[ROM] AT&T JellyBean UCDLK3 The Devils Reject v7 {3-20-2013} - AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus Samsung Galaxy S III

Based On The Official AT&T JellyBean UCDLK3
Stock Insecure Kernel w/ init.d: updated 3-23-13
Seems there was an issue with the dsiXDA Kitchen and does not give correct root through adb support... it is now fixed sorry... I don't use it so I never tested it just assumed the Kitchen did it correctly.
This will return you to the Stock UCDLK3 Kernel if you have flashed Ktoonsez JB kernel. Script will delete everything necessary and restore the stock modules. Its ok to flash even if you haven't previously flashed Ktoonsez JB kernel. Will Restore you from flashing InstigatorX, Faux kernel and many more. (Updated Script and corrected adbd root: 3-23-13)
Stock Kernel: Insecure Boot w/ init.d
Completely Stock UCDLK3 ROM's: ODEX and DEODEX
Below do not have a fancy flash script. Will only format System, so make sure you wipe first. It will not show you anything in TWRP should see updates in progress bar with CWR
Don't worry.... if it doesn't fail right away, it's flashing!
If you also want Insecure kernel/boot with ADB root support, please download and install kernel posted above.
Recovery Flashable ROM: Completely Stock AT&T UCDLK3 "ODEX" NO ROOT
MD5: 83cd2cf3b8f0197327fa6af05461c53a
Recovery Flashable ROM: Completely Stock AT&T UCDLK3 "DEODEX" NO ROOT
MD5: 90d07f004876877d5e76949fa8b156d9
Want Root: Flash this in recovery directly after installing ROM - Chainfire's SuperSU
Flashable Add-On Mods: DEODEX ROM's ONLY: Compatible with stock UCDLK3
The Best TWRP Theme:
Google Wallet: This will install All NFC stuff for Jellybean with Google Wallet 1.6 r75 v13. Will also backup your build.prop to the sdcard/build_prop, and flash an already modified build.prop for TheDevilsReject ROM. Only thing you have to do manually is restore the original build.prop Important: Make sure you set permissions correctly when restoring the build.prop ( rw-r--r-- or 644)
NFC Screen-Off / Lock screen MOD's: (Thanks to Loserskater) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=37058230&postcount=47
SecEmail with No Exchange Security: (Credits to rustamabd for his patch)
init.d Tweaks 1-25-13 Battery & Performance sysctl tweaks, increased available entropy, sdcard, Loopyst, Crystal Clear rendering, More prop tweaks, All add up to a very smooth & fast overall user experience :good:
Please make sure busybox is installed. Install from market, app will verify if its installed and will install it if it's not.
http://d-h.st/Ltu This one contains a script called cpu_sleep. It will shut off one cpu core when the screen is turned off. Beware! better battery life at the cost of lower performance while the screen is off. Music and media playback while the screen is off will suffer. and probably more.
Normal Touch Sounds:If you want Normal Touch, Lock and Unlock instead of the water drip sounds (Note: Disable the lockscreen ripple effect for best user experience.)
Original Touch Sounds: If you want the water drip sounds back. ?Not sure why? but hey... to each there own.
AOSP Lockscreen Feature: (For this feature to work it contains the android.policy.jar and SecSettings.apk) EPM: 4-way reboot, No persistent WIFI / Blocking Mode notifications. (All credits to loserskater for getting this feature working!)
Note: For best user experience I also suggest flashing the Normal Touch Sounds. Fixed Menu Unlock Bug
http://d-h.st/dSm /w Long Press Volume Skip Track: Fixed
Extended Power Menu: 4-way reboot (Thanks to Cristiano Matos for posting the guide)
Extended Power Menu /w Long Press Volume Skip Track: Fix2 - It Works perfectly with the Stock player, Google Play Music & Probably More. (Thanks to loserskater) 1-12-13
Tethering Fix: Unrestricted Bluetooth, USB & WIFI tethering is enabled. Thanks to mastergrillo for his work. (repacked in my flasher) Added: Removal of the Accuweather logo from lock-screen weather. (Since it's framework related.)
SystemUI: (Stock) Removed AT&T logos
SystemUI: (23 Toggles Mod) Removed AT&T Logos / Stock Green Toggles: Thanks to wanam
http://d-h.st/rqJ No Brightness Slider
SystemUI: (23 Toggles Mod) Removed AT&T Logos / Blue Toggles!!! :good: (Blue Battery Icon and Blue WIFI / 4G send/receive arrows)
http://d-h.st/JIb No Brightness Slider
SystemUI: (23 Toggles Mod) Removed AT&T Logos / Centered Clock (Thanks to Nopcodex90)
http://d-h.st/0yp Blue
http://d-h.st/a1j Green
SecLauncher2 *Original*: Just in case you want to go back after flashing my modded ones.
SecLauncher2 *Modded*: Adds a more AOSP feel to the stock TouchWiz Launcher with "Scrolling Wallpaper" and "No Page Looping"
http://d-h.st/dGz Scrolling Wallpaper w/ Page Looping
SecLauncher2 *5x5*: Adds a more AOSP feel to the stock TouchWiz Launcher with "Scrolling Wallpaper" and "No Page Looping"
http://d-h.st/M19 Scrolling Wallpaper w/ Page Looping
SecSettings: No persistent WIFI / Blocking Mode notifications.
SecPhone: No Increasing Ring Tone. (Note: I cannot get the record feature to work with the current methods available. So I'm done messing with it. This is the only mod I'll make for the SecPhone.apk
SecContacts: Normal dial pad touch sound. NO MORE WATER DRIP. (Thanks to WarlockW for figuring out were the sound is located)
LogsProvider: No SMS / MMS logging. (Thanks to hansonmi)
Android 4.2 Keyboard: Nuff said!
Note2 Gallery. The install script will delete the data from the gallery and media storage so it will work when you re-boot without any extra effort.
Couple things I should mention...
1. If you have a lot of music with album art... you can hide stuff in the gallery. I warn you if you hide your album art it will also hide your music from all music players.
2. I did not include the camera... it's not much of an upgrade and it doesn't work fully anyway. I tried, believe me. Stock camera works fine with the new gallery. If you want it, it's around you can find it.
AOSP MMS: Loser is the man! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2086834
International Boot Animation: Stock Samsung Boot-up Animation, Script will also delete the AT&T start-up sound.
[THEME] Thanks to David Dee - Introducing JB 23 Toggle Mod 12.07.2012! JB Touchwiz Blue - 15 & 23 Toggles

[ROM] AT&T JellyBean UCDLK3 The Devil's Reject v7 {3-20-2013}
Based On The Official AT&T JellyBean UCDLK3
The Devil's Reject v7
USER BEWARE! As usual I don't take responsibility for you modifying your device!
This is my first publicly released ROM. Be Kind, Respect your fellow members, Stay on Topic, Follow the XDA rules.
Although this is my first release I do have plenty of experience with Android development, and Tweaking. I have built plenty of ROM's for myself over the years. I am/was a user just like you with a passion for my Android phone. Over the years I've learned a lot just reading these forums. Just about everything I know I got here on XDA.
I hope you enjoy my work, It is very difficult to maintain a public ROM like this. All I ask is you please THANK if you download anything or if I helped you in anyway. It's free, fun and it shows "us" trying to make your phone better that you really care.
Read the Forums: Read Read Read.... I can't stress this enough!
Search before posting
Make sure you know what your doing, and are confident about flashing your 600 dollar phone
Nandroid is your friend.
Recommended Flashing Steps:
Verify the MD5 of your download
Wipe Data Factory Reset
Format System
Install ROM
Wipe Cache and Dalvik
What you get: Rock Solid Performance, Amazing Battery Life, Great Support, Lot's of MOD's, Fast, Smooth & Clean.
(Note: This is not a complete list of features, to many small tweaks to try and mention.)
Stock Insecure Kernel /w init.d script support…
Rooted SuperSU…
De-Bloated… Removed Apps: HERE http://d-h.st/nSM
Init.d Performance & Battery Tweaks…
Added data/app support: (Flashplayer, Torch, AdAway, QuickPic, DropBox, Facebook, Maps, Street, Google Play Music, YouTube, YPmobile, Polaris Viewer, Titanium Backup)
Added: Tons of Ringtones/Notifications/Alarms
Simple Samsung Boot Animation…
Removed Carrier Logo from Notification bar and Pull down…
TouchWiz Launcher with Scrolling Wallpaper and Page Looping… Original is posted below if you don’t like the Scrolling Wallpaper.
24 Toggles Mod… adds NFC toggle
Lightly Themed Blue, Custom Wallpapers…
Unrestricted Tethering: Bluetooth, USB & WIFI…
Extended Power Menu: 4-way Reboot…
Long Press Volume Skip Track… (Thanks Loserskater)
Long Press Back to Kill Current Application…
Normal Touch Sounds…
Normal Dial Pad Touch Tones…
No Increasing Ring Tone…
No Persistent WIFI / Blocking Mode Notifications…
4.2 Keyboard…
Dark Themed CM10 FileManager...
And any bugs Samsung decided we needed to have.
New in TheDevilsReject_v2
1% battery mod / Accurate Battery Mod
Popup Browser: "Must click on a link with http: at the beginning in order to activate it. Then it will work all the time when you select always. It's pretty cool"
Ink effect: 19 colors + None, The screen flickers... if done slowly it works pretty well" (Thanks Loserskater for the help)
Goo.im OTA
Few more under the hood improvements / init.d tweaks, smoother scrolling, crystal clear rendering.
New in TheDevilsReject_v3
Options for backup SMS
Group Messaging
SMS with email... send text message to an e-mail address
Increased MMS Video Recording Quality and Size
Lots of *CSC Feature* edits
Removed FOTA Software update from settings menu *CSC / Feature*
50 contacts to Group Messageing *CSC / Feature*
Enter as new line in messaging *CSC / Feature*
Added Exit button to stock Browser *CSC / Feature*
Enabled find my mobile in Security Settings *CSC / Feature*
Inverted Email *CSC / Feature*
Holo Dark G-Mail 4.2.1
Inverted YouTube 4.2.16 with 720p enabled over network
Clock Statusbar Mod v2.0 Thanks to Didact74
Text removed from 23 quick toggles and toggle bar moved closer...Thanks to Evewon and alvin551
Back to stock style 1% battery Icon.... Small collection of flashable battery icon packs: http://d-h.st/X1D
Newest SuperSU 1.04
New in TheDevilsReject_v4:
Fully working Note 2 Keyboard / dedicated number row and handwriting
Full GPU rendering
updated init.d tweaks, added cron: clears caches everyday to keep your phone fast.
Smoother scrolling.
Almost 0 lag NOW, even with power saver enabled.
Fixed water overlay on lock screen when the ripple effect is not selected
Attempt to fix ink effect... It works better, screen still flashes the color, but it's better.
Added more wallpapers to stock wallpaper app (Thanks to upndwn4par's guide)
Themed a little more blue to better match TW overall.
New in TheDevilsReject_v5
Stratatak7 LL1 kernel... Still great battery and performance your use to.
Removed brightness slider, It looks better... and is redundant. A Flashable is is available in TDR add-ons.
Removed Home screen mode from settings (Thanks to Idyar)
Enabled Scheduled Messages
Enabled Call/Message Block in Settings, *CSC Feature* (Thanks to Jovy23)
Enabled SMS Auto Combination: Re-assembles multi-segmented messages, to veiw as one message. *CSC Feature*
Enabled MMS as single view... no more slide show. *CSC Feature* My favorite!
Enabled Call Back Number in Message settings, *CSC Feature*
Enabled Quick Text Templets and button: New button next to attachment in Messaging *CSC Feature*
Enabled Delete Button in Messaging header, *CSC Feature*
Enabled many other messaging features, Alias, multi lock, blacklist....
Enabled Exit Browser Dialog: I like it, I find myself hittin back to many times. *CSC Feature*
Accidentally Removed Block Mode: Here is a patch if you miss it. http://d-h.st/YMv
New in TheDevilsReject_v6
Reverted Kernel to Stock UCDLK3 (some were experiencing wakelocks and battery drains. LL1 kernel is available in the add-ons)
Fixed the missing blocking mode from settings
Added Bash... have future plans for this.
Feature.xml quickfix, Seems "CscFeature_Message_EnableLocalSymbolTable" breaks (enter as new line) and (emoji's) for third party keyboards. http://d-h.st/kgx
Whats New For TDRv7
Updated several apps, Gmail 4.3, You tube with 720p over network data, switched back to non inverted
Loserskaters Volume rocker music control Mod: Now the long press volume skip track can be toggled like in CM. Options in Sound Settings
Didact74 "On The Fly Battery Mod" Choose from one of 20 different battery icon's. Options in Display Settings (Redid some New Icons from what I already released. New fancy charge animations)
Black Status bar, Blue Clocks
Few updated Scripts
Got Rid of all AT&T contact subcriber stuff, settings, menus... ect.. Gone!
Disabled the Browser EdgeZoom with toggle (Thanks to Loserskater) Found in display settings
Brightness Slider Toggle (Thanks to Loserskater) Ability to turn brightness slider in the notification pull down on/off
Screen on/off toggle for incoming SMS: located in Messaging settings (Thanks to Jovy23's guides)
Increased SMS limit per hour
Disable SMS to MMS auto conversion
Removed Group Messaging From MMS.apk (It doesn't work right & cuts notifications short when inbox reaches max... My conclusion is it's AT&T... the Iphone Group works because they use special apn's and servers.)
Removed the Find my mobile from security settings, Sim alert FC when selecting it. If you want it back, change this statement marked in blue in the system/csc/featurs.xml to false
Known Issues:
23 Toggles: Some Toggles like NFC don't toggle. But Long press the Toggles it will take you to that setting.
Ink Effect: Screen will sometimes flash the selected color.
Kies: may or may not work. I did remove the Kies.apk's, Flashable http://d-h.st/nE4
Contacts will FC when selecting block message form the contacts app, Otherwise blocking messages from within the messaging app works fine.
First Boot will seem like a long time.
*Please do not post complaints about battery life!
*Every phone is different!
*Apps can make or break it!
*Give it time to settle
Made by me using DSIXDA Kitchen...
Thanks to all XDA members for the wealth of knowledge posted on these forums! :good:
So with keeping the spirit of XDA... Sharing is Caring
Anyone can do anything they want with any MOD/ROM. I don't care, Make Sure You Thank and I get credit with a link to my thread.
If you can click the download link, you can click the THANKS button too. It's free and fun, it also shows us how much you care! :good:
1. If installing with the newest TWRP when you go to reboot it will come up with an warning that you have lost root permissions... This is not the case. It's either a bug with TWRP or it's not recognizing the new SuperSU. Either way it will give you an option to fix it. If you select "Do not fix" you will be just fine and you will indeed have a rooted phone. I suggest "Do not fix"
2. On a clean install the SystemUI will probably Force Close upon first boot. No worries, it will only do it once. This happens because of the clock mod and the automatic network time setting not syncing right away.
3. I suggest you reflash the new kernel package found below as adb root has been fixed. Seems the kitchen did not give proper root through adb support.
Important: As always I recommend a full wipe. *Dirty Flashing is OK*
If you experience any problems you must complete a full wipe before posting any issues.
Free MD5 checksum verifier http://d-h.st/cDy
Full ROM: TheDevilsReject_v7
MD5: 0f2f5f379028264f13486ffc3f71e5c2
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/70j6
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/mey
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Old Link's
Full ROM: TheDevilsReject_v6
MD5: 0dc7b81250242066e8fda866c7e36e0c
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/k6oP
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/jLc
Feature.xml quickfix, Seems "CscFeature_Message_EnableLocalSymbolTable" breaks (enter as new line) and (emoji's) for third party keyboards. http://d-h.st/kgx
md5: 1b2a5c4ffecf78ee8b8f952020ca8cdb
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/8FBg
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/oUi
Block Mode patch for v5. http://d-h.st/YMv
md5: 9f9f0a8a18f81e5f7a425eda6e8fbcc8
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/DPbR
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/gXg
md5: 6a8d57ca50947d94241c08095f66b3be
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/ARsI
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/waI
md5: c030dcc7dffbe7d51fc160aa355a395c
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/o8J2
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/aGy
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/ib0T
DevHost: http://d-h.st/gRq
12-28-12 Stock build
Stock Insecure Kernel w/ init.d: updated 3-23-13
Seems there is an issue with the dsiXDA Kitchen and does not give correct root through adb support... I have now fixed it manually. Sorry... I don't use it so I never tested it just assumed the Kitchen did it correctly.
This will return you to the Stock UCDLK3 Kernel if you have flashed Ktoonsez JB kernel. Script will delete everything necessary and restore the stock modules. Its ok to flash even if you haven't previously flashed Ktoonsez JB kernel. Will Restore you from flashing InstigatorX, Faux kernel and many more. (Updated Script and corrected adbd root: 3-23-13)
Stock Kernel: Insecure Boot w/ init.d
Flashable Add-On Mods: Compatible with TheDevilsReject ROM up to date for v7 3-21-13
Removed Apps: NOT FLASHABLE http://d-h.st/nSM
Official TDR GreyedOut Theme: Updated 3-21-13 for use only with v7, Pics Posted in OP. This theme uses the VRTHEME installer.
TWOSP Theme:
Blue SystemUI: Themed more icons in blue... like... 4G, WI-FI, Signal Meter... Updated 3-30-13 Fixed colors they should match now
Dark Green Theme:
The Best TWRP Theme:
AOSP lockscreen: This is only for TDRv7 Fixed sound menu issue 4-11-13
Has 5 shortcuts Google, Phone, SMS, Camera, Unlock.... Sorry it's not changeable. But Really what more could you want...
Google Wallet for TheDevilsReject ROM: This will install All NFC stuff for Jellybean with Google Wallet 1.6 r75 v13. Will also backup your build.prop to the sdcard/build_prop, and flash an already modified build.prop for TheDevilsReject ROM. Only thing you have to do manually is restore the original build.prop Important: Make sure you set permissions correctly when restoring the build.prop ( rw-r--r-- or 644)
NFC Screen-Off / Lock screen MOD's: (Thanks to Loserskater) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=37058230&postcount=47
Inverted Gmail 4.3: make sure you uninstall any updated prior to flashing
Revert Dark E-maill: updated 3-21-13 for TDRv7
SystemUI TDRv7 with carrier logo back in the notification bar.
Disable the keyboard notification:
SecEmail with no forced exchange security: (Credits to rustamabd for his patch)
23 Toggles With Text: Just in case you want the text back
Original Touch Sounds: If you want the water drip sounds back. ?Not sure why? but hey... to each there own.
Enable / Disable custom boot animations: (thanks to [email protected]) This will not install a custom boot animation but allow the use of them. Place you animation in the data/local/yourboot.zip
SecLauncher2 *Original*: Just in case you want to go back after flashing my modded ones.
SecLauncher2 *Modded*: Adds a more AOSP feel to the stock TouchWiz Launcher with "Scrolling Wallpaper" and "No Page Looping"
http://d-h.st/dGz Scrolling Wallpaper w/ Page Looping
SecLauncher2 *5x5*: Adds a more AOSP feel to the stock TouchWiz Launcher with "Scrolling Wallpaper" and "No Page Looping"
http://d-h.st/M19 Scrolling Wallpaper w/ Page Looping
Note2 Gallery. The install script will delete the data from the gallery and media storage so it will work when you re-boot without any extra effort.
Couple things I should mention...
1. If you have a lot of music with album art... you can hide stuff in the gallery. I warn you if you hide your album art it will also hide your music from all music players.
2. I did not include the camera... it's not much of an upgrade and it doesn't work fully anyway. I tried, believe me. Stock camera works fine with the new gallery. If you want it, it's around you can find it.
AOSP MMS: Loser is the man! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2086834
Extra Special Thanks to:
My Wife
All of my Rejects...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Pic's below:
1. Greyed Out Theme: available in TDR add-on's
2. Normal TW as the ROM comes
4. Dark Green

Tips, Tricks and FAQ's
Importatnt: Remember that after flahing a new ROM that it will take a few days to see optimum results. Understand you just restored a bunch of data setting your phone up... I bet most of you do this right away... Shame on you. My suggestion is after flashing the new ROM please wait about 5-10 min at the start screen... let the phone catch a signal and let settle down for a few. After finishing the first start setup... please let it sit a few more minutes... let the phone be cool to the touch (mine gets pretty warm after doing a nandroid and a new flash) the scripts will load and the cache files will build and everything will be ready for you to begin restoring all your apps
GPS not locking: Unfortunately This is going to happen to some when coming from AOSP based ROMs and other carrier ports.
A couple common fixes include...
1. Returning to the stock ROM via ODIN, acquire a GPS lock then reboot into Recovery.. Wipe and Flash new ROM.I recommend trying Chainfire's MOBILE ODIN first before the desktop version, it's really easy to use and it's free to XDA users HERE.
You can flash an ODIN package right from your phone and still retain your custom recovery, simply exclude it from the list of partitions to flash.
It will also inject ROOT if the ODIN package does not already have it... makes things really simple.​2. Restoring a nandroid of a TouchWiz ROM with a known working GPS status, make sure all location services are enables and can obtain a GPS lock. (go to additional steps now if needed) Reboot, Wipe and Flash New ROM...Additional steps if required before flashing new ROM:
Backup your internal storage and take out your sd-card now... just in case stuff gets deleted. Do a Factory Reset form within the restored TW nandroid. Reboot... Skip all the setup stuff... acquire a GPS lock again... Reboot into recovery Wipe and Flash the new ROM.​3. Flash back to the AOSP ROM you were just on. Obtain a GPS lock, then reinstall ROM again and see if GPS works
4. Repeat until one of the options ends up working... Not much else to tell you to try. Good luck!
GPS and Location Services: If you have Google Maps installed and Google Now, you will notice Maps uses your location services a lot during the day. Apparently Google thinks we need our location tracked 24/7. Turning GPS on only when needed will help eliminate the wakelocks created by maps. Going a step further you may also want to disable the "Use Network Location", This will also stop other apps form getting your location... Most apps will let you enter your location manually so it's not really a big deal turning it off, especially when your talking about increasing your battery life.
Li-ion Batteries:
First of all I think there are a lot of misconseptions about Li-ion Batteries vs. there Ni-Mh and Ni-Cd counterparts. A lot of good information can be found here http://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries.
Short story is Li-ion batteries like to be fully charged. And will give you the best performance when they are fully charged. Continuously discharging your battery till it almost dies everyday is actually hurting it. So if you want your battery to last a long time please charge it and don't worry about how long or how much screen time you can get on a single charge... your killing your battery. And continuously discharging to 0 you will get fewer charge cycles before the capacity of your battery drops. Li-ion batteries do not suffer from the dreaded memory effect like Ni-Mh and Ni-Cd, but they do wear out overtime due to varies conditions.... Li-ion batteries work by ions moving between positive and negative electrodes that are sandwiched between a thin membrane. Where as the Ni-Mh and Ni-Cd work by a chemical reaction between two metals and a catalyst. Over time the metals crystallize during charging and cause what we call the Memory Effect. Li-ion batteries have a longer life span and will keep there rated capacity longer over more charge cycles, this is why they use them.
Another thing is... calibrating your battery is total B.S. The battery your phone came with is smart. It has it's own little micro controller that regulates itself, during charging and use. During normal charging and uses the system and battery will normalize themselves.
A guide for using Better Battery Stats:

Can't wait, thanks! Quick question for those who know more about this stuff than I do.... will both of these work with this ROM? I'm assuming so, they both work with Serenity 1.2 which is 4.1.1 JB on an official Samsung TouchWiz ROM, but wanted to make sure before doing anything crazy!
[KERNEL][AT&T][AOSP/Touchwiz][JELLYBEAN & ICS][11/13/2012] KT747 - LJ7 - KTweaker
[THEME] Introducing JB 23 Toggle Mod 12.07.2012! JB Touchwiz Blue - 15/23 Toggles
Left this question in the thread for the i747M stock ROM by accident, but this is the right place for it.... thanks in advance (already left it!)

KryptosXLayer2 said:
Can't wait, thanks! Quick question for those who know more about this stuff than I do.... will both of these work with this ROM? I'm assuming so, they both work with Serenity 1.2 which is 4.1.1 JB on an official Samsung TouchWiz ROM, but wanted to make sure before doing anything crazy!
[KERNEL][AT&T][AOSP/Touchwiz][JELLYBEAN & ICS][11/13/2012] KT747 - LJ7 - KTweaker
[THEME] Introducing JB 23 Toggle Mod 12.07.2012! JB Touchwiz Blue - 15/23 Toggles
Left this question in the thread for the i747M stock ROM by accident, but this is the right place for it.... thanks in advance (already left it!)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You should be ok with both of those (kernel and theme), but as always recommended - make a Nandroid!

Is this off the official release that came out a few days ago or w/e?
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

irish.iolar said:
Is this off the official release that came out a few days ago or w/e?
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes based off the official release

KryptosXLayer2 said:
Can't wait, thanks! Quick question for those who know more about this stuff than I do.... will both of these work with this ROM? I'm assuming so, they both work with Serenity 1.2 which is 4.1.1 JB on an official Samsung TouchWiz ROM, but wanted to make sure before doing anything crazy!
[KERNEL][AT&T][AOSP/Touchwiz][JELLYBEAN & ICS][11/13/2012] KT747 - LJ7 - KTweaker
[THEME] Introducing JB 23 Toggle Mod 12.07.2012! JB Touchwiz Blue - 15/23 Toggles
Left this question in the thread for the i747M stock ROM by accident, but this is the right place for it.... thanks in advance (already left it!)
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The Kernel yes
The Theme no... as it does not have the 23 toggles included yet

enewman17 said:
The Kernel yes
The Theme no... as it does not have the 23 toggles included yet
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Click to collapse
Actually the mod he's referring to contains not only the theme but the actual modded systemui.apk and other files needed to actually add the 23 (also the original 15 is available as well) toggle to the base ROM as well as the theme itself.

pinoymutt said:
Actually the mod he's referring to contains not only the theme but the actual modded systemui.apk and other files needed to actually add the 23 (also the original 15 is available as well) toggle to the base ROM as well as the theme itself.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gotcha. Try it, whats the worst that can happen...it wont boot, have to re-flash ROM or nandroid not a big deal.
It should work just fine though as that mod is based on stock.

enewman17 said:
The Kernel yes
The Theme no... as it does not have the 23 toggles included yet
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Click to collapse
pinoymutt said:
Actually the mod he's referring to contains not only the theme but the actual modded systemui.apk and other files needed to actually add the 23 (also the original 15 is available as well) toggle to the base ROM as well as the theme itself.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
enewman17 said:
Gotcha. Try it, whats the worst that can happen...it wont boot, have to re-flash ROM or nandroid not a big deal.
It should work just fine though as that mod is based on stock.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am using the AT&T version with 23 toggles, stock battery and stock green color. The theme works great for me..

updated my modem to UCDLK3 and flashed...working great. even put the 23 toggle mod and all seems fine!
Thanks for the ROM.
Coming from Serenity 1.2 ... want to see how battery life is on official stock...was getting 12-15 hours on Serenity.:good:

In case anyone had the same quirk I was having with both the water effect AND stock JB lock / unlock sounds going off, just navigate to system/media/audio/ui and change the following two items:
TW_Unlock_Glass.ogg to TW_Unlock_Glass.BAK
TW_Unlock_Puzzle.ogg to TW_Unlock_Puzzle.BAK
Works as it did before on stock TouchWiz
Also, glad to say that my worries over the kernel and theme in the 2nd post were for naught, everything works fine so far, flash away! Hell, Wallet even works as it should.... Still have to get all the 4.2 GApps on it though, but it's working well so far!

Thanks a ton for your flash, I've been hoping someone would post one.
But I have a question, our of all the flashable mods you posted, which ones did you use?
I want to start with everything stock before I start doing my own thing with it. But before I just start replacing files I need to know which ones you already put in.

Prolly a dumb question but will your mods work on original odexed with root?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

chocodough said:
Thanks a ton for your flash, I've been hoping someone would post one.
But I have a question, our of all the flashable mods you posted, which ones did you use?
I want to start with everything stock before I start doing my own thing with it. But before I just start replacing files I need to know which ones you already put in.
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Click to collapse
I didn't use any of the mods, just posted them and the original so you could decide for you self and revert back if you wanted. Although I did change the water drip sounds but I posted a zip to change that back.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium

Does it have the ugly att logo on the top left corner?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app

piburglar said:
Prolly a dumb question but will your mods work on original odexed with root?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't think so, and if they do you would need to delete the odex file before flash and wipe both cache and dalvik. I wouldn't try it. I'd just nandroid and try a deodexed ROM.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium

shinji21 said:
Does it have the ugly att logo on the top left corner?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'll be working on that, the code layout is really different from ICS and I haven't found all the edits yet. Soon I hate it too
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium

shinji21 said:
Does it have the ugly att logo on the top left corner?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Only place I've seen the AT&T text is on the bottom of the notification shade when you pull it down from the notification bar.... it doesn't show up on the top left of the notification bar or in the upper left area of the notification shade either, on mine at least


S3Rx 3.0 TouchWiz 4.3 MJB (4-13-14) Full AROMA

I747 UCUEMJB TW 4.3 Premium Suite
Be kind, be respectful, stay on topic, follow the XDA rules!
You are welcome to use any part of this ROM without asking but PLEASE give credit.
Although we do test there is always a chance things may go wrong. As always
we do not take responsible for what you do to your phone. You should know what your getting yourself into.
If you don't, please do not flash this and READ, READ, READ these forums till you feel confident enough to do so.
Disabled system wide .apk signature verification. *makes updating apps with different signatures easy*
Knox free with Selinux set to permissive.
Automatic support for T999, T999L and T999V
init.d support with scripts
4 Way reboot
Tether Hack, Wifi, USB and Bluetooth.
Added CSC features
Enabled all languages
Standard Samsung boot screen
Added some alarm, notification, and ringtones.
Removed ongoing wifi notifications
WiFi Hotspot, Mobile Data and Flashlight toggles now default.
Google Wallet and NFC fix in place, working with tap and pay.
Framework tweaks
Updated system apps
Infinite lock screen pages and all widgets unlocked.
Secure lock screen widgets
Multiwindow all apps enabled. Use Multi-Window Manager form the app store to correct the adding apps bug.
Disabled scrolling cache
System wide spell check (Language and input setting)
Removed safe volume popup when headphones are plugged in
Quad/Floating Multi-Window.
Phone MW popup notifications.
Modded SecMms.apk
*Screen on/off toggle for incoming SMS: located in Messaging settings
*Increased SMS limit per hour
*Disable SMS to MMS auto conversion
*Options for backup SMS
*SMS with email... send text message to an e-mail address
*Increased MMS Video Recording Quality and Size
*Enter as new line in messaging
*Enabled SMS Auto Combination: Re-assembles multi-segmented messages, to veiw as one message. *CSC Feature*
*Enabled MMS as single view... no more slide show. *CSC Feature*
*Enabled Call Back Number in Message settings, *CSC Feature*
*Enabled Quick Text Templets and button: New button next to attachment in Messaging *CSC Feature*
*Enabled Delete Button in Messaging header, *CSC Feature*
*Enabled many other messaging features, Alias, multi lock, blacklist....
*Added SMS and MMS read reports.
*Enabled Split view with a toggle
*More internal MMS size limit increases.
Aroma installer
*ViPER sound mod
*Volume boost
*TW Launcher (4x4, 4x5, 5x5, scrolling wallpaper, page looping)
*System sounds (TW, 4.4)
*Email (Modified TW, AOSP)
*Call Recording
*Dial pad tones
*Quad/Floating Multi-Window
*Messaging TW or CyanogenMod
*Samsung apps
*Music Players
*Misc apps
*Kernels with Tuner apps
Extra Settings (Settings>My Device)
*SEAndroid Control
*App ops
*Long press kill
*Music Controls
*Volume panel timeout
*Edge Zoom
*Enable all rotations
*NFC polling (screen off, lockscreen)
*CRT off effect (None, CRT, Fade)
*Battery style (OG Battery Mod)
*Clock (position, am/pm, day of week, color)
*Keyboard notification
*Alarm icon
*Blocking mode icon
*Battery notifications
*Voice search app (S Voice, Google)
*Double tap home
*Quick unlock
*AOSP lock screen
*Lock screen rotation
*Secure lock screen widgets
To install...
1. Make sure you are on one of the bootloader and modem packages found below.
2. Full Wipe
3. Install ROM.
4. Profit... enjoy!
Complete recovery flashable I747 and I747M 4.3 bootloader and modem packages.
Option A: MJ2 bootloader and MJB modem
If you choose to flash the official MJB bootloader and modem package DO NOT try to install any older bootloaders or use any odin.tar, you will brick your phone.
Option B: Official MJB 4.3 bootloader and modem
Official MK5 bootloaders and modem
Download S3Rx 3.0_4-13-14
Free MD5 checksum verifier http://d-h.st/cDy
MD5: ed6d92a4a66ebddc8a962c8ec8023f68
XDA Devdb: http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/?id=222#downloads
Android File Host: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23329332407587736
Our families for putting up with us being on the computer for so long.
cm team
Rizal Lovins
All of our users!
XDA:DevDB Information
S3Rx, ROM for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy S III
loserskater, enewman17
ROM OS Version: 4.3.x Jellybean
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
ROM Firmware Required: I747UCUEMJB
Based On: Samsung Touchwiz
Version Information
Status: No Longer Updated
Current Stable Version: 3.0_4-13-14
Stable Release Date: 2014-04-20
Created 2013-07-31
Last Updated 2014-08-14
Kernel and init.d improvements
Theme fixes and updates
Added Quad/Floating Multiwindow "dark and light themes in aroma".
Few more install script fixes
Added toggle for Secure Lock Screen Widgets.
Torch toggle works natively now, no need for the Torch app now. thanks to CNexus.
Added a long press to torch toggle to lock screen torch settings.
Couple of KK theme changes
Made default call recordings to a different forlder /media/0/Recorded Calls
If you do a clean install you'll have the smart network toggle. or add SmartNetwork; to the settingprovider/settings.db
Various AROMA changes and fixes. You can delete or move all the S3Rx.prop files on your internal sdcard. If you move them just make a
folder S3Rx and move them there.
Various theme fixes.
Added Kit Kat theme.
Added note 2 keyboard.
Fixed note 3 keyboard audio and haptic feedback.
Think I fixed auto learning and prediction. No auto correction on Note 3 keyboard.
Fixed the block on flip fonts... Added hundreds of fonts.
Fixed volume on call while screen off.
Added customizable aosp mms to aroma. thanks to talkingmonkeys.
Added Note 3 style incoming call pop up when screen is on. Toggle for pop up is in call settings.
Removed app signature verification. Makes updating hacked apps easier.
Added CRT effect switch in extra settings.
Improved auto brightness.
Fixed Call recording
Fixed CM theme
Full Aroma installer
Lost of new mods.
Please refer to feature list in the OP
fixed font issue force closing settings.
added crt off effect.
fixed updated hagouts video chat, missing lib file
moved more bloat to data/app
Needs testing but I resigned the AccessT-Mobile app so it shouldn't be recognized by the market. So since this version should be safe form the update you can choose to use it or uninstall it.
Fixed 1% battery mod... seems Samsung used 2 sets of xml to control the the battery icons.
Known Issues
Screen off torch light is buggy. It will work fine within 3 seconds of the screen being turned off. If it works perfect for you no matter when you turned the screen off then it is creating the wakelock and you may experience some extra battery draw. *A reboot will get rid of the wakelock*
Battery MOD my be a little funky till you mess with the settings. *It might also be slow to open, as we add more icons it will get slower*
Tell us if you notice anything else.
GPS Issues?
GPS not locking: Unfortunately This is going to happen to some when coming from AOSP based ROMs and other carrier ports.
A couple common fixes include...
1. Easiest and most reliable way. Try this first!
Enter the Samsung service mode by typing this code into the dial pad *#197328640#
Then go to Mainmenu>UMTS>Common>NV REBUILD>NV REBUILD> (Important: don't exit the menu yet!)
Wait 30+ sec
Long press power button and select "Restart / Reboot"
Now check your GPS from any software that may use GPS like "Maps" or "GPS Status"...
All credit to harshaedvern for this easy fix
2. Returning to the stock ROM via ODIN, acquire a GPS lock then reboot into Recovery.. Wipe and Flash new ROM.I recommend trying Chainfire's MOBILE ODIN first before the desktop version, it's really easy to use and it's free to XDA users HERE.
You can flash an ODIN package right from your phone and still retain your custom recovery, simply exclude it from the list of partitions to flash.
It will also inject ROOT if the ODIN package does not already have it... makes things really simple.​=====================================================================================================================================================================
3. Restoring a nandroid of a TouchWiz ROM with a known working GPS status, make sure all location services are enables and can obtain a GPS lock. (go to additional steps now if needed) Reboot, Wipe and Flash New ROM...Additional steps if required before flashing new ROM:
Backup your internal storage and take out your sd-card now... just in case stuff gets deleted. Do a Factory Reset form within the restored TW nandroid. Reboot... Skip all the setup stuff... acquire a GPS lock again... Reboot into recovery Wipe and Flash the new ROM.​=====================================================================================================================================================================
4. Flash back to the AOSP ROM you were just on. Obtain a GPS lock, then reinstall ROM again and see if GPS works
5. Repeat until one of the options ends up working... Not much else to tell you to try. Good luck!
GPS and Location Services: If you have Google Maps installed and Google Now, you will notice Maps uses your location services a lot during the day. Apparently Google thinks we need our location tracked 24/7. Turning GPS on only when needed will help eliminate the wakelocks created by maps. Going a step further you may also want to disable the "Use Network Location", This will also stop other apps form getting your location... Most apps will let you enter your location manually so it's not really a big deal turning it off, especially when your talking about increasing your battery life.
Previous builds
Updated to Android 4.3 MJB base
See features list in OP for list of changes
Fixed Stock Kernel adb support.
Fixed a few theme issues
Fixed quick unlock for password
Fixed All apps in multi-window not dragging the correct app into the flashbar
Removed reset flashbar data from AROMA as it's no longer needed.
Potential fix for other keyboards not sticking after reboot.
Removed AT&T contacts
Initial release of 4.1.2 MG2 build.
Lots of work on aroma. Pretty much on par with what was in deTmobilized. (Thank enewman for this, he's been a mad man lately).
All of the features/updates that were in deTmobilized.
New feature - Volume panel display timeout. Sick of the volume bar sitting there for 3 seconds after adjusting the volume? Change the timeout so it hides faster!
New Settings:
-Display/Hide Carrier Logo in statusbar
-Display/Hide Alarm Icon
-Display/Hide Ongoing Wifi notification
-Change Notification Panel color
-Quick Unlock for Pin and Password
-Long Press Kill Timeout
Added a disable option to Long Press Kill
Fixed default clock/statusbar colors being transparent
Added support for almost every language
Updated Youtube apps (now includes screen off playback)
Fixed process.acore has stopped when using HaxSync
Updated Note 2 Camera/Gallery
Updated Themes
Updated Volume Boost (not as extreme)
Note 2 keyboard now has autocorrect
Disabled menu unlock when using AOSP lockscreen
Added SMS and MMS read reports.
Security patched LidroidSettings.apk
Added Photo Editor
Updated AOSP MMS from Liquid Smooth
Old Link for S3Rx 1.1 Non-AROMA + MODs
S3Rx 1.1
Free MD5 checksum verifier http://d-h.st/cDy
md5: fe3610ed1252cf9c51d7748719aa6832
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/Wcz
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/dbzf
Individual Mods
UCDLK3 Insecure Kernel
This will restore the original kernel packed in this ROM.
Enable / Disable custom boot animations
(thanks to [email protected]) This will not install a custom boot animation but allow the use of them. Place you animation in the system/media
180 Rotation
AC!D Mods
http://d-h.st/IwN Awesome Beats
http://d-h.st/AAI Noozxoide
http://d-h.st/ccB Remove
Volume Boost Mod
http://d-h.st/Von Extreme
http://d-h.st/HTc Not as Extreme
http://d-h.st/3Ic Remove
File Managers
http://d-h.st/ylT My Files
http://d-h.st/77q CM FileManager
http://d-h.st/ylu CM FileManager Inverted
http://d-h.st/6uo Note 2 with Auto Correct
http://d-h.st/BRN Note 2
http://d-h.st/AG0 Android Nexus 4.2
http://d-h.st/TsF XperiaZ
http://d-h.st/L3p Stock Swype
Bravia Engine
Cameras and Gallery
http://d-h.st/0u8 Stock
http://d-h.st/785 Modified Stock
http://d-h.st/3vZ Note 2
http://d-h.st/SJP Android 4.2
Contacts: Dial Pad Tones
http://d-h.st/2kA TW: water
http://d-h.st/QB0 4.2: normal
http://d-h.st/qGR Stargate DHD
Phone: Increasing Ringtone
http://d-h.st/QQf Enables
http://d-h.st/51n Disabled
TW Launchers
http://d-h.st/1mz 4x4
http://d-h.st/XmR 4x4 Scrolling Wallpaper / Page Looping
http://d-h.st/l3f 4x4 Scrolling Wallpaper / No Page Looping
http://d-h.st/98s 5x5
http://d-h.st/wRq 5x5 Scrolling Wallpaper / Page Looping
http://d-h.st/3kP 5x5 Scrolling Wallpaper / No Page Looping
http://d-h.st/mci Stock TW
http://d-h.st/un8 Stock TW / no forced exchange security
http://d-h.st/fGr Make TW Email Dark
http://d-h.st/4Uw AOSP
http://d-h.st/DCH 4.3.1
http://d-h.st/oUF 4.3.1 Dark
Lidroid / 23 Toggles
http://d-h.st/wOS Blue Text
http://d-h.st/DrN Blue No Text
http://d-h.st/wts Green Text
http://d-h.st/JIp Green No Text
http://d-h.st/koA TouchWiz'ish Text
http://d-h.st/S5m TouchWiz'ish No Text
(Note: These Will Delete Your Messages)
http://d-h.st/0Z4 TouchWiz (only if you want to return to TouchWiz MMS)
http://d-h.st/Guv CM 10.1
http://d-h.st/pSc Liquid Smooth, *New Features*
NFC Mods
http://d-h.st/pwr Lock Screen
http://d-h.st/wcW Screen Off
http://d-h.st/T0u Proximity Tag Mod
http://d-h.st/Fd5 Revert to Stock
System Sounds
http://d-h.st/lh7 TouchWiz
http://d-h.st/408 4.2
YouTube updated 5-4-13
Thanks to theos0o http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1529715
http://d-h.st/6bq Modified
http://d-h.st/Wnn Modified Inverted Dark
http://d-h.st/GV4 Modified Inverted Blue
Music Players
http://d-h.st/Wll Apollo
http://d-h.st/PJG MIUI
http://d-h.st/KN5 XperiaZ
Samsung Apps
http://d-h.st/6jX Samsung Services / S sync
http://d-h.st/Ybc Kies
http://d-h.st/2D0 Photo Editor
http://d-h.st/54C AOSP
http://d-h.st/OmW BlueUI
http://d-h.st/reC Dark Green
http://d-h.st/Coq TDR Grayed Out
http://d-h.st/k5k S3Rx Red Deadly Venom Theme
http://d-h.st/q4O Red Note2 Keyboard Deadly Venom
Pulldown Tranparencies
All Transparencies in one zip (Note: this is not flashable, but contains all the flashable zips)
http://d-h.st/tC2 100%
http://d-h.st/dQG 90%
http://d-h.st/Dpf 80%
http://d-h.st/b00 70%
http://d-h.st/swb 60%
http://d-h.st/JVe 50%
http://d-h.st/k0A 40%
http://d-h.st/kOU 30%
http://d-h.st/9Uz 20%
http://d-h.st/KVZ 10%
http://d-h.st/OpN Fully Opaque
Thanks. Gonna have to try this. Is this multi carrier?
crazynewfie said:
Thanks. Gonna have to try this. Is this multi carrier?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Only supporting AT&T. That's why it's only on the AT&T forums.
For some idiotic reason I have yet to run your work loserskater. Looks like it's definitely time.
Very nice guys!
boom. morning coffee. new ROM on boards. good start to the day...
Ok. That was a little freaky. Went to download from DevHost, Rom was dated 4-26, 746 MB and it stuck on waiting. Refreshed thread, ROM is dated 4-27 and up to 1 GB.
I have a feeling I'm glad my first try didn't download. :thumbup:
Looking forward to giving this a run guys!
EDIT: see why now...I had clicked on the "non-aroma"...sorry for wasted post.
Any screenshots please??
Great job on this rom will check it out later and start doing a red theme for it and post it here for those that want red:thumbup:
Sent From My Galaxy S III SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 Running On Deadly Venom v3.0.0
very excited, thank you!
now I just have to wait six more hours till I get off work.
JsVerbal said:
now I just have to wait six more hours till I get off work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There's no hurry my friend lol it will be here when you get out of work hehe
Sent From My Galaxy S III SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 Running On Deadly Venom v3.0.0
looks exciting. very flexible options. this is what I want to have. great job! thanks so much!
Can't wait to try it.
Awesome work man!! Quick Question: First time seen ROM of that magnitude in size 1+GB, it will take hours to download. Hope it has the required ammunition.
kunalsethi50 said:
Awesome work man!! Quick Question: First time seen ROM of that magnitude in size 1+GB, it will take hours to download. Hope it has the required ammunition.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you look at enewman's post you can see all of the individual mods that we've included in this build. If you're worried about data or size, I would suggest the non aroma route as the actual build is only about 750MB
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747
I think I saw the words " pop up browser " in there downloading now ! Great work guys !
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium

[ROM] deTmobilized 1.5 (7-16-13) (UVDMD5 4.1.2 Premium Suite) AT&T Port

deTmobilized 1.5
T999 UVDMD5 TW 4.1.2 Premium Suite
Ported for the AT&T I747
Be kind, be respectful, stay on topic, follow the XDA rules!
You are welcome to use any part of this rom but PLEASE give credit!
Although we do test there is always a chance things may go wrong. As always
we do not take responsible for what you do to your phone. You should know what your getting yourself into.
If you don't, please do not flash this and READ, READ, READ these forums till you feel confident enough to do so.
Stock Insecure UVDMD5 Kernel /w init.d script support…
Rooted SuperSU…
Call Recording... That's right I said Call Recording.
Premium Suite... Multi-Window.
All apps enabled in Multi-Window
SystemUI re-done for AT&T... yes you will have the AT&T style 5 signal meter, 4G and 4G LTE icons.
T-Mobile Wifi Calling Settings Removed.
Double Tap Home to either Google Voice or S Voice, option in display settings
AOSP style Settings and Clear Notifications in header
Init.d Performance & Battery Tweaks, smoother scrolling, crystal clear rendering.
Added: Tons of Ringtones/Notifications/Alarms
Simple Samsung Boot Animation…
TouchWiz Launchers... Aroma Options
23 Toggles Mod... Aroma Options. text/no text
Custom Wallpapers…
Unrestricted Tethering: Bluetooth, USB & WIFI…
Install from Unknown Sources by default
Extended Power Menu: 4-way Reboot…
Long Press Volume Skip Track 3.0
Long Press Menu to Kill Current Application… You can also disable this feature.
Normal Touch Sounds… Aroma option
Normal Dial Pad Touch Tones… Aroma option
1% battery mod / Accurate Battery Mod
Popup Browser: "Must click on a link with http: at the beginning in order to activate it. Then it will work all the time when you select always. It's pretty cool"
Ink effect: Not working Right now.
Removed FOTA Software update from settings menu
Added Exit button to stock Browser
Clock Statusbar Mod v3.0
Fully working Note 2 Keyboard / dedicated number row and handwriting... Aroma option
Enabled GPU rendering
Disabled Scrolling cache
Removed Home screen mode from settings
Removed Launcher first boot help.
Enabled Exit Browser Dialog
On The Fly Battery Mod, Choose from one of 35 different battery icon's. Options in Display Settings
Disabled the Browser EdgeZoom with toggle Found in display settings
Brightness Slider Toggle Ability to turn brightness slider in the notification pull down on/off
User selectable clock colors with color picker
User selectable status bar colors with color picker
Display/Hide Alarm Icon
Change Notification Panel color
Quick Unlock for Pin and Password
Enable/Disable 180 Rotation / Toggled option
Volume Boost... Aroma option
AOSP lockscreen 5 Shortcuts with auto disable ripple effect, and toggle lockscreen unlock vibration.
AOSP MMS... Aroma Option
Lockscreen 180 Rotation Mod / toggle in lock screen settings.
AOSP Email... Aroma Option
Popup Browser
Added Clean FlipFont mega pack
Screen on/off toggle for incoming SMS: located in Messaging settings
Increased SMS limit per hour
Disable SMS to MMS auto conversion
Options for backup SMS
SMS with email... send text message to an e-mail address
Increased MMS Video Recording Quality and Size
Enter as new line in messaging
Enabled SMS Auto Combination: Re-assembles multi-segmented messages, to veiw as one message. *CSC Feature*
Enabled MMS as single view... no more slide show. *CSC Feature*
Enabled Call Back Number in Message settings, *CSC Feature*
Enabled Quick Text Templets and button: New button next to attachment in Messaging *CSC Feature*
Enabled Delete Button in Messaging header, *CSC Feature*
Enabled many other messaging features, Alias, multi lock, blacklist....
Added SMS and MMS read reports.
Enabled Split view with a toggle
More internal MMS size limit increases.
Aroma Options:
Stock TW: completely stock TouchWiz UI
BlueUI, subtle blue accents to stock TouchWiz
AOSP: ICS Blue/Black Holo/TouchWiz theme
Dark Green: complete dark green/black theme.
PurpleUI: subtle lite purple accents to stock TouchWiz
TDR Grayed Out: completely grayed out version of stock TouchWiz
Deadly Venom: Red Theme by Venom0642
23 Toggle Themes
-Sound Mod(AC!D with various addons)
-Volume Boost Hack
-Camera Mods
-Modified TouchWiz Launchers 4x4, 4x5, 5x5
-Stock or 4.2 AOSP system sounds
-Enable/disable Bravia engine
-TW Email (with or without the forced lock screen security when tied to a corporate exchange email)
-AOSP Email
-Enable Dark holo TW Email
-Stock or Dark Holo Gmail
-NFC with proximity, screen off, screen on and locked, or default unlocked
-Stock or AOSP dial pad tones
-Stock or modified Youtubes
It's kinda important I just noticed and fixed an issue with the other kernels, I still can't guarantee there performance but I've done all I can.
Can't say for sure, because I never had an issue but might have fixed issue with the AOSP gallery/camera app and flashplayer being copied to the sdcard/S3Rx_apps.
1. Fixed the default ROM install in test version.
2. Fixed a few grammar errors in AROMA.
3. Installer clean up and improvements..
4. Fixed conflicts I was having with Faux and KT, They are enabled now in AROMA
5. Included some good free kernel/system tuner choices. Kernel Tuner. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1719934 Free version of Voltage control and the AOKP performance control app.
6. Included cobalt blue theme.
7. Fixed a few other theme issues.
8. Added the new Google Maps
9. Replaced some wallpapers in the default wallpaper app with some prettier ones.
1. Updated AROMA with some more options and layout, backup/restore EFS, a working File manager, Fix permissions, Reboot and Exit options.
2. Cleaned up install script.
3. Added 8 all new Inverted AOSP MMS.apk's
4. Updated some apps, Gmail 4.5.2 and Inverted Gmail 4.5.2, Playstore.... GMS_core
5. Fixed inverted blue YouTube install
6. Added lidroid's multi-window smoothness patch
7. Increased joinable contacts to 99.
8. Flashplayer install work around. Have to install manually. App will be saved in "sdcard/S3Rx_apps" Then install like a normal apk
9. New S4 / HTC One 4.2.2 AOSP camera/gallery. Have to install manually. App will be saved in "sdcard/S3Rx_apps" Then install like a normal apk
10. Fixed a few things in AOSP theme also rethemed the TW messaging bubbles.
11. Minor annoyance with lidroid-res with text, reboot and shutdown popup said "WanamLite ROM", edited to generic "Reboot options".
Simple maintenance update to mostly eliminate the install bugs, as there really aren't any ROM bugs.
I just want to keep the download fresh for new users.
1. Fixed issues with Aroma and Install script.
2. Fixed little issue with the build prop version... lol
3. Fixed theme issue in Dark Green clock package.
1. Added Call Recording
2. Added 4x5 and 5x5 TW launchers
3. Updated Aroma and Install script
1. Eliminated more of the wifi calling popups and stuff. Including eliminating a couple of apps and modifying the IPservice.apk. This should fix some issues with unexpected wakelocks form IPservice.
2. Changed the AOSP and Blue theme Clear Notification and Settings button to blue, but Changed the Clock header to white. A separate add-on is available to change the clock back to blue. I just found it to be Ugly and the contrast just wasn't there... too much blue.
3. Fixed a small, error in the install script when theming the note 2 keyboard.
4. Added 5 more battery icons to the OTF battery mod. Just because
-First boot will seem like a long time
-Please do not post complaints about battery life!
Recommended Install Instructions:
Verify the MD5 of your download
Wipe: data/factory reset, system, cache, dalvik-cache.**
Flash rom.
If AROMA doesn't start, Try installing the ROM from you internal sdcard and delete all the S3Rx_xxxx.prop's from you internal sdcard.
**You can wipe data/cache in AROMA during flash.
************************************************** ************************************************** **************************************************
Download: dTmobilized 1.5 (7-16-13)
Free MD5 checksum verifier http://d-h.st/cDy
md5: 68d11228f9e0a9fe0c3d6a54521abe3c
AndroidFileHost: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23050663588004067
Dev-Host: http://d-h.st/xPL
Goo.im: http://tinyw.in/lRwr
************************************************** ************************************************** **************************************************
Blue Clock Header: Just in case you want the clock in the pull down header blue for AOSP or Blue Theme.
Stock Insecure Kernel with init.d support: Updated 7-6-13
The install script will do everything necessary to return you to the stock kernel, includes replacing the modules, deleting everything left over from other kernels such as ktoons...
Our families for putting up with us being on the computer for so long.
cm team
Rizal Lovins
All of our users!
Pics below are old but they will give a general idea of what to expect. I will re do them soon.
Aroma might hang during installation. Hold power button until it reboots. It will reboot right back into recovery so don't worry.
Aroma's color might be off sometimes.
The Play/Pause function of "Music controls" does not currently work once the phone goes into deep sleep. Which is about 3 seconds. Need someone skilled with kernel development to give us a hand on this one.
AOSP Mms has a bug that when selecting your own contact in a message thread, it will force close the contacts app
A WiFi calling popup will show when setting up your WiFi for the first time.
Battery Notifications might be a little screwey the first charge. Might have to toggle the setting once you actually have a full charge and the notification, then unplug. If turned off the Notifications should be gone from now on.
Be careful using the volume up key when taking pictures with Best photo. It might cause issues. The on screen button works fine, and the volume key works fine in all other modes.
Tell us if you notice anything else.
Venom0642 said:
The swipe to call on jelly bean 4.1.2 they either changed it or can be there own glitch just so everyone knows which I did post this before if you look in contacts list see the avatar or picture you add it to the left corner well for swipe to make call you need to swipe after the avatar or picture there don't touch the avatar, swipe next to it and works
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GPS not locking: Unfortunately This is going to happen to some when coming from AOSP based ROMs and other carrier ports.
A couple common fixes include...
1. Easiest and most reliable way. Try this first!
Enter the Samsung service mode by typing this code into the dial pad *#197328640#
Then go to Mainmenu>UMTS>Common>NV REBUILD>NV REBUILD> (Important: don't exit the menu yet!)
Wait 30+ sec
Long press power button and select "Restart / Reboot"
Now check your GPS from any software that may use GPS like "Maps" or "GPS Status"...
All credit to harshaedvern for this easy fix
2. Returning to the stock ROM via ODIN, acquire a GPS lock then reboot into Recovery.. Wipe and Flash new ROM.I recommend trying Chainfire's MOBILE ODIN first before the desktop version, it's really easy to use and it's free to XDA users HERE.
You can flash an ODIN package right from your phone and still retain your custom recovery, simply exclude it from the list of partitions to flash.
It will also inject ROOT if the ODIN package does not already have it... makes things really simple.​=====================================================================================================================================================================
3. Restoring a nandroid of a TouchWiz ROM with a known working GPS status, make sure all location services are enables and can obtain a GPS lock. (go to additional steps now if needed) Reboot, Wipe and Flash New ROM...Additional steps if required before flashing new ROM:
Backup your internal storage and take out your sd-card now... just in case stuff gets deleted. Do a Factory Reset form within the restored TW nandroid. Reboot... Skip all the setup stuff... acquire a GPS lock again... Reboot into recovery Wipe and Flash the new ROM.​=====================================================================================================================================================================
4. Flash back to the AOSP ROM you were just on. Obtain a GPS lock, then reinstall ROM again and see if GPS works
5. Repeat until one of the options ends up working... Not much else to tell you to try. Good luck!
GPS and Location Services: If you have Google Maps installed and Google Now, you will notice Maps uses your location services a lot during the day. Apparently Google thinks we need our location tracked 24/7. Turning GPS on only when needed will help eliminate the wakelocks created by maps. Going a step further you may also want to disable the "Use Network Location", This will also stop other apps form getting your location... Most apps will let you enter your location manually so it's not really a big deal turning it off, especially when your talking about increasing your battery life.
Thanks guys! Can't wait to try this rom!!!!
Wooo hoooo can't wait!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 02:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
So this is the 4.1.2 port you guys were creating right? I cannot wait to try it out!
Downloading now and just in time I was getting twitchy from not having a new Rom to try!!
It's hell being a flashaholic!!
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
Just so everyone know this rom is super fast and stable I've been testing it just about a month you won't be disappointed anyways great job on this rom you can't even tell that it's a ported T-Mobile you would think it's a official AT&T Rom anyways enjoy and yes got a few options for theming in aroma including red deadly venom theme
Sent From My Galaxy S III SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 Running On Deadly Venom v5.2.7
Taking forever to download big zip I guess
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
Just (clean) flashed this on my Canadian i747 -- so far, so good!
Loving the customization options (fonts especially)...
Been on stock VLDLK4 since I've had my device...
Overall, this ROM is very nicely done -- and is definitely a keeper.
oh man, this is awesome:
** "Please do not post any comments about battery life" --> yes, rule #1: there are no comments about battery life. use the ROM, let your device DIE (1% battery ^_^), charge it, let it die (again) and ....again....then you can get a true idea of battery life.
S3freak said:
Taking forever to download big zip I guess
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
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Click to collapse
Use the torrent, it seems a bit faster to download.
selw0nk said:
Use the torrent, it seems a bit faster to download.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not stopping now I'm at 60%
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
S3freak said:
Not stopping now I'm at 60%
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Fast "FREE" File hosting is hard to find for these large ROMs. Android File Host is probably the fastest, next to the Torrent. and the Torrent will be really fast if everyone would seed for a coulple of days.
enewman17 said:
Fast File hosting is hard to find for these large ROMs Android File Host is probably the fastest, next to the Torrent. and the Torrent will be really fast if everyone would seed for a coulple of days.
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Click to collapse
Not complaining man just itchy to flash is all :thumbup::thumbup:
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
S3freak said:
Not complaining man just itchy to flash is all :thumbup::thumbup:
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
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I know, I see you all over these forums. I think you must have flashed everything by now. lol So I'm interested in what you think. Now we keep it minimalistic. It has lots of options but doesn't necessarily feel like a custom ROM if you know what I mean.
enewman17 said:
I know, I see you all over these forums. I think you must have flashed everything by now. lol So I'm interested in what you think. Now we keep it minimalistic. It has lots of options but doesn't necessarily feel like a custom ROM if you know what I mean.
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Enewman you just made my day bro I appreciate your comment. Yes I think I've flashed every aosp or aokp plus the T/W Roms. I really love what you devs have done for T/W I'll be glad to let you know.
Might be my last though later today or tomorrow I'm upgrading to the S4 and I can't wait to see what you guys do for that phone. Man I'm all a twitter right now LOL :thumbup::thumbup:
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------
Gonna have to change name to s4freak lol
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
Thanks Erin you rock. I was having a ****ty weekend until now.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
S3freak said:
Enewman you just made my day bro I appreciate your comment. Yes I think I've flashed every aosp or aokp plus the T/W Roms. I really love what you devs have done for T/W I'll be glad to let you know.
Might be my last though later today or tomorrow I'm upgrading to the S4 and I can't wait to see what you guys do for that phone. Man I'm all a twitter right now LOL :thumbup::thumbup:
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------
Gonna have to change name to s4freak lol
"Yer off the edge of the map Mate here there be monster's"
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Your the man. You help out a lot in these forums, don't think it doesn't go unnoticed. You know what really sucks? I don't think your going to have to help anyone this time. I think we nailed it.
You know I don't know what I'll get next. I know it won't be an S4.... maybe but I have another year and by that time the next greatest thing will be out. I'm actually super pleased with my S3. We have a great community here and that really makes this phone worth having.
Can I dirty flash from s3rx?
BTW thanks to you too loserskater. You DA mother effin man.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
mrnovanova said:
Thanks Erin you rock. I was having a ****ty weekend until now.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
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Click to collapse
Much obliged, I'm glad we could help!
God Speed, May the AROMA be smooth and installation successful. Ahmen.
enewman17 said:
Your the man. You help out a lot in these forums, don't think it doesn't go unnoticed. You know what really sucks? I don't think your going to have to help anyone this time. I think we nailed it.
You know I don't know what I'll get next. I know it won't be an S4.... maybe but I have another year and by that time the next greatest thing will be out. I'm actually super pleased with my S3. We have a great community here and that really makes this phone worth having.
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Click to collapse
Why no s4 E? I'm curious to know what your take on it is.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2

[ROM] [MK3] [Unofficial] Dandroid (CyaogenWiz) TW 4.3 [AOSP themed] [4.05.2014]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
My goal with this ROM is to keep things simple while offering the best TW features I can and having the awesome appearance of AOSP. I hope you all enjoy!
ROM features:
-KNOX apps removed
-KToonsez 3.0.31-KT747-g7121b3d Kernel with KTweeker
-Lots of AOSP themeing
-1% battery mod
-CM battery icons with battery percentage mod
-5x4 TW launcher
-Popup browser
-Rompnit's modified aosp keyboard (choose it in settings/my device/language and input)
-1x, 3g, and 4g signal display
-Edge zoom (In 2.0)
-4 way bootmenu
-AOSP alarm clock & calculator
-CSC edits
-Flashlight quicksettings toggle
-Both AOSP and Samsung ring tones/notification sounds
-Call recording enabled
-Custom bootanimation enabled
-PRL Write enabled in the ##DATA# menu (Please do not abuse this!)
-Camera shutter sound on/off option in camera settings
-All apps multi-window mod built from proper MK3 base files
-The last useful version of Google Maps. 6.14.2 w/KML layer usage (remove updates if it gets auto-updated)
And much, much more.
*Note: 2.0+ is very debloated. Things like Google search for example are missing but are available in the Playstore. If there is something missing that you want, you can message me and I'll do my best to get it for you.
Dandroid 2.1 ((NEWEST))
Dandroid 2.0
Initial Release Stable
Flashing instructions:
**Make sure you're on the MK3 modem!**
1. DL to PC and move to external sd card
2. Wipe dalvik cache, internal sd card, system, and factory reset (I use CWM recovery)
3. Flash ROM
4. Reboot
*I always recommend a full wipe and a fresh install of apps w/o restoring data.
*It will take a few minutes to boot the first time. After the ROM boots, let it settle for a few minutes.
-Added native hotspot
-Changed low battery alert to 8%, 5% and 2%
-Added new reboot menu
-Removed edge zoom. I can make a flashable if anyone wants it back
-Modded battery icon
-Removed the "%" symbol from the Statusbar in settings
-Removed am/pm from statusbar clock
-Removed carrier logo from pulldown
02-15-2014 Rebased on digiblurROM
-1x, 3g, and 4g signal display
-Edge zoom
-Lots of AOSP themeing
-4 way bootmenu
-CSC edits
-Flash light toggle
-Both AOSP and Samsung UI sounds
-Call recording enabled
-CM battery icons with battery percentage
-PRL Write enabled in the ##DATA# menu
-Camera shutter sound on/off option in camera settings
-All apps multi-window mod built from proper MK3 base files
-Google Maps 6.14.2 w/KML layer usage (remove updates if it gets auto-updated)
12-27-2013 Initial release based on CNexus' Stock 4.3 MK3 ROM.
Stable build works great with no issues that I'm aware of.
Mostly stock with aosp themeing
The calendar app theme still needs to be finished though.
***The only issues that I know of are 1)Sprint VVM apk wont update to a newer version for some reason. But it works fine. 2)The Google keyboard doesn't work but the other 2 keyboards available work fine. To get the Google keyboard working, uninstall it with TB and get it from the Playstore. HERE
*Danvdh for Dandroid and all he does for the community
*digiblur for the new base (especially the 1x signal display mod)
*CNexus for the base these are built from, the flashlight toggle mod and a lot more.
*enewman17 for the note 2 keyboard (see link below)
*anbech for the custom bootanimation enabled
*metalfan78 for the custom ui sounds
*rompnit for all the help, inspiration, and way too many other things to list
*tdunham for the edge zoom thread and telling me about csc edits
*ktoonsez for his great kernel
*And the XDA community!
-If anyone wants the new reboot menu, flash THIS in recovery. (Included in 2.1)
-This comes with the stock Samsung GS3 keyboard but here is the Note 2 Keyboard for 4.3 if anyone wants it.
-Here you can DL the Sony Walkman for Dandroid.
**Here are 3 weather widgets with CM 10.2 weather icons. Just flash in recovery.
**3 different silhouette options
I've been using the Vrtheme zip given to me by @tdunham in the MOAR thread and have come up with a Silhouette Changer. There are 3 zips with 3 options. 4.1.2 TW stock, Light aosp and Dark aosp (Dark is default for Dandroid). Flash in recovery. I've tested this using CWM and expect it will work on all 4.3 ROMs.
4.1.2 stock TW
Light aosp
Dark aosp (Dandroid Default)
-MK3 modem
-MK5 modem
-Here is a link to the DandroidROM I used as my original source.
-Here is how you can get better battery life
-Here is a link to the XPosed Framework thread.
-Here is a link to the Wanam Xposed module thread.
-Here is a link to the LMT Launcher thread for pie controls and such.
-Here is a link to the Customizable AOSP Mms thread by @talkingmonkeys for those who want stock aosp Mms.
-Here is a great version of Apollo called "ApolloMod" by @BigSplit
*A short note on using wanam
Wanam xposed module is a great tool. But in order for it to do its magic it takes the native csc/features.xml and backs it up by renaming it "features.xml.bak" and replaces it with it's own. This is fine but the result is that some of the options native to this ROM are changed. Like the camera shutter sound option in the camera settings and the keyboard symbols available in the samsung keyboard for example. So if you choose to use wanam and a feature you didn't count on changing is different, thats what happened.
Disclaimer: Flash at your own risk!
*It is important to note that there may be additional issues I don't know about and as I am a truck driver, not a programmer I may or may not be able to fix things.
Everyone is encouraged to do what ever you like with anything I post, but a little credit would be appreciated.
I put the OP together from my phone while at work. I'll clean it up when I get home this evening.
Thank u for this, hope u enjoyed your Christmas!
Oh and.. 1st! I always wanted to do that lol
JG96EVO said:
Thank u for this, hope u enjoyed your Christmas!
Oh and.. 1st! I always wanted to do that lol
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Click to collapse
looks great!
Thanks Dan. I'm using a port of your d2tmo right now planning how to implement more of your work here. Right now the only issue I can't figure out is the torch light doesn't work yet. (Yet!)
Sent from my SPH-L710 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I've added a "test build" for folks to try. It has additional features I'm trying to work out.
12-27-2013 Test build includes:
Modified Settings
App Ops
4.4 Clock
CM 4.4 Calculator
4way reboot menu
Bluetooth tethering hack (untested)
Added Flashlight/Torch toggle in quicksettings (Awesome!)
Google Wallet (untested)
Multiwindow all apps enabled (buggy)
Know problems:
System Update FCs
Torch light option in settings doesn't work
Voice dialer doesn't have a voice(?)
Usage manager FCs (will likely just remove it)
Titanium Backup FC (Never had that problem before)
I've been in a roaming area all day so I don't know if Data is working. Wifi is great and calling both in and out are fine.
Titanium Backup having FC problems latest update. Nothing to do with your ROM.
Getting FCs when accessing my personal profile in Contacts.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Looks sweet will have to check this out after work!
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
nice! downloading now, if it's anything like the previous version of dandroid I'm sure it will be great
bb2si said:
Getting FCs when accessing my personal profile in Contacts.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Which version are you on? I'm using the test version and just accessed my personal profile without any problems.
I'll be installing this when I get home!
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
121 DLs so far. I guess the lack of chatter in here indicates no complaints? I have a new build I'm testing tonight. If it goes well I'll likely release it tomorrow. It includes more AOSP apks and a different settings apk. I will let everyone know how it goes. I'd really like it if folks let me know what you think so far. What do you like? Do you think the quick settings look ok? In the 4.1.2 version of Dandroid they were grey when off and white when on. Now they are white when off and blue when on. I like it just wondering what others think.
Added a new build in the OP:
Change log:
Changed settings apk which added,
SEAndroid control (not sure what it does),
App ops
Notification history
Torch light option (not working yet)
Also changed;
CM 4.4 Calculator
4.4 Clock
4.4 Email
4way reboot menu (Previous menu was 3 way)
Updated SuperSU
Added AdFree
And debloated a little more
Please let me know what you all think. I've been trying to figure out why the Torch light wont work!? I'll keep working on it. I'm also learning about Aroma so in future builds folks can have more options about what to install. Really looking forward to that!
had some problems with contacts force closing if i clicked on a person's name (to try and forward vcard info for example)
also i was having some issues with mobile data... sometimes it seemed like it was working, then all of a sudden i had full bars but no data.
i tried going into the sprint connection optimizer but that force closed too.
i didn't really have time to investigate it, i was thinking maybe I just needed to update the profile, but i just restored 4.1 dandroid.
The connection manager is not included. Thats why it FCed in settings. I dont trust it myself but I'll put it back in the next build. Im not sure about the contacts issue. I havent had trouble with that myself but someone else mentioned it earlier. Which version did were you on?
Edit: If anyone wants to add the connection manager, dl http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23269279319199871 and move it with your favorite file explorer to device/system/app. Set permissions to rw-r-r and reboot. It'll probably give you a toast message telling you its not ready at first but just let it settle in and after a while it'll be ready.
Edit 2: ok I've finally been able to replicate the contacts issue. It was ok until I edited my profile so if folks avoid that for now I expect itll be ok until I can get a log cat. Thanks uf20wop for pointing this out. Ive disabled the dl link for the new build for now.
I too am having issues with contacts FCing and no mobile data. I'm also not a fan of the lock screen or the system ui noises. I can always change those, though. Aside from that, I really like this rom.
---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------
I've also just realized that I'm not on the MK3 modem. I don't know if that would make a difference, but I'm going to go flash that and see if mobile data comes back.
I believe that may have done the trick.
Tommo153 said:
I too am having issues with contacts FCing and no mobile data. I'm also not a fan of the lock screen or the system ui noises. I can always change those, though. Aside from that, I really like this rom.
---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------
I've also just realized that I'm not on the MK3 modem. I don't know if that would make a difference, but I'm going to go flash that and see if mobile data comes back.
I believe that may have done the trick.
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i wasn't on the MK3 modem either... i'll give it a shot tomorrow
From experience and a lot of user complaints with other roms. I would recommend full wipes including internal storage especially if coming from 4.1.2. And updated modem.

[ROM][4.3]MeanBean v2.o|FAST|AOSP mms|240dpiZeroWakeLag|Themes|Color Emojis 3...

MeanBean Reborn for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 2!
Original thread is HERE
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Now with COLOR Emoji's system-wide!
To be clean: mostly stock look and feel
To be mean: apply optimizations for smoother performance
To be nice: provide cool functionality not present in the stock base
v2.0 - Screen-off volume controls extended to include torch light
Now with AOSP Messaging!​
The clean:
Built on MJ9 Verizon base (port)
The mean:
Performance tweaks
No screen wake lag!
Screen on/off performance and battery tweaks for snappier UI and better battery
The nice:
Zero screen wake lag (can be turned off for maximum battery - see post 3)!
System-wide full color Emoji's!
Zero battery drain extended screen-off volume controls (volume, skip, pause, play, torch light) - see post 3 for usage
Notification sounds are silenced when playing music (configurable, see post 3)
Instagram video upload fix
MeanBean boot animation
3 way reboot menu
In-call voice recording
Working init.d support
4x5 launcher
Note 3 apps: Samsung keyboard w/emoji and SketchBook app (credit titooo7)
Removed space-wasting stock toggles and brightness slider in notifications (use included Power Toggles to customize your own toggles)
Flashable ZIP in /sdcard/MeanBean_Reborn to restore stock toggles if you wish
Increased MMS sizes
de-ASEC encrypted/paid apps on boot
Full color circular battery meter (1% increments)
Removed "AM/PM" on status bar
Constant ringtone volume by disabling ring fade
Signature checking disabled (allows recompiled apk's)
Native hotspot unlocked
Bonus ringtones/notifications
More to come (by request)!
Credit where credit is due:
As with any open source stuff, some of this work is my own, most of it comes from other sources. So in addition to my own work (mostly in the "mean" category), here's a quick thanks to those of you who contributed knowingly (thank you) and not-so-knowingly via open source 5 finger discount (thank you just the same: your stuff is good and that's why I used it). Sometimes it's not entirely obvious where the source started so if I missed someone, please let me know and I'll add you. Also, I'm careful to only include other work where the author does not specify any usage restrictions or has given approval. If you believe, however, that I've included something that shouldn't be in this ROM, please just PM me.
Credit krowley3: I used your Sophisticated ROM as a base (thanks for the offer!)!
Other credits: I list them in the features section above and give links to the original works so you can donate to other devs for specific mods you like!
Want my stuff?:
I list credits in the features section above and links to original works: if you see something credited there and you want to use it, click the link and seek permission from the developer I've credited. If you see something in this ROM and I don't reference some other source, I probably coded it myself. If you want it: take it and use it in your ROM, your theme, whatever you like. I just ask that you please credit me. I'm a firm believer in Android and open source so you don't even have to ask. Anything you see here... it's yours for just the price of a simple line crediting me. I always share as I believe that's the way we developers put the power in Android... and one way we can fight "the Apple brainwashing machine".
Below are some pointers on updating your firmware, installing recoveries, modding, etc. before we get to the good stuff (installation and downloads).
See post #2
Problems after you flash?:
PLEASE DO NOT REPORT PROBLEMS IN THIS THREAD UNTIL you've done a full wipe and fresh install to see if that cures it. I know I should really just do like most devs and proclaim REQUIRES FULL WIPE/FRESH INSTALL on every version. That saves me a lot of headaches but I know what a PITA a fresh install can be even with MyBackup or Titanium at your disposal. So it never hurts to try just a flash without a full wipe, but if you run into any HINT of a problem... anything at all... don't report the problem in this thread until you've tried a full wipe and fresh install first to see if that cures the problem!
Installation - a final note:
First, the usual disclaimers. I supply the ammo, you use it. ROMS don't kill phones, n00bs do. Use this ROM at your own risk as I won't be responsible for bricks or any other untoward happenings. I spent a lot of time ensuring that the stuff in this ROM is fast, smooth, and compatible. But... it always helps to have some familiarity with flashing ROMs to keep yourself safe.
Download links are below
Now to installation of the ROM itself...
Always make a Nandroid backup before installing anything on your phone!
On first install of MeanBean Reborn, do a full wipe
Install using recovery (I use latest CWM)
Once booted, set up phone and accounts
To get Apns to show;
Dial *#*#4636#*#*, select GSM only, let it register, then go back to GSM/LTE
Tick light effect in lockscreen settings if desired for special lockscreen!!
... you're gonna break it!
Don't flash any other mods, tweaks, or themes unless they specifically say they are built for (the latest version of) MeanBean or you WILL break features in this ROM and/or cause instability! While this ROM is designed to have the general look/feel of the stock ROM, it is highly customized under the hood and mods, tweaks, or themes not designed specifically for this ROM will cause problems. If you want this ROM to run perfectly without any issues, do not flash anything on top.
Latest releases (TWRP recovery recommended):
Modded Agni Kernel
240DPI Addon v2.0 *NEW*
Themed KitKat Toast Notifications (This will replace the background of notification pulldown with the stock one, so just reflash the Theif or semi transparent background after this if you want those)
Stock keyboard
Thief Notification pulldown background
Semi transparent black notification pulldown background
Must have Light Effect ticked in lockscreen options
Blue Ring Lockscreen
Blue Fire Ring Lockscreen
Blue Super Flames Lockscreen
HTC Lockscreen(thanks to @mannyvinny for the mods I yanked!..lockscreen)
Build 1.5
Build 1.0
Build 0.8
SPECIAL THANKS TO DONATERS!! If it weren't for you I'm not sure I would be building!
@gregsarg 7x! (he helps keep my internet on lol! Go click this guys Thanks button!!!) you been here since the beginning.. Thank you brother
@mofotrucker @slaydog
Click to Donate
By the way I AM a male.the donation link is to my fiancé paypal.
Donations are greatly appreciated, but honestly, no one gets rich off ROM developing so it's not about the money for me.
THANKS @mikeyxda @dicksteele @iStatiK @K_Alzwayed @dazednconfused @mannyvinny,3minit,alliance team,wicked team,and all my donators!
2.0 - March 10
Fixed that dredded MMS Group Messaging bug
New Keyboard and kept emojis (thanks @DoctorQMM for the base)
Now with AOSP MESSAGING!! Including quick reply!!
Added quick switch mod to status bar, add/remove any apps you want!
Themed most status bar icons
New battery theme
New progress bar theme
New circle loader and loading themes
New recent menu themes
Added traffic meter
Removed carrier label
More misc stuff themed
Fixed and added the int.d scripts
Build Prop Tweaks
Cleaned up alot of useless leftover stuff
Added Milk Music app
Added default wallpapers
Removed Xposed mods except for wanam and xui (download whatever ones you need)
Probably more that i am forgetting, very tired at the moment!
1.5 - March 1
Updated base files
fixed all data issues. No more fixes to run and all that crap
fixed sec settings, mms, phone, and contacts apps
MASSIVE amounts of framework edits. Went through and edited thousands of smali files.
Added 240dpi addon and all the lockscreen mods.
cleaned up some scripts and added a few tweaks so that this rom is lag free and hauls a**!!
More that I forget right now..
1.0 - Feb 2,2014 - Big Update
Build Prop tweaks
Data fixes- shouldn't have to run fixdata anymore, just input APN
Fixed select network in network settings
Added Xposed installer and modules
Added xbatterythemer
Added ex-themer
Added Wanam Xposed
Added XuiMod (for system window transition animations)
Made sure its rock solid and lightning fast!
0.8 - Jan 24, 2014 - Initial release
Expanded screen-off volume controls to include torch light on/off (see post 3)
Fix for Instagram FC when uploading videos
Notification sounds are silenced when playing music (configurable, see post 3)
Zero battery drain extended screen-off volume controls (volume, skip, pause, play) - see post 3 for usage
Option to turn off zero wake lag (in build.prop, see post 3 below)
Updated some core apps
System-wide full color Emoji support!
Fixed FC when removing pen while using Samsung keyboard
Added screen on/off performance and battery tweaks for snappier UI and better battery life
Build prop tweaks
Removed stock toggles and brightness slider: use included Power Toggles to customize your own toggles
Flashable ZIP in /sdcard/MeanBean_Reborn to restore stock toggles/brightness
Zero battery drain extended screen-off volume controls - usage
The volume buttons on the left side of the phone can be used to perform special functions when the screen is turned off. Because this is a modification to the framework and the code is never executed until you press the volume keys with the screen off, it uses zero battery unlike some of the apps you find on Google Play that are always running in the background, draining your battery as they monitor key status. Usage is as follows:
TAP for volume: Simply tap volume up/down to increase/decrease volume.
LONG PRESS to skip tracks: Press and hold volume up/down for 0.5 second (but not more than 1 second) to skip to next/prev. track.
VERY LONG PRESS to play/pause: Press and hold volume up/down for 1 second (but not more than 2 seconds) to skip to next/prev. track.
HOLD to turn torch light on/off: Press and hold volume up/down for at least 2 seconds to turn torch light on/off.
Once you get a feel for the timing, it's very easy to operate!
Turning off Zero Wake Lag
If you want maximum battery life and you don't mind the screen-on delay, you can turn off the ZWL mod. Use Root Explorer or ES File Explorer and open /system/build.prop with /system in R/W mode. Then locate this line at the very bottom of the file:
Change to this:
Turning on Music Notifications
By default, notification sounds don't play while you are listening to music so that your music is not being constantly interrupted by notifications from your email, Kik Messenger, text messaging app, SnapChat and other apps that use push notifications. Notifications work normally when no music is playing. Most people prefer to listen to music without these constant interruptions and without having to resort to airplane mode or turning notification volume all the way down manually. If you do want notification sounds, however, you can turn them on so that they play even during music by making the following change in the build.prop file. Use Root Explorer or ES File Explorer and open /system/build.prop with /system in R/W mode. Then locate this line at the very bottom of the file:
Change to this:
Omg! O_O
Thank you very much for this!!
I used to love mean bean on my Htc devices, now in my note 2 Omg, that's awesome. Thank you eZdubzitmk4 for bringing this to us. :thumbup:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Im still working on this and alliance, removing most vzw apps. Some are dependent so it takes a while. Keep in mind this is 1st build.
Now thats out of the way, This ROM is snappy. Let me know of any bugs you find. Im mostly working on dialers and contacts to get att stuff running. I did put att stuff in, but missed alot as i am very tired. keep me posted guys. have a good night!
I love the torch mod
I'm testing wanam x posed and alot of modules right now.
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
eZdubzitmk4 said:
I'm testing wanam x posed and alot of modules right now.
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I love how you say good night then get right back to us and tell us that you're doing something. LOL very dedicated.
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
K-Alzwayed said:
I love how you say good night then get right back to us and tell us that you're doing something. LOL very dedicated.
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lol I couldn't go to bed without testing a bit more! Found a few more vzw apps I should be able to remove. Anyway I'm happy with it. Fast and stable
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
eZdubzitmk4 said:
Lol I couldn't go to bed without testing a bit more! Found a few more vzw apps I should be able to remove. Anyway I'm happy with it. Fast and stable
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Im actually downloading right now. I will flash the ROM just to test it out for ya. I freakin love the alliance ROM, I'll go back to it shortly. LOL
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
thank you for another rom!
Download is very slow. I don't know if it's my Internet or are you having the same thing.
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
K-Alzwayed said:
Download is very slow. I don't know if it's my Internet or are you having the same thing.
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It may be Androidhost. First time he uploaded today it barfed.
I saw yesterday they were getting pounded by DDOS. Interesting...
dicksteele said:
It may be Androidhost. First time he uploaded today it barfed.
I saw yesterday they were getting pounded by DDOS. Interesting...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
'Ta hell is DDOS? Lol
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
dicksteele said:
It may be Androidhost. First time he uploaded today it barfed.
I saw yesterday they were getting pounded by DDOS. Interesting...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They just moved to new servers also.
Try downloading later maybe..I'll upload a mirror to media fire now
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
This thing is running pretty sweet. Only thing I've had to do is, since I quit out of Setup Wizard, I had to turn off it's notifications and stop it.
Otherwise it barks at me for not having a Verizon SIM.
dicksteele said:
This thing is running pretty sweet. Only thing I've had to do is, since I quit out of Setup Wizard, I had to turn off it's notifications and stop it.
Otherwise it barks at me for not having a Verizon SIM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I deleted samsung setup wizard...check system/app see if it's there.
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
K-Alzwayed said:
'Ta hell is DDOS? Lol
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Distributed Denial of Service
eZdubzitmk4 said:
They just moved to new servers also.
Try downloading later maybe..I'll upload a mirror to media fire now
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm at 50% now. Got probably another 45 minutes to go.
sent from the darkness of my Alliance ROM
eZdubzitmk4 said:
I deleted samsung setup wizard...check system/app see if it's there.
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The one I did it Setup Wizard version 1.0. It's a big red check mark in Apps. 196kb in size.
Under /system/app
-rw-r--r-- root root 924003 2008-08-01 05:00 SetupWizard.apk
I don't think this is the same one I've turned off.
dicksteele said:
The one I did it Setup Wizard version 1.0. It's a big red check mark in Apps. 196kb in size.
Under /system/app
-rw-r--r-- root root 924003 2008-08-01 05:00 SetupWizard.apk
I don't think this is the same one I've turned off.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The 1 with a big check shouldn't be there. That's samsungsetupwizard.apk
That's the 1 that bugs u about SIM card.
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app


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Just a brief description of my OZOP project.​
Based on Official 925T Edge Marshmallow EPF1 firmware // Knox free
OZOP Control for TOTAL USER control OVER 200 MODS // See Below
On the fly theming // Choose ANY color for a bunch of things!
And the hidden section is the Entire list of all the mods included.
The list is quite large and very boring to read to I've hidden it, but it's there to check if you are looking for something specific.
Multi-Carrier Support // Multi-Device Suppory
Rooted // Zipaligned
Busybox // SuperSU
Wi-Fi Calling [Only For T-Mobile Users]
MMS Over Wi-Fi [Only For T-Mobile Users]
Init.d Support // Floating Feature Tweaks
Deodexed // Optimized and debloated apks & jars
Build.prop, battery, and CSC tweaks // Smooth as silk performance
Modded Dialers // Signature verification disabled
All apps enabled for Multiwindow // All apps NATIVELY enabled!
Music Control // Customizable long press volume skip mod
Phone call and screen recording with toggles!
Auto Call Recording // Custom Dialer Backgrounds
Tons of unlocked settings // blocking mode, etc.
Modified default Animation Scales // Default .25
High volume warning disabled
Scrolling cache disabled
Install older package over newer
Custom Potato statusbar clock
3minit battery/battery bar/text battery
Call/MMS Blocking
Toggles for statusbar icons/charging/notifications and more
Custom Button Key Mappings
Back to kill mod
Custom rotation
Custom quickpanel toggle colors
Expanded from 2 thru 5 viewable notifications on the lockscreen
Lockscreen Clock components colorable
Lockscreen seconds mod
No wake when plugged/unplugged // Toggle included
Additional Quickpanel tTggles Enabled
Fast charging toggle
Toggle Statusbar on/off
Custom Statubar Backgrounds Images and Logo's // Dynamic Statusbar changes colors to match Backgrounds
Network Traffic Meter // Toggle with left or right position and size scaling
Custom Pulldown Backgrounds // Changable On-The_Fly
Data Usage View // Toggle with BG and Text Color Changable On-The_Fly
Multi-user Avatar // Toggle
Data/App Support // Emoji Switcher Options.
Torchlight Option Mod
Working Outdoor Mode // Working Private Mode
Samsung Gear VR Support
Viper4Android Sound Mod
Native Call Recording Mod
Increased Limit Native Tethering
Maximum Status-Bar Brightness
Disabled Signature App Verification
Disabled Package Verifier As Default
5 Way Reboot / Advanced Power Menu
TouchWiz Smooth Scrolling Mod
Messaging App Split-View Mode
Removed Lockscreen Carrier Text
QuickLauncher To QuickConnect Bar Mod
QuickLauncher To Recent App Mod
All Edge Features including, Night Clock, Contacts, Tasks, And Apps Edge Panel Mod
Netflix & Google Play Movies Video Streaming Fix
Enabled Toolbox With Up To 12 Toolbox Apps Mod
Increased Quicksettings Favorites In Rows Of 4 Mod
Device Status Info "Official" Instead Of "Custom" Mod
Disabled SMS, MMS, And Email Log History In Call Logs
Enabled Developer Options By Default In Settings Menu
Install Older Versions Of Apps On Top Of Newer Versions
Added Back Multiwindow And Toolbox Statusbar Toggles
Improved Performance And Enhanced 3D Gaming Experience
Removed Grey Status-Bar When Activating PowerSaving Mode
Increased QuickSettings Maximum Number From 9 To Unlimited
Set Heads Up Notifications Amount Of Time They Are Displayed To Less
Removed Knox And Security Software Version Info In About Device Screen
Enabled Button Select "Only Once / Always" To The "Open With" Task Application Window
Increased Samsung Camera JPEG Image Quality Up For Normal Mode And Burst Shot To 100%
Music Playback Will No Longer Pause During Taking Pictures Or Recording Videos With Samsung Camera
Added More Apps Support in Ultra Power Saving Mode With Unlimited Ultra Power Saving Mode App Count
Disabled/Removed Full Battery, Low Battery Notifications, Mobile Data Toggle Off Warning Dialogue, And USB To PC Connection Deny Allow Alert Dialog Popup
Enabled Data Usage View Under Statusbar Brightness Slider, Dual Dashboard For Samsung SmartManager
Added/Enabled App Lock, Call/Message Blocking, Advanced App Controls, Galaxy Labs, "LTE Only" Mode, Touchkey Light Duration, Emergency Mode, Ethernet, Display Scaling, Outdoor Mode, Auto-Restart, Samsung Keyboard Shortcut Phrase
Increased Lockscreen Notifications, SMS/MMS Max Slide Count, SMS/MMS Recipient Limit, Messages Per Thread.
Modified Stock Camera App With Disabled Camera/Camcorder "Low Battery", "Can't Use Flash", And "Unable To Start While In A Call" Alerts So Now You Can Use Flash/Camera/Camcorder Even When Your Phone's Battery Is Running Low Or During A Phone Call.
Set DualFHD, DualHD, Smooth Motion, UHD, And WQHD Max Record Time To 100 Minutes With 05:00 To 1:00:00 Recording Max Limit Time From UHD, WQHD, DualFHD, And DualHD Recording!
Enabled Floating Air Message, Combine And Forward Message, Chat Settings, CallBack Number, MMS Mobile Data Off,
Sender Information When Forwarding Message, Message Priority/Validity,
MMS Send Delivery Reports, MMS Delivery Time, Add Subject Field,
Manage SD Card Messages, And Copy To SIM/Save To Draft/Reply All/Priority Level In Composing List Mods In Stock Messaging App.
Use The Camera/Camcorder To Take Pictures/Record Videos While On A Call
SMS To MMS Auto Conversion For Long Text Has Been Disabled
SMS To MMS Auto Conversion For Emoji Has Been Disabled
Save And Restore Text Messages Using The Messaging App
Enabled Group Conversations In Stock Messaging App
Custom Shutdown QMG
Enabled Custom Bootanimation zips
Backing up your personal settings and info like call logs and text messages
Wiping just a simple cache wipe or a full front to back
ROM Install with Bloat Builder/ Debloater option (default install Bare Bones TOTALLY Debloated)
Add or Remove ANY APP ANYTIME using my script with over 80 apps (including all resources)
Install ONLY what you use or remove something you don'y need anymore run lean and mean!!
Kernels Chooser from several current kernels - Pick your device and model version
******PRIMARY APPS******
LAUNCHER options like fully customizable Nova to anywhere like LMT Pie
CAMERA option from advanced with lots of adjustment to quick and simple
******SYSTEM TOOLS APPS and MODS******
MUST HAVE APPS like file explorers to Ad Blockers
MODS for changing your model number
RESTORE SETTING from a previous backup for easy setup after you flash this ROM
CUSTOMIZED THEMES with a list of choices and options way to big to list here, but you can hand pick almost every part of you phones,
Like statusbar Icons, Framework themes, Settings Icon BG and sooo much more for you look to fully match your mood that day
BOOT ANIMATION Change the initial Boot up animation
SHUTDOWN ANIMATION Change the short animation during Shutdown
Really though, there is just WAY too much to list right now
Statusbar Signalbars, Data Icon, Statusbar Lock and Traffic Meter Controls​
Statusbar Dynamic Background with Image Controls​
Statusbar Background with Image Controls​
Multi-Layer Pulldown Image and Color Styling Controls​
Animated Pulldown Bar Styles and Colors ON-THE-FLY Controls​
Settings Icon and Icon Background Color Controls​
v5 Main Dialer Background Multi-player Styles with Digit/Text Colors ON-THE-FLY​
Main Dialer Background Styles and Colors with Digits/Text Colors ON-THE-FLY​
Full Notification Panel Background Styles and Colors ON-THE-FLY​
Notification Background Styles and Colors ON-THE-FLY​
Animated Pulldown Bar Styles and Colors ON-THE-FLY​
Anyone who runs my ROMS knows that I thoroughly test my work before I even make it available for testing.
I try to release bug free Fully Custom FAR FROM STOCK ROM!!!
How to deal with BUGS and Reporting Issues
Sometimes a small bug or two can make itself present with a different users setup, and I'm sure if that happens you guys will be so happy to point it out and drag it on for 5 pages!!!
I will not respond to ANY KNOW bug issues!!!
Please use the "Search" button
and if you do find a bug give it a title in the subject line like "Bug report xxxxxx" so users who do use the search first will be able t find them faster and not waste value thread post on repeating nonsense!!!
See the "Know Issues" below for the current bug report and solutions.
Thanks you
Confirmed and written by users specific to the device ​920/925 T/W8 - These are the steps (with screenshots) users use and confirmed ZERO issues with "FCs" and "Call not sent" issues, if any other experience the same they can follow those too:
In TWRP recovery:
1) wipe
2) Advanced wipe
3) wipe---> Dalvik/Cache/Data/System
4) Flash the V2 Rom
5) After it boot at setup wizard let the device sit for 5 minutes for Rom to settle. Go thru SETUP WIZARD and see if you get any FCs and test your dialer to see if you can make calls, IF NOT follow the following steps.
6) Reboot into Recovery
7) Download and flash kernel ( the-sickness V4 or ozop kernel aroma zip and choose kernel of your choice)
8) Let device boot and FCs should be gone and now you can make phone calls.
920/925 "F", "I" - The way I installed is as follows.
Reboot to recovery and using TWRP the following
1. Full wipe excluding the internal memory.
2. Flash rom.
3. Flash this incall audio patch.
4. Install hacker kernel version 14
5. Boot rom and setup.
6. Setup ozop control.
Then tested in call audio by talking to my other who is in Spain while I'm In the UK.
1) Just install like normal
2) Kernel install is OPTIONAL but should be fine since the zip will not remove or replace your current boot.img
3) be patient!! Boot time is around 12 min, but could take up to 20!
5) Now you should be on your home screen, time to activate OZOP Control mods! Do this by opening the app and granting super user of course, the app is verifying some files in the system then you will see instant changes to the statusbar, but that's not enough. So firsst open the sections menu by hitting the 3 lines in the top left of the screen, then first open the "All Colors/BG's" sections, then click to open each of the 7 sections within that menu option. That will get most of the mods activated. You can now go and actviate the rest by simply opening, then closing each part of each section.
That's is. ENJOY!!!!
OZOP v5 Installation Instructions, Discussion and Download Link begins here​
bug:NONE[URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2182431"] C Locker[/URL]
Previous downloads
OZOP v4 discussion and download link begins here​OZOP v4 ROM only zip download and discussion starts here!http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=68311170&postcount=149​IF YOU WANT LOCKSCREEN SECURITY UNTIL I UPDATE ROM TO V5 YOU MUST INSTALL ROM FOLLOWING THESE STEPS​OZOP MM v3​OZOP MM v2.1​OZOP MM v2​OZOP MM v1​
@tdunham years of awesome advice and his truly wonderful mod thread
@The Sickness sticking together and keeping this place alive
@gharrington for the 3minit battery mod
@daxgirl & @Wuby986 for their work on the wonderful Rom Control App [App][Code project][5.0+]Rom Control app for devs my source code for OZOP Control v2
@Morningstar Notification Panel Lollipop mod
@Martillero @Surghikov lockscreen seconds
@ All the testers,
@My wife for being so cool when I spend countless hours to build and share this stuff
@XDA and the users that continue to support us.
More to come...
XDA:DevDB Information
OZOP MM, ROM for the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Android 6.0.1 full tar odin
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2016-05-23
Last Updated 2016-10-19
For Edge users
This is an exact duplicate thread from the Flat forum.
I am only posting it here to let Edge users be aware that this is an Edge based rom with ALL Edge features working!
I will check in here from time to time, but I didn't get much love from this community with my OZOP LP version so the main thread will and always will remain the Flat thread.
If you have urgent questions post in this thread.
Thanks and enjoy a new option for your Edge rom.
1) Download the Custom_BG_Template_OZOP_MM_07.08.2016.zip ATTACHED BELOW and extract the files to your phone or PC.
2) Choose your image and which BG you want to change (image can be a png or jpg, IMPORTANT only that the name matches my template for exact replacement
Now using the extracted zip template move your image that has been renamed to following locations and names
a) Main System BG - stangs_bg.png and stangs_bg_light.png(1080x1920, not as important as the others, it will be resized automatically)
(template location = vrtheme/system/framework/framework-res.apk/res/drawable-sw360dp-xxxhdpi-v13)
c) Pulldown Notification - pulldown1.jpg, pulldown2.jpg, pulldown3.jpg and so on up to pulldown15.jpg (1080x1920) add up to 15 option that you can instantly toggle with OZOP Control
(template location = vrtheme/system/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk/res/drawable-xxxhdpi)
3) Name your image to match the image you want to change (if it's a png, just name it jpg). The image size may need to be played with to your liking, there are plenty of app in playstore for this
4) place your renamed image in the location I've described above (remove any image from the template you don't want to use)
5) Zip up the files and flash
6) Enjoy and show off your work to the rest of us!!!
Dialers = are all stored in the "ozop" folder in your phones extra storage. Replace any of the images with png or jpg renamed to match EXACTLY. Then use OZOP Control to switch
Added a couple of very rough first addition keyboards.
Chrome edge v2 keyboard fixed for symbols to be visible now
Caller_ID for unidentified numbers attached below
Well, not even 1 reply
That's disappointing, I hope everyone is just in the flat s6 forums
the amount of hours put into this for not even a response is crazy
Love your ROMS. Was looking forward to this
Hello, this ROM is also compatible with the version S6 Edge G925W8? Thank you!
pickmod said:
Hello, this ROM is also compatible with the version S6 Edge G925W8? Thank you!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
We do not have the device but another user that does confirms it works for him so I'm gonna say yes
Nice to see you again here. I'm still on the sick made rom. How do I upgrade to this? Anything special since it's MM?
pickmod said:
Hello, this ROM is also compatible with the version S6 Edge G925W8? Thank you!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah it sure does just make sure to flash twisted kernel!
sent from my g925W8
---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------
I'm also sitting in the flat forums[emoji14]but am using an edge. (925W8)
sent from my g925W8
camera problems
After using ozop v1 camera isnt using the entire screen is there a fix for this black edges
This rom does look super sweet. Plus @Maqical recommended it. Spent my whole weekend flashing and restoring my phone. But plan to flash this on my edge ASAP (now that I'm back to work from long weekend as soon as I get some time). What are the animation scales set to and does it use csc secondary keyboard symbols ? Not to be trivial or anything
royorbs3 said:
This rom does look super sweet. Plus @Maqical recommended it. Spent my whole weekend flashing and restoring my phone. But plan to flash this on my edge ASAP (now that I'm back to work from long weekend as soon as I get some time). What are the animation scales set to and does it use csc secondary keyboard symbols ? Not to be trivial or anything
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Animation scales are set by default to 0.25
up to 10x in dev options
Not sure about the keyboard but most likely
Now, I'm absolutely fried and exhausted right now. I'm going to go out for at least a good 12 hrs right now.
If you dirty flash you will definitely not get the full update.
Other than that, same as any other MM rom.
Wipe in recovery
Flash rom
(Optional) flash kernel of choice
Wait a good 15 min to boot (phone will vibrate at least once and boot animation will slow down a certain points, all is good!)
After it boots recommended to just let it settle for a good 5 min or so.
After setup wizard go to OZOP Control FIRST Grant root and open every section of every menu options! This activated all the mods, you will notice changes in text colors and BG images. These are only default options and can all be changed from the various sections of the all.
Done and done!
Hello @stangdriver44 I install your rom on my G925I and run perfect,but i lost the root ,I cant install root.
Can I just flash this rom on my phone? Or what do I need to switch. Thank you
SM - GT925 T
Android 5.1
Kernal version 3.10.61 simple Kerneli 5.1._r5u
Build Number LMY47x.G925
Knox 2.4
XPOSED 3.0 AALpha4
Just want to say this ROM took a lot of tweaking and configuring about (as it deservedly intended to) but after much time and effort, possibly one of the best ROMs I've ever flashed and probably my Daily driver finally for while.
Not sure why OP doesn't get much love here but you got my kudos and respect on this project. Can't wait to see how this develops! +1
Edit: Only bugs I can report for development is Phone FCs and Smart Manager too. Can provide logcats if needed
Sent from my SM-G925T using XDA-Developers mobile app
My settings force closes when trying to setup any lock for lockscreen... It allows me to set a pin or pattern but no fingerprint but if it is set it bootloops from lockscreen and cant get to homescreen unless i restore or clean install without using a lock any fix will be helpful
Any help with battery life aswell? The battery lasts in standby mode but if in use it rapidly depletes i dont have many apps on my phone and dont play games so idk what the issue is i went from 20% to 7 % in just about 10mins
22cal said:
Any help with battery life aswell? The battery lasts in standby mode but if in use it rapidly depletes i dont have many apps on my phone and dont play games so idk what the issue is i went from 20% to 7 % in just about 10mins
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Are you running stock kernel or have you flashed a Kernel through Aroma?
---------- Post added at 03:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 AM ----------
Here's a link that was posted by @stangdriver44 to lock and unlock your device if happen to run into that again.
There's not a fix quite yet for that. There's more explaining exactly what's going on but can't quite figure out how to post it properly.
Im running everything completely as it comes with a clean rom install it seems the battery is more stable now in standby mode just have to be sure a charger is close when in use lol but im finna download update 2.1 amd see if that helps with oth anything

