Galaxy s3 Bluetooth "skips" - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

I have a headunit in my car, I use Bluetooth for music.. And for calls now that in wv its illegal to talk and drive unless using Bluetooth.. I have no problems connecting or even staying connected. Its just the audio over Bluetooth is choppy. Like there's interference.. It skips.. Idk if its the ROM I'm using or if its my phone..
ROM is Wicked Sensations 4.2

Request for assistance or questions go in the Q&A section not general you would have probably got a quicker response.
Your issue is most likely kernel related.
Remember search is your best friend, Have a great day!

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Also see the last rule about bumps, only after 24 hours. There is no support staff waiting 24 hours to answer your questions. Post 2 bump deleted


[Q] Bluetooth caller echo on Galaxy Nexus Toro

I am having a major problem when i use my Galaxy Nexus through my car stereo by way of bluetooth. My callers are reporting a horrible echo on their end. So bad, that it is not really usable. I know its something to do with my phone because my wife's droid bionic works just fine. I tried searching the forums and google but couldn't really find anything. I'm hoping someone might have some insight. Currently running Eclipse 3.1 build 4. With ff02 & fg02.leankernel also. I really hope there is an easy fix. Thanks ahead of time for any responses!
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Trying to find this old school ringtone from flip phone days.

When I had my sanyo flip phone I downloaded this really cool ringtone that I used for years. Recently I ran across this YouTube video that was using that beat in the following video but slightly remixed. Please if you can take a moment to listen maybe one of you may happen to recognize that beat and tell me the name of the original song thanks.
I love the 90s. Good times.
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That sounds like a remix of the mike tyson's punch out theme to me. I could be wrong though.

[Q] has anyone used thier S4 remote with Dish Networks Hopper?

i was wondering if someone who has both the S4 and Dish network could elaborate or maybe show a video on what the s4 is able to control on the hopper dvr box.
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
well i got my phone and it works just fine with dish incase anyone else ever wonders. I wish there was a guide button though.


When I use the built in bluetooth on my 2013 Prius with SGS4, it has crackling noise every time. I tried my old Blackberry and Iphone 4 and no crackling noise.
What do you think can resolve this issue?
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator

Headphone jack problem

Once i plug my headphone it id dosent work at all os it works on one side i have to twist my headphone in order to make it work at a certain angle....i tried several other headphones same result...what shall i do now?
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