[Q] Phone rebooting AFTER random button presses - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

My phone started restarting constantly today in apps. It was always after I clicked a button to do something.
I restored factory defaults and tried to do setup but even during setup random buttons will freeze the UI then reboot the phone.
I followed this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1626895 and completely reflashed the phone and it still does the same thing. Randomly one of the first couple button presses (like hitting next or sign in on gmail, or opening the gmail browser menu) will freeze the UI and reboot the phone.
What steps should I go forward with to attempt to fix this? Can I somehow get logcat to work from bootloader so I can see what's going on?

Record a logcat via from boot until the crashes happen.

063_XOBX said:
Record a logcat via from boot until the crashes happen.
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[Edit] Thanks, trying to figure out how to get USB debugging working for adb now.

picklefish said:
[Edit] Thanks, trying to figure out how to get USB debugging working for adb now.
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Click to collapse
I can't seem to get adb working on the SETUP front page. Is there some way to enable USB Debugging via a flash or root from recovery so that I can logcat?
My attempt to get USB debugging enabled from recovery.... I still just get a black screen on launch after doing all of this. I'm guessing I'm missing another setting somewhere...
following this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13326806/enable-usb-debugging-through-clockworkmod-with-adb
Installed clockworkmod recovery
Section: Installing recovery using fastboot
With CWM installed I could then adb in. (I mounted system and data in the recovery menu)
updated build.prop
> adb pull /system/build.prop build.prop
open build.prop in notepad++ and add "persist.service.adb.enable=1" (without quotes)
> adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
then edited adb_enabled to 1 in settings db
> adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
> adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
following this guide if you need help editing settings.db
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=774507 (i would use this sqlliteadmin though http://sqliteadmin.orbmu2k.de/ but replace the dll following this stack overflow top answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9991162/viewing-dumping-encrypt-android-sms-database)
[EDIT 2]
I ended up just installing Cyanogen to see if it crashes on that. I am logcating it since it has USB logging on by default apparently.
[EDIT 3]
So this reboot even happens in cyanogenmod. I managed to get to USB Debugging checkbox, but when the popup showed up it froze and crashed It only happens if i click on buttons in the ui. If i never click anything (just swipe around the desktop) it will never reboot. This is so weird. as long as I don't press any UI buttons it won't reboot. I wish I could get logcat to work.
[EDIT 4]
Here's a logcat right before it crashed. I can attach the whole thing but I am not sure if there are any serial numbers in it or not that I would need to sanitize.
W/ActivityManager( 313): Permission denied: checkComponentPermission() owningUid=1000
W/BroadcastQueue( 313): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE_OPTIONS flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider (has extras) } from android (pid=550, uid=10045) is not exported from uid 1000 due to receiver com.android.settings/com.android.settings.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider
I/HeadsetService( 776): Headset=false; Bluetooth=false
I/HeadsetService( 776): Selected configuration: speaker
D/EventHub( 313): No input device configuration file found for device 'sec_jack'.
I/EventHub( 313): New device: id=12, fd=230, path='/dev/input/event6', name='sec_jack', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/sec_jack.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/sec_jack.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=true, usingClockIoctl=false
I/InputReader( 313): Device added: id=12, name='sec_jack', sources=0x00000101
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SWITCH_STATE=1, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/h2w, SEQNUM=4580, ACTION=change, SWITCH_NAME=h2w, SWITCH_TIME=102717987063}
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): updateState name: h2w state 1
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): updateState switchState: 1
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): newState = 1, headsetState = 1,mHeadsetState = 0
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): device h2w connected
I/HeadsetService( 776): Headset=true; Bluetooth=false
I/HeadsetService( 776): Selected configuration: headset
D/PhoneStatusBar( 401): disable: < expand icons alerts TICKER* system_info back home recent clock >
W/InputMethodManagerService( 313): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected] attribute=null
D/PhoneStatusBar( 401): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker* system_info back home recent clock >
W/ThrottleService( 313): unable to find stats for iface rmnet0
I/ActivityManager( 313): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.mms/.ui.ConversationList bnds=[428,1040][565,1168] u=0} from pid 550
I/EventHub( 313): Removing device sec_jack due to epoll hang-up event.
I/EventHub( 313): Removed device: path=/dev/input/event6 name=sec_jack id=12 fd=230 classes=0x1
D/dalvikvm( 313): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 946K, 39% free 7497K/12288K, paused 52ms, total 52ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 313): Grow heap (frag case) to 16.786MB for 380496-byte allocation
I/InputReader( 313): Device removed: id=12, name='sec_jack', sources=0x00000101
I/EventHub( 313): Removing device '/dev/input/event6' due to inotify event
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SWITCH_STATE=0, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/h2w, SEQNUM=4835, ACTION=change, SWITCH_NAME=h2w, SWITCH_TIME=106985137942}
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): updateState name: h2w state 0
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): updateState switchState: 0
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): newState = 0, headsetState = 0,mHeadsetState = 1
V/WiredAccessoryObserver( 313): device h2w disconnected
I/HeadsetService( 776): Headset=true; Bluetooth=false
D/libEGL ( 891): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 891): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 891): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/OpenGLRenderer( 891): Enabling debug mode 0
I/ActivityManager( 313): Displayed com.android.mms/.ui.ConversationList: +452ms
I/HeadsetService( 776): Headset=false; Bluetooth=false
I/HeadsetService( 776): Selected configuration: speaker
I/ActivityManager( 313): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/.Launcher u=0} from pid 313
D/dalvikvm( 313): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1000K, 39% free 8502K/13763K, paused 3ms+12ms, total 95ms

Is there anything left I can do to track down this problem before I go out and buy a new phone? I have several logs now but nothing in common at the point of the crash. I imagine the error isn't even making it to logcat. The fact that the reboot crash still occurs during cyanogen screams hardware problem. But what on earth kind of hardware problem only happens randomly when you open and close random apps or click on random app buttons?
Is there anything left I can do to track down this problem before giving up and buying a new phone?

Alas, I am giving up and going to buy a new phone. The phone is unusable because it reboots in about 4-5 app clicks. or going back to home screen. Sorry to anyone that comes along with this problem. I HAVE FAILED YOU.

One last question if anyone stops by. Is there anything else that could be corrupt that I can reinstall? I've completely cleared everything i can in CWM and reflashed the entire phone to factory settings. Is there anything I'm missing that could be corrupt that i could re-flash?

I have the same exact issue with my wife's GNex. It was unrooted when it began. I rooted it, installed CWM Touch recovery and Slimbean Rom but the exact same thing happens. Tapping home will crash the UI and reboot. Tapping any app to open will do the same. Has anyone else had this issue? Sorry to revive a dead thread, just trying to avoid buying a new phone.
---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 PM ----------
mantis92gsr said:
I have the same exact issue with my wife's GNex. It was unrooted when it began. I rooted it, installed CWM Touch recovery and Slimbean Rom but the exact same thing happens. Tapping home will crash the UI and reboot. Tapping any app to open will do the same. Has anyone else had this issue? Sorry to revive a dead thread, just trying to avoid buying a new phone.
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I also noticed something weird in the logcat
I/EventHub( 394): Removing device sec_jack due to epoll hang-up event.
I/EventHub( 394): Removed device: path=/dev/input/event6 name=sec_jack
What is an epoll hang-up event. Googling this part of my logcat led me to this thread, so I am assuming this error occurs in the OP's original logcat.


HTC Desire Wi-Fi Problem

Had a wi-fi problem on my htc desire for a while now..
One time I went to turn wi-fi on and it just said "Unable to start wi-fi". It had worked totally fine up until that point.
I've tried doing a factory reset, rooted, updated rom but it's still not working.
When the problem happened I had not rooted the phone or changed anything really.. it just happened.
In logcat it says:
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings bnds=[124,404][236,531] }
D/SettingsWifiEnabler( 548): Received wifi state changed from Enabling to Unknown
W/SyncAllWidget( 151): activeSynch is null false
I/ActivityManager( 79): Displayed activity com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings: 495 ms (total 495 ms)
I/WifiHW ( 79): wifi_load_driver enter
D/SettingsWifiEnabler( 548): Received wifi state changed from Unknown to Enabling
D/dalvikvm( 1805): GC freed 3806 objects / 257536 bytes in 97ms
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 79): onCellLocationChanged [1363,22890]
I/WifiHW ( 79): wifi_load_driver end error 2
E/WifiService( 79): Failed to load Wi-Fi driver.
D/SettingsWifiEnabler( 548): Received wifi state changed from Enabling to Unknown
Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?
Setting a static IP fixed it temporarily but now it doesn't work again.
I have the same problem, wait for a solution.
I also have the same problem
Can you post what rom and radio versions you are using?
Usually this happens because the driver cannot be loaded.
I use :
for radio :
for kernel: [email protected] #1
build: 2.09.405.8 CL218634
soft: LeeDroid_v1.8
I also try: Pays Desire Froyo Sense v1.9
Had the same problem. Wi-Fi starts fine, but if switched off, was unable to start again with the "Unable to start Wi-Fi" error.
Tried flashing different stock roms/radios, updating to Froyo, all sorts, in the end, I sent it back to HTC, they repaired it and I had it back within 4 days.
I just installed
RUU_Bravo_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.09.405.8_Radio_32.43.00.32U_5.09.00.20_release_140022_signed.exe and the wifi problem seems to be solved
dunno, if it really helps. but I had the same problem with all custom roms which used to have wifi-n support. at first, I tried anything starting with wiping, reinstalling and using roms without wifi-n. none of it really helped. but then I changed one single setting on my wifi access point and everthing worked fine with ANY rom and ANY kind of wifi-bandwith.
just a guess, but at least you could try setting your wireless-channel from fixed (mine was fixed to 5) to automatic. there should be an option within your wireless-config on your router called "enable auto channel scan" or something like that...
unless your router is not a really old or crappy one, this could be a solution
edit: PS. I used tested almost every custom rom out of this forum. ALL roms with wifi-n support had the same issues. even newest radio didnt help much. maybe there is something about wifi-n which causes these issues
After two days using "RUU_Bravo_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.09.405.8_Radio_32.43.00. 32U_5.09.00.20_release_140022_signed" rom, my wifi continue to work like a charm.

HTC Desire Wi-Fi Problem

Had a wi-fi problem on my htc desire for a while now..
One time I went to turn wi-fi on and it just said "Unable to start wi-fi". It had worked totally fine up until that point.
I've tried doing a factory reset, rooted, updated rom but it's still not working.
When the problem happened I had not rooted the phone or changed anything really.. it just happened.
In logcat it says:
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings bnds=[124,404][236,531] }
D/SettingsWifiEnabler( 548): Received wifi state changed from Enabling to Unknown
W/SyncAllWidget( 151): activeSynch is null false
I/ActivityManager( 79): Displayed activity com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings: 495 ms (total 495 ms)
I/WifiHW ( 79): wifi_load_driver enter
D/SettingsWifiEnabler( 548): Received wifi state changed from Unknown to Enabling
D/dalvikvm( 1805): GC freed 3806 objects / 257536 bytes in 97ms
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 79): onCellLocationChanged [1363,22890]
I/WifiHW ( 79): wifi_load_driver end error 2
E/WifiService( 79): Failed to load Wi-Fi driver.
D/SettingsWifiEnabler( 548): Received wifi state changed from Enabling to Unknown
Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?
Setting a static IP fixed it temporarily but now it doesn't work again.
same problem with my desire. I re-flash several ROM, but not change. May be the hardware fault. sadly
I have the same problem on Legend & it isn't rooted

[Q] No data connection with slimbean - closed

I have recently bought an Samsung Galaxy Nexus with SlimBean 4.2.2 installed by the previous owner. I tried switching on the data connection but I recieve no 3g signal. It worked on my previous android phone (so it shouldn't be a problem with the sim card). I am living in Europe (16GB version, yakju/maguro product name)
Using adb logcat I saw the following message when turning on the "data enabled" option.
D/GsmUmtsOptions( 646): preferenceTreeClick: return false
D/ConnectivityService( 440): setMobileDataEnabled(true)
W/BackupManagerService( 440): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=1001
When toggling the option "use only 2g networks", I see the following message (not sure the ConnectivityChange message is normal)
I/Use2GOnlyCheckBoxPreference( 646): set preferred network type=0
W/BackupManagerService( 440): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=1001
D/GsmUmtsOptions( 646): preferenceTreeClick: return true
I/Use2GOnlyCheckBoxPreference( 646): set preferred network type done
D/ConnectivityService( 440): ConnectivityChange for mobile: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
D/ConnectivityService( 440): Attempting to switch to WIFI
D/ConnectivityService( 440): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
D/ConnectivityService( 440): Attempting to switch to ETHERNET
Toggling airplane mode changes nothing.
In the status window, I see that I am disconnected from the mobile network (cf screenshot).
Is there issues known with the galaxy nexus ? Or with SlimBean ?
I started using the phone with a factory reset. I can install other ROM if needed but I would rather fix the problem on this one
Thank you
Edit: I installed CM10 instead and it works. So seems it was a problem with slimbean

[Q] Device Encryption on 4.4 Beta3

Has device encryption been tested in AOSPA's current iteration?
I attempted to encrypt my device, and after entering my PIN to begin the process, the background just changed to a crypto-themed Android guy, and never did anything else. The device never reboots, and the encryption process never begins.
I am able to home out of the Encryption app, and continue using the phone as usual.
I am seeing this in my logcat output:
E/Cryptfs ( 309): not running with encryption, aborting
I/ActivityManager( 900): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{41d45e98 u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeperConfirm$Blank t7} time:536543
E/Cryptfs ( 309): Cannot get size of block device
Same issue
I'm running 4.4 Beta 6 (Manta) and the encryption is not working for me either.
I plug in charger, get it started, the usually android robot appears, then the tablet reboots. Instead of then encrypting the device, it just reboots.

USB Connection Issues?

Hello all;
Recently developed an issue with my S9. It won't connect to the computer over USB!
Unrooted, stock Galaxy S9 Firmware (Pi) with May 2019 security Update installed
Tried 4 USB cables (Original, Aukey USB 3.1, brand new USB 2.0, and brand new USB 3.0)
Tried on two different computers and on Android Auto (2017 VW GTI)
Charges perfectly fine from any computer or charger with any cable
Occasionally connects perfectly fine and will stay connected until I unplug it on either Android Auto or PC, regardless of how I move the device around
When it's wanting to connect, I can also unplug it at the phone end and plug it back in and it works fine.
No apparent correlation with 'how' I plug it in or hold the cable or temperature of the room I'm testing it in.
Connects more often to Windows 10 PC than to Android Auto
Occasionally, switching USB port on computer will make it work without replacing the plug on the phone end
On computer, will often 'Beep-beep' to indicate it connected, but doesn't show up in device manager and ADB won't detect it
When not connected, doesn't show up in ADB or Device manager
When it almost-connects on the computer, it will pop up the 'USB settings' notification and permissions dialogue, but then that disappears
Tried a full reset FROM the Settings menu.
Tried clearing cache
Carefully cleaned the USB C port on the phone with canned air and a soft plastic toothpick- didn't seem very dirty
Looking at Logcat files, I see that it starts to connect and then fail out
Other android phones and iphone work fine on Android Auto and on both computers
Any ideas? Is this most likely a hardware issue? (What Samsung support thinks)
Or is there a deeper hard reset/restore I can do? I tried a factory reset from the recovery menu but that failed saying that it had to be done from inside the OS. (New Pie security feature?)
Here's what I believe to be the relevant logcat file from connection to failure.
06-05 20:51:08.329 I/[email protected]( 725): partner added
06-05 20:51:08.331 I/[email protected]( 725): uevent received DEVTYPE=typec_partner
06-05 20:51:08.332 I/[email protected]( 725): port0
06-05 20:51:08.335 I/[email protected]( 725): connected:1 canChangeMode:1 canChagedata:0 canChangePower:0
06-05 20:51:08.335 I/UsbPortManager( 1477): ClientCallback: port0
06-05 20:51:08.343 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): addOrUpdatePortLocked()++ : portId=port0, supportedModes=dual, currentMode=ufp, canChangeMode=true, currentPowerRole=sink, canChangePowerRole=false, currentDataRole=device, canChangeDataRole=false
06-05 20:51:08.343 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): addOrUpdatePortLocked() supportedRoleCombinations=272
06-05 20:51:08.344 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): addOrUpdatePortLocked() supportedModes=dual
06-05 20:51:08.344 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): addOrUpdatePortLocked() mPorts DISPOSITION_REMOVED -> DISPOSITION_CHANGED
06-05 20:51:08.344 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): addOrUpdatePortLocked()--
06-05 20:51:08.344 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): mPorts size: 1
06-05 20:51:08.344 I/UsbPortManager( 1477): USB port changed: port=UsbPort{id=port0, supportedModes=dual}, status=UsbPortStatus{connected=true, currentMode=ufp, currentPowerRole=sink, currentDataRole=device, supportedRoleCombinations=[source:host, sink:device]}, canChangeMode=true, canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false
06-05 20:51:08.345 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): mPorts(0) DISPOSITION_CHANGED -> DISPOSITION_READY
06-05 20:51:08.345 D/UsbPortManager( 1477): updatePortsLocked()--
06-05 20:51:08.348 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): received ACTION_USB_PORT_CHANGED
06-05 20:51:08.348 I/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): updateHostState UsbPort{id=port0, supportedModes=dual} status=UsbPortStatus{connected=true, currentMode=ufp, currentPowerRole=sink, currentDataRole=device, supportedRoleCombinations=[source:host, sink:device]}
06-05 20:51:08.358 E/BartenderActivityManager( 1477): BarTender: pid : 20445 cached=true abnormal=false kill=false stay=false release=false
06-05 20:51:08.361 E/BartenderActivityManager( 1477): BarTender: pid : 18831 cached=true abnormal=false kill=false stay=false release=false
06-05 20:51:08.362 E/BartenderActivityManager( 1477): BarTender: pid : 20756 cached=true abnormal=false kill=false stay=false release=false
06-05 20:51:08.404 V/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): USB UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=android_usb, SEQNUM=6847, ACTION=change, USB_STATE=CONNECTED, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0}
06-05 20:51:08.405 I/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): updateState CONNECTED
06-05 20:51:08.405 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_STATE connected = 1,configured = 0 mCurrentFunctions mtp
06-05 20:51:08.405 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): updateUsbNotification(false) : mConnected = true, mConfigured = false, mCurrentFunctions = 4, mHostConnected = false, mSourcePower = false
06-05 20:51:08.406 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): id=27, mUsbNotificationId=0, titleRes=17042083
06-05 20:51:08.411 D/ApplicationPolicy( 1477): isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = android,userId = -1
06-05 20:51:08.411 D/API test( 1477): getContainerInfo: value is
06-05 20:51:08.411 D/ApplicationPolicy( 1477): isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = android,userId = 0
06-05 20:51:08.412 D/API test( 1477): getContainerInfo: value is
06-05 20:51:08.415 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): updateUsbNotification : notify id = 27, title = USB for file transfer
06-05 20:51:08.415 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): updateUsbStateBroadcastIfNeeded functions 5
06-05 20:51:08.415 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): updateUsbStateBroadcastIfNeeded remainingFunctions 5
06-05 20:51:08.416 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): broadcasting Intent { act=android.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE flg=0x31000000 (has extras) } extras: Bundle[{host_connected=false, connected=true, unlocked=true, config_changed=false, adb=true, mtp=true, configured=false}]
06-05 20:51:08.421 V/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): USB UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=android_usb, SEQNUM=6848, ACTION=change, USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0}
06-05 20:51:08.421 I/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): updateState DISCONNECTED
06-05 20:51:08.429 D/MTPRx (22081): In MtpReceiverandroid.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE
06-05 20:51:08.430 D/UsbDeviceManager( 1477): sending intent : ACTION_USB_STATE : connected = true, configured = false, mCurrentFunctions = 4, mHostConnected = false, configChanged = false
I am having the same issue. My S9 SM-G960W with latest ROM stopped connecting to my PC. I also noticed that none of my OTG USB drives / cables that I have work anymore. I checked all my PC USB ports and OTG USB drives with my old S6 and my wife's S9 phone and they all connect right away and they recognize the drives with no problems. Cleared the cache. Tried different USB settings on the phone and lots of different cables. The phone just says charging no connection for file transfer. It used to work awhile back because I used the PC to transfer old phone to it and I backed it up a few times. Found the problem when I was going to do my regular backup...
i have a type c otg cable in my car and a usb on my keychain, ill have to grab the otg and give it a whirl. ill post up my results if i can remember to do this
If you dial *#0808# on the dial pad what do you get? Can you change these setting and does it stick? Does your phone recognize if you insert any USB memory stick?
Did you solve your problem yet?
this goes to show what kind of awesome memory i have, but the OTG cable was a go. I was able to read all my files and modify them. Are you still having the same issue?
Not solved. Cannot connect anything to USB and get it to work. Other than charge.
Not solved. Cannot connect anything to USB and get it to work. Other than charge.
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have you enabled developer options?
Yes developer options is enabled. USB debugging is on. Default USB is set to file transfer. If I plug in my USB memory stick I get a notification that "USB device connected" then message "charging connected device via USB" and if I tap the notification I see that "USB is controlled by connected device" and cannot change that -it says failed to change.
Yes developer options is enabled. USB debugging is on. Default USB is set to file transfer. If I plug in my USB memory stick I get a notification that "USB device connected" then message "charging connected device via USB" and if I tap the notification I see that "USB is controlled by connected device" and cannot change that -it says failed to change.
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might be time to nuke the OS and reflash via Odin. All the time and frustration trying to figure it out might not be worth the time itll take to set your phone back up again
When you say nuke the OS do you mean just flashing the ROM using ODIN to nuke the OS or factory reset then instill ROM with ODIN? Installing ROM with ODIN will not clear the user DATA or SD card contents correct? I have tried booting into recovery and clearing the cache, but that did not do anything.
I don't want to start new thread but similar problem , I can't connect S9 to PC. Did not have any problems until last month. Meanwhile I have done all including changing USB ports and yes I can connect my wife's S9 to PC. Still no luck. Any help will be very much appreciated

