[Q] Help with multi-lang for miui 3.2.8 - T-Mobile, Samsung Galaxy SIII

I installed miui rom 3.2.8 and everything worked well! and I tried to install language pack (multi-lang form miuiandroid.com)
to get Hebrew language but I did not get Hebrew.
In fact there were only 4 languages: ​​English - U.S. , English - UK, and two Chinese languages​​.
Was only after I installed "more local2" I saw a few other languages ​​but I had no Hebrew.
So I want to ask if anyone knows, how can I get Hebrew Language for this rom?


Frensh dictionary & arabic language

I installed WM6 English version, but how can I installed support for the Arabic language, and especially how to install the dictionary in French.
Thank you very much;
For Arabic support, i'm using the Imaginet Arabicsuite

[Q] HTC Wildfire S Portuguese ROM

I all
I have a htc wildfire S "Europe" but in languages isn't available the portuguese portugal language is there a way to update the rom with portuguese language
best regards
I had the same problem, just purchased one and wanted to use my mothertongue ...
The Italian Lang was on the device, I checked the ROM installed and it was a generic EU. However it was not visible in the selection of the languages.
The language selection shows on this firmware ONLY the languages for the country where the SIM card belongs to. I installed in an Italian sim card and the phone magically switched on ITA (after prompting, sim card changed etc etc)
No need for languange packs, however I searched the internet and the market before getting to you. There are no language packs to change the os language in android. If the pack is installed in the rom it's ok otherwise there is nothing that can be installed via the market. Adding a language to the OS would require to ROOT into the device and write into /system folder (which is not possible on a STOCK image). Currently Android up to version 2.3 does not foresee any language pack addition, it is not a feature of the OS.
Change HTC Wildfire S language
Do you mean that my Wildfire S should propose more language when installing a SIM card from another country ?
Now it shows only English and Chinese.
Yes, it propose you the language according to your sim card.. put in a portuguese sim card
I have a similar problem.
I bought a phone and I don't know what is the rom, but I suspect it is Asian (although I bought it in England). When I try to change the language, only appears English and to Chinese or similar (I can't precise, because I don't understand it).
I tried to put the SIM, but still the same.
I contacted the HTC chat support, they told me to install an app from Android market, MoreLocale2, but nothing happened: always the same 3 idioms.
I'm looking for a way to put Portuguese, maybe replacing the rom or something.
If anyone could help, I would appreciate very much.
If you have European version, try to install an application from the market: MoreLocale2 and select Portuguese. Maybe you're luckier then me.
after install morelocale2 you have to go to morelocale2 and select portuguese, in "original phone configuration" it will keep the default but the phone wil switch to the language selected in morelocale2.
it work for me
There's no way to work with me...
There's still only English and Chinese.
morelocale2 worked perfect for me ;]
Worked for me too! Portuguese for HTC Buzz (Wildfire).
m.oliveira: installing morelocale2 won't get you portuguese on the htc available languages. They will remain chinese and english.
But after installing morelocale2, click on morelocale2 icon and select portuguese.
After that all will be changed to portuguese, in spite of in the system language the available options remain chinese and portuguese.
It won't change available languages on the languages list, the new available languages will only appear on morelocale2 app!
Try this and let us know!

Language support in MIUI

I have been trying MIUI for the first time and I must say it's an absolutely wonderful rom.
I was thinking about the native language support though. I know it's built by a bunch of Chinese people in Chinese language and then translated to English, German etc. But since it is based on CyanogenMod which have built in language for Swedish, Danish, German and so on why isn't that kept in the MIUI builds?
I want to flash this amazing ROM, my question is can I use multilanguage keyboard with MIUI?


i just installed the RemPuzzleRom and i have problem with hebrew language, the rom doesn't support this language at all, all i see is squares and this is despite the fact that there is an option for hebrew language in language settings...
maybe someone has a solution for this.
P.S i cant post on the rom page because i just registered

[Q] HTC Chinese Language Pack

Hi, I just flashed the Blade v4.7 ROM.
However, I found-out that the Chinese language pack is not included in the ROM and now my phone could not display any chinese characters.
Any ideas I could flash this language back into my phone?

