S4 Mini on TMOUS? - Galaxy S 4 Mini Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anyone know if the S4 Mini will be available on TMOUS?


Dual SIM Adapter on Galaxy S3 (video uploaded)

hi guys
this is Dual SIM Adapter on Galaxy S3 its working 100%
you can get it from Magicsim
check my signature for other useful stuff
its working also on Galaxy S4

Who is getting the Mini in the US?

Anyone know if TMOUS will carry the Mini?

Galaxy S5 weather fully working on Note3

This is NOT my work but wanted to share with the T-Mobile Note 3 owners:

[Q] i9506 Tmobile s4?

i am just wondering, if the gt i9506, the Galxy S4 LTE+, is abe to be rooted and flashed with custom roms from the normal tmobile s4?
If not, where do i have to search for roms and roots?
In the international s4 android develompent is the i9506 listed in, but there are nearly no roots or roms .
Can you help me to find out more about that?
Go to all forums, Samsung Galaxy S4 i9500, i9505, i9506.
Your best bet would be to start here. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2597058
sent from my bluetooth controlled toaster.

WooHoo! KitKat soon for Rogers S4 mini SGHi257M


