[Q] Not able to install apps on SD card - AT&T, Rogers, Bell, Telus Samsung Galaxy S III

i've been running task&ktoonsez rom for a while now, and i am having issue with the rom not being able to us the SD card as the default storage. For that matter, i cant even move apps over to the SD card. ive done a full format on the card from windows, thinking that the card had become corrupt.
Just to make sure it wasnt the rom i flashed back to stock, and its not working correctly there. im honestly not sure WTF im doing wrong/ what the issue is.
The card shows up, but with no option to format, and no systems see it as an SD card (ie apps wont install, downloads arent going to the sd card, the camera app wont let me save to the card) I can access the card though a file manager like astro,
anyways, I've been running custom roms for almost 2 years now (since the gsII came out) and ive never had a problem i couldnt figure out.
I searched for quite a while for this issue on the forums, but cant find anything, if there already is a posted fix for this, im sorry, but couldnt find it. if there are any other details i can provide please let me know.



hey everyone..
i recently got my hero an have been upgrading roms back an forth, but each time i wipe to update the rom i lose all my apps.. i was wondering if anyone could please help me get app2sd installed or show me a step by step process for it.. itd help heaps an be greatly appreciated!!
thanks in advance,
I need help for this altso, dont realy understand how this works?
How to install apps from MARKET to SD card, so we dont have to reinstall them each flashing
you need root! and a custom rom (MCR2.2 or 2.3 are my faves) these have apps2sd built in.
p.s your thread should be in Q&A NOT the Dev section
hi. i've partitioned my sd card as per the instructions on this website. prior to that, i'd installed the modaco rom version 2.2, which is meant to have apps2sd on it.
i thought that after partitioning my sd card my apps would automaticaaly get transferred to the sd card. but that doesn't seem to have happened. how do i go about making that happened. i don't want to reinstall the modaco rom, it should happen already shouldn't it?
also, where exactly is apps2sd on the modaco rom? i can't find it.
try booting your phone without the SD card in....are your apps still there?
apps2sd is built in to the rom, you dont need to run anything. It does it all by itself in the background.
thanks. I'll try that tomorrow. Before I do, just one other query. I thought that after partitioning the sd card, everything on it would get wiped. But the same folders (ther were only 2 before i partitioned it) are still there with the files in them!
which makes me think, did i successfully partition the card? there's no doubt that when i typed 'print' in the adb shell/ gparted after the partitioning process it gave a list of 3 partitions in the sd card. I basically followed the instructions to the letter. I won't be in a position to check again until tomorrow.
Just to be clear before I do something I may or may not regret, to get apps installed on the sd card, I need to partition it first, correct? Once it has been partitioned correctly, any app installations I do, say via the market, should go straight to the sd card? I'm running MCRv2.2.
Yes partition your card first. (FAT first, then EXT3 second)
they usually go to the SD card after a reboot i think.
AFAIK it is a script that is run during startup.
thanks alot for that.. i done a bit more research an have it all sorted.. cheers.. brett
good news. happy to help
as suggested earlier on this thread, i rebooted my phone without the sd card, and sure enough, all my applications/ widgets could not be loaded (except those that were already on the modaco 2.2 rom). rebooting again with the sd card in place, and everything is back to normal.
however, when looking on the sd card with astro file manager, i can't see a list of the applications anywhere. also, after connecting my phone to the computer, and then looking under 'removable disc' on my pc, i can't see the list of apps on my sd card then either.
so i guess what i'm asking is, how do you definitely know that apps2sd has kicked in. i've read on this and other forums that people have checked on their sd card and seen their list of applications. how does one do that? is what i've done above, namely booting my phone without the sd card in place and demonstrating that the downloaded apps don't work, enough proof that apps2sd has worked properly on my phone?
djdhrubs said:
as suggested earlier on this thread, i rebooted my phone without the sd card, and sure enough, all my applications/ widgets could not be loaded (except those that were already on the modaco 2.2 rom). rebooting again with the sd card in place, and everything is back to normal.
however, when looking on the sd card with astro file manager, i can't see a list of the applications anywhere. also, after connecting my phone to the computer, and then looking under 'removable disc' on my pc, i can't see the list of apps on my sd card then either.
so i guess what i'm asking is, how do you definitely know that apps2sd has kicked in. i've read on this and other forums that people have checked on their sd card and seen their list of applications. how does one do that? is what i've done above, namely booting my phone without the sd card in place and demonstrating that the downloaded apps don't work, enough proof that apps2sd has worked properly on my phone?
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You can't see them in /sdcard because that is your FAT32 partition of the card.
Apps2SD works by mounting an ext3 partition from your card, it is mounted to /system/sd/ normally I think. Have a look there with your filemanager.
The reason for having a separate partition for it is that Android requires the ability to set access rights and ownership to files for it work, and FAT32 does not support this.
if you load a linux live cd (i use ubuntu) and plug in your card reader, or mount your hero, you will see the two partitions (or 3 if you use swap).
Windows can't see ext3 partitions, but linux can, cos its great
yeah i had a look using astro file manager and went into system/sd but nothing is listed there.
anyway, now i have a whole new bizarre problem. most of my apps force close when i try to use them! for example, i open taskiller, and its fine while its running, but as soon as i select something to kill, a message pops up saying it has to force close. same with advanced task manager, shopsavvy, shazam, flixster movies and many others. i've turned my phone off and on, and rebooted a couple of times to no avail. phone calls and internet access still works fine.
all this has started since i tried booting my phone without the sd card. i've taken it out again and tried again, but still same problem. weird!
ok problem above solved! i uninstalled then reinstalled the applications, and then they work.
thanks for all your help guys.
i used to get that on my g1...un-install and re-install always solved it for me too!
happy hero'ing!
I am glad that there is a ROM that support A2SD, but i prefer to run the generic one, and if possible is there a code to make my generic pre-rooted rom A2SD abled?
I answered a similar Question a day or so ago here.... Just general stuff
Dayz xxxx

Unable to access SD card from phone, help

So as far as I know, last night before I went to bed, my SD card and phone was working fine, but this morning I went to play some music off my phone, and it said "Please insert SD card". I have one in, and if I go to SD card & Phone storage, it shows it being there, and the correct storage amounts.
I've looked here, done what was said:
I've reformatted my SD card via my phone, and rebooted. It still isn't working. Other apps that require the SD cards use (camera, etc) ask for a SD card as well (although camera doesn't give the msg saying there isn't one, and lets me 'take' pictures, but they don't show up on the card).
I can drop down the notification bar and choose to use as disk drive and it mounts to my computer fine, unmounting and still nothing.
I'm not sure what to try next, any suggestions?
I'm fully rooted running Herver's Baked Snack v.7, let me know if you need to know anything else
Edit: it seems to be fixed, but I haven't done anything to it, so I don't know why or how it is... although if you know of any reason why this happened or have a suggestion to fix it in the future I'd be happy to hear it. Or, if a mod wishes, this can be deleted. *shrug*

Unavailable SD Card issue after (any) Rom Upgrade...Please help!

This is my first post, and I'm usually pretty careful about following instructions. I'm currently running Skyraider's 3.0 RC2, but to my dismay, I am finding that my phone still refuses to recognize my SD Card. Under settings it says it is unavailable, and when connected to PC, it gives an option to mount to disk but doesn't mount upon selecting this.
My phone is rooted with S-Off and 2.15 radio...Did a full wipe of everything before I flashed 3.0 RC2. Shows that my kernel is now King #2, but I have had this issue with many other roms and kernel combinations. I have been unsuccessful in finding a solution when searching the forums, and the only way to regain functionality is to restore a previous backup without any roms installed.
Any help is much appreciate. Thanks!!!
P.S. I've also tried mounting the card in clockworkmod's advanced recovery settings, but this does not change a thing. Internal storage is also currently unavailable. Mount through usb in recovery does work, but this doesn't help when I cannot access my sd card after boot.
I had a similar issue a couple days ago after upgrading from stock 2.1 to SkyRaider 2.5.2.
When I'd go to set my ringtones, the option for the SD card wasn't there. As if it wasn't reading it was in the phone at all. I opened up Astro file manager to see if it could read it and it in fact did. I could see that all the ringtones were still on the card right where they should be and they would play from Astro when I clicked on them. But, the option to actually set them still wasn't there.
I'm not exactly sure what 'fixed' it, but I went in to set my notification tone and suddenly the option to select from the SD card was there. Then, I could then access the card to set ringers as well. I'm sorry I don't have anything more specific. The card just seemed to suddenly decide to let the OS know it was there. I also rebooted the phone a couple times as well as removing the card while the phone was in use and reinserting it. Not sure if any of that helped the situation or not.
I had asked about this in two separate threads and not one person responded, so I'm guessing the issue is rare.
If you don't get anywhere with it, maybe try a different SD card just to see if it shows up.
Good luck.
I've had the same issue but was able to resolve it. Mount the sd card from a laptop or PC. If you can read the card copy the contents onto the PC (I placed mine in a separate folder). Then go into tools and do an error checking. After replacing the SD card back in the phone see if everything is ok. this fixed my SD card. However, I've had the SD card lose its primary disk notation so I had to reformat and then transfer the previous save files on the SD card from my backup an that solved my other issue. Also, some times the SD card speed can cause this issue and it is perfered that you a class 4 or better. I hope this helps.
Well, I took your advice and pulled the sd card only to mount it separately and scan it for errors. None were found. I've also reformatted and restored all the files that were on it. Phone still does not recognize card or internal storage. My phone did, however, recognize another card I had on hand and I believe it may be a compatibility issue between my 8 Gb A-Data brand Micro SD card and 2.2 roms. FYI...It's a class 6, and the one I tried that was recognized was a 6gb sandisk (class 4). I'll look into getting a 16 or 32 gig sandisk in the near future and keep you posted. Thank you guys for your insight.
always 'safely remove hardware' (stop the device, etc.) from your windows machine before unplugging your incredible
if you don't, you end up not being able to see the SD card until you restart your phone
Just reformatted my SD card, checked for errors after unmounting etc... and now it seems to work ok, although one of the music players I normally use doesn't seem to recognise it!!

[Q] could someone please tell me how to change sd card

hi all,
as i was testing my new desire using the 4gb card it came with, i did all the rooting with that card in, am now running on defrost 3.1 and all my mods are done.
I tried to partition my other 8gb card using the rom manager on another phone as my phone wont run without the sd card in, then once that was done, i cloned the cards ie copied the data on my mac, then copied it off to the new card.
started the phone with the new card but most features of defrost are not available and alot of the apps are missing.
now when you go to the application manager, it shows you where stuff is installed but it says they are on the phone, presume this is cos a2sd is more of a tricking the phone than a physical change of location for the installed apps
anyway, so my question is, can you change the sd card without re installing the rom?
thank you in advance
jason4656 said:
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sorry mate didnt see this till now. in short no.
your phone should work without an sd in it, format the 8gb card use rom manager to partition or use AmonRa fake flash to partition (i prefer this way) and start over again. i know its a pain but its the safest way to do it.
i personally wiped everything on sd and phone so there was no partition and nothing on the phone, then i flashed my rom (dont do any mods yet) then either using amonra or rom manager, partition the phone may take a while to boot up but just LEAVE IT. then do everything again ie mods and apps. long i know but like i said its the safest way also you cant **** anything up.
hope this helps

[Q] SD Card Issues?

Hello everyone,
I just recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4. So far I really like it but I am having a problem. I have a 32 gig sd card plugged in and yesterday I tried putting some files on. Nothing fancy just music, a video, a couple kindle books, and some word documents. I had plugged the sd card into my computer dropped them on and put it back into my device. Well the device wouldn't find or acknowledge any of the files at all. It acted like they just didn't exist. So I plugged the sd card back into my computer and they were there. After a bit of rebooting my device I finally got it to acknowledge the stuff I put on. That lasted until I let the device go to sleep. This morning when I opened up my device everything was gone again. So I plugged it back into my computer and it was all actually deleted.
After that I tried putt stuff on it with the device tethered to my computer and the same thing happened. It wouldn't acknowledge anything kept on my sd card. Including kindle books.
I did some reading and just kept coming up with the kitkat and app compatibility issue that doesn't allow apps to save to sd but this doesn't seem like that. All of those posts seemed to be dated a few months ago so has that been fixed at all or is it still a problem and the only "fix" is rooting it? Is it related to the problem I seem to be having? If not what on earth is worng with it and how do I fix it?
I won't lie I am kind of a newb when it comes to anything beyond basic electronic issues so I really am at a loss for what is wrong with it.
Thank you in advance for any help.
P.s. Should I consider returning this tablet? The stuff I read about the kitkat seems like a huge problem when it has such a small amount of on board space. I have just basic stuff on it and still only have 6 gig on board left over. That means basically all storage will be on an sd card. I bought it to use for college so want to be able to take notes and reliably save stuff. Am I better off with a different tablet? If so what Android tablets would be best?
Psylk87 said:
Hello everyone,
I just recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4. So far I really like it but I am having a problem. I have a 32 gig sd card plugged in and yesterday I tried putting some files on. Nothing fancy just music, a video, a couple kindle books, and some word documents. I had plugged the sd card into my computer dropped them on and put it back into my device. Well the device wouldn't find or acknowledge any of the files at all. It acted like they just didn't exist. So I plugged the sd card back into my computer and they were there. After a bit of rebooting my device I finally got it to acknowledge the stuff I put on. That lasted until I let the device go to sleep. This morning when I opened up my device everything was gone again. So I plugged it back into my computer and it was all actually deleted.
After that I tried putt stuff on it with the device tethered to my computer and the same thing happened. It wouldn't acknowledge anything kept on my sd card. Including kindle books.
I did some reading and just kept coming up with the kitkat and app compatibility issue that doesn't allow apps to save to sd but this doesn't seem like that. All of those posts seemed to be dated a few months ago so has that been fixed at all or is it still a problem and the only "fix" is rooting it? Is it related to the problem I seem to be having? If not what on earth is worng with it and how do I fix it?
I won't lie I am kind of a newb when it comes to anything beyond basic electronic issues so I really am at a loss for what is wrong with it.
Thank you in advance for any help.
P.s. Should I consider returning this tablet? The stuff I read about the kitkat seems like a huge problem when it has such a small amount of on board space. I have just basic stuff on it and still only have 6 gig on board left over. That means basically all storage will be on an sd card. I bought it to use for college so want to be able to take notes and reliably save stuff. Am I better off with a different tablet? If so what Android tablets would be best?
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Any rooted tab is better.. Rooting it will allow you to fix your SD permission woes. More than likely the app you are using can't get access to the SD card thus why it shows up blank. Root the tab, and run the kitkat SD card fix app and never look back. This tab is great!
dottat said:
Any rooted tab is better.. Rooting it will allow you to fix your SD permission woes. More than likely the app you are using can't get access to the SD card thus why it shows up blank. Root the tab, and run the kitkat SD card fix app and never look back. This tab is great!
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So basically it will always have the sd card issues thanks to kitkat? I tried opening the music and the video with the devices main video and music apps. But they also weren't showing at all when I went to look for them in the actual "My Files" section. Then when they totally deleted I got even more confused. It was 5 gigs of stuff just randomly deleted off the flash drive.
Is rooting hard? As mentioned I am a newb. I have never done anything like that and I have never used or worked with a rooted device. Won't it void the warranty and make it so I cant return it? It was fairly expensive so I am worried about ruining it haha.
I actually love the tablet so far so really disappointed with the issue. I have until the 14th of August to return it so I need to decide quickly.
Psylk87 said:
So basically it will always have the sd card issues thanks to kitkat? I tried opening the music and the video with the devices main video and music apps. But they also weren't showing at all when I went to look for them in the actual "My Files" section. Then when they totally deleted I got even more confused. It was 5 gigs of stuff just randomly deleted off the flash drive.
Is rooting hard? As mentioned I am a newb. I have never done anything like that and I have never used or worked with a rooted device. Won't it void the warranty and make it so I cant return it? It was fairly expensive so I am worried about ruining it haha.
I actually love the tablet so far so really disappointed with the issue. I have until the 14th of August to return it so I need to decide quickly.
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Some people on this forum have reported that towelroot works on Tab Pro 8.4. It should be as easy as installing an apk and tapping a button. I already have CM11 installed so I didn't try it though..
dottat said:
Any rooted tab is better.. Rooting it will allow you to fix your SD permission woes. More than likely the app you are using can't get access to the SD card thus why it shows up blank. Root the tab, and run the kitkat SD card fix app and never look back. This tab is great!
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I'm not new in flashing ROMs but I think somewhere I go wrong...
I had the Australian stock ROM and I thought to try a little bit de-bloated ROM to check if its better...
As I'm ALWAYS doing I did make a recovery full backup of my tablet and copied the TWRP Backup in my Ext. SDCard with the intention to move it in my PC for security. Reading how to flash the new ROMs, couple of times have been mentioned that I have to wipe EVERYTHING before I flash them... Against my better judgment I wiped my SDCard too and of course I wiped the new ROM too...
Oh well I thought I will restore my Backup and try again
1) TWRP did NOT read the backup from Ext. SDCard.
2) I d/l an Aussie ROM from SAMIFILES to start again and copy the TWRP Backup in SDCard in case something wrong etc...
Then All Hell Break loose
After Flashing the Full factory ROM I had in my tablet few only apps without ANY Google apps and I couldn't access my Ext SDCard...
When I took out the card to copy it in my PC and from there to tablet the card was corrupted loosing my original Backup...
After that I don't know how many times I've tried factory or XDA ROMs with all the time not able to access my Ext. SDCard (New one, works fine elsewhere) despite I tried ALL the SDFix apps in Playstore... I tried to change the properties of the card manually too but the same...
PLEASE can help me to Fix my Ext SDCard as the tablet is almost useless without it?...
have you tried copying the files to your main memory, then transfer those files from main memory to your memory card using the built in File Manager ?
dottat said:
Any rooted tab is better.. Rooting it will allow you to fix your SD permission woes. More than likely the app you are using can't get access to the SD card thus why it shows up blank. Root the tab, and run the kitkat SD card fix app and never look back.
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There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about the SD card permission changes brought by KitKat, and I do not believe the OP's issues are caused by those changes. We are unfortunately to the point where if someone has any trouble at all with an SD, they blame the KitKat permission changes; which is simply false in many cases. The KitKat SD changes have to do solely with write permission access and do not affect the ability to read the SD. The following article explains it well:
And the KitKat changes certainly would not cause the card to be read after a reboot, then randomly not readable later, as the OP described. All this is pointing toward an issue other than how KitKat handles SDs.
I would suggest re-formatting the SD to FAT32 (on that subject, what is it presently formatted to?) and seeing if that helps. I saw a very similar thread on the HTC One (M8) forum where the person was having trouble with the phone reading content on the SD (worked fine on other devices), was blaming the KitKat rule changes, and simply formatting the card fixed it right up. Also, try a different SD card, if you have access to one.
If that doesn't work, its possible where is some software or (hopefully not) hardware issue such as a broken SD tray. But let's try to format the card and see if that does the trick.
redpoint73 said:
There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about the SD card permission changes brought by KitKat, and I do not believe the OP's issues are caused by those changes. We are unfortunately to the point where if someone has any trouble at all with an SD, they blame the KitKat permission changes; which is simply false in many cases. The KitKat SD changes have to do solely with write permission access and do not affect the ability to read the SD. The following article explains it well:
And the KitKat changes certainly would not cause the card to be read after a reboot, then randomly not readable later, as the OP described. All this is pointing toward an issue other than how KitKat handles SDs.
I would suggest re-formatting the SD to FAT32 (on that subject, what is it presently formatted to?) and seeing if that helps. I saw a very similar thread on the HTC One (M8) forum where the person was having trouble with the phone reading content on the SD (worked fine on other devices), was blaming the KitKat rule changes, and simply formatting the card fixed it right up. Also, try a different SD card, if you have access to one.
If that doesn't work, its possible where is some software or (hopefully not) hardware issue such as a broken SD tray. But let's try to format the card and see if that does the trick.
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Sorry if I didn't make myself clear... I CAN see the Ext.SD but I can NOT write... The card (2nd) it's empty and I can write in it files in my PC's Card reader which I can see in my tablet... I CAN NOT write a file or make a folder or anything when the card it is inside the tablet...
That's why I said the tablet it is almost useless as I can use only the native 16GB minus...
Problem SOLVED for whoever need to know how go here: http://winaero.com/blog/unlock-external-sd-card-writing-for-all-apps-in-android-4-4-kitkat/
Thank you guys for the help so far. Sorry I am a bit slow but my laptop died on me and I have been dealing with that.
I am glad to hear its more than likely just an sd card problem not the kitkat problem. I really don't want to root it. I actually adore this device and don't want to had to return it.
I have played with it more and I am getting stuff like pictures and videos taken on the device to save to sd so it is reading the sd card. It just wont read what is placed on it externally. Is is maybe that I have to tether and cant pull the sd card out?
I did reformat the sd card with the device. So it is formatted to the device. But it still wont acknowledge stuff I drop on it only stuff that is saved on it from the device itself. But I do know its working because its showing pictures I have taken with the device on the sd card in the built in file manager. So whatever it is it's not the card reader slot.
I am going to try xdm9mm's suggestion and see if that will work. If not what else should I try?
Before I can test another sd card I need to buy one (I looked and only had the one extra lying around). So what card do you guys use on it with success?
You're taking the card out and using a card reader? I think I know your problem, the same thing happened to me when swapping cards with my phone. You have to go into the system settings, and under general, select storage. From there you can unmount the microSD card before taking it out. If you don't do that, it won't read the card properly when you put it back in.
MisterBuggie said:
You're taking the card out and using a card reader? I think I know your problem, the same thing happened to me when swapping cards with my phone. You have to go into the system settings, and under general, select storage. From there you can unmount the microSD card before taking it out. If you don't do that, it won't read the card properly when you put it back in.
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Every time I have taken it out I have used the unmount section. Originally I unmounted it put it in the adapter and plugged it into my computer. Then I dragged and dropped everything I wanted on it to it. Once I had done that I used "safely remove" on the computer and then plugged it back into the card reader on my tablet. That is when it wouldn't read anything at all. I reset it several times and finally got it to read for a minute but then when the tablet went to sleep it self deleted everything on the card. I am thinking the self deleting may be fluke because I have been able to save pictures taken by the device on it with no trouble. It just won't read anything I put on myself.
The whole thing is a bit confusing lol. I even took it to a computer shop in town but the guy had no clue what I was trying to explain. I am going to try another sd card and try tethering the device to the computer to drop in some new files. Hopefully that will help.
Psylk87 said:
Every time I have taken it out I have used the unmount section. Originally I unmounted it put it in the adapter and plugged it into my computer. Then I dragged and dropped everything I wanted on it to it. Once I had done that I used "safely remove" on the computer and then plugged it back into the card reader on my tablet. That is when it wouldn't read anything at all. I reset it several times and finally got it to read for a minute but then when the tablet went to sleep it self deleted everything on the card. I am thinking the self deleting may be fluke because I have been able to save pictures taken by the device on it with no trouble. It just won't read anything I put on myself.
The whole thing is a bit confusing lol. I even took it to a computer shop in town but the guy had no clue what I was trying to explain. I am going to try another sd card and try tethering the device to the computer to drop in some new files. Hopefully that will help.
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Hrm. Another possibility, have you tried filling up the card, say with video files, then checking from the PC to see if they all play? Most of the really cheap memory cards are fake (including on Amazon), they only have a tiny capacity, and the controller is set up to loop, so it will write the data without giving any errors, and the files will be indexed, but the data isn't actually saved anywhere.

