[CWM/TWRP UTIL] Recovery Scripts (GS4 and GS2) - Galaxy S 4 i9505 Android Development

FINAL Version: 1.28 (25/03/2015)
(For a full changelog, see the end of Post #2 )
V1.28 is the final version for this suite of scripts.
I have however started a separate KernelWipe thread.
This will become the main thread as far as any KernelWipe updates are concerned.
Following on from my GS2 wipe scripts (see here) I have now also developed these for the (GT-i9505 specifically). They may possibly work for other variants, but I cannot say for certain at this point, as I can only try them out on my own device.
The scripts comprise of a core shell (HawkerCore.sh) which all the bundled preset zips call. Therefore if you update HawkerCore.sh individually, you will, in effect, have updated all the preset zips which call it.
Initial Installation Instructions
1. Copy HawkerCoreV???.zip onto your device
2. Reboot into Recovery
3. Install zip from SD card>Run HawkerCoreV???.zip
You can then run any of the bundled zips by performing point (2.) below.
Script Execution
To flash any of the bundled zips:
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. Install zip>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/[script].zip
3. Reboot
Update Instructions
After the core has been successfully installed, you will then be in a position whereby you can run any of the preset zips. When updates are subsequently released you can of course download and install the entire updated HawkerCoreV??? file again, which updates the core, and re-flashes all the preset zips. This is the safest and most reliable method to update.
Alternatively, if the HawkerCore.sh core shell script is available for download, then you should be able to download just this, and copy it to /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts This will then serve all the the zips that were bundled in your initial/previous installation.
If the core shell is not available individually at the root of the download area, then this indicates a full download is required for the current version.
If you want to remove all traces of my scripts, flash /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/HawkerCoreDel.zip. This will remove all files and folders made by both the installation and execution of any of these scripts from your internal and external sd cards.
Please note that doing so will also remove any backups that the scripts may have previously made.​
Downoad Here
Download Here
HawkerCore.sh is the central core shell script used by all the bundled preset zips below:
Summary of all Preset CWM/TWRP .zips
I have supplied the following preset zips, which are run through recovery. These get installed into /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts. These scripts are not linked to each other in any way, so you can remove any you do not wish to use. Just remember that installing an update to the suite will re-install all the preset zips. You can also of course remove the zip files you do not want before installing using 7Zip.
Click on the zip name to go directly to its associated detailed post.
Clears known non-embedded album art image files
Wipes your pre-defined Bloat removal list, defined in /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/BloatWipe.txt
Wipes cache, dalvik-cache and fixes permissions in /system areas
Clears known temporary and theme-corrupted files
Backup/restore your EFS partition
Clears old kernel-related files and application cache relating to kernel performance, prior to installing a new kernel.
Clears media-related databases, libraries, cache and thumbnails
Back up/Restore a list of files/folders contained in /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/MyKeepFiles.txt
Performs a deep factory reset and wipe on your device prior to flashing a new ROM. Also clears known android and application related data areas from internal/external SD cards. As this performs a factory reset (wiping your data partition) you will then be required to go through the initial setup process again on first boot.
Performs a deep clean on your device, keeping your current ROM.
ROMReset is identical to ROMNuke, but does not perform a CT_KernelWipe and does not wipe your current ROM (CT_SystemWipe)
This clears ROM-related areas from both internal and external SD Cards.
SDClean is handy for when you want to deep-clean your current ROM without having to re-run the initial setup wizard. This will clean application-related areas off your internal+external SD Cards and run media cleaning functions.
SDClean is identical to ROMReset, but does not perform a factory reset. (CT_DataWipe)​
Currently Supported Devices
1. GS4
2. GS2
NOTE: The handset id is taken from /system/build.prop ro.build.model If this fails it will attempt to read ro.build.product
Other Devices
All development of these scripts has been on my own S4, which is a GT-I9505. If you have an S4 variant that is not in the supported list above, or even a device other than an S4 or S2 and would like to use these scripts then do the following, and I will see if I can incorporate it into the core. I would of course have to be informed of any areas specific to your device/device's kernels/roms etc that would require incorporating into the scripts.
1. Report your exact device name (case sensitive). You can find this out either by looking in /system/build.prop for ro.product.model, or doing a getprop ro.product.model at a terminal emulator/adb shell.
2. Type the following at a terminal emulator/adb shell # prompt, and post up your result, noting the following important device names:
ls -al /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 cache -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p18
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 efs -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 system -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p16
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 userdata -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p29
ls -al /dev/block/platform/dw_mmc/by-name
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 cache -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p7
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 efs -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 system -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-03-20 07:46 userdata -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
(Note: Since v14, the file systems are now mounted by name, which will hopefully broaden the script's compatibility across devices.)​
Y=Fully wipe
Y*=Internal SD card (/sdcard) is fully wiped when SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=1. When 0, it is retained.
y=Selective areas only wiped. (See specific post for more details)
y*=Selective areas wiped (if supplied in your pre-defined removal file)​
Please Note
I use these scripts myself between many flashes of different ROMS, and are provided here, as-is, out of my passion for development. Although every effort has been made to ensure everything works correctly on my handset I cannot be held responsible if things get messed up, or if you put something in your user-definable files that you shouldn't have included. As with everything else on here, you flash anything at your own risk. I always recommend performing the appropriate full backups before attempting to flash anything onto your device.
Thank you to AntaresOne for finding out some extra EFS-related partitions.

FINAL Version: 1.28 (25/03/2015)
HawkerCoreV???.zip installs /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/HawkerCore.sh along with all of the above mentioned preset script zip files.
This is the central core of all my scripts. If you update the central core, this will have an affect on all of the preset zips that use it.
1. Copy the latest version of HawkerCore.zip onto your
2. Reboot into Recovery
3. Install zip from SD card>Run HawkerCoreV???.zip
You do not need to flash the core each time prior to running any of the preset zips.
After the initial installation, the only time you will need to re-flash HawkerCore is if you have fully wiped your internal storage (/sdcard), or if you have downloaded a full core update.
Core Tasks
These core tasks are contained in HawkerCore.sh, and combine to form the the preset zips (ROMNuke, ROMReset etc.)
Any of these core tasks can be called directly by a zip file updater-script if required.
Eg. run_program("/sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/HawkerCore.sh","CT_DataWipe")
Files/Folders Created/Used
The following folders are created to hold options, logs and backups:
/sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts (holds the core HawkerCore.sh)
/sdcard/HawkerCore/Jobs User-defined jobs
/sdcard/HawkerCore/Backups or /external_sd/HawkerCore/Backups, depending on the specified backup location.
1. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/HawkerCore.sh. This is the Core script.
2. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/HawkerCore.prop. Options file for all my scripts.
3. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/MyADDelete.txt Extra files/folders to delete in the CT_ADWipe operation (see Extra user-defined files/folders for removal above)
4. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/MyKeepFiles.txt. List of files that you want to keep that would otherwise get removed by the following preset zips:
(see My Files/Folders to Keep) Whether or not the backup/restore is performed is dependant on the if the operation is performing a full wipe (SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=1) See Summary of Options File below for more details.
5. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/BloatWipe.txt The default bloatware removal list of files/folders that are removed by a CT_BloatWipe operation. You must manually create and maintain this list of files.
6. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Logs/[script-name].log Shows activity log of what the corresponding script has done. This gets overwritten the next time you run the script.
File/Folder Paths Format
The files above hold paths to files/folders to keep/delete etc. These must contain the full path to the file/folder, one file per line, with forward "/" NOT backward "" slashes. Use either the standard text editor on your handset to amend these files, or if you want to edit via your PC then use NotePad++ and ensure you EOL setting is for UNIX​
The Options File
This options file controls the way all my scripts are run. Currently the following options are allowed:
BKP_LOCATION (default="ext")
Set to int/ext for internal SD Card/external SD Card
BKP_LOCATION=int (backs up to INTERNAL SD Card, ie. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Backups)
BKP_LOCATION=ext (backs up to EXTERNAL SD Card, ie. /external_sd/HawkerCore/Backups)
NOTE: If no external SD card is detected, any backups will be attempted to the internal SD card instead.
See the Changing the backup location section below for more details.
EFS_BKP (default=1)
Set if a backup of efs partition is required (EFS_BKP) automatically
when performing the more severe operations (ROMNuke, ROMReset and SDClean)
To perform in isolation (ignoring setting) use EFSBackup
EFS_BKP=1 to perform automatic backup to BKP_LOCATION/HawkerCore/Backups/efs,
EFS_BKP=0 for no automatic backup
SDCARD_FULL_WIPE (default=0)
Set if a FULL WIPE of the internal SD Card is required in the CT_DataWipe operation.
SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=1 performs a full wipe of internal SD Card (/sdcard). When this is set, any files defined in /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/MyKeepFiles.txt will get backed up first and subsequently restored after the full wipe.
Note: Where SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=1, you may end up with a sub-directory called "0" on your internal SD card after this operation has completed, which contains the contents of your original internal sd card before the wipe (with the original internal sd card being wiped). I'm not sure as yet as to why this could happen, but this backup could prove to be handy to you. If you do not require this, you should manually delete any previous contents from the "0" sub-directory.
SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=0 keeps the internal SD Card contents (/sdcard, ie. /data/media/0)
See the CT_DataWipe post for more details.
Changing the Backup Location
By default, backups are made to the external SD (if one is found) in /external_sd/HawkerCore/Backups. You can change the backup location to the internal SD card if required. This can be done by editing /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/HawkerCore.prop. Within this file there is a line that tells the script where the backups are to be stored. Edit the following line as required:
BKP_LOCATION=int (backs up to INTERNAL SD Card, ie. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Backups)
BKP_LOCATION=ext (backs up to EXTERNAL SD Card, ie. /external_sd/HawkerCore/Backups)
Please note, that if you change the location between int/ext in HawkerCore.prop, your backups will not get automatically moved to the new location. You would have to manually move the current backup over to the new location if you do not want to potentially have two copies of the backups.​
User-Defined Jobs
You can create your own jobs that call any of the above Core Tasks.
You must create a flashable zip for your job, and an associated job task list.
You can use the bundled /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/MyJob.zip as your template.
Job task lists are stored in /sdcard/HawkerCore/Jobs
For example, suppose we want to create a job called ResetMedia that performs the following tasks:
1. In /sdcard/HawkerCore/Jobs create a file called ResetMedia and insert the above tasks, one task per line. If you want to create this file on your PC, use NotePad++.
2. Save and exit, and if edited on your PC, copy the job file into /sdcard/HawkerCore/Jobs.
3. In /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts, copy MyJob.zip to ResetMedia.zip
4. Open ResetMedia.zip in 7Zip and navigate to the META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
5. Copy the updater-script file to your desktop and open in NotePad++
6. Change all references to MyJob to ResetMedia
7. Save updater-script
8. Drag the amended updater-script back into ResetMedia.zip
9. Close ResetMedia.zip (will automatically save) and copy it to /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts
10. Reboot into recovery and run ResetMedia.zip as normal
Note: Any user-defined jobs you create must be named differently to any of the preset zips or core tasks.​
Calling HawkerCore.sh
HawkerCore.sh can be called with any of the preset zips or core task identifiers as its parameter, either in Test Mode, or in the updater-script of a flashable .zip.
eg. run_program("/sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/HawkerCore.sh","ROMNuke")
Calling User-Defined Jobs:
[parameter] with a matching /sdcard/HawkerCore/Jobs/[parameter] job file. For example:
(See User-Defined Jobs above for details)
Note: Any user-defined jobs you create must be named differently to any of the preset zips or core tasks.
Test Mode
You can call /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/HawkerCore.sh through a script manager type of app, through a terminal emulator, or adb shell. You just need to supply it with any of the valid preset zip/user-defined job file names or core task.
Test Mode goes through all the motions as per a standard Recovery run, but it does not remove any files/folders in any way, and merely shows the commands it would have done. The exceptions to this being the MyBackup preset zip, and the CT_DelTemp, CT_EFSBackup, and CT_MyBackup core tasks, where you will be given the opportunity to perform a genuine run if the Test Mode prompt is declined.​
Work in Progress (V1.29)
Identify more areas for wiping
V1.28 (FINAL) (25/03/2015)
1. Deeper detection of apk-related files for removal
2. Include extra partitions in the CT_EFSBACKUP and CT_EFSRESTORE core tasks
3. /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/MyKeepFiles.txt was being reset on each run
4. Clear Cyanogenmod Eleven music player areas in CT_MediaWipe
5. Android and data folders are now always wiped on internal and external SD Cards in the CT_ADWipe operation, regardless of the SDCARD_FULL_WIPE setting (previously these folders would only get wiped when SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=1)
6. Clean Hulk Kernel in CT-KernelWipe Core Task
7. Clean Hybridmax Kernel in CT-KernelWipe Core Task
V1.27 (07/01/2015)
1. Deeper device id detection. Should now pick up S4 devices on S5-emulating ROMs
2. Clean Imperium Kernel in CT-KernelWipe Core Task
3. Suppress SKIPPED display for "." and ".." folders when wiping
V1.26 (07/10/2014)
1. Compatibility with latest Philz Recovery
2. Wipe AEL kernel in CT_KernelWipe core task
3. Display tweaks
V1.25 (15/08/2014)
1. Internal SD card contents were being stored in a "0" subfolder by a ROMNuke operation
2. Improved application removal function
3 /cache/dalvik-cache included in CT_DalvikWipe
4. Display tweaks
V1.24 (08/08/2014)
1. Find files method improved
2. Display tweaks
V1.23 (07/08/2014)
1. Improve detection of internal and external sd cards
2. Extended searches to remove .write_test file/folder
3. All kernel modules are now removed from /system/lib/modules in CT_KernelWipe
V1.22 (29/07/2014)
1. Resolved issues on GS2 when using later versions of CWM. This has meant a larger core zip (approx 10Mb) as busybox has had to be bundled in with the individual zips again. The problem seemed to be that later CWM versions are unable to execute programs directly off the internal SD card, and must be copied to an alternative temporary location (ie. /tmp) and run from there. Core-shell-only updates (HawkerCore.sh) will become available in subsequent versions if you don't want to download the suite of zips again. My thanks to @Ganjax again for his testing.
V1.21 (27/07/2014)
1. Streamlined zips. Busybox now gets installed into /sdcard/HawkerCore instead of having to bundle busybox in each of the zips separately. This has reduced the size of the core zip by 10Mb.
2. Remount of /system in script, as later versions of PhilZ seem not be able to mount initially.
3. Further attempts to resolve GS2 issues regarding internal/external sd card access. Many thanks to @Ganjax for his help and patience in testing for me for this. The conclusion so far is that for GS2 users, the scripts can only be run on TWRP, or on a version older than CWM
V1.20 (26/07/2014)
1. Attempt to resolve GS2 issues regarding internal/external sd card access
2. Display tweaks
V1.19 (20/07/2014)
NOTE: I am simplifying the options file. This has lead to the removal of certain options, but the functionality is still present, and are all controlled by the setting of SDCARD_FULL_WIPE. This update will therefore reset the /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/HawkerCore.prop options file back to default settings.
1. Attempt to resolve GS2 issues regarding internal/external sd card access. As i'm working blind on the S2, I've had to make guesses as to what the issue is here, but hopefully this version will resolve it. I recommend S2 users manually remove any folder called HawkerCore on both internal and external sd cards before flashing V1.19
2. CT_ADWipe always wipes nonessential areas of both internal and external SD cards, but now, /Android and /data within these cards are now only wiped depending on if SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=1 (default=0)
3. When MyBackup/MyRestore is called as part of a factory reset job, the backup/restore procedure only occurs when SDCARD_FULL_WIPE=1. This has lead to the PROCESS_KEEP_FILES option to be scrapped.
4. ANDROID_DATA_BKP scrapped. Now a backup of /sdcard/Android and /sdcard/data will always be attempted before being removed in a full wipe operation.
V1.18 (18/07/2014)
1. Issue sync commands prior to unmounting filesystems
2. Common filesystems were not being unmounted on exit
3. Display tweaks
4. Routine that returns getprop values made more robust
V1.16 (superseded by V1.17) (17/07/2014)
1. If the user has specified BKP_LOCATION=int in /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/HawkerCore.prop the script no longer attempts to see if an external sd card is present. It is assumed the user has specifically set this value because the device has no external SD card fitted.
2. For GS2 only, /sdcard for some reason is mounted to external sdcard, so unmount it and re-mount to internal sd.
V1.15 (13/07/2014)
NOTE: This build has incorporated multiple-device integration. The GS4 and GS2 are currently supported. Because of this, all the preset zips have been renamed (no GS4 prefix) and the default installation location for scripts and backups etc. has changed from GS4HawkerCore to folders called HawkerCore on the root of your internal and external SD cards. This will reset the properties file (which has been renamed to HawkerCore.prop) so if you have any non-default options set in here, then you will have to re-edit HawkerCore.prop after this version is installed.
The old GS4Hawker folders will no longer be used on this, and subsequent builds, so if you no longer need the files/folders contained within HawkerCore folders, you can remove this folder manually from both internal and external SD cards or run GS4HawkerCoreDel.zip (NOT HawkerCoreDel.zip)
1. Multi-device integration. Currently this allows for GS4 and GS2.
2. HawkerCore.zip now contains the core, plus all the preset zips, which all get installed into /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts.
3. CT_DataWipe operation improved and speeded up.
4. STweaks and EXTweaks apps are now always removed in the CT_KernelWipe operation, and not just the dalvik-cache areas. If the kernel that is about to be flashed uses either app, then it will be bundled in the zip anyway.
5. CT_MyBackup and CT_MyRestore are now only performed automatically in ROMNuke and ROMReset/SDClean
V1.14 (11/06/2014)
1. CT_MyBackup now performed in AlbumArtWipe, BloatWipe and MediaWipe
2. CT_MyRestore no longer performed in CT_KernelWipe
3. Obtaining build.prop details made more robust.
4. Include Googy-Max3 Kernel in CT_KernelWipe
5. Filesystems mounted by name, and not by specific device.
V1.13 (05/06/2014)
1. Allow for jflte and jfltexx product id recognition (for CM ROMS)
2. Find files speeded up in CT_AlbumArtWipe and CT_DelTemp core tasks.
3. CT_DelTemp now searches for and removes any .write_test file/folder found. The presence of these folders seem to restrict write access to external sd card for certain apps (Eg. Titanium Backup)
V1.12 (06/05/2014)
1. com.android.providers.media no longer removed in CT_MediaWipe as this includes album art. This area will now get removed only in the CT_AlbumArtWipe core task.
2. New parameter in /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/HawkerCore.prop PROCESS_KEEP_FILES. Default 1. When set, this will process the files/folders you have configured into /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/MyKeepFiles.txt within the KernelWipe, ROMNuke and ROMReset/SDClean preset zips. Setting this to 1 will backup the user-defined files at the start of the script, restoring them back at the end. Set to 0 will skip this backup/restore. Skipping is handy if you want to completely wipe the affected areas.
3. Include Adam Kernel in CT_KernelWipe
4. CT_KernelWipe now wipes /data/log/*
5. Added MyRestore preset zip
6. Added CT_MyRestore core task
V1.11 (11/04/2014)
1. Removed beta tag from build
2. Identified more areas to wipe in the CT_AlbumArtWipe operation
3. Core was not calling CT_MyBackup as a direct passed parameter
4. CT_MyBackup called in KernelWipe, ROMNuke and ROMReset/SDClean in case any files that are wiped in these operations are included in the user's list of files to keep (/sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/MyKeepFiles.txt)
5. Wipe of .android_secure no longer performed in SDClean
V1 Beta10 (25/03/2014)
1. Added CT_AlbumArtWipe core task
2. Added MyBackup preset zip
3. Added CT_MyBackup core task
4. CT_KernelWipe remove KTmonitor files
5. CT_KernelWipe Added Alucard Kernel
6. Added support for SGH-I337
7. Display tweaks
V1 Beta9 (06/03/2014)
1. CT_MediaWipe not removing internal/external sdcard areas
2. Display tweaks
3. More information output to log file
V1 Beta8 (05/03/2014)
1. Core was not installing correctly on the very first installation
V1 Beta7 (14/02/2014)
1. SGH-M919 now supported
V1 Beta6 (14/01/2014)
1. Display tweaks
2. Not restoring HawkerCore folder and files defined in MyKeepFiles after a full wipe
3. Identified more files to wipe in the CT_KernelWipe operation for KT and Ausdim kernels.
4. GT-I9505G now supported.
V1 Beta5 (21/11/2013)
1. Display tweaks
2. Added .mmsyscache to the Android Data Wipe Folders
3. CT_KernelWipe Added Abyss Kernel
4. CT_KernelWipe Added KT Kernel
5. Device names for /system, /data, /cache and /efs are now detected
V1 Beta4 (12/11/2013)
1. Added the CT_BloatWipe core function
V1 Beta3 (08/11/2013)
1. Take all wipe operations out of individual .zip updater-scripts and into the Core.
2. User-defined jobs in /sdcard/HawkerCore/Jobs/[Job-Name]
3. Display tweaks
V1 Beta2 (05/11/2013)
1. Properties file (/sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/HawkerCore.prop) was being recreated on each run
V1 Beta1 (03/11/2013)
First release

CacheWipe (Latest .zip 20/07/2014)
This zip fixes permissions in /system/framework and /system/app. then wipes Dalvik-cache and /cache.
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/CacheWipe
5. Reboot
CacheWipe Run Steps
1. CT_FixPerm
2. CT_DalvikWipe
3. CT_CacheWipe

DelTemp (Latest .zip 20/07/2014)
This will remove the following known temporary and corrupt files and folders.
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/DelTemp
5. Reboot
DelTemp Run Steps
1. CT_DelTemp
2. CT_DalvikWipe
3. CT_CacheWipe

EFSBackup (Latest .zip 20/07/2014)
EFSRestore (Latest .zip 20/07/2014)
These zips backup/restore all partitions relating to your device's EFS.
Thank you to AntaresOne for finding out some extra EFS-related partitions.
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/EFSBackup or EFSRestore
5. Reboot
For more details, click on the respective core task below.
EFSBackup Run Steps
1. CT_EFSBackup
EFSRestore Run Steps
1. CT_EFSRestore
Thank you to AntaresOne for finding out some extra EFS-related partitions.

KernelWipe (Latest .zip: 20/07/2014)
I have made a separate KernelWipe thread
This will become the main thread as far as any KernelWipe updates are concerned.
This zip is to be run before you flash your new kernel. It prepares your for your new kernel by removing much of the previous rubbish that you may have sitting on your phone from all your past kernels/tweaks etc. This left over rubbish can hinder the performance of your new kernel. KernelWipe removes all old kernel files that I am so far aware of as well as removing Voltage Control and NSTools settings and certain known kernel startup scripts from the startup (/system/etc/init.d) folder. (provided you have saved these app's settings as init.d scripts) These app's settings are removed as it is better to be able to view what your new kernel's default settings are after the first flash so that you can tweak from there.
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/KernelWipe
5. Install zip from SD card>Flash your new kernel
6. Reboot
KernelWipe Run Steps
1. CT_KernelWipe

MediaWipe (Latest .zip: 20/07/2014)
This zip will remove all known media cache files/thumbnails etc so they will get rebuilt when you next reboot your device.
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/MediaWipe
5. Reboot
If you are experiencing any of the following problems then this script my resolve the issues you're having:
1. A stuck Media scanner. Giving the Media Scanner a clean base to work from can aid the scanning process and possibly resolve any related wakelocks
2. Your Gallery shows blank entries instead of pictures/videos
3. Your Gallery is showing duplicate entries
The script will not definitely cure these problems, but quite often the cause can be a corruption in media cache files and/or thumbnails, in which case the script will help.
The script definitely does not remove any media files (music/pictures/videos etc)
MediaWipe Run Steps
1. CT_MediaWipe
2. CT_DelTemp
3. CT_DalvikWipe
4. CT_CacheWipe

ROMNuke (Latest .zip: 20/07/2014)
This zip will wipe your device ready for your new ROM to be flashed. It goes over and beyond a FULL WIPE/Factory reset as far as your device is concerned.
It is designed to be run IMMEDIATELY prior to flashing a new ROM.
DO NOT run this zip at any other time!!!
For more information please read the SDCARD_FULL_WIPE setting in the OP.
After executing ROMNuke, you must flash your ROM directly afterwards. If you do not, your device WILL NOT BOOT. You will get a boot loop as /system will be empty.
A factory reset (ie. a wipe of /data) on the S4 will wipe the entire internal SD card contents, as this is actually stored in /data/media/0.
If you store personal files within /sdcard, please perform full backups prior to flashing ROMNuke or ROMReset just to be on the safe side. (eg. in Windows, open your device, double-click Phone, select all, copy+paste)
For more information please read the SDCARD_FULL_WIPE setting in DataWipe function in post #2.
When you are at a stage whereby you want to flash a new CUSTOM ROM and want to do a FULL WIPE before doing so (which I would ALWAYS recommend) the steps are as follows:
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/ROMNuke
5. Install zip from SD card>Flash your new ROM
6. Reboot
If you are installing a new STOCK ROM and want to do a Nuke then:
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
3. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/ROMNuke
4. Reboot into Download mode
5. Install your stock ROM via Odin
6. Re-root your device
ROMNuke Run Steps
1. CT_EFSBackup
2. CT_MyBackup
3. CT_KernelWipe
4. CT_ADWipe
5. CT_MediaWipe
6. CT_DelTemp
7. CT_DataWipe
8. CT_MyRestore
9. CT_SystemWipe
10. CT_CacheWipe
Running ROMNuke will give your new ROM a totally clean slate to start off from. Recommended for example when upgrading to a different Android version, or when you just can't seem to get certain applications to behave properly on your new ROM.
Let me know if you have any other ideas as to files/folders that could also be removed (such as folders specific to various ROMs) so I can look into it for possible inclusion in the next release.

ROMReset (Latest .zip: 20/07/2014)
SDClean (Latest .zip: 20/07/2014)
ROMReset performs a additional tasks on top of a standard factory reset for your current ROM. This is designed to return your current ROM to its factory defaults. You will not have to re-install your ROM after running this. Just reboot and you will enter the Android installation wizard as normal on the first run. Application-related areas and media cache will be wiped from your internal and external sd cards.
ROMReset is identical to ROMNuke but it does do a kernel wipe, and keeps your ROM's /system files.
SDClean is identical to ROMReset, in that it wipes internal/external SD Card areas that applications in your current ROM use, but it does not perform a factory reset (CT_DataWipe), so the /data partition is retained. You will not need to go through the initial setup process again on first boot.
A factory reset (ie. a wipe of /data) on the S4 will wipe the entire internal SD card contents, as this is actually stored in /data/media/0.
If you store personal files within /sdcard, please perform full backups prior to flashing ROMNuke or ROMReset just to be on the safe side. (eg. in Windows, open your device, double-click Phone, select all, copy+paste)
For more information please read the SDCARD_FULL_WIPE setting for the CT_DataWipe function in post #2.
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/ROMRest or SDClean
5. Reboot
ROMReset Run Steps
1. CT_EFSBackup
2. CT_MyBackup
3. CT_ADWipe
4. CT_MediaWipe
5. CT_DelTemp
6. CT_DataWipe
7. CT_MyRestore
8. CT_FixPerm
9. CT_CacheWipe
SDClean Run Steps
1. CT_MyBackup
2. CT_ADWipe
3. CT_DelTemp
4. CT_MyRestore
5. CT_FixPerm
6. CT_DalvikWipe
7. CT_CacheWipe
Let me know if you have any other ideas as to files/folders that could also be removed (such as folders specific to various ROMs) so I can look into it for possible inclusion in the next release.

BloatWipe (Latest .zip: 20/07/2014)
This zip will remove your own pre-defined BloatWare.
1. Reboot into Recovery
2. If you have not previously done so, download and install the core zip HawkerCoreV???.zip. This will create a folder called /sdcard/HawkerCore
3. A nandroid backup is recommended beforehand
4. Install zip from SD card>Run /sdcard/HawkerCore/Scripts/BloatWipe
5. Reboot
The zip uses /sdcard/HawkerCore/Options/BloatWipe.txt as its default list of files/folders to remove.
BloatWipe Run Steps
1. CT_BloatWipe
2. CT_DalvikWipe
3. CT_CacheWipe
For a list of possible Bloat removal, look at This Thread by fAiLOfax
You can also look here

Nice to see your scripts here. Thank you very much mate
Omega Devices
Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-9100
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-9505

Great to see you working on the S4! Your S2 scripts were epic. I'll try it out and let you know!

Oh my god. FINALLY. no more tedious wiping thanks hawker your s2 scripts are so handy really missed them when I upgraded to s4
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------
Used rom wipe script. On s2 it was all i used to flash roms because it left downloads folder alone and also my photos etc. BUT now on s4 it wipes entire internal storage downloads photos EVERYTHING lol.
Whats best to use to jst wipe data factory reset
Wipe cach
Wipe dalvic
And format system for rom install and leave my downloads etc in tact
I know its beta so thanks
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Thank so much, like the others mentioned I was so used to these on the S2. I'm happy to be able to use the scripts again.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

diddly3000 said:
Oh my god. FINALLY. no more tedious wiping thanks hawker your s2 scripts are so handy really missed them when I upgraded to s4
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------
Used rom wipe script. On s2 it was all i used to flash roms because it left downloads folder alone and also my photos etc. BUT now on s4 it wipes entire internal storage downloads photos EVERYTHING lol.
Whats best to use to jst wipe data factory reset
Wipe cach
Wipe dalvic
And format system for rom install and leave my downloads etc in tact
I know its beta so thanks
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What exactly are you saying it removed?
The only thing remotely download related is a folder called .downloadTemp which gets removed by GS4ROMClean
None of the scripts touch /sdcard/Downloads or /storage/extSdCard/Downloads

hawkerpaul said:
What exactly are you saying it removes?
The only thing remotely download related is a folder called .downloadTemp which gets removed buy GS4ROMClean
None of the scripts touch /sdcard/Downloads or /storage/extSdCard/Downloads
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When i flashed rom wipe script it removed EVERYTHING from internel storage apart from clockwork mod folder.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

This is my internal storage after i restored back to liquidsmooth which was on my ext sd card
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

I can't see how it did that.
Can you post up /sdcard/GS4Hawker/Logs/GS4ROMWipe.log please

hawkerpaul said:
I can't see how it did that.
Can you post up /sdcard/GS4Hawker/Logs/GS4ROMWipe.log please
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Don't have that folder anywhere mate.
Not in sd or internal
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk 4

Don't know if it coincidence but since I used gs4romwipe I can't download or update apps from store.
Get error 927
I have cleared market data Google services data services framework data and removed Google account.
Rebooted and added account again and tried again with no luck
Edited sorted by wipe cache and dalvic and fixed permission
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk 4


[TUT] What Is ClockworkMod And How To Use It [Complete Guide] [VeNuM]

Firstly all creadit goes to VeNuM. i haven't make this
Now, i found this helpful to NOOBS so i copied it.
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What Is ClockworkMod Recovery And How To Use It On Android​
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ClockworkMod – also known as Clockwork and CWM – is a custom recovery for Android phones and tablets that allows you to perform several advanced recovery, restoration, installation and maintenance operations on your Android device that aren’t possible with the stock recovery. In what follows, we will cover all that this recovery is capable of doing, and how to do it. We do not discuss Touch recovery (and you shouldn’t use it on the ET4G) or Rogue recovery here. Those are different tuts…
All About Android Recovery
All Android devices ship with a recovery console that is basically a partition on the device’s internal memory and can be booted into. The stock recovery of almost all Android devices provides a few basic yet handy options that allow you to factory reset your device and also to recover its operating system using an official ROM in zip format, but that’s all you can do with it. That’s where a custom recovery comes handy.
A custom Android recovery basically replaces the stock recovery with one that lets you do all you can do with the stock recovery, plus a plethora of more options to give you a lot more control on your device. With a custom recovery, you can install official and unofficial ROMs as well as other updates including apps, themes, kernels etc. using zip files, wipe not just user data but pretty much every partition on your device, mount the storage card for USB mass storage access without leaving recovery, partition your SD card, wipe Dalvik cache and battery stats, fix permissions, perform, manage and restore backups and so on.
Introduction to ClockworkMod
ClockworkMod recovery is one of the most widely used custom Android recoveries that is available for most mainstream Android devices. It is the needed recovery for AOKP, AOSP, CM7 and 9. ClockworkMod recovery has been developed by Koushik Dutta (also known as Koush) – the same guy who brought us the Android ROM Manager.
Booting into ClockworkMod
On most Android devices including ones by Samsung, you can enter recovery by powering your device off and then powering it back on while keeping either the ‘Volume Down’ or the ‘Volume-Up’ button pressed, depending on the device (volume up for our phones). This will enter the bootloader from where you can select the ‘RECOVERY’ option by navigating to it with the Volume key and entering it with the ‘Power’ key.
On most Samsung devices specifically Samsung Galaxy S series devices, you must keep both the ‘Volume-Up’ and ‘Home’ keys pressed while powering on the device, to directly enter recovery.
1.reboot system now
This one is self-explanatory.
2.apply update from sdcard
This can be used for installation of any official or unofficial update, ROM, kernel, theme etc. that is in a zip format installable from recovery, as long as the file is named update.zip and it has been placed on the root of your SD card (i.e. not in any sub-folder). Selecting this option (and most of the options featured below) will bring up a rather annoying confirmation prompt but this has saved us on multiple occasions from a lot of trouble we would have been into due to accidental key presses. This is what we are talking about:
3. wipe data/factory reset
This option wipes all user data on the device as well as cache. Doing this will leave your phone in the state it was in when you bought it or when any custom ROM was first installed. It will also wipe any sd-ext partition that you might have setup (more on this later).
4. wipe cache partition
Wipes the cache partition of the device to clear all the data accumulated there over use. This is often used before installing a new ROM, app, kernel or any similar mod via recovery.
5. install zip from sdcard
This option brings up the following sub-menu:
1. apply /sdcard/update.zip
This one is essentially the same as the ‘apply update from sdcard’ option of the main menu.
2. choose zip from sdcard
Lets you install any zip file (with any name) from any location on your SD card. The file can be for a ROM, a kernel, an application, a theme or any mod as long as it is in recovery-flashable zip format. This is the most widely used option for installing a ROM that you have downloaded and copied to your SD card.
3. toggle signature verification
Turns the signature verification on and off. When signature verification is on, you will not be able to install any custom ROMs that haven’t been signed by the developers (most custom ROMs aren’t signed). Switching it off skips the signature verification check and proceeds with the installation.
4. toggle script asserts
Seldom-used option for a vast majority of users. It simply turns script asserts on or off. If you don’t know about these (we don’t), it’s best not to change this option.
5. +++++Go Back+++++
Takes you back to the main recovery menu, obviously!
6. backup and restore Undoubtedly one of the most important features provided by a custom recovery, the backup and restore feature – also known as Nandroid backup – allows you to take a snapshot of your phone’s entire internal memory including all partitions, and save it on the SD card.
1. Backup
Takes a Nandroid backup, as explained above.
2. Restore
Lets you restore a previously taken backup. Entering this option presents you with a list of existing backups from the SD card that you can choose from for restoration.
3. Advanced Restore
This option is similar to the Restore option but once a backup has been selected to be restored, this option allows you to choose what parts of it to restore. You can choose to restore the boot, system, data, cache and sd-ext partitions.
7. mounts and storage
Allows you to perform maintenance tasks on all the internal and external partitions of your android device
1. mount/unmount /system, /data, /cache, /sdcard or /sd-ext
These options let you toggle between mounting or unmounting these respective partitions. Most users don’t need to change these options.
2. format boot, system, data, cache, sdcard or sd-ext
These let you directly format any of these partitions. Take extreme care with this option as formatting any of these partitions will result in losing all data on them, especially the boot and system partitions. Formatting the system partition will remove your ROM and leave your phone without an operating system while wiping the boot partition may brick your phone unless you restore or flash another one before rebooting your device.
3. mount USB storage
Lets you enable USB mass storage mode for your SD card right from recovery so that you can connect it to your computer via USB and transfer any files to/from it without having to leave recovery.
8. advanced
This section contains a few options most users will not require, though these can come handy quite often, especially wiping Dalvik cache, which is required before most ROM installations.
1. Reboot Recovery
Lets you directly and very conveniently reboot from recovery right back into recovery. This is useful option for certain back-to-back installations that require the device to at least boot once between them.
2. Wipe Dalvik Cache
Allows you to wipe the cache for the Dalvik virtual machine (the custom-built Java virtual machine for Android).This is required before most ROM installations and at other occasions too, for fixing some problems.
3. Wipe Battery Stats
Wipes the saved battery usage statistics and effectively recalibrates the battery. Useful in various scenarios when Android isn’t showing correct battery levels.
4. Report Error
In case of errors, this feature can be used to save a log of recent ClockworkMod recovery operations on the SD card that you can later report from Android using ROM Manager.
5. Key Test
Lets you press any of the hardware keys to see if they are properly functioning, and to see their key codes.
6. Partition SD Card
This option gives you a no-frills way to partition your SD card properly for use with ROMs that support data2ext (a very handy hack for low internal memory devices that enables an /sd-ext partition on the SD card to be used as the internal user data storage i.e. as the /data partition). Once this option is selected, you will be given options to choose the sizes for the /sd-ext partition as well as an optional /swap partition on the SD card, and will then automatically format it for you, leaving the remaining space for normal SD card usage. This option will wipe all data from your SD card so use it with caution!
7. Fix Permissions
Fixes the file permissions for the internal memory partitions back to default. This is very useful as a fix for several errors and Force-Closes that start appearing after you or an application you installed and provided root access end up messing up the permissions of important files.
Using ClockworkMod for ROM, kernel, apps, theme or mod installation
While in the complete feature tour we have already shown you how to install a ROM, kernel, app, theme or any similar mod from a recovery-flashable zip file using the recovery options, those of you who jumped straight to this section expecting to get just this information quickly are at the right place!
This guide is primary focused on a full feature tour of ClockworkMod recovery but in our previously written guide on how to flash a ROM or app from a zip to an Android device file from recovery, we have already covered in detail how to use ClockworkMod for installing any ROM, kernel, app, theme or mod using a recovery-flashable zip file. While that guide is based on an older version of ClockworkMod recovery, everything in it still applies to the latest versions and should work flawlessly.
How To Install A ROM Or App From Zip File To Android Device From Recovery
Please note that the terms ‘installing’ and ‘flashing’ can be used interchangeably here and will mean the same thing.
Disclaimer: Although I have done my best to make the following procedure as safe as possible, you should still follow this guide at your own risk.
Rooting your device renders its warranty void.
ALWAYS take backups before rooting or flashing a custom ROM or app to your phone.
Flashing a defective ROM or app to your phone might brick it so choose the ROMs and software that you flash wisely and never install a ROM or application from an untrusted source.
AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
Official ROM updates from device manufacturers or carriers are released in conveniently packaged installation files that you can run on your computer while your Android device is connected to it, and they automatically take care of updating your phone’s system. Similarly, most applications are available directly in the Android Market for easy installation, or come packaged as convenient ‘.apk’ files that you can just run on your Android phone to install. The case is not the same with most custom ROMs and several custom applications, which come in .zip files rather than PC installers or .apk files.
The idea of installing a customized operating system to their smartphone can be quite intimidating for inexperienced users. Though once they get used to it, some of them end up trying out different ROMs for their devices several times a day. While I don’t exactly recommend that you flash every new ROM that is made available for your Android phone, we are here to help you get over the fear of flashing a ROM that enhances the capabilities of your device so that you can use it to its fullest potential.
Here is a quick look at what we will be covering in this guide. Feel free to skip to the real deal if you already meet the prerequisites.
• Before We Begin: Battery Check
• Before We Begin: Unlocking the Bootloader (Stock Android Devices Only)
• Before We Begin: Rooting
• Before We Proceed: Installing a Custom Recovery
• The Real Deal: Installing a Custom ROM to your Phone
• The Real Deal: Installing an App From a Zip File to your Phone
There are certain steps that you might not require, and we shall be mentioning them in each section.
Before We Begin: Battery Check
Before you proceed with any of the following steps, make sure your phone’s battery level is not too low. It is recommended to have it at 50% or more. Do NOT take this lightly. If your phone’s battery runs out while you are attempting to flash a custom ROM, there is a significant chance of your phone getting bricked and becoming unusable PERMANENTLY.
Before We Begin:Unlocking the Bootloader (Stock Android Devices Only)
Note: This step applies only to Android devices with stock version of Android installed. At the moment, Google Nexus One and Nexus S are the only two such devices available. You may skip this step if you are using any other Android device.
Users of stock Android devices such as the Google Nexus One or Nexus S also need to unlock its bootloader before they can proceed. Once you have done this, you may proceed to the next step.
Before We Begin: Rooting
Note: You may skip this step if your device is already rooted, or if you already know how to root it.
Before you can install a custom ROM to your device, your phone needs to be rooted. Rooting is basically administrator or root level access required to perform administrative tasks on your Android device. Once you are done with the rooting process, you may proceed to the next step.
Before We Proceed: Installing A Custom Recovery
Note: You may skip this step if you already have a custom recovery installed on your device.
Rooting grants you the necessary access level to execute administrative tasks on your Android device but it is the recovery that provides the tools necessary to actually perform those tasks. While every Android device ships with a recovery, the stock recovery is quite limited in what it lets you do, and you need a custom recovery image to perform advanced operations on your device. Once you have a custom recovery installed on your phone, you will be ready to proceed to the next step.
The Real Deal: Installing a Custom ROM to your Phone
Now that you have a custom recovery installed on your phone, you can perform all sorts of wonderful advanced operations on your device and this includes the ability to flash a ROM or application from a zip file. The procedure is pretty standard for most ROMs, though there are certain ROMs which require additional steps for their installation. Since those steps differ from ROM to ROM, pay attention to instructions and this includes only the standard instructions here.
• Manually
1. Download the ROM from the link given in the article featuring that ROM. It should be a zip file.
2. Connect your phone to your computer via USB and mount its storage card.
3. Copy the downloaded ROM to the root of the storage card.
4. Power your phone off and reboot it into recovery. This will involve using a combination of your device’s hardware keys. Once in recovery, you can navigate its menu using the volume up and volume down hardware keys or your phone’s trackball / optical track pad if it comes equipped with one.
5. Use the ‘backup and restore’ feature of recovery to backup your existing ROM installation, software and data. This step is known as performing a nandroid backup. ALWAYS perform a backup before flashing a custom ROM, UNLESS you can afford to lose everything that’s on your phone at the moment.
Note: ALWAYS choose to perform the following steps 6, 7 and 8 UNLESS the ROM you are attempting to flash is an updated version of the same ROM that you are currently using, and is compatible with the current installation’s data. It is usually mentioned with the update whether you can install it over a previous version without wiping its data or not.
6. Get back to the main recovery menu and use the option ‘wipe data/factory reset’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select “Yes – Delete all user data”.
7. From the main recovery menu, select ‘wipe cache partition’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Wipe Cache’.
8. From the main recovery menu, enter the ‘advanced’ menu. From this menu, select ‘Wipe Dalvik Cache’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Format/System’.
9. From the main recovery menu, enter the ‘Mounts and Storage’ menu. From this menu, select ‘Format/System’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Wipe Dalvik Cache’.
10. Go back to the main recovery menu by pressing the back button and select the ‘Install zip from SD card’ option.
11. Select ‘choose zip from sdcard’ to get a list of the files and folders on your SD card. Scroll to the ROM’s file that you copied there in step 3, and select it. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Install file_name.zip’ where file_name.zip is the name of the zip file that you are trying to install.
12. Wait patiently while the ROM is flashed to your phone via recovery.
13. Once the installation is complete, head back to the main recovery menu if you aren’t there, and select ‘reboot system now’. Your phone will now boot into the newly installed ROM.
The Real Deal: Installing an App From a Zip File to your Phone
While most apps for Android devices are available at the app store for direct download and installation or as .apk files for direct installation, there are certain apps which are only available as zip files installable from recovery. Their installation procedure is the same as installing a custom ROM that we just featured above. However, there are a few minute differences.
• When installing an app from a zip file, you do NOT need to perform the ‘wipe data/factory reset’ or ‘wipe/system’ step so NEVER do that unless you know what you are doing, have a complete backup and want to start using your ROM as a fresh installation with the new app added.
• You might or might not need to wipe the cache and the dalvik cache for installing apps from zip file. This varies from app to app and the developers of such apps as well as many reviewers including us mention when featuring an app whether it requires a cache and dalvik cache wipe or not. However, it never hurts to wipe these caches anyway, and it does not effect the data on your device or its storage card.
There you go, this concludes the guide on how to flash a ROM or app from a zip file to your Android device using a custom recovery. To try out the skills that you just learned, search our site for custom ROMs for your phone and start flashing, always remembering to take backups first!
LOL x2
very nice guide........ also add CWM.zip madteam . skin with original thread link............
Sent from my GT-S6102 using Tapatalk 2
cwm link attached
one of da best threads in this forum,thx.
deathviper said:
What Is ClockworkMod Recovery And How To Use It On Android​
ClockworkMod – also known as Clockwork and CWM – is a custom recovery for Android phones and tablets that allows you to perform several advanced recovery, restoration, installation and maintenance operations on your Android device that aren’t possible with the stock recovery. In what follows, we will cover all that this recovery is capable of doing, and how to do it. We do not discuss Touch recovery (and you shouldn’t use it on the ET4G) or Rogue recovery here. Those are different tuts…
All About Android Recovery
All Android devices ship with a recovery console that is basically a partition on the device’s internal memory and can be booted into. The stock recovery of almost all Android devices provides a few basic yet handy options that allow you to factory reset your device and also to recover its operating system using an official ROM in zip format, but that’s all you can do with it. That’s where a custom recovery comes handy.
A custom Android recovery basically replaces the stock recovery with one that lets you do all you can do with the stock recovery, plus a plethora of more options to give you a lot more control on your device. With a custom recovery, you can install official and unofficial ROMs as well as other updates including apps, themes, kernels etc. using zip files, wipe not just user data but pretty much every partition on your device, mount the storage card for USB mass storage access without leaving recovery, partition your SD card, wipe Dalvik cache and battery stats, fix permissions, perform, manage and restore backups and so on.
Introduction to ClockworkMod
ClockworkMod recovery is one of the most widely used custom Android recoveries that is available for most mainstream Android devices. It is the needed recovery for AOKP, AOSP, CM7 and 9. ClockworkMod recovery has been developed by Koushik Dutta (also known as Koush) – the same guy who brought us the Android ROM Manager.
Booting into ClockworkMod
On most Android devices including ones by Samsung, you can enter recovery by powering your device off and then powering it back on while keeping either the ‘Volume Down’ or the ‘Volume-Up’ button pressed, depending on the device (volume up for our phones). This will enter the bootloader from where you can select the ‘RECOVERY’ option by navigating to it with the Volume key and entering it with the ‘Power’ key.
On most Samsung devices specifically Samsung Galaxy S series devices, you must keep both the ‘Volume-Up’ and ‘Home’ keys pressed while powering on the device, to directly enter recovery.
1.reboot system now
This one is self-explanatory.
2.apply update from sdcard
This can be used for installation of any official or unofficial update, ROM, kernel, theme etc. that is in a zip format installable from recovery, as long as the file is named update.zip and it has been placed on the root of your SD card (i.e. not in any sub-folder). Selecting this option (and most of the options featured below) will bring up a rather annoying confirmation prompt but this has saved us on multiple occasions from a lot of trouble we would have been into due to accidental key presses. This is what we are talking about:
3. wipe data/factory reset
This option wipes all user data on the device as well as cache. Doing this will leave your phone in the state it was in when you bought it or when any custom ROM was first installed. It will also wipe any sd-ext partition that you might have setup (more on this later).
4. wipe cache partition
Wipes the cache partition of the device to clear all the data accumulated there over use. This is often used before installing a new ROM, app, kernel or any similar mod via recovery.
5. install zip from sdcard
This option brings up the following sub-menu:
1. apply /sdcard/update.zip
This one is essentially the same as the ‘apply update from sdcard’ option of the main menu.
2. choose zip from sdcard
Lets you install any zip file (with any name) from any location on your SD card. The file can be for a ROM, a kernel, an application, a theme or any mod as long as it is in recovery-flashable zip format. This is the most widely used option for installing a ROM that you have downloaded and copied to your SD card.
3. toggle signature verification
Turns the signature verification on and off. When signature verification is on, you will not be able to install any custom ROMs that haven’t been signed by the developers (most custom ROMs aren’t signed). Switching it off skips the signature verification check and proceeds with the installation.
4. toggle script asserts
Seldom-used option for a vast majority of users. It simply turns script asserts on or off. If you don’t know about these (we don’t), it’s best not to change this option.
5. +++++Go Back+++++
Takes you back to the main recovery menu, obviously!
6. backup and restore Undoubtedly one of the most important features provided by a custom recovery, the backup and restore feature – also known as Nandroid backup – allows you to take a snapshot of your phone’s entire internal memory including all partitions, and save it on the SD card.
1. Backup
Takes a Nandroid backup, as explained above.
2. Restore
Lets you restore a previously taken backup. Entering this option presents you with a list of existing backups from the SD card that you can choose from for restoration.
3. Advanced Restore
This option is similar to the Restore option but once a backup has been selected to be restored, this option allows you to choose what parts of it to restore. You can choose to restore the boot, system, data, cache and sd-ext partitions.
7. mounts and storage
Allows you to perform maintenance tasks on all the internal and external partitions of your android device
1. mount/unmount /system, /data, /cache, /sdcard or /sd-ext
These options let you toggle between mounting or unmounting these respective partitions. Most users don’t need to change these options.
2. format boot, system, data, cache, sdcard or sd-ext
These let you directly format any of these partitions. Take extreme care with this option as formatting any of these partitions will result in losing all data on them, especially the boot and system partitions. Formatting the system partition will remove your ROM and leave your phone without an operating system while wiping the boot partition may brick your phone unless you restore or flash another one before rebooting your device.
3. mount USB storage
Lets you enable USB mass storage mode for your SD card right from recovery so that you can connect it to your computer via USB and transfer any files to/from it without having to leave recovery.
8. advanced
This section contains a few options most users will not require, though these can come handy quite often, especially wiping Dalvik cache, which is required before most ROM installations.
1. Reboot Recovery
Lets you directly and very conveniently reboot from recovery right back into recovery. This is useful option for certain back-to-back installations that require the device to at least boot once between them.
2. Wipe Dalvik Cache
Allows you to wipe the cache for the Dalvik virtual machine (the custom-built Java virtual machine for Android).This is required before most ROM installations and at other occasions too, for fixing some problems.
3. Wipe Battery Stats
Wipes the saved battery usage statistics and effectively recalibrates the battery. Useful in various scenarios when Android isn’t showing correct battery levels.
4. Report Error
In case of errors, this feature can be used to save a log of recent ClockworkMod recovery operations on the SD card that you can later report from Android using ROM Manager.
5. Key Test
Lets you press any of the hardware keys to see if they are properly functioning, and to see their key codes.
6. Partition SD Card
This option gives you a no-frills way to partition your SD card properly for use with ROMs that support data2ext (a very handy hack for low internal memory devices that enables an /sd-ext partition on the SD card to be used as the internal user data storage i.e. as the /data partition). Once this option is selected, you will be given options to choose the sizes for the /sd-ext partition as well as an optional /swap partition on the SD card, and will then automatically format it for you, leaving the remaining space for normal SD card usage. This option will wipe all data from your SD card so use it with caution!
7. Fix Permissions
Fixes the file permissions for the internal memory partitions back to default. This is very useful as a fix for several errors and Force-Closes that start appearing after you or an application you installed and provided root access end up messing up the permissions of important files.
Using ClockworkMod for ROM, kernel, apps, theme or mod installation
While in the complete feature tour we have already shown you how to install a ROM, kernel, app, theme or any similar mod from a recovery-flashable zip file using the recovery options, those of you who jumped straight to this section expecting to get just this information quickly are at the right place!
This guide is primary focused on a full feature tour of ClockworkMod recovery but in our previously written guide on how to flash a ROM or app from a zip to an Android device file from recovery, we have already covered in detail how to use ClockworkMod for installing any ROM, kernel, app, theme or mod using a recovery-flashable zip file. While that guide is based on an older version of ClockworkMod recovery, everything in it still applies to the latest versions and should work flawlessly.
How To Install A ROM Or App From Zip File To Android Device From Recovery
Please note that the terms ‘installing’ and ‘flashing’ can be used interchangeably here and will mean the same thing.
Disclaimer: Although I have done my best to make the following procedure as safe as possible, you should still follow this guide at your own risk.
Rooting your device renders its warranty void.
ALWAYS take backups before rooting or flashing a custom ROM or app to your phone.
Flashing a defective ROM or app to your phone might brick it so choose the ROMs and software that you flash wisely and never install a ROM or application from an untrusted source.
AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
Official ROM updates from device manufacturers or carriers are released in conveniently packaged installation files that you can run on your computer while your Android device is connected to it, and they automatically take care of updating your phone’s system. Similarly, most applications are available directly in the Android Market for easy installation, or come packaged as convenient ‘.apk’ files that you can just run on your Android phone to install. The case is not the same with most custom ROMs and several custom applications, which come in .zip files rather than PC installers or .apk files.
The idea of installing a customized operating system to their smartphone can be quite intimidating for inexperienced users. Though once they get used to it, some of them end up trying out different ROMs for their devices several times a day. While I don’t exactly recommend that you flash every new ROM that is made available for your Android phone, we are here to help you get over the fear of flashing a ROM that enhances the capabilities of your device so that you can use it to its fullest potential.
Here is a quick look at what we will be covering in this guide. Feel free to skip to the real deal if you already meet the prerequisites.
• Before We Begin: Battery Check
• Before We Begin: Unlocking the Bootloader (Stock Android Devices Only)
• Before We Begin: Rooting
• Before We Proceed: Installing a Custom Recovery
• The Real Deal: Installing a Custom ROM to your Phone
• The Real Deal: Installing an App From a Zip File to your Phone
There are certain steps that you might not require, and we shall be mentioning them in each section.
Before We Begin: Battery Check
Before you proceed with any of the following steps, make sure your phone’s battery level is not too low. It is recommended to have it at 50% or more. Do NOT take this lightly. If your phone’s battery runs out while you are attempting to flash a custom ROM, there is a significant chance of your phone getting bricked and becoming unusable PERMANENTLY.
Before We Begin:Unlocking the Bootloader (Stock Android Devices Only)
Note: This step applies only to Android devices with stock version of Android installed. At the moment, Google Nexus One and Nexus S are the only two such devices available. You may skip this step if you are using any other Android device.
Users of stock Android devices such as the Google Nexus One or Nexus S also need to unlock its bootloader before they can proceed. Once you have done this, you may proceed to the next step.
Before We Begin: Rooting
Note: You may skip this step if your device is already rooted, or if you already know how to root it.
Before you can install a custom ROM to your device, your phone needs to be rooted. Rooting is basically administrator or root level access required to perform administrative tasks on your Android device. Once you are done with the rooting process, you may proceed to the next step.
Before We Proceed: Installing A Custom Recovery
Note: You may skip this step if you already have a custom recovery installed on your device.
Rooting grants you the necessary access level to execute administrative tasks on your Android device but it is the recovery that provides the tools necessary to actually perform those tasks. While every Android device ships with a recovery, the stock recovery is quite limited in what it lets you do, and you need a custom recovery image to perform advanced operations on your device. Once you have a custom recovery installed on your phone, you will be ready to proceed to the next step.
The Real Deal: Installing a Custom ROM to your Phone
Now that you have a custom recovery installed on your phone, you can perform all sorts of wonderful advanced operations on your device and this includes the ability to flash a ROM or application from a zip file. The procedure is pretty standard for most ROMs, though there are certain ROMs which require additional steps for their installation. Since those steps differ from ROM to ROM, pay attention to instructions and this includes only the standard instructions here.
• Manually
1. Download the ROM from the link given in the article featuring that ROM. It should be a zip file.
2. Connect your phone to your computer via USB and mount its storage card.
3. Copy the downloaded ROM to the root of the storage card.
4. Power your phone off and reboot it into recovery. This will involve using a combination of your device’s hardware keys. Once in recovery, you can navigate its menu using the volume up and volume down hardware keys or your phone’s trackball / optical track pad if it comes equipped with one.
5. Use the ‘backup and restore’ feature of recovery to backup your existing ROM installation, software and data. This step is known as performing a nandroid backup. ALWAYS perform a backup before flashing a custom ROM, UNLESS you can afford to lose everything that’s on your phone at the moment.
Note: ALWAYS choose to perform the following steps 6, 7 and 8 UNLESS the ROM you are attempting to flash is an updated version of the same ROM that you are currently using, and is compatible with the current installation’s data. It is usually mentioned with the update whether you can install it over a previous version without wiping its data or not.
6. Get back to the main recovery menu and use the option ‘wipe data/factory reset’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select “Yes – Delete all user data”.
7. From the main recovery menu, select ‘wipe cache partition’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Wipe Cache’.
8. From the main recovery menu, enter the ‘advanced’ menu. From this menu, select ‘Wipe Dalvik Cache’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Format/System’.
9. From the main recovery menu, enter the ‘Mounts and Storage’ menu. From this menu, select ‘Format/System’. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Wipe Dalvik Cache’.
10. Go back to the main recovery menu by pressing the back button and select the ‘Install zip from SD card’ option.
11. Select ‘choose zip from sdcard’ to get a list of the files and folders on your SD card. Scroll to the ROM’s file that you copied there in step 3, and select it. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Select ‘Yes – Install file_name.zip’ where file_name.zip is the name of the zip file that you are trying to install.
12. Wait patiently while the ROM is flashed to your phone via recovery.
13. Once the installation is complete, head back to the main recovery menu if you aren’t there, and select ‘reboot system now’. Your phone will now boot into the newly installed ROM.
The Real Deal: Installing an App From a Zip File to your Phone
While most apps for Android devices are available at the app store for direct download and installation or as .apk files for direct installation, there are certain apps which are only available as zip files installable from recovery. Their installation procedure is the same as installing a custom ROM that we just featured above. However, there are a few minute differences.
• When installing an app from a zip file, you do NOT need to perform the ‘wipe data/factory reset’ or ‘wipe/system’ step so NEVER do that unless you know what you are doing, have a complete backup and want to start using your ROM as a fresh installation with the new app added.
• You might or might not need to wipe the cache and the dalvik cache for installing apps from zip file. This varies from app to app and the developers of such apps as well as many reviewers including us mention when featuring an app whether it requires a cache and dalvik cache wipe or not. However, it never hurts to wipe these caches anyway, and it does not effect the data on your device or its storage card.
There you go, this concludes the guide on how to flash a ROM or app from a zip file to your Android device using a custom recovery. To try out the skills that you just learned, search our site for custom ROMs for your phone and start flashing, always remembering to take backups first!
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one of da best threads in this forum,thx
Where can I report bugs from CM 13 ?

Complete Guide for Rooting and Flashing Custom ROM Galaxy Y GT-5360 for beginners

Tired of searching for a complete Guide to Flash JellyBlastv3 on your GT-S5360?
Well, I have something for you::::
Read On....
Warning: The Below Steps are only for Samsung Galaxy Y, GT-S5360
Performing any of the steps shall Void the Warranty of Your Device.
I am not responsible for any damage you cause to your Device or emotional loss or anything.
You are solely responsible for you actions.
The Following procedure has been tested by me and it is working correctly.
Warnings and Important Tips:
1. The process may and will erase all your data present on the device. Better backup your contacts, Messages, Calendar entries, Notes Etc. You may use Super Backup, Go Backup or SMS Backup & Restore. There are several other apps in the Market. I would recommend to backup using multiple apps.
2. A Computer should be within reach with internet. Also have a USB Cable. Wi-Fi is recommended.
3. Make sure the system is running Stock ROM and Stock Kernel.
4. Also make sure you are running latest version of android available. On Galaxy Y, it is 2.3.6
5. If not, you can update, by going into settings>about phone>software update. Sign in with Samsung Account. 6. Before proceeding further, make sure that the phone is fully charged (Recommended 70% at least). High Chances of damage are there if the device runs out of juice during flashing.
7. Proceed with caution. Avoid confusion. Follow the steps! Never Jump to next step before completing first!
8. Within Procedures if you think the battery is not enough (>70%), you can charge it before proceeding to next procedure. The Phone can’t be charged within an ongoing procedure.
9. Enable the USB Debugging option. Go to Settings>Development>USB Debugging. Check it every time.
10. It took me considerable time to type the detailed steps to make it easy for even a beginner. Be Generous.
I. Root​
Rooting is a process by which you can get root access or administrator privileges to your Android phone and can flash tweaks, custom ROMs, custom kernels, install additional applications which requires root, use firewall etc.
Root will void your phone’s warranty but it doesn’t matter you can get it back! (Google unroot)
1. Download the the update.zip file to your SD Card (not in any folder). I have attached it with the post.
2. Switch off your phone & boot into recovery mode.
3. Press Vol Up + Power Key + Home button together at the same time to boot in recovery mode.
4. Touch screen is disabled here.
5. Use volume keys for scrolling & home button for selection.
6. Select Apply update from SD card.
7. Select update.zip (which you have downloaded).
8. When it shows Installed from SD Card complete written.
9. Select reboot system now.
10. Your phone will restart & first boot may take 5 minutes. (Mine took a few seconds!)
11. Check for an application Superuser and open it.
12. Go to Menu > Preferences > SU Binaries> Update binaries.
13. SU Binaries will update. (You need active data connection or Wi-Fi)
14. When it get updated, restart your phone.
You’re done! Your phone is now rooted.
Warning: Do not delete Superuser or you will lose your root!
II. Flash ClockWorkMod​
ClockWorkMod is a Custom Recovery which lets you Flash Custom ROM, Kernels etc.
Note: This is temporary. Every time you need CWM, you have to flash it again. (For your convinience, keep it in the SD)
1. Enable USB Debugging by going to Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development - Enable USB Debugging.
2. Download the CWM Recovery.zip file and Place that file on the root directory of your SD card. (Attached)
3. Switch off your phone .Then boot into recovery mode, (hold Volume up button + Home button + Power button).
6. Select "apply update from SD card ", find the zip file you copied to your SD card earlier.
Once done, it will give you the option to reboot your phone, reboot and you're done!
You got CWM installed, you can now flash custom ROMs.
III. Backup Stock ROM​
In case, if anything happens to your device while flashing Custom ROM, backup of Stock ROM serves as a contingency plan. The Backup can be used to recover damaged device via Odin. (Now don’t ask me what’s Odin)
It can also be used to return to the Original State if ever you wish to revert back.
1. Boot into CWM by Flashing CWM again.
2. Go to Backup/Restore
3. Select Backup Current ROM. It will take a while and then it’s Done! The size of the Backup File depends upon the no. of apps installed. Generally should be around 200-400 MB.
IV. Flash Custom ROM (JellyBlastv3 by Avijit Ghosh)
DOWNLOADS: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1679563​
1. Make sure that you're on Stock kernel. Stock = Factory version.
2. Remove a2sd or data2sd and format your 2nd partition if you have it.
3. Place the above file to your SD Card (NOT IN ANY FOLDER!!!)
4. Switch off your phone.
5. Flash Clockwork mode.
6. Wipe data/factory reset.
7. Wipe cache partition.
8. Go to Advanced options and Wipe Dalvik cache.
9. Now choose: Install zip from sd card.
10. Choose JELLYBLAST V3.signed.zip and choose yes.
11. Keep your fingers crossed and pray.
It will be installed. Now reboot your phone. First boot will take time. Be patient.
V. Install OTA​
Over The Air Updates are the updates that are released after the ROM to fix bugs and problems or to make minor changes.
Important: Apply the OTA Updates in serial-wise manner to avoid bricking.
1. Download OTA 1, OTA 2, OTA 3, OTA 4.1 and OTA 5 and place them in your SD Card.
2. Boot into CWM, Select “Install .zip from SD ” and select OTA 1. After Completion, Device will Reboot.
3. Repeat Similar Steps OTA 2, 3,4, and 5.
4. You are Done! Now you are Running the latest version of the Custom ROM available.
5. You can check for updates in OTA updater.
VI. Partitioning SD Card​
On SGY GT-S5360, the Internal Memory is too low (190 MB). Every time you try to update the apps or try to Install new apps, you get the annoying message saying “ Internal Memory Full, delete some apps”. This is where Link2sd comes to the rescue!
There are also Similar apps available on the Market, but here we will be using Link2SD.
There are several ways to partition SD card, but here we will be using CWM.
Note: You need a rooted device, well doesn’t matter we have already rooted.
Note: This method will erase all your data on SD, so better backup it
1. Boot into CWM recovery.
2. Select Advanced options.
3. Select Partition SD Card.
4. Choose the partition size. (1024 recommended)
5. Choose the Swap size. (0 M)
6. Select “Yes”. It will take a while and then you are done! Reboot your phone.
7. Open Link2SD (or Download it from the Market). A pop-up will appear, choose ext3 (ext4 is fastest but ext3 is most compatible). Then Reboot.
8. Open Link2SD, Go to settings , then tick Auto Link.
9. Below in Auto Link settings click on all the three- Link App file, Link Dalvik Cache, Link library files.
10. Also set the Default location to external.
11. You are done. You can also link some of the existing user apps to the partition.
Now all your user applications will be linked to the SD Card, saving your precious internal memory space
Also Don’t forget to Grant Link2SD superuser permissions.
The ROM has been made available by Dev Avijit Ghosh. Do not forget to thank the developer for his effort.​

Complete Guide for Rooting and Flashing Custom ROM Galaxy Y GT-5360 for beginners

Tired of searching for a complete Guide to Flash JellyBlastv3 on your GT-S5360?
Well, I have something for you::::
Read On....
Warning: The Below Steps are only for Samsung Galaxy Y, GT-S5360
Performing any of the steps shall Void the Warranty of Your Device.
I am not responsible for any damage you cause to your Device or emotional loss or anything.
You are solely responsible for you actions.
The Following procedure has been tested by me and it is working correctly.
Warnings and Important Tips:
1. The process may and will erase all your data present on the device. Better backup your contacts, Messages, Calendar entries, Notes Etc. You may use Super Backup, Go Backup or SMS Backup & Restore. There are several other apps in the Market. I would recommend to backup using multiple apps.
2. A Computer should be within reach with internet. Also have a USB Cable. Wi-Fi is recommended.
3. Make sure the system is running Stock ROM and Stock Kernel.
4. Also make sure you are running latest version of android available. On Galaxy Y, it is 2.3.6
5. If not, you can update, by going into settings>about phone>software update. Sign in with Samsung Account. 6. Before proceeding further, make sure that the phone is fully charged (Recommended 70% at least). High Chances of damage are there if the device runs out of juice during flashing.
7. Proceed with caution. Avoid confusion. Follow the steps! Never Jump to next step before completing first!
8. Within Procedures if you think the battery is not enough (>70%), you can charge it before proceeding to next procedure. The Phone can’t be charged within an ongoing procedure.
9. Enable the USB Debugging option. Go to Settings>Development>USB Debugging. Check it every time.
10. It took me considerable time to type the detailed steps to make it easy for even a beginner. Be Generous.
I. Root​
Rooting is a process by which you can get root access or administrator privileges to your Android phone and can flash tweaks, custom ROMs, custom kernels, install additional applications which requires root, use firewall etc.
Root will void your phone’s warranty but it doesn’t matter you can get it back! (Google unroot)
1. Download the the update.zip file to your SD Card (not in any folder). I have attached it with the post.
2. Switch off your phone & boot into recovery mode.
3. Press Vol Up + Power Key + Home button together at the same time to boot in recovery mode.
4. Touch screen is disabled here.
5. Use volume keys for scrolling & home button for selection.
6. Select Apply update from SD card.
7. Select update.zip (which you have downloaded).
8. When it shows Installed from SD Card complete written.
9. Select reboot system now.
10. Your phone will restart & first boot may take 5 minutes. (Mine took a few seconds!)
11. Check for an application Superuser and open it.
12. Go to Menu > Preferences > SU Binaries> Update binaries.
13. SU Binaries will update. (You need active data connection or Wi-Fi)
14. When it get updated, restart your phone.
You’re done! Your phone is now rooted.
Warning: Do not delete Superuser or you will lose your root!
II. Flash ClockWorkMod​
ClockWorkMod is a Custom Recovery which lets you Flash Custom ROM, Kernels etc.
Note: This is temporary. Every time you need CWM, you have to flash it again. (For your convinience, keep it in the SD)
1. Enable USB Debugging by going to Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development - Enable USB Debugging.
2. Download the CWM Recovery.zip file and Place that file on the root directory of your SD card. (Attached)
3. Switch off your phone .Then boot into recovery mode, (hold Volume up button + Home button + Power button).
6. Select "apply update from SD card ", find the zip file you copied to your SD card earlier.
Once done, it will give you the option to reboot your phone, reboot and you're done!
You got CWM installed, you can now flash custom ROMs.
III. Backup Stock ROM​
In case, if anything happens to your device while flashing Custom ROM, backup of Stock ROM serves as a contingency plan. The Backup can be used to recover damaged device via Odin. (Now don’t ask me what’s Odin)
It can also be used to return to the Original State if ever you wish to revert back.
1. Boot into CWM by Flashing CWM again.
2. Go to Backup/Restore
3. Select Backup Current ROM. It will take a while and then it’s Done! The size of the Backup File depends upon the no. of apps installed. Generally should be around 200-400 MB.
IV. Flash Custom ROM (JellyBlastv3 by Avijit Ghosh)
DOWNLOADS: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1679563​
1. Make sure that you're on Stock kernel. Stock = Factory version.
2. Remove a2sd or data2sd and format your 2nd partition if you have it.
3. Place the above file to your SD Card (NOT IN ANY FOLDER!!!)
4. Switch off your phone.
5. Flash Clockwork mode.
6. Wipe data/factory reset.
7. Wipe cache partition.
8. Go to Advanced options and Wipe Dalvik cache.
9. Go to mounts and storage->select mount/system and mount/data.
10.Now choose: Install zip from sd card.
11. Choose JELLYBLAST V3.signed.zip and choose yes.
12. Keep your fingers crossed and pray.
It will be installed. Now reboot your phone. First boot will take time. Be patient.
V. Install OTA​
Over The Air Updates are the updates that are released after the ROM to fix bugs and problems or to make minor changes.
Important: Apply the OTA Updates in serial-wise manner to avoid bricking.
1. Download OTA 1, OTA 2, OTA 3, OTA 4.1 and OTA 5 and place them in your SD Card.
2. Boot into CWM, Select “Install .zip from SD ” and select OTA 1. After Completion, Device will Reboot.
3. Repeat Similar Steps OTA 2, 3,4, and 5.
4. You are Done! Now you are Running the latest version of the Custom ROM available.
5. You can check for updates in OTA updater.
VI. Partitioning SD Card​
On SGY GT-S5360, the Internal Memory is too low (190 MB). Every time you try to update the apps or try to Install new apps, you get the annoying message saying “ Internal Memory Full, delete some apps”. This is where Link2sd comes to the rescue!
There are also Similar apps available on the Market, but here we will be using Link2SD.
There are several ways to partition SD card, but here we will be using CWM.
Note: You need a rooted device, well doesn’t matter we have already rooted.
Note: This method will erase all your data on SD, so better backup it
1. Boot into CWM recovery.
2. Select Advanced options.
3. Select Partition SD Card.
4. Choose the partition size. (1024 recommended)
5. Choose the Swap size. (0 M)
6. Select “Yes”. It will take a while and then you are done! Reboot your phone.
7. Open Link2SD (or Download it from the Market). A pop-up will appear, choose ext3 (ext4 is fastest but ext3 is most compatible). Then Reboot.
8. Open Link2SD, Go to settings , then tick Auto Link.
9. Below in Auto Link settings click on all the three- Link App file, Link Dalvik Cache, Link library files.
10. Also set the Default location to external.
11. You are done. You can also link some of the existing user apps to the partition.
Now all your user applications will be linked to the SD Card, saving your precious internal memory space
Also Don’t forget to Grant Link2SD superuser permissions.
The ROM has been made available by Dev Avijit Ghosh. Do not forget to thank the developer for his effort.
For Screenshots and Downloads Visit :
U posted in the wrong section only questions go in q and a also there are many other guides for this I'll report for it to be moved
Phone Slow? go ------>HERE<------
"All my life I had one dream to achieve many many goals" ​
Here I have attached the files for Rooting (update_root.zip) and Clockworkmod recovery. Download them from here. :good:
zaeemsheikh said:
It has been already moved.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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Smh was that addressed to me? If so would it have been crazy to assume it moved after I reported it and me and the OP weren't crazy because as u see he thanked me
Phone Slow? go ------>HERE<------
"Google took 4 years to reach android 4.0.4 and apple to reach android 1.6" ​
You have forgotten the most important step in flashing any zip file in cwm
Go into mounts and storage and mount system and data before you choose a zip from sd card
Also the links to jb v3 have been removed due to rule brakes - I suggest you base your guide on another rom
marcussmith2626 said:
You have forgotten the most important step in flashing any zip file in cwm
Go into mounts and storage and mount system and data before you choose a zip from sd card
Also the links to jb v3 have been removed due to rule brakes - I suggest you base your guide on another rom
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Well, I myself flashed the zip without mounting system and data. Would you please care to tell what does this mount system and data do? Anyways thanks, I will edit my post.
Also why have the links been removed?
TingTingin said:
U posted in the wrong section only questions go in q and a also there are many other guides for this I'll report for it to be moved
Phone Slow? go ------>HERE<------
"All my life I had one dream to achieve many many goals" ​
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zaeemsheikh said:
Well, I myself flashed the zip without mounting system and data. Would you please care to tell what does this mount system and data do? Anyways thanks, I will edit my post.
Also why have the links been removed?
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Mount system allows cwm to write to the system folder of your phone
Some versions of cwm when cwm is flashed have system already mounted which is probably why you got away with it
If system is not mounted the zip will still appear to of flashed but nothing will of changed
zaeemsheikh said:
Well, I myself flashed the zip without mounting system and data. Would you please care to tell what does this mount system and data do? Anyways thanks, I will edit my post.
Also why have the links been removed?
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the thing is in 'permanent' cwm kernels(like savie) /system won't be auto mounted therefore you'll have to mount it manually for successfull flash as cwm can't write onto an un mounted partition . The problem doesn't seem to exist with temporary cwms.
CWM Rom Manager
Hey I would just like to know! I used this then after some reading I would like to install the rom manager from Play Store. I tried it but it seems that my Galaxy Y is not supported then it asked me if I already installed one. Is it ok to also use rom manager with this method?
I already change my ROM feom stocm to cm7, then i decide to partition my memory
But sadly after i did the partition steps you provided here, i lost 2gb from my sd and i check the link2SD storage info and found 2nd partition not mount. I click cleanup 2nd partirion too but i receive error message /data/sdext2 mount not found. I tried to mount it in CWM but nothing happens, what should i do? My internal is already full now
:laugh:Very good post.
Is this guide tested and works?
Thanksss for sharingg
But my eset find virus in jelly blast v3 ROM
But I like this ROM battery performance is awesome...
Sent from my P2 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Excellent Guide
Thank you very much for providing such a nice guide. I did it and now all I have is a new custom ROM and its supported features. Also thank you to those who make all stuffs necessary for installing new custom ROM. I am really happy to use my new custom ROM.
same question
reezer16 said:
Hey I would just like to know! I used this then after some reading I would like to install the rom manager from Play Store. I tried it but it seems that my Galaxy Y is not supported then it asked me if I already installed one. Is it ok to also use rom manager with this method?
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:cyclops: i wanna ask the same question ..
---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------
Where to download the jellyblast v3.zip
Link on the page is not working...
M a beginner
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Unable to update OTA update on my galaxy y..
Can anybody plz tell me from where to download the manual updates like ota 1,2,3,4,5,
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
zaeemsheikh said:
Tired of searching for a complete Guide to Flash JellyBlastv3 on your GT-S5360?
Well, I have something for you::::
Read On....
Warning: The Below Steps are only for Samsung Galaxy Y, GT-S5360
Performing any of the steps shall Void the Warranty of Your Device.
I am not responsible for any damage you cause to your Device or emotional loss or anything.
You are solely responsible for you actions.
The Following procedure has been tested by me and it is working correctly.
Warnings and Important Tips:
1. The process may and will erase all your data present on the device. Better backup your contacts, Messages, Calendar entries, Notes Etc. You may use Super Backup, Go Backup or SMS Backup & Restore. There are several other apps in the Market. I would recommend to backup using multiple apps.
2. A Computer should be within reach with internet. Also have a USB Cable. Wi-Fi is recommended.
3. Make sure the system is running Stock ROM and Stock Kernel.
4. Also make sure you are running latest version of android available. On Galaxy Y, it is 2.3.6
5. If not, you can update, by going into settings>about phone>software update. Sign in with Samsung Account. 6. Before proceeding further, make sure that the phone is fully charged (Recommended 70% at least). High Chances of damage are there if the device runs out of juice during flashing.
7. Proceed with caution. Avoid confusion. Follow the steps! Never Jump to next step before completing first!
8. Within Procedures if you think the battery is not enough (>70%), you can charge it before proceeding to next procedure. The Phone can’t be charged within an ongoing procedure.
9. Enable the USB Debugging option. Go to Settings>Development>USB Debugging. Check it every time.
10. It took me considerable time to type the detailed steps to make it easy for even a beginner. Be Generous.
I. Root​
Rooting is a process by which you can get root access or administrator privileges to your Android phone and can flash tweaks, custom ROMs, custom kernels, install additional applications which requires root, use firewall etc.
Root will void your phone’s warranty but it doesn’t matter you can get it back! (Google unroot)
1. Download the the update.zip file to your SD Card (not in any folder). I have attached it with the post.
2. Switch off your phone & boot into recovery mode.
3. Press Vol Up + Power Key + Home button together at the same time to boot in recovery mode.
4. Touch screen is disabled here.
5. Use volume keys for scrolling & home button for selection.
6. Select Apply update from SD card.
7. Select update.zip (which you have downloaded).
8. When it shows Installed from SD Card complete written.
9. Select reboot system now.
10. Your phone will restart & first boot may take 5 minutes. (Mine took a few seconds!)
11. Check for an application Superuser and open it.
12. Go to Menu > Preferences > SU Binaries> Update binaries.
13. SU Binaries will update. (You need active data connection or Wi-Fi)
14. When it get updated, restart your phone.
You’re done! Your phone is now rooted.
Warning: Do not delete Superuser or you will lose your root!
II. Flash ClockWorkMod​
ClockWorkMod is a Custom Recovery which lets you Flash Custom ROM, Kernels etc.
Note: This is temporary. Every time you need CWM, you have to flash it again. (For your convinience, keep it in the SD)
1. Enable USB Debugging by going to Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development - Enable USB Debugging.
2. Download the CWM Recovery.zip file and Place that file on the root directory of your SD card. (Attached)
3. Switch off your phone .Then boot into recovery mode, (hold Volume up button + Home button + Power button).
6. Select "apply update from SD card ", find the zip file you copied to your SD card earlier.
Once done, it will give you the option to reboot your phone, reboot and you're done!
You got CWM installed, you can now flash custom ROMs.
III. Backup Stock ROM​
In case, if anything happens to your device while flashing Custom ROM, backup of Stock ROM serves as a contingency plan. The Backup can be used to recover damaged device via Odin. (Now don’t ask me what’s Odin)
It can also be used to return to the Original State if ever you wish to revert back.
1. Boot into CWM by Flashing CWM again.
2. Go to Backup/Restore
3. Select Backup Current ROM. It will take a while and then it’s Done! The size of the Backup File depends upon the no. of apps installed. Generally should be around 200-400 MB.
IV. Flash Custom ROM (JellyBlastv3 by Avijit Ghosh)
DOWNLOADS: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1679563​
1. Make sure that you're on Stock kernel. Stock = Factory version.
2. Remove a2sd or data2sd and format your 2nd partition if you have it.
3. Place the above file to your SD Card (NOT IN ANY FOLDER!!!)
4. Switch off your phone.
5. Flash Clockwork mode.
6. Wipe data/factory reset.
7. Wipe cache partition.
8. Go to Advanced options and Wipe Dalvik cache.
9. Go to mounts and storage->select mount/system and mount/data.
10.Now choose: Install zip from sd card.
11. Choose JELLYBLAST V3.signed.zip and choose yes.
12. Keep your fingers crossed and pray.
It will be installed. Now reboot your phone. First boot will take time. Be patient.
V. Install OTA​
Over The Air Updates are the updates that are released after the ROM to fix bugs and problems or to make minor changes.
Important: Apply the OTA Updates in serial-wise manner to avoid bricking.
1. Download OTA 1, OTA 2, OTA 3, OTA 4.1 and OTA 5 and place them in your SD Card.
2. Boot into CWM, Select “Install .zip from SD ” and select OTA 1. After Completion, Device will Reboot.
3. Repeat Similar Steps OTA 2, 3,4, and 5.
4. You are Done! Now you are Running the latest version of the Custom ROM available.
5. You can check for updates in OTA updater.
VI. Partitioning SD Card​
On SGY GT-S5360, the Internal Memory is too low (190 MB). Every time you try to update the apps or try to Install new apps, you get the annoying message saying “ Internal Memory Full, delete some apps”. This is where Link2sd comes to the rescue!
There are also Similar apps available on the Market, but here we will be using Link2SD.
There are several ways to partition SD card, but here we will be using CWM.
Note: You need a rooted device, well doesn’t matter we have already rooted.
Note: This method will erase all your data on SD, so better backup it
1. Boot into CWM recovery.
2. Select Advanced options.
3. Select Partition SD Card.
4. Choose the partition size. (1024 recommended)
5. Choose the Swap size. (0 M)
6. Select “Yes”. It will take a while and then you are done! Reboot your phone.
7. Open Link2SD (or Download it from the Market). A pop-up will appear, choose ext3 (ext4 is fastest but ext3 is most compatible). Then Reboot.
8. Open Link2SD, Go to settings , then tick Auto Link.
9. Below in Auto Link settings click on all the three- Link App file, Link Dalvik Cache, Link library files.
10. Also set the Default location to external.
11. You are done. You can also link some of the existing user apps to the partition.
Now all your user applications will be linked to the SD Card, saving your precious internal memory space
Also Don’t forget to Grant Link2SD superuser permissions.
The ROM has been made available by Dev Avijit Ghosh. Do not forget to thank the developer for his effort.
For Screenshots and Downloads Visit :
Zaeem Sheikh​
FOLLOW the steps correctly and you won’t need me! ​
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i am new to this. Tried flashing a custom rom but after rebooting my phone, i am still running on my old rom. What should i do now?
Please help me.
Happy28288 said:
i am new to this. Tried flashing a custom rom but after rebooting my phone, i am still running on my old rom. What should i do now?
Please help me.
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Somebody didn't mount system before flashing a zip in cwm did they
Failing to mount system = nothing will change

[TASKER/CWM]Full NAND while you sleep!

DISCLAIMER: <insert generic XDA disclaimer here>
Hey guys, first things first. I'm not a programmer/dev or even clever so bear this in mind when trying this.
I wanna share a Tasker with you all that when used in conjunction with PhilZ Touch 4.88.5 Touch Enhanced CWM Recovery and anopen recovery script can allow your phone to perform a NAND backup while you sleep or whenever you want.
Philz has managed to get ors working in his recovery which means that the recovery with be able to perform custom backup jobs once you select them in recovery and run them. Now, READ this aboutopen recovery script to find out about ors because I'm not one for giving fish to men, rather teach them to fish! Read it? Good... moving on...
The ors support is great but having to select them and run them is not so great for me and that is where this trick comes in handy.
What this task does...
It copies an already created (user created) ors script to /cache/recovery, deletes the previously backed up backup folder (if any), reboots into recovery (provided you have 50% battery). Recovery then runs the script, backs up and reboots into the ROM. If at boot, the backup was made, a notification comes up telling you this and the time it was done at and also writes this to a log file in /mnt/sdcard0/clockworkmod.
I'll leave it up to you to figure the tasks out and how they work if you want a better understanding.
Quick tip:
The backup folder is set to clockworkmod>backup BUT the sdcard to which the backup is made is selectable in recovery under: Backup and restore>Misc Nandroid Settings>ORS Backup Target. So in other words you can't define /mnt/sdcard0/SILLY/NOOB as the backup folder, it can only be either /mnt/sdcard0/clockworkmod/backup/*my folder* or /mnt/extsdcard/clockworkmod/backup/*my folder*. This being said, all you need to do is define the *my folder* name under /mnt/*/clockworkmod/backup/*my folder* in the script which could just be /Tasker_Backup Capeesh?
Another thing that I must mention is my reason for creating a openrecoveryscript file and copying it to /cache/recovery rather than just writing a file directly into /cache/recovery is that it seems like either Tasker or Android doesn't like creating a file directly in /cache/recovery but doesn't seem to mind copying a file to the location.
1.You need to create a file on your sdcard called openrecoveryscript.txt in a place you will remember (I put mine in the mnt/sdcard0/clockworkmod)
2.Once you created the file, open it and enter your backup job, the order in which you enter your commands aren't important, any permutation will do (BDASC or ASDBC).
3.When you're done, save the file and REMOVE the ".txt" extension.
4.Import my Tasker profiles (NAND backup and NAND notify) into Tasker and open the task "NAND backup" and edit the path in the 9th and 11th action to the clockworkmod folder on either the local or external sdcard. (depending on the selection that you made under: Backup and restore>Misc Nandroid Settings>ORS Backup Target)
5.Set the time and date that you want the backup happen on.
6.Thats it!
I would advise against setting the internal sdcard as the backup location because replacing an external sd is far easier than replacing an internal one when it burns out from large amounts of writes in addition to this, I would recommend backing up about once per week (depending on your addiction to flash) to reduce the strain on the sdcard. But this is only my suggestion.
Attached is a zip of the profiles and the ors that I use, just remember to remove the ".txt" from the "openrecoveryscrip.txt" before using it.
This is by no means perfect but rather to provide a point of departure in helping others create similar tasks to automate their backups to their preference so please rename, delete and add as much as you like. Maybe post your findings too!
Remember, if you don't understand do the following (in order): search, read, think, SEARCH, READ, THINK, SEARCH!, READ!, THINK! ask.
Good luck
I would like to give credit to
Phil3759 for developing a great recovery that makes the whole party possible.
rootSU for his post which is far more thought out than mine but none the less got me'a thinkin.
Thank you for the guide (my 8 :good: are done today...)
I just add this so people do not browse much:
The file /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
backup SDCR123BAEOM foldername_not_full_path
S System partition
D Data partition
C Cache partition
R Recovery partition
1 Special partition 1
2 Special partition 2
3 Special partition 3
B Boot (kernel) partition
A .android_secure
E sd-ext partition
O Enable backup compression
M Do not create MD5sums
foldername Optional (if not specified, a folder with timestamp is created, so you do not have to delete previous folder)
Currently, 1, 2 and 3 are not supported. I could assign modem and efs to them later, but I do not think it is really useful

[CWM/TWRP UTIL] ROMBlitz Script (GS4 and GS2)

ROMBlitz is a passive, yet extreme deep-cleaner, returning your ROM back to its initial-boot state.
ROMBlitz is about as close as you can get to a Factory Reset without having to set everything back up again!!!
Current Version: 1.05 (11/07/2016)
For a full changelog, see Post #3 below.
The script has been specifically developed and tested on my GT-I9505. It will also run on the following list of devices, but is of course untested by myself.
Supported Devices
Installation Instructions
1. Download ROMBlitz.zip from the link below, and copy onto your device
2. To be extra safe, ensure the zip file's md5 checksum is correct
3. Reboot into Recovery
4. Install zip from SD card/External SD Card>Run ROMBlitz.zip
5. Reboot (and be patient!!!)
Downoad Here
Download Here
I have made every effort to test my script as thoroughly as I possibly can, but like anything else you flash onto your device, you do so at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any files/information lost from using this script that you did not foresee. Remember this will wipe your Internal SD card, so if you have any important files/photos contained within it, then perform adequate backups beforehand.
I have seen a post on another forum regarding someone who downloaded another one of my scripts (Hawkernelwipe.zip), and the file that was received was Hawkernelwipe.zip.exe. I will only ever post up these scripts as recovery-flashable .ZIP files hosted on Dev-Host. If your download is anything other than this, then your PC is probably infected, and running such a file will probably infect your PC even further. Do not download from anywhere other than Dev-Host.
If you are ever unsure, check the md5 checksum before doing anything. This is one of the reasons for having md5 checksums in the first place.
All the Boring In-Depth Details
ROMBlitz clears any unnecessary files it encounters on your device, wiping the internal SD card, keeping any files/folders that you have defined in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt
Known temporary files are removed, along with ALL cache areas (which unlike a generic cache wipe, includes ALL individual application cache.), media thumbnails+database areas.
ROMBlitz will do all the work necessary for you to get your ROM as clean and clutter-free as possible!
ROMBlitz can be used to attempt to fix any minor problems your current ROM may have and possibly speed things up a little due to the space it frees up. Its worth giving this a try first before biting the bullet and performing a Factory Reset. You've got nothing to lose. However, ROMBlitz is not a cure for all evils, so don't expect miracles. Just remember its primary function, first and foremost, is to free up space on your device by removing unnecessary files and removing cache so that it gets regenerated.
Background Information - Remember Your First Boot?
When you booted your ROM up for the very first time, you would have noticed that it spent a very long time on the boot animation screen. During this time, your new ROM was generating individual application cache, and building all the necessary Android folders on Internal+External SD Cards for the applications in the new ROM to use.
After the initial boot animation screen completed, you would have seen the Android is upgrading, Optimising app xxx of xxx message. This is where Android builds up its all its Dalvik-cache area for the apps.
Once the ROM had settled down after this first boot (after the initial media scanner operations completed) you probably would have noticed that your new ROM was lovely and crisp and snappy.
ROMBlitz wipes all these areas, giving your ROM this fresh start again
The next power-up of your device after running ROMBlitz you will notice your device will take a long time to boot, as it has to perform all of the things that it did on your very first boot again. The boot animation screen will be running for quite some time, followed by the Android is upgrading, Optimising app xxx of xxx message.
Don't forget that known media areas will have also been wiped, so the Media Scanner will need to do far more work than usual on the next boot after a ROMBlitz, so expect the device to be quite laggy for a period of time afterwards.
You may also notice many applications are slower opening the first time you use them after a ROMBlitz. This is just the application re-initializing the any areas that may have been wiped.
When Should I Flash ROMBlitz?
If you frequently jump from ROM to ROM using Nandroid backup/restores, or are constantly flashing different ROMs, then you can very quickly gather tons of clutter on both your Internal and external SD cards. Every ROM you use creates its own folders on both SD Cards (TW ROMS especially!) thereby leaving large amounts of unnecessary files/folders on the cards between ROM-jumps. (unless of course you format the Internal SD Card, and remove /Android folder from the External SD manually each time before changing your ROM)
ROMBlitz will remove all this accumulated clutter on your Internal+External SD cards for you and deep-clean all the built up cache areas, giving your current/restored/new ROM the cleanest base possible to work from.
1. ROMBlitz before by a Nandroid Restore
Your SD Cards will be cleaned up, so expect a longer wait on the subsequent boot animation screen. All cache/media areas will be as of the time of the Nandroid backup, so you shouldn't expect to see the Android is upgrading, Optimising app xxx of xxx message.
2. ROMBlitz after a Nandroid Restore
All the cache and media areas previously mentioned will be cleared on your just-restored ROM, along with the areas described on both SD Cards. On the next boot you will see boot animation screen for a long time whilst the SD Card and application cache areas get rebuilt, followed by the Android is upgrading, Optimising app xxx of xxx message, as the Dalvik areas get regenerated.
3. ROMBlitz before you flash a new ROM
Regardless of if you are flashing a custom ROM through CWM or stock firmware with Odin, it's always a good idea to do a ROMBlitz beforehand. Doing so will clear the SD Card areas for you giving your new ROM the freshest, cleanest possible start.
4. ROMBlitz at any time on your current ROM
Flash ROMBlitz at any time if you just want to free up space and deep-clean your cache. Just expect a long boot next time.
5. ROMBlitz when you are experiencing problems
If you are experiencing problems with some applications behaving erratically or FC'ing, or perhaps you have a bootloop and you are contemplating a Factory Reset, then consider flashing ROMBlitz first. It may help you out, you never know. It's well worth a try before going the whole-hog, and jumping into a Factory Reset. You won't have anything to lose!
ROMBlitz Steps
Removes [int-sd]/Android and [ext-sd]/Android folders
Remove ALL files+folders from Internal SD card, except for any defined in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt
Delete ALL known temporary files found on the entire device
Remove ALL known media cache, databases, thumbnails etc. found on the entire device, and create .nomedia file in known areas that do not require media files, in order to speed up the Media Scanner process
Wipe dalvik cache from /data and /cache areas
Wipe all known cache areas from /cache, /data/system/cache and all individual application cache
Defining What You Want To Keep On Internal-SD
On the very first run of ROMBlitz, /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt will get automatically generated and the script then exits immediately, allowing you to reboot and edit this file to you own requirements.
This file's initial contents of areas to keep are:
You MUST manually edit this file so that the files YOU want to keep on your Internal SD Card do not get wiped!
If you want to, you can manually create this file before the first run of ROMBlitz. Doing so would allow the script to run as normal on its very first run without the need to exit to edit. If you want to do this, then use a text editor on your device, or if done on your PC, use Notepad++ and ensure EOL is set to UNIX (LF). Create a folder called /sdcard/tmp/Hawker and copy this file into there.
If you always want ROMBlitz to wipe the ENTIRE Internal SD, you can do so by manually creating /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_KeepNone
[int-sd]/0 and [int-sd]/tmp folders will never be deleted by the script, even if the above file has been created
[int-sd]/Android and [ext-sd]/Android will always be deleted, even if included in the list of files to keep
Test Mode
You can call ROMBlitz.sh (which is in the tmp folder of the zip file) in Test Mode. This goes through all the motions as per a standard Recovery run, but it does not remove any files/folders in any way, and merely shows the commands that would have been executed. If you want to do this, then simply extract ROMBlitz.sh from the zip onto your device, and run it from there through a script manager type of application, through a terminal emulator, or adb shell.
Log File
A lot goes on during a ROMBlitz run, so everything that happens gets logged in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz.log for you subsequently examine if you need to.
Work In Progress
1. Delete more temporary areas from /data partition
Identify more areas for wiping
V1.04 (22/11/2015)
1. Better handling of file names containing spaces, including keep files
2. Hidden (.*) files are now also removed from Internal SD
3. Improved device detection
V1.03 (16/06/2015)
1. Report any files/folders in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt that do not exist on the Int. SD Card.
2. Script will now attempt to execute even if no build.prop file present (eg. after a /system wipe)
3. Fixed deletion of file names containing any space characters.
4. Display tweaks
V1.02 (14/05/2015)
1. Convert Kb deletion reporting to Mb/Gb if required.
2. Only show files that will be kept on Int. SD defined in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt that actually exist on the Int. SD Card.
3. /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_KeepNone now implemented.
V1.01 (14/05/2015)
1. Improvements to the way /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt is handled. Can also put a "#" at the start of the line to ignore the entry.
2. Display tweaks
V1.00 (13/05/2015)
1. Initial release
V1.01 (14/05/2015)
1. Improvements to the way /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt is handled. Can now also put a "#" at the start of any line to ignore the entry.
2. Display tweaks
Good Work Sir
Sweet as always. I have been using your GS2 & GS4 RomNuke since a while back. Good job as always. Thank you Sir.
I confirm this works like a charm on my sgh-m919!
This is a piece of work that deserves much appreciation. My T-mobile s4 becomes way faster after flashing this! Thanks !
1. Convert Kb deletion reporting to Mb/Gb if required.
2. Only show files that will be kept on Int. SD defined in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt that actually exist on the Int. SD Card.
3. /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_KeepNone now implemented.
This seems a good cleaner... but im a bit curious...
It will clean my external SD Card or the internal?
I have movies in my SD card.. i want to keep them..
When will i flash this?
Is it before flashing a new ROM?
radz.min said:
This seems a good cleaner... but im a bit curious...
It will clean my external SD Card or the internal?
I have movies in my SD card.. i want to keep them..
When will i flash this?
Is it before flashing a new ROM?
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It cleans both, but it only wipes INTERNAL on-mass as stated in OP.
The only things that will be removed from external is the /Android folder and any known temporary/cache-type files.
When to flash is up to you. Its all in the OP mate.
Will this work on AOSP?
I want to know if this works on AOSP roms as well.
Yousvel said:
I want to know if this works on AOSP roms as well.
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I've not tried it personally, but there's no reason at all why it shouldn't
disconnect MTP in TWRP or it will not work
great work, regards
1. Report any files/folders in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt that do not exist on the Int. SD Card.
2. Script will now attempt to execute even if no build.prop file present (eg. after a /system wipe)
3. Fixed deletion of file names containing any space characters.
4. Display tweaks
Hi, after read and read and read, I have a doubt yet... Thus script wipe only internal SD and delete only /Android folder in external SD? Or there is a risk to loose all my data in external SD? Thanks
biazoto said:
Hi, after read and read and read, I have a doubt yet... Thus script wipe only internal SD and delete only /Android folder in external SD? Or there is a risk to loose all my data in external SD? Thanks
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I'll quote OP for you
ROMBlitz Steps
Removes [int-sd]/Android and [ext-sd]/Android folders
Remove ALL files+folders from Internal SD card, except for any defined in /sdcard/tmp/Hawker/ROMBlitz_Keep.txt
Delete ALL known temporary files found on the entire device
Remove ALL known media cache, databases, thumbnails etc. found on the entire device, and create .nomedia file in known areas that do not require media files, in order to speed up the Media Scanner process
Wipe dalvik cache from /data and /cache areas
Wipe all known cache areas from /cache, /data/system/cache and all individual application cache
V1.04 (21/11/2015)
1. Better handling of file names containing spaces, including keep files
2. Hidden (.*) files are now also removed from Internal SD
3. Improved device detection
Updated non-working download links (I think it may have been because I am no longer an XDA Recognized Contributor)
Also, updated to 1.05

