Creating Theme - How do I know what to change - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

Hey all. I'm not sure if this question has an obvious answer, on earth do you know what images to change when creating a theme? It took me a while to realize that the dialpad was in the contacts apk, and I'm constantly searching for which image goes with the corresponding image on the phone. Is there an easy way to look at, say, the messaging app, and know which images within the apk I need to edit? It can't be simple trial and error, or I'm sure many of you would've gone crazy creating the themes you've brought here. Please, if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

morrison0880 said:
Hey all. I'm not sure if this question has an obvious answer, on earth do you know what images to change when creating a theme? It took me a while to realize that the dialpad was in the contacts apk, and I'm constantly searching for which image goes with the corresponding image on the phone. Is there an easy way to look at, say, the messaging app, and know which images within the apk I need to edit? It can't be simple trial and error, or I'm sure many of you would've gone crazy creating the themes you've brought here. Please, if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
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Think again. Trial and error all the way. There is no this image goes here type guide.


Unencrypting xml files

I was curious if anyone knows how to unencrypt(sp?) xml files. I am trying to build a theme and wanted to browse through some xml's to see if I could change the color of the digital clock on the status bar, among other things. I tried googling to no avail. Is this even possible at this time, or am I just going to have to wait until someone figures out how to unencrypt these files? Just some general advice on how this filetype behaves in android would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance...
Stericson is currently in the process of this. He'll let us know when he's got it.
Shoulda figured Stericson had a hand in this matter. He is extremely valuable in the development of our devices, in fact, I almost sent him a PM to ask him about this matter directly, but I wanted to gather some general info/advice from everyone. Thanks for the reply Phromik, and thanks be to Stericson too, for being such an indispensable asset to these forums.
Ahhh, many thanks....Unfortunetly, this is not easy in the least. As for right now the xmls can be decrypted, vis some tool online you can find by googling, but you can also see the xmls in plain text by downloading the source and looking through them. I am trying hard to get these done but it is not easy in the least. Much more difficult then what we are doing now.
We will get it though, no worries, just may take some time.

creating a theme

maybe this is out of my league...
but is it pretty much as easy as extracting the images, changing there colours (maybe using photoshop??) and then re packaging and updating my hero?
if its not too much harder could someone point me towards a guide, or if im smack on, lead me to the apk i have to extract? theres no "sense" apk and i did not find any images in the rosie apk!
i would really appreciate this, thanks in advance
im jus using winrar to extract the apk's, so far i have found alot of the images but i havnt come across any that id like to change
edit #2
ok so i was looking through and have started to figure out how they sorted all there files... but i was wondering if there was like universal png's somewhere? cuz it seems like every apk has its own black bar at the top (for the pull down tray)
maybe this is in the wrong forum?
try looking in the themes thread, i am sure I saw a guide to creating themes somewhere...
take a look at the Dream/Magic/Sapphire boards there are several threads about this
should help

Theming Help - How do I know which images to change?

Hey all. I'm not sure if this question has an obvious answer, on earth do you know what images to change when creating a theme? It took me a while to realize that the dialpad was in the contacts apk, and I'm constantly searching for which image goes with the corresponding image on the phone. Is there an easy way to look at, say, the messaging app, and know which images within the apk I need to edit? It can't be simple trial and error, or I'm sure many of you would've gone crazy creating the themes you've brought here. Please, if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

New to modifying files, so need some assistance and advice

I will start off saying I am new to this as the title , so I will probably ask a lot of redundant questions and noobie questions, I hope that's ok.
What I want to do (for now):
I am attempting to do is modify the systemui.apk file. I would think that would be a fairly easy task, but with my VERY limited knowlege of things I'm not sure.
The file has a lot of icons for customizability, but I want to add some of my own, or rather this phones icons(samung epic 4g) default icons. I have the icons I grabbed from a stock rom, and saved them.
I have the toggles, and battery icons, which are what I want to add into the systemui.apk. Iwill probably call it something like Samsung default, since default name is already taken.
So all that said, how easy would it be for me, someone who has never even attempted this before, but has a small amount of knowledge of what stuff is, ie: difference between odex and deodex, where the files are located at, etc?
Stuff like what file/files to edit, what to put in the xml files as in what line coding or whatever they call it. Stuff like that.
I'm very simple in nature, so if there is a way to do what I want to do, please direct me in the right direction, and please, keep it simple if possible.
I do realize there are tutorials about how to theme and how to make or edit a systemui file but I can't seem to find a more specific way/thread to do what I want to do, not that I have found anyways.
My guess is I will have to edit some xml files and add some lines, I just an not sure what exactly to put in those lines, or what files to edit.
First of all: wrong section - this belongs to Q&A.
About modifying APKs, I'm also not much familiar, but I believe that apktool and those GUI tools that includes it can be fairly helpful. I personally use APKChanger to do all my APK-related mods.
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM11
AndyYan said:
First of all: wrong section - this belongs to Q&A.
About modifying APKs, I'm also not much familiar, but I believe that apktool and those GUI tools that includes it can be fairly helpful. I personally use APKChanger to do all my APK-related mods.
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM11
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Awesome it looks like a good start, I will give it a go, and report back.
Hope this works, as I am not really doing much to the systemUI file, all I am doing is adding in, what's not there, so the rest can stay in tact, just I want to add some preferred icons/png files I have on hand already. I'm not diescting to make a rom or anything, so I can't see this as being really hard thing to do.....for those that have done it could probably do this in about 5 mins work without breaking a however it seems it's takeing awhile lol.
easyrider77 said:
Awesome it looks like a good start, I will give it a go, and report back.
Hope this works, as I am not really doing much to the systemUI file, all I am doing is adding in, what's not there, so the rest can stay in tact, just I want to add some preferred icons/png files I have on hand already. I'm not diescting to make a rom or anything, so I can't see this as being really hard thing to do.....for those that have done it could probably do this in about 5 mins work without breaking a however it seems it's takeing awhile lol.
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Very cool program, thanyou for the info. I kinda messed around with it a bit, and it's vvery nice for those not so smart at heart people like me.
I still have a snag though. I know where the icons are, I'm just not sure how to activate them via the like settings and such.
Take the battery mod within 3mini for example, you open 3minit, and under the battery part it you select it and it has a bunch of icons you can pick, but the stock ones aren't there. I am wanting to add stock icons, which are in the res/label-dhpi folder, (I think that's what it's called), but it's the folder that has the icons in it. Now, to access those icons, you have xml file you have to point to to tell it to actually see the icons in said folder, via a code line as I call it.
There is my problem, I am not sure really WHAT code line to put in said xml file/files, so I'm running into a wall.
So I can extract/decompile the apk file fine, and I have a folder/files with some more folders and files under that. I have looked at the stuff but since I'm not a programmer at all, and not to get off on another rabit trail here, but I cannot even do simple plain html....yes I know it's a text thing, but if you don't understand the if's and waits and the language of it all, well it might as well be german.
People always say "what's the problem, it's easy" well I suppose it is, if you are savvy to that stuff, but for those that have a hard time with one thing, it comes oh so simple for another, but it doesn't mean someone is stupid, it just means it's not their thing. Some atre meant to be some things, some are not. Not everyone is meant to be a doctor, yet some are because they understand those sorts of things better.
Anyways, I am sorry for trailing off, in short I am saying if you have a hard time with what I call coding, and yes it is a coding in some form, just as html is, even though it's still text, it's still a code that tells things what to do, IE: code
In short, I am nt sure what file/files to edit,. and even then I am not sure what lines to put in them.
Here is a good example of what I mean. While I appreciate this persons hard work and efforts, people like me it may as well be written in a foreign language of sorts, because while I understand editing a certain file, and I get the concept of CODE: that's where I end up getting lost. I have opened the said xml file, and see the code, but when they say code, well I have to ask things like what line to I edit, where do I cut/paste the lines in that post to, do I delete another line and replace it with that code, etc..etc..
I in NO way am trying to trash people for their posts and efforts, so I hope it's not taken that way, I just sometimes have to be drawn a picture for things, like a child. As hard as I might try, I just am not grasping what to do after the point of opening the file and editing it.
I suppose I will just give up this quest I have for what I want to do, unless I fin somone kind enough, and patient enough to go a little further into explanation of what I need to do to further go on. it can be hard for some people, especially if you are a programmer to explain a little more in depth about what a person needs to do, I have friends that have that mind set, and they to get irritated at people like me .....I guess it is what it is.
Thanks again for the info, I appreciate all that xda and the people here do, and all thier time and effort towards the mods.
Well I can't provide further help then... My ability stops at making navigation bar mods which only involves modifying 5 lines of xml. Good luck with learning from scratch :beer:
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM11

Where are the stock wallpapers stored?

Hello everybody!
I have what I consider to be a good question, well to some of you it may not be so good... Anyway here goes...
I would like to know where the stock wallpapers that come with the phone are stored? There's reasons for my asking this, one of them being I find I cannot use any image but those in the wallpaper gallery on the lockscreen, another is I would like to replace some of the images with those of my own. I have googled this but all I find are sites that want to offer me links to download the wallpapers, which I don't want to do because I have them already....
im trying to find out same thing
somebody said they are stored in system >>>> APP >>>> but I cannot find them in here
Why is it so hard to get someone to answer this very simple question??????????????????????????
stevae said:
Why is it so hard to get someone to answer this very simple question??????????????????????????
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it's stored inside a apk should be lg theme optimus.apk...system/app where you will find it....but i am not sure it's long time ago i replaced my wallpaper...

