Battery drains faster as % is lower - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3

I've had my Note 3 for a month now, and I noticed that after 90% the battery starts to drain a bit faster.
For example, between 100 and 90%, it takes about 6-8 minutes to drain 1% while doing something simple like using Facebook, reading an article, instant messaging, texting, etc. This is on Wi-Fi.
But as the battery goes lower and lower, it drains faster.. by the time it's in the 30s or 40s, it takes only 3-5 minutes to drain 1% while doing the same general activities. This is also on Wi-Fi. Even idle drain is faster.
By the time it gets to 20%, it's a bit faster... didn't keep track though.
Most of the times I have charged it were like this: full charge -> full drain -> full charge -> full drain.. etc
I have also tried the popular Battery Calibration app. It didn't seem to have any effect.
It is rooted, and I have frozen some bloatware (mostly some Samsung & T-Mobile apps).
I have not tried a factory reset yet.
Is this happening to anyone else? Maybe my battery is defective?

I wouldn't full drain your battery often. Try to keep it above ~20% if you can. Draining it low like that wears out the battery much quicker. Trying not to charge it to 100% helps also but that is harder to do and need a kernel that can support setting max charge.
But yes I noticed that battery does seem to drain a little bit faster after about 90%. Not a big difference though. And you shouldn't sweat it. Battery chips and batteries tend to have different characteristics from phone to phone and battery to battery to battery. Even though it should be an exact science, exact science battery chips cost a lot more. My note2 took forever to get off 100% but once it hit 99% battery drain was very consistent. Less so in note 3 but more or less consistent. Don't sweat it. I would worry more about trying not to drain your battery so low if you can. Your battery will perform best and last much longer if you can keep it between 20-80% but that is OCD. Just let it do its thing. Early android phones were terrible mostly at being accurate and consistent.
sent from my sm-9005.


Battery re-calibration??

This started on suiller's ROM guide, but I feel it's really OT so I should take it outside.
I've had battery issue ever since I got the Diamond. With moderate use (maybe ~15-20min of call per day, email check every 30 min, moderate web browsing) the battery level can drop by ~ 15-20% per hour on average. This means the battery would only last 5-6 hours without charging, which is not good enough to last through a day.
I first looked at whether the phone has any serious battery drain application, and it doesn't. With BatteryStatus I see the battery drain is ~ 100-150mA with GSM on, BT on. When I'm downloading email, or browsing the web, it does go up to 200 ~ 300mA briefly, but that is only when it's transmitting / receiving data. In standby mode with screen off it drains less than 50mA. These numbers seem pretty typical from my experience.
And here's the weird thing - on a typical day, when I wake up, and take the phone off the charger, it can drop from 100% to 93% within 30 min. On the way to work, when I would browse the web lightly, it can easily drop from 93% to 80-85% within an hour. That's pretty bad battery life.
Yet there are instances when I've been browsing the web, or playing MP3, or using YouTube for a good 10-15 min, but the battery level would not drop.
I figure maybe the battery needs to be re-calibrated, so I decided to discharge the battery and recharge it. I know this doesn't help improve the battery life of LiIon batteries, but I was trying to recalibrate it.
What happened, when I was discharging the battery, was I found the battery drop was very quick from 100% down to ~ 50%. From that point on, the battery drop is much slower.
And from 50% to 25% the battery seems to last forever. The most interesting thing is with the battery down to 15%, I did a lot of 3G web browsing, listening to MP3's, turn wifi on, and that 15% of battery lasted a good 3.5 hrs with heavy use until it's so low the phone stopped working.
The whole discharging process ended up taking 10 hours, and that's with HEAVY use for the last 3-4 hours too. That's actually acceptable for battery life (not great, but at least it'll last me through a day outside with moderate use) and obviously doesn't jive with the 15-20% drop per hour when I'm operating in the 50-100% full range.
When I'm charging the battery, I also noticed the level went up from 0% to 70% very quickly ... pretty much over 40 min. BatteryStatus shows it's being charged at +600-700mA.
As the battery gets full, the charging is much slower ... BatteryStatus shows it is charging by ~ 100-200mA only.
With the battery level up to 99%, it took almost forever to finally get up to 100%. I think it took at least 20 min.
So after a full discharge - recharge, I used my phone as normal this morning to see if it's been calibrated, but nope. It still drops from 100 to 93% within minutes of doing virtually nothing, and easily drop to 80% after an hour ride to work.
Does your battery perform the same way? Should I replace my battery? Or is there a way to properly calibrate the battery?
btw location and reception has nothing to do with it. I have good to excellent reception throughout this test.
I'm having the same problem but not with every rom (don't know wich ones, tested almost every rom hero) So is this a piece of software wich shows the live that doesn't work ?? or is it the battery ? As i can see it it's depending on rom thus it's not hardware
But hey I'm n00b
i've noticed that a soft reset or power up will use 3-7% of battery depending on the weather (what else could it be )
don't have the ability to discharge but i agree that in many cases the battery usage drops drastically & there is no reasonable cause
hope someone can figure this out!
1. discharge the battery completely (by playing video, audio, etc.)
2. Remove the battery and wait about 1min then place it back (do not power on the phone)
3. Full Charge the phone, wait when LEDs stop blinking (do not power on the phone)
4. When fully charged - remove the battery (do not power on the phone)
5. Wait about 1min then place the battery to the phone and now you can power it on.
If battery is more or less OK it will re-calibrate.
I hope it will help!
STM123 said:
1. discharge the battery completely (by playing video, audio, etc.)
2. Remove the battery and wait about 1min then place it back (do not power on the phone)
3. Full Charge the phone, wait when LEDs stop blinking (do not power on the phone)
4. When fully charged - remove the battery (do not power on the phone)
5. Wait about 1min then place the battery to the phone and now you can power it on.
If battery is more or less OK it will re-calibrate.
I hope it will help!
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Thanks. I tried those steps yesterday and my phone is pretty much behaving the exact same way after the battery cycle.
After all the steps, the battery shows it's 100%. I unplug it, and it drops to 97% within MINUTES literally. Now I plug it back in, and it takes forever to get from 97% back to 100% (> 1hour)
I think it may be a battery problem and not a calibration problem. The drain averages ~ 120-150mA when phone on, screen on, no data, and below 100mA with phone on in standby mode. That seems pretty typical? I'd think the battery should last longer than 8 hours (till it completely dies) in that case.
Where do you guys suggest I buy a new battery for the Diamond (other than HTC directly)? I bought one from DealExtreme but the battery runs ~ 10C hotter than normal all the times ... I don't think I want that as my primary battery.
If you get through a full day with moderate-heavy use on your battery, I say that is normal and good battery life on a Diamond. So, why bother that the percentage is not proportional? I would not get a new battery for this since the problem is only in the reported percentage, not the battery life itself.
I've had plenty of cars that went from full to half tank on the meter significantly faster than from half to almost empty. You know about it and adapt to it, simply.
Hello !
I'm understand you, i have a ELF (Touch P3450), and a Diamond, the same problem appear for the two phones!
Every Morning, when i disconnect from charge my diamond, my level battery go to 93% in 10mns without reasons (One sms, no 3G, no Wifi etc).
My battery go down to 50~70% around 14H (2H pm), and stays at this level for many hours (4-5hours ~), i think it's not a problem with our battery, but a dysfunction of the sensor battery, which shows wrong data =/
By the way, that problem doesn't appear every day, for example, today my battery has that level : 83% (15h43), so today it has a good level.
Since i have flash that ROM :, with radio, i have less less issues with my battery, it's more stable!
That's all, hope that helps you.
Ok guys, I've made a few discoveries that I figure I could share with everybody. Maybe you'll find it useful.
Last week I went on a trip and turned off the data connection while I was out of the country. Instead of letting the roaming charges kill me, I was relying on wifi to check emails and browse the web.
I ended up checking emails just as often, because where I worked had wifi AP.
Now, I could usually get 8, maybe 9 hrs out of my battery with moderate use before it's completely empty previously. So I was very surprised to find that with a similar usage pattern, but using wifi instead of EDGE/GPRS I still had 30-50% battery left at the end of 8-9 hours day everyday during the trip. I know data uses a lot of battery, but I always thought wifi drains even more, so that's quite a stunning discovery.
Now, I don't think it was due to wifi draining less than GPRS/EDGE (can't be true), so it must be something else. In trying to figure out what made the difference, I did a bunch of tests after the trip, and this is what I find-
1. Data channel dis-connection / re-connection is BAD
I used to always set my phone to auto-disconnect data channel (EDGE/GPRS) after 5 min of inactivity, in an attempt to save battery. What I found, was keeping the data channel open does NOT actually drain more battery than leaving it off at all. Transmitting data drains battery, but not leaving the channel open. However, disconnecting it, and re-connecting it all the times actually drains quite a bit of battery. I set my phone to check email every 30 minutes, and then there's also the odd weather forecast that needs data channel. In a 9 hrs day, that means channel disconnection + reconnection of about 40 times.
The last couple days I have left my data connection ON all the times, and I actually get more hours out of my battery. My battery used to drop ~ 10-15% per hour with moderate use. By keeping the channel on all the times it's been kept to under 10% per hour!!! I've only tested it for a couple days. I'll report more on it once I get to test it for longer, but the idea that 'keeping data connection off when you're not using it to save battery" seems to be a complete myth. The opposite actually saves battery!!!! And as a bonus, I don't even have to wait for the data channel to connect when I need it!!
2. Recycling the radio is VERY BAD
Everybody knows 3G is a real battery killer. However, similar to EDGE/GPRS, keeping the 3G channel open does NOT drain any more battery than turning it off, or turning on EDGE/GPRS channel. When the data channel is idling, it doesn't matter whether it's on EDGE, GPRS, 3G, or even completely turned off, the battery drain is close to zero in all cases.
Now, you do see a 1.5 - 2 times battery drain with 3G compared to EDGE/GPRS, so I've always turned 3G on only for web browsing or watching YouTube, and use GPRS / EDGE for regular emails update. The thing is though, if you're not transmitting much data (which you won't for regular email update), the difference in battery drain is minimal. SWITCHING between 2G and 3G though, requires a radio power cycle (turn off then back on to switch frequency) and THAT drains a lot of battery!!!
So if you're often switching between 3G and 2G, and you only transmit little data in 2G mode, you might actually be better off keeping it in 3G all the times instead of forcing the radio to power-cycle all the times.
I've tried keeping it in 3G all day long and I noticed minimal increase in battery drain. However, there might be another reason you want to consider - RADIATION. 3G not only drains more battery than 2G, it also transmits at a stronger power than 2G and as a result create more radiation. For that reason, I'm still keeping my phone to 2G for email updates and what not, and switch to 3G only for web browsing. For radiation you may try this thread if you want to read more about it.
3. VGA screen is a REAL battery killer
I do quite a bit of reading on my phone (ebook, on-line magazines etc) and reading ebook was never a battery concern in my days with the Touch (QVGA screen).
That's why I was quite surprised on the Diamond, reading the ebook for 1 hour, with EVERYTHING else turned off (GSM, EDGE, GPRS, 3G, BT, wifi), my battery level went down by 12% in ~1 hour.
The VGA screen drains a lot more battery than the QVGA screen. Now, if you need to use the phone you need to use the screen, there isn't much of a choice. It does make sense, however, that if you're using the screen for a while (like reading ebook) switching from a high brightness level to a lower brightness level.
Oh, and the auto-adjust brightness thing? That doesn't help you save battery at all. This is because it polls the light sensor every 2 sec (default value, but you can change it) and adjust screen brightness accordingly. This mechanism drains battery in itself, and in most cases end up using more battery than keeping the brightness constant at a low to medium level.
The auto-adjust thing is cool, and in theory it sounds like it can save you battery, but unless you constantly set the brightness to max even when you're in a dark environment, disable the auto-adjust and just set it to a constant 50-60% instead.
These are the few things I've noticed and I'm still trying things out, but over the last 2 days I've seen a significant drop in battery drain. I would be lucky to go through a 8-9 hrs day with moderate to heavy use before, the first 2 days I tried this I still had 60% battery left after 5 hrs of moderate use. The Diamond is very weak on battery life so every bit helps! I hope these tips are useful to you!
Thanks for your share
number16 said:
When I'm charging the battery, I also noticed the level went up from 0% to 70% very quickly ... pretty much over 40 min. BatteryStatus shows it's being charged at +600-700mA.
As the battery gets full, the charging is much slower ... BatteryStatus shows it is charging by ~ 100-200mA only.
With the battery level up to 99%, it took almost forever to finally get up to 100%. I think it took at least 20 min.
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It's exactly what the charging process is supposed to do.
Read more here:
The charge time of most chargers is about 3 hours...
Increasing the charge current does not shorten the charge time by much. Although the voltage peak is reached quicker with higher charge current, the topping charge will take longer.
Some chargers claim to fast-charge a lithium-ion battery in one hour or less. Such a charger eliminates stage 2 and goes directly to 'ready' once the voltage threshold is reached at the end of stage 1. The charge level at this point is about 70%. The topping charge typically takes twice as long as the initial charge.
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source:batteryuniversity (dot) com

[Q] Desire Z Battery

What kind of battery time are you guys getting on the original battery?
I've had my phone for about 14 days now and im not getting more than 12 hours on a charge.. the first week iv'e been using the phone alot.
I have alot of apps installed and im wondering if that could have a impact on the battery.. i have tryed using a task killer and without..
From the battery usage statistics page the screen is definitely the one that uses the most. Voice calls is number 2.
Will all applications show on the battery statistics page or is this something the applications have to implement?
Sent from my HTC Desire Z using XDA App
My battery has gotten better since I got it. But I have been doing a few things to help my battery - e.g. I completely drain the battery (until the phone doesn't even turn on anymore) and then fully charge it overnight.
Read about task killers and Android here:
All apps will show in the battery usage statistics. If the screen has been using the most power, that means exactly that - you've been using the phone a lot and as such the screen has been taking up a lot of power.
I would recommend though to try to completely drain and then overnight charge, and repeat that cycle as often as you can.. I'm no technician, but I do think how you charge the phone matters
i've read about the task killers and have decided to uninstall them compleetly and let android do what it wants.
Regarding the charging, i have ran the battery flat out almost every day..
Im going to try a few different charging methods and see if there is some difference..
however i suspect that if the indicator is saying 100% charge, thats exatcly what it is whatever the charging method. (i hope)
It does get better. When I first got the phone I was getting about 14 hours. Now I'm getting about 30 hours or so.
JuiceDefender and setCPU help preserve battery life, too.
I am lucky to even get 12 hours with minimal use. No calls, just some texting and maybe browsing my bank website. Screen is always the killer for me, even on 20% brightness. If I go lower the screen actually flickers.
I bought the red HTC Chichitech batteries and they didn't help me at all.
Tried overclocking module, didn't change much.
The only app that ever shows any significant battery use (over 5%) is Maps, when I use maps.
i always thought completly draining a Lithium-ion battery is a bad idea?
Yes, it is.
Older batteries such as Ni-MH should be completely worked out from full to dead in order to keep them going in the long run. Li-ion doesn't need to be worked out, in fact the more it is worked out the faster it will run through it's lifespan and stop holding a charge.
Now that batteries, phones, and chargers are all smart, it's supposedly good to keep them plugged in as often as you can instead of letting them run dry.
sukie said:
i always thought completly draining a Lithium-ion battery is a bad idea?
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The post (#7) above is correct on this. You should not let the battery dip below 30%, since discharging it too low may prevent it from being able to take a charge. It happens to most of us on accident every once in a while. But you should avoid it if possible.
It is good to run through a couple charge/discharge cycles to calibrate the battery meter. Many people still think this is to "condition" the battery, but battery conditioning is only the case with the older NiCad type of rechargeable batteries. Charging/discharging the battery just helps calibrate the battery meter on the phone. For new phones or a new ROM flash, I usually charge the battery to 100%, then let it drain to 30%, and repeat a couple times.
sukie said:
i always thought completly draining a Lithium-ion battery is a bad idea?
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It's also a bad idea to charge a cold Li battery, but I believe that affects lifespan more than charge. For those of us in colder climes, remember to wait for the battery to warm up to room temp before plugging in.
On my DZ I usually get 15~20h of battery life and it's O/C @ 1.4Ghz
3G & wifi : always on
facebook, gmail, emails, news, weather updates each hour
about 1h per day of audio streaming (deezer, Synology DS audio)
1~2h of internet and games per day (baseball superstars, angry birds, psx4droid...)
less than 30min of calls per day and about 20-30 sms...
sukie said:
i always thought completly draining a Lithium-ion battery is a bad idea?
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It depends what you mean by "completely". If you drain the voltage of a LiIon battery too low, you will damage it. But the circuitry of the phone is normally designed that there's a cut-off before you get to this, i.e. "completely" discharging it by running it till the phone turns off will be before this dangerous level, so should be safe.
It's unnecessary though, your phone can tolerate a *lot* more partial discharges/charges than full discharges/charges. If you drain it ten times from 100% to 90% and charge again, then that's roughly equivalent to one whole discharge/charge from 100% to 0% and back again.
As redpoint73 said, the main issues it "training" Android to get the battery calibration right, not conditioning the battery (which only applies to NiMH, NiCad, etc).
Li-Ion batteries are protected from deep discharges in two ways:
1. The Phone, it will stop you from discharging too low.
2. The battery itself. Each Li-Ion battery contains circuitry that stops it from discharging too low.
Basically both have to fail to have you end up with a dead battery -> rarely happens.
Li-Ions take the heaviest duty when charging the top 90-100% charge, charging just that bit stresses the battery more than from 0-80% (ofc 0 not really being 0 ) Note: This only has an effect on battery LIFE, not battery capacity! -> if you keep charging your battery from 90-100% (for example by keeping it plugged in after driving to work, then recharge after driving home, basically always going from 100-90-100 you're really doing your battery a disservice life-cycle wise)
If Li-Ions are not in use for a while they should be stored at around 60-70% charge.
Now as for batteries in Android devices, I'd estimate that most causes of extreme battery drain are due to rampant programs/too many internet accesses.
Everytime you log onto the internet, or change speeds (3G -> Edge-> whatever) you take a lot more power than usual. Try to ensure that all your programs that regularly access the net, do so together (HTC Sense interface tries to do this)
Rampant Programs: Especially services that need to poll the clock a lot, or keep updating their info, keep their FPS high (games) It is for this reason I try to avoid installing a lot of programs at once, and keep it one at a time (especially for system programs) to see if there's a inordinate change in battery life.
Oh and do turn off unneeded things like bluetooth, wifi, and GPS if you don't need them... but thats a given.
Gee typed more than I was planning, just get tired of seeing these threads all over
Jacina said:
Li-Ions take the heaviest duty when charging the top 90-100% charge, charging just that bit stresses the battery more than from 0-80% (ofc 0 not really being 0 ) Note: This only has an effect on battery LIFE, not battery capacity! -> if you keep charging your battery from 90-100% (for example by keeping it plugged in after driving to work, then recharge after driving home, basically always going from 100-90-100 you're really doing your battery a disservice life-cycle wise)
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Sorry but I disagree with that. Have you got any evidence to back that up ? Continually charging the battery from 90% to 100% should be fine and shouldn't shorten its life at all. Chargers will sometimes reduce their charge when the battery is nearly full, and a slower/lesser charge will actually increase its life (I have no idea whether the DZ's charger does this or not).
Jacina said:
Li-Ion batteries are protected from deep discharges in two ways:
1. The Phone, it will stop you from discharging too low.
2. The battery itself. Each Li-Ion battery contains circuitry that stops it from discharging too low.
Basically both have to fail to have you end up with a dead battery -> rarely happens.
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Coming from the Touch Pro 2 forum, there are somewhat occasional posts by users that discharged their batteries too low, and get stuck in a boot loop. Leaving the battery on the wall charger (USB is not enough) for a long period of time seems to solve the issue in some instances, while others are forced to replace the battery.
As you said, instances of this are relatively rare. I've drained my battery until the phone shuts down plenty of times on accident, with no ill results. But best to play it safe and not do it intentionally.
When you mention the phone prevents the battery from discharging too low, is that the hardware, or the OS? I guess either way, maybe the Desire Z or the Android OS are better at this then Windows Mobile and the Touch Pro 2. But I still wouldn't discharge the battery too low intentionally.
I'm pretty sure on the Touch Pro 2 it was software based (hence actually allowing you to boot before saying "not enough charge" )
I doubt that ANY charger that comes with a phone is anything but a normal "charge till full" charger...
All information is gathered there. (other articles there are also highly informative)
nivlheim_o_O? said:
On my DZ I usually get 15~20h of battery life and it's O/C @ 1.4Ghz
3G & wifi : always on
facebook, gmail, emails, news, weather updates each hour
about 1h per day of audio streaming (deezer, Synology DS audio)
1~2h of internet and games per day (baseball superstars, angry birds, psx4droid...)
less than 30min of calls per day and about 20-30 sms...
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That is intense, are you serious?!
I barely make it through the day and I don't game or make many calls. usually just texts and emails.
My update intervals for emails are much more frequent though.
Lucky !
im usually not getting more than 10 hours on a charge... :s thinking about getting the 1800mAh mugen battery...
Sh0rty007 said:
im usually not getting more than 10 hours on a charge... :s thinking about getting the 1800mAh mugen battery...
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Are you using it pretty heavily? I just got the phone Tuesday, and still playing with it a lot, so I can't comment on battery life yet. But what is your screen brightness set to? If you look at the battery use graph, you will see that the display uses the most power, and with any smartphone, the biggest culprit of short battery life. Turn the brightness as low as you can tolerate for your "average" viewing conditions. Also, be sure you've calibrated the battery meter as I've described in Post #8 above.
A word of caution as far as the Mugen extended battaries: one of the users here did a bunch of battary tests on OEM and different aftermarket brands, on various phones. The Mugen 1800 mAh batteries did not rate any better than the OEM 1400 mAh. Mugen tried to explain away the test results. But judge for yourself.
My screen brightness is just 25 or 45%. And i really don't make it to the end of the day.
I now have setcpu, so that when my screen is off my cpu is running on 300mhz. Think i can make it now through the day.
I use my phone a lot, thats true. But only to view the market or twitter things..
Ow and i don't use live wallpapers...
I think there is a lot to be said for keeping things turned off if you do not use/need them too much.
I leave my phone charging overnight (between 11pm and 6:30am). So when I leave the house in the morning it is fully charged.
I keep Wifi and 3G turned off unless I need to use it and I keep brightness to a minimum - again, only increasing it if I need it.
Normal usage for me would be about 1 hours music listening during my commute to work, a couple of texts a day and about 10mins worth of calls a day.
On top of that about 4 hours worth of data use (both Wifi and 3G) and I usually find I still have over 50% battery life left when I plug it back in around 11pm before going to bed (according to the Mini Info widget).
Granted this is fairly light use compared to some people, but I think if you take the time to control your app usage you should see better performance results!

Is this good Battery Life?

So I've just recently rooted my Incredible (about 4 months now) and I bought a 3500 mAh battery off ebay for about 12 dollars around the same time. I used to get really great battery life with it. About 2 full days without having to charge. I'm not sure if the battery's getting worse or if this is normal battery depletion for all you other Incredible users.
I'm running CM7 nightly 258, the latest one, and have the newest Incredikernel, just flashed the kernel about a week ago. I'm still pretty new to the rooting game. Before I flashed the kernel I just had the normal kernel for CM7. I was getting about 10 hours of battery before and tried the battery calibration, but I think I did it wrong and got maybe 8 after that.
So I tried running the Incredikernel and was getting between 12-20 hours of battery life after that. My usage is at least 2 hours of Pandora a day using 3g, sometimes 3-4 hours. Moderate to high internet usage, rarely make calls, and moderate texting. I'll sometimes play some games, but that probably equals about half an hour's worth per charge, an hour at most. I'm also running juice defender, too.
With the new kernel I have the smartassv2 governor and have my processor speed between .128-1.113ghz. I think I did the battery calibration the correct way this time. I bumped charged it until it was completely charged. Then let it completely drain till it shut off yesterday. It lasted about 24 hours with the normal usage I have stated above. I then turned it on 2 more times to make sure the battery was completely drained. I took out the battery for a couple minutes and then put it back in. Then I let it charge off until the light turned green. I then booted into recovery and cleared battery stats. Rebooted the phone until it was completely started and then unplugged the phone.
I let the battery drain completely again and it lasted another 24 hours with the same usage I have stated above and I'm now charging again. I turned it back on while it's still charging though.
Is this normal battery life compared to you guys. Remember I have the 3500 mAh battery, but it was off ebay (stated new though). If you could also post you're battery usage and how long your battery lasts, as well. Also any other important info like, kernel, ROM used, CPU speed, etc. I'd like to compare to see how everyone else is doing. Thanks again.
I'm on CM7 right now with the latest Incredikernel. I use the Incredicontrol app to undervolt and set my frequencies from 128-921 Mhz. I have a standard battery and with light usage I get a day and half off a single charge, moderate/heavy usage it'll range from 12-20 hours.
You use any powersaving apps like Juicedefender? Also what do you classify as moderate/heavy usage? What battery governor do you use? Did you do a battery calibration?
graymonkey44 said:
You use any powersaving apps like Juicedefender? Also what do you classify as moderate/heavy usage? What battery governor do you use? Did you do a battery calibration?
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I don't use Juicedefender or any power saving app like that. Moderate/Heavy use I mean texting all day making calls, on the internet, playing various games. Don't get me wrong there have been times that I kill my battery in less than 10 hours, but that's when I'm on my phone non stop or on Netflix. For a governor I use smartass, not smartassv2. I did calibrate my battery once, last year when I got the phone. To me what makes the biggest difference is undervolting with the Incredicontrol app. And the phone runs much cooler.
I might try undervolting to see how long that lasts. 1.113 ghz might be overkill, but I have noticed a performance increase. The majority of what kills my battery is the display though when I check out my battery stats. It's always at around 60%. I have the amoLED screen as well.
graymonkey44 said:
I might try undervolting to see how long that lasts. 1.113 ghz might be overkill, but I have noticed a performance increase. The majority of what kills my battery is the display though when I check out my battery stats. It's always at around 60%. I have the amoLED screen as well.
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I always dim my screen as well. If its on the highest setting it'll kill a lot of your battery quick. I used to have my phone over clocked to 1.113 GHZ but after testing different things out I noticed if I lowered it under 1 GHZ there was not much of a diff. For undervolting I dropped the number by 25 at a time until I noticed the phone lagging. hope this info helps.
I have my screen on auto brightness. It's usually at a low bright setting unless I'm outside. I'll try out undervolting, too. I have noticed the phone does run a little bit snappier with the 1.113 ghz though, but I can live with it being a little less if it means better battery life.
I don't know if it's my battery or not though, but everytime I unplug it, it's been going right back down to like 89% within minutes. I understand that you can't fully charge the Li-ion batteries all the way, but I don't know if I'm fully utilizing the battery to it's full potential since it is 3500 mAh.
I might go back to my standard battery and see how it compares. Although I do like the feel of having the extra thickness with the bigger battery.
graymonkey44 said:
I have my screen on auto brightness. It's usually at a low bright setting unless I'm outside. I'll try out undervolting, too. I have noticed the phone does run a little bit snappier with the 1.113 ghz though, but I can live with it being a little less if it means better battery life.
I don't know if it's my battery or not though, but everytime I unplug it, it's been going right back down to like 89% within minutes. I understand that you can't fully charge the Li-ion batteries all the way, but I don't know if I'm fully utilizing the battery to it's full potential since it is 3500 mAh.
I might go back to my standard battery and see how it compares. Although I do like the feel of having the extra thickness with the bigger battery.
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Charge it while its off or get an external charger. That's the only way to get a true 100% charge from a phone battery.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
Yeah, I have been bump charging as of lately(about a month), but I hear it decreases the life of the battery so I've been holding off on doing that.
With my latest charge, I've gotten 1d 14h 49m 20s, with moderate usage which I think is pretty impressive. It's still at 5% and I'm going to let it completely discharge and then charge it off again until the light turns green.
Edit: It lasted me right around 40 hours all together. It shut off so I decided to turn it back on and see how long it would last again. It was at 2% when I turned it back on and I got another half hour out of it which led me to the 40 hours. Do you think that's good battery life with a 3500 mAh battery?

[Q] Verizon Nexus Battery percentage going up?

I have been noticing something strange. I have gotten in the habit of draining my battery down to single digits before charging in an attempt to keep my battery life up. I usually use netflix on 4g to do this as it does a pretty good job of sucking the juice down quickly.
A few times I have noticed that after I shutdown netflix and let the phone sit a little while that the percentage actually goes back up. For example, I kill netflix at 4% battery left. I set the phone down for a bit and when I pick it back up the battery is at 10%. I have seen this multiple times.
Just curious if anyone else has noticed this and anyone has an explanation for why this happens.
I believe it has to do with the battery meter displaying how much battery you have left based on what you are doing? So when you stopped being resource intensive it adjusted itself.
That's one explanation I have heard.. there is also one that has to do with the amount of current going to the battery.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
trevoryour said:
I have been noticing something strange. I have gotten in the habit of draining my battery down to single digits before charging in an attempt to keep my battery life up.
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I can't answer your question directly as there could be multiple reasons. (Battery capacity estimation is tricky business, and I don't know what algorithm they're using.)
But I can tell you that the common belief that one ought to discharge batteries before recharging them is not applicable to modern lithium batteries.
I was (to some extent) true for old-fashioned NiCd cells, but modern Li-ion cells shouldn't be excessively discharged. If you want to prolong battery life it's more important to keep the battery cool. (Lithium cells degrade much faster at elevated temperatures.)
(To contradict myself I have to add that the battery capacity calculation can be improved by discharging the battery completely from time to time - but again, this depends on the battery capacity calculation algorithm they're using.)
I understand the way current battery tech works. The discharge is not for the battery itself. Its for the Android OS. I have noticed that whenever I plug my phone in in the middle of the day, the next day my battery doesn't last as long. In fact the poor battery life will remain an issue for about a week until it levels itself back out. I have noticed this behavior on multiple phones by multiple manufacturers.
You end up going in a circle. You use heavy data one day and as a result you have to plug in in the middle of the day. The next day your battery doesn't last as long so you plug in again. Unless you allow your phone enough time to level back out then it will always appear that your battery life is aweful. Since i've been discharging my battery I am able to unplug my phone at 7:30 am, use it moderately all day with GPS, Bluetooth, 4G on/wifi off with a live wallpaper running. At 11:30pm when its time for bed I still have around 60-70% battery remaining. I find myself having to watch a few hours of netflix on 4g in order to drain the battery so I can plug it in.
I'm not sure if this behavior is a result of an issue with the battery stats file or what but I do know that when I flash a new ROM it appears my battery life is reset to how it was before I had shortened it by plugging in the middle of the day.
many of us have seen the percent rise slightly, its normal. when under heavy load watching videos or something and then you are finished, the voltage gets relaxed and pops up some. since this phone uses some type of voltage calculation to determine percent, it will jump up once in a rare while, typically right after you placed it under heavy load then went to idle.
it's normal..

Bought new Z play/kind of disappointed with the battery life

Hello all,
I bought a new Z play to replace my ageing phone, and I have mixed feelings about the battery life. The phone has received universal praise for its battery life, and while some of it is true in my case, I can't seem to get those high SoT numbers that everyone brags about.
It's very difficult for me to break the 6h SoT barrier, and I consider myself a light user: whatsapp, browsing, some reddit, and the occasional music (through headphones). I don't play any games, or perform heavy tasks. Also the phone is connected to WiFi 85% of the time, get decent signal, and the screen is set on auto-brightness.
Running latest version of the stock rom, and I performed factory reset + wiped cache + reset network settings countless times as per suggestions.
Attached some stats for 50% that I just took.
Is there something I'm missing?
Take it with a grain of salt, just because people brag about numbers does not mean they are real or obtainable by everyone. Battery life will vary for every user and phone. The time you have is in the acceptable range and I would not worry.
Yes, even I have never achieved the 8-9+ hrs of SOT that's I've seen in some threads. Based on my usage I get a minimum of 6.5hr SOT with the phone lasting a good 25-27 hours before I have to plug it back in.
Since the phone is new it might take a few cycles for the battery to truly show its stamina.
Those answer are definitely right. It all varies on the users. . Also please makes sure you have bluetooth and wifi scanning off. (Location> Scanning > Bluetooth & Wifi Scanning) Another factor is apps. Get rid of facebook and facebook messenger. Apps that use GCM eat battery like a range rover eats gas. I've hit 8--10 hr of SOT before. Let your phone get use to your daily activities. I believe it'll optimize itself over time.
It's normal.
I was also getting earlier 5-6 hrs SOT(When the device was new) but not I'm getting 8-9 hrs SOT.
So as your phone is new it might take few cycles for the battery to show its full stamina!
Thanks for the replies and for putting my mind at ease.
Bluetooth and wifi scanning are off (forgot to mention that).
Anyway, I understand. Those insane SoT of 10+ are best case scenarios with careful use of the device. Still happy with my current capacity (anything which lasts until the next morning is great).
And yep, the phone manual (who reads those anymore), did mention the battery taking a few cycles before reaching its capacity.
Now, for a different issue. If I'd like to disable turbocharging/quickcharging my phone, would a USB C to A cable coupled with any charger (including the quickcharging ones) do the trick? Based on my understanding, the cable limits the chargining power, so any regular (quality) C to A cable should restore normal charging speeds even when using a fast charging charger. In case you're wondering why I'd like to do that, it's because the phone gets way too hot for my liking when using the Moto turbocharger and I'd like to reserve that for when necessary.
Well, guyz do have a point.
The screenshots are showing you have almost 3hrs SoT after day and a half. This is normal.
Those >10 hrs of SoT aren't achieved with careful usage. Coming from my experience, I got 10.5 hrs SoT with 10% battery left, BUT, in one day. My Moto can last up to 3 day with one charge, but in those 3 days I'll have maybe 4hrs SoT. So, in average, my Moto lasts up to 2 days with 6/7hrs SoT (I mostly use FB, Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, YT, Instagram, stock 6.0.1). It simply depends how you use it. That big, almost 11hrs SoT, I could only achieve on weekends, coz otherwise I don't have the time to stare in my phone so much.
On that other thing, Moto does get pretty hot while charging. And you're right, the cable does limit the charging power so it will probably work.
I was one of those users getting 10h SoT early on. But I was doing that inside a 24h usage window. Your 50% stats have you stretched out to like almost 3 days off charger. Idle time vs. screen on time is ALWAYS a trade-off.
I look at battery drain in terms of drain rate at idle, and drain rate with screen on. Early on I was seeing 6% drain per hour of screen on, and 1-1.5% per hour screen off. So basically 5 hours of idle time costs you 1 hour screen on. Those were my numbers on the original MM build. My battery life has gotten worse with every software update. I have NOT done a factory reset, mostly because I don't want the hassle and I still get a day off normal use with plenty of battery to spare. But I usually see 18h off charger and 3-4h SoT in a normal day, and that leaves me at 40-50% when I plug in.
Looking at your stats, if screen on costs you 6% per hour, you have 17% worth of screen on drain. That leaves 33% idle drain over 38 hours, or sightly less than 1% per hour idle. Seems pretty darn good to me.
Your cell signal is definitely not helping your battery life. Switch to 2g when on wifi, your signal bar should be full and it'll probably help your battery life.
Enjoy the fact that this phone lets you keep BT/WiFi scanning/Facebook/etc. on without having to worry whether or not you're going to make it a full day. I use all that stuff, have multiple live widgets updating, brightness at least half way, T-Mobile Digits running, and still make it a full day. Additionally, it's great to know that if you do have to make it 2-3 days with minimal usage because you don't have a charger handy, you can. However, I'm willing to bet that 99% of users are able to charge their phone daily. To those users, I say enjoy all the features and don't worry about it.
Really depends on the screen brightness...I can hit those number with my screen brightness turned down a good bit...probably around 30 percent and auto sync off...if i have brightness anywhere above 60 percent then battery life drops a good amount...still well enough to get me through a 12 hour work day but there is a difference
Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk

