[GUIDE][How-to] Enable Water Ripple Effect JB - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

How to enable water ripple effect and ripple effect toggle.
Find around line 1536
.line 543
.local v20, isRippleEffect:Z
if-nez v18, :cond_61f
if-eqz v22, :cond_61f
if-eqz v20, :cond_61f
const/4 v3, 0x1
.line 543
.local v20, isRippleEffect:Z
if-nez v18, :cond_61f
[COLOR="Red"]# if-eqz v22, :cond_61f[/COLOR]
if-eqz v20, :cond_61f
const/4 v3, 0x1
Secsettings.apk - smali edit
Find around line 1373:
.line 253
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->getPreferenceScreen()Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;
move-result-object v9
iget-object v10, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mRippleEffect:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
invoke-virtual {v9, v10}, Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;->removePreference(Landroid/preference/Preference;)Z
.line 253
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->getPreferenceScreen()Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;
move-result-object v9
iget-object v10, p0, Lcom/android/settings/LockScreenSettings;->mRippleEffect:Landroid/preference/CheckBoxPreference;
[COLOR="Red"]# invoke-virtual {v9, v10}, Landroid/preference/PreferenceScreen;->removePreference(Landroid/preference/Preference;)Z

It would be helpful if the change between the two scripts was highlighted by a different color, it would be easier to spot.
Not a lot to ask-------? You have to keep it simple for some of us
Pp. :beer::thumbup:
Transmitted from another galaxy with a Jellybean infused P-5113 full of Unicorn porn.

PanchoPlanet said:
It would be helpful if the change between the two scripts was highlighted by a different color, it would be easier to spot.
Not a lot to ask-------? You have to keep it simple for some of us
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Sorry about that. I missed highlighting the first change. The second one is already there but you have to scroll down a little in the code box to see it.

The only change I see in the after scripts is the number symbol is that correct?
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prguzman1978 said:
The only change I see in the after scripts is the number symbol is that correct?
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That is correct.
The # symbol is the same as commenting out or deleting the entire line. It is my personal preference to comment out the code rather than delete it so I can find the code later in case I need to see or reverse changes. You will see this in other places that I have written guides for.

tdunham said:
That is correct.
The # symbol is the same as commenting out or deleting the entire line. It is my personal preference to comment out the code rather than delete it so I can find the code later in case I need to see or reverse changes. You will see this in other places that I have written guides for.
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So do we enable the symbol or delete that whole script?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

Thanks Td for clarifying that for us. :thumbup::beer:
Pp. :thumbup::beer:
Transmitted from another galaxy with a Jellybean infused P-5113 full of Unicorn porn.

prguzman1978 said:
So do we enable the symbol or delete that whole script?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Don't delete the whole script, either comment out or remove the lines that are highligted in the OP. Effectively, using a" # " at the beginning of the line and deleting the line are the same, but one is easily reversible.

bigj231 said:
Don't delete the whole script, either comment out or remove the lines that are highligted in the OP. Effectively, using a" # " at the beginning of the line and deleting the line are the same, but one is easily reversible.
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Do apply this with root explorer or adb if with root explorer where's the path can't find.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

prguzman1978 said:
Do apply this with root explorer or adb if with root explorer where's the path can't find.
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This requires a working knowledge of decompiling/compiling and editing the smali classes.dex files contained in android.policy.jar file. It also requires that the full Java suite be installed. Also required for further apk editing is the full android SDK suite and another tool/software to decompile/compile the apk portion of apps.
These guides were written for developers to add these mods themselves so they can see how the source code is modified to make the changes. It's harder than it sounds but you can see it involves more than just a text editor and root/adb explorer method.

tdunham said:
This requires a working knowledge of decompiling/compiling and editing the smali classes.dex files contained in android.policy.jar file. It also requires that the full Java suite be installed. Also required for further apk editing is the full android SDK suite and another tool/software to decompile/compile the apk portion of apps.
These guides were written for developers to add these mods themselves so they can see how the source code is modified to make the changes. It's harder than it sounds but you can see it involves more than just a text editor and root/adb explorer method.
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Okay I have java androidSDK and apktool I'm going to do some research. And it does require work. Would it be easy if someone upload a modified secsettings apk and replace it.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

prguzman1978 said:
Okay I have java androidSDK and apktool I'm going to do some research.
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Ok good. You also need to add Java to the environment variables in computer/properties/advanced settings. Let me get some screenshots. Also, I have a very easy method to decompile/compile classes.dex I will zip up for you to try.
You need to edit the path to where java installs if yours is different than the screenshots. The 'Class' I think is added manually I can't remember if it is there before the edit. The environment variable path for java is added to the end of the existing path. This is windows 7 screenshots.
Attached is what I use to decompile classes.dex. I put classes.dex in the same folder as the files, run the decompile batch file and it creates a folder called 'classes' with the decompiled code. Make my changes and run the compile batch file and it creates a new file (if there are no errors) called new-classes.dex that you have to rename to classes.dex before reinserting into the jar or apk file.
Also, you know this mod is already included in most custom roms and also in my all in one mod for GA10/FL16.

tdunham said:
Ok good. You also need to add Java to the environment variables in computer/properties/advanced settings. Let me get some screenshots. Also, I have a very easy method to decompile/compile classes.dex I will zip up for you to try.
You need to edit the path to where java installs if yours is different than the screenshots. The 'Class' I think is added manually I can't remember if it is there before the edit. The environment variable path for java is added to the end of the existing path. This is windows 7 screenshots.
Attached is what I use to decompile classes.dex. I put classes.dex in the same folder as the files, run the decompile batch file and it creates a folder called 'classes' with the decompiled code. Make my changes and run the compile batch file and it creates a new file (if there are no errors) called new-classes.dex that you have to rename to classes.dex before reinserting into the jar or apk file.
Also, you know this mod is already included in most custom roms and also in my all in one mod for GA10/FL16.
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Wow Tdunham thanks homey, you came through.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

prguzman1978 said:
Wow Tdunham thanks homey, you came through.
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Sure no problem. I usually stay out of offering programming or flashing advice but you said you already had Java and SDK so I thought I'd shove you in the proper direction. Also, I use Winrar to extract or insert files into the apk and jar files. Winrar will not know what a jar file is but you can right click and 'open-as' (every time unfortunately, because .jar file extension needs to stay associated with java). The apk files you can associate the .apk filetype with winrar when you first open it and it asks you what you want to open the file with. From then on, any .apk you open will open just like a normal zip file.

tdunham said:
Sure no problem. I usually stay out of offering programming or flashing advice but you said you already had Java and SDK so I thought I'd shove you in the proper direction. Also, I use Winrar to extract or insert files into the apk and jar files. Winrar will not know what a jar file is but you can right click and 'open-as' (every time unfortunately, because .jar file extension needs to stay associated with java). The apk files you can associate the .apk filetype with winrar when you first open it and it asks you what you want to open the file with. From then on, any .apk you open will open just like a normal zip file.[/QUOTE\]
Nice i already set my path and im good to go homey!
---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------
It Creates a folder name classout should i rename it to classes?
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prguzman1978 said:
It Creates a folder name classout should i rename it to classes?
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No, then you won't be able to recompile it later.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

tdunham said:
No, then you won't be able to recompile it later.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Okay one mistake i associated the circlelockscreen.smaili with winrar and i cant return it back to its original file format any idea how to?

prguzman1978 said:
Okay one mistake i associated the circlelockscreen.smaili with winrar and i cant return it back to its original file format any idea how to?
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Right/click open with, choose default program or Shift right/click same thing.
Something along those lines. And you should be using Notepad+ to edit anything in android too.

tdunham said:
Right/click open with, choose default program or Shift right/click same thing.
Something along those lines. And you should be using Notepad+ to edit anything in android too.
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Im finished just rebooting!!! Its done and all thanks to you homey!!!

So can we just search for the code then delete and past new one? or should we delete highlighted red line?


[Q] how to add transparency to drop down notification

I'm currently using a stock 3.70 deodexed rom and I want to add a few tweaks to it myself. I'm trying to add transparency to the drop down notification background and I'm stuck.
What I've tried so far..
-replacing the white status_bar_background.png to a black 70% transparent one.
doesnt work, just shows up black.
-modifying some of the status bar .xml files. no change at all
-opened up classes.dex thats inside the services.jar and get to all the smali files but have no idea what to do at that point
I read somewhere to modify services.jar by:
.line 1773
const/4 v5, 0x2
change to
.line 1773
const/4 v5, -0x3
but cant find where to do this..
I very rarely ask questions, I can usually figure everything out via google or xda
but im lost here..any help would be much appreciated, thanks
Follow the instructions you found about modifying the services.jar. That is how you do it. Once you find the file you need to change in services.jar, you can open it with a text editor and search for the code lines.
nukedukem said:
Follow the instructions you found about modifying the services.jar. That is how you do it. Once you find the file you need to change in services.jar, you can open it with a text editor and search for the code lines.
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What's a good text editor?
nukedukem said:
Follow the instructions you found about modifying the services.jar. That is how you do it. Once you find the file you need to change in services.jar, you can open it with a text editor and search for the code lines.
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thank you, i was finally able to figure it out. the file i needed was the StatusBarService.smali and i was able to edit it with a program called PSPad
evolishesh said:
What's a good text editor?
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this is the one i found that worked..

[HOWTO] Remove vibrate icon on 2.3.5

2.3.5 has vibrate icon that many people found annoying
here is little guide that explains how to remove it.
1. Decompile SystemUI.apk with APK Manager
2. Open the file res/vaules/public.xml and search for the ID of stat_sys_ringer_vibrate
<public type="drawable" name="stat_sys_ringer_silent" id="0x7f020086" />
<public type="drawable" name="stat_sys_ringer_vibrate" id="[b]0x7f020087[/b]" />
<public type="drawable" name="stat_sys_roaming_cdma_0" id="0x7f020088" />
3. Edit the file smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/StatusBarPolicy.smali
Look for these lines and delete them:*
const-string v5, "volume"
const v6, [b]0x7f020087[/b]
invoke-virtual {v4, v5, v6, v7}, Landroid/app/StatusBarManager;->setIcon(Ljava/lang/String;II)V
Look for these lines and delete them:*
const-string v3, "volume"
const v3, [b]0x7f020087[/b]
invoke-virtual {v2, v6, v3, v4}, Landroid/app/StatusBarManager;->setIcon(Ljava/lang/String;II)V
* Pay attention! Replace the bolded text with the ID you found on step 2
the v5 and v3 can be other numbers its depend on your firmware
4. Compile the file and replace classes.dex from place-apk-here-for-modding/unsignedSystemUI.apk to your SystemUI.apk
5. Have fun ;]
Or just use the system UI apk with all the work done floating around somewhere on the forum probably in themes section .
JJEgan said:
Or just use the system UI apk with all the work done floating around somewhere on the forum probably in themes section .
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Have you tried this way? I overwrote with a systemUI.apk that I took from a KH3 ROM, and I just got stuck in continual force closes...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I think he mean to take modded apk from KI3 and not from previous versions
Duh, you're right, that would probably be what he meant...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
i dont really want to delete it can you be more specific. i want it to work the way it used to in older roms. where it only comes up when you have the phone in vibrate only mode.. ie silent but vibrate turned on...
What I find most funny is that with every new firmware, Samsung do something worse...
first it was remove the SMS theming, so we're stuck with the crap iPhone-esque one (no wonder Apple has a problem with you), then something else, and now this!
Just tried this on KI8 but it is still there... must have done something wrong?
ephumuris said:
Just tried this on KI8 but it is still there... must have done something wrong?
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its working for me...
instead of const-string v5 its was const-string v1
be sure you delete it and update the classes.dex to your file
Can you post your file, please...
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k1sr said:
Can you post your file, please...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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here is my file:
tripc1 said:
its working for me...
instead of const-string v5 its was const-string v1
be sure you delete it and update the classes.dex to your file
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Yeah I saw that it was v1 but still... I'll try again later if you say it does work. Thanks
tripc1 said:
here is my file:
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Hm... That left me with a vansihed statusbar on KI8 I took a backup though, so no problem.
I tried to follow your instructions in OP, but I fall off at step 3... Where the hell is that file located?
Edit: I'm on stock odexed firmware btw.
you need to use baksamli with SystemUI.odex
Sadly way too advanced for me, but thanks anyway
Alternatively you can use S-MOD - look in the themes section... There are other enhancements you might or might not want, but certainly gave me the fix I needed...
You could probably just extract SystemUI from the package and only use that, but I haven't tried it...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Somehow, after decompiling and editing the changes above, I get errors while recompiling it through APK manager.
Anyways, I found a "raw method" to fix this prob for the time being. Opened up the SystemUI.apk from my phone using WinRAR (no apk tools needed).
Browse to: res\drawable-hdpi\
Drag my png attachment into this location, overwriting the vibrate icon file.
Close winRAR (systemUI.apk) and force it back into the phone (I used RootExplorer for this).
This png file is simply a transparent file (looks black to you). You will never see this on your status bar ever again (regardless your vibrate is on or off).
One disadvantage is that the icon is physically on your status bar, so a blank space is always reserved.
Thanks tripc1 for the inspiration.
*edit* The image attached is invisible. just right-click and save image as
just wanted to verbally say thanks to OP for showing me where to look for this stuff. i knew it was in SystemUI but had no clue as to what was changed. smali files just have so many lines of code. cheers!
Little help plz
I followed your instructions, but the vibrate icon is still there. Here is my system.apk from Smabergs KI8, can you do it for me tripc1 ??
Hi, there!
It worked fine, thank you!
Best regards!

[MOD][DEV][LP3/LP2]Remove "Swipe Screen to Unlock"(Multilanguage)(Noob-proof)

[MOD][DEV][LP3/LP2]Remove "Swipe Screen to Unlock"(Multilanguage)(Noob-proof)
Okay I heard a lot of people want to disable this text from the Lockscreen, first time it may be useful! But then it just becomes plain Ugly..
So with a little of research, I have come to see where this text comes from, and with the knowledge that the lockscreen is built from classes inside the android.policy.jar I searched there a little and found what I was looking for.
So let's do it! First of all, if you don't know about smali and baksmali this tutorial contains the commands, but it will still be a little hard for beginners so I included a ZIP for flashing.
Needed Resources​You need the JRE to run the jars, found here
You will also need the smali and baksmali jars.
Smali: here
Baksmali: here
[This is for Windows, Although I use Ubuntu] I'll also make things easier for you, here download my simple scripts to make the usage of smali and baksmali easier: here
The Process​
*Now we will use baksmali to revive the code to a low-level language (hard to understand, not like java which is a high-level language) called smali.
*So once you have all resources extract Smali.jar/Baksmali.jar/Smali.bat/Baksmali.bat to any folder you like.
*Extract the android.policy.jar found in the system/framework directory inside the ROM, to the same folder.
*Now we need to open a cmd (or terminal for linux) window pointing to the folder, an easy way to do this in windows if I remember correctly, was Hold Shift and then press right button on the folder, and select Open command window here.
*Once you do this, let's get to work. In your cmd type this command:
baksmali android.policy.jar -o extracted
and don't close the cmd, just minimize it as we will need it later on.
NOTE: Basically, this command extracts the classes.dex (which is the code) found inside android.policy.jar and then reverses it to the smali language, then moves the resulting code to the directory named extracted.
NOTE 2: This is the same as extracting the classes.dex using an archiver (like 7-zip) and using this command: baksmali classes.dex -o extracted. The one above is a faster way to do it.
*Now you will notice the newly created folder called extracted. Open it then go to: com/android/internal/policy/impl. You'll see a lot of files (Don't freak out ).
*Now find the file named CircleLockScreen.smali and open it using any text editor, I prefer notepad++ for windows. (Don't mind other files sharing the same name with a $ and a number at the end, these are called sub-classes)
*Now we need to find the chunk of code which sets the text to "Swipe screen to unlock" and delete it completely.
So using the find functionality (CTRL + F) find this code
.line 178
iget-object v5, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/CircleLockScreen;->mHelpText:Landroid/widget/TextView;
const v6, 0x10405f6
invoke-virtual {v5, v6}, Landroid/widget/TextView;->setText(I)V
And Simply Delete it!
*We're done so now we should compile the code to classes.dex again. To do this go back to your cmd you had before and type this code
smali extracted -o classes.dex
*A new classes.dex file will be created (will overwrite the old one if you had an old classes.dex), so Simply open android.policy.jar with an archiver (like winrar) and drag the classes.dex and drop it inside.
NOTE: If it asks you to overwrite the classes.dex choose yes.
And we are ready to go, now you have your android.policy.jar you can try it by pushing it to /system/framework and rebooting.
You can also use it inside your ROMs
For LP3 ZIP Click here! Many thanks to Krendelrus!
Happy Modding!
does it work on LPQ?
readon1 said:
does it work on LPQ?
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The method works on LPQ
Sorry, i had to be more specific x). I mean does the zipfile work on LPQ?
Many thanks in advance!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
readon1 said:
Sorry, i had to be more specific x). I mean does the zipfile work on LPQ?
Many thanks in advance!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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Probably not. Public number must match with the one in framework-res assigned to the string "swipe screen to unlock"
The guide is very clear, just need to follow it ;-)
As soon as i get home i will attach the one for LPQ
To do this I will need 1minute ;-)
By the way LK95, great stuff ;-)
---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 PM ----------
Easy enjoy
here is the flashable zip
Sweeet thanks man!!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Unfortunatly it did not work...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
readon1 said:
Unfortunatly it did not work...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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works on stock deodexed LPQ, just attach you android.policy.jar and i make it 4u
Man, you are great! I'm having a lot of troubles making my own tests and i can't make the things happen but now, everything looks perfect. Really, thanks a lot!
Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk
Mirko ddd said:
works on stock deodexed LPQ, just attach you android.policy.jar and i make it 4u
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Mirko, please make attached android.policy.jar? Thanks
Thx for the work but i am on lp2 and after flash your zip file with cwm, nothing happens.
Any idea ? Thx
Use this method to modify stock ZSLPE ROM , and it worked.
Thanks a lot.
Qwerty__- said:
Thx for the work but i am on lp2 and after flash your zip file with cwm, nothing happens.
Any idea ? Thx
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Are you sure? The text should be removed after flashing.
hsupi said:
Use this method to modify stock ZSLPE ROM , and it worked.
Thanks a lot.
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No problem
Yes =\
I think i will try manuel method.
(may be ICS domination theme make a problem ?)
Did it. Works like a charm
liamR said:
Did it. Works like a charm
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No problem Glad it worked
Does this method work on unrooted phone?
kyzla said:
Does this method work on unrooted phone?
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If you can find a way to push the edited android.policy.jar to /system/framework
then yes.
Thanks to the LegendK95 for the great manual
Here I attached LP3 modified android.policy.jar - enjoy (don't forget to rename this file to android.policy.jar before pushing to system)
i try manual method for see what happens but i haven't the ".line 178..." so the .zip which i flash do the job, but nothing happens on my lockScreen...
Here the code line 177 to 179
.line 177
new-instance v5, Landroid/widget/TextView;
invoke-direct {v5, p1}, Landroid/widget/TextView;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
iput-object v5, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/CircleLockScreen;->mHelpText:Landroid/widget/TextView;
.line 179
iget-object v5, p0, Lcom/android/internal/policy/impl/CircleLockScreen;->mHelpText:Landroid/widget/TextView;
const/high16 v6, 0x3f80
const/high16 v7, 0x3f80
const/high16 v8, 0x3f80
const/high16 v9, -0x100
invoke-virtual {v5, v6, v7, v8, v9}, Landroid/widget/TextView;->setShadowLayer(FFFI)V
any idea ? ^^

[MOD] Make SGS-3 correctly show 1X / 3G

This MOD is based on this thread by nivron:
The smali edit is exactly the same, but the location is a little different for SGS-3. You will have to extract and decompile classes.dex from SystemUI.apk using SMALI/BAKSMALI.
.line 1265
iget-boolean v0, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/NetworkController;->mShowAtLeastThreeGees:Z
[B]if-nez v0, :cond_141[/B]
Place # in front of the bolded line to remark it out: #if-nez v0, :cond_141. Recompile classes.dex, place it back into SystemUI.apk and replace it in /system/app directory using Root Explorer or something similar. Don't forget to fix permissions and change owner to root/root.
6uPMAH said:
This MOD is based on this thread by nivron:
The smali edit is exactly the same, but the location is a little different for SGS-3.
.line 1265
iget-boolean v0, p0, Lcom/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/NetworkController;->mShowAtLeastThreeGees:Z
[B]if-nez v0, :cond_141[/B]
Place # in front of the bolded line to remark it out: #if-nez v0, :cond_141. Recompile SystemUI.apk and replace it in /system/app directory using Root Explorer or something similar. Don't forget to fix permissions and change owner to root/root.
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Thanks a bunch man. May i ask what tool you use to edit your SystemUI.apk?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
clark44 said:
Thanks a bunch man. May i ask what tool you use to edit your SystemUI.apk?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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The only tools you need are SMALI/BAKSMALI. You don't have to decompile SystemUI.apk. You have to decompile classes.dex only using SMALI/BAKSMALI.
Will this fix the issue where my att version always shows 4g instead of 3g.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
lgkahn said:
Will this fix the issue where my att version always shows 4g instead of 3g.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
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How to make reduce 4 dots for pattern lock to 3 dots required as minimium to unlock.

4 dots are minimium to use for pattern lock. I want to reduce it to 3 or even 2. Not talking about 3x3 pattern grid but the number of dots used to unlock.
Sent from my Moto G using xda app-developers app
jatanshah said:
4 dots are minimium to use for pattern lock. I want to reduce it to 3 or even 2. Not talking about 3x3 pattern grid but the number of dots used to unlock.
Sent from my Moto G using xda app-developers app
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interesting idea.
I'll look at it and hopefully will find a solution
a small how-to
.line 279
invoke-interface {p1}, Ljava/util/List;->size()I
move-result v8
const/4 v9, 0x4
if-lt v8, v9, :cond_3
move v5, v6
where const/4 v9 sets minimum number of dots.
So, I changed it to 2.
And the same thing with Settings\smali\com\android\settings\ChooseLockPattern$ChooseLockPatternFragment$1.smali
.line 165
invoke-interface {p1}, Ljava/util/List;->size()I
move-result v0
const/4 v1, 0x4
if-ge v0, v1, :cond_5
Here is my modified Keyguard.apk and Settings.apk from 4.4.4 retail.en.US
Can u please give me for 4.4.2 as soon as possible
Thank u
G 2nd gen??
S0bes said:
a small how-to
.line 279
invoke-interface {p1}, Ljava/util/List;->size()I
move-result v8
const/4 v9, 0x4
if-lt v8, v9, :cond_3
move v5, v6
where const/4 v9 sets minimum number of dots.
So, I changed it to 2.
And the same thing with Settings\smali\com\android\settings\ChooseLockPattern$ChooseLockPatternFragment$1.smali
.line 165
invoke-interface {p1}, Ljava/util/List;->size()I
move-result v0
const/4 v1, 0x4
if-ge v0, v1, :cond_5
Here is my modified Keyguard.apk and Settings.apk from 4.4.4 retail.en.US
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will this same thing work on moto g 2nd gen xt 1068 running stock 4.4.4 retaildsdsallen?
Harsh.gundecha said:
will this same thing work on moto g 2nd gen xt 1068 running stock 4.4.4 retaildsdsallen?
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only if you'll edit your files. btw no need for keyguard.apk. you should edit only settings.apk.
if you take my .apk file from moto G 1st gen 90% that you will see settings FC
S0bes said:
only if you'll edit your files. btw no need for keyguard.apk. you should edit only settings.apk.
if you take my .apk file from moto G 1st gen 90% that you will see settings FC
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1) i also assumed that putting the apk would not work and that's why i didn't even tries that way of doing it.
so now i will have to do it manually (of course with YOUR help).
2) here by info. that i have what i mean by smali is that classes.dex file(correct me if i am wrong) and FYI let me tell you that there's no "Settings\smali\com\android" instead i have google folder in place of android folder.
i hope we will be still do it anyhow.
sorry as my 8 thanks of today are over will thank you later ☺
my bad, got till the code and also to the 165th line now just please help me to clearly understand what i exactly need to change? and also let me know that the code above is ORIGINAL or MODIFIED ??
below is code of settings apk in case you need a look ☺
.line 165
invoke-interface {p1}, Ljava/util/List;->size()I
move-result v0
const/4 v1, 0x4
if-ge v0, v1, :cond_5f
Harsh.gundecha said:
1) i also assumed that putting the apk would not work and that's why i didn't even tries that way of doing it.
so now i will have to do it manually (of course with YOUR help).
2) here by info. that i have what i mean by smali is that classes.dex file(correct me if i am wrong) and FYI let me tell you that there's no "Settings\smali\com\android" instead i have google folder in place of android folder.
i hope we will be still do it anyhow.
sorry as my 8 thanks of today are over will thank you later ☺
my bad, got till the code and also to the 165th line now just please help me to clearly understand what i exactly need to change? and also let me know that the code above is ORIGINAL or MODIFIED ??
below is code of settings apk in case you need a look ☺
.line 165
invoke-interface {p1}, Ljava/util/List;->size()I
move-result v0
const/4 v1, 0x4
if-ge v0, v1, :cond_5f
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Change 0x4 to 0x1
S0bes said:
Change 0x4 to 0x1
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@S0bes & @jatanshah
thanks man you made my day
gonna try it and will let you know later
Thanks once again to you and also to the one who asked this question
I have Galaxy S3 mini i8200N. How can i do this? What tools i need and that stuff? Thank You!
I have APK Studio but in my SecSettings.apk (theres no Settings.apk on my phone) i can't find smali. I tried Your Settings.apk and smali is there. How can i do it then? Thank You!
iMessa said:
I have APK Studio but in my SecSettings.apk (theres no Settings.apk on my phone) i can't find smali. I tried Your Settings.apk and smali is there. How can i do it then? Thank You!
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smali - app is deodexed
no smali - there's an .odex file of .apk should be
to get smali folder inside apk you should deodex it. there're a lot of guides for different android versions available on xda
S0bes said:
smali - app is deodexed
no smali - there's an .odex file of .apk should be
to get smali folder inside apk you should deodex it. there're a lot of guides for different android versions available on xda
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So i should deodex .apk, edit it and then install it?
Edit: When i try to deodex with Quick Deodex Tool it says "Framework not found" and framework is there i pasted it from phone.
When i use Universal Deodexer V5, everything is done but finished app is same like original (no smali) and log says:
Everything is Ok
1 file(s) copied.
================COMPLETED DEODEXING===============
===================DEODEXED 1 of 1===============
Done checking 100%
FAILED : SecSettings.apk
I did it with Ultimate Deodexer but i don't have line 165. I edited 187 coz it looks like yours but still asks for minimal 4 dots..What should i do? I need this very bad.
S0bes said:
smali - app is deodexed
no smali - there's an .odex file of .apk should be
to get smali folder inside apk you should deodex it. there're a lot of guides for different android versions available on xda
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It still requires 4 dots to be joined any idea why?
do i have to clear cache or edit odex file?
Harsh.gundecha said:
It still requires 4 dots to be joined any idea why?
do i have to clear cache or edit odex file?
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1)if your firmware is odexed then you have to replace odexed .apk with deodexed one and delete standalone .odex file from this folder (or even completely delete arm folder if you're on LL)
may be you should clear dalvik cache as well.
2)if you've completely deodexed your firmware and all apk and jar files on your phone have .dex file inside you should delete all standalone odex files from entire system. It means that you should delete .odex files from each folder inside /system/app and /system/priv-app/ and also delete boot.oat and boot.(forgot how to name it may be boot.art) from /system/framework or system/framework/arm because .oat file consist of .dex files.
if it still requires 4 dots, then pull out settings.apk from the phone and decompile it so you will see if the changes that you've made are still here cause may be you did smth wrong when you were building modified .apk file
S0bes said:
1)if your firmware is odexed then you have to replace odexed .apk with deodexed one and delete standalone .odex file from this folder (or even completely delete arm folder if you're on LL)
may be you should clear dalvik cache as well.
2)if you've completely deodexed your firmware and all apk and jar files on your phone have .dex file inside you should delete all standalone odex files from entire system. It means that you should delete .odex files from each folder inside /system/app and /system/priv-app/ and also delete boot.oat and boot.(forgot how to name it may be boot.art) from /system/framework or system/framework/arm because .oat file consist of .dex files.
if it still requires 4 dots, then pull out settings.apk from the phone and decompile it so you will see if the changes that you've made are still here cause may be you did smth wrong when you were building modified .apk file
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i am on stock kk and as there also exists .odex files for all system apps so i guess its odexed (its moto g2 xt1068) stock ROM??(correct me if i am wrong)
so does it mean i will have to do all this deleting odex and some cleanup from system??
sorry if such noobish question irritates. xd
Harsh.gundecha said:
i am on stock kk and as there also exists .odex files for all system apps so i guess its odexed (its moto g2 xt1068) stock ROM??(correct me if i am wrong)
so does it mean i will have to do all this deleting odex and some cleanup from system??
sorry if such noobish question irritates. xd
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yep, your rom is odexed and all you need is to delete settings.odex, replace settings.apk with modified !deodexed! one and may be clear dalvik cache (also set perm-s to the file after replacing).
if still system requires 4 dots then pull out your settings.apk, decompile it and share
Can confirm that this still works on 5.1.1 Lollipop.
Tried this on Note 5 and it works.:good:

