[Q] Pre-loading/pushing files to multiple devices - Kindle Fire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My organization is holding our tri-annual convention in a few months, and we're going to be purchasing Kindle Fires for everyone in attendance--approximately 800 people. Our IT staff is a horrifying combination of nonexistent/incompetent, and I'm the only one around with any real knowledge of the Android OS. As such, I'm forced to take the lead on this project.
Anyway, before I jump in, I figured I'd ask the experts here a couple question. If I purchase 800 devices from Amazon, is there any way that I can order them pre-loaded with an particular app? We're working with an outside entity to develop an app, which will be ready for roll-out at the convention. Rather than having everyone download it from the Amazon Appstore, I was hoping we could have the .apk on there already. Is this something that can be arranged, and does anyone have experience working with Amazon on this?
In the same vein, we will probably need to push documents to the devices each morning (convention proceedings, primarily). Is there a practical way to push files to hundreds of Kindles from a single, central source?
I know I can probably talk to Amazon tech support about this stuff, but I was hoping to go into the conversation with some idea of what to expect. Thanks in advance!


[Q] [Introduction] from a noob....

Hello, I recently purchased a Kin TwoM from Verizon. After about two weeks of owning the phone I became very curious of how to add/delete, and change stuff on the phone. After quickly realizing that this is either impossible or extremely hard, I decided to investigate like I'm sure most of you did. I'm very familiar with hacking and developing. I stumbled across this forum today while investigating for stuff i didn't know. So as a noob, I was hoping there would be some kind members willing to give some information, on whats been so far released and discovered. I've found a couple things that appear to be already known (like the key combos to downgrade/ secret menu) but so far that's about all I know about this phone. So is anyone willing to fill me in?
Hi Aaron,
Take no offense at this, but all the information you are looking for is already in the other posts in this forum subcategory. Please be willing to take the time to read all the posts in this KIN Two Software Development section, as there are only a few pages of them. You'll find the button combinations and details and findings on the secret menu.
Also, JohnKussack put a lot of work into developing a cross-platform file manager for the Kin, called KinO. It works pretty well and even lets you back up and restore your contacts, with limitations.
Aside from these, that's about as far as anyone has gotten. I know for myself, I've spent a lot of time trying to gain access to the file system, but Microsoft finally outdid itself on securing a device from any hacks or exploits. The irony is that I happen to own it and want that access.

Anyone tried j2objc yet?

Wondering if it's worthwhile before I invest time in creating a Mac OS X VM + Xcode to port my android apps to iOS.
lapucele said:
Wondering if it's worthwhile before I invest time in creating a Mac OS X VM + Xcode to port my android apps to iOS.
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just realised this may be the wrong subforum to post the above question. Could this thread be moved?
lapucele said:
just realised this may be the wrong subforum to post the above question. Could this thread be moved?
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Actually I clicked on here thinking myself that this was for "application porting" as I came from the front page, and then it wasn't till I saw you replied to your own thread with the above that I realised? I think there is a bug in the forums, not you posting in the incorrect location?
Anyway to discuss your topic, I have recently downloaded all the necessary stuff to do as you are considering. One thing to be careful of is the fact that Apple from my understanding will give you their wrath if they find out.
Apple software is ONLY to be run on Apple hardware, If they find out (and they have their ways from what I have heard) you instantly banned for life. I guess nothing stopping you starting again, but remember your app is pulled and you kind of couldn't get away with releasing it under a different name account again later on without them knowing?
There's always the cydia market place which I hear is still fairly profitable...up until recently I wasn't even aware that is was a paid market place, I had always been of the impression that it was a hackers market for people who 1) mod their device tweak it like us android users 2) jailbroken (but stock and no alternative to iTunes) 3) People who pirate apps.
However i have learned that it has quite a following an even some developers release on both iTunes and Cydia.
Anyway just my thoughts. I am in contact with a developer that is into the whole cydia thing so if you have any questions you want answers for give me a holla
Jarmezrocks said:
Actually I clicked on here thinking myself that this was for "application porting" as I came from the front page, and then it wasn't till I saw you replied to your own thread with the above that I realised? I think there is a bug in the forums, not you posting in the incorrect location?
Anyway to discuss your topic, I have recently downloaded all the necessary stuff to do as you are considering. One thing to be careful of is the fact that Apple from my understanding will give you their wrath if they find out.
Apple software is ONLY to be run on Apple hardware, If they find out (and they have their ways from what I have heard) you instantly banned for life. I guess nothing stopping you starting again, but remember your app is pulled and you kind of couldn't get away with releasing it under a different name account again later on without them knowing?
There's always the cydia market place which I hear is still fairly profitable...up until recently I wasn't even aware that is was a paid market place, I had always been of the impression that it was a hackers market for people who 1) mod their device tweak it like us android users 2) jailbroken (but stock and no alternative to iTunes) 3) People who pirate apps.
However i have learned that it has quite a following an even some developers release on both iTunes and Cydia.
Anyway just my thoughts. I am in contact with a developer that is into the whole cydia thing so if you have any questions you want answers for give me a holla
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wow thanks for the heads up! i've heard varying stories too. i totally didn't think of the 3rd party app stores.
lapucele said:
wow thanks for the heads up! i've heard varying stories too. i totally didn't think of the 3rd party app stores.
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Just thought I'd mention as I only heard yesterday, but the newest edition of the app store for Apple is called AppCake for Apple. Apparently Apple is now going about systematically shutting down every 3rd party non-apple owned store including the non so legitimate suppliers of of Apple after market hardware products. That means everyone with anything that connects to an apple product that isn't apple or made by apple is a target. Geeese they don't let up do they? Developers mention that Apple will never be able to shut them down :silly: that they can and will do what they like with their iDevices cause they own them.
Oh and other thing to look out for if you go to Apple/iTunes, is this company Lodsys who are world renowned for being patent trolls who are systematically targeting individual developers for breaches in copy right for, get this......'in app purchasing' they claim that they invented it and are now suing several developers from iTunes (them personally) for using the iTunes supplied SDK for in app purchasing. Apple is doing the right thing and trying to defend these developers but the World IP org and US patents office can't do a god damned thing about it until things hurry up and get pushed through a ballot of senators to have groups like them shut down. Until then they are working their best and fastest with trying to sue as many people as they can! Unfortunately for most its a loosing battle as they don't have the money or resources to fight these bastards so they end up paying up. In an new interview I heard one company claimed it was cheeper to settle for 100K out of court than what it was to commit to defending them selves even though this group targeting them was 100% wrong.
But not meaning to scare you...or anything just keeping you filled in. Me personally I would write them a letter saying 4 words on one line followed by 4 words on a second line "Go f*%# your self" "See you in court" and go seek one of my dad's barrister friends to do it no win no fee. Screw that. I would be flaunting that I have in app purchasing sayin come at me bro
Jarmezrocks said:
Actually I clicked on here thinking myself that this was for "application porting" as I came from the front page, and then it wasn't till I saw you replied to your own thread with the above that I realised? I think there is a bug in the forums, not you posting in the incorrect location?
Anyway to discuss your topic, I have recently downloaded all the necessary stuff to do as you are considering. One thing to be careful of is the fact that Apple from my understanding will give you their wrath if they find out.
Apple software is ONLY to be run on Apple hardware, If they find out (and they have their ways from what I have heard) you instantly banned for life. I guess nothing stopping you starting again, but remember your app is pulled and you kind of couldn't get away with releasing it under a different name account again later on without them knowing?
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No you guys are right. This is for porting apps across platforms, but people seem to confuse it with ROM porting.
Q. I know pretty much zero about iOS, and generally have always been anti apple. Are you trying to say that using something like j2 on lets say a virtual box on windows, is somehow a detectable and bannable offense in apple land? It's late and i might be just be misreading, but would like to know.
Mostly because i picked up a job on an Android app, and have been talking a bit about putting the app out for iphones after I finish up the android version, but don't really know where to begin.
out of ideas said:
No you guys are right. This is for porting apps across platforms, but people seem to confuse it with ROM porting.
Q. I know pretty much zero about iOS, and generally have always been anti apple. Are you trying to say that using something like j2 on lets say a virtual box on windows, is somehow a detectable and bannable offense in apple land? It's late and i might be just be misreading, but would like to know.
Mostly because i picked up a job on an Android app, and have been talking a bit about putting the app out for iphones after I finish up the android version, but don't really know where to begin.
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My Research and Understanding
Yes that is exactly what I am saying. To run Apple in a VM is in breach of their TOS and Usage policy. It also entitles them to seek prosecution also; so not just a ban from iTunes. Going by Apples past history I wouldn't put it past them? Although now with Tim Cook in charge of things I think Apple is going about things a bit more differently now? For better or worse (people had their opinions of Steve Jobs - personally I disliked him but did appreciate his success and achievements for what they stacked up to be, personal opinions aside it takes a great person to do such) Apple is starting to become a bit more valued in collaborations as this is what Tim Cook always wanted working for Apple that he was never able to have whilst Steve was the master of the helm. Tim Cook was more about getting the job done and sharing. Steve's ongoing vendetta litigations were not Tim Cooks choice and/or advice. He didn't want such things from what I have read? More recently his involvement in legal matters has been observed as retracted and no confronting; he has proceeded to do these actions as part of Steve Jobs dying wishes and nothing more.
As far as I can tell he wants to nothing more than to get things out of the way and over and done with so that he and his company can move on.
My thoughts on this as an observer in the mobile tech industry is that I think Apple has dropped the ball a bit, and it is probably far too little far too late. However with a company with that much money behind it? There's only speculations about what holds in the future of Apple? They are certainly not going away or going to fall in to ruins that's for certain.
What I mean is that, yes there has been a heap of legal stuff seen by Apple and most of it very negative, but my feeling is that this won't be the case here on into the future, so the likelihood of facing a court for breach of Terms of Use are likely to be very small. I am sure that editing a build.prop is considered a breach of Google's TOS for use of a device in their Playstore?
My suggestion is to give it a try I have had some issues setting up my VM but have got all the necessary resources including all the software. I have just become too busy and it is not high on the priority list at the moment. I wanted to try gain an understanding of how Apple detects it's visitors. I mean iTunes is cross platform Windows and Mac (There is no release for Ubuntu or Linux AFAIK? only Wine type hacks) I know when I visit the iTunes webpage I am automatically prompted to download a Windows installer package. So they must have some form of automatic detection? Being that the likes of Virtualbox uses a shared internet connection I would speculate that you would need to choose the correct adapter settings so that your VM is seen to be a running physical machine and not a able to be identified as a shared connection or virtualised connection?
I didn't get this far as my installation has many issues. I still have the VM though for future interest. Feel free to PM me if you give it a try and don't succeed and I am happy to share what things I discovered in my problem solving.
Understanding Limitations for Cross Platform Mobile Development
As for the porting to OS's I believe there are many offerings around now that provide developers with a cross platform arrangement. Essentially only the UI resources need to change and then that plugs into a framework structure for your application to run in. You compile the code individual applications that are specific to the platform but you ARE able to develop your main code independent of the platforms. Languages such as Flex or Rubi on rails are going to be your best bet from my research?
Things You Should Consider
1. Single code repository
2. Individual application frameworks - compilation of application runtime for independent OS type
3. Limitations are stipulated and governed by what is allow at the lowest possible denominator. i.e. You can only build code into your single code repository that can accessed by the functionality of both(or all) platforms. What I mean is that there is no use building a single code repository that uses a function that is limited on one platform and not the other, another example is restrictions dictated to you by the likes of such companies like Apple. They have a strict guidelines and what is potentially available to you may not be in its context. Just because certain functionality is available to you in the Apple platform and you have even seen it in use on Apple devices does not necessarily mean that you can build and release it. In it's context Apple may not like what you are doing with your app and not approve it.
Your single point of code and it entirety has just shrunk in functionality to both devices now. So be careful and Anticipate what you might think the outcome is for your Application facing such scrutinisation and what it could possibly mean for your project as a whole?
On this note I have heard of developers making scripts and add-ons for their said central repository that allows them to restrict things ats compile time. For instance having greyed out selections in menus and a toast like notification to users like "Sorry this functionality is only available to Android users" and things like that.
Hope this helps contribute towards people considering on such ventures. Do your research. Find out what types of apps have been rejected from being published and find the reasons for why?
lapucele said:
Wondering if it's worthwhile before I invest time in creating a Mac OS X VM + Xcode to port my android apps to iOS.
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I will check it in next week

[Q] Can Amazon stop Kodi from working?

I'm Curious....I have a Fire TV with Kodi and love it. Thinking of getting another…BUT can/will Amazon send out an update that will stop a Kodi from functioning on a Fire TV Box?? Don't want to waste money on another if it's destined to fail.
I'm curious about this as well. It kind of boggles my mind that a simple exploit can give you access to everything.
If you are not rooted, Amazon can do whatever they want with firmware updates. It is their ecosystem. However, as long as they allow sideloaded applications (which if they want development of apps, they have to allow) Kodi can continue to be sideloaded.
That said, what "exploit" is the previous poster referring to?
Yes they can.. Would they. highly unlikely..
Lots of people asking this question now that kodi has been removed from app store. I actually understand amazon removing the app (don't like it) but it makes sense. They do after all, sell media and having that app in their store is a little like Starbucks advertising the special deals Dunkin Donuts is currently offering. But most people who know better than I do don't think you need to worry about kodi no longer working.
Btw--Ive never been clear about the rules regarding android. Its basically Linux which has always been open source. From what I gather that means you can modify it however you like but you need to leave it open. The word "open" must be interpreted very liberally because when you look at AFTV it runs android but it seems pretty well locked down to me. But I can't really comment on it. If anyone can share some good info on the legal reasons behind it, please do so.
It seems to me the vast innovation here was started by the public. And technology in general is a government subsidized industry. The pentagon uses tax dollars usually in the name of "security" and over decades develop things that go from very undesirable even by big business then get polished up and made into consumer products. Often times its just handed over to big business. This isn't really a commentary on capitalism. Im just taking a look at how we get from the public funding and/or the public actively developing tech to the point where people here can't even mess around with a product they paid for? I don't know that it makes sense but you certainly can argue its profoundly unfair.
Thank you for all the answers and im sorry for what I have caused!!! I love the Fire TV... I don't personally care if its Android 4, 4.4 etc.. As long as it works for Kodi im happy!
Ok everyone,
Thread cleaned....
As you all can see almost all posts have been removed. The OP asked a rather simple question. It wasn't an open invitation to rant and rave about assorted topics ranging from Kodi to your displeasure with xda-developers.com and what you think this website is personally not doing for you. In addition to all kinds of other off-topic nonsense. Also, it's still a mystery why some people can't have a discussion without it turning into personal attacks and flaming. Some of the posts removed were downright awful and disgusting.
This isn't the streets. This is a private website where rules and respect for one another apply. If any of you have trouble following the rules as they were laid out here, please find a new website to frequent.
I've posted a response here after the fact - that mentioned again, that the moderators here are also cleaning any evidence of a political standing against the crisis facilitated by Amazons move, to retract the most frequently used open source media player from their store and engaging in a smear campaign against "ownership of device" interests. Which translates to - users rights to use a file player on a device they own. And in this process harmed my standing more than any of the slanderous comments that spiraled out of control here before.
The response got deleted subsequently, without any indication or even a comment as to why.
The political statement, I'd like to repeat, was -
Amazon crossed a line here. The company violated the trust relationship they had established in regards to their early adopters. They used their monopoly on distribution within their device infrastructure to remove a legal competitor and started a public smear campaign against him, based on a lie. Use and even heavily (ab)use the Fire TV you have already bought, if you have to, but stop recommending it to your peers and parents. There are cheaper, more up to date, more potent TV boxes on the horizon ( http://goo.gl/z1n9fj ), from companies that arent primarily interested in making this a fight about licensing and subscription models, chained to the hardware itself. Following a standing, where no user should be allowed to use a media player on a device they have bought from them anymore.
Amazons anti competitive move came unprovoked and is aimed at removing common ground between users of their product and company interests. They changed their position, it is time to change yours.
Background information can be found here: http://www.aftvnews.com/amazon-apps...piracy-while-google-play-store-approves-kodi/
Please do not censor political speech. The original post had more room for positional nuance and argumental flashing out of positions, and frankly was a better posting - this one is more concise.
When people are reduced to a state of waiting and worrying - structurally this cant be accepted as normal.
@harlekinrains: return your device and go away if you hate it that much
That way nothing could be learned from it. You dont hate the product. You hate the entity that killed of the common ground principle and mounted a campaign against the normal use of open source video player software on their device.
This is a pivotal moment. We have to be able to talk about it.
Oh get off it. This is not a pivotal moment for anything. You are straight up delusional.
You are wrong. I'll explain again.
The company just killed off the only remaining public sign, that they honor the silent agreement, that users have to be able to use video player software on the device, by banning the most commonly used open source media center from their entire distrubution infrastructure. And moreso - openly declaring it illegal, on their grounds, without giving any explanations.
Remember there is no independent judicial system to aid the consumer in the case of this being anti competitive behavior.
In technology and business relations, we refer to those important public facing signs as "canaries in the colemine". Killing them is considered to be an aggressive act, because you are eliminating the signs of there being a common interest you, as the company, care to honor as well.
Thats what activates people like me.
Because the issue we suddenly are facing is, that we do not get any more public indications of policy changes, before they can go into effect.
If you proclaim "Amazon will still honor other agreements, because they really have to...." you are proclaiming this, totally blind and only out of trust. This is what characterizes a dependency.
Remember - Amazon themselves didnt allow for Kodi to be installed on the Fire TV through their infrastructure. This already wasnt normal as far as Android distribution agreements are concerned. What they did now is to publicly position themselves against it (the most commonly used open source media player software out there).
Now you get these threads popping up with people being more and more uncertain, because they are confronted with conflicting proposals what they should be allowed to use on hardware they bought. This is a new and recent development, which is why we have to talk about it now.
And the way to address it, is not to calm them down - but to explain to them, that all bets are off, and we simply dont know anymore if, or when Amazon will retaliate further.
Because there is no public sign of mutual recognition left and their last move already was unprecedented, and hostile - and was executed without any prior provocation.
You can see that something is very "off", by the fact that even the companies "product bloggers" are taking an open stance against this move.
It is my opinion that whoever removed the Kodi app didn't understand the purpose. And Amazon will go the way of reinstating it (vs. removing every other media app that can play an internet link) once there is enough feedback and it gets the attention of a manager somewhere.
It is also my opinion that you are delusional in the depth of your concern over this app removal and the FireTV in general. There are far more concerning issues in life to be angry about. A media streaming device is not worth your emotions. Which is why this is the most I have ever, and will ever write about this. I am here to help contribute by answering questions and learn from the developers. You made a great contribution in one of your posts. You are obviously capable. Stick to that and check your soapbox at the door.
There are lots of other hardware options out there to put Kodi on, there always will be. There are many other media center applications on the Amazon app store. Nothing is "pivotal" about Kodi not being listed now. I put my money where I want. No one is forcing me to do anything. So no, I am not wrong. Because it is my opinion and choice. Nothing you can say will change my opinion on this. Especially coming from you.
Lastly, I assume this will all get deleted again and I hope so. This has nothing to do with the question from the OP. Kodi was never even a compatible app for the FireTV in the App Store. It always had to be sideloaded. So Amazon has changed nothing regarding the usage on the FireTV. And they won't be doing anything further in the future to stop it from being sideloaded either.
Edit: Don't reply to me. I am not going to respond to you. You keep editing your prior post over and over. You are obviously too emotional about this topic and I don't engage with people that are crazy.
You might be right.
But I dont care about opinions (*hm* double entendre.. ), I need coverage. And we are starting to get it right now.
@aftvnews, we still might need you later. Start thinking allegiances.
I take internet/consumer rights VERY seriously but its hard to get worked up here. I was sort of annoyed by the abrupt tone of the note amazon sent to team kodi but this changes almost nothing for aftv. Maybe some tablet or fire phone users are upset?
Imho this is team kodi's fight. And i would support them if they choose to better educate amazon.
Thread closed.
Certain people or particular person can't seem to stop with the long-winded rants (spam). Please either take your grievances to Amazon.com or Google+. No one here can provide you with the "help" that you need.

Keeping Windows Mobile 10 alive...

Hey everyone,
There is so much work on windows mobile 10 from all the users of XDA, and all the people we don't know about... does anyone have any idea's as to the following, or new ideas, to get a few more years out of windows mobile or even the possibility to revive it?:
Possible petition ideas:
a) a petition from x number of people to make Project Astoria available to all phones/select phone builds in the current windows phone 10 so that we can use Android apps (at least get continued app updates for a while longer using android apk's)
b) a petition from x number of people to make windows 10 updates for set devices through a product key purchase... we pay $$-$$$ for windows 10, 8, 7 licences... why not get a key for wm10 and then wm11 when it comes out and so on? if microsoft supports all the current phones hardware and manufacture a few new models... maybe this way we could revive it?
c) a petition from x number of people to continue updates for x time frame so that we can at least get a bit more out of it, maybe enough time to get some app developers to launch a single update or two for applications we really want using another petition from us.
[edit] One other idea I have thought of is maybe microsoft could release the code for astoria and windows 10 mobile... maybe for open source?
would be nice if the incredible people out there wanting to keep this alive had the tools to do so... could we petition this or approach them another way? [/edit]
Maybe a combination of all ideas into a petition and see what they decide to do. I personally have little money but if we all pledged $30+ to an update, had 1000 people willing to do it, I think microsoft would consider $30000 as an incentive?
Microsoft dropped this because of only having a tiny % of the market and the costs involved on maintaining it, so is there a way we can increase the percentage of devices if we get this working?
As I said above, if we could buy product keys for our phones to enable continued support, and also if we used a petition or other method to encourage and get results from Microsoft, then we could probably get other app developers of our choosing to follow suit (like Whatsapp, Waze, Viber, etc).
A petition is the only thing I can think of right now that just needs names and details, but we may have a legal stand point with newer devices getting continued support based on how long the expected support is for other devices from microsoft (what is the newest windows phone released with wm10?), google, apple etc... all ideas welcome
Example: in Australia all devices are warranted for a year, if sold here or manufactured and sold here... and that year is extended and often because someone will argue it to a tribunal (part of the fair trading route to take up matters with a manufacturer or seller) and say something along the lines of "TV sets used to last 10-15 years, my $2000 TV broke after the 2nd year, and the manufacturer/shop wont replace it" usually I get replacements after the 1 year warranty and I hear about entire Cars etc getting replaced entirely... Maybe if hardware has to work for an expected time, does software (that cannot be changed) that comes with a device? what about 3rd party applications for that software?
Any lawyers in the US, UK, Australia or another country reading this?.. Could you get us a few years continued updates with a similar clause?
Any route that works may even lead to reviving Windows Mobile
I would love some serious feedback guys, but please, don't just comment "No, why would Microsoft bother" or "I see no reason to try and revive"
What I hope to see is ideas, us working together... let's see if we can do this, anyone who wants to try or contribute please just say "yes" if you have little time
[edit] By the way for people needing instagram, pandora/spotify, facebook etc, I have a list of applications and links to .appx's that run (not always without a crash) currently (24th June 2019) and cost nothing. [/edit]
I wouldn't mind this. Still use a Lumia 640. I guess were it to fail, there's always trying to put WoA on Android phones...
I read your post and this can be a fantastic idea, but i didnt see soo much interest from the guys here in WM10.
Im still with the doubt about Whatsapp working beyond 31-12-2019 and nobody answer anything about that in my post. So i think, if people dont get "moved" about the posibility of having phones without whatsapp since 1-1-2020.... i really think that people just doesnt care about this OS.

Help!! Philips 75PFL5604/F7 Android TV

My Android TV lost power during a firmware update and is now in a bootloop. In the case of the 5000 Series TV's, Philips removed the built in hardware feature(Standard on all Android Devices) to boot into bootloader/fastboot or recovery using hardware buttons on the TV. Why I ask? They don't disable that on their European model TV's, so why only in the US? when i should just be able to boot to bootloader and reflash the firmware myself, I now can do nothing and my TV is an expensive brick. I'm not a baby and I can work on my own stuff Philips, no need to disable standard features and render my device junk for no reason other than from a bad update flash! Their website claims to have the update file but of course they give a dead link. Customer support says they have no updates to give and that the update they claim to provide on their website doesn't exist(still claims to be available on their support website). They also claim that the low level flashing mode used by their updates, explained in their update instructions, again, don't exist and I made it all up. I was repeatedly told they couldn't help me, when asked to be put into contact with someone who could help me, I was simply asked if there was anything else they could help me with and the same cycle repeated, at which point I terminated the call. When i asked to speak with a supervisor in hopes of escalating the issue to someone that was in a position to have an actual conversation with me, I was told they were all busy and that I would be called back. I was never called back. After my own testing and extensive research, I found that the blue upgrade screen explained in their update instructions from their website, does indeed exist, as I was able to rename a zip to the naming scheme the tv wants, and the blue upgrade screen comes up, but because I don't have the proper signed .pkg file, the reflash fails. Multiple attempts with customer service has done nothing, they are all programmed, braindead robots and I just wanted to scream into the phone from frustration, that's how ridiculous the interactions were. It was clear to me that these customer service people are payed to not think or use any sort of logic and instead just continue reading off their rhetoric on the screen in front of them. It was a very toxic environment from the moment someone picked up and it was akin to some sort of warfare tatics I would imagine are being used by the likes of the CIA and such. I called customer support for support, instead of support what I got was the runaround, felt belittled and bullied into the belief that I am wrong, when the information presented to me, as well as personal testing has shown otherwise, not to mention my own extensive knowledge of the Android ecosystem. At the core, this TV is just an Android device with a giant non-touchscreen. I have an update file from another user on XDA in zip format, but without the ability to boot into the bootloader or recovery, I can't use it. I would need the untouched upgrade_loader.pkg file for this tv to be run from usb in order to reflash the TV and recover from my brick. If anybody was smart enough to grab any files from the tv, any of the updates, ota updates, .pgk files, anything that could possibly help me get this TV going again, please reach out to me.
[email protected]
Luckily, this TV is still under warranty and if I can't get this fixed myself following the proper channels, then I will def be getting it either repaired under warranty or just telling them I want my money back and going to a more customer friendly company. If Philips wants to be Anti-Consumer and disable standard built-in hardware features, offer non-existent files on their website and then treat their paying customers like crap with their dodgy customer support practices, then fine, they can pay for the damages caused by their practices and decisions, and never again will I spend another penny to support or help keep this company afloat, and I encourage others to rethink their purchases as well, across the board.....
I strongly encourage Philips to rethink their position and to stop stiff-arming their customers and instead work with them. When I call to inquire about an offered firmware file on their website, I don't expect to be asked why I want the file. The fact I want it, their website claims to have it available for download and just the plain old fact that I want the file for my $900 TV for my own personal archive for instances such as this, I don't feel any explanation is required. I have no issue taking this over to YouTube and placing my terrible experience with this into the proper hands of somebody that will get this info out there to the masses and attempt to get several million more sets of eyes on this in the hopes of maybe putting some pressure on these people to stop being so trivial and petty about dumb things. I need the .pkg file to fix my TV, Philips, not a big deal, stop pretending it is please.....
TV Webpage: https://www.usa.philips.com/c-p/75PFL5604_F7/5000-series-android-tv-with-google-assistant
TV Support Webpage: https://www.usa.philips.com/c-p/75PFL5604_F7/5000-series-android-tv-with-google-assistant/support
why? because planned obsolescence is not forbidden per law

