[Q] Need help creating an iconset - Zooper Widget General

Hi guys,
I've already created 2 Iconsets which work exactly as I wanted to, but now I'm stuck creating an iconset with 3 modes inside.
When I'm trying to select my iconset in Zooper, it causes Zooper to crash even before he openes the available set list.
What am I doing wrong here?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>Missed Stuff</title>
<description>Missed Calls, SMS and Email</description>
<mode value="#SMCALLS#">Missed Calls</mode>
<mode value="Email">Unread Emails</mode>
<mode value="SMS">Unread SMS</mode>


Tmo DASH Removing items form home screen

like the title says im looking to delete the calender and profile plugin from the home screen if somsoen can do it for me tell me what to post if its easy please let me knwo i searched maybe im wording somthing wrong.
Here is what I did...
Activesync and hit "Explore", click on my windows device, click application data, and click home. In this folder you will find all the home screens. Pick the .XML file that represents the one you are wanting to modify. I just drag it out of the folder and onto my desktop (makes a copy). Open the .XML file with notepad, and examine the script. Here is my example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<author>Ray Daley</author>
<title>Carbon Fiber Black - Fizz Weather</title>
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Segoe Condensed" font-size="14" font-weight="normal" padding-left="5" padding-right="0" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="3" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="0">
<format state="unselected" fgcolor="#CCCCCC" font-weight="normal" />
<format state="selected" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" />
<background bgimage="\Application Data\Home\CarbonFiberFizz.jpg" valign="top" />
<color name="COLOR_WINDOW" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_WINDOWTEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_STATIC" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_STATICTEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_HIGHLIGHT" value="#5B5B5B" />
<color name="COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_TEXTSELECT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_MENU" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_MENUTEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_GRAYTEXT" value="#CCCCCC" />
<color name="COLOR_GRADLEFT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_GRADRIGHT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADLEFT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADRIGHT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#5B5B5B" />
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADRIGHT" value="#5B5B5B" />
<color name="COLOR_HIGHGRADLEFT" value="#5B5B5B" />
<color name="COLOR_HIGHGRADRIGHT" value="#5B5B5B" />
<color name="COLOR_TRAYTEXT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_WINDOWFRAME" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_BTNFACE" value="#8c8c8c" />
<color name="COLOR_BTNTEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_SCROLLBAR" value="#5B5B5B" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#CCCCCC" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#5B5B5B" />
<color name="COLOR_ALERTWINDOW" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_ALERTTITLE" value="#444444" />
<color name="COLOR_ALERTRULE" value="#000000" />
<!--standard missed calls plugin-->
<plugin clsid="{0BA8ABB8-1F1D-417f-88C6-DA8530E2E7A6}" name="missedcalls" height="220">
<background b-border-width="0">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="#000000"/>
<label halign="center" bgcolor="#000000" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" y="60" w="320" h="220" font-size="32">
<format state="nocall" visible="false"/>
<text lang="0x0409">
Missed calls: <calls/>
<plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="iconbar" height="18">
<iconbar y="0" fgcolor="#CCCCCC" />
<!-- Date/Time/Carrier Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" name="carrier" height="18">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label bgcolor="transparent" halign="left" x="120" y="0" w="320" font-size="16">
<time font-weight="bold" fgcolor="FFFFFF" font-size="16" valign="top" halign="right" y="0" x="-24" w="320" />
<date font-weight="normal" font-size="16" valign="top" halign="left" mode="short" y="0" x="15" w="320" />
<!-- Fizz Weather -->
<plugin clsid="{30DF3430-2005-0509-BAA6-00AA003E0EED}" name="WeatherPlugin" height="46" >
<general sepline="false"/>
<!-- Fizz Weather End-->
<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="profile" height="18" width="320">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label halign="left" h="18" x="10" y="0" w="248" font-size="16" padding-right="0" >
<!-- Messaging Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{2F930BF0-6FE9-4a53-9E17-88E9247BAB48}" name="SMScount" height="18">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label halign="left" h="18" x="10" y="0" w="248" font-size="16" padding-right="0" >
<text> Email / MMS: <unreadEmail /> SMS: <unreadSMS /> Voicemail: <unreadVMail/></text>
<!-- Calendar-Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="Calendar" height="22">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label halign="left" h="18" x="22" y="16" w="248" font-size="16" padding-right="0" >
<text><time/> <location/></text>
<label halign="left" h="18" x="10" y="0" w="280" font-size="16" padding-right="0" >
<!-- MRU -->
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" height="26">
<mru x="36" y="2" highlight="#CCCCCC" icon-size="16" max-buttons="10" />
Look around for <!-- Calendar-Plugin --> or something similar. My example looks like this:
<!-- Calendar-Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="Calendar" height="22">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label halign="left" h="18" x="22" y="16" w="248" font-size="16" padding-right="0" >
<text><time/> <location/></text>
<label halign="left" h="18" x="10" y="0" w="280" font-size="16" padding-right="0" >
Delete this whole thing. They will start with a description and end with </plugin> so make sure you get the whole thing. The profile plugin on mine looks like this:
<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="profile" height="18" width="320">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label halign="left" h="18" x="10" y="0" w="248" font-size="16" padding-right="0" >
Again, same thing. All the plugins will start with a description and end with </plugin>
Once modified, make sure to "Save AS" and change the name slightly. LEAVE the ".home" (or home.xml if you can see the extension!)....just change the first part of the name. Drag it back into the same folder you took it out of above. Go in and switch your home screens to the new one and see if it worked. If not, keep playing with it.
Hope this helps, I just went through playing with my homescreen but I may have left something out.
This place has a great explanation of how these home screens work
thanks alot man gonna try it now..
I was scared to play with .XML the first time. It takes some getting used to, but its pretty simple to understand when you get going.
If you want to design your own, there are some free programs out there...might check out HomeAnimBuilder,

Help building a homescreen

Ok, I am basically running into a problem when it comes to adding multiple plugin in a row using homescreen builder 2007. I can add third party plugins but I can't add sms/email/mms on the same row. I could do this with madbeetle but I couldn't add 3rd party plugins or didn't know how. So, now I'm flat out at a loss.
I have installed the Jrulez cab and that should be eliminating my problem to begin with but no dice!
I'm using WM6 on the HTC bright 1.33.
I basically need more space but it's due to the rows not allowing me. I put the sms/email & say profile on the same row and I can't scroll to both but only one when I load it to my homescreen.
Any help much appreciated.
post up your .xml file and I am sure someone can take a look!
XML is like reading braille for me.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <home>
<editor>Ruttensoft's Homescreen Designer</editor>
- <default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Segoe" font-size="19" font-weight="normal" padding-left="4" padding-right="4" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" padding-top="2" b-border-color="transparent" b-border-width="0">
<format state="selected" fgcolor="#C0C0C0" />
<background bgimage="Packers.jpg" valign="top" />
- <!-- Color Scheme
- <scheme>
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#C0C0C0" />
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#31D342" />
<color name="COLOR_WINDOW" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_HIGHLIGHT" value="#FFFF00" />
<color name="COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_WINDOWTEXT" value="#008000" />
<color name="COLOR_GRADLEFT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_GRADRIGHT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADLEFT" value="#FFFF00" />
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADRIGHT" value="#FFFF00" />
<color name="COLOR_BTNFACE" value="#FFFF00" />
<color name="COLOR_WINDOWFRAME" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_SCROLLBAR" value="#0080C0" />
<color name="COLOR_MENUTEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_MENU" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_GRAYTEXT" value="#008000" />
<color name="COLOR_ALERTWINDOW" value="#FFFF80" />
<color name="COLOR_ALERTTITLE" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_ALERTRULE" value="#008000" />
<color name="COLOR_STATIC" value="#FFFF00" />
<color name="COLOR_STATICTEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_BTNTEXT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_TRAYTEXT" value="#000000" />
- <!-- Iconbar Plugin
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="0" />
- <!-- }94040f8f48a0-5fca-8904-9b45-fc03baa1{
- <plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="Iconbar" height="0">
<iconbar bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" y="0" x="0" />
<background gradient="title" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="0" />
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="1" />
- <!-- MRU Plugin
- <plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" width="320" height="22">
<background b-border-width="0" />
<mru icon-size="16" x="56" y="-3" halign="left" valign="bottom" max-buttons="9" />
- <!-- Date/Time/Carrier Plugin
- <plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="29">
- <label bgcolor="transparent" halign="left" font-weight="normal" y="7" x="2" w="320" font-size="16" fgcolor="#FFFF00">
- <text>
<carrier />
- <clock>
<time font-weight="bold" font-size="33" bgtext="transparent" halign="center" fgcolor="#FFFF00" mode="12" y="-1" x="0" w="320" />
<date font-weight="normal" fgcolor="#FFFF00" font-size="16" valign="top" halign="left" mode="short" y="7" x="242" w="320" />
- <!-- Profile Plugin
- <plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="Profile" height="51">
<background b-border-width="0" />
- <label>
<format state="selected" x="2" y="32" w="320" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#008000" font-size="16" />
<format state="unselected" x="2" y="32" w="320" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#008000" font-weight="normal" font-size="16" />
- <text>
<profile />
- <!-- SMS/Email Plugin
- <plugin clsid="{2F930BF0-6FE9-4a53-9E17-88E9247BAB48}" name="SMScount" height="0" width="320">
<background b-border-width="0" />
- <label y="-14" x="207">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#008000" font-weight="normal" font-size="11" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#008000" font-weight="normal" font-size="11" />
- <text>
<unreadEmail />
- <label y="-14" x="271">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#008000" font-weight="normal" font-size="11" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11" />
- <text>
<unreadSMS />
- <!-- Fizz Weather Plugin Plugin
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="3" />
- <plugin clsid="{30DF3430-2005-0509-BAA6-00AA003E0EED}" name="WeatherPlugin" height="54">
<general sepline="false" hilighttoday="true" />
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I think I've made some progress. I noticed on facades settings there was an orange homescreen plugin that was not checked. I'll take a look at HB2007 and try to reload the homescreen.
I got nothing....I can't figure it out. I got no mojo.
Basically I'm throwing it out there. Madbeetle and Homescreen Designer 2007 are still not idiot proof. Well basically the Dash/Excaliber makers are turds.
pfunkside said:
I got nothing....I can't figure it out. I got no mojo.
Basically I'm throwing it out there. Madbeetle and Homescreen Designer 2007 are still not idiot proof. Well basically the Dash/Excaliber makers are turds.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lol. Turds!
Use phone alarm and u will be able to put more on the same line
Add <allow selection> to yr mru plugin in order to access comm mgr
This is all I needed to know.
This was quoted from Der Alta and n99Hockey @ EverythingQ
The Orange Plugin is a great little piece of software, but there is also a bit of a mystery surrounding it. As n99hockey stated, there is no infomation on it, so you have no choice but to learn it by studying others and expanding upon what they have done.
sadly there is no manual or editor that uses it
So, basically learning XML is the only way to truly understand this...arg
the best home screen on the excalibur is on Kavanas WWE WM 6.1 rom go take a look its dumb hot


Ok, so I tried to tweak the following scheme XML for my dash but I'm not sure now which color code I have to change to get the Icon bar to be "transparent" - arrows show what Icon bar I'm talking about. Here's pic and XML I'm referring too. Any help out there?
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
XML I'm talking about-
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<author>MyBlackjack2.com and Brian Wahl</author>
<title>Brianberry Bold v1</title>
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Segoe" font-size="19"
font-weight="normal" padding-left="4" padding-right="4" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#000000"
padding-top="2" b-border-color="transparent" b-border-width="0">
<format state="selected" fgcolor="#000000" />
<background bgimage="Brianberry Bold v1.jpg" valign="top" />
<!-- Color Scheme -->
<color name="COLOR_WINDOW" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_STATIC" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_STATICTEXT" value="#000000"/>
<color name="COLOR_HIGHLIGHT" value="#666666"/>
<color name="COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_MENU" value="#e4e4e4"/>
<color name="COLOR_MENUTEXT" value="#000000"/>
<color name="COLOR_GRAYTEXT" value="#999999"/>
<color name="COLOR_GRADLEFT" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_GRADRIGHT" value="#c4c5cc"/>
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADLEFT" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADRIGHT" value="#c4c5cc"/>
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADRIGHT" value="#CCCCCC" />
<color name="COLOR_WINDOWFRAME" value="#CCCCCC"/>
<color name="COLOR_BTNFACE" value="#ffffff"/>
<color name="COLOR_BTNTEXT" value="#000000"/>
<color name="COLOR_SCROLLBAR" value="#b5b6b5"/>
<color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#CCCCCC"/>
<color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#999999"/>
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#393839"/>
<color name="COLOR_ALERTWINDOW" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_ALERTTITLE" value="#000000"/>
<color name="COLOR_ALERTRULE" value="#000000"/>
<!-- Iconbar Plugin -->
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="0">
</plugin> <!-- -->
<plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="Iconbar" height="0">
<iconbar bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="FFFFFF" y="0" x="0"/>
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="1"/>
<!-- Date/Time/Carrier Plugin -->
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="45">
<label bgcolor="transparent" halign="right" font-weight="bold" y="1" w="316" font-size="18"
<time font-weight="bold" font-size="26" bgtext="transparent" halign="center" fgcolor="#FFFFFF"
mode="12" y="2" w="320"/>
<date font-weight="normal" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-size="16" valign="top" halign="center"
mode="long" y="27" w="320" />
<!-- Profile Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="Profile" height="35">
<background b-border-width="0">
<format state="selected" x="34" y="14" w="320" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent"
fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="18" />
<format state="unselected" x="34" y="14" w="320" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent"
fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="18" />
<!-- SMS Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{2F930BF0-6FE9-4a53-9E17-88E9247BAB48}" name="SMScount" height="22" width="320">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label y="1" x="34">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF"
font-weight="normal" font-size="18" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold"
font-size="18" />
<text>E-mail ( <unreadEmail /> ) SMS ( <unreadSMS /> ) Voicemail ( <unreadVMail/>
<!-- Calendar Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="Calendar" height="40">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label font-size="18" x="34" y="1" w="250" height="0" fgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" font-size="18"
font-weight="normal" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" font-size="18" fgcolor="#FFFFFF"
font-weight="bold" />
<time /> <subject />
<!-- MRU Plugin -->
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" width="320"
<background b-border-width="0"/>
<mru icon-size="16" y="12" x="36" halign="center" highlight="#ffffff" valign="bottom"
max-buttons="10" />
If you are using the Kav or Ricks rom, scroll all the wall to the settings panel.
scroll through the pages till you find the option Base Hue.
a program will open.
Pick the color you desire, using up down left right.
Then apply.
Not using either one of those roms.
newbie26 said:
Not using either one of those roms.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That cant be transparent.
Those are the softkeys, not the icon bar.

[Q]Iconset not showing up in list

I've created an iconset based on the Sense 4 weather icons. I edited the config.xml (using XML Notepad) to reflect my own title, description, file names etc. I zipped the icons folder together with the config.xml using Winrar, then I placed a copy of the zip file in the iconsets folder in ZooperWidgets on my sdcard. When I try to use my iconset in any of the templates I've installed, the iconset does not show up in the list. All the other iconsets I've downloaded show up (e.g. Meteo, 7even, flex) but not mine. I thought perhaps the images in my iconset were too big, but reducing the image sizes has not worked, the iconset still wouldn't show up in Zooper.
Any suggestions on where I could have gone wrong? Is there a special way to zip the file for Zooper? I tried not to do too much editing of the config.xml, to reduce the possibilities of introducing errors, and as far as I can tell, there are no errors in the code. I've attached my zipped iconset file.
rcHumanz said:
I've created an iconset based on the Sense 4 weather icons. I edited the config.xml (using XML Notepad) to reflect my own title, description, file names etc. I zipped the icons folder together with the config.xml using Winrar, then I placed a copy of the zip file in the iconsets folder in ZooperWidgets on my sdcard. When I try to use my iconset in any of the templates I've installed, the iconset does not show up in the list. All the other iconsets I've downloaded show up (e.g. Meteo, 7even, flex) but not mine. I thought perhaps the images in my iconset were too big, but reducing the image sizes has not worked, the iconset still wouldn't show up in Zooper.
Any suggestions on where I could have gone wrong? Is there a special way to zip the file for Zooper? I tried not to do too much editing of the config.xml, to reduce the possibilities of introducing errors, and as far as I can tell, there are no errors in the code. I've attached my zipped iconset file.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I looked it over and it looks like it's fine. The config that is.
This is from a working Sense 5 set I have.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Weather conditions:
4 = RAIN
8 = SNOW
9 = HAIL
10 = FOG
11 = HAZE
12 = WIND
15 = CLEAR
16 = FAIR
<title>Sense 5 Weather Black</title>
<description>Soft black minimal weather icons</description>
<!-- We provide current and 7 days weather -->
<!--New Values (Example only includes 2 Day Weather)-->
<mode value="#WCCODE#">Current Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W0CODE#">Today's Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W1CODE#">Tomorrow's Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W2CODE#">Day After Tomorrow Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W3CODE#">3 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W4CODE#">4 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W5CODE#">5 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W6CODE#">6 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W7CODE#">7 Days Weather</mode>
<!-- Following condition icons are the same day and night -->
<!-- Thunder Storm -->
<!-- Flurries -->
<!-- Rain and Snow -->
<!-- Snow -->
<!-- Hail -->
<!-- Fog / Haze / Wind-->
<!-- Nightly icons block will be skipped entirely if his conditions do not match -->
<!-- We just check if sunrise hour is greater than current -->
<!-- Or if sunset if minor than current -->
<!-- Storm -->
<!-- Drizzle / Rain-->
<!-- Showers -->
<!-- Partly cloudy -->
<!-- Mostly Cloudy -->
<!-- Fair/Clear -->
<!-- Daily conditions (parser will arrive here if it did not catch anything in night block) -->
<!-- Storm -->
<!-- Drizzle / Rain-->
<!-- Showers -->
<!-- Partly cloudy -->
<!-- Mostly Cloudy -->
<!-- Fair/Clear -->
And yours:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Weather conditions:
4 = RAIN
8 = SNOW
9 = HAIL
10 = FOG
11 = HAZE
12 = WIND
15 = CLEAR
16 = FAIR
<!-- We provide current and 7 days weather -->
<!--New Values (Example only includes 2 Day Weather)-->
<mode value="#WCCODE#">Current Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W0CODE#">Today's Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W1CODE#">Tomorrow's Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W2CODE#">Day After Tomorrow Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W3CODE#">3 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W4CODE#">4 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W5CODE#">5 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W6CODE#">6 Days Weather</mode>
<mode value="#W7CODE#">7 Days Weather</mode>
<!-- Following condition icons are the same day and night -->
<!-- Thunder Storm -->
<!-- Flurries -->
<!-- Rain and Snow -->
<!-- Snow -->
<!-- Hail -->
<!-- Fog / Haze / Wind-->
<!-- Nightly icons block will be skipped entirely if his conditions do not match -->
<!-- We just check if sunrise hour is greater than current -->
<!-- Or if sunset if minor than current -->
<!-- Storm -->
<!-- Drizzle / Rain-->
<!-- Showers -->
<!-- Partly cloudy -->
<!-- Mostly Cloudy -->
<!-- Fair/Clear -->
<!-- Daily conditions (parser will arrive here if it did not catch anything in night block) -->
<!-- Storm -->
<!-- Drizzle / Rain-->
<!-- Showers -->
<!-- Partly cloudy -->
<!-- Mostly Cloudy -->
<!-- Fair/Clear -->
(easier this way for me to compare)
Thanks Scottx. I think I'll try stripping out the config.xml file to bare minimum and see if the iconset will at least show up. Then build on it from there, if that works. I found a partially working Sense4 iconset that I can use for the time being, but I'd really like to know where I went wrong with mine.
Got it working, by using the config.xml file from the working iconset I found. I'm tweaking it slowly so I don't mess it up. I still don't know what went wrong with the first config.xml file. Thanks for the help.

[Q] IconSet for Data Usage stopped working

My IconSet for my Data Usage was working fine until my data usage reached 97%. Since then, it's been stuck w/ that image. My new monthly cycle started today and it should look similar to the missed calls iconset. As you can see, the other information is correct (0%, 0.11/2500), but the actual iconset doesn't reflect that information anymore. I've included the screenshot of my widget below as well as the code inside the config file, a screenshot of the Advanced Parameters of that iconset and attached iconset. Does anybody know what I could be doing wrong?
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>MUA Style Data Usage Widget</title>
<description>MUA Style Iconset with monthly data usage.</description>
Change to your DEMO icon file
Change to your DEFAULT icon file
<!-- Monthly Data Usage -->
<mode value="$((#NTMTMM5#/2500)*100)$">Monthly Data Percent Used</mode>
<!-- Data Mode -->
Updates seem to be so slow that by the time it processes the variable the value
has already changed. Also widget updates (refresh) seem to only happen once per min.
So this mode may not be usable for any meaningful information.
<mode value="$((#NTMTMM5#/2500)*100)$">DATA Percent Used</mode>
<mode value="$((#NTMTMM5#/2500)*100)$">DATA Percent Free</mode>
<!-- 100% -->
Change to your 100% icon file
<!-- 97% - 99% -->
Change to your 97% icon file
<!-- 93% - 96% -->
Change to your 93% icon file
<!-- 90% - 92% -->
Change to your 90% icon file
<!-- 87% - 89% -->
Change to your 87% icon file
<!-- 83% - 86% -->
Change to your 83% icon file
<!-- 80% - 82% -->
Change to your 80% icon file
<!-- 77% - 79% -->
Change to your 77% icon file
<!-- 73% - 76% -->
Change to your 73% icon file
<!-- 70% - 72% -->
Change to your 70% icon file
<!-- 67% - 69% -->
Change to your 67% icon file
<!-- 63% - 66% -->
Change to your 63% icon file
<!-- 60% - 62% -->
Change to your 60% icon file
<!-- 57% - 59% -->
Change to your 50% icon file
<!-- 53% - 56% -->
Change to your 53% icon file
<!-- 50% - 52% -->
Change to your 50% icon file
<!-- 47% - 49% -->
Change to your 47% icon file
<!-- 43% - 46% -->
Change to your 43% icon file
<!-- 40% - 42% -->
Change to your 40% icon file
<!-- 37% - 39% -->
Change to your 37% icon file
<!-- 33% - 36% -->
Change to your 33% icon file
<!-- 30% - 32% -->
Change to your 30% icon file
<!-- 27% - 29% -->
Change to your 27% icon file
<!-- 23% - 26% -->
Change to your 23% icon file
<!-- 20% - 22% -->
Change to your 20% icon file
<!-- 17% - 19% -->
Change to your 17% icon file
<!-- 13% - 16% -->
Change to your 13% icon file
<!-- 10% - 12% -->
Change to your 10% icon file
<!-- 7% - 9% -->
Change to your 7% icon file
<!-- 3% - 6% -->
Change to your 3% icon file
<!-- 1% - 2% -->
Change to your < 3% icon file
<!-- 0% - 1% -->
Change to your 0% icon file
...sorry for such big photos.

