HTC One X ......Longshot......Please Help - HTC One X

My Bf recently dropped his HTC One X in the water for approx 2 seconds. We were not able to put it in rice.......Dont even know if that actually works.....The phone kept power and appeared fine. Took it home and used it for a couple hours with no issues. Then the screen just went black. The phone was still powered on, sounds and lights on the keys at the bottom. We took it to a cell phone repair shop, they waterproofed it, and replaced the battery, none of these worked and they said there was nothing they could do with it. We did not have insurance for it, and are forced to pay full price for a replacement, or revert back to the dinosaur age until our next upgrade. If anyone knows of anything that could be done to possibly fix the phone, it would be tremendously, greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Nothing you can do I'm afraid, best advice you can get from here is, if it happens again turn the phone off immediately, if possible put it in a bag of rice overnight or wrap it in a few layers of kitchen towel. If you leave it powered on the water seeps into the parts slowly and starts to short out the parts one by one as you have found out
Sent from Uranus, did it hurt?


Problems with Tilt 2

Hey, last night my friends got into a bar fight and the bouncers came at me and one of them tried to kick me and he kicked my phone like 10 feet in the air and it hit the pavement. the phone came into 3 pieces upon impact. (the battery, cover, and the phone itself) It wouldn't turn on last night, but today I took it apart a bit to see if I could see any visible damage, when I put it back together the opening screen flashed for a second then it shuts off again. The screen does not have any damage either. What is most likely the problem that is wrong with my phone? and how should I go about getting it fixed or fixing it myself?
Well after I took the phone apart and put it back together, it turned on and is working as if nothing happened. This phone literally got shot up roughly 10 feet in the air and hit the pavement and has only a couple of scratches- none on the screen. has to be the best phone I ever had in a means of durability, but I am still wondering why it didn't work for 16 hours or so.. Any ideas?
Might have been some components loosened (like the battery contacts, or other pieces of the chain that supply power) that somehow fell back into place after you took it apart/reassembled.
Past experience with electronics is that things don't magically fix themselves. Whatever went wrong will probably happen again, just a matter of time.

HTC One X Black Screen (water damage?)

hi i recently dropped my One X in the sink (stupid, i know) but quickly turned it off and left it in rice for 2 days. i went and turned it on this morning and the screen just stays black, however after turning it on i received texts etc.. i even tried ringing it and it worked but still the screen stayed black. if i was just to get the screen/digitizer replaced would this rectify the problem?
im not too good with phones so any helps welcome
Same problem, but this is not due to water, I tried to open the phone, when the left side was opened it work now but there are other problems now with mic and gsm network, will try to send it back to HTC
Probably damage in the connection to the LCD. Rice doesn't work very well, dessicant packets are usually needed for full effectiveness.
You'd have to open up and examine the device to figure out what the root cause is.
I know it's to late to say now, but here's a tip my tutor (he's an engineer and programming bloke person).
He once told us, if you ever drop your phone in water get it out immediately and don't press any buttons until its totally dried out, don't know how accurate it is but a little tip I thought I'd share haha.
Sent from my now amazing HTC One X thanks to TeamVenoms ViperX rom

Motherboard problem

A piece of advise, don't take your one V with you when you go skiing...
I did. And the water condensated inside my phone. When i got home i turned it off and placed it into a jar of rice, because it should help the water to evaporate quicker, or something like that, tried to turn it on after 2 days, it turned on, but there was a water still visible under the screen, so i turned it off again, but it started to heat up, so i had to take it to a technician to disassembly it so that he could remove the battery, but the main board got damaged, so my phone is probably done. Unless you know where to get a cheap board shipped worldwide, I'll have to start saving up, either to buy another one, or to buy Desire X?

HTC One X sunk in the waters

I have an HTC One X that was dropped in the water.
The guy only wants the data, and i took it out of it and gave it to him. So he told me that the devices is all yours.
I've been trying to fix it ever since he told me that.
The phone boots up normally, sound is working, vibration is too.
The screen's backlight, although set to maximum, it too dim due to water damage. So i took it to a repair shop, he replaced the screen, and a piece of hardware inside the board, but the screen works for about 10 minutes then completely goes off. So we put back the old screen and peice and the same thing happens, 10 mins of dim brightness... then no brightness at all. I'm currently trying to root it so i could stream and control it via PC. I now have it with a very dim screen that works for 30 minutes then needs to rest for 5 minutes so it could go on again.
Any suggestions on what i should replace to really solve that problem is very much appreciated as i really would like to make this device go alive again.
Put him in rice..And it will pull water out from phone..If that doesn't help I think that motherboard is too damaged..
big noob said:
Put him in rice..And it will pull water out from phone..If that doesn't help I think that motherboard is too damaged..
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Click to collapse
we actually tore it down and left its parts for about a week in a box, would it still help if i did that?
Was the box warm? If not maybe there is still a little bit of water on connectors or somewhere..Cause I had the same problem on other phone..

HTC Desire fell in water, now won't boot.

Hi, my apologies if my HTC is in the wrong forum, not sure where the Desire would fit, if anywhere.
Nonetheless this is a useful phone to me and worked fine till the day I had to jump in a lake to save my 5 year old boy from drowning. Naturally didn't have the time to remove the phone from my pocket before jumping in the lake. Kid was fine after swallowing some water but phone "swallowed" a lot of water. Let it dry in a bag of rice and baking soda for several days to fully dry. But when trying to turn it on, the screen just flickers non stop. However when connecting it to the computer using a USB cable, I get what appears to be a boot screen (see pic in address below). Phone was rooted and run CyanogenMod 7. Maybe someone that's familiar with the procedure could guide me? Tried a couple of the options shown but to no avail. Old but still decent phone, would like to get it working again. I've transferred the sim to another phone and I've saved the micro SD card. Just need to get the phone to boot again. PS: could the battery be toast? Maybe it got shorted when I first tried to turn the phone on while still wet?
Any help is appreciated.
I'm too new here, won't allow me to post external links. Please go to h-t-t-p:// (remove dash from http)
I'd say leave it to dry naturally for a week or so and try again. If no joy then you could try a new screen but it's probably something really tiny and sensitive that cannot be replaced..
Glad you saved your boy!.
Sent from a stolen HTC M9
It's been 2 months. But I did make a crucial mistake: I tried to turn the phone on while still at the lake. This likely caused more damage than it needed.
However I suspect the issue is with the battery. It won't charge past 3.85 volts. And the display works just fine, once I press the key combo to enter the boot screen as seen in the pic above. Will try and track one down locally, hopefully a shop will be able to test it a battery in the phone before I buy it.
And yes, the boy was fine. But it was a close call. it is amazing how quickly something can go wrong. I neglected the lake rule of staying within arm's reach. Let this be a lesson to anyone with small ones: it only takes seconds for things to go badly wrong, even at a supposedly safe, man made lake intended for kids.
PS: 2 months prior an adult died on the same lake after falling off his boat. Another lesson: invest in swimming lessons. Scary stuff, indeed.
Right, i thought you were seeing that over usb via sdk or something.. You could always try opening it and inspecting for blown components. What damage can be done.. It's already useless.
I still think it's worth leaving it to dry naturally.
Sent from a stolen HTC M9

