AGPS Patch Transformer TF300T v1.0 | GET BACK TO RAPID GPS LOCK, LOCK EXTRA SATS - Transformer TF300T Android Development

List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Transformer TF300 v1.0 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Generic Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL TWRP build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samssung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)

This just says Tentative Support for now. However, it is known to work very, very well for numerous owners of this device who were kind enough to work with me the past three days for testing.
This is v3.1 of my infamous patch customized for your device hence it's a glaring v1.0 here.
HydroROM and others referenced my work as a worldwide patch. So, this is the real deal with the latest updates. The old stuff floating around for the TF300 was put together a long time ago. In fact, it was v1.3 and v3.0 came out in October 2011.
Please comment your results, etc.

Nice to see it up and running. Can confirm this is doing a hell of a job.

I flashed this earlier and can confirm that it works very well.

Moved the files into system/etc and reboot but my GPS continues to work badly :\
Can I flash it through TWRP?

solefero69 said:
Moved the files into system/etc and reboot but my GPS continues to work badly :\
Can I flash it through TWRP?
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Read the entire OP please. There is a section on how to post for assistance. Further, there are plenty of Notes that could resolve your issue.
You said you moved the files into /system/etc, but there is also a file to go into /system/etc/gps. See, your statement is very vague... This is why I wrote how to post so that we all can get the best experience through our efforts to better the GPS systems on 30+ devices I support.

just checked your zip. The xml file is missing.
Maybe it worked for me, cause I already had your xml file.

mikaole said:
just checked your zip. The xml file is missing.
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contents: gpsconfig.xml
It is there. It's in a subfolder /etc/. Review the ZIP file.
EDIT: It has to be the ZIP above. My generic patches will not have the XML as it is device specific.

crypted said:
contents: gpsconfig.xml
It is there. It's in a subfolder /etc/. Review the ZIP file.
EDIT: It has to be the ZIP above. My generic patches will not have the XML as it is device specific.
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Just redownloaded and its there. The one I dl this morning didn´t have it. Thats weard.
BTW You brought my HTC Desires GPS back to live

mikaole said:
Just redownloaded and its there. The one I dl this morning didn´t have it. Thats weard.
BTW You brought my HTC Desires GPS back to live
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Very strange. I didn't change the ZIP at all from the time I posted it yesterday.
Glad to be of assistance on multiple devices for you!!!

crypted said:
Read the entire OP please. There is a section on how to post for assistance. Further, there are plenty of Notes that could resolve your issue.
You said you moved the files into /system/etc, but there is also a file to go into /system/etc/gps. See, your statement is very vague... This is why I wrote how to post so that we all can get the best experience through our efforts to better the GPS systems on 30+ devices I support.
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Ok sorry! But I also moved the file into the gps folder..BTW I'm on CleanROM JB 2.0 and I have no case... On JellyBean my GPS worked always poorly but I don't know why

solefero69 said:
Ok sorry! But I also moved the file into the gps folder..BTW I'm on CleanROM JB 2.0 and I have no case... On JellyBean my GPS worked always poorly but I don't know why
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Have you tried anything in the Notes Section? At all?
How about another rom like Hydro?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app

crypted said:
Have you tried anything in the Notes Section? At all?
How about another rom like Hydro?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Yes I tried everything in the Notes section. Now i'm on Hydro and i'm giong to flash your gps fix through TWRP

:good: Works well in my tf300 and my One X - Good stuff :good:
Just installed with ES Files Explorer without problem.
Sending from my tf300 using Tapatalk premium between sky and earth

Hi guys,
my tablet takes about 40/60 sec., to fix the satellites ...
Can I install this patch?
Can i flash the file with the TWRP recovery ?

yes and yes

mikaole said:
yes and yes
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solefero69 said:
Yes I tried everything in the Notes section. Now i'm on Hydro and i'm giong to flash your gps fix through TWRP
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I just flashed this on Hydro 4.1, it works great. It found 12 satellites withing 3-4 seconds. I flashed it with TWRP too BTW.

Works great with CleanRom 2.5, just didn't know I have to tick everything in this gps settings that its working with Google Maps
But thanks mate, really faster than before!

Official support has is now available for more devices:
Samssung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Asus Transformer TF300T
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
If you appreciate this growing work, always consider clicking the Thanks.
Remember that I pay monthly hosting fees for the space and bandwidth necessary to keep this patch working on the backend. So, please consider donating a few bucks if you're a user. All donations go directly to the patch provisioning and there is absolutely no overhead to benefit me.


[BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

FRX07.1 is here!!
This is a maintenance release - basically taking the newest components to make a completely up-to-date (as of Sept. 1).
Quite a lot has changed since FRX06 - the install process hasn't really, but be sure to read the changelog in the next post and the caveats in post #3!
<<<This is a link to the... FAQ Click it!!>>>​
I have created a complete bundle of FroYo with a stable kernel from GIT (August 19 / 1348), and rootfs from GIT (Sept. 2).
Please, feel free to DONATE to the XDAndroid project!
Every little bit helps!
1. Download the full bundle (zip). (Updated September 1 2011)
If instead you just want the system.ext2 (zip) (Updated July 15 2011) file by itself... Don't download this if you're not sure! Grab the full bundle!
2. Extract it. You’ll see a folder, FRX07.1, copy its contents to the root of your SD card. If you want to run Android from a folder instead of all the files on the root of the card, follow the steps below.
3. Go into the STARTUPS folder. Grab the appropriate startup.txt for your device (if you don't know what device you have, you should read the FAQ), and move it to the root of the card (or where you run haret.exe from. If you want to change the location of the build, put a rel_path= statement in the cmdline section of the startup.txt. Mine is located two folders deep on the SD, so my rel_path=Androids/TP2Ref)
4. Screen calibration - you have three choices:
Re-use an old ts-calibration file if you have it and you know it's good.
Download the file and extract it to where you put the rest of the files (root of SD or in a folder - make sure it all stays together!)
Manually calibrate - boot with no ts-calibration file and watch the boot process - you'll be asked to hit 5 points to calibrate the screen. If you have issues calibrating, try an older kernel (1225 works well) Once you have the calibration file hold on to it (make 15 copies if it's a good one ), reboot & go back to the newest kernel!
6. Run haret.exe.. Profit!
Let it settle out on the first boot. Many have reported they had to reboot basically because it was so slow - if you let it sit for about 10 mins so the media scanner can go thru everything, etc. it will be much more pleasurable experience. If you want adb in and watch the processes via top, you'll see why the phone seems so slow - there's lots of background processes cranking because this is the first boot .
Please read the... FAQ
If you have any issues with the kernel, feel free to change it:
There are some devices that are having issues with the newest kernels. Please see the kernel autobuild service to get archived kernels. Once you download a replacement kernel, go to where you run haret.exe from - remove your old zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz. Take the new zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz and replace the old ones, same folder - where you run haret.exe from. Make sure the ‘zImage’ is named just that. Do not rename the modules file, do not extract it - should be in .tar.gz format.
See Incremental Updates for more information on updating the kernel and other components.
Random issues can often be solved by forcing the system to create a new data.img. If you're worried about losing data (all user data is stored in the data.img!!), Titanium Backup works quite well. If you wish, you can rename the data.img to something else, and let the system create a new one - just to see if it resolves your problem.
Similarly, if you wish try formatting your SD card - I prefer to use the HP Tool - do a full format, FAT32.
Even though this build is considered fairly stable, you are more than likely going to run into issues. The next post will address issues particular to this build - PLEASE READ THESE before asking questions! Feel free to post questions in this thread, I will do my best to address them. Big thanks to stinebd for releasing the system image, and of course the other developers for their hard work on making these kernels available.
stinebd's Changelog:​
stinebd said:
Here’s a new release for you, folks. This is a major release with a ton of changes, new features, and fixes. Our friend hyc/highlandsun did most of the heavy lifting for this release. Highlights include a rewritten RIL with support for world phones and greatly improved CDMA support; fixes for the media codecs; fixes for MMS on Sprint; increased security with the Superuser app.
A list of changes is included below. The FRX07 system image is available for download now, and will require the use of a new rootfs image, also available now. Additionally, we have a new bundle containing everything needed to enjoy a full FRX07 system.
Note: Due to the incredibly long list of changes, this is a somewhat condensed, terse changelog describing only the overall scope of the changes.
Major frameworks changes for CDMA/GSM dual-mode worldphone support. (hyc)
Fixes for data connection handling to improve startup time. (hyc)
Fixes for wifi handling to avoid issues on hanged drivers. (hyc)
Stagefreight (media codecs) fixes. (hyc/viruscrazy)
Fixes for Sprint’s wonky MMS markup structure. (hyc)
Fix MediaScanner not finding audio files (including ringtones) in system.ext2
Minor GPS driver fixes. (Alex[sp3dev])
Rename wifi interfaces to wlan0 on all devices (hyc)
hardware/xdandroid-ril: Major RIL refactoring for improved performance on all devices, and added CDMA/GSM dual-mode worldphone support. (hyc)
packages/apps/Gallery3D: Switched back to Gallery3D as the gallery app (closes bug #111)
packages/apps/Mms: Fixes for Sprint’s wonky MMS markup structure. (hyc)
packages/apps/Phone: Fixes for CDMA/GSM dual-mode worldphone support. (hyc)
packages/apps/Superuser: Added the Superuser package for authorizing su privileges. This, along with our signed builds, provides greatly increased security for the end user (mostly against malicious apps from the Market).
system/extras/su: Added as a dependency for the Superuser package
vendor/qcom/android-open: Include missing stagefright codec symbols. (hyc/viruscrazy)
To coincide with the FRX07 system image, the following rootfs changes have been made:
init.froyo.rc modifications...
Adjust wpa_supplicant service for the new abstraction provided by libhardware_legacy, as well as interface rename
Abstract the hciattach service to provide bluetooth support on both chipsets
Rename wifi interface to wlan0 on all devices
apns-conf.xml updated
keymaps completely reorganized, and RHOD end-call key has been remapped to be the Home key in Android.
default.prop: set to lock down the adb shell - su can be used with the Superuser app to authorize root access in adb if needed.
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Layman's Changelog​
(As in, the changelog I wrote )​
FRX07.1 Changelog:
RHOD - all buttons on the front no longer wake the device. Only the power button wakes the device now.
Updated to the newest RIL
hyc's modified libs for video now baked in - *most* HQ YouTube videos (and other HQ videos) should finally work!
RHOD & TOPA - Userland (Android) now controls the LED by default now. If you need to debug sleep, you will have to change the behavior manually.
Facebook sync should now work, out-of-box.
FRX07 Changelog:
Updated RIL (thanks hyc!) - this covers many different bugs that were in the old RIL - I'm only going to cover the major ones...
CDMA now works correctly (for the most part). force_cdma (and north_am_dialing) is now deprecated (not needed/ignored!)
You can boot with a SIM in on a CDMA device and choose your GSM or CDMA on the fly under Settings.
Location based on towers now works on CDMA.
1xRTT now displays correctly, but I never seem to get EVDO Rev.a... I always get 0. This is represented by a 3g icon, as this is what the Android framework provides.
Full MMS support! Please see this page for configuration instructions. Will need help fleshing out the list of carriers folks!
Spotty service, switching towers, etc should no longer cause the dreaded SoD (Sleep of Death) condition!
(Basic audio) 3.5mm support for RHOD400/500
Droidwall works out of the box now
Keyboard backlight now fades in/out
Gallery3D back in! Picasa Web Sync comes with it
A couple new apps added to AndroidApps folder:
rpierce99's app GetLogs
Titanium Backup
BT - works! But audio doesn't route. See this thread if you're feeling adventurous and want to play with/don't mind using some unstable/incomplete code...
That audio routing thread is in the RHOD section, and I've only tested it on a RHOD - but AFAIK it should work on other devices. Let me know.
I just trying it....after 1 hours in initial boot proses my battre was drain..and until now i never pass the initial boot
I think FRX06 best for my RAPH100 , but it can frezze if i put sim card..any idea to add my APNs mobile Network manually on FRX06?but i don't know how to do it?
Initial boot (no SIM)
Very nice! Just upgraded/updated new data.img to include grabbing the new kernel package (1340), rootfs and system files! I haven't tried anything that accesses data yet (ran it with no SIM) but FRX07 seems very stable on the RAPH100. However, it took a tad longer than what I'm used to on initial boot. Going to format and try with no androidapps folder and no media folder and see if that's what cuts down the initial boot. All in all awesome job... but something tells me you already knew that...
R^7Z said:
Very nice! Just upgraded/updated new data.img to include grabbing the new kernel package (1340), rootfs and system files! I haven't tried anything that accesses data yet (ran it with no SIM) but FRX07 seems very stable on the RAPH100. However, it took a tad longer than what I'm used to on initial boot. Going to format and try with no androidapps folder and no media folder and see if that's what cuts down the initial boot. All in all awesome job... but something tells me you already knew that...
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nice report..but i wanna know if you boot with SIM's freeze your device?
If it freezed with FRX06 it shouldn't freeze anymore,hyc/highlandsun's ril solved it..
it very stable, but maybe someone tried install a new Market app?
GoldAngelo said:
it very stable, but maybe someone tried install a new Market app?
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I haven't, give it a shot - I asked the same thing before release .
system doesn't detect my SIM, it said "No service" despite my SIM operated normally in WinMo
datbi_201 said:
system doesn't detect my SIM, it said "No service" despite my SIM operated normally in WinMo
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What phone? Have you set the phone to be on GSM mode in Android...?
arrrghhh said:
What phone? Have you set the phone to be on GSM mode in Android...?
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Click to collapse
i'm using Ral, i installed FRX06 last week and everything was ok w/o any setting. But now with FRX07 ...
i re-run Haret from WinMo but it hang up with command "(something): read retry", so i thought that my SDcard maybe corrupt. Just re-formated and re-run Haret.
it stopped/paused too long with command: "htc_cable_notify_do_work: 0"
and now, it's hanging up completely with "r5:00000000 r4:00000000"
what'd i do
Please try what was asked in the previous post and report your findings. The change logs in the first few posts make mention of a framework change. Meaning FRX07 might require some additional setting changes, depending on your phone/device...
By the way, what's a Ral? I have a RAPH100 and a RAPH110, which one do you have?
Well done with this build! It seems that the WiFi Turn Off- Turn On - Doesn't work anymore bug is gone (for my RAPH100).
LE: And it seems that the clock network sync bug is gone, too.
R^7Z said:
Please try what was asked in the previous post and report your findings. The change logs in the first few posts make mention of a framework change. Meaning FRX07 might require some additional setting changes, depending on your phone/device...
By the way, what's a Ral? I have a RAPH100 and a RAPH110, which one do you have?
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i have Raph100 and i followed all steps carefully but install progress still hang up
First of all, great work on this guys! I've been waiting for quite a while and this release works great on my RHOD400.
Onto my feedback for the RAPH800...
I can't boot the kernel that's bundled with the 7/16 release.
It boots with endless repeat of "OOPS - smd_tty buffer mismatch"
I went back through a few kernels from the build page. Each of the following builds boot with the same error
htc-msm-linux @ 20110716_005117
htc-msm-linux @ 20110711_082424
htc-msm-linux @ 20110627_223755
When I got to this build:
htc-msm-linux @ 20110622_180615
The boot froze for a while (~30 minutes) and I finally reset the device. It booted fine after the reboot.
I'm not sure if this information helps at all, but I hope it helps in pinpointing a problem what changed over this range of builds.
Again, thanks so much. I'm looking forward to testing FRX07! I'm thinking I'll be able to use it daily on my RHOD!
Superuser permissions, heck yeah! That's been one of the more annoying things about xdandroid; some apps just don't like how it does root, which I suspect might have something to do with the lack of the aforementioned app. Plus, it's just not safe having su be autoconfirmed. I appreciate it.
Can fellow Raph100 owners verify if the physical keyboard lights are always on in closed position? When drawn, the lights goes off which is the reverse of how it should function. The LCD panel doesn't turn off fully as well, it's lit slightly.
Otherwise, it's a good stable build. No SOD's yet with the stock kernel. The device is not warm on standby as well compared to the previous build installed. DroidWall works out of the box without the usual tweak as well.
Thanks & kudos!
agibby5 said:
First of all, great work on this guys! I've been waiting for quite a while and this release works great on my RHOD400.
Onto my feedback for the RAPH800...
I can't boot the kernel that's bundled with the 7/16 release.
It boots with endless repeat of "OOPS - smd_tty buffer mismatch"
I went back through a few kernels from the build page. Each of the following builds boot with the same error
htc-msm-linux @ 20110716_005117
htc-msm-linux @ 20110711_082424
htc-msm-linux @ 20110627_223755
When I got to this build:
htc-msm-linux @ 20110622_180615
The boot froze for a while (~30 minutes) and I finally reset the device. It booted fine after the reboot.
I'm not sure if this information helps at all, but I hope it helps in pinpointing a problem what changed over this range of builds.
Again, thanks so much. I'm looking forward to testing FRX07! I'm thinking I'll be able to use it daily on my RHOD!
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I can't get my RAPH800 to boot at all! Might be a deeper issue with the device tho. Your info does help, I needed someone to narrow down when the issue first started. Thanks!


List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)
This is tentative support for this device. I have had a few people offering positive feedback for this device and the patch.
Let me know how it goes!
what apps should i use to test the gps effectiveness?
can you recommended?
gps test??
Works for me. Not sure if it is really faster than before. But it is fast.
Sent from my HTC Desire Z using XDA App
Thank you very much for posting this in this section....
Will try at night and post results.
Thanks a lot.
Edit: Getting a fix is somewhat faster now. Kudos!
rexstor said:
what apps should i use to test the gps effectiveness?
can you recommended?
gps test??
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Click to collapse
I recommend using only GPS Status.
All, thanks for confirming that it works. Those who have a ROM with GPS working fine won't get much out of this patch normally. Sometimes you will get an uptick in speed or accuracy. But for those who have crap GPS performance, this may be the solution required.
Flashed the T-Mobile zip and got a lock within 3 seconds. Very impressive. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Installed the Google Build with the ADB Installer on Andromadus A10 (ICS) and it works great. Google Maps used to have trouble fixing a GPS location but with the patch it happens in 10 sec. Even indoor fixing is working! (got 4 satelites indoor, up to 8 when I put the phone next to the window)
Holy sh!t... it worked! I've tried EVERYTHING to get a quick lock including changing lib files, so files, radios, wiping efs, etc and the only thing that every worked quickly was gps status by reseting gps data and downloading it. it was just an extra annoying step but still. I used the 3.1v google specific and flashed. It didn't change the files even after mounting system but I ended up doing it manually with root explorer and changing the permissions. It could have been due to it being made for CWM and I use 4EXT recovery. Either way, just double check the date on the files in root explorer to make sure and the permissions and all with be good. Thanks again! Works instantly!
Everyone: Be sure to post the zip that you chose to flash! There are a lot, and we'll cut down on questions about which one to use if you post which one you went with!
captainreynolds said:
Everyone: Be sure to post the zip that you chose to flash! There are a lot, and we'll cut down on questions about which one to use if you post which one you went with!
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Yeah, sorry for all the options. I need to write a little better discussion on them toward the top of the post rather than relying on people to read the notes fully. It's on my to-do list though admittedly toward the bottom.
Always try the Google builds first. The other builds only have different SUPL settings and/or certificates. Those use the SUPL server provided by the company name in the build title.
Tested it.
Looks pretty good. Used GPS Test to test it. Cleared my AGPS data then updated it. Got 9 sats in about 20 seconds and finally lock. Turned it off (my GPS) and back on, and in about 2 seconds....
FINALLY a GPS fix. It seems pretty good so keep bumping this up people
---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------
I used the Google one that was recommended. Im running CM7.1 and I used another lib from another GPS that was suppose to be better.....This patch doesnt touch that file and it seems to be working great too....
Ill have to test it out some more
Oh....and its snowing here
so uh... it doesn't state in the notes that it works with the G2, and i know it's the same as the DZ, but just to make sure- will it work on the G2?
Cobra281 said:
so uh... it doesn't state in the notes that it works with the G2, and i know it's the same as the DZ, but just to make sure- will it work on the G2?
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Hardware's basically identical. Yeah. I'll try and clean that up and make two links to indicate G2 is good. The issue just lies in the two phone names sharing one development thread.
Give it a go and take GPS power back in your hands!
crypted said:
Hardware's basically identical. Yeah. I'll try and clean that up and make two links to indicate G2 is good. The issue just lies in the two phone names sharing one development thread.
Give it a go and take GPS power back in your hands!
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Yeah it wasnt on the list but the HDH was so............
riahc3 said:
Yeah it wasnt on the list but the HDH was so............
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No worries. Did it work out well for you?
crypted said:
Hardware's basically identical. Yeah. I'll try and clean that up and make two links to indicate G2 is good. The issue just lies in the two phone names sharing one development thread.
Give it a go and take GPS power back in your hands!
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thanks! method 1 worked great, and google maps and gpstest are both finding satellites much faster!
crypted said:
No worries. Did it work out well for you?
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Yes. I am seeing faster lockon and it is seeing satellites faster.
That said, it is snowing here as well so....
---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------
And I did this inside my house.......Like I said, it seems pretty good
Anything for the Desire Z's GPS is good........
---------- Post added at 09:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 AM ----------
lol.........I actually was here in front of my PC typing this testing again my GPS and it was messing around with 5-7 satellites but couldn't get a lock. I live a attic and I actually picked up the phone and put in near the window that is on the roof. It actually took less than 2 seconds (yes, less than 2, I'm not kidding) to find 11 satellites and lock.
Now Im back in front of my PC and here it is in front of me with 5 sats but lock remains
This patch is ****ing amazing lol.......
Any source code for this? Some ROM developers might want to integrate this.


List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)
Several Galaxy Nexus users have indicated this fixes their GPS problems.
So, I'm opening up a tentative support thread. Let me know!
my nexus doesn't have any GPS issues... never heard of this issue ? My GPS locks in under 10 secs anyway... will it improve it Even more?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
ceo.mtcl said:
my nexus doesn't have any GPS issues... never heard of this issue ? My GPS locks in under 10 secs anyway... will it improve it Even more?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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you can test and tell me
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA
Flashed 3.1 zip using cwm, went from lock of 20m within 10 secs to lock of 10m within 10 secs on Gnex i9250 on aokp B28!!! Thanks used this for my sgs2 before also.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Heya crypted, good to see your patch here as well. I saw you on the T-mobile GS2 forums. I'll get my phone on Monday and will gladly test this out.
E:Error in /sdcard/bla bla bla <the zip>
arzbhatia said:
E:Error in /sdcard/bla bla bla <the zip>
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Use one of the other two methods...
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
n00b question
sorry i could have read it wrong but...
when using Method 2, is it enough to copy just the gps.conf into the system/etc/ directory?
bstijl said:
sorry i could have read it wrong but...
when using Method 2, is it enough to copy just the gps.conf into the system/etc/ directory?
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Yes for the no ssl versión.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
crypted said:
Yes for the no ssl versión.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
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cool then i'm golden, will post feedback after i've used it a couple of days
Proud to report 3 seconds lock without Google location service turned on.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
jroyalty7 said:
Flashed 3.1 zip using cwm, went from lock of 20m within 10 secs to lock of 10m within 10 secs on Gnex i9250 on aokp B28!!! Thanks used this for my sgs2 before also.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Want to check if you did the mount system step?
oblivionstalker said:
Want to check if you did the mount system step?
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I wasn't complaining I was reporting an improvement!!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
i9250 has the best gps experience for me. i dont think i need this.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
does it work on 4.0.4?
oblivionstalker said:
does it work on 4.0.4?
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Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA
I'm having a horrible time with the GPS on my gsm gnex. It finds the birds and locks on quickly but the accuracy is absolutely horrendous. When using google navi I'm oftentimes trampling through neighborhoods like Godzilla.
I've tried your various patches and they seemed to have improved my issue a bit (maybe? placebo effect) so I'd like to do some tweaking myself. My question is, where can I find definitions for ALL the variables available for use in gps.conf? I've scoured the net and came up empty.
aeroseek said:
I'm having a horrible time with the GPS on my gsm gnex. It finds the birds and locks on quickly but the accuracy is absolutely horrendous. When using google navi I'm oftentimes trampling through neighborhoods like Godzilla.
I've tried your various patches and they seemed to have improved my issue a bit (maybe? placebo effect) so I'd like to do some tweaking myself. My question is, where can I find definitions for ALL the variables available for use in gps.conf? I've scoured the net and came up empty.
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You have read my variable section descriptions in the gps.conf I assume? I have discussed a lot of these variables in the various patch threads.
I wouldn't touch anything except:
The "Alternate" patch sets POS to 0. If you haven't tried the Alternate patch, do so.
Accuracy threshold resolves how to throw out bad readings from satellites. Increase it to 5000 to see if you can get some more birds to help throw out useless crap. Or, you can go down to 2000 to force it to get better data.
I'd think you would want to start out as:
Move to:
Yup I've read your descriptions. I was asking for more because in my quest to alleviate the gps issue I've come across other variables that are not in your patch, for instance C2K_HOST and ENABLE_WIPER and I could not find adequate explanations of their meaning.
I've played with INTERMEDIATE_POS and ACCURACY_THRES, currently they are set at 0 and 0 respectively so I will try your suggestions right now.


List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Recommended Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)
The patch works great for a few users thus far. I want to confirm that further before making this an officially supported device.
Consider testing and letting me know!
Donations always welcome for supporting the backend of the system.
Is this the same as the gps fix posted in this section earlier?
Cxpher said:
Is this the same as the gps fix posted in this section earlier?
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No, mine actually removes a lot of what I've proven to be inconsistent points and operates using reliable servers for time and data. This assumes you use the v3.x trunk which is currently at v3.1. As always, I suggest the Google NO-SSL Build.
Won't go through the whole description and theories again because I've done so about 50 times on the other threads. However, it is discussed in minor detail in the Notes Section.
My patch has been downloaded over a million times and is either incorporated in or an add-on to a large number of ROM's.
Further, this patch has served over 10 million xtra.bin downloads and 14 million NTP DNS requests.
EDIT: For those who don't see that this has been an ongoing development and really successful thread, scroll to the bottom of the first post and review the 20+ devices officially supported. There are a number of tentative support devices out there, too, which I didn't feel were successful enough or were too old to be useful in time spent supporting them.
No they are not the same one. As far as I know crypted has his own ntp-setver.
MarcoHD said:
No they are not the same one. As far as I know crypted has his own ntp-setver.
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NTP server and XTRA.BIN provisioning as well...
Damn Crypted...did you also get an HTC One X now? I'm also thinking about possibly getting the One X. But i didn't know it had GPS problems.
I still can't thank you enough for all the work you did with the Prime!
babymatteo said:
Damn Crypted...did you also get an HTC One X now? I'm also thinking about possibly getting the One X. But i didn't know it had GPS problems.
I still can't thank you enough for all the work you did with the Prime!
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Nah, I don't have the device. I may get one eventually, but strapped for extra cash in my technology account at the moment.
I worked with someone via private message to make sure this patch was a-go at the users request. He was a user of my work on another device before buying this phone. Anyway, it worked fine so I figured it would be helpful to get this out to others too.
EDIT: Once this goes to fully supported, I think that puts me at 25 concurrent devices supported. Not too shabby.
Yep, same results as on HD2 and Sensation XE - first cold lock ever on my new One with this patch in 18secs and subsequent locks in 3 or 4 secs. Number of sats available more than normal too at x/16. This really is a fantastic patch - I use GPS a lot (iGo, MapMyRide, Maps, etc) - wouldn't be without it now, and congrats on some of the best dev support/involvement have seen recently on XDA, well done and thanks
Great mod. Worked amazingly in my hd2 and sensation days.
Luckily my galaxy note and one x lock in 2-3 secs without the need of this mod this time however great worked though, hopefully helps others out and great for the community
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
I picked up this phone last night at Vodafone CZ (1.26.401.2) it even includes urBeats as a freebie. Not too bad at all considering it is the cheapest price I was able to find in the country.
Anyway, I have no point of reference but coming from a DesireHD, it seems that this does lock pretty quickly and accurately. As the previous user has said though, the phone may not need this patch as much as other devices do, but what the hell, I can always go back if needed.
For the record, the ADB Push method didn't work for me. It gave me multiple errors with permissions and the like. I am currently running ARHD 1.2.2 so did it the manual way.
Not sure if it's something on my end, or the script needs revision
Quiksilver78 said:
I picked up this phone last night at Vodafone CZ (1.26.401.2) it even includes urBeats as a freebie. Not too bad at all considering it is the cheapest price I was able to find in the country.
Anyway, I have no point of reference but coming from a DesireHD, it seems that this does lock pretty quickly and accurately. As the previous user has said though, the phone may not need this patch as much as other devices do, but what the hell, I can always go back if needed.
For the record, the ADB Push method didn't work for me. It gave me multiple errors with permissions and the like. I am currently running ARHD 1.2.2 so did it the manual way.
Not sure if it's something on my end, or the script needs revision
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This patch works on 25+ devices. It would require over a hundred individual zips to ensure all methods worked with each device.
Because of the major headache above would be, I detail three installation methods.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA
Hello everyone,
I just installed your patch (the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1) in Clockworkmod Touch Recovery but i got a message : "E:Error in /sdcard/
(status 0)
Installation aborted
and the problem is that my phone is not booting anymore.
I unlocked my bootloader and installed latest CWR.
I can boot in the bootloader and in recovery mod but i can't get access to sdcard in anyway to put any rom on it and flash the system.
adb is not working and you can't mount usb storage in CWR.
This is probably stupid but i don't know how to get something to flash in the device.
Any idea please ?
bece65 said:
Hello everyone,
I just installed your patch (the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1) in Clockworkmod Touch Recovery but i got a message : "E:Error in /sdcard/
(status 0)
Installation aborted
and the problem is that my phone is not booting anymore.
I unlocked my bootloader and installed latest CWR.
I can boot in the bootloader and in recovery mod but i can't get access to sdcard in anyway to put any rom on it and flash the system.
adb is not working and you can't mount usb storage in CWR.
This is probably stupid but i don't know how to get something to flash in the device.
Any idea please ?
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This patch cannot do this to any device. Status 0 means it did not even install. There is something else wrong causing your issue.
Consider revising your steps for your last ROM install and/or your unlocking process.
The only suggestion I have for you is to try to do a factory reset/wipe of the device.
We cannot support your non-GPS issues on this thread. So, contact the ROM, unlock tool, and/or bootloader dev threads.
ok, thanks for your quick answer.
Do not understand why AGPS shuld be used on One X, my One X have GPS signal when Sygic starts. Sems to be faster than my DHD with fix so far. impressive
audiavant said:
Do not understand why AGPS shuld be used on One X, my One X have GPS signal when Sygic starts. Sems to be faster than my DHD with fix so far. impressive
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I do not understand your comment. Are you saying the device doesn't have aGPS functionality so this patch isn't useful? Are you saying that this patch isn't necessary because you have success with your unit compared to your prior DHD? Or, what are you saying?
This patch has been necessary for a number of users and this is the only reason why I brought this to the One X Dev forum...
You may find this helps you out even more, not sure. I'm not so lucky as to have a great phone like this. I'm still on the old Inspire 4G.
nickyg008 said:
Great mod. Worked amazingly in my hd2 and sensation days.
Luckily my galaxy note and one x lock in 2-3 secs without the need of this mod this time however great worked though, hopefully helps others out and great for the community
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
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same here, i'm getting a lock in 3 seconds without this patch, seems like htc have got their act together on this issue
but the patch worked wonders on my old Desire so well done crypted for that
beanbean50 said:
same here, i'm getting a lock in 3 seconds without this patch, seems like htc have got their act together on this issue
but the patch worked wonders on my old Desire so well done crypted for that
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I'd say that it is still ROM dependent, too. But time will tell. I hoped that this patch would be useless by the time ICS reached devices. That didn't come true. Maybe soon though!
Sorry for confution, this patch is usfull for all having slow gps problem.
Ment to say my One X work perfect without fix.
Used this on my DHD and it improved gps signal a lot (10 times faster signal), had a loock into file to understand what it dos and it give region specifick gps satelit info as original not have for your region.


List of officially supported devices is at the bottom of this post.
Use this if you're having GPS issues (unreliability, no functionality, etc.)
This patch provides a worldwide solution to GPS issue for multiple devices. Using a general ROM without this has resulted in 10+ minutes of GPS delay. Also, GPS lock kept being lost. By using this patch, most people experience a GPS lock within 10 seconds (2 - 20 seconds range can be expected). Typically, a device using this patch will lock onto 7 - 9 satellites. Users have reported up to 11 satellites being locked at once. Without this patch, the average satellite count is 4.
HOWTO INSTALL: (Remember to make a backup. See Notes section for what this patch does.)
Method 1:
1. Download the "ADB Push Installer". This contains all versions for the latest build and old v1.3 versions.
2. Extract the files into a specific folder.
3. Plug your device into the computer and get it ready for adb pushing. Nothing out of the ordinary required.
4. Open the batch file called "ADB Installation Script - RUN THIS" if you use Windows. Otherwise, run the Linux SH script if you use Linux.
5. Select the version you want from the list.
6. Follow the prompts to reboot. You're done.
4. Review the NOTES section.
Method 2:
1. Download the patch
2. Copy all file(s)* into /etc/ of the system (not sd-card) using ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, or some other form. You must have SYSTEM set to Mounted and Root enabled. Check your explorer app's SETTINGS to do this.
**Files will be: gps.conf & SUPLROOTCERT -OR- only gps.conf for NO-SSL builds.**
3. Reboot the device
4. Review the NOTES section.
*Files are located in the /system/ folder of the ZIP. Do not copy the other directories or folders.
Method 3 (easiest if you use a compatible version of CWR or CWM)*:
1. Download the patch
2. Boot into CWR (Clockwork Recovery)
3. Mount /system/ partition (on the main menu, select the "Mounts and storage" option, then "mount /system")
4. Flash the patch (on the main menu, select "Install zip from sdcard," then "choose zip from sdcard," and find the zip and select it)
If you receive "(Status 0) Installation aborted" this Method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods.
5. Reboot the device
6. Review the NOTES section.
*This was built for and works on Inspire 4G and DesireHD versions of Clockwork Recovery. The Google CWM Flashable Build has binaries known to work with CWM on the X8. It may work on other devices. Please message me your success if you try and flash with recovery version and phone model as part of the message.
Galaxy S III Specific Build(s)
Galaxy S III Test 2 (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Please comment if this helps better than the Generic. It appears to resolve MANY problems for the Verizon variant. Expect a few minutes for initial lock with very fast and accurate locks after that.
Galaxy S III Test 3 (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Please comment if this helps better than the Generic. It appears to resolve MANY problems for the Verizon variant. Expect a few minutes for initial lock with very fast and accurate locks after that.
Galaxy S III Test 2 ALT (Like it? *Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Please comment if this helps better than the Generic. *It appears to resolve MANY problems for the Verizon variant. *Expect a few minutes for initial lock with very fast and accurate locks after that.
Galaxy S III Test 3 ALT (Like it? *Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Please comment if this helps better than the Generic. *It appears to resolve MANY problems for the Verizon variant. *Expect a few minutes for initial lock with very fast and accurate locks after that.
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Unfortunately, it looks like S3 has taken a nose dive into the past and this might be why some are seeing such issues. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch series.
Generic Builds (pick either):
Download the Google Specific No-SSL v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific v3.1 build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Confused with all the options below? As the Notes section dictates: I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all devices. Other builds have changes in their SUPL server information and/or other variables pertinent to that manufacturer. These builds do not appear to operate as fast as Google build's but are available for your enjoyment.
3.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v3.1)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL TWRP build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
2.x trunk Alternative Options (currently v2.2)
Download the ADB Push Installer here. (contains all current builds and v1.3 builds) (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific NO-SSL build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Google Specific CWM Flashable build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the AT&T Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the T-Mobile Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the LG Phone Specific Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the Sony Ericsson Specific build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
Download the GPS.CONF only Alternate* build here. (Like it? Don't forget to click on "Thanks" and to rate the thread)
*The alternate patch removes a variable that some GPS hardware on older models cannot handle. Try this if you have problems with the standard patch.
Changelog: (I'll try to keep this correct and current)
v3.1 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
introduced my own NTP pools
repaired the LG Alternate build (was same as standard build, compilation error)
based on v2.2 configuration
has my own XTRA/AGPS server instead of Qualcomm
re-added two AGPS variables from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
re-added on USE SUPL variable from v1.3 (two beta-testers saw instant results with these re-added)
variables are now divided into sections and sections have descriptions
v2.2 update - New Version
introduced the NO SSL version for Google build. Shows faster performance times.
v2.2 (additional builds added)
added a new SUPL version using data from Sony Ericsson
added an alternate release using LG SUPL servers
added an alternate release using Google SUPL servers
updated the ADB PUSH to include new versions
fixed broken download links for the patch
removed local AGPS variable
removed local XTRA_SERVER variable
created LG Build with LG SUPL servers (some LG ROMs fail to work with non-LG SUPL servers)
reduced redundancy in NTP and XTRA (unnecessary entries)
added newly located SUPL server to T-Mobile build
v2.1 (encompassing changes between 1.3 to 2.1)
removed two NTP server pools
removed xtra1 server
removed multiple SUPL_HOST entries
aligned SUPL_HOST with SUPLROOTCERT in each package
increased QOS timeout from 89 to 100
removed QOS standalone timeout variable
removed extra AGPS variables
Old Versions:
3.x Trunk:
v3.0 ADB Push Installer
v3.0 Google Build
v3.0 Google Alternate Build
v3.0 Google CWM Build
v3.0 AT&T Build
v3.0 T-Mobile Build
v3.0 LG Build
v3.0 LG Alternate Build
v3.0 Sony Ericsson Build
v3.0 GPS Only Build
v3.0 GPS Only Alternate Build
2.x Trunk:
v2.1 Google Generic Build
v2.1 AT&T Specific Build
v2.1 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.1 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
v2.0 Google Generic Build
v2.0 AT&T Specific Build
v2.0 T-Mobile Specific Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build
v2.0 GPS.Conf Only Build (alternate)
1.x Trunk:
Worldwide 1.3
Worldwide 1.3n (alternate)
North America 1.2
Worldwide 1.2
Worldwide 1.2n (alternate)
North America 1.1
Worldwide 1.1
Worldwide 1.0 (not recommended)
North America 1.0 (not recommended)
Rules For Posting Questions:
Read the Notes Section first. I will refuse to answer questions that can be answered by some reading. If it is based upon something in the Notes Section, REFER TO THE NOTE when asking.
Answer the following questions: What ROM you are using?, What kernel are you using?, What GPS apps you have installed?, Where is your general location?, Are you using a case?, Has your GPS worked fine before?, Does it work fine with some apps and not others?, What else happened around the time your GPS stopped working? -AND- Have you reviewed the Notes Section?
DO NOT criticize the user of custom third-party NTP pools and xtra.bin data as dangerous. You obviously HAVE NOT read the Notes section OR reviewed the concurrent branch 2.x to discover it offers the standard NTP pool and Qualcomm-based xtra.bin server.
Don't indulge yourself in ignornat posts. Provide information that may be relevant to helping. Simply stating "this stopped working" or "I can't get it to work" helps nothing and only annoys other readers AND those who may be willing to help you just will not do it.
NOTES Section:
This patch will work with virtually all Qualcomm, Android phones and has been reported to work with other chipsets as well. That means hundreds of devices could see a benefit to GPS performance from this patch.
This patch has various objectives to ensure stability and efficacy with GPS. Locally, the patch will replace your /system/etc/gps.conf and your /system/etc/suplrootcert if you have this file. You can compare the difference in what you have to this one to get an idea of all the changes. V3.1, onward, contains section descriptions for variables in use. Most notably, starting with v3.1 the aGPS Patch uses my own central NTP DNS pool and my own central xtra.bin server by default. The xtra.bin does have fallback servers should mine fail. But, that is very, VERY much an unlikely scenario. These two imperatives allow for better stability and speed by providing top-rated NTP servers and prime-routed network access to transmit the xtra.bin to your phone.
I recommend the GOOGLE BUILD of all trunks. However, you can use any build with any phone. You may have good luck with specific builds that do not fit your phone or carrier criteria. If you're curious, test it and see.
This works with ANY ROM unless the ROM has aGPS and/or GPS disabled in the code. This happens with CMx nightlies and some betas! I cannot fix this, neither can you.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs.
Short patch history: The 1.x trunk only flashed a modified gps.conf file which relied solely on Qualcomm and NTP.ORG. Starting with 2.x, a gps.conf and a matching SUPLROOTCERT file for SUPL server authentication is included. The 3.x trunk offers the same as v2.x but adds better sourcing for NTP data and for the xtra.bin file; it utilizes my own server to do so.
Why toss out SSL?Whether or not you have a current SUPL certificate is questionable. Some have expired. Some will expire soon. Either way, the servers may provide SSL access without proper certificates depending upon configuration. That aside, I have found that SSL and secure communications over data networks slows the response times. I see no reason to use SSL for location information. If someone has a logger to obtain your location, SSL will not assist in stopping it. The bad app will continue to obtain your information by "stealing" it and you have more problems than a simple SSL-SUPL communications leak.
NO-SSL Builds will not have a SUPLROOTCERT because these builds do not use SSL. The SUPLROOTCERT is a certificate used for authentication of SSL connections. There is no need for this file for the GPS at this point.
IF you have issues with v2.x or v3.x, your ROM might require more variables. Try the old worldwide v1.3 version in this instance.
IF you still are facing issues, it might be that your GPS hardware is very much outdated. Try any "Alternate" build to see if this helps.
CMx ROM users may not experience benefits from this patch. However, we have had good reports from CM users with one negative one. Remember to do all of the steps when flashing and the following notes are important too!
Reports indicate that this patch DOES WORK with the next iteration of Android, Jelly Bean. This patch has worked from Android 2.2 (Froyo) up through Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Therefore, it works with all iterations on the market. I will remove support as soon as it is confirmed to NOT work with a new version of Android.
Reports show that certain ROM's including some CM builds require a modification in the build.prop. You need to change " = 2" or " = 0" to be " = 1" in order for aGPS to properly function. Only do this IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS after attempting the standard patch.
Your phone "learns" about the individual GPS satellites. This is part of the aGPS design. Don't be surprised if the first time you use GPS Status that it takes 20+ seconds to "lock".
I have read a lot that indicates that it is best to let your GPS run using any application for a while to "learn" aGPS information. I let GPS Status run for about 10 minutes (it has an option to disable the screen timeout, which I do) each "first time" to learn. I say each because I test a lot of tweaks and fully reset/delete GPS cached information to start retesting.
Remember, this has to be reflashed when you update or change ROMs. Each ROM will have its own gps.conf, normally not suited to all devices.
I use GPS Status to test my signal strength. It isn't 100% accurate, but it gives a very good sense of how the GPS is performing.
If you're wondering why GPS is slow on certain apps? Or, you show up as on a street when you're 6 meters away from it? Well, those apps process GPS data differently which is out of anyone's control except the app developer. Certain apps will force your location to a street until you pass the app error threshold. Food for thought.
DO NOT USE ANY OTHER GPS FIXING APPS with this patch. If you do, and you still have problems, I cannot help you. A number of these Apps will overwrite what my patch does dynamically.
Variables are described starting in v3.0. Open up gps.conf in a text editor to read about what variable sections are for. It isn't in-depth, but should be enough to help you get a general understanding.
Still having weak GPS reception? Take your case off. Cases have been known to affect signal, though some argue against it. Personally, I get 3 more sat's when I remove my case.
There is a reported variable that can cause some GPS units not to work as well as it should with this patch. This is very odd as it's hit-and-miss and only seems to cause problems on less than 10% of handsets. This doesn't mean it screws up anything! It's possibly an older piece of GPS hardware incompatible with this variable. Have no fear, v1.2 will remove this variable for the worldwide version. This issue is more prone to occur in DHD.
Tried taking the battery out for 30 seconds? Some have reported that their phone required the battery to be removed. First, power off the device. Second, remove the battery for 30 seconds. Third, put it back in and give it a try. I cannot explain this except for possible cache clearing.
Some Inspire 4G and DHD devices have hardware problems. There is a known problem that the spring connectors to the GPS antenna sometimes are out of place or quit touching. provides a video on self-repair.
An error in flashing this patch means that this method will not work for you. Use one of the other methods for flashing this patch. Don't ask why or for a fix. There are hundreds of variations of recovery systems and update binaries. I do not have the time or desire to support them all. This is why I describe other install methods. Reference error: E:Error in /sdcard/android apps/ (Status 0) Installation aborted.
Location is way off? Like, not near you at all? This means your GPS is not actually being used. Try the following to resolve it: Goto Settings -> Locations and disable ALL options. Reboot into recovery. Clear Cache and Dalvik Cache. Reboot normally. Go back to Settings -> Locations and only enable GPS. Reboot once more and try your GPS again. If this didn't work, did you read all of the Notes such as the one about the battery or RIL?
Donations: If you wonder why I asked for donations, it's simple. Users of v3.x are gaining extra, noticeable benefit over v2.x. This comes at a cost to someone. I pay the bills to provide a reliable data setup to transmit the xtra.bin data file and to provide the top NTP SERVERS in one DNS pool. To help keep this going, I just ask for the user to consider a donation. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for your consideration.
AGPS Patch Officially Supported Devices:
Acer Iconia
Asus Transformer Prime
Asus Transformer (TF101)
Asus Transformer TF300T
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC Desire HD
HTC Sensation
HTC Incredible S
HTC Salsa
HTC Flyer
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Desire S
HTC Wildfire
HTC Wildfire S
HTC Droid Incredible 2
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Desire
HTC Desire Z
LG Optimus One
Motorola Triumph
Motorola Droid X2
Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (SGH-I727)
Samsung Galaxy S II (I9100)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SGH-T989)
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9000
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samssung Galaxy S III (AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus)
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Sony Ericcson XPERIA X8
* I do not officially support all devices that this patch is known to work on at this time. You may private message me your success story for official support considerations.
Thanks Section
While this has gone a long distance since its inception, I want to still send thanks to Angeldeath for permitting me to take his early work and start tweaking it for HTC Inspire 4G users. This inevitably led to what we have here today.
Thank you to all those who joined and participate in the testing community. Without their help, I couldn't get enough data to know how well this works on different devices and in various regions of this planet we call Earth.
Thank you eagleeyetom, husky69, and tamagotono for their work in building an ADB pushing environment for Windows and for Linux respectively.
If you are happy with the patch and find this thread useful, please consider pressing the "Thanks" button on any of my posts on this thread. You may also consider rating this thread with five stars if you're satisfied. You may do so just below "Search This Thread" on the right-side at the top of this post. Donations are appreciated (See last NOTE)
Here are some things you can do if you're having problems with the S3.
With no GPS icon showing up
(OPTIONAL AND RECOMMENDED: USE Triangle Away to reset counter)
1. Flash back to stock UNROOTED ICS ROM
(Stuck at samsung logo after? flash a cwm recovery, factory reset and clear cache n reboot)
2. Enter into dialer *2767*3855# (Will do a HARD reset, no internal storage will be lost except the usual data)
3. Boot up again and run maps to see if you have a GPS icon
With GPS icon showing but no lock
4. Turn all GPS related thing OFF
5. go into google services framework in applications, settings, and clear data
6. go into maps, delete updates if any and clear data aswell
7. reboot the phone
8. Update google maps (very important)
9.reboot for safe measure
10. turn on everything in location and services in settings
11. boot up maps
12. profit
If GPS is still flashing but no lock
1. If steps1-11 does not work for you it is highly recommended to flash Galaxy S III Test 3 (created by crypted)
2. Factory reset trough settings and repeat steps 1-3 if not gps icon or steps 4-11 if gps icon flashes
3. profit
For flashing new ROMs after the above series:
1. see if gps is showing up or not, if not then repeat steps 1-12 above and it is recommended not to flash the same rom that makes gps disappear
2. if gps icon is showing up but very inaccurate then repeat steps 4-11
This patch will work only when your device is properly working. It appears a lot of people are forgetting that fact. Bad ROMs, bad cache, and bad flashing aren't going to be fixed by a GPS configuration alteration.
Thanks to egyptshun for the above information. There's only so much I can do without a S3.
I will vouch for crypted. His patch worked extremely well on my Inspire. Haven't needed anything yet for this phone, but bookmarking this thread for sure.
thanks for bringing this over for our varient. ive used it before and gps locks are amazing and signals we get oh boy. im gonna make sure we include it in our custom rom =). thank you again
On a recent trip, my GPS would work and then I would lose GPS lock. The only way to get it back would be to do a hard reset, so this might be a good fix for me.
Question, because this patch will lock onto more satellites, will it affect battery performance more than the stock settings?
Thanks for your help.
umvagia0 said:
On a recent trip, my GPS would work and then I would lose GPS lock. The only way to get it back would be to do a hard reset, so this might be a good fix for me.
Question, because this patch will lock onto more satellites, will it affect battery performance more than the stock settings?
Thanks for your help.
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No, your ROM's settings (hard-coded) will control the rate of GPS "pulses" if you will. This just adjusts configuration of what is taken from signals retrieved during those pulses/readings.
Not sure why anyone would need this, GPS on the GS3 is terrific. I regularly get locks of 13-14 satellites, with accuracy of 3 meters.
---------- Post added at 09:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------
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harlenm said:
Not sure why anyone would need this, GPS on the GS3 is terrific. I regularly get locks of 13-14 satellites, with accuracy of 3 meters.
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You're not being helpful by doing this. This is here, AS I SAID BEFORE, because a handful of GS3 owners requested help, tested this, and received benefits.
It can be helpful with SOME of the ROM's out there. Not every ROM on every DEVICE requires this.
For instance, my Galaxy Nexus is fine on 5 ROM's I've tested. However, 2 ROM's need this PATCH.
This isn't that difficult to understand.
Please be helpful rather than denouncing threads with help for those who NEED it.
I'm not denouncing it. I've tried almost every Samsung based ROM here, and never had an issue. Even in airplane mode with GPS on, locks are almost immediate and very accurate.
harlenm said:
I'm not denouncing it. I've tried almost every Samsung based ROM here, and never had an issue. Even in airplane mode with GPS on, locks are almost immediate and very accurate.
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On this particular GS3 model, okay maybe. There are a few variants and this patch is available to all variants.
Anyone needing the patch for this variant of the SIII?
I have another beta test build ready for testing. I can provide it privately at this time.
Let me know if this is actually a device needing my efforts.
Didn't think the ATT version had GPS issues, I have always got a lock in under a minute now matter what ROM or weather conditions even here in NYC with all the huge ass buildings.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
austinsnyc said:
Didn't think the ATT version had GPS issues, I have always got a lock in under a minute now matter what ROM or weather conditions even here in NYC with all the huge ass buildings.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
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It affects some from requests to do this here. In developing a new build, I'm seeing if this dev forum has a need for special involvement...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
My gps is now broken. I can't seem to get it back. Even after restoring back to stock with odin. =( I'm not sure which stock kernel either but I don't think that affects the gps.
contentryder said:
My gps is now broken. I can't seem to get it back. Even after restoring back to stock with odin. =( I'm not sure which stock kernel either but I don't think that affects the gps.
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Are you saying this patch broke gps? That's highly improbable. Your hidden caché partition is probably corrupt. Use gps status to clear and reset it reboot do again. This really doesn't repair a bad partition but only bad writes.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
contentryder said:
My gps is now broken. I can't seem to get it back. Even after restoring back to stock with odin. =( I'm not sure which stock kernel either but I don't think that affects the gps.
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After you restore from Odin you have to go into settings to backup and restore and you have to factory reset your phone there. Then it will work.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
crypted said:
Are you saying this patch broke gps? That's highly improbable. Your hidden caché partition is probably corrupt. Use gps status to clear and reset it reboot do again. This really doesn't repair a bad partition but only bad writes.
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No, I meant after installing Frosty's JB GPS has been acting up and now broken. Even using this patch, it doesn't seem to work anymore.
contentryder said:
My gps is now broken. I can't seem to get it back. Even after restoring back to stock with odin. =( I'm not sure which stock kernel either but I don't think that affects the gps.
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Will try, thanks.
I am up for getting faster GPS locks, I find the current stock rom to be mediocre at best, takes me on average 2mins to dial in my position
I'm getting bad GPS lock on cm10, sometimes it just hangs and doesn't detect my location at all. Is this compatible with cm10?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
moedin said:
I am up for getting faster GPS locks, I find the current stock rom to be mediocre at best, takes me on average 2mins to dial in my position
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I was, too. That's why I created and maintain this.
Anthony04x said:
I'm getting bad GPS lock on cm10, sometimes it just hangs and doesn't detect my location at all. Is this compatible with cm10?
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I know that there are numerous parts in the OP post that I say it works with any ROM. The Notes Section further elaborates that some ROM builds have bad code which cannot be resolved by the patch, but this works on everything assuming that the underlying code is properly built.

