Sd card problems - Galaxy Note II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

A few weeks back I connected my Note II to a laptop, created a folder on the SD card and copied some photographs and a short film from the laptop to the phone. I viewed these shortly afterwards on my phone. The next day they were gone. No trace. No folder. No nothing. I connected again to the laptop but the folder did not appear. I started over and then moved the photographs from the sd card to the internal storage of the phone. The folder on the sd card disappeared again after a few days!
Now I have noticed that if i choose the sd card as the place to store pictures taken with the camera it will only be set like this for a short time and then say that it can not save to Sd!
Can anyone help. This is very annoying as my internal memory runs out every weekend after taking lots of photographs.

I would try to format the SDCard.
If you have a 64GB Card - by me I have to format into fat32 on my PC. Maybe you try this.


[Q] SD Card issue!

Hey everyone,
I have a stock non-rooted Sprint version Galaxy S3 with Jellybean. I installed a 32 GB SD Card and it worked fine for the longest time. Today I realized that when I take pictures it will not save to the SD Card. The card is recognized by the phone, it reports the correct size, and I can see the contents but I cannot write to the card any longer.
I unmounted the card, uninstalled and reinstalled the card, and restarted the phone, but no matter what I do I can't save anything to it. I downloaded an SD card testing app and it said I didn't have permission to write to the card. Has anyone heard of this issue before? I am going to try to use the Kies Air app to move all of the contents of the card to my PC and reformat it to see if that helps. Thanks to anyone who might know what's going on.
The Dark One
Have you tried already manually adding stuff to the card via transfering files from Internal to ExtSDCard?
Have you set up your camera settings to save picture / recordings to external SD card or
try testing to create new file / folders within the card?

[Q] Applications on SD card gone.

I transferred applications to my SD card and it worked well. I then needed to reformat my SD card. I unmounted and got it from the tablet, I copied its full content on my PC but I forgot the .* files, I put the card back in the tablet, I reformatted it in the tablet, I unmounted it and put it in my PC to restore its content, I put it back in my tablet, and I could read the card content. I however lost all applications that had been transferred to the card. I cannot find them. I transferred again another small application to the card but I cannot find it on the card, even not in .android_secure. Does anybody know where the applications are stored on the card and what happened to me. Thanks in advance for any piece of information.
I know a little bit more what happened. The applications are stored in .android_secure at the root of the card. I forgot to copy the directory, hence I lost all the applications. When I transferred after other applications to my micro-SD card, my file browser did not show them despite refreshing the directory display. I do not know why, but I found the applications in android_secure after.

sd card not recognized

for some reason yesterday my phone won't recognize the sd card. i know many people will as if i've reformatted the card. the answer is no. earlier in the day i was able to access the photos i had stored on the sd card and everything was fine. lastnight i was deleting some pictures on the internal memory and the folder that have my external memory pics had a "broken" image icon. i pulled the battery and sd, reinserted and none of the sd pics were available. i went into the menu and the phone says to mount sd/insert card (sd card is already inserted). i inserted the sd into an adapter and connected to my pc and the pc won't recognize the sd. i even inserted a different sd into my phone and the phone still didn't recognize. i haven't dropped my phone or exposed it to any moisture. the phone suddenly won't mount the card. i'm thinking the sd tray in the phone is glitched but it's so sudden considering i take really good care of the phone. the phone wasn't plugged in when this happened. any ideas on a resolution? thank you in advance.

Internal memory formatted SD card issues

I've an Samsung evo+ 256GB SD card formatted as internal storage in my HTC 10 for almost 2 years now.
2 months ago I decided to upgrade to a Samsung evo+ 256GB v2, with slightly better speeds. I simply cloned the old SD to the new one.
Everything was always fine, worked great till yesterday.
I had some weird stutters while playing music and then I noticed the UI was also getting stutterish.
Went to bed, charged my phone as I usually do. When I woke up and checked my mail the phone just froze and rebooted.
After reboot the phone told me the SD card was missing
I decided to shut down the phone and examine the SD card but the phone just got stuck shutting down, I had to force reboot and shutdown again.
I tested the SD by a full byte by byte read in Western Digital diagnostic tool for harddrives to see if my SD was broken, but it was fine, no errors.
I popped the SD back in my phone, started and the SD mounted fine, no issues so far.
Could the file system be corrupt? If it is, how do I fix it?
I could try and move the data to an external drive and reformat the SD, I've a USB 3 OTG cable. But I'm not sure how to do that either.
Will Android move the data for me automatically when removing the SD card as internal storage?
Stutters continued today unfortunately, especially when doing a SD benchmark.
I decided to use clonezilla and do a clone of the card to another one to see if that improves anything.
On the old SD I had 72MB/s read and 20MB/s write according to A1 SD bench
Internal storage 225MB/s read and 41MB/s write
On the cloned SD I have 74MB/s read and 19MB/s write
The difference is that the cloned SD is a Samsung evo+ 256GB v1 and the old one a Samsung evo+ 256GB v2
I don't get it though, doing a benchmark on a PC shows 90MB/s read and 80MB/s write.
I advice you to check media files. I had lived same problem. I found solution by chance . I attached sd card to my notebook to backup dcim and music folder. While copying the files, suddenly copy process stopped on a not special file. I removed the sd, re attached and deleted that file before continue to copy. When copying finished, i attached the sd card to phone... Whola... Without formatting or doing nothing extra the card started to work as expected

Question Micro SD to save files.?

What 64GB Micro SD do you recommend to save photos and videos?
It supports up to a 1tb card. A Sandisk Extreme works well. You want a V30 rated card. I reccomend at least 256gb.
Simply format the card in the phone then leave it there. Do all data transfers through the phone.
Use the SD card as a data drive; all critical data, including music and vids goes here including everything you need to do a full reload. Redundantly backup your data drive to at least 2 hdds that are physically and electronically isolated from each other and the PC on a regular basis.
There can only be one folder with the name dcim in its name. If you create a second folder for your images to make a copy name it pics, master pics, whatever.
Only apps, the download and dcim folders go on internal memory. The left over space can be left empty or used for scratch files. If the dcim folder is here, back it up regularly to the SD card. Crashes are rare but they can happen (or damaged phones) , the SD card is almost never effected. Back it up nonetheless.
Congratulations, you now have a dual drive handheld PC.
I always suggest Samsung Pro sd cards. As for the dcim folder and the inability to change where to save the photos, i use foldersync from playstore and anything that appears in internal memory dcim folder, goes immediately to sdcard/dcim.
Also i use swiftbackup to backup daily differential every app to sd card and during the night foldersync again copies the swiftbackup backup folder from sdcard to my home nas.

