another thread but thought it would be worth posting in here:
Might sound strange, but try rebooting the router. I was having problems with my One X, almost the same issue as you. My HTC Sensation would be fine and my Galaxy S and my laptop also fine, but my One X would have terrible WiFi performance, even tried deleting the wifi settings and re-connecting, and also a factory reset, to no avail. At this point i was ready to take it back as I thought it was faulty.
As a last desperate attempt i rebooted the router (unplugged it for 10 seconds then plugged it back in), and my One X has been perfect ever since. Doesn't quite make sense why one device but not others would have a problem, but worked for me anyway!
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Haha 9/10 times rebooting helps, but this is something different ^^
Kind of having the same issue here. Please let me know if you find any solution.
(My topic http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1591072)

[Q] No internet through WiFi after few minutes, still connected

Hi guys,
I've searched the whole forum but I couldn't find any other thread about my problem.
When I connect my HOX to WiIF (Sitecom WL-370 - 300N Gigabit Dualband Router) everything works fine at first, but after a few minutes (5, or sometimes 15 minutes) I've got no Internet anymore but I'm still connected. Also WiFI Analyzer still detects the network. I've this problem both on 2.4 GHz as on 5 GHz. I've also tried switching channels.
The strange thing is, I can still receive a WhatsApp message but I can't send any, also I can't browse on the Internet or things like that.
After turning my WiFi off and on it works fine again for the few minutes..
Best Wi-Fi performance is turned on and the other devices at home haven't got this problem.
Anyone having the same problem or knows a solution?
I've got the same problem and it seems to be totally random. What i noticed is that my Google Play Store always stops working (no connection) shortly after i turned on the phone (~10 minutes). Switching Wifi off and on again doesn't seem to change it, i need to restart my HOX to get it working again while other apps connect just fine after turning Wifi off and on again.
Edit: Stock Vodafone ROM (
I have the exact same issue and i went through every setting in my router trying to fix this.
I would turn on my WIFI, connect to my home network, and start downloading. After a few minutes it'll either stop (the dl percentage not change) and then if i reload the market/youtube/browser or any app that users the net, it'll say no connection.
The weird thing about this is that it LOOKS like i am connected to wifi (in the notification bar).
This may be a separate issue, but i tried to turn it off and then on again to get around the issue. This time around i would try to connect to my home wifi and it'll just say 'Saved' and then the network would go out of range.
I am running Leedroids rom.
I might have found a solution:
Under Settings -> Wifi -> Menu -> Extended there is an option for Wifi Power Saving. After unchecking it all my connectivity problems are gone.
May be worth trying a static IP configuration, if you know enough about ip4 to do it. I've seen problems with android Wi-Fi since version 2.2 - if your router issues an indefinite dhcp lease, it can show exactly the symptoms you describe. Only a possibility but worth a try.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
I have the exact same issue - the wireless shows connected yet you cannot browse the Internet etc. I have also tried every setting on the Wireless AP without any success. Even tried static IP and that does not fix it either. Whilst other devices in the house are ok...
The weirdest thing is though it does not happen everywhere i.e. at other places like work (where at least the same type of AP is in use) or at my brothers' house (where he has a Linksys). This is pretty much the only thing that bugs me with the HTC - the only workaround I have found is to make sure that WiFi is kept on only at times when plugged in - this doesn't actually fix the issue but it does mean that the phone will disconnect the WiFi and get a new connection next time it wakes up - this way I find I get the problem much less than when I have it set to Always.
I might have found a solution:
Under Settings -> Wifi -> Menu -> Extended there is an option for Wifi Power Saving. After unchecking it all my connectivity problems are gone.
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I already unchecked it but it didn't solved my problem
May be worth trying a static IP configuration, if you know enough about ip4 to do it. I've seen problems with android Wi-Fi since version 2.2 - if your router issues an indefinite dhcp lease, it can show exactly the symptoms you describe. Only a possibility but worth a try.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
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Also no success
I have the exact same issue - the wireless shows connected yet you cannot browse the Internet etc. I have also tried every setting on the Wireless AP without any success. Even tried static IP and that does not fix it either. Whilst other devices in the house are ok...
The weirdest thing is though it does not happen everywhere i.e. at other places like work (where at least the same type of AP is in use) or at my brothers' house (where he has a Linksys). This is pretty much the only thing that bugs me with the HTC - the only workaround I have found is to make sure that WiFi is kept on only at times when plugged in - this doesn't actually fix the issue but it does mean that the phone will disconnect the WiFi and get a new connection next time it wakes up - this way I find I get the problem much less than when I have it set to Always.
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Yeah, exactly, I've got the same problem. At school I've got no problems with the WiFi. I already send a message to HTC and I'm waiting on there answer.
I have kinda the same issue.
Using a HOX and at work I'm connected to Wifi and I can browse. At my house I can connect to the wifi, my IP is right that I'm getting from DHCP (I even tried putting in a static IP) but I can't browse
I also have a HTC Sensation, same setup and it works. The sensation can browse at work and at my house.
Why would this be?
Tried all sorts of solutions, but the only one that works is disabling the N-band and only leave B and G. This means that your laptop won't connect with the faster N, but at least the HOX works (what's more important )
Well I tried broadcasting a separate SSID on the b/g interface only for the exclusive use for the hox but that hasn't made any difference...my workaround is to have tunein radio in the background streaming whilst surfing...if I get bored of that solution my next workaround will be to trade the hox for an s3 as much as I despise TW...
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
I tried all the bands "B, G, N" and nothing works. So tired of this crap. Think I might just get a S3
RenVilo said:
I tried all the bands "B, G, N" and nothing works. So tired of this crap. Think I might just get a S3
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I was thinking to do the same but there is no chance in hell of me doing that after I compared my HOX with a display model at the phone shop. Pentile screen vs LCD on the HOX? HOX = Sharper and better whites - the white on the S3 is bluish and so obvious. Another thing also I noticed is that the aggressive auto brightness on the S3 is too much - you won't tolerate it and you will likely be forced to manually adjust all the time. That plus reading that the S3 goes through the battery like no mans business when on standby unless you turn off all the features and put it in power save mode (might as well buy a Nokia then) at least the HOX uses the Ninja core and actually does save your battery in standby mode.
Anyway - the reason I replied is that I found a workaround (note, workaround does not mean a fix) - I put in a wifi extender in an area where I tend to spent most of my time with the HOX - this has not fixed the problem per se but rather seems to have elevated it somewhat. Basically now if the HOX drops from the main offending AP it automatically gets hooked up on to the extender and carries on working! I say this because (and I saw this only twice so far) I realised that when the phones Internet connection stops and you load a new page it timed out and get page cannot be found but when I hit refresh it works again you do notice a 3-4 second lag (this never happened before the extender came into play). Not sure if anyone else has tried this but I got a Linksys/Cisco extender for £69 and so far at least it has given me a workaround. Of course your mileage may vary...so don't splash out on an extender and come and blame me if it doesn't work for anyone here...
I am also having this issue with my HOX has anyone found a fix for this?
i have tried everything listed and nothing works.
its weird though because i have NO issues on my home network, but my network in my apartment here and at work network i get this issue
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuummp any fixes??? this sucks !!!!
What versions of android you guys have? Stock, sense, vanilla android, ics, jelly bean? Because I didn't encounter this problem when running stock or ics custom roms. After I updated hboot to 1.31 and tried different jelly bean sense roms it appeared. I also tried some stock android roms (ice cold jelly and liquid smooth) and wifi seemed to work fine. So is this sense problem only?
Ot1s said:
What versions of android you guys have? Stock, sense, vanilla android, ics, jelly bean? Because I didn't encounter this problem when running stock or ics custom roms. After I updated hboot to 1.31 and tried different jelly bean sense roms it appeared. I also tried some stock android roms (ice cold jelly and liquid smooth) and wifi seemed to work fine. So is this sense problem only?
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The only change for me is update to HBOOT 1.31 and then things started happening. Otherwise runnin 4.0.4.
No workaround so far, at least i have not founf a way.

[Q] Push notifications delayed on WIFI

I've seen a few similar threads to the one I'm about to make. I've tried different suggestions which I will post here. Yet, none of them seems to work and I'm curious to see if anyone of you has a fix for my problem. My phone is an unbranded international HOX using the 9.7.2 ARHD rom by Mike1986. Here we go:
While being on WIFI my push notifications aren't coming through in time. There's a delay from anywhere between a few minutes up to as much as 40+ minutes. The phone doesn't have this issue being on the mobile data network. I'm also not 100% sure if the delay is still there when I'm on an different router. Even when I turn on the screen again, the messages seem to come in randomly.
WIFI best performance enabled
Static IP by router
WIFI sleep policy: Wifi always on
Tried suggestions
Wakelock: One thread described using an app called REGPON keep-alive, which installs a wakelock onto the phone to keep the data connection alive. This app did not do the trick. It only drained my battery and the messages still didn't come through.
Wifi performance: Set the phone to maximum wifi performance. This seemed to work for a while but ended up not working proper either
Kernel: Try a different kernel was one suggestion. I've switched from Stock to Faux123 010 kernel. This didn't change anything about the WIFI problem.
Static IP + Portforwarding + Disabling router Firewall: I've tried both port forwarding on port 5228 and even the range 5224-5228. I've also tried setting up triggered ranges. Maybe I'm doing something wrong on this part though. The router firewall is disabled and it should no longer block anonymous WAN packages.
Disable SmartSync: With the Suite Tools that are included in Mike1986's rom I've disabled Smartsync. No results as far as the wifi problem goes.
Probing app: I've tried an app that supposedly probes my router at least every minute in order to keep the connection alive.
Switching between b/g/n network: Didn't make a difference. The signal quality of the router is also good.
The only thing that did work for extended periods of time was using this remote control app that allows me to type through my PC keyboard, where the text ended up on the phone. I've also got an app installed to test push notifications. It's capable of making a log. Maybe that'll give you guys more information.
Right now I'm not sure if it's an issue with the HOX or if my router somehow stops the traffic. I don't recall having this problem on my HTC Desire. Does anyone have anymore tips?
No problem with Gmail push notification on Stock 2.17.401.2.
Yesterday I still was on ARHD 9.7.2, also there I never noticed any delay.
Edit: this complies to various wifi networks (@home, @office, @parents etc.)
Zendio said:
I've seen a few similar threads to the one I'm about to make. I've tried different suggestions which I will post here. Yet, none of them seems to work and I'm curious to see if anyone of you has a fix for my problem. My phone is an unbranded international HOX using the 9.7.2 ARHD rom by Mike1986. Here we go:
While being on WIFI my push notifications aren't coming through in time. There's a delay from anywhere between a few minutes up to as much as 40+ minutes. The phone doesn't have this issue being on the mobile data network. I'm also not 100% sure if the delay is still there when I'm on an different router. Even when I turn on the screen again, the messages seem to come in randomly.
WIFI best performance enabled
Static IP by router
WIFI sleep policy: Wifi always on
Tried suggestions
Wakelock: One thread described using an app called REGPON keep-alive, which installs a wakelock onto the phone to keep the data connection alive. This app did not do the trick. It only drained my battery and the messages still didn't come through.
Wifi performance: Set the phone to maximum wifi performance. This seemed to work for a while but ended up not working proper either
Kernel: Try a different kernel was one suggestion. I've switched from Stock to Faux123 010 kernel. This didn't change anything about the WIFI problem.
Static IP + Portforwarding + Disabling router Firewall: I've tried both port forwarding on port 5228 and even the range 5224-5228. I've also tried setting up triggered ranges. Maybe I'm doing something wrong on this part though. The router firewall is disabled and it should no longer block anonymous WAN packages.
Disable SmartSync: With the Suite Tools that are included in Mike1986's rom I've disabled Smartsync. No results as far as the wifi problem goes.
Probing app: I've tried an app that supposedly probes my router at least every minute in order to keep the connection alive.
Switching between b/g/n network: Didn't make a difference. The signal quality of the router is also good.
The only thing that did work for extended periods of time was using this remote control app that allows me to type through my PC keyboard, where the text ended up on the phone. I've also got an app installed to test push notifications. It's capable of making a log. Maybe that'll give you guys more information.
Right now I'm not sure if it's an issue with the HOX or if my router somehow stops the traffic. I don't recall having this problem on my HTC Desire. Does anyone have anymore tips?
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I am so sorry to hear you are affected by this problem, but also happy someone else is experiencing the exact same thing as I am !!!
I have tried different solutions to no avail.
Would love to hear something on this topic !!
Also I should note, I don't have any kind of task killer installed.
In general use WIFI feels really fluid and responsive. I really have no idea what could cause these problems.
Zendio said:
Also I should note, I don't have any kind of task killer installed.
In general use WIFI feels really fluid and responsive. I really have no idea what could cause these problems.
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Did we get any update on this, I have the issues on 3 phones..desire HD, sensation and a brand new Galaxy S3
modd1uk said:
Did we get any update on this, I have the issues on 3 phones..desire HD, sensation and a brand new Galaxy S3
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I hope so. My One S is experiencing the same thing. I've tried everything above. No luck. Some stuff is fairly critical that I get it as soon as it comes in. I might try getting ahold of a Nexus 4 and do some testing with its wifi, just to make sure it isn't a general Android problem.
What router do you have? My issue was any android device in the house. Turned out it was my router, I put a custom firmware on it and all my trouble have gone away. My friend has the WiFi issue on a virgin media superhub.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
I have an Asus RT-N66U. Funny you should suggest that. I'd planned to throw Tomato on it tonight and see how that works out. I did some tests at my folks' and their router had the same results. It's some cheap Netgear thing. Not sure of the model at the mo. I'll post back with results. If not tonight, tomorrow some time.
No go
Well that was unsuccessful. Actually it slowed things down. With the default firmware I get notifications from the instant I press power to wake up my phone. With Tomato there was a second or so before I got them.
Time to try DD-WRT tonight to see if that does the same thing.
I have an rt-n56u so the older version of yours and I'm running the Asus wrt that is being made, its fixed all my problems and is awesome tbh.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
Set Beacon mode power safe (BMPS) to 0 in WiFi ???.ini config file should resolve this problem.
Such ???.ini config file usually placed under /system/etc/wifi or /system/etc/firmware/wlan/prima/

[Q] Android 4.3 wifi problem

I know this has probably been asked many times before but i can not find an acceptable answer. My WiFi will not automatically connect to known WiFi spots i know they are solutions to try like turning wifi optimisation on/off and you can always manually go into wifi and it will connect, but its not right it is not how it should work. I'm wondering if it is linked to hardware as in a certain batch of components not working properly with the software. Anyway is there a permanent proper fix other than flashing back to an early release. Also I have tried many 4.3 roms including stock and they are all the same
Tasker Fix
goatimus said:
I know this has probably been asked many times before but i can not find an acceptable answer. My WiFi will not automatically connect to known WiFi spots i know they are solutions to try like turning wifi optimisation on/off and you can always manually go into wifi and it will connect, but its not right it is not how it should work. I'm wondering if it is linked to hardware as in a certain batch of components not working properly with the software. Anyway is there a permanent proper fix other than flashing back to an early release. Also I have tried many 4.3 roms including stock and they are all the same
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Had the same issue. Having success with a Tasker rule that turns off wifi for 1 minute when wifi connection is lost and then turns it back on. This seems to reset the wifi so when I return to a known wifi, there is a reconnect. At wost have to wake the device (hit the power button) and then wifi comes alive.
bigknowz said:
Had the same issue. Having success with a Tasker rule that turns off wifi for 1 minute when wifi connection is lost and then turns it back on. This seems to reset the wifi so when I return to a known wifi, there is a reconnect. At wost have to wake the device (hit the power button) and then wifi comes alive.
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Thanks for help I've decided to go back to 4.2 for now. It really bugs me when something doesn't work as it should and refuse the 'workarounds' as a matter of principle. Does anyone know though if it is a hardware batch kind of problem as it just doesn't seem to make sense that some people have the problem where others do not. I hope 4.4 doesn't have the same issue.
goatimus said:
I know this has probably been asked many times before but i can not find an acceptable answer. My WiFi will not automatically connect to known WiFi spots i know they are solutions to try like turning wifi optimisation on/off and you can always manually go into wifi and it will connect, but its not right it is not how it should work. I'm wondering if it is linked to hardware as in a certain batch of components not working properly with the software. Anyway is there a permanent proper fix other than flashing back to an early release. Also I have tried many 4.3 roms including stock and they are all the same
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Having the same issue here on my toroplus. I've noticed three different behaviors: automatically connects, connects right after screen turns on (before unlocking), and doesn't connect until I tell it to "Connect". I've read that some people have reported the issue on the Nexus 4, but I don't know if that means anyone is working on fixing it...but being on multiple devices, someone that can fix it ought to notice it, right? I hope so; it's definitely starting to annoy me too!
Its annoyed me to the point I think 4.3 is unusable. I have limited data usage and with my very useless memory I keep using it up as I've forgot to manually connect to WiFi. I've even tryed looking through all the system folders to see if I can edit some setting but I don't really know what I'm looking for.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Recently tried 4.3 again with the same problems as usual. Buuuut after a week of using it the WiFi issue seems to be fixing itself!?!?! More and more often its connecting by itself yet I have not changed a single thing. I am on stock unrooted 4.3. So maybe its just a case of a bit of patience.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
No, I can't confirm that. I've been using 4.3 for at least 2 months and the issue hasn't fixed itself the least.

