Contact Pictures From Google Account - Galaxy Note II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've just set a load of pictures on Google for my contacts, but when I synced them they're showing up on my phone as thumbnails. I've tried deleting my Google account, restarting phone, then re syncing.
Has anyone found a solution?

Just incase anyone comes across this on google, for some reason it doesn't sync in bulk, but I opened each contact individually and the picture synced hi res.
So just do that.


Desire not syncing contacts

Need to solve this, tryed everything I could think off and still not working.
I'm unable to sync contacts from People to Gmail.
Tryed with usual google sync (calendar, contacts, gmail) and I think it worked once right after I started phone first time, not really sure though since I deleted all contacts and transfered from my Nokia phone.
After that I deleted all my GMAIL contacts since it was regular garbage and tryed sync with phone. I just can't transfer contacts from phone to gmail.
Tryed running exchange account, I added it, mail syced but contacts wouldn't...
Is that bug with Desire or I'm doing something wrong?
Maybe gmail can't take phone number contacts?
I was wondering this too.
From my old nokia I copied contacts to Sim
In my desire i copied contacts to phone from sim.
The contacts never get pushed to Google.
I also had a tricky time setting this up to work correctly...
The best way to sync contacts between Google and your Desire is to have them on Google from the start.
I had a Nokia 5800 before this and I synced my contacts into Outlook then found a programme to sync Outlook with Gmail - my contacts then got pushed to my Desire.
If you want to push contacts from your Desire to Gmail/Google, they have to be created as Google contacts.
I could be wrong but i don't think there's a way around this... I haven't found it anyway!
Yes, contacts on Phone don't get synced with gmail, only contacts which you save under "Google".
I'm still have second thoughts about concerning privacy since in all my contacts there are birthdays, private phones, other info, emails... basicly if I sync it google by just comparing emails can collect a lot of info on any of my contacts.

[Q] Cannot delete Picasa albums

So all of a sudden today my LOG decided to start syncing with Picasa which i was not even aware i had an account for. It only synced a few photos but it will not allow me to delete or hide the albums under the gallery settings. I have already gone under the sync options and my goggle account and turned off the ability for it to sync with Picasa but even after disabling that option and re-syncing the entire account the pictures still will not go away. Can anyone tell me how to remove these? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
This is most likely because you have a Google+ account. If you don't remember uploading any pictures to it, check if instant upload is enabled on your phone. As for deleting the pictures, you'd have to either log in to your Google+/Picasa account online and then delete them form there or download the application and delete them from there. Very inconvenient for sure but that's the way to do it!

Contacts photo's from Google not showing om my device anymore.

Anyone else having issues with their contacts not showing contact photo's that is stored on Gmail, it was fine this morning, now all images are not showing on my phone contacts, I did do a sync, but still not showing. If I log in to Gmail from PC contact photo's are there. I was playing in the contacts settings on my phone, but never really did anything. Anyone has any thoughts.
Update: I looked everywhere and could not find a solution. So I decided to delete my Gmail account and then set it back up again and all contact photos are back. So now you know what to do if it happens to you, cheers. :good:

Problem with Contacts and Google Sync

Greetings guys,
I had to reset my phone to defaults this afternoon, so i lost all apps, data and contacts. When i try to sync with my google contacts, i never got all of contacts back, althought i always selected save to google account when i added a new contact on my phone.
It's like some contacts "stuck " to the google account and where synced back, while others didn't.
What could have gone wrong ?

Problems with incomplete contact sync from Google account

Hi all,
I encountered a rather specific issue, and i cannot resolve it.
I had to send my HTC 10 to service, and as a replacement i had iPhone 6.
I synced my google account on it, and normally used gmail and all contacts synced properly.
Now i returned to HTC 10 and i cannot sync back all contacts the the phone.
I am checking on web, on my gmail account, all contacts are still there, but on HTC 10, both People and google Contacts application for some reason cannot show all contact.
I tried reinstalling, resyncing, deleting app cache and data, restarting phone multiple times...
I tried also so isolate, if those contacts maybe have some fields that cause an issue on sync, so those contacts cannot be pulled on the phone, but 3 weeks ago i had them all normally on the phone....
The contacts that dont want to sync, haven't been newly created on iPhone, all those i had on my gmail account for ages now...
Any idea where to go on from here, who to contact?
Thank you, BR
I solved this problem by deactivating power saver. After a few minutes, Contacts started to sync with my Google account.

