Carbon for Twitter finally released - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Twitter users on Android have been waiting for this day for a long time now but it’s finally here. After being teased for almost a year, the developers of Carbon have finally released the Twitter client on the Play Store.
The app was shown off on Twitter last year and then an early alpha was released for a few users. After that the app was delayed indefinitely because the developers could not release it as a paid app on Play Store as it wasn’t supported in their region. After that it was announced that the app would be released as a free app but even that got postponed indefinitely.
So now, several months after all that happened and people almost forgot about the app, the developers released it on the Play Store. It’s free, just as they promised, and does not contain any kind of advertisements or revenue model within the app.
Some of the features in this v1.1.3 include:
Tilt Timeline to Refresh
Power Scroll: Scroll/Swipe up or down using Two fingers to jump to top or bottom of Timelines
Tap+Hold on Tweets to make everything clickable right on the Timeline
QuickTimeline, home screen quick Timeline for Lists, Searches, Trends, etc…
Rich Timelines with full inline images and videos
Rich and HD style for User Profiles
Rich and fun Conversation View
Threaded Direct Messages
Background updates with quick actions for Jelly Bean, per account
Username Autocomplete
Filters for Hashtags, Users, and Keywords
To download Carbon for Twitter, click on the link below.


Twitter Live Tile alerts! Yussss!

The Beezz Twitter app now caters for push notifications of Twitter updates direct to its live tile. Now you can pop its tile right up there on your start screen alongside your email and SMS tiles.
Now we just need the Facebook app to catch up.
I think its going to be a long time before we get a Facebook app that we are all happy with, if it ever happens at all!
The people at Facebook seem to concentrate their efforts on the IPhone with other platforms lagging behind. My previous device was a Sony Xperia X10, Facebook updated the app a number of times but it was always lagging behind the IPhone version, lacking Places and Chat....
drsqueggy said:
I think its going to be a long time before we get a Facebook app that we are all happy with, if it ever happens at all!
The people at Facebook seem to concentrate their efforts on the IPhone with other platforms lagging behind. My previous device was a Sony Xperia X10, Facebook updated the app a number of times but it was always lagging behind the IPhone version, lacking Places and Chat....
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The annoying things about the Facebook app are...
When you get a notification that someone has commented on your status, you can't tap the word "status" to get to their comments!
There's no way to get any requests except friend requests. So if anyone sends you a request which is an event invite, you can't see it!
Friends' birthdays are a bit buried
Upcoming events list includes all the events you've said you're not attending, and you can't sift the ones you ARE attending from the ones you're not!
The problem is facebook have never sold to MS just imagine what they would of done had they not been so desporate to keep control. Though i say fair play to them for that.
I have also noticed every time i see mark zuckerburg he has a mac so i suspect some brand love.
drsqueggy said:
I think its going to be a long time before we get a Facebook app that we are all happy with, if it ever happens at all!
The people at Facebook seem to concentrate their efforts on the IPhone with other platforms lagging behind. My previous device was a Sony Xperia X10, Facebook updated the app a number of times but it was always lagging behind the IPhone version, lacking Places and Chat....
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The explained the android version...
...They had 1 guy working on it and Google decided to hire him, leaving them with nobody.
haha yeah, i heard that too. the android facebook app compared to iOS is really, really bad. looking forward to a wp7 app that starts in under 10 seconds though
just so people are aware, MS actually made the Facebook app, not Facebook themselves. But I believe there is more to come for Windows Phone 7 in terms of Facebook... I read an article a couple of weeks back but i can't seem to find it anymore to provide as a source.
How did this turn into a thread about Facebook when it's about a Twitter app?
Good find on this app OP, I'm going to check it out. The regular Twitter app isn't bad but the lack of notifications does bother me.

Birdsong Twitter App

y'all need to get birdsong for wp7. This is definitely the most complete twitter app to date.
1. Cache's your timeline so jumping back into twitter is quick.
2. Opens links in its own dedicated browser, so getting back into the app by pressing the back button is instant. The browser is nice, supports pinch to zoom, smooth scrolling, like IE without the address bar. You can open in IE as well but all links I have tested have worked very well.
3. Integrated twit pics, opens them right up in the app.
4. landscape support
5. threaded messaging, which can be useful if you carry on convo's on twitter.
6. Posting pics is as easy as starting a tweet then clicking on the camera soft button at the bottom. Pops it right in very quickly.
So far the only drawback I have heard of is that it doesn't geotag your pics/tweets, but I've never used that anyways. From what I've heard, great way for creeps to be able to know where you are (and where you aren't).
Great video here:
I think beezz and seismic might be going away from my phone.
edit: found a little trick if you are towards the bottom of your timeline, tapping "home" at the top ("home" Mentions" "Messages"), brings you back to the top.
just downloaded this app, very nice,
I wish we had a twitter app for wp7 that would remember your place on the timeline, the good ones for iphone and android have that option
for example, if I don't check twitter for a day, when I check it I have 100+ new tweets, but the app starts at the top, with the newest tweet, and the only way to read them in order from oldest to newest is to guess where the spot is and scroll down down down
btw if you hit "home" it will take you to the top of the timeline
jmerrey said:
just downloaded this app, very nice,
I wish we had a twitter app for wp7 that would remember your place on the timeline, the good ones for iphone and android have that option
for example, if I don't check twitter for a day, when I check it I have 100+ new tweets, but the app starts at the top, with the newest tweet, and the only way to read them in order from oldest to newest is to guess where the spot is and scroll down down down
btw if you hit "home" it will take you to the top of the timeline
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yeah, I just added that to my first post.
I've complained about the timeline thing for a while now. I don't think any of the winmo twitter apps did that as well. Now it just needs live tile integration.
I prefer original Twitter. Has everything needed and actually shows more on screen at once.
It's a nice twitter app and I bought it but list scrolling performance can get really bad at times but it's still better than the others I've tried so far.
doministry said:
I prefer original Twitter. Has everything needed and actually shows more on screen at once.
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Prefer the original too, plus it's confirmed to be working very fast with the upcoming WP7 update.
Peew971 said:
Prefer the original too, plus it's confirmed to be working very fast with the upcoming WP7 update.
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Nice to know!
If you must get Birdsong, it got a temporary massive cut price (£0.79 in the UK). I got it as an alternative to the official app just because their next update will include notifications but Twitter remains my favourite so far.
PS: moTweets is out and rubbish. Too bad, that was my favourite twitter app on winmo.
jmerrey said:
I wish we had a twitter app for wp7 that would remember your place on the timeline, the good ones for iphone and android have that option
for example, if I don't check twitter for a day, when I check it I have 100+ new tweets, but the app starts at the top, with the newest tweet, and the only way to read them in order from oldest to newest is to guess where the spot is and scroll down down down
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rowi does that. Try rowi, it's an awesome, no-frills Twitter app that just gets straight to the point with a pure Metro UI.
Tried Birdsong, and while it certainly has potential, its very slow to load tweets into the timeline, performance can dive sometimes for no reason, and that timeline counter along the top of the screen just looks really out of place and doesn't match the interface or the Metro UI.
I really wish they'd fix the official Twitter application. It definitely has potential to be awesome as well. Till then, rowi is my Twitter application.
Peew971 said:
PS: moTweets is out and rubbish. Too bad, that was my favourite twitter app on winmo.
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Yeah, I loved moTweets on WinMo. Just checked it out here, and its terrible and ugly. It's got some good ideas and potential, but my god it looks like they tried to bring the WinMo look to WP7, which means they have totally missed the point of WP7 and Metro.
It'll be Beezz for me until any of the other clients get push live tile updates. At that time, I'll rate the features and compare.
thesecondsfade said:
It'll be Beezz for me until any of the other clients get push live tile updates. At that time, I'll rate the features and compare.
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Beezz's live tile updates don't work, nor does its toast notifications.
Jim Coleman said:
Beezz's live tile updates don't work, nor does its toast notifications.
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It works for me. It sometimes stops working, but if you just log out and log back in it starts working again.
The only good WP7 apps that exist are:
1. Games
2. Apps that do not require vertical list scrolling
List scrolling is so bad, that I think WP7 devices should come with Epilepsy warnings. That's how bad it is.
Lists stall, jump, you end up selecting items you never wanted to select, etc.
Also, the Horizontal scrollign needs a threshold to trigger pane switches. If you tap up to scroll up a bit in a list and your finger moves from side to side, it can trigger horizontal pane switches and in some applications that means you lose your place in a list. That's terrible.
I brought BirdSong because it was cheap (0.99). Seesmic's UI is terrible. I don't want to have to tab an icon to go to Twitter. I want an option to take me there automatically. The official Twitter app has terrible performance and poor reaction to taps. Sometimes you have to tap on a link 3-4 times to get it to register - that may just be the application lagging like hell, though...
I prefer the Official App to BirdSong, but at the moment BirdSong outperforms it and is alreasy talking about adding Live Tiles in the next release. Facebook and twitter seem to be extremely slow adding features to their Official Apps unless you're talking about the iOS version.
I've already uninstalled 90% of the third party apps on my phone due to performing issues (list scrolling, painfully slow resuming, Live Tiles that don't work, Ads at the top of the screen - destroying the Metra Look and Feel of the App [And adds on the top on one screen, and on the bottom on the other to try to make you misclick them... i.e. AlphaJax]).
The Marketplace app freezes and crashes all the time, making you have to reboot the entire phone for it to work correctly.
The stock apps perform well, but that probably has a lot to do with Microsoft using Native Code Interop to maximize performance. Third Party applications 85% of the time have performance issues.
Oh, and Board Express... The slowest app I've ever used on any mobile platform. Wish I hadn't paid for that piece of ****.
But on topic... Yes, Birdsong is a good Twitter client. I think the Official Twitter client looks better, but the performance gains using birdsong (Raw Speed, Cached Tweets, Integrated browser so no constant resuming when viewing links, integrated picture viewer) far outweight the deficit.
N8ter said:
The only good WP7 apps that exist are:
1. Games
2. Apps that do not require vertical list scrolling
List scrolling is so bad, that I think WP7 devices should come with Epilepsy warnings. That's how bad it is.
Lists stall, jump, you end up selecting items you never wanted to select, etc.
Also, the Horizontal scrollign needs a threshold to trigger pane switches. If you tap up to scroll up a bit in a list and your finger moves from side to side, it can trigger horizontal pane switches and in some applications that means you lose your place in a list. That's terrible.
I brought BirdSong because it was cheap (0.99). Seesmic's UI is terrible. I don't want to have to tab an icon to go to Twitter. I want an option to take me there automatically. The official Twitter app has terrible performance and poor reaction to taps. Sometimes you have to tap on a link 3-4 times to get it to register - that may just be the application lagging like hell, though...
I prefer the Official App to BirdSong, but at the moment BirdSong outperforms it and is alreasy talking about adding Live Tiles in the next release. Facebook and twitter seem to be extremely slow adding features to their Official Apps unless you're talking about the iOS version.
I've already uninstalled 90% of the third party apps on my phone due to performing issues (list scrolling, painfully slow resuming, Live Tiles that don't work, Ads at the top of the screen - destroying the Metra Look and Feel of the App [And adds on the top on one screen, and on the bottom on the other to try to make you misclick them... i.e. AlphaJax]).
The Marketplace app freezes and crashes all the time, making you have to reboot the entire phone for it to work correctly.
The stock apps perform well, but that probably has a lot to do with Microsoft using Native Code Interop to maximize performance. Third Party applications 85% of the time have performance issues.
Oh, and Board Express... The slowest app I've ever used on any mobile platform. Wish I hadn't paid for that piece of ****.
But on topic... Yes, Birdsong is a good Twitter client. I think the Official Twitter client looks better, but the performance gains using birdsong (Raw Speed, Cached Tweets, Integrated browser so no constant resuming when viewing links, integrated picture viewer) far outweight the deficit.
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Why are you complaining about scrolling issues here on a Birdsong thread? I have a TMOUS HD7 and have not experienced 1 of the issues you're complaining about. Why don't you just sell your HD7 if you really believe there's nothing good about it other than games? iOS and Android have more games, much of the same games, etc.
Every time I see your username in a thread I'm prepared to read a bunch of complaining. How old are you?
I've bought the latest version from the market, enabled push & tile notification but nothing is working ... am I the only one ?
Read 'Hey Microsoft, what’s up with those Live Tiles?' here:
Sjuust said:
Read 'Hey Microsoft, what’s up with those Live Tiles?' here:
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Thx but I've alread read that article.. endpoints it's not my problem, beacuse other apps tiles are working... birdsong doesn't...
Prefer Motweets pro,I bought it when the price is low.I think it is the twitter app with most features currently.
However,got birdsong free trial in my device too,just seldom use it,because I can't see all the Nearby tweets or locating the people i following.
Furthermore,I found out that some major issues with all current twitter apps in the marketplace.
firstly,when exiting from the built-in browser will bring you into blank screen for at least 2 second.
second,it'll randomly crash, if you scroll through pages when it is loading app.
not sure why these problems occur,maybe it is due to the WP7 developer tool.
I use motweets, birdsong & tweetcaster.. but overall I prefer birdsong with motweets as #2
is there a fix already for birdsong crash when clicking links in mango b2?

Why are IM clients still terrible on WP7?

I thought Mango was suppose to bring full support for IM clients? Yet IM+ and WhatsApp are still awful. WhatsApp is such an incredible app on iOS and Android, using it on WP7 makes me cry literally on what monstrosity they've created. I get a toast notification for a new message, I click it and it takes a good 3-4 seconds for message window to open (why not instantly?) and it takes nearly 10-15 seconds for the new message to appear. It's the exact same behavior in IM+. It's very laggy and very choppy and a far cry from the general smoothness of Mango.
So can someone tell me why this is?
Developers are human beings prone to imperfection. Give it time, allow them to learn the ropes of this new platform and iron out the kinks.
The WhatsApp developers said they wanted the app to be available as soon as possible so they purposely made it barebones. They also promised several updates to make it on par with the other versions.
As for IM+ they haven't updated the app to Mango yet but it's coming.
Peew971 said:
The WhatsApp developers said they wanted the app to be available as soon as possible so they purposely made it barebones. They also promised several updates to make it on par with the other versions.
As for IM+ they haven't updated the app to Mango yet but it's coming.
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i'm staying on IM+ cos miyota's messenger suck. but the new versions of IM+ has no more messenger support, and i doubt future updates will have it any time soon
so it's actually quite irrelevant to me cos
1. i lose messenger functionality if i update it
2. it is still quite laggy if i don't
oh well...
blanket said:
i'm staying on IM+ cos miyota's messenger suck. but the new versions of IM+ has no more messenger support, and i doubt future updates will have it any time soon
so it's actually quite irrelevant to me cos
1. i lose messenger functionality if i update it
2. it is still quite laggy if i don't
oh well...
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Why the heck would you need any 3rd party app in order to use live messenger or facebook? oO
blanket said:
i'm staying on IM+ cos miyota's messenger suck. but the new versions of IM+ has no more messenger support, and i doubt future updates will have it any time soon
so it's actually quite irrelevant to me cos
1. i lose messenger functionality if i update it
2. it is still quite laggy if i don't
oh well...
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I (and others) updated twice and still haven't lost WLM. The way I understand it, as long as you update and don't reinstall it stays there. But just in case you're unlucky I'm not telling you to go ahead and do it
---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 PM ----------
dkp1977 said:
Why the heck would you need any 3rd party app in order to use live messenger or facebook? oO
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I actually like having dedicated apps for IM, same for twitter. The only app I've stopped using is facebook because the implementation is quite complete in WP7.
I would say it's probably down to UI for me, I find IM+ easier to manage than the built-in messaging for whatever reason (same for twitter) but they really need to upgrade it to Mango.
Everything has gone downhill in the application scene after the mango... Didn't they released the so called APIs? So where are the new applications which were not possible to make before? Since mango all we saw were updates for 'fast app switching' which btw is not fst at all... And than we saw saw a dozen applications to pin a settings tile on front page... And than it just died. No new apps, no new games, everything in MP just died and came to a stall.
So much so far for the hyped API release..
Sent from my OMNIA7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Agreed, the marketplace is depressing and the APIs were released ages ago.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Agreed. Not sure what more MS could do to entice developers. They will even write your code for you ffs. We need developers to show some initiative, or will we have to wait for Windows 8 & WP8 integration to get it?
Purple11 said:
Everything has gone downhill in the application scene after the mango... Didn't they released the so called APIs? So where are the new applications which were not possible to make before? Since mango all we saw were updates for 'fast app switching' which btw is not fst at all... And than we saw saw a dozen applications to pin a settings tile on front page... And than it just died. No new apps, no new games, everything in MP just died and came to a stall.
So much so far for the hyped API release..
Sent from my OMNIA7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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How much faster could the app switching be lol
I say give it some time. I am expecting we'll soon see apps like the announced Skype, Tango, Spotify apps etc. Mango hasn't even reached 100% roll out yet. Perhaps too they're waiting till the Gen 2 phones launch in the US.
Just within the last few days apps like LastFM, iHeartRadio, Tunein Radioa and Vevo got background audio streaming, pinnable stations and yes fast app switching So I think the pace is fine in terms of current apps getting updated. New apps will come soon.
This is going off-topic now, but I can probably guess at why developers have been slow with updating their apps for Mango.
When Microsoft released the Mango tools, they told us (the developers) that once we updated our apps to Mango, then we wouldn't be able to update our NoDo apps. They changed that, but quite close to Mango release so there wasn't all that much time to get on and update.
It also takes time for developers to actually implement the new features and APIs into their programs.
Does the built-in live messenger functionalityi n the WP7 messaging app support "see when they are typing" yet? You know, the "..." visual that tells you the other person is typing a message? That's kind of the whole point of messaging over data rather than texting (like BBM and iMessage).
@Casey_boy that explains the slow pace of updates but not the lack of new apps.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
dkp1977 said:
Why the heck would you need any 3rd party app in order to use live messenger or facebook? oO
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This is why the heck...firstly, I'm using my outlook account which tied to Australia region for my main account. While,my main account which is the one with all my messenger buddy is tied to my US. Therefore, I can't use the outlook account for messenger. And I even tried the following steps:
1)my main account is created few years ago, and it is tied to US. However, until now I still unable to change the live ID or merge with my current Australia account.
2)M$ don't support messenger for secondary windows live account.
3)tried to move all my active messenger buddy to outlook account,but M$ don't allow me to use live messenger on this outlook account. It keep showing error and need me the fix the password.
4)not willing to create a new live messenger account as I have spent around 30dollars on apps.
Peew971 said:
@Casey_boy that explains the slow pace of updates but not the lack of new apps.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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This ..
And lets not forget Mango has been available to developers for months now.. I think like 3 months already.
madmaximillian said:
Does the built-in live messenger functionalityi n the WP7 messaging app support "see when they are typing" yet? You know, the "..." visual that tells you the other person is typing a message? That's kind of the whole point of messaging over data rather than texting (like BBM and iMessage).
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It dosent have that functionality..
Peew971 said:
@Casey_boy that explains the slow pace of updates but not the lack of new apps.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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What lack of new apps? We're at 33k
madmaximillian said:
Does the built-in live messenger functionalityi n the WP7 messaging app support "see when they are typing" yet? You know, the "..." visual that tells you the other person is typing a message? That's kind of the whole point of messaging over data rather than texting (like BBM and iMessage).
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For most people the point of instant messaging is simply that it doesn't use text/ sms messages, it uses your data plan.
PG2G said:
What lack of new apps? We're at 33k
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your 'we have 33k app' rebuttal is like a toddler saying 'what game? i have rusty's poop to play with'..
here is my penny to keep you thinking and demand quality:
sms scheduler to automatically fire up and send sms on particular day and time.
call sms blocker.
dedicated agenda and appointment app. Pocket Informant.
a wallet app. code wallet pro.
last decent game which i didnt finish in a day was released on 5/18/11: plant vs zombies.
audio recorder to record incoming and outgoing calls automatically. resco audio recorder.
data monitor which records all ur wifi and data connection and gives a monthly/weekly/daily/yearly view. spb data monitor.
an app to collect total call duration peak/offpeak/weekends to warn when reaching calling plan limit. phone dashboard.
Most of what you just listed isn't possible with the Mango APIs
PG2G said:
Most of what you just listed isn't possible with the Mango APIs
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ya than stfu and dont tell people to look at your 33k apps.
apps after mango, apps after mango, microsoft will release APIs after mngo.. everyone had hopes on mango.. and now i dont know what APIs did they release.. because everytime i ask for any app i know the other person will come up with the same old 'oh thats not possible because MS didnt release that API..' bullshi*.
according to you the only apps developer can make with present API is to pin a tile and another RSS reader, combine it with flaslite and tip calculator and we have your 33K app you mentioned.

Twitter mobile rendering broken again?

Just visited and realized the rendering at the twitter mobile site is bad again. Anyone with the same experience or just me?
Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express
It was on me a few days ago, it was living in the 90's lol.
Cant believe I used the mobile twitter just to see pictures, until I bought Carbon.
Also I wonder if twitter has a touch friendly website.
I wonder when Twitter will release a decent app for Windows Phone. iOS and Android users have push and the most basic and important features. Us WP7 people don't even have a live tile or notifications. It's the official Twitter App. They should have some respect for us the users.
Sent from my LG-C900 using Board Express
4ny0n3 said:
I wonder when Twitter will release a decent app for Windows Phone. iOS and Android users have push and the most basic and important features. Us WP7 people don't even have a live tile or notifications. It's the official Twitter App. They should have some respect for us the users.
Sent from my LG-C900 using Board Express
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I agree with this, although Microsoft and Twitter (and also Facebook) should all do something.
The OS itself doesn't do native push notifications with facebook and twitter, with live tiles, these are just display feeds that refreshes about say 30minutes to 1hour.
Twitter does have an official app for WP7, but its laggy and feels like its using a lot of memory.
Facebook doesn't have an official app but the one from Microsoft is cool, they still should consider improving the app (like remove game requests and like comments) as a 3rd party application and leave the basic functions to the OS.
Back to topic, the twitter mobile site doesn't like IE9 very well.
Obviously none of you guys have tried the recent update to Rowi Twitter client. At the moment they update notifications every 2 or 3 mins & are going to bring instant updates in the near future. The app. feels almost native as its so fast & buttery smooth. It has all the functions I need in a Twitter client. It is also going to sync with Metrotwit desktop client in the very near future as well as add more features. If you haven't yet tried it I can recommend it & a free trial version is available on the Marketplace.
Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
I think most people are kinda miffed that it's the official apps that are lacking. Sure third party solutions are good and currently on WP7 clearly superior to the official ones (personally use mehdoh).
But twitter and facebook half arsing their apps just makes them seem to not to care.
They should know good apps are part of a good OS experience
Sent from my HTC HD7 using Board Express
shardnet said:
I think most people are kinda miffed that it's the official apps that are lacking. Sure third party solutions are good and currently on WP7 clearly superior to the official ones (personally use mehdoh).
But twitter and facebook half arsing their apps just makes them seem to not to care.
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Some examples:
4th & Mayor > foursquare
YouTube Pro > YouTube (the microsoft app which is just a shortcut to the website)
Although I do like having the MSN emoticons and emojis integrated in Windows Phone.

Flipboard Officially Released [Out of Beta]
Popular newsreader Flipboard is finally officially available on Android, coming out of beta and Galaxy S III exclusivity. As seen in the latest test version, it now supports integration of shared articles from your Google+ feed alongside Twitter and Facebook feeds, and has also added support for YouTube video feeds (all of these are now available on iOS as well). Beyond the Google Play app market, it's also available in the Amazon Appstore, Nook Store and Samsung Apps, so slinging the APK to your Android device of choice should be too difficult.
We gave the final release edition a quick run through ourselves and found it just as smooth on a Samsung Galaxy S II as it has been on any iPhone or iPad, and being ICS-ready out of the gate is a nice touch, although we couldn't force it to switch to landscape viewing. Another handy toggle is the option to go full screen with no menu bar up top, if you need a few extra pixels on your display (optimized for screens up to 7-inches in size). Article sharing is also here and like other Android apps, shares to any services you have installed, not just Twitter or Facebook. The final update is news that Flipboard is launching fully localized editions for Germany, Korea, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands, in addition to the existing localizations for Japan, France, China, United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. All of the details are in the press release after the break, or you can check out pretty much any app store to give it a try yourself.
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Official Source:
Download Link:
3 dot menu seems to be gone.
(I am on stock unrooted)
As in no ugly bar below but well integrated in.
Very-very good app. I am impressed
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Thank you for your sharing!

