Why does ouya require a custom xbmc build? - Ouya Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I read that a stable xbmc build for ouya was released. I'm curious as to what is need for a custom build? Is it to use the joystick? I don't think that's the case as I read something regarding hardware accel playback. But if that's the case why does the generic build of xbmc just work with other tablets/phones?

It is probably because the regular version isn't 100% compatible with the OUYA
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Actually XBMC isn't universal, because different manufacturers have different ideas on how to deal with drivers at the abstraction level. Search around a bit, the Ouya isn't the only device requiring a custom build.

It is probably because the regular version isn't 100% compatible with the OUYA
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duh really?? No kidding??
I assume obviously there is an incompatibility but at least the other post was a little more insightful regarding the abstraction layer.
But xbmc in the end will use two things: opengl, and hardware accelerated video playback. So why would that need a custom build? If the android OS is designed properly this should all be done through an abstraction layer and not have to be coded to be hardware specific.
I guess somewhat related, when I first got my nexus 7 and heard about tegra optimized games. They are boasting that but I didn't actually like to hear that. I read that some other tablets that may actually have a better video chipset, could perform worse with these tegra optimized games. Even though nvidia and ati try and make similar claims, if the game is d3d compliant it will run fine on either. That's how it should be with android, so I shouldn't need an ouya optimized build. But this is my layman's understanding so maybe there's something else I'm not seeing.

The Ouya's lucky tho, my Galaxy S2 still doesn't have a build with hardware acceleration that isn't a beta, so anything but basic XVID AVIs play like molasses. =.=' (Samsung's own video player works better...)
Android's compatibility throughout all devices isn't guaranteed at any level below the abstraction layer. Games don't really have this problem because everything graphic intensive must be done in OpenGLES, which is at least backwards compatible - and unlike Windows you don't have DirectX vying for compatibility with it.*
Video processing is a different beast altogether, because unfortunately OpenGLES isn't a compression/decompression/streaming library. Google by the way doesn't actually promise HD video decompression from the very beginning, just the standard cellphone codecs. Not even VP8, the codec they back. Non HD MP4 is the only decent codec that's guaranteed.
Apple doesn't have this compatibility problem because it is its own manufacturer and nobody else manufactures devices that runs iOS. Android and Windows, not so. <_<'
* And even then remember that some graphics cards support only up to a certain version of DirectX OR OpenGL. Anything greater and the game either won't run, or WILL but won't let you see anything. The only reason why you don't see this in the DX9-10-11 transition was that game engines implemented fallback mechanisms. I still remember the transition between DX8.1 and DX9. <_<'


Will the HTC touch HD be able to handle games like Electopia (toshiba TG01)?

I wonder if the HTC touch HD has the power to handle games like Electopia.
That would be great, as most current games are low in resolution especially compared to the Iphone.
nope, the graphic cards on our hd arent very good. it doesnt even support opengl es 1.1 and there is no hardware acceleration either (because of missing drivers) so the answer is no.
crazililazn said:
"...there is no hardware acceleration either (because of missing drivers)..."
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Thank you for your reply. Do you mean the HD is only leaking the software to run the graphic acceleration? Perhaps I wrong, but I thought the HD does have 2D/3D hardware acceleration, but HTC didn't included the drivers to run it. Also some apps/games (i.e. Xtrakt) do used the acceleration of the graphic card.
So I wonder if we are able to find the correct driver. Could the HD be able to handle high resolution games like these? I love my HD, but I quite disappointed in resolution of the available WVGA games, especially when comparing to the Iphone.
Sorry if asking something stupid, I still a newbie in the mobile world
Looking at the complexity of the scene and the objects I'd say that this is possible. There has been some improvement with 3d drivers. Check this thread for an installer (at your own risk ). You can try the test app found in my sig to see some 3d stuff!
i think htc hd will run it easily as its graphics is like the graphics in the xtract game (not so petter) and our hd has hardware acceleration for graphics acceleration
Xtract works like charm and spireman game is also cool . A lot of games run very smooth.
Does both devices runs on the same graphic hardware? I wonder if the 1Ghz on the Toshiba TG01 will make any difference. But considering the Iphone running on almost the same speed, these games on the HD should be able to run smoothly.
There is something I still don't understand. Why does the Iphone (and even the Nokia N95) is able to run games (such as Quake III) which are hardly playable on the HD. I thought the hardware of the HD is superior to the Nokia N95. Is this because of the heavy memory load of windows mobile?
MDA_newbie said:
There is something I still don't understand. Why does the Iphone (and even the Nokia N95) is able to run games (such as Quake III) which are hardly playable on the HD. I thought the hardware of the HD is superior to the Nokia N95. Is this because of the heavy memory load of windows mobile?
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its because qualcomm didnt provide our HTCs with all the needed drivers!! -- If we would have all the correct drivers on our HD then we would be able to play the same games as Iphone!!! blame HTC for their #@!#ing policy about drivers!!! HD would be a real Iphone killer with all the correct drivers!!
This game is from qualcomm or what ? I can't find info about it
That's not the main reason for us, i wouldnt say. The iphone is running a 320x480. Were using 480x800. We have as many pixels to render on the screens shortest side as the iphone has to render on it longest side! Great for web browsing, not so great when you want smooth, 3d apps.
ASK768 said:
That's not the main reason for us, i wouldnt say. The iphone is running a 320x480. Were using 480x800. We have as many pixels to render on the screens shortest side as the iphone has to render on it longest side! Great for web browsing, not so great when you want smooth, 3d apps.
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my PC monitor has 1680x1080 (or something like that) and I sometimes play games at lower resolution like 800x600 ---- so why wouldnt we be able to play the game at two times lower resolution than our Touch HD screen has , just loosing a bit sharpnes!!!
I dont think the iPhone games look any better than the best looking games that run full screen on the HD, good drivers or not. There just seems to be a lack of people actually developing them. Sure the iPhone has the power fully utilised but it doesn't really translate into much if you ask me.
i think if you want a good gaming device, u should wait for the htc devices in the future which will have nvida tegra apx graphic cards. With correct drivers, that card can play quake 3 at 35 fps!!! so ima cross my fingers and wait
borce_razor said:
This game is from qualcomm or what ? I can't find info about it
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It's from Southend Interactive, the same people who made Extrakt. They have a demo up on their website now, but I can't get it to load on my TP2. :-(
Madcypher said:
It's from Southend Interactive, the same people who made Extrakt. They have a demo up on their website now, but I can't get it to load on my TP2. :-(
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I think that we cant run it on Blackstone and TP2 also, because its meant for snapdragon cpu, BUT I installed the game and extracted QualComm.ini file(from program files/qualcomm folder on PPC) to the desktop of my PC and opened with wordpad - there are some settings for graphic performance, maybe someone who is working on Blackstone Graphic drivers, may take a look and edit the file a bit so the game can run on Blackstone?!
Kristaps-K9-Lv said:
I think that we cant run it on Blackstone and TP2 also, because its meant for snapdragon cpu, BUT I installed the game and extracted QualComm.ini file(from program files/qualcomm folder on PPC) to the desktop of my PC and opened with wordpad - there are some settings for graphic performance, maybe someone who is working on Blackstone Graphic drivers, may take a look and edit the file a bit so the game can run on Blackstone?!
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Yes you are right.
Platform: Qualcomm Snapdragon™ 8k
System check?
I saw the system reqs, didn't think they'd check to see if you were actually running one.
Kristaps-K9-Lv said:
my PC monitor has 1680x1080 (or something like that) and I sometimes play games at lower resolution like 800x600 ---- so why wouldnt we be able to play the game at two times lower resolution than our Touch HD screen has , just loosing a bit sharpnes!!!
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I think (it's only an assumption) that you can do that because your computer's screen supports many different resolutions, on the contrary, the HD's screen may only support 800*480, so if we want to play on a qmaller resolution, we won't be using the whole screen.
gigaboss said:
I think (it's only an assumption) that you can do that because your computer's screen supports many different resolutions, on the contrary, the HD's screen may only support 800*480, so if we want to play on a qmaller resolution, we won't be using the whole screen.
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damn!!! I didnt knew the screens needed to support multiple resolutions, I always thought that the GPU or something else is responsible for that!!
anyways - we can still try!
Try yourself:
I'm downloading now and I'll try with the neo drivers

Hardware accelerated 3d

To what extent does android (or at least the flavour on the Hero) support hardware accelerated 3d graphics? From reading the G1 forums I get the impression it is, but google has some dissenting voices. So, I wondered if anyone knew for definite?
[Meant this to be in Q&A, sorry- would someone move it?]
the hero has full Open GL ES 1.1 support which is basically a mobile version of the desktop OpenGL, the graphics chip isnt that powerful but enough for basic transparencies, and 3d acceleration, if you download the app Neocore off the android market, that will show you just how good the 3d is on the hero.
Impressive. Thanks very much!


Is there any way to do a screencast on an Android device... in particular the Nexus 7? I'm trying to put together a video and I wanted a clip that showed the U.S. and it zoomed into a specific city. Problem is, on the computer Google Earth is somewhat choppy despite having nearly brand new hardware, and Google Maps just does an instant snap to that location. Google Maps on my N7 on the other hand works JUST AS I WOULD LIKE... but I'm not sure how to capture it?
Any idea?
JaSauders said:
Is there any way to do a screencast on an Android device... in particular the Nexus 7?
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Nexus 7 Features
CPU: Quad-core Tegra 3 processor
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** Root Needed
** Does not work on Galaxy Nexus or Tegra 2/3 yet
** Refund Policy: 24 hours
Screencast captures your phone screen at high frame rates into a high quality MPEG4 video with audio. It can also take snapshots of your screen by holding the search key on your phone.
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I want something like this, not to record a screencast, but to use as a way of having video out in lieu of not having hdmi. I have a pc hooked up to my hdmi display and was looking at the options. This app sounds like the best but doesn't work yet with tegra 2/3.
How fast is it with other devices? Like could a game be played at a smooth frame rate? Does it allow to stream live and not record a video?
Are there any other ways of doing this?
I've been searching for a while now with no luck. I record gameplay on my GNote with the afore mentioned app but seeing as the developer has all but vanished I'm guessing we won't be seeing Tetra support.
You'd almost think Nvidia would make an app to do this just so Tetra fans could make gameplay videos, thereby promoting their devices.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
There are some demo videos of stuff coming... Nivdia has one showing a playbook to a TV that has the Miracast protocol
and ESR labs has the following
Hopefully soon...
Unless you already have a TV with it built in, you will need a some some sort dongle that has WiFi and s HDMI output. I just got a raspberry pi to be used with the ESR labs Android Transporter when it come available.
Sent from my Nexus 7
I just stumbled upon those videos yesterday. Very interesting stuff. I think I may grab a couple of raspberry pi's. I'm in Canada and I couldn't find it in stock right now. I wish they would build a cheap enclosure for it. I put a post on their website if they plan on making a linux client and not just for the pi. I would think it wouldn't take too much to make a generic version. I also noticed some hdmi outputs on tablets don't provide 1:1 mirroring. For ex, acer tablets cutoff the bottom menu. This I believe is for video playback, which makes sense, but I hope it's an option or in the spec of miracast to offer 1:1. I saw a TI demo of miracast as well, and they make mention of the display showing one thing and the tablet showing something different typical of normal wired hdmi outputs. Nvidia also has demo's of miracast as you linked, but I hope they make a windows client. It'll be a ways off before it's standard on TV's and it sounds like there will be dongle's available, but a lot of people have computers hooked up to their displays so it would be nice if there is a complete software solution as well.
Android Transporter for the Nexus7 and Raspberry PI
Hi all,
the video you showed in the one post is our old demo video.
Since yesterday we have a public preview. please see http://esrlabs.com/android-transporter-for-the-nexus-7-and-the-raspberry-pi/
Is it possible without rooting and without PC? :crying:
(I'm looking for the way to make video lesson (like Khan Academy's) direct on my tablet)
mkchocolate said:
Is it possible without rooting and without PC? :crying:
(I'm looking for the way to make video lesson (like Khan Academy's) direct on my tablet)
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No, it's not possible. you need root or a pc (actually the root way to do it does not work atm)
Android 4.2 is supposed to include native support for Miracast devices. So we just need the Miracast set top boxes.
Does anyone know if Miracast carries over Audio?
I just installed Screencast on my N7 with CM10.1 grouper nightly 12182012.
When I try to screen capture video in landscape or in portrait the audio saves properly, but the video is a static hodgepodge of TWRP Touch recovery in a purplish sepiatone
yo b1LL did you bother reading Screencast app description? doesnt support Nexus 7 nor any tegra 3 based devices
Here's one
There's another thread that has one, and it works for screencasting but it really only gets 1-2 fps. So if you're desperate:

[Q] Custom overlay keys and joystick.for controlling games

There are many many games out there that are playable on the new Atom powered tablets. Mafia 1 for instance looks great, probably better than any sandbox game for tablets.
And there are many more, think of diablo 2 for example.
The problem is, we lack the controls without a keyboard and mouse.
What I have in mind is an overlay control set including mapable keys and directional joysticks, like the ones most Android games come with by default.
Does anybody know if such an app exists? If someone were to make one, I'm sure it would sell like hotcakes provided the vast array of legendary titles windows can boas with.
So far all I have found are Comfort on-screen keyboard and hot virtual keyboard. They're quite expensive but I managed to play Need for Speed 5 and carmageddon TDR
What we need is joystick emulation, to be able to aim, even though without auto aiming, gaming on a tablet can be quite tricky.
Someone make a gummy stickonscreen Bluetooth capable dpad and buttons for our win8 tablets
I've been working on something like this.
It's all in .net, so it runs fine on Windows 8 and Windows RT. I still need to get it loading configs up properly (for customization), but I've got all the hard/tricky parts done.
It doesn't seem to like Quake, but it works great with DosBox.
So where do those keys come from? Are they built in dosbox?
Bec07 said:
So where do those keys come from? Are they built in dosbox?
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No, it's a program I made. See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2142997

[Q] Best way to get universal compatibility with max speed

Java-Does not work on android/ios
Easy to program for.
Works on android if compiled to dex bytecode.(Cant be done on the phone)
Msdos-Works on all platforms with dosbox
//Currently my preferred platform
Requires slight knowledge of x86 asm(for keyboard/mouse interrupt)
Has setpixel.
Snes-Works on all platforms with snes9x
Has graphics limitations.(Not severe just some & Minimal 3D)
Hard to program for.(No good compilers,almost have to use ASM)
Javascript-Works on all platforms
Easy to program.
Slow for large programs.
Hard to control on mobile devices.
Adobe flash-All pcs & android phones(outdated and VERY slow)
Easy to program.
Runs fast.(On pcs)
Ps1-Runs on 1.2gz=> + 1gb ram=> devices
Extremely hard to program for.
Has good 3D rendering.
Gba-Same as ps1 without 3D
There is dev-kit pro that is easy to use if you understand gba hardware.
Android-Works on Android and pcs but not on ios
Graphics are confusing to me. // I have not studied android very much
Any I did not list that have high compatibility and decent graphics(3D rendering is optional),sound.
(I am listing universal targets not programing languages.)
I know it sounds ridiculous but the goal is universal compatibility and emulators seems like the easiest and most functional way.

