Clock on Lock Screen - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Is anyone's clock showing the date and weather on the lock screen? I've gone into my lock screen settings and selected for it to show the date and it also looks like it should be showing the weather, but all I can see on my lock screen is the time in the upper left, a ton of wasted space in the middle, and then my launcher bar at the bottom.


Remove clock from notification bar?

I have found other threads about changing the clock color, but is it possible to completely remove[/i] the clock from the notification bar?
On here there are so many widgets that give the time, and the lock screen does the same thing.
unfortunately not at this stage. Personally i prefer it to be there anyway cos that means that whatever screen you are on you can see the time (less battery usage too) - also the reason i prefer weatherbug to a weather widget)...

Quick question: Lock screen text and home screen widget

Is there a widget that can show me the same text information that I have on my lock screen? Including position, font style and sizing.
Also, is it possible to get battery percentage on my lock screen on stock 4.0.4?

How to make stock weather app on home screen transparent like it is on lock screen?

The stock weather app is fine for me, I believe it is the acuweather app. However, on the lock screen it is beautifully transparent, I'd like this same amount of transparency on the home screen after i unlock it. As of now, its transparent at the lock screen. Then, once i unlock it, it is the classic white with black lettering. Id rather it be transparent like it is on the lock screen. I am not sure how to do this.
Also, I did look into getting other apps however none of them have the same layout as the stock one when you click on it to see the forecast for the following days of the week etc.... So that seems to be an issue

What's this lock icon doing there....

On my status bar this small lock icon beside the alarm clock showed up yesterday. Any ideas? I can't figure it out.
Edit: found out because I'm using the iOS status bar .it's a lock icon indicating my display is locked in portrait apparently. But it actually isin"t. But my lock screen was locked in portrait so i enabled auto rotate in twb. Alls well. Silly crapple.

Can the weather clock be removed from the lock screen?

This is my first experience with HTC and Sense. I use a separate weather app, so it's redundant to have that info displayed alongside the weather clock on the lock screen. It appears that the weather clock is a fixed setting, though. Any way that this can be removed or swapped out with just a standard clock? Thanks.

