How to debug phonegap android - Web App Development

Check out the easiest phone gap application debuging.
"use strict";
function init() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", startUp, false);
function startUp() {
$("#takePictureButton").on("touchstart", function(e) {, camError, {quality: 25, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI});
function camError(e) {
console.log("Camera Error");
function camSuccess(picuri) {
console.log("Camera Success");
$("#result").attr("src", picuri);

However console.log() will show in Eclipse log, you may have check Weinre tool - it offers much more, works as a clone of Chrome Developer Tools (minus breakpoints)
For iPhone there is a native solution (if you have Safari on Mac) -
For Android it's

Another good option I'm using in my native app and plan to run in my Phonegap port is Bugsense. Check it out. Its easy to set up and works well.


[REQ] Need some info on MDIs in Smart device applications using

Hi all guys
i am new to C# and .net stuff as i was working with C++ for many years
i want to know that is it possibhle that i can have an MDI Child Form on my main Form and want it to return me some data
like for example i have my main Form has a "settings" button
when i click on "settings" button it should show a small MDI child form which has all the settings and return some data (i'll take care of data but i dont know how to return through a form)
thnx in advance far as 'returning' data from the Form, you can't do that as a "return" call because Forms are objects, so the constructor cannot have a return type, however you can have a method that will set a variable in another class (that is public) to the data you want to return ... You can call this method when the form is closing.
I am not entirely sure if you can achieve the 'small form INSIDE another form' without creating your own control. I am not sure how practical/possible this would be, but you can try 1 of the following: extend the Control class (to make a control) or override the OnPaint of a new Form. This way you can define where stuff goes, and what gets drawn onto the screen.
I have used this piece of code in the past, which worked great.
in my example frmA was an MDIchildform of the main (MDIparent)
public int a=0;
private btn_click(blabla)
frmOptions options = new frmOptions(this);
if(dialog.DialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
public partial class frmOptions : Form
frmA callingform = null;
public frmOptions(frmA x)
callingform = x;
private void dosomething()
callingform.a = value;
private void btnSaveSettings_click()
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes;
private void btnCancelSettings_click()
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.No;
good luck

The DllImport Project (+/also C++ Wrapper) [Mango Support]

The DllImport Project
This project is part "Real DllImport" and also not the same time. It has limited DllImport to only types "void();" (well isn't that DllImport )
Other CORE functions that require multiple [IN] or/and [OUT] are to complex for the code right now (there are so many possibilities).
Terms of use, using the code (free to use, under my name "fiinix00 @ XDA"~ in app)
As posted to JaxBot
Well thanks for asking, this project is free for everyone, the one purpose it was made for.
The only thing i needed back is my name (fiinix @ XDA) included in whose projects (external) that take use of my code base. There is no licence or something (GNU e.g.), it just make people mad and confused.
So feel free to take advantage of the code whenever you want, just remember, i want my name on it. =D
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UPDATE @ (2011y-03m-26d - 23:08)
Ohyeah, i can control zune from my application (Resume, Stop, Pause, NextSong, PrevSong, ShutdownZune, StartZune, ... to come)
Turn on/off radio remote from code. (DAMN, the radio begins to play without "No antenna" but no sound, plugin again and it sounds :/)
UPDATE @ (2011-03-27 - 14:35)
- Set clipboard (lol, doesent even have NODO): DllImportCaller.lib.Clipboard_SET("Hello");
- Get clipboard: DllImportCaller.lib.Clipboard_GET(ref [string]);
- Enchanted: Phone.Clipboard.Value { get { ... } set { ... } }
- Basic calls against void without arguments: DllImportCaller.lib.VoidCall( [DLL] , [Method] );
- API for verifying method existence: DllImportCaller.NativeMethodExists( [DLL] , [Method] );
- Raw API for controlling vibrator (unlimited "on", also continues to vibrate on exit, dont forget to turn off ): Phone.Vibrator. { Vibrate(), Stop() }
Source code + test XAP updated (2011-03-27-17:38) (Clipboard GET; is corrupt)
(I can now enumerate the running processes on the phone )
Hook to keyboard, for some reason it only show interest in the "Search" button.
Documentation of proc:
[WP7Process].{ CreationTime, ExitTime, KernelTime, UserTime, <-UpdateTimes(), Kill(exitCode), { PROCESSENTRY32 RAW } }
^ for "currentProcess.Kill()" use "Phone.TaskManager.GentlyExitCurrentProcess();" the Kill(exitCode) KILLS
WP7Process[] = Phone.TaskManager.Named("taskhost");
WP7Process = Phone.TaskManager.CurrentProcess();
Documentation of network
- ConnectionType { Unk0, Unk1, Unk2, Connected, Unk3 ... }
- ConnectionType = Phone.Network.GetWirlessState;
Phone.KeyboardHook.IsKeyDown(int key)
> Search = 124 (lol)
Misc finds
DllImportCaller.NativeMethodExists("urlmon", "IsIntranetAvailable");
DllImportCaller.NativeMethodExists("urlmon", "ObtainUserAgentString");
- Code updated! (2011-03-28-22:12)
Added "Phone.DEP", dep is a wrapper against info stored in "Microsoft.Phone.Info.DeviceExtendedProperties"
Full "TaskHost.exe" support
HostInformation = Phone.TaskHost.GetCurrenHostInfo();
HostInformation {
fDehydrating = 0,
fRehydrated = 0,
hHostWnd = -25821178 /* This silverlight managed window (host window) */
szAppDataFolder = "\\Applications\\Data\\8DC5214E-88FA-4C2D-A379-2CD74FE24B72\\Data"
szAppInstallFolder = "\\Applications\\Install\\8DC5214E-88FA-4C2D-A379-2CD74FE24B72\\Install"
szAppIsolatedStorePath = "\\Applications\\Data\\8DC5214E-88FA-4C2D-A379-2CD74FE24B72\\Data\\IsolatedStore"
szProductId = "{8DC5214E-88FA-4C2D-A379-2CD74FE24B72}"
szTaskPage = "MainPage.xaml" /* Current page? */
szUri = "app://8DC5214E-88FA-4C2D-A379-2CD74FE24B72/_default"
ullLastInstanceId = 39 /* fully retarded property? */
Code updated! (2011-03-29-23:25)
new Phone functionality
Phone.OS.{ Shutdown(ewxCode) } /* 1.0.2 can still call it with "DllImportCaller.lib.ShutdownOS" (failed tho on mine in 1.0.2) */
Added "GetLastError7" (C++ ::GetLastError()) for better C# side error handling.
Code updated! (2011-04-03-12:37)
Code updated! (2011-04-04-21:48)
- App launcher code!!
- Enchanted IO support
- 1.0.6!
Code updated! (2011-04-05-22:08)
- Enchanted task support
- Console7.Title { get; set; } etc.
Code updated! (2011-04-08-00:03)
- Stable%: 97 :/
- Battery support (see battery info (CORE only))
- Phone.Sound { MasterVolume!! { get; set; }, etc } (controlling phone master volume over all processes)
- Phone.OS.Kernel.ResetDevice(); (instant stops kernel, instant shutdown, not recommended!)
Code updated! (2011-04-09-22:39)
- Enchanted "Phone.Battery" class
- Phone.TaskManager.+GetCurrentProcessId
- WiFi Controll! (On/Off) (from code!)
- Bluetooth Controll! (On/Off) (from code here toe!)
- Phone.OS.+GetSystemStartupItems(),+GetDesktopWindowHandle()
- New class "Phone.Search."+SearchFor,+OpenSearch,+BindSearchButtonToPage (FAILS)
- New class "Phone.XboxLive"+GetIsXboxLiveEnable,+GetIsSignedIn
- Yep: 1.0.9!
Code updated! (2011-04-17-22:01) //damn, not update in 8 days~
- Phone.OS.OSLanguage { SubLanguageID, PrimaryLanguageID }
- Phone.WP7Process.+ CurrentProcessID (int),+GetCurrentProcess() returns guaranteed the right taskhost @class_WP7Process
- Improved Phone.OS.Memory
- + Extra i don't remember (8 days)
Code updated! (2011-05-22-21:25)
- 1.2.1 (because 1.2 methods was commented out to set things right (less crash))
- HUGE improvements
- Removed unneeded **** to speed things up
- Screenshot 161 ms per capture (non-save-to-gallery) =D
- =D
Mango support added(2011-10-26-19:30)
- yep, "ATL" Mango compiled. I have not yet tested to run it on a NoDo.
- Trying to implement a ASM virtual machine; example:
[ASMMethod(Dll = "coredll", EntryPoint = "GetLastError")]
public delegate int GetLastError();
var last = ASMGenerator.GenerateDelegateFor<GetLastError>();
int code = last();
Custom tile support added(2011-11-07-23:08)
- Custom core tiles ftw!
Source: Attatchment
-Compile VS2008 folder with C++ compiler from WM6 SDK
-Windows Mobile SDK 6 PRO
-Visual Studio 2010 (+ WP7 Silverlight SDK)
Test-app: Attatchment
-No need anymore to do a initialize button call, automatic called on first use in code "DllImportcaller.lib.cctor" by JIT (Net Framework just in time).
-Do some tests from the scrolling list. (due there are more CORE back-code API's than buttons, all tests can not be tested).
fiinix said:
Searched for dllimport but did not found what i was searching for; so i need to ask about if it is possible to do a dllimport with interop in meta?
Because if not, i think i have found something quite the same without dllimport.
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We can't p/invoke, but only use COM interfaces to interop with native code. What did you find?
Im trying the method, of c++ calling the calls for me.
In c++ i call "HMODULE dll = LoadLibrary("MyDLL.dll");" to get the native kerner32.dll e.g.
Then call "Dword addr = GetProcAddress(dll, "MyMethod");"
C# -> COM (LoadLibrary e.g.) ->
return dll addr -> return to C#
C# -> COM -> LPFNBOX * val = (LPFNBOX)GetProcAddress(addr, "method"); ->
return val(); ->
return to C#
May work with some privileges bypass, not tested. (^ Not programmer, skip it)
Step 1 of 2 "LoadLibrary7" S_OK (success!)
int result;
var hr = lib.MessageBox7("lpText", "lpCaption", MB.MB_OK, out result);
And: It shows a native msg box
It ** worked!
var t = DllImportCaller.Call<string, string>("coredll.dll", "CeRunAppAtEvent", "emptyArgs");
LoadLibrary7( .. "coredll.dll" .. ) @ -1304248592
GetProcAddress7( .. CeRunAppAtEvent" .. ) @ 1105512120
Now just "box" and call it
Sounds sweet. Any code to share?
kuerbis2 said:
Sounds sweet. Any code to share?
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Well, last step now is to box it. Due "Compact Framework 3.7" there is no "Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer". But iw found something quite common.
Code, yes. (if i succeed)
Well, there we go. I did just shut down the phone with code (phone sided code)!
So you wrapped LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress via C++/COM, how is this any different than what we have now? It's easier to simply write C++ code and provide a calling mechanism. (Which is what we're doing.)
WithinRafael said:
So you wrapped LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress via C++/COM, how is this any different than what we have now? It's easier to simply write C++ code and provide a calling mechanism. (Which is what we're doing.)
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The use of dllimports (gdiplus.dll located in "\Windows\" for example) in C# code. And you dont need to know c++/programmer to call c++ methods anymore.
The last annoying, to get that IntPtr (native) to become a managed method... (it is possible). Anyways its going great, i'll continue tomorrow
Hey any code on this?
Flow WP7 said:
Hey any code on this?
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Very soon (today @ Central European Time, dinner). Due im currently at work. The preview will not do all the way down to dllimport because the last thing for me is to figure out how to call the native IntPtr from c# with c# arguments.
Glad you guys are asking
Yeah, would be really cool if thats possible, then it would be possible todo everything over mscoree.dll, i guess?!
I found something intresting myself yesterday, the mscorlib.dll and System.dll on the phone are different from the ones in the sdk. (They contain a lot more stuff) Also the the mscorlib contains DllImports for almost everything.
If there is some way to get an internal class that would be also a great alternative...
Flow WP7 said:
Yeah, would be really cool if thats possible, then it would be possible todo everything over mscoree.dll, i guess?!
I found something intresting myself yesterday, the mscorlib.dll and System.dll on the phone are different from the ones in the sdk. (They contain a lot more stuff) Also the the mscorlib contains DllImports for almost everything.
If there is some way to get an internal class that would be also a great alternative...
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Internal's -> typeof(CLASS).GetMethod( ... ).Invoke( ... ). Works perfect with </Interop> in manifest. Else "MethodAccessException".
And all those dllimports in mscore, plenty of them, most doing calls to mscoree
Goad is to do "DllImportCaller.Call( DLL, METHOD, ARGS )"~
I just tried this:
Type type = Type.GetType("System.PInvoke.PAL");
Type type1 = Type.GetType("System.Host.HostNative+FIND_DATA");
object createInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(type1);
And this results into MethodAccessException
I have a WPInteropManifest.xml, so what do you mean by:
Works perfect with </Interop> in manifest. Else "MethodAccessException".
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Flow WP7 said:
I just tried this:
Type type = Type.GetType("System.PInvoke.PAL");
Type type1 = Type.GetType("System.Host.HostNative+FIND_DATA");
object createInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(type1);
And this results into MethodAccessException
I have a WPInteropManifest.xml, so what do you mean by:
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This is going kind of off topic. Stay to topic.
Anyways, Activaror.CreateInstance cannot create internal constructots, you need TYPE.GetConstructor( ... ).Invoke. Check visibility of ctor.
fiinix said:
The last annoying, to get that IntPtr (native) to become a managed method... (it is possible). Anyways its going great, i'll continue tomorrow
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Having some difficulties (its killing itself on call) :/ Ill publish as fast as possible.

Successful TCP Connection via CoreCon

So during my break today I added a few more registry paths to check on my HTC Radar and I found HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ConMan\HostLauncher\HostData\. There I found a few Service entries:
The first entry did not take me any where but the other two did.
Running those in my test application sent back:
Int32Type: 0
Int32Type: -2147024809
I know it isnt much and I am not sure what to send to the ConMan so if someone does please tell me:
private static void ExecutionTest()
#region Create Objects
ObjectId DeviceID = new ObjectId("30F105C9-681E-420b-A277-7C086EAD8A4E");
Platform platform = datastoremanager.GetPlatform(PlatformObjectID);
Device device = platform.GetDevice(DeviceID);
//Connect to the device.
if (device.IsConnected())
RemoteAgent ra = device.GetRemoteAgent(new ObjectId("910DCB1B-487B-452b-87FC-73852B5A239C"));
DevicePacketStream ps = ra.CreatePacketStream(new ObjectId(new Guid("11EE50CA-6CD3-45BA-9D65-46E133CFF009")));
// Create and write a packet of data.
Packet packet;
packet = new Packet();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) packet.WriteInt32(i);
packet.WriteString("Hello Smart Device");
#region While stream is connected, try to read a packet.
while (ps.IsConnected())
if (ps.IsPacketAvailable())
packet = ps.Read();
while (!packet.IsEndOfPacket())
switch (packet.ReadDataType())
case DataType.BoolType: bool boolValue = packet.ReadBool(); break;
case DataType.ByteArrayType: byte[] buffer = packet.ReadBytes(); break;
case DataType.ByteType: byte byteValue = packet.ReadByte(); break;
case DataType.CharType: char charValue = packet.ReadChar(); break;
case DataType.Int32Type: Console.WriteLine("Int32Type: " + packet.ReadInt32().ToString()); break;
case DataType.StringType: Console.WriteLine("String: " + packet.ReadString()); break;
default: break;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
finally { device.Disconnect(); }
Huh, you got the remote "GetRemoteAgent" working. Right?
I think i might know how to resolve what to call in to the packet. VS2010 talks to wp7, and uses one of those GUID's; meaning one should be able do binary search all files (in a rom) to see who owns the GUID (what dll handler), disassemble that dll (to ASM/c), and extract "what it wants".
Or if MS has a hidden caller class somewhere
Ill look further into this, thanks
fiinix said:
Huh, you got the remote "GetRemoteAgent" working. Right?
I think i might know how to resolve what to call in to the packet. VS2010 talks to wp7, and uses one of those GUID's; meaning one should be able do binary search all files (in a rom) to see who owns the GUID (what dll handler), disassemble that dll (to ASM/c), and extract "what it wants".
Or if MS has a hidden caller class somewhere
Ill look further into this, thanks
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Yes I did . Yeah I just need to know what to actually send to to the device. I know Visual Studio communicates this way.
MJCS said:
Yes I did . Yeah I just need to know what to actually send to to the device. I know Visual Studio communicates this way.
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I, myself tried 20+ GUID's once (from wp7 that _could_ be); all threw exceptions (aka not a remote agent handler).
It feels better now knowing what GUID's i can use.
Well the reg path was quite obvious; why did i not stumble upon that one earlier..
fiinix said:
I, myself tried 20+ GUID's once (from wp7 that _could_ be); all threw exceptions (aka not a remote agent handler).
It feels better now knowing what GUID's i can use.
Well the reg path was quite obvious; why did i not stumble upon that one earlier..
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Well I only found it since I know have an HTC Radar. My Dell venue pro requires you to manually enter in registry paths to see if they exist or not. I was able to decompile an older HTC registry viewer and then fix it so it didnt require interop unlock.
It should be possible to do registry browsing (but not editing) just fine on a DVP using the standard tools, unless there's a check that specifically blocks them. The browsing uses a native homebrew DLL that doesn't require ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES and has no device-specific dependencies. It's the editing that requires interop-unlock and device-specific DLLs.
GoodDayToDie said:
It should be possible to do registry browsing (but not editing) just fine on a DVP using the standard tools, unless there's a check that specifically blocks them. The browsing uses a native homebrew DLL that doesn't require ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES and has no device-specific dependencies. It's the editing that requires interop-unlock and device-specific DLLs.
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There is no GetSubKeys method...anyways lets get back on topic.
I've been trying for weeks to get anything out of this. Nothing so far. I did find out that the Developer unlock is just a byte array of a cookie taken from Microsoft's auth server.
Has anyone had any success with this socket method yet? I really don't know enough about sockets to try.
BTW you have to have a core con connection to the device already open either from app debugging or some other method

[Q] PhoneGap and Ajax with database?

Hi all,
I recently finished learning how to create an APK using PhoneGap with code written using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
Now, I would like to create a simple database app but I am not sure how to proceed. From what I learned about PhoneGap, everything can only be written in HTML5, CSS and Javascript coding. How do I get information from a database(flat-file or MySQL), display the data and edit it similar to how one would do using Ajax(I currently don't know how to code in ajax)? Is this possible with PhoneGap? How? Do I need a framework like JQuery Mobile to do this?
There would only be one page/view:
- displaying what is in the table
- and editing/adding new data to the table
Thank you.
using frameworks such as jquery mobile is a better option. u can use ajax calls to server to populate data. create a server side code that responds to ajax calls from app and fetch data from my sql and sends back the data either as json or xml
Falen said:
Hi all,
I recently finished learning how to create an APK using PhoneGap with code written using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
Now, I would like to create a simple database app but I am not sure how to proceed. From what I learned about PhoneGap, everything can only be written in HTML5, CSS and Javascript coding. How do I get information from a database(flat-file or MySQL), display the data and edit it similar to how one would do using Ajax(I currently don't know how to code in ajax)? Is this possible with PhoneGap? How? Do I need a framework like JQuery Mobile to do this?
There would only be one page/view:
- displaying what is in the table
- and editing/adding new data to the table
Thank you.
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If you just want your app to have a local database then HTML5 already does that for you. I've used this library in the past and had no problems with it at all...
I wrote an app that imported a CSV file into a database. It was a very basic app, written as proof of concept for a bigger project when I first started developing web apps for mobile. Here's a basic version of importing a CSV and using html5sql to create a table with it...
function createDatabase() {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail);
function gotFS(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getFile("/sdcard/external_sd/temp/PRODUCTS.CSV", null, gotFileEntry, fail);
function gotFileEntry(fileEntry) {
fileEntry.file(gotFile, fail);
function gotFile(file){
function readAsText(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(evt) {
var csv =;
var lines = csv.split("\n");
var i = 1;
html5sql.openDatabase("com.archer.testapp.db", "Test DB", _dbSize);
html5sql.process("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS products; " +
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products (linecode int, description varchar(255), barcode varchar(25), price int, stock int); ", function() {
function addRow() {
var line = lines[i].split(",");
var sql = "INSERT INTO products (linecode, description, barcode, price, stock) values (" +
line[0] + ", " +
"'" + line[2] + "', " +
"'" + line[1] + "', " +
line[6] + "," +
line[13] + ")";
var pd = i / lines.length * 100;
$(".progress-bar").css("width", pd + "%");
if (i < lines.length) {
setTimeout(addRow, 2);
}, function(error, failingQuery) {
alert("Error : " + error.message + "\r\n" + failingQuery);
There's obviously stuff in there that won't be relevant and you'll need to change. Also I had a global variable, _dbSize, that was the initial size (in bytes) of the database, and there's some stuff in there about a progress bar. Use it or delete it - it won't affect the database being created.
Also, note the use of the addRow() function that calls itself. This was to enable the function to run asynchronously, which is needed if you want to be UI friendly (nothing will update whilst doing the import if you just import everything in one go).
However, since you mention AJAX then that may not be relevant. In which case you're just looking at API calls for whatever service is holding your database.
Hi friend ! If you're new to hybrid development, I highly recommend you to take a look at Ionic. It would help you on so many levels !
About your issue, you can always define a REST API using your favorite backend (I know it can be done very easily with Laravel framework in PHP using MySQL DB). I prefer using Firebase !
Firebase and Ionic framework based on AngularJS are such perfect match that half your code is already done before you knows it.
Happy coding !

[HELP] Can we use native libs in a module? Mine dies as soon as a lib is added.

First, a disclaimer.
I am a Java and xposed noob. My background is in embedded C development so I can get by with some simple Java code and thanks to the great tutorials online I have been able to put together an xposed module but I'm struggling with a problem that is beyond my abilities now and am reaching out to the community for help.
Next, the background.
I have an Android head unit in my car. There is an app that provides me with CarPlay functionality but none of the controls on the steering wheel work with the app. When I analysed the code I found that they handle all of their button inputs using proprietary methods that do not inject an event into any input streams. I wrote an xposed module to hook the button press methods and then inject a proper input into one of the event streams.
Initially I tried to use the command line 'input' command to do this but since it is a Java app and takes about 1s to load it was too slow. My only other option was to create a virtual device on an input stream that I could then use to inject keypresses through the hooked method. To create a virtual device I needed to write C code that my xposed module would be able to access through the JNI. Long story short, after some pain I was able to get the native library integrated into the project and compiling using the NDK.
Finally, the problem.
When I was using the module without the native library it worked but just with a large delay because of the time it takes to load the 'input' java app. I was able to see logs from the module in the logcat as I hooked the method and as I went through the various actions within the hook.
As soon as I introduce the native library though the entire xposed module just stops running completely. I do not get any logs from the module even though I have installed, activated and rebooted. It shows up in the xposed installer but it just does nothing. The funny thing is that this happens even if I make no reference whatsoever to any native functions within the library. All I need to do to kill the module is to build it with the System.loadlibrary line in the uncommented. As soon as I comment that piece of code out the module starts to hook the function and output logs again. Below is the code from the Main.Java that I am referring to. I am happy to make any manifest, C and gradle files available too. Looking for any ideas as to why the module dies completely as soon as I include this...
package projects.labs.spike.zlink_xposed_swc;
import static;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.content.Context;
/* shellExec and rootExec methods */
import android.view.KeyEvent;
public class Main implements IXposedHookLoadPackage {
public static final String TAG = "ZLINK_XPOSED ";
public static void log(String message) {
XposedBridge.log("[" + TAG + "] " + message);
//public native int CreateVirtualDevice();
//public native int SendPrev();
public void handleLoadPackage(final XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam lpparam) throws Throwable {
log("handleLoadPackage: Loaded app: " + lpparam.packageName);
if (lpparam.packageName.equals("")) {
findAndHookMethod("module.main.HandlerMain", lpparam.classLoader, "mcuKeyRollLeft", new XC_MethodHook() {
protected void afterHookedMethod(XC_MethodHook.MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
// previous
//rootExec("input keyevent 88");
//Below was trying to use media keys which zlink never responded to...
/* Context context = (Context) AndroidAppHelper.currentApplication();
AudioManager mAudioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
KeyEvent event = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS);
KeyEvent event2 = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS);
//Below is the failed broadcast intent method...
/*Context mcontext = (Context) AndroidAppHelper.currentApplication();
Intent i = new Intent("");
i.putExtra("command", "pause");
public static String rootExec(String... strings) {
String res = "";
DataOutputStream outputStream = null;
InputStream response = null;
try {
Process su = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
outputStream = new DataOutputStream(su.getOutputStream());
response = su.getInputStream();
for (String s : strings) {
s = s.trim();
outputStream.writeBytes(s + "\n");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
res = readFully(response);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
Closer.closeSilently(outputStream, response);
return res;
public static String readFully(InputStream is) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int length = 0;
while ((length = != -1) {
baos.write(buffer, 0, length);
return baos.toString("UTF-8");
static {
Have you tried capturing an ADB log _during the bootup_?
Xposed bugs in general are unfortunaley hard to identify and harder to fix, since the underlying code isn't well understood and/or maintained by many people.
Namnodorel said:
Have you tried capturing an ADB log _during the bootup_?
Xposed bugs in general are unfortunaley hard to identify and harder to fix, since the underlying code isn't well understood and/or maintained by many people.
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Thanks for the response. I think that I have it figured out. The System.loadlibrary method looks for the native library within a path relative to the process that it is running within. The code within the apk ultimately does not run within that apk process, it runs within the xposed process. You therefore need to give xposed an absolute path to the library using the system.load method instead. Going to do some fiddling tonight and see if it works.
looxonline said:
Thanks for the response. I think that I have it figured out. The System.loadlibrary method looks for the native library within a path relative to the process that it is running within. The code within the apk ultimately does not run within that apk process, it runs within the xposed process. You therefore need to give xposed an absolute path to the library using the system.load method instead. Going to do some fiddling tonight and see if it works.
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What about an alternative without using library we discussed earlier? Are you planning to test this as well?
If so, please let me know how it went.
C3C076 said:
What about an alternative without using library we discussed earlier? Are you planning to test this as well?
If so, please let me know how it went.
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I didn't try it yet for two reasons.
1.) From the research I have done it seems as if my app would need the system INJECT_EVENTS permission in order to send keypress events outside of its own process. I cannot get this permission unless I sign my apk with the system cert that the ROM is compiled with. Maybe the method that you are using in the suggestion does not need this cert? Have you personally used this to inject key events across processes? I did see that you are getting the context of the system input service so maybe that solves this issue if the request appears to come from that PID...???
2.) The unit that I am working with has only two input devices and none of them have the keycodes I require. Does your method use a completely virtual device that is created on the fly? If so then it could work well without the need for me to create an HID input device.
I mostly was just on a role with the method that I was trying and I didn't want to turn back since I was so far down the road. I'm sure you understand how addictive certain challenges become and its quite fun to try to get them working even if they may not be the most optimal way.
In any case I managed to get the native library working last night and can successfully convince Android that I have a real HID keyboard plugged in and then send key events through that keyboard. Still not done though as there are a few hiccups that need solving. May still try your original suggestion. Thanks
looxonline said:
I didn't try it yet for two reasons.
1.) From the research I have done it seems as if my app would need the system INJECT_EVENTS permission in order to send keypress events outside of its own process. I cannot get this permission unless I sign my apk with the system cert that the ROM is compiled with. Maybe the method that you are using in the suggestion does not need this cert? Have you personally used this to inject key events across processes? I did see that you are getting the context of the system input service so maybe that solves this issue if the request appears to come from that PID...???
2.) The unit that I am working with has only two input devices and none of them have the keycodes I require. Does your method use a completely virtual device that is created on the fly? If so then it could work well without the need for me to create an HID input device.
I mostly was just on a role with the method that I was trying and I didn't want to turn back since I was so far down the road. I'm sure you understand how addictive certain challenges become and its quite fun to try to get them working even if they may not be the most optimal way.
In any case I managed to get the native library working last night and can successfully convince Android that I have a real HID keyboard plugged in and then send key events through that keyboard. Still not done though as there are a few hiccups that need solving. May still try your original suggestion. Thanks
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I see.
1) Depends on in what process (package) your hooks are running within because permissions of this process apply of course, not the permissions you define in your module's manifest.
I am using key injecting method within "android" process (package) which means it works without me needing to worry about INJECT_EVENTS permission as "android" process already has it.
By the way, missing permissions are not of a big issue when developing with xposed as you can really do some magic with it.
E.g. I was adding some functionality to SystemUI that required some additional permissions that SystemUI typically lacks. So my module takes care of it.
C3C076 said:
I see.
1) Depends on in what process (package) your hooks are running within because permissions of this process apply of course, not the permissions you define in your module's manifest.
I am using key injecting method within "android" process (package) which means it works without me needing to worry about INJECT_EVENTS permission as "android" process already has it.
By the way, missing permissions are not of a big issue when developing with xposed as you can really do some magic with it.
E.g. I was adding some functionality to SystemUI that required some additional permissions that SystemUI typically lacks. So my module takes care of it.
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Wow! I had no idea that you can use an xposed helper function to grant permissions to whatever process you are hooked within like that. That is VERY cool. Thanks so much for sharing

