Crazy battery drain when listening to music - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Hey guys am I the only one who is getting extreme battery drain when listining to music and using the phone for anything else at the same time. I use battery monitor widget and i see the drain going into the 600's which is crazy high.
Just to make it clear, data is on bluetooth and wifi off screen on auto brightness and signal is 3-4 bars ie ok .
The phone bottom gets very hot and the battery percentage drops like a falling rock. Is something wrong with my phone or does anyone else see that kind of thing?
I am new to the SG3 and also wondering if its something specific to samsung phones as i never had issues like that with my HTC yes the battery would drain faster with music on but nothing like it is now.

docnas said:
Hey guys am I the only one who is getting extreme battery drain when listining to music and using the phone for anything else at the same time. I use battery monitor widget and i see the drain going into the 600's which is crazy high.
Just to make it clear, data is on bluetooth and wifi off screen on auto brightness and signal is 3-4 bars ie ok .
The phone bottom gets very hot and the battery percentage drops like a falling rock. Is something wrong with my phone or does anyone else see that kind of thing?
I am new to the SG3 and also wondering if its something specific to samsung phones as i never had issues like that with my HTC yes the battery would drain faster with music on but nothing like it is now.
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Where is your music coming from? Is your data connection 3G or 4G?
If you are streaming music (Pandora, Spotify, etc.) on 3G/4G, especially if you are driving, your phone will become warm and it will drain your battery. 3G is especially prone to this since it isn't very efficient for data transfer (meaning the phone has to work harder to send/receive data). Additionally, if your screen is on for most of the time you are streaming music, it will cause even more drain.
Different functions of the phone will drain the battery differently. The screen can drain the battery pretty fast, so if you are looking for good battery life, it should be off as much as possible. From my testing, 3G data transfer is pretty harsh on the battery, even more so if the signal is weak (1X can be even harder on the battery than 3G).
Hope this helps!

First of all thanks for the quick reply.
That being said sorry i didnt clarify data is 3g (LTE is turned off as its not available in my area) but my music is stored on my sdcard. and im sitting in a chair in a doctors office so no movement and data is just on as i have my email being pushed to my phone .
As for the reason why im saying its the music playing thats causing the drain is that sitting in the same place doing the same things with my phone (ie reading a book) it doenst even drain a quarter as bad as when doing the same exact thing but just plugging in headphones and listining to music saved on the SDcard. so with the only diefference being that I feel i can justifiably point a finger at it as the culprit.

Hmm...that is strange. I haven't listened to much music from my SD card, honestly. I agree that reading a book should train more battery than listening to music from the SD card (using headphones with the screen off). Maybe the decoding of the files themselves is causing a high amount of CPU use, hence the battery drain?
I would recommend downloading GSam Battery monitor as it will give better battery stats. This might help shed some light on the issue. Meanwhile, I will have to play around on my phone.

thanks for the recommendation i was looking for a program like thatg but didnt know any names. Please see what happens when you play music and tell me what your experience is so i can know if its just me or is it a common occurence.

I keep my music on my card as well. I don't find terrible drain unless I'm boosting the sound for any reason. It will drain slightly faster than just doing normal activities but not super severe.

what do you mean by " boosting your sound" ? do you mean the equalizer?

Idk I haven't had this probable with my GSIII.

same problem in my HD desire
Hi docnas,
I'm searching for this problem time ago in HTC HD desire forums but I'm not finding anything. I know this post is a little bit old but, did you find out how to fix this problem? Today, listening to music from my SD card + whatsapp the battery drains 30% in 10 minutes.
thanks guys!


[Q] Desire Z : Really Inconsistent Speeds + Battery Issues

Friend has a new Desire Z (bell, unlocked). Using it on AT&T network.
When at a house, and we use WiFI (30Mbps DL, 25Mbps UL), the speeds are VERY inconsistent. With my iPhone 4 using, it shows up as 20/15 each time. (WiFi is a little slower than the modem).
With the Desire Z, we get 15/10 (which is fine/acceptable). Then 3 minutes later we do it, we get 5/2. Without even moving the phone or touching the modem connection (not downloading anything on the computer), the connection just gets slower. Then it might be fast or slow, basically it's a toss-up.
The first time we noticed the issue is because when we are outside, we get HSPA speeds of 2.5/1.0, then randomly decreases to 0.1/0.05. HUGE difference. And VERY inconsistent. He is using a microSIM from iPhone 4, with an adapter, so we figured maybe the SIM card is getting loose at certain points? However, the WiFi is also inconsistent in addition to the HSPA, so it's probably not that.
What should I do? Is this the situation where I have to flash a new radio or something? (Please suggest others if I am wrong).
Also, his battery is kinda weak. The battery health is apparently clean/healthy. He came from an iPhone 4, where he would have 3G, WiFi, and GPS on at night but not actually using them. Wake up, and 3% battery loss, maybe 5. WITHOUT using them, just having them on.
Now, with the Desire Z, we have the WiFi + 3G on, but NOT the GPS. He is losing 20%-25% in 8 hours without even using the phone.
Information about battery shows a high Cell standby (25%) and Phone idle (25%) percentage. When going into Spare Parts > Partial Wake usage, we didn't find anything really fishy. BUT we had rebooted so perhaps some info may have been lossed. Should he just go to sleep tonight and report the Partial Wake Usage statistics again?
We have a feeling it may be some apps refreshing at night.. But he clears all the apps with Advanced Task Manager except for like Facebook (2 hour interval refresh), GMail, and Google Voice.
I highly doubt a 20% battery decrease overnight is normal.. My mom's Atrix only loses about 5% overnight, with the same parameters I gave before.
I thought it may be a bad battery, BUT the phone idle + cell standby are abnormally high.
Does anyone have an answer? I was wondering this
I have been running CM 6 since November and just recently flashed CM 7. On both ROMs, Cell Standby and Phone Idle have been very high on my list of things that are 'draining' the battery.
For example, today Cell Standby shows as 37% and Phone Idle as 30% for me.
In fact, its very rare that these two things aren't at the top of the list of things that are using the battery for me.... I've seen cell standby as high as 47% before.
I can't speak for the drainage overnight. Definitely doesn't sound normal to me, but my phone is usually on the charger overnight (have enough trouble making it through the day with the stock battery).
Have you tried using Watchdog to monitor CPU usage of apps that run in the background? You could set the notification threshold very low and see what it spits out... Good luck!
gbarayah, thanks for the post, that was helpful.
If anyone can help with the inconsistent data speeds, that'd be very helpful.
And any additional info on the battery would be great too. I recently calibrated it, and will post any additional stats.
Damn it, I forgot to try Watchdog. However, I re-calibrated the battery, let it die, charged it up, let it die, charged it up. I followed the instructions to the letter and all that.
It was at 100% when I went to sleep. Woke up 8 hours later, 74%.
Settings > Battery shows nothing high 40% for cell standby and phone idle. Everything else (Facebook, etc.) REALLY low.
Then I went to Spare Parts > Battery Usage, Partial wake usage, everything incredibly low as well..
I will try Watchdog, but could it just be a bad battery? Or maybe should I try a different ROM?
Not sure if 26% drain over 8 hours is normal or not... Maybe someone else can shed some light on that. My phone is usually on the charger overnight.
The only other thing I can think of that would drain the battery is if you have a bad/weak cell signal in your area. I've experienced that with some job sites where my cell signal is very bad and my battery suffers excessive drain from trying to get a better signal or connect to 3G coming from Edge.
On my week old desire Z running virtuous unity sense3.0 rom and streamlined kernal i very rarely see phone idle and radio burning battery lik you say. Radio occasionaly gets high but only wen in bad coverage areas other than thats its ok.
Battery is still rubbish though due to fact even on 2nd lowest brightness setting screen seems to burn 80%-90% battery
Just checked: phone idle:2%
Cell stanby:8%
Screen (lowest setting):70%
Not this isnt a great example as its taken over a short period of havy use but it still reflects the relative proportion of the battery draining elements in question.
Also a question, if you have a live wallpaper set where is its battery drain shown? Screen, or launcher?
Not sure what to say about the high variable speeds.
Sticking to just GSM(2G) rather than AUTO will in some cases increase the signal and battery life at the expense of slower connection speeds. As mentioned when the phone struggles to get signal the battery gets drained alot faster.
Lower the refresh intervals of all the apps to the maximum period of time or a reasonable amount like 12 hours for FB for Sense, HTC Sense and Weather and 4 hours or Never (to make it on-demand) for Facebook.
Setting the Wi-fi sleep policy to "Never when connected" may make it on-demand too - when an app needs to update Wi-fi gets turned on again
If they have "Use wireless networks" checked to allow the clock-weathers mini-widget to update then they should try removing said clock and re-adding it, but search for the city when doing so. It'll provide them with a general outlook for their entire city and not force it to download and update the information for wherever they are whilst out and about. E.g if you were in London and went from Westminster to Peckham, it may update as you pass through each borough.
Live wallpapers and masses of widgets that need to constantly update are nice and everything but they can also drain the battery.
Think of these suggestions as ways to cycle the battery as well as save it.
I can't think of anything else to add.
I'm using Cyanogenmod 7 and it's pretty damn good. What do you think is the best ROM with Gingerbread if it's more lightweight and easier on the battery? (I honestly don't think the ROM accounts for the 25% battery loss but we'll see)
MIUI or mexiDroid for me?
By the way, could it just be a bad battery? I was thinking about picking one of these up:
$8 and people said it's okay.. What do you think?
Thanks, and I JUST calibrated recently, so once again I will leave phone off overnight and report.
As for the network issues, I FIGURED IT OUT!!!
I believe it was the Speedtest app itself that was messed up. Like I said earlier, I don't have live wallpapers (just info) on, and also NO GPS unless using Navigation.
Well, Speedtest was connecting to WICHITA, KANSAS. I AM IN NEW JERSEY. WTH??!!
Anyway, so I'm going to keep GPS (satellites) on, it connects to NJ, and Voila, GREAT SPEEDS!
HSPA about 3.5/1.0 DL/UL
HOORAY! Network problem fixed!!!
Only issue is battery still D:
Honestly, I think it may be a bad battery. Partial wake usage doesn't show any app going nuts.. Every refresh interval is like 4 hours. And I use Advanced Task Killer to kill all apps before going to bed. I downloaded "Watchdog," let's see
gyromanx55 said:
Friend has a new Desire Z (bell, unlocked). Using it on AT&T network.
When at a house, and we use WiFI (30Mbps DL, 25Mbps UL), the speeds are VERY inconsistent. With my iPhone 4 using, it shows up as 20/15 each time. (WiFi is a little slower than the modem).
With the Desire Z, we get 15/10 (which is fine/acceptable). Then 3 minutes later we do it, we get 5/2. Without even moving the phone or touching the modem connection (not downloading anything on the computer), the connection just gets slower. Then it might be fast or slow, basically it's a toss-up.
The first time we noticed the issue is because when we are outside, we get HSPA speeds of 2.5/1.0, then randomly decreases to 0.1/0.05. HUGE difference. And VERY inconsistent. He is using a microSIM from iPhone 4, with an adapter, so we figured maybe the SIM card is getting loose at certain points? However, the WiFi is also inconsistent in addition to the HSPA, so it's probably not that.
What should I do? Is this the situation where I have to flash a new radio or something? (Please suggest others if I am wrong).
Also, his battery is kinda weak. The battery health is apparently clean/healthy. He came from an iPhone 4, where he would have 3G, WiFi, and GPS on at night but not actually using them. Wake up, and 3% battery loss, maybe 5. WITHOUT using them, just having them on.
Now, with the Desire Z, we have the WiFi + 3G on, but NOT the GPS. He is losing 20%-25% in 8 hours without even using the phone.
Information about battery shows a high Cell standby (25%) and Phone idle (25%) percentage. When going into Spare Parts > Partial Wake usage, we didn't find anything really fishy. BUT we had rebooted so perhaps some info may have been lossed. Should he just go to sleep tonight and report the Partial Wake Usage statistics again?
We have a feeling it may be some apps refreshing at night.. But he clears all the apps with Advanced Task Manager except for like Facebook (2 hour interval refresh), GMail, and Google Voice.
I highly doubt a 20% battery decrease overnight is normal.. My mom's Atrix only loses about 5% overnight, with the same parameters I gave before.
I thought it may be a bad battery, BUT the phone idle + cell standby are abnormally high.
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well... can't be that odd. Mine are
cell standby: 8%
Phone idle 6%
display 51% (highest)
dialer 11%
wifi 10%
about conn. speed. I haven't used speedtest yet but downloading speed on the phone is slower than on PC remarkably using the same internet connection
barclays said:
well... can't be that odd. Mine are
cell standby: 8%
Phone idle 6%
display 51% (highest)
dialer 11%
wifi 10%
about conn. speed. I haven't used speedtest yet but downloading speed on the phone is slower than on PC remarkably using the same internet connection
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WiFi will always be slower than wired connection, probably about 50% if not more.
Also, what setting do you have your display on and how much would you say you use your phone/have the screen on and how often do you talk (hrs/day)
noneabove said:
WiFi will always be slower than wired connection, probably about 50% if not more.
Also, what setting do you have your display on and how much would you say you use your phone/have the screen on and how often do you talk (hrs/day)
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I have auto brightness but I stay in office and not turn it on much (have to work though ) so the display isn't on much (when i said HIGHEST, it means highest in the list )
I have to phone connected to wifi all day but rarely use it
Mainly use the phone to text and talk less and 1/hr/day
Just try left the phone unused (stand by - airplane mode) for one day, drop about 20% or so
Its seems like its getting a little better.. only lost 10% overnight. Guess its calibrating
Sent from my HTC Desire Z using XDA Premium App

[Q] battery life

Anybody can give me the usual battery life of unrooted unmodded 4.0.2.A.0.42 update philippines.
Am running on moderate games, internet light to moderate.
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
if you're asking unrooted, i don't think i can help much because mine's rooted, but i guess there's no real difference anyway, not if you heavily modded your phone after rooting..
i just noticed that after the 2.3.4 update, my phone's battery life just got poorer.. before the update i get like 2% deduction in battery percentage if i leave it on overnight for around 8 hours. after the update however, i was surprised from 100% it splashed down to 92% in 8hours overnight without using the phone. GPS is off, 3G is off, GSM ONLY is selected and no heavy apps installed and running. WEIRD. I think ICS is the solution now. after all, SE already confirmed it coming to our devices.
fellow filipino here mate!
quote as written above.
I think it's a phone signal issue, recently i've tryied for a couple of days to go keep the phone on airplane mode (but still using gps and wifi) and the battery life was astonishing, practically zero drain in standby, (1-2% went down during 12 hours of sleep, but with alarm ringing after that ) even with wifi and heavy usage of google maps-gps battery was amazing and could have lasted for 3 days (remember, average to heavy internet, wifi, gps and google maps using).
here's my experience with tinkering with battery stuff.
I've tryied setting manually the phone operator, as somebody here said that having it at automatic causes the phone to bug and keep scanning for an operator, but actually i couldn't notice big differencies between manual and auto.
Also i've found out that downvolting isn't worth it for me. It saves a bit of battery, but it lags the phone too much and is pointless with a gaming phone since you waste more battery always going and removing downclock when i want to play and then set it back when i finish.
overclocking wastes big chunks of battery and phone tends to overheat too much for my tastes and i know that overheating = bad for hardware so for 99% of my time i'm on 1024 ghz, which by the way isn't even THAT laggy at all.
Animated wallpapers kinda drops battery life a bit. It's up to you if you want to keep them, as for me they're fine, but i noticed that games (i've tested fifa 2012) lags a lot using christmas 3d wallpaper.
taskers like killing apps are useless for me, sometimes they MIGHT get the phone to be a little snappier, but for most of the times i feel like they EVEN drain battery MORE. I notice that the apps they kill tend to respawn a couple of minutes later, and this cycle of killing-starting does nothing more than spoil the battery. But let's say it's a personal thing of mine (hate taskers).
Let's say i trust android's automatic tasker better.
I tend to keep auto sync off and background data off too. Still to confirm if the latter saves battery or not, confirmed that the first does.
All i can say about my personal experience so far, is try to go around with only GSM, try to be smart and keep it like that when you know you won't use data connection that much, and switch back to gsm/wcdma when you feel like you would check the internet or stuff like that.
In areas with bad signal (my god forsaken girlfriends house) just pop in airplane mode or leave the phone in those areas of the house with have good signal.
Yeah you have to act like a friggin inspector gadget.
Forgot to add my personal solution to battery drain:
i just bought another original sony ericsson battery and now i always go out with one extra battery ready to come and save my days.
I can only shiver in terror at the prospect that i MIGHT go around WITHOUT my Sexplay (or with a battery dead one which is the same) :| :|
thanks mate! been turning off the 3g and average internet via wifi cuts the batt in half.
ill try to set to manual my network connection. as i am using my SExplay as my cellphone.
ICS= happy SExplay! will wait for this update. loving SE now. i mean again!
i have very strong signal in my area, so i guess the phone-scanning-for-network problem is not the culprit.. back in 2.3.3, it was a way lot better..
as of today, the phone deducted 3-5% of battery life in just an hour IDLE.
Hey narflynn, i manage to get the network scan to manual and it some way i guess it saves battery. Am using it as my daily phone with some net via wifi and am still around 80+ battery.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
oh yeah i forgot to set it to MANUAL, oh boy
I actually used to do that way back in 2.3.3
i guess that's what you get when you don't use your phone for a month.. you just forget your routine phone maintenance..
PS: my phone's hinge flex broke, wasnt able to use it for a whole month, maybe that's why i forgot the MANUAL stuff
How come you broke it? Was it good knw? How did u go with repair stuff? And the damage? I mean the cost hehehe.
Sent from my R800i using XDA App

[Q] Utterly HORRIBLE battery life across batteries and ROMs

I'm having absolutely HORRIBLE battery life with my GIO. I've gone through extensive testing to find the root of the problem but nothing seems to be the cause. So far i've had to charge twice, maybe three times a day.
So here's the story. A couple of months ago I noticed my Gio's battery was dying quicker so I flashed another rom [Particle Mod] over it. I was happy, until I found out the problem persisted. Then I flashed a 2.3.7 Cyanogen mod, the battery still wasn't lasting and the battery life was only slightly worse owing to CYMOD.
I then flashed the GALAXYICS beta, and it's getting even worse. I've even bought new 1600mAh batteries to see if it was the battery's fault. Apparently not, so I went back to stock for a day or too to see what it was like, and I was still lucky to get 12hrs out of it with featherweight usage.
I simply do not know what to do, I've tried numerous battery mods [flashable zips etc] and they've only done a tiny bit. Lately I've been playing with clockspeeds but it seems to only make a difference if I raise the minimum speed, the extra top end performance is nice though.
So, what I'm saying is this normal for a Gio? Is it a hardware fault? software? 4th dimensional? I'm at a loss, and I think the infamous Samsung cell standby drain is to blame.
Attached is screenshots of general battery screen, Cell standby and the Graph. I've been switching between 2G and 3G, Airplane mode on and off, and listening to music for an hour or so and It seems to have utterly crippled the device doing simple tasks, and I've done EVERYTHING to minimize the drain by lowering screen brightness to %0, turning off vibration, animations, wifi, GPS, BT, radio, everything except google contacts sync and a couple of root things in between like deleting the batt stats.
The new batteries help somewhat, but I still can't last long enough for a single school day... FFUUUUU!
I really don't want to have to buy a new phone, I'm only 14 so I can't work to get one, and I can't just ask my parents because then I'm just being a spoilt brat. I want to make this phone last as long as possible [Until I can work for a Google Nexus or something] and the battery isn't helping.
Thanks for reading.
Yeah you're a spoiled brat. This is not great but not extraordinarily bad. My epic 4g touch spends the day on the charger.
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Well, it seems to be all right with your battery. And your '1600 mAh' battery was just a fake. A lot of people get scores like this
What I am worried about is not so much the capacity, it's the RATE at which it drains. I see a lot of "stair steps" on my graphs so I'm not so sure, especially when checking the other phones in the house "a Galaxy Ace and 2 HTC Incredible S's] they seem to have a more consistent curve, I notice my batteries will drain by as much as %5 in half a minute, which is either a reporting bug or inconsistent strain.
Have you tried to do a wipe and test it with no installed apps?
Do not trust the "stairs", it is just bad reporting (as you said).
In my case when I switch on 3G or WiFi, it happens that the battery drops by 10% instantly.
The only value that is relevant is the total duration between a full charge (100% charge + several hours still plugged) and the "low battery" indicator.
According to my own experience, the things that drains the most are :
- 3G network : this is the main factor, by far.
If you can, try to stay in 2G mode most of the time, switch to 3G when needed, and as soon as not needed anymore go back to 2G.
- WiFi / BT
If you switch On/Off very often, or is always On and you moves very often (changing hotspot), then WiFi / BT will be a very important battery drain factor.
- Multimedia
Videos / MP3 drains battery a lot.
If you can, switch to "airplane mode" or switch off the phone during night.
Finally, with 3G / WiFi / Multimedia usage mix, a "One Day" autonomy is good.
I'm sorry but you will not find any smartphone that can pass "One Day" with that usage type.
With my own usage (very few calls, sms, wifi) and with above tricks, my Gio lasts 4-5 days.
PS : As you mentioned, available ROMs are very unequal as far as battery drain is concerned.
Stock ROMs (and moded ones like Adrenaline) are the champions of battery life, while ICS ROMs are the worst.
CM7.2 ROMs are in between.
I agree with Vilo76. When you don`t have wireless or 3g, or play any music/games, you can actually get a few days of life from your phone, but if you do some of the stuff i just said, the battery life is going down like crazy...
The only think you can do to get some bit of juice out of your phone is if you format your battery, but actually that is just for a better battery reading, not actually extending your battery life...
By the way, I can't figure out why phone manufacturers don't use more long lasting batteries ...
There are many many examples of batteries that are about the same size as a phone one, but deliver way more mAh.
Among others :
- House wireless alarms keypad batteries are the same size but can be as much as 3000mAh ...
- Classic cylindrical AA or AAA accu can be as much as 4000mAh ...
While a typical phone battery hardly ever exceed 1500mAh.
Okay, I'm back and I have some results for today
3G Is DEFINITELY using more in Australia on idle, while 2G is a bit less brutal
There is something cause my phone to wake intermittently, I've turned sync and location services, and killed any apps that may be checking the net etc, but it's still waking up with screen off.
Today I decided to do something bit extreme, I ran the phone an airplane mode all day with the original "dead" battery, I only lost %20 all day with 1hr or so music usage, phone standby is up but Cell standby isn't there at all [Obviously].
Something's telling me that's it the cell radio and whatever is waking my phone up is causing the suck. I'm upgrading to GalaxyICS CM9 beta10 today with a full dalvik, battery and cache wipe, so we'll see how that goes
Good news this time! I've installed a Cyanogen Mod 7.2 on their [The one that's updates through Goomanager] and the battery is holding steady at 100 idling for 1hr on 2G.... Not sure if I have to calibrate but I think I've fixed it, it's working better than stock!

[Q] Is my battery abnormal?

I noticed my battery life is terrible. My phone is only like 5 weeks old. I've tried the battery saver apps, power-saving, and pretty much every other tip. I start off with 100% in the morning with brightness turned down and everything else and I mainly listen to music more than anything so the screen is usually turned off. It still manages to go from 100% at 7:30 to about 17% at about 4:30. And the phone is turned off for about 3 of those hours. Also the other day I started playing TDKRw/100% battery life at 7:30 on high brightness and power saving was off. At 10:00 the battery life was at 15% not to mention I paused the game a lot. Is this normal at all?
Seems ODD. My phone is like that as well but one thing that i noticed is turning off cellphone data. that helps battery life big time. try that and see how it goes.
The TDKR, would be normal, the high end games just gobble up power, often even consuming more power then a charger can keep up with.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Have you read through the thread Woodrube posted today?
Lots of good info that may help you out a bit.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
I was like that when I bought my phone, but after playing around with some ROMs and kernels, I found what's working for me - ParanoidAndroid + Ktoonsez kernel = 2 days moderate use and over 5 hours screen time with 100mV undervolt
OP might have bad reception too, that'll eat your battery up
Reception is a killer battery eater.
Especially for me, just moderate texting and some short phone calls will drain my battery.
It's because where I live, the signals are fairly weak and I will get EDGE or 3G data most of the time.
Additionally, check your wakelocks. Sometimes applications run during when the phone is supposed to be asleep. Getting a handy battery measuring app will help.
Also try turning off sync or turning your settings for e-mail, google services, etc. to manual so they won't run when you're not using the device.
Otherwise, the forums probably have dozens of posts with tips on increasing your battery life.
There are many battery threads, true. But as of a day or two ago, you only need one!
Woodrube ported his thread over for us. I highly recommend evrryone take a few min to read it!
For those of you with poor signal and wind up on Edge, turn on wifi if possible. It uses less power than your data connection, plus, by having it on it disables mobile data leaving only the voice connection which is much easier to get a strong signal for. So in every way this could help with battery savings.
Even if you have a great signal, your wifi will still use less power. I always connect to eofi when I'm able and the sleep policy is set to always stay connected. If you set it to disable while asleep it simply will activate mobile data in its place.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Sorry for the slow response. Haven't had time to get on here. Thanks for all the help though. I was mainly scared though because I heard some of the phones had a bug in them to where it drains the battery life like crazy. I think that woodrube thread will help me tremendously.
khoikn said:
Reception is a killer battery eater.
Especially for me, just moderate texting and some short phone calls will drain my battery.
It's because where I live, the signals are fairly weak and I will get EDGE or 3G data most of the time.
Additionally, check your wakelocks. Sometimes applications run during when the phone is supposed to be asleep. Getting a handy battery measuring app will help.
Also try turning off sync or turning your settings for e-mail, google services, etc. to manual so they won't run when you're not using the device.
Otherwise, the forums probably have dozens of posts with tips on increasing your battery life.
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The only thing about that is, I barely make phone calls or text at all. Like I might text 3 times day and make calls like 3 times a week.
Does anyone have any tips on listening to music. I use PowerAmp and I probably use my phone mostly for music.
ThaGreatest said:
Does anyone have any tips on listening to music. I use PowerAmp and I probably use my phone mostly for music.
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I use TTPOD to listen to music,its free for the full edition and has great equalizer....

Battert Usage - Former iPhone User Surprised - 4G LTE? PowerAMP Wakelock?

With these larger screens and powerful processors, I can't say I'm totally surprised at the lower battery life compared to all the iPhones. They have smaller screens and the O/S is more tightly controlled and optimized for the hardware to maximize battery life.
With that said, I must admit, I'm somewhat disappointed with the battery life on this S3. I've now had it for two weeks so after lots of tweaking, rooting, apps installs and configs, battery and task monitoring, etc, I've kind of settled into my normal usage pattern which is typically pretty easy on the phone as more than 50% of the time I'm working from my home office with the phone plugged into USB so it is rare I have to leave in the morning and go the whole day without having to eventually sit back down at my computer and plug the phone back in.
However on the weekends, with kids sports and such, I'm now seeing the limitations on battery life on this phone. I have it set to:
Auto Display Brightness
No updating of apps unless on WiFi
GPS and Wifi turned off when I leave the houose (automatically via Llama - I turn them on only when I need them)
Power Saver Mode, all options except CPU power saving checked. (Kind of bought the phone for fast CPU although I'm not a gamer - just a multitasker and web browser)
Auto Screen Tone Turned On
Most other specific apps that have option to not download data except wifi I have that option turned on (aside from Taptu news feeds - 2 hour updates and Alerts from ESPN ScoreCenter - get maybe a couple alerts every few hours)
Haptic feedback turned off
Here's where I was shocked. First time I did some serious browsing was in a movie theater where I got there early and had about 20 min to burn so I did constant web browsing over the LTE connection. Watched batter plummet about 15% in 15 min. Whoa!
So is this just "how it is" with this phone that heavy LTE data usage eats battery like no tomorrow?
Other thing I noticed, is Using GSam, I see a task usually being in the top 3 or 4 most of the time with around 15-20% of the App Battery Usage total. It's called "System (*wakelock*)" and when I look at properties it shows around 6-8 wakelocks and Included Packages is just one "PowerAMP Full Version Unlocker" Included Processes: *wakelock* and com.maxmpx.audioplayer. But this is when I'm not using PowerAMP. In fact it happens after phone has been rebooted and I have never launched PowerAMP once!
I did notice something similar on the HTC One X+ I tried then exchanged for the S3 where I found a task associated with beats audio was eating up CPU/Battery when no music app was open as if it was periodically scanning my large MP3 library of 2,600 songs. Maybe PowerAmp is doing something similar?
I've found I'm not the only one noticing this:
Well, first off, i think the main reason why the iPhone gets better battery life isn't because of the smaller screen or iOS being "optimized for the hardware". It's probably more due to the fact that it doesn't really run much of anything in the background. Very few apps actually continue to run when you leave them. It's kind of a pseudo-multitasking environment.
As for the S3's battery life.... it could be PowerAmp causing it. I also don't see why you'd want to keep power saving on the CPU off. It doesn't really seem to have that much of an impact on performance that i've seen while generally using the phone for web browsing and such. And no matter what phone you're on, LTE will kill the battery in no time flat.
I think you should give some time to settle your battery first...even after flashing a new rom its take couple of days for the battery to settle down. The first day i used my phone, the battery doed in 4 after 4 months it lasts for 15-16 hrs of normal to heavy use.
LTE does eat lots of battery, whenever i go in LTE area i have to switch my data off to keep my phone alive. That's why people like to have the ability to switch between LTE and HSPA+. Search to find that mod.
You can never compare iPhone with S3. As the above poster said, there is no multitasking in iPhones. The screen is small and not as good as S3. SAMLOED screen takes lots of battery.
viny2cool said:
I think you should give some time to settle your battery first...even after flashing a new rom its take couple of days for the battery to settle down. The first day i used my phone, the battery doed in 4 after 4 months it lasts for 15-16 hrs of normal to heavy use.
LTE does eat lots of battery, whenever i go in LTE area i have to switch my data off to keep my phone alive. That's why people like to have the ability to switch between LTE and HSPA+. Search to find that mod.
You can never compare iPhone with S3. As the above poster said, there is no multitasking in iPhones. The screen is small and not as good as S3. SAMLOED screen takes lots of battery.
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I totally agree with you. You have to give it time to settle in. You can also run a battery calibration to try and help as well. I have LTE here in Omaha and I usually get at least 15 hours before I need to charge my battery. I have a QCell battery and it works awesome.
I will live with the battery life so I can actually see the screen without having to squint my eyes. I used to have an iPhone as well but that was years ago now and Android will always be the best.
Don't get me wrong, as a "Power User" coming from the iOS Jailbreak world, hardware and customization-wise, I love this phone a lot more than I like my iPhone - but mostly it's the big screen that I'm enjoying. Have had a couple crashes in the first two weeks which never happened in iOS but no biggie.
So I suspect its primarily the LTE, but combined with large screen, true multitasking O/S, etc, obviously battery life is a challenge. I would slightly criticize Samsung for maybe being a little too obsessed with keeping the phone thin. I know you can buy the bigger batteries with a replacement cover but that looks like it really adds major thickness to phone. They should have went for a 2500-2700 mah battery and increased the thickness slightly IMHO.
But hey, at least the battery is removable. So I can spend little money and get a QCell, charge it and keep it in my car or on my desk and if I know I'm not going to be able to charge the phone all day, just pop the extra battery in my jacket pocket.
The LTE usage is a bit of a mystery to me. You would figure, with LTE, you can download files faster so you spend less time actually using the phone. But obviously it appears the energy consumption is trumping the increased efficiency in data transfer! Too bad.
Why the battery 'breaks in' over time is even more of a mystery. This latest battery technology should not have any sort of break-in or memory issues. But I'm no battery expert. But my gut says there's something else at play. I've seen many threads over past couple of years that discuss an issue relating to Android doing some sort of "media scan" after boot and/or periodically. Maybe the battery break-in is more about the databases the O/S is creating and updating in the background "settling down" more than anything to do with the characteristics of the physical battery changing?
One thing is for certain though, battery life IS a common issue for most higher-end Android smartphone users. Not a deal breaker in the least for me, but will be interesting to see how the phone "seasons" over time regarding battery. I used Titanium Backup to freeze Power Amp and downloaded N7 instead just to rule Power Amp out. I just took a 1.5 hour shopping trip. Didn't use LTE data. But spent about 45 minutes at the grocery store using their wifi to access all my coupons and shopping lists. Battery was 97% when I left house, 77% when I got home. Ouch. Well, that was probably more like a 2 hour round trip. Still 20% in 2 hours is not good especially considering I had 0 talk time and wasn't using LTE data.
The crazy thing is, Gsam says 12% screen, 86% apps. Under apps it says 23.6% Kernel, 19.3% Media, 19.3% N7 Player!!! And I didn't play any music!!!! This is leading me more and more to believe this all has something to do with having an extremely large music collection (2600 songs) on the phone and the phone is building a database and it just takes time. Pure guess.
Get his app disable autostart of the applications that are not needed. Also, get betterbatterystats to get a more detailed idea of whats going on with your phone.
how bad is your battery life? fwiw my wife's iPhone 5 gets horrendous battery life. makes the s3 look like a miser.
16 - 20 hours would be reasonable IMHO, or a average drain of 4-5% per hour. assuming you're actually using the thing... I never understood people who cripple the thing and never touch it in order to get max life.
Russ77 said:
how bad is your battery life? fwiw my wife's iPhone 5 gets horrendous battery life. makes the s3 look like a miser.
16 - 20 hours would be reasonable IMHO, or a average drain of 4-5% per hour. assuming you're actually using the thing... I never understood people who cripple the thing and never touch it in order to get max life.
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Iphone5 has a bigger screen then previous apples and it's also Lte. It's multitask has been improved too. It's not a secret its battery life plummeted.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda app-developers app
You know when someone pushes away an iPhone groupy I'm pretty sympathetic but this post is just a noob rage idiotic post. I didn't even read through all your points but will just say you need to spend more time learning
-there is autobrightness on root (and non rooted) and in fact autobrightness doesn't necessarily save much utiltiy as having say a brightness notification in the app bar or something like lux that allows you to control brigntness by environment/app etc
-it says nothing of what you have running in the background, spam apps, wakelocks etc (bbs) The fact your apps and music is taking up more battery than say cell tower stanbdy and screen display is an obvious red flag
- says nothing of how you checked your connections and how reception is in your area
Another point is the iphone 4 and 5 are MUCH thicker than the galaxy s3...they hold relative to the backgroudn processes etc running, a much larger and thicker battery. The same physical thickness of the s3 battery you could buy a battery with nearly twice as much juice.
We dont' know how you optimized your phone for your uses or whether you cleaned up processes, apps etc, how cleanly you flashed. Go and learn then come back and cry
Wow.... you tell him to learn then come back and cry.... say it's a "noob rage idiotic post".... and yet:
jazee said:
Other thing I noticed, is Using GSam, I see a task usually being in the top 3 or 4 most of the time with around 15-20% of the App Battery Usage total. It's called "System (*wakelock*)" and when I look at properties it shows around 6-8 wakelocks and Included Packages is just one "PowerAMP Full Version Unlocker" Included Processes: *wakelock* and com.maxmpx.audioplayer. But this is when I'm not using PowerAMP. In fact it happens after phone has been rebooted and I have never launched PowerAMP once!
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I'm sorry... but exactly what did he not mention about wakelock's?
You obviously didn't read the first sentence of my second most before you posted this, which said:
Don't get me wrong, as a "Power User" coming from the iOS Jailbreak world, hardware and customization-wise, I love this phone a lot more than I like my iPhone
I know all about Better Battery Stats, bla bla bla. I'm no idiot. Just giving some initial impressions and asking for a little further guidance.
zetsui said:
You know when someone pushes away an iPhone groupy I'm pretty sympathetic but this post is just a noob rage idiotic post. I didn't even read through all your points but will just say you need to spend more time learning
-there is autobrightness on root (and non rooted) and in fact autobrightness doesn't necessarily save much utiltiy as having say a brightness notification in the app bar or something like lux that allows you to control brigntness by environment/app etc
-it says nothing of what you have running in the background, spam apps, wakelocks etc (bbs) The fact your apps and music is taking up more battery than say cell tower stanbdy and screen display is an obvious red flag
- says nothing of how you checked your connections and how reception is in your area
Another point is the iphone 4 and 5 are MUCH thicker than the galaxy s3...they hold relative to the backgroudn processes etc running, a much larger and thicker battery. The same physical thickness of the s3 battery you could buy a battery with nearly twice as much juice.
We dont' know how you optimized your phone for your uses or whether you cleaned up processes, apps etc, how cleanly you flashed. Go and learn then come back and cry
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Well here's an update. As I mentioned, I froze PowerAmp and installed N7 instead. I could have swore I reset the GSAM battery monitor, AFTER N7 scanned all my media files. Yet once again, like PowerAmp (via System *wakelock*) N7 was third highest battery eater over 2 hours of "normal" usage WITHOUT LTE Data Use, only Wifi and NO TALK TIME and WITHOUT USING N7!
So I dumped N7 and installed Player Pro. Just went out again for 2 hours to my son's basketball practice. Spent the 1.5 hour practice reading e-mail and doing some web surfing ALL ON LTE! Battery went down like no more than 10% !! At the beginning of the practice I played a song in Player Pro for a few seconds then backed out of the app. Checked GSAM 2 hours later, no significant PlayerPro battery usage!
It is more and more looking like something is going on with PowerAmp and N7 regarding cataloging of large music collections. So I'll stick with Player Pro and see how things go over the next few days.
Thanks to those with the constructive criticism. This has been one of the pluses of moving to Android. There's a lot larger population of "Power Users" than on iPhone that are willing to help someone relatively new to the platform.
yea... that's the one thing i had a feeling it might have been doing, but wasn't exactly sure as i've never really been that media-crazy with my phones. Good to see that you found the issue, though.
jazee said:
Why the battery 'breaks in' over time is even more of a mystery. This latest battery technology should not have any sort of break-in or memory issues. But I'm no battery expert. But my gut says there's something else at play.
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Yeah, "battery break-in" is a bit of a misnomer. What's actually happening is that the stats the OS keeps on the battery capacity and usage are being rebuilt. It takes a few charge cycles for your system to "learn" what it needs to accurately show you remaining capacity, etc.
jazee said:
So I dumped N7 and installed Player Pro. Just went out again for 2 hours to my son's basketball practice. Spent the 1.5 hour practice reading e-mail and doing some web surfing ALL ON LTE! Battery went down like no more than 10% !! At the beginning of the practice I played a song in Player Pro for a few seconds then backed out of the app. Checked GSAM 2 hours later, no significant PlayerPro battery usage!
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Good move! I use PlayerPro and I love it. It's one of my few "must haves", not least of which is its ability to sync ratings back to iTunes with iSyncr. None of the other major players have this. This is important for me as I'm also an iOS refugee and I still have all my music in iTunes.
jazee said:
Well here's an update. As I mentioned, I froze PowerAmp and installed N7 instead. I could have swore I reset the GSAM battery monitor, AFTER N7 scanned all my media files. Yet once again, like PowerAmp (via System *wakelock*) N7 was third highest battery eater over 2 hours of "normal" usage WITHOUT LTE Data Use, only Wifi and NO TALK TIME and WITHOUT USING N7!
So I dumped N7 and installed Player Pro. Just went out again for 2 hours to my son's basketball practice. Spent the 1.5 hour practice reading e-mail and doing some web surfing ALL ON LTE! Battery went down like no more than 10% !! At the beginning of the practice I played a song in Player Pro for a few seconds then backed out of the app. Checked GSAM 2 hours later, no significant PlayerPro battery usage!
It is more and more looking like something is going on with PowerAmp and N7 regarding cataloging of large music collections. So I'll stick with Player Pro and see how things go over the next few days.
Thanks to those with the constructive criticism. This has been one of the pluses of moving to Android. There's a lot larger population of "Power Users" than on iPhone that are willing to help someone relatively new to the platform.
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power user here too coming from iphone 3g, 3gs, 4 to samsung skyrocket, note, nexus to the current at&t sgs3. all have been jailbroken and rooted for "customization" purposes and the first thing i noticed going to the android phones was how poor the battery life was when compared to any iOS device; even when the devices were stock. I can deal with it because of how much customization i can do with android that i can't do on iOS so for that reason alone i stick with android. and also nothing apple has done has impressed me with their iPhone series yet. might pick up an iPad mini retina one day :laugh:
anyways, back to your battery issue. have you tried going to stock rom or formatting just to make sure its not a hardware issue? i know for mine, one time my data partition that had my music had some corrupt file that had the media scanner always running and killing my battery. i had tried everything and there was no way that in 8 hrs i'd have < 30% left with no usage. i finally deleted and formatted everything, went to pure stock with no files except for my contacts and no email sync. then i got 15 to 20 hours... that's usual for the sgs3, a tad less than my old iphone 4. that told me my battery wasn't bad.
i ended up keeping an eye on wakelocks and re-installing all my apps and putting all my music back on and my battery issue dissapeared and i'm happy. still have poweramp installed, but moved to using google music for cloud and local music. what made me really happy was going to a hyperion battery and the slimmer extended sedio case for 2 to 3 days of battery life on this sucker for a decent price. :good: still have the stock batter for backup too!
I'm not on a Custom ROM. Just rooted.
I installed Better Battery Stats to see how it worked. Don't like it as much as GSAM. Seems you can get a bit lower-level process info upfront, but the graphing is barely readable and it doesn't show percent usage of battery for each process. Just number of s(econds) and blue and red line? Maybe I'm missing a setting? I think BBS may be popular as maybe it existed before GSAM (formerly Badass Battery Monitor I think) or maybe there is just something about BBS that I haven't realized yet is a major advantage over GSAM? They both do the job. Sorry for going off on a tangent.
The process hogging the battery the most now is Google Maps and I know from searching and reading this is VERY common. It can be related to ANY app wanting to poll your location. I'm not yet sure though if the usage is excessive. Looks like not. I turned off all of the Location settings in Maps (but left "Location and Google search" in main Location Setting ON as I read that really defeats a lot of functionality. Google Now wasn't happy I turned of Location History (in Maps) but I still get the current commute times and local weather on my Google Now so I have yet to discover any big disadvantage of turning off most (not all) of the Location settings in Maps if you don't want to share your location or see your location history.
Apparently Google Now and potentially other apps like Facebook, etc. want to use Google Maps to poll where you are. One user said turning off History helped on the battery - makes sense as now Google Now isn't constantly trying to see where you are even if the phone is just sitting on your nightstand! I hate that big brother feeling so anytime an app has an option to turn location awareness off, I usually use it. When I go to use Maps I just turn the GPS on. But I still need to learn what I'm missing out on, when turning off some of these settings. Now I'd like to figure out how to get GPS to turn on automatically any time Maps is manually launched and then turned off automatically anytime maps is closed! That would be nice. Surprised that function isn't built-in to Android as opposed to just prompting you to take you to settings. Guess I may have to break down and learn how to code in Tasker instead of using Llama for my automation needs.
I've left the phone unplugged for what, 8 hours now. Very light usage today. I'm at 80%. BBS is showing 3.5%/hour. That's 28 hours. But like I said, no talk time on the phone today, a half dozen texts, no web browsing and maybe 30 min of total app usage so I would expect 3.5%/hour.
Bottom line is it looks like I don't have any major issues like I had on the stupid HTC One X+ that was getting hot. Seems like the media player switch is what did the trick. I'm just curious why apps as popular as N7 and PowerAmp would be any different. It could have been just timing in that I switch to Pro Player about the time the O/S was done doing it cataloging of the media or whatever it does. I'm sure 2,600 high bitrate songs (14GB) of songs on the sdcard is pretty above average for your typical Android User. Wish there was more in-depth technical documentation on some of these processes though published by Google for us Power Users to read if so desired. Guess that's why we have XDA Forum.
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Duh, just saw the first condition in Llama is "Active Application" the problem is, I only want the GPS to turn on when I manually launch the app myself. I hope an app trying to use Maps in the background doesn't trigger the GPS on. Guess I'll find out.
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I forgot why this isn't possible. Google doesn't want to allow ANY apps to turn GPS on/off automatically due to privacy issues. Is there a setting to let the user decide this? Make me feel like they're treating me like an idiot!

