ussd notification window - LG Optimus G (International)

Dear All, i need help, i am using lg optimus g, but when i use , ussd code, size of notification window is too small to fit all options. can you please help me how i can fix it.

This is a known issue on even GB devices.
Are you running stock or custom?

i am running a custom firmware.from vietnamese site. i think, there will be some option in systemui.apk. because as far i know(little knowledge) all information like color size etc is adjusted through systemui.apk
do you know anything about it? what is your opinion, or view?
i tried to decompile the systemui.apk through apk tool. but could not fully understand or you can say in other words could not find it.

Do u have a solution for this fix? My G pro is having the problem as well


building a theme, need some help with clock text

Hey guys, I'm building a theme for the CM rom to use all the htc taskbar shiz.
I am having trouble modifying the text color of the date and time.
Notifications can be changed within the rom, but if those are close by too it would be nice to know how to change those.
I'm pretty sure these details are stored in services.jar but need help accessing them and changing them back to white.
Calling all themers! Thank you!
EDIT: found another write up to try. I will try that first
(This was posted after failing several step by steps)
Edit edit: Tried like 5 tutorials with no dice. Any help? I tried using the colorchange.jar but am getting an error cannot find clock line. I tried manually editing the classes.dex. Still no change.
Here is one guide

[Q] How to remove/change your operator/carrier name/logo from the notification bar?

Hello there,
I am with a HTC Desire GSM, rooted and S-Off, with the LeeDroid ROM. I want to remove (or change it to something shorter) my operator logo in the notification bar.
I have searched on the forum and with Google, but didn't find a way to do this.
I saw the thread with the carrier name app, but it didn't work for me.
Someone suggested that you can edit the framework-res.apk or whatever it is to do it, but I wasn't able to find instructions on how to do this.
If someone can help me, I will be very grateful
Thank you in advance.
You can use online theme kitchen (UOT Kitchen) and cook your own theme.
To change just the notification bar, select the option: "No battery, theme only". You can select framework-res.apk file of your ROM/Theme from drop-down list in file upload section or extract it from your file.
Well, thank you for the reply, but I wasn't able to get rid of the carrier name in the notification bar in the past 2 days. I have tried many times with different theme configurations, but it doesn't matter. I have tried both wthout even ticking the carrier box, or with it being ticked but set to transparent - no difference, the carrier name appears in the same place...
Can anyone help me? I am still stuck with this problem.
The carrier shouldn't even be in the notification bar. A bug perhaps? Or just something the devs did to LeeDroid? I have no idea mate at all.
i'm using desire cdma from cox wireless. after changing to uscc stock rom and sleeksense custom rom, the operator name remains unchanged. how do i change it?
i already change the operator name using qpst and cdma workshop, but it won't work at all. any sugestion?

[Q] Enable Android Emoji font from Jellybean

Hi, is there a way to make the phone recognize new fonts? Maybe a config to edit or a way to enable new custom typos in our phone?
Now I have a modded DroidSans-Fallback fonts to see emoji and an emoji keyboard to type them, but it has some issues and doesn't display some icons correctly.
I want to port/enable the font that I attached here to share you , but how?
I'm on GB now, ICS is too "Alpha" for me.
Can you help me?
--- 188 views and no answer? so bad
Bumping this, because I just figured out how.

[H] Change text color

Hello guys yesterday I installed NTX custom ROM, as far didn't had any problem, but one thing I didn't like about the ROM was it has a light menu list thing. So I decided to search for a solution. I found one but it works just 50% and what I mean by that I changed the "menu_background_fill_parent_width.9.png" to the original Xperia one and now it's black . But the text didn't change so now I can't see the text under the img. So I searched again for a solution. They tolled to another guy with the same thing to change something in the style.xml file, the problem for me is that I don't have a style.xml file so someone can help me what to change ? thanks
So no one know how to change the color of the text ?

[Q] Any way to change carrier text for glide [ICS]

is there any way to do it? the anoying T-mobile text is just there and taking up my notifications bar, and my lockscreen id like to change it to mabey something cool,ive tried the carrier name change APP, tried to find the eri xml but no luck, if it has to result in recompiling the framework,res.apk has anyone successfully done it?
This is so in the wrong forum , can a mod please move this to Genera l ? (bubal I know that you're looking for an appearance mod but changing framework definitely goes beyond this forum grouping )

