Better home screen rotation - Nexus 4 Themes and Apps

My phone is running:
Android Version 4.2.2
CyanogenMod version 10.1.2-mako
Nova Launcher version 2.1.1
When i rotate my home screen from portrait to landscape, the 3 standard android buttons and my dock stay in the same location but rotate 90 degrees. I want the same for my apps and other home screen folders and widgets. I'm sure there is something out there that allows me to prevent the entirety of the home screen from rotating in one block and customize which square pieces rotate and how big they are (like 1x1's or 2x2's), I just can't find it. Has anyone come across something like this?


[Q] Slow Screen Orientation Rotation?

Running a non-rooted G2.
Anyone else notice sluggish screen rotation when going from landscape to portrait or vice versa? It seems like it takes over 1s to switch, closer to 1.5s I would say just trying to count out loud.
The only running apps I have besides the stock ones are Tasker, LauncherPro Plus, Beautiful Widgets (1 large widget on homescreen), BattStat, and SwiftKey.
Any way to adjust the speed at which the screen switches orientation?
LP+ does have its moments where it slows down. Original launcher is nicee enough no need to replace it
I've noticed a couple glitches related to this now that I've rooted. It's slow, then it shows the icons and even on screen keyboard in smashed or stretched pixels before it changes orientation. Just for a split second but it's annoying and never did it before.
Yeah, I don't know why the automatic screen rotation is so slow with LauncherPro.
My solution for now was to disable the auto rotate under LauncherPro's Behavior Settings.
The G2 switches instantly to landscape mode for you once you slide out the physical keyboard. No lag this way, but you don't get it to change orientation unless you slide out the keyboard.
I've noticed this too! I thought I was the only one. The funny thing is that when you're in a program that needs the accelerometer there is no lag, but on homescreen there is that slight delay when rotating from portrait to landscape.
I've had this issue with SF, corrected by setting desktop scrolling speed to 0 on ADW launcher setting.
Not sure if this will work on your device.

[Q][REQ?] Home Screen Landscape Orientation Lock

I am attempting to accomplish a theme much like what the Dell Streak guys are doing here (
While our screens are not 5", like the Streaks, we can get roughly the same viewing size with the "LCD Density Changer" app. The app just shrinks everything, so it isn't to bad with a younger set of eyes.
If this theme was set up on our phones, then the wallpaper and Icon placement would be distorted as it were cycled through orientations.
So my question/request for an app is something to lock your home screen orientation into landscape. ADW launcher is capable of this!! However, I purchased Launcher Pro Plus, and I prefer this launcher.
All the apps out currently only lock portrait (by turning off auto-rotation). And the only Google searches I can find are a few pointing to an app that fools the phone into thinking the slide out keyboard is open. That app only works on a device that has a physical pull out keyboard.
Thanks in advance
Nm. Misread.

Wallpaper Settings

Previously when I would edit my wallpaper the screen would show two rectangles simultaneously; one portrait one landscape... Now the the settings only allow you to set up a wallpaper in portrait. I tried searching but couldn't find any answers.. I use the App rotation locker to get the screen in landscape mode locked and the wallpaper is set up in portrait leaving two black lines down either side of the screen.
Rooted, Stock Rom Build: LG1, Baseband: LI5, Kernal: 3.08-704434
I didn't know if you needed any of that or not just thought I would save the time just in case.

[Q] Portrait to Landscape launcher that preserves size of widgets

I was wondering if there is a launcher that preserves the size and aspect ratio of icons and widgets when you go from portrait to landscape.
I used to love how my Nokia N900 could do this. Basically you would arrange where your apps/widgets were on the screen separately in
portrait and next in landscape. Then instead of your typical rotating transition from portrait to landscape, where often the widgets become
distorted, the screen image would flip about an axis so it appeared as if the apps/widgets for landscape and portrait were on opposite sides of a plane that made
up the screen. Not sure who originally came up with this idea but developers for maemo os Incorporated
this for N900 after Nokia dropped support for the device...

How can I prevent wallpaper rotation on Tab S4 while leaving screen rotation on?

I have Tab S4 (US unlocked) running stock ROM and unrooted. I've noticed a very annoying issue with Wallpapers.
if the screen rotation is left turned on, the wallpaper also rotates. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
The issue that if we set the wallpaper in portrait mode that looks great, rotating it to landscape the wallpaper becomes pixelated and vice-versa..
I've had this problem too. my solution was to install nova launcher then go to settings-look and feel-screen orientation. From there you select force portrait or landscape. Hope this helps.
Now if only I can find a good wallpaper app besides zedge

