Open letter to Huawei about releasing the kernelsource for KK - Huawei Ascend P6, Mate

while searching through the web I've found a pretty interesting letter, about releasing the ICS-Kernel-source for the HTC Desire S.
In this letter the community tried to get HTC to release their sourcecode, and finally they won and HTC did release it's source.
In my opinion we should try to make our own letter and send this to Huawei, maybee KanocX allows us to modify their letter and send this to Huawei.
Edit: I have asked KanocX and he gave me permission to use his letter as base.
Dear Huawei,
We appreciate the good quality, look and feel and the design of the Huawei Ascend P6. That’s why our developers have created many ROMs for the phone.
But without the Kit Kat Kernel source code, we are not able to take advantage of all the functions, which need to be implemented to the Kernel.
It’s been a long time since the official Kit Kat was released. Yet the website has still not been updated with the kernel source. Also the last firmware source code was in August 2013.
Android is an open-platform and is based on the GNU/Linux Kernel. The Linux kernel is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 or GPL (, which means that you are legally obligated to release the source code for any derivative work within a reasonable time frame. This code is free software (free as in free speech) and this means that it is developed by volunteers around the world. They do not wish to earn money with this code, only that it spreads the great idea of freedom and free software. We want to make the software as good as possible and improve what you have currently done.
Developers are working hard to bring new ROMs and continue support to your devices, which many of your customers are eager to use
By releasing the kernel source code you can improve our experiences with the device and with Huawei as a company. The very openness of Android is intended to draw many people and by withholding kernel source code you are ultimately alienating your customers who may move on to purchase devices made by a different company (e.g. a Google Nexus device with pure and newest Android).
Furthermore we know that we can and will lose the phone’s warranty by installing unofficial phone updates, but we, the developers, know what we are doing with the device, so it doesn’t restrict the usage of the phone nor does it affect Huawei in any way.
We are aware that this device is from a previous hardware generation and we are grateful that you are continuing to support it, but we would all be happy if your continued support is not only directed at your customers, but also as required by copyright law.
Please do the right thing and release the Huawei Ascend P6 Android 4.4 kernel source. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, The xda-developers community.
This letter was written and is signed by the xda-developers community.
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Please give me review on this letter and contribute to this, so that we will have a really good letter, which we can send to Huawei.

Thats a really really good idea, will you write to him to ask if we can use their letter?
Hope they will do that
Here we discussed this also a little bit:
Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI P6-U06

Yes, I wrote him already
sorry, I had no idea that there is a tread already

Brilliant ideea.
Count on my signature.

Shutting this, and asking all to go here...


Is HTC EVER going to release the 2.2 kernel source?

I'm really getting sick and tired of waiting for HTC to release the kernel source, it's simply not on that they can release the EVO's kernel about 2 days after it's released and the Desire is still as of yet without any source code released. Stock kernels =
I vote for starting a petition.
HTC is obliged to release the kernel sourcecode in a timely fashion when formally request under the GNU public license.
I've e-mailed them a few times about it, they gave me the run-around by saying 'oh, we can help you with that. Check!'
D'oh. I hate them playing dumb.
I'd be up for signing a petition. Get one started and we can do this properly. I want overclock etc on Sense roms plz!!!
Oh and it will help us to add trackpad unlock as trackpad wake is pointless without it!!!
why wouldn't google do something about it?
after all it's their OS rite?
Just keep e-mailing them, they're legally obliged to release it.
HTC is in serious violation of copyright law at the moment by distributing the software but refusing to release source code to the kernel. An indefinite 'they'll get around to it' doesn't make it legal.
Screw a petition.
Someone needs to take them to court. Or at least send a letter with loads of legal mumo jumbo reminding them of their obligations...
Any lawyers here with a bit of spare time...if there are I'm sure we will all give in a good word when we get to heaven for you (sorry) if you can help us.
As many users as possible should report HTC
bradputt said:
why wouldn't google do something about it?
after all it's their OS rite?
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No it's not. in truth it's everybody's OS but it belongs most to Linus Thorvalds if it belongs to anyone at all
Juggalo_X said:
As many users as possible should report HTC
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Best point of action.
The GPL v2 basically says that if you distribute a binary (i.e. the kernel) you must distribute with it the source code, or provide a written offer to produce the source code on request for at least three years. If you don't meet those requirements you have no right whatsoever to distribute the code, and it's blatant copyright infringement (Linux may be free of charge, but it's copyrighted code).
Someone write to them with that information and request it then
Also right here
The more bad press and and the more GPL type calls they get from other organizations will force them to comply with the GPL or be sued so i say we all get on it. The more users who report the more HTC gets the pressure put on. This is getting rediculous. The Incredible and the Evo had the source out with in hours of the RUU release.
Maybe if someone could write a simple piece of text on here that we could "copy and paste" maybe that would help for the links to GPL violations?.
I am all up for putting a complaint in but i wouldnt have a clue how to word it correctly to get the desired (Excuse the pun) outcome.
Just a thought
I've e-mailed [email protected] and asked politely to make HTC release the code
Keep the mail adresses comming and we'll make sure that the problem gets acknowledged!
HTC's well aware of its legal obligation and frequently breaks the law anyway. Its EULA states:
Until the date that is three years after you acquired the Software, you
may obtain a copy of the source code corresponding to the binaries for
GPL-licensed file by sending a request to HTC customer service at www., and HTC will send you a link to such source code.
That's not actually satisfactory under the GPL (though most people would be happy with it in practice), but they don't actually do that. Requests are ignored or given a 'go to this site' response, where there's no code.
Users should be email HTC as well to put the pressure on.
They don't want to release source code because they don't want us to mess with the frequencies (most likely). That doesn't matter though, no matter how big you are, you still have to obey the licenses.
GPL says they have 60 days after public release of software.
So... wait until days 55-60 before pulling the torches.
They did the same thing for the nexus source.
JCopernicus said:
GPL says they have 60 days after public release of software.
So... wait until days 55-60 before pulling the torches.
They did the same thing for the nexus source.
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Are they not supposed to supply it uppon request even though.

HTC dragging their feet??

Hasn't it been a month since the 2.3.3 update? Where's the kernel source code? I know I'm impatient, I'm just dying for a custom kernel... Has anyone heard anything about when it will be released or how they can hold onto it for more than a month? I just thought that was one of the binding open source deals... Thanks
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Yes and root FWIW. My girl just got a brand new one and it came that way.
Sent from my world viewed in 3D with my Evo.
Just wait, it will come...
I bought my Evo 4G with 2.2. and my dumb ass hit the OTA update button and guess what?
I'm now playing the waiting game like the rest of the people stuck with an unrooted 2.3.3 phone...
He's talking about kernal source code not root u guys. By law HTC had to release this code one month after official release.
Papa Smurf151 said:
He's talking about kernal source code not root u guys. By law HTC had to release this code one month after official release.
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1+ true, perhaps they haven't released it because they know once they do..the phone will get rooted and bootloader might get unlocked?
someonenewhere said:
1+ true, perhaps they haven't released it because they know once they do..the phone will get rooted and bootloader might get unlocked?
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Good point.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Email response to support ticket
I appreciate your interest in the kernel source code for the software upgrade to Gingerbread for the HTC EVO 4G. We will typicallypublish theKernel open source code on for recently released devices as soon as possible. HTC will normally publish this within 90 to 120 days. This time frame is within the requirements of the open source community.
If you feel you need more information about this issue, you are welcome to send us another email for further troubleshooting or you can contact the HTC Technical Support team at 1-866-449-8358 daily from 6:00AM until 1:00AM eastern.
First off, I know of no requirement that they have to release the source within 30 days. I would personally be surprised if they released the source anytime soon, as it obviously has some serious bugs right now. Just guessing, but it wouldn't surprise me if we don't see the source released until after we get another update that fixes all or most of these problems.
wfrandy said:
First off, I know of no requirement that they have to release the source within 30 days. I would personally be surprised if they released the source anytime soon, as it obviously has some serious bugs right now. Just guessing, but it wouldn't surprise me if we don't see the source released until after we get another update that fixes all or most of these problems.
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GPL v3 gives a 30 day grace period for the release of source upon written request. History has shown HTC is notorious for violating this.
HTC said:
Dear xxxxxxxxxx,
I understand the importance of having the source code for the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) update for the HTC EVO 4G. I have located the GPL version 2 here:
What I beleive that you are refferencing is Section 3, Subpart A of the Terms and Conditions of the GPL version 2 license. This states that one of the options when distributing a Program is to include a copy of the Source code. I.E. to include a copy of the source code with "the complete corresponding machine-readable source code" e.g. phone.
HTC has chosen instead to go with option (Subpart) B of Section 3. This states that we can "Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange."
This again, does not include any terms or conditions that require us to immediately release the source code. It clearly indicates the that the offer must be valid for up to three years and that we must "give" a copy to "any third party." It does not say that the source code must be given immediately upon request from said third party.
Section 3 of the Terms and Condtions also states that "If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. "
This is again the method that we are chosing to supply the source code in. This part of the license clearly states that this distribution can be "made." HTC is currently in the process of making said distribution; that is to say writing and formating the source code (kernal) in such a way as to make it readily and easily (as is a requirement of the license) accessible from our developer website.
We are not choosing to not supply you with the source code. We are simply unable to provide it to you at this time as it is not currently in an easily accessible format.
If you beleive that the GPL entitles you to receive the source code immediately upon request, as opposed to the first available oportunity at the best of our abilities, please provide a quotation of the actual license that states that the source code must be provided immediately upon request and not just "given."
When the code is available, you will be able find it at I do apologize for any incovnenience.
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HTC said:
Dear xxxxxxxxxx,
Thank you for your response.
Please also keep in mind that the software is also under the Apache license. You can read more about why Google choose the Apache License instead of GPLv2 on the following website:
Also, I would like to escalate your issue so that you may receive a call regarding this matter. In order to do this, I will need to know a Contact number that you can be reached at, a time that you can be reached and the time zone you are currently in. I would also like to know the IMEI number of your device. This can be found by going to Home>Menu>Settings>About>Phone Identity. Once I have this information, I will be glad to send it up so that you can receive a call.
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Why would they need this info to give me a link to the kernel?

Petition to make Wave 1/2/3 source code open source - collecting ideas

Hi everyone,
I started this on Sammobile yesterday (where it is already a sticky). Also, german site Badania has wrote about it now, too. The petition is not started yet, this is only for collecting ideas and knowing about your opinions. Recently there was some 'news' saying that the Wave 3 source code was made open source, which turned out to be untrue (the file released by Samsung was only 130kB big). Big letdown for many of us, and Wave 1/2 source codes were not even mentioned.
The current situation
The thing is, at least the Wave 1/2 users desperately need an open source release to continue enjoying their devices. Both devices are great hardware, they have a big community and developers willing to put in some ellbow grease, but, we don't have the means to fix certain stuff, only Samsung has. You might think about the trouble upgrading Samsung Apps and the trouble with push and SHP in general that many Wave users have experienced in the last few weeks and months. You might think about all the small annoyances that you users ask us CFW developers to fix everyday (but we can't). You may also think of the BadaDroid project, and the tons of work put into developing a working modem driver, still with nothing to show to the public until now.
The last official Wave 1 FW is from July (with little to none improvements over the January XXLA1 release), the last official Wave 2 FW is even older. Some of you think (and with a reason) that Samsung themselves are not willing to do any more updates or fixes for these two devices. They have, more or less officialy, abandoned these devices and are not willing to put in any more work. We, as a community, on the other hand are willing to work on these - without pay even -, but our hands and feet are bound behind our backs due to the Wave 1/2 being closed source. Don't be fooled by our recent successes (design changes, ported chinese keyboard and quickpanel) - reverse engineering is like stumbling through the dark in an unknown environment, and eventually we will come to a standstill. With Bada being closed source, we will always lag behind the likes of Android.
Samsung themselves are no strangers to the idea of openness. They plan to make Tizen an open source project, they also develop highly succesfull Android devices and they also did at least say that they are interested in releasing the Wave 3 source code. Also, they are just now planning a big company image overhaul, with a new logo and a new policy of more openness. But, if nothing is done, they will just forget about the 'old' Wave 1/2 devices - guaranteed.
So, what now?
This is where you, the users, the developers, the mods, the bloggers, everyone in the Bada community come in. I've been playing around for a while with the idea of starting a petition for exactly this: To ask Samsung to release in full the Wave 1/2/3 (or for even more Wave devices) source codes. But wait, don't rush things now!
We need a big, coordinated effort, spanning all the Bada sites around the globe.
We need the petition to operate from a site that's easy to use for everyone (that means no complicated signup and no shady stuff), and we need the petition's text to be multi-lingual, translated in all the languages of all Bada countries: german, turkish, azerbaijani, arabic, polish, czech, french, italian, spanish, and a lot that I have forgotten about. We need a great, short text (not as long as this one) for the petition, so that everyone knows even from a quick glance the why's and the uses of such a petition.
We also need supporters, people willinng to spread the word on other sites, especially the big ones such as XDA or Bada-Turkiye, but also the smaller ones. We need every voice, and we need as many people in this as possible.
We need to give Samsung the choice to either publicly let down thousands of customers, or just, finally, give us the source code that we have been waiting for for so long.
Further proceeding - my suggestion
Now, this is what I suggest now:
Don't rush things - we should be collecting ideas for at least a week until we even think about actually starting a petition.
If you're willing to support this case, spread the word or even find more supporters, let us know here.
Double points if you're also a member of some non-english-speaking Bada community .
If you have any additional ideas or concerns, also let us know - this is what this thread is for, to collect ideas and coordinate this.
We need a good short english text for the petition itself (I may come up with something later myself).
We need translations for this text in as many languages as possible. And, no, I'm not thinking about Google translations, but about the good old manual ones.
Looking forward to your opinions!
Big sorry.
But this petition can only Santa Claus make true...
Samsung is not alone patent holder...
Wave 1-3 use Qualcomm Hardware AND Software...
So Qualcomm patents affected...
Nearly same stuff is in hundrets of devices from other manufacturer too, because also Qualcomm...
Not only Qualcomm... think about Quram...
Security and Compression Algos...
Place holder...
Best Regards
i agree this Samsung release the source code wave 1 2 3
Maybe we should think about making the petition not only about Samsung, but also about Qualcomm and Quram. Hopes for Modem drivers and the like might be slim, but chances are we'll get a step forward, at least being able to do something more. I think Bada libraries source codes are well within the realm of possibility, and we could already do a lot with them.
Also... what else could we do now, hoping to keep the Wave 1/2 development alive?
BTW: Christmas might also be a good time to make our wishes come true .
Why not continue this petition...
with 1,435 supporters
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Best Regards
adfree said:
Why not continue this petition...
Best Regards
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That would be a good thing, but - I don't think that we will get Samsung to fix it themselves, and the petitions text is not clear about alternatives such as open sourcing. I think it's a different thing.
Hi Guys...
I am a writer from
1 month back,we planed to file petition for open source bada and we got good response.
but,after sometime we dropped the plan as we needed some reliable(and known) person to file the petition.
we have a draft ready for the petition...if u want,u all can have a look at this...
we can use this to file petition if u want...I can give the text file(only to reliable person)...
link is as below :
http :// (Refer Image)
You mean the attached one?
I hope, it is okay, that I added your portal as Supprter at our article as official supporter...
Taxidriver05 said:
You mean the attached one?
I hope, it is okay, that I added your portal as Supprter at our article as official supporter...
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Yes,its OK.
I don't remember whether this is the final draft or not(have to search my machine ) ,but we can use the final one.
but,before that we need to gather support from all sites.
and BTW,Badaforums is not my portal...i am just writer of that forum
waveguru said:
Hi Guys...
I am a writer from
1 month back,we planed to file petition for open source bada and we got good response.
but,after sometime we dropped the plan as we needed some reliable(and known) person to file the petition.
we have a draft ready for the petition...if u want,u all can have a look at this...
we can use this to file petition if u want...I can give the text file(only to reliable person)...
link is as below :
http :// (Refer Image)
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Nice! I would, however, suggest to make this a bit shorter. People seem to be too lazy to read these times . Also, set the accent on the Open Source release and include Qualcomm in the petitions recipients list. Although this may sound pessimistic, I'm amost sure that Samsung themselves won't do any development or OS updates for the Wave 1/2 (and smaller Waves) themselves.
I guess I should give some more details. Also, for those too lazy too read the whole text: Just jump to the paragraph that answers your question.
What is this about?
We want to ask Samsung to release the source codes for the Wave 1/2/3 firmwares and Qualcomm to release the accompanying hardware drivers (the Qualcomm part is an additional proposal by me).
Why is this important? / Why should I promote this or participate?
For me personally, this is something of a last hope, especially for the Wave 1/2 devices. I should know being a CFW developer myself: With what we got now, we just don't get far, and there's tons of stuff that we just can't fix (because we don't know how it works, because we can't do any changes... etc). Also, think about the BadaDroid project, which will likely get a big boost from a source code release (modem driver, anyone?). Without the open sourcing we will eventually come to standstill, and that point is not too far in the future.
Why now? / How is this different from earlier petitions?
First of all: This is the first petition specifically made to ask Samsung to release the source code. Now is a good time for this, because Samsung is planning a complete brand makeover over thenext few weeks and months. With this brand makeover comes a new policy of openness, which can only be good for this petition to reach its goal.
"The Wave 3 Bada OS is already open source." / "They'll release anyways because of Open Source Tizen."
I can assure you, it is not. Although this news was on several big Bada news site during the last two weeks, the news turned out to be untrue. The file provided by Samsung is only 130kB big and contains something, but not the Wave 3 source code. It is worse for the Wave 1 and Wave 2 devices, cause these two will be just forgotten about if we don't act. Remember, Tizen is only planned for the Wave 3, and I'm not even sure if that is official.
"This won't work."
Of course, you won't have any guarantees this will work, even if you participate or promote this. The alternative - doing nothing of the like and just hoping for the best - won't most likely do you any good either (read the second paragraph for my personal opinion). Also, we're open to suggestions on how to do this the best way. We want the whole Bada community in this, and we want to listen to your opinions and proposals.
We already have supporters such as german site, czech site, US based site and we're in good hopes of getting even more of the big and smaller ones to support us. This is planned to be a big global effort.
"The modem driver is owned by Qualcomm, not Samsung."
So, you're interested in BadaDroid development specifically? That's right, and that's also the reason why I'm suggesting to add Qualcomm to the petitions recipient list.
Quram algorithms sourcecode is what they sell, so they won't publish it.
Qualcomm AMSS sourcecode - forget it.
Parts of Samsung SHP source - maybe, but from my experience with Samsung HQ I wouldn't count on much. ;P
If we all want to start with this petition,we have to start early and with full proof plan.
but,we will need support from whole bada community and many sites.
I am ready to help...with my blogging and ideas...
We of (Iranian Bada forum) are ready to sign the petition. Our forum has 20,000 users (about 3000 active)
Thanks everyone for their support!
Waveguru and nip_miniw, can we add you to the list of official supporters? Maybe also your sites ( and And, don't think wrong if it has gotten a little bit silent here, we're still working on this! But, we also still need more supporters.
If you're willing to help, post here, please.
Rebellos said:
Quram algorithms sourcecode is what they sell, so they won't publish it.
Qualcomm AMSS sourcecode - forget it.
Parts of Samsung SHP source - maybe, but from my experience with Samsung HQ I wouldn't count on much. ;P
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You're 100% right about the Quram (QMG images, anyone?) source codes, and probably about the Qualcomm AMSS source code, too. But, with your new low level BadaDroid modem driver - would we even need the Qualcomm source anymore? Also, for the rest, I think anything will help, right?
k8500 said:
Thanks everyone for their support!
Waveguru and nip_miniw, can we add you to the list of official supporters? Maybe also your sites ( and And, don't think wrong if it has gotten a little bit silent here, we're still working on this! But, we also still need more supporters.
If you're willing to help, post here, please.
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I think I can help too,,
I have a little group named BadaIL, we rleased 5 roms until today..
what can I do?
k8500 said:
Thanks everyone for their support!
Waveguru and nip_miniw, can we add you to the list of official supporters? Maybe also your sites ( and And, don't think wrong if it has gotten a little bit silent here, we're still working on this! But, we also still need more supporters.
If you're willing to help, post here, please.
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What should we do as an official supporter?
k8500 said:
Thanks everyone for their support!
Waveguru and nip_miniw, can we add you to the list of official supporters? Maybe also your sites ( and And, don't think wrong if it has gotten a little bit silent here, we're still working on this! But, we also still need more supporters.
If you're willing to help, post here, please.
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Hi k8500,
I am ready to help u all.I also have a plan in place.if you want,we can discuss this over PM.
but,I believe that making Bada as an open source should be one of the thing in petition.
we should also need to ask Samsung to provide us bugfree current bada firmware is not bugfree.
if we can't play HD games with current firmware...if we need to switch off our wave every time to clear ram...then its Samsung DUTY to provide us bugfree OS which they promised.
As many said that this will not change anything... Samsung will not do this...
It will be Samsung's decision whether they want to provide their customer bug free product or not ...but as a a money payer...I want to try to make Samsung realize that what they are doing is not RIGHT.
Thanks and Regards,
I think...
At first we need an overview, who will officially support this petition...
We (badaNIA) will definitely do so...
Need name of plattform and contact infos...

[PETITION]Kernel Source for Ascend P6

I opened this thread for anyone, who has an idea how to get Huawei to release the whole source code for our P6, because I think that would be great if they do so!
Gesendet von meinem P6-U06
Maybe we can try to start a Petition?
Would be an idea but I don't know if they would react.
Gesendet von meinem P6-U06
If we have enough people like 3000 or 4000, maybe Huawei will think about that.
rupro327 said:
If we have enough people like 3000 or 4000, maybe Huawei will think about that.
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But we aren't so many I think :/
Gesendet von meinem P6-U06
If we share it, I think we can get this number.
Do you know how to start something like that? Maybe you can do it?
Gesendet von meinem P6-U06
You can search in HTC one X forum, they did things like that with HTC. They mainly let messages on HTC Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
We could spam every single Huawei account until they release it
Gesendet von meinem P6-U06
This is what I've found. We can start something like that. I would start this but my English is bad, I'm a teen from Germany. But I can help I've someone start a petition.
Sent from my P6-U06 using xda app-developers app
bilbonotry said:
You can search in HTC one X forum, they did things like that with HTC. They mainly let messages on HTC Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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You must account that things are not as free and open in China as they are in the western world. Probably the best thing to do would be to include the (not only would Huawei put more attention to them, there are probably thousands if not even hundreds of thousands of them in the P6 subforum!) userbase in this petition, but for that we need someone who knows Chinese. But I'm not sure if they would take part in the petition because of the totalitarian regime of the country. here's a marketing manager at Huawei Device Russia, I believe they may have some close connections to the China based Huawei Corp.
tauio111 said:
You must account that things are not as free and open in China as they are in the western world. Probably the best thing to do would be to include the (not only would Huawei put more attention to them, there are probably thousands if not even hundreds of thousands of them in the P6 subforum!) userbase in this petition, but for that we need someone who knows Chinese. But I'm not sure if they would take part in the petition because of the totalitarian regime of the country.
here's a marketing manager at Huawei Device Russia, I believe they may have some close connections to the China based Huawei Corp.
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I shoudn't have bought a phone from a chinese company
lol , joking the best phone I ever had in spite of late kitkat updates.
In my opinion we should try to make our own letter and send this to Huawei, maybee KanocX allows us to modify their letter and send this to Huawei.
Edit: I have asked KanocX and he gave me permission to use his letter as base.
Dear Huawei,
We appreciate the good quality, look and feel and the design of the Huawei Ascend P6. That’s why our developers have created many ROMs for the phone.
But without the Kit Kat Kernel source code, we are not able to take advantage of all the functions, which need to be implemented to the Kernel.
It’s been a long time since the official Kit Kat was released. Yet the website has still not been updated with the kernel source. Also the last firmware source code was in August 2013.
Android is an open-platform and is based on the GNU/Linux Kernel. The Linux kernel is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 or GPL (, which means that you are legally obligated to release the source code for any derivative work within a reasonable time frame. This code is free software (free as in free speech) and this means that it is developed by volunteers around the world. They do not wish to earn money with this code, only that it spreads the great idea of freedom and free software. We want to make the software as good as possible and improve what you have currently done.
Developers are working hard to bring new ROMs and continue support to your devices, which many of your customers are eager to use
By releasing the kernel source code you can improve our experiences with the device and with Huawei as a company. The very openness of Android is intended to draw many people and by withholding kernel source code you are ultimately alienating your customers who may move on to purchase devices made by a different company (e.g. a Google Nexus device with pure and newest Android).
Furthermore we know that we can and will lose the phone’s warranty by installing unofficial phone updates, but we, the developers, know what we are doing with the device, so it doesn’t restrict the usage of the phone nor does it affect Huawei in any way.
We are aware that this device is from a previous hardware generation and we are grateful that you are continuing to support it, but we would all be happy if your continued support is not only directed at your customers, but also as required by copyright law.
Please do the right thing and release the Huawei Ascend P6 Android 4.4 kernel source. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, The xda-developers community.
This letter was written and is signed by the xda-developers community.
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Please give me review on this letter and contribute to this, so that we will have a really good letter, which we can send to Huawei.
If you want I can support this project, and I would be willing to take the lead in this process of the "petition".
raolleel said:
In my opinion we should try to make our own letter and send this to Huawei, maybee KanocX allows us to modify their letter and send this to Huawei.
Edit: I have asked KanocX and he gave me permission to use his letter as base.
Please give me review on this letter and contribute to this, so that we will have a really good letter, which we can send to Huawei.
If you want I can support this project, and I would be willing to take the lead in this process of the "petition".
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I really like the letter :good: and i could translate it into german to send it to Huawei Germany.
Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI P6-U06
taaeem said:
I really like the letter :good: and i could translate it into german to send it to Huawei Germany.
Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI P6-U06
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Thank you ... I'm also a native German , so translation isn't a big deal.
We should first optimize this letter, so that everyone think it's good.
Then we can translate it and send it to the right Persons ^^
I think we need a little strategy, how we can optimizing this process
At first we should make a time line, I'll prepare a Post, on which I show a time line and the following steps,
we shouldn't start on our own.
taaeem said:
I really like the letter :good: and i could translate it into german to send it to Huawei Germany.
Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI P6-U06
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Hello everyone out there,
there is no need to translate it again. It was already translated to German, Chinese, Malay, Indonesian, French, Polish, Spanish and Italian. All information you need, can be found at
Good luck for your project and best regards,
[Petition] Release the KK kernel-source
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Release the kernel source !​
This is a attempt to get Huawei to release the source code for our Huawei Ascend P6.
Here is a time line how we should proceed:​
Step 1: Create the English letter
We should take some time to optimize the letter.
first attempt:
Dear Huawei,
We appreciate the good quality, look and feel and the design of the Huawei Ascend P6. That’s why our developers have created many ROMs for the phone.
But without the Kit Kat Kernel source code, we are not able to take advantage of all the functions, which need to be implemented to the Kernel.
It’s been a long time since the official Kit Kat was released. Yet the website has still not been updated with the kernel source. Also the last firmware source code was in August 2013.
Android is an open-platform and is based on the GNU/Linux Kernel. The Linux kernel is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 or GPL (, which means that you are legally obligated to release the source code for any derivative work within a reasonable time frame. This code is free software (free as in free speech) and this means that it is developed by volunteers around the world. They do not wish to earn money with this code, only that it spreads the great idea of freedom and free software. We want to make the software as good as possible and improve what you have currently done.
Developers are working hard to bring new ROMs and continue support to your devices, which many of your customers are eager to use
By releasing the kernel source code you can improve our experiences with the device and with Huawei as a company. The very openness of Android is intended to draw many people and by withholding kernel source code you are ultimately alienating your customers who may move on to purchase devices made by a different company (e.g. a Google Nexus device with pure and newest Android).
Furthermore we know that we can and will lose the phone’s warranty by installing unofficial phone updates, but we, the developers, know what we are doing with the device, so it doesn’t restrict the usage of the phone nor does it affect Huawei in any way.
We are aware that this device is from a previous hardware generation and we are grateful that you are continuing to support it, but we would all be happy if your continued support is not only directed at your customers, but also as required by copyright law.
Please do the right thing and release the Huawei Ascend P6 Android 4.4 kernel source. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, The xda-developers community.
This letter was written and is signed by the xda-developers community.
Step 2: Collect people to sign our petition
We need this petition to be signed by many persons, so we should provide a link where everybody can sign our petition (I can provide such) And we need to post this petition everywhere.
Step 3: Get people to know about our petition
Let us translate our letter in all kinds of language.(edit: we can use the letters from here as base) Search until we find the right Persons, who should revive the letter. So that Huawei knows that we want them to release the code. And we aren't only a few dev's who are frustrated.
Step 4: Spread our letter to Huawei
Finally we must send our letter to everyone who can change something.
Step 3: wait
Credits: KanocX for the base of our letter
You can't force someone to do something. All you need to do is ask.
raolleel said:
Release the kernel source !​
This is a attempt to get Huawei to release the source code for our Huawei Ascend P6.
Here is a time line how we should proceed:​
Step 1: Create the English letter
We should take some time to optimize the letter. I would say let us wait 7 days (till Juni 7)
first attempt:
Dear Huawei,
We appreciate the good quality, look and feel and the design of the Huawei Ascend P6. That’s why our developers have created many ROMs for the phone.
But without the Kit Kat Kernel source code, we are not able to take advantage of all the functions, which need to be implemented to the Kernel.
It’s been a long time since the official Kit Kat was released. Yet the website has still not been updated with the kernel source. Also the last firmware source code was in August 2013.
Android is an open-platform and is based on the GNU/Linux Kernel. The Linux kernel is licensed under GNU General Public License v2 or GPL (, which means that you are legally obligated to release the source code for any derivative work within a reasonable time frame. This code is free software (free as in free speech) and this means that it is developed by volunteers around the world. They do not wish to earn money with this code, only that it spreads the great idea of freedom and free software. We want to make the software as good as possible and improve what you have currently done.
Developers are working hard to bring new ROMs and continue support to your devices, which many of your customers are eager to use
By releasing the kernel source code you can improve our experiences with the device and with Huawei as a company. The very openness of Android is intended to draw many people and by withholding kernel source code you are ultimately alienating your customers who may move on to purchase devices made by a different company (e.g. a Google Nexus device with pure and newest Android).
Furthermore we know that we can and will lose the phone’s warranty by installing unofficial phone updates, but we, the developers, know what we are doing with the device, so it doesn’t restrict the usage of the phone nor does it affect Huawei in any way.
We are aware that this device is from a previous hardware generation and we are grateful that you are continuing to support it, but we would all be happy if your continued support is not only directed at your customers, but also as required by copyright law.
Please do the right thing and release the Huawei Ascend P6 Android 4.4 kernel source. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, The xda-developers community.
This letter was written and is signed by the xda-developers community.
Step 2: Collect people to sign our petition
We need this petition to be signed by many persons, so we should provide a link where everybody can sign our petition (I can provide such) And we need to post this petition everywhere.
Step 3: Get people to know about our petition
Let us translate our letter in all kinds of language.(edit: we can use the letters from here as base) Search until we find the right Persons, who should revive the letter. So that Huawei knows that we want them to release the code. And we aren't only a few dev's who are frustrated.
Step 4: Spread our letter to Huawei
Finally we must send our letter to everyone who can change something.
Step 3: wait
Credits: KanocX for the base of our letter
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I am from China and I'm glad to sign the petition, I think almost all P6 users in China would be glad to join the petition,too. Please let me know if you need me to do something for this. Sorry for my English
BeyondTheHorizon said:
You can't force someone to do something. All you need to do is ask.
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Hi, yes I know what you're meaning and I must say the word "force" is not the right one, but the Treadstarter used this.
I don't want to force them, I only want to show them that their customers aren't happy with them not releasing their sources.
Asking would be my first way, but every of my letters to Huawei wasn't answered. (And I didn't wrote only one message.

General Oppo MSM Tools has fallen today - I've hacked it

Hello fellow developers and OnePlus users,
I come bearing some exciting news that could be a game-changer for those of us in the custom development community. As many of you are aware, the MSM Download Tool, a significant asset for unbricking and flashing OnePlus devices, has been restricted in recent iterations of OnePlus devices for the last few years, following the merger of OnePlus and Oppo. This move limited the tool's access to authorized service center employees, effectively locking out regular users and enthusiasts.
Today, I am pleased to announce that I have managed to bypass these restrictions, unlocking the MSM Download Tool for the OnePlus 11 and possibly the OnePlus 10 as well, although the latter remains untested at the moment. (EDIT : A few people reported that it does not works with the OnePlus 10, thus it is unclear if it has been tested with EDL packages)
This breakthrough restores the ability to fix bricked devices ourselves, a feature that was greatly appreciated by the tech enthusiast community and was a significant factor in OnePlus's popularity within these circles.
What has been achieved ?
- Log in using any credentials, and it will work
- Select an official EDL package and flash it on a Oneplus 11 (Including rebranding, works perfectly and OTAs works perfectly)
- Stability trough time : Oppo will not be able to fix it in current versions of Download Tool. The vulnerable ones will work forever. We can consider Oneplus 11 safe to that aspect.
However, I want to make a few things clear:
Limited Release: For the time being, I will not be publishing the code publicly. My reasons for this decision are twofold. First, I do not want Oppo to become aware of the bypass and fix it, preventing future use of the tool. Second, the majority of users do not have a need for this tool, and its misuse could potentially lead to more harm than good. If you accidentally brick your phone while flashing a ROM or something, reach your local authorised service/service center. There also are less moral service providers who offer remote flashing services for as low as $4.
Availability to Developers: If you are an experienced and recognized developer working on OnePlus 10 or 11 devices, you may access the unlocked tool by direct messaging me. Please provide proof of your work on these devices (commits, repositories, GitHub profile). I believe that having access to this tool will be a significant aid in our development efforts.
Advice for General Users: For regular users who might need to unbrick their OnePlus 10 or 11 devices, I recommend seeking the help of professionals.
I may consider releasing this solution publicly once we get stable builds of LineageOS for the Oneplus 11 series, but for now, this is the course of action I feel is best for the community. Thank you for understanding, and I am looking forward to seeing the exciting developments that will come from this!
If you're wondering why I am not releasing the code publicly, please read this post. I'm the first to be sorry about this, but I think this is the best that could be done for the community.
Notes :
What a dik move to make it available only for people you choose to.
We will see how long this topic will last before getting deleted for promoting cracked software.
cavist said:
What a dik move to make it available only for people you choose to.
We will see how long this topic will last before getting deleted for promoting cracked software.
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By your reply I assume you are not a developer. If making it available "only for people I choose to" means not Oppo, heck yeah. Of course I do not want them to study the vulnerability and patch it in future versions of DownloadTool.
By the way, I am not promoting "cracked software" as the software is untouched. I will provide the crack as a standalone solution, and developers will be able to use any genuine version of DownloadTool they want. My solution will simply allow developers to restore a device they bricked while testing their ROM or kernel without relying in Oppo/Realme authentication (because yes, any authentication works)
And if this topic gets deleted, I'll release the solution elsewhere. But that would be a sad outcome and a bad move from XDA by showing support for practices hostile to developers.
oppo_edl_hacker said:
By your reply I assume you are not a developer. If making it available "only for people I choose to" means not Oppo, heck yeah. Of course I do not want them to study the vulnerability and patch it in future versions of DownloadTool.
By the way, I am not promoting "cracked software" as the software is untouched. I will provide the crack as a standalone solution, and developers will be able to use any genuine version of DownloadTool they want. My solution will simply allow developers to restore a device they bricked while testing their ROM or kernel without relying in Oppo/Realme authentication (because yes, any authentication works)
And if this topic gets deleted, I'll release the solution elsewhere. But that would be a sad outcome and a bad move from XDA by showing support for practices hostile to developers.
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Youre posting this on XDA, saying "hey, I have it and you ont, if you want then msg me and maybe I will share it with you".
I would say this does not help XDA community at all and its the same like creating a new telegram group or any other private space where you can do whatever.
cavist said:
What a dik move to make it available only for people you choose to.
We will see how long this topic will last before getting deleted for promoting cracked software.
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At least this would help the development going forward.
cavist said:
What a dik move to make it available only for people you choose to.
We will see how long this topic will last before getting deleted for promoting cracked software.
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Why would random Joes some of whom may turn out to be BBK/Oppo/OnePlus employees get access to the tool?
What's dickish about investing your intelligence, work and time and sharing the results only with the people that you choose? I've no problem with that at all.
birdie said:
Why would random Joes some of whom may turn out to be BBK/Oppo/OnePlus employees get access to the tool?
What's dickish about investing your intelligence, work and time and sharing the results only with the people that you choose? I've no problem with that at all.
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Some people never learn. If we want this solution to hold for a few years to come, we have to take precautions. This is for the best, and if Oppo finds the vulnerability by themselves, of course I will release the solution. The sole fact I opened a public thread could gain attention from Oppo and force them to review their security, so it is easy to figure out what's going to happen if they can study my solution.
This 0-day would be really easy to fix for them, and that's not what we want. If they can't study the solution, they'll have to figure it out themselves.
oppo_edl_hacker said:
Hello fellow developers and OnePlus users,
I come bearing some exciting news that could be a game-changer for those of us in the custom development community. As many of you are aware, the MSM Download Tool, a significant asset for unbricking and flashing OnePlus devices, has been restricted in recent iterations of OnePlus devices for the last few years, following the merger of OnePlus and Oppo. This move limited the tool's access to authorized service center employees, effectively locking out regular users and enthusiasts.
Today, I am pleased to announce that I have managed to bypass these restrictions, unlocking the MSM Download Tool for the OnePlus 11 and possibly the OnePlus 10 as well, although the latter remains untested at the moment. This breakthrough restores the ability to fix bricked devices ourselves, a feature that was greatly appreciated by the tech enthusiast community and was a significant factor in OnePlus's popularity within these circles.
What has been achieved ?
- Log in using any credentials, and it will work
- Select an official EDL package and flash it on a Oneplus 11 (Including rebranding, works perfectly and OTAs works perfectly)
- Stability trough time : Oppo will not be able to fix it in current versions of Download Tool. The vulnerable ones will work forever. We can consider Oneplus 10 and 11 safe to that aspect.
However, I want to make a few things clear:
Limited Release: For the time being, I will not be publishing the unlocked tool publicly. My reasons for this decision are twofold. First, I do not want Oppo to become aware of the bypass and fix it, preventing future use of the tool. Second, the majority of users do not have a need for this tool, and its misuse could potentially lead to more harm than good. If you accidentally brick your phone while flashing a ROM or something, reach your local authorised service. There also are less moral service providers who offer flashing services for as low as $4.
Availability to Developers: If you are an experienced and recognized developer working on OnePlus 10 or 11 devices, you may access the unlocked tool by direct messaging me. Please provide proof of your work on these devices from Github. I believe that having access to this tool will be a significant aid in our development efforts.
Advice for General Users: For regular users who might need to unbrick their OnePlus 10 or 11 devices, I recommend seeking the help of professionals.
I may consider releasing the cracked tool publicly once we get stable builds of LineageOS for the Oneplus 10 and Oneplus 11 series, but for now, this is the course of action I feel is best for the community. Thank you for understanding, and I am looking forward to seeing the exciting developments that will come from this!
Notes :
- The software is original and untouched, it is not hex edited. I am well aware of the hex hack allowing some sort of login, this crack is not based on that at all. The crack works using smarter ways.
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@V0latyle @Oswald Boelcke
@dekefake @chandu dyavanapelli srry For tagging them but I think this will be useful
cazt555 said:
@dekefake @chandu dyavanapelli srry For tagging them but I think this will be useful
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OMFG ! This is a game changer, @oppo_edl_hacker I'm DMing now. Thanks a ton @cazt555. I bricked my OnePlus 11 twice already while testing our first custom kernel builds, this will definetely help us a lot.
mvikrant97 said:
@V0latyle @Oswald Boelcke
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I really hope the moderators will understand how important this is for us. Smart move to not publish it publicly, this thread has to stay in my honest opinion.
mvikrant97 said:
@V0latyle @Oswald Boelcke
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I'll be honest, I'm not very familiar with the technical aspect of this.
@oppo_edl_hacker Welcome to XDA. If you have not already, please read the Forum Rules linked in my signature, and take special note of Rules 6, 7, 9, and 11:
6. Do not post or request warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, then pay for it. We do not accept warez nor do we permit members to request, post, promote or describe ways in which warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained or used. This is a site of developers, i.e. the sort of people who create such software. When you cheat a software developer, you cheat us as a community.
7. Do not sell or trade on the forums.
If you wish to advertise a product, simply contact us. We can provide ads but you are not permitted to just post it in the forums. If you do, it will be removed and you're likely to receive a ban.
The buying, selling, trading and / or exchanging of any item is now prohibited on XDA, in any forum or via Private Messages. We now use
9. Don't get us into trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things which will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably shouldn't do it here either. This does not mean that we agree with everything that the software piracy lobby try to impose on us. It simply means that you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with the legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users and those that write great code.
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and to offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar / substantially similar to
Do not post press releases, announcements, links to trial software or commercial services, unless you’re posting an exclusive release for
Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
Off-site downloads from sites requiring registration are NOT encouraged but may be permitted if both of the following conditions are met:
A) The site belongs to a member of XDA-Developers with at least 1500 posts and 2 years membership, who actively maintains an XDA-Developers support thread(s) / posts, related to the download.
B) The site is a relatively small, personal website without commercial advertising / links (i.e. not a competitor forum-based site with purposes and aims similar to those of
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Please answer the following questions:
1. Is the software you are using copyrighted in any way?
2. Are you redistributing software, or offering a service? Are you selling anything?
3. Is what you are doing legal?
4. Are you advertising a commercial service?
V0latyle said:
@oppo_edl_hacker Welcome to XDA. If you have not already, please read the Forum Rules linked in my signature, and take special note of Rules 6, 7, 9, and 11:
Please answer the following questions:
1. Is the software you are using copyrighted in any way?
2. Are you redistributing software, or offering a service? Are you selling anything?
3. Is what you are doing legal?
4. Are you advertising a commercial service?
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Hi, good evening !
The software used to flash Oppo's phone is an internal software distributed to some phone repair stores. It needs an authentication. This software was previously publicly available with no authentication, but as OnePlus has been acquired by Oppo, their policy changed and they now use the Oppo software with authentication. This makes it impossible for developers to recover their devices themselves when testing their experimental ROMs and kernels. This is the cause of a lack of custom ROMs and kernels for OnePlus devices in the last two years. This has also lead to a situation where some corrupt people ask for money (from 4$ to 75$) to remotely flash phones using TeamViewer. This frequently happens throughout XDA and there are countless examples of that.
1. I do not intend to distribute copywrited software, but only my code, which is taking action in the operating system networking stack and not the OPPO software.
2. I only distribute this code to active developers working on OnePlus 10 and OnePlus 11, so they can quickly recover their devices if something goes wrong.
3. My code does not constitutes piracy as it does not includes copywrited code at all. It is then legal. I do not distribute the original software and developers are intended to find it by themselves. This software has already been leaking for years and is easy to find online.
4. I solely do this to help the community, and do not sell anything. I will never ask for money for this, and do not have a donation link. My code will always be free for developers.
As we say, code is speach. I wrote code that can help people, and I'm offering it to developers. I just want to avoid OPPO from obtaining my code, as they could change things in the future to further restrict developers from using their devices as they intend to.
oppo_edl_hacker said:
Hi, good evening !
The software used to flash Oppo's phone is an internal software distributed to some phone repair stores. It needs an authentication. This software was previously publicly available with no authentication, but as OnePlus has been acquired by Oppo, their policy changed and they now use the Oppo software with authentication. This makes it impossible for developers to recover their devices themselves when testing their experimental ROMs and kernels. This is the cause of a lack of custom ROMs and kernels for OnePlus devices in the last two years. This has also lead to a situation where some corrupt people ask for money (from 4$ to 75$) to remotely flash their phones using TeamViewer. This frequently happens throughout XDA.
1. I do not intend to distribute copywrited software, but only my code, which is taking action in the operating system networking stack and not the OPPO software.
2. I only distribute this code to active developers working on OnePlus 10 and OnePlus 11, so they can quickly recover their devices if something goes wrong.
3. My code does not constitutes piracy as it does not includes copywrited code at all. It is then legal. I do not distribute the original software and developers are intended to find it by themselves. This software has already been leaking for years and is easy to find online.
4. I solely so this to help the community, and do not sell anything. I will never ask for money for this, and do not have a donation link. My code will always be free for developers.
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Thank you for the response. Please respond to the PM I have sent you.
Utterly stellar work @oppo_edl_hacker
Heaps of praise to you... Your deserve a tonne of credit for this... And it should categorically be protected.
Thank you for proving me wrong, I didn't think this day would come.
dladz said:
Utterly stellar work @oppo_edl_hacker
Heaps of praise to you... Your deserve a tonne of credit for this... And it should categorically be protected.
Thank you for proving me wrong, I didn't think this day would come.
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Thanks for the kind words dude
birdie said:
Why would random Joes some of whom may turn out to be BBK/Oppo/OnePlus employees get access to the tool?
What's dickish about investing your intelligence, work and time and sharing the results only with the people that you choose? I've no problem with that at all.
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Since the current tool is working and its only an additional crack it does not change anything at all - they cannot disable it.
Also, it will just come out sooner or later, intentionally or via leak so why artificially make a closed circle on this I have no idea but everybody can do whatever they want and my single opinion will not change anything.
cavist said:
Since the current tool is working and its only an additional crack it does not change anything at all - they cannot disable it.
Also, it will just come out sooner or later, intentionally or via leak so why artificially make a closed circle on this I have no idea but everybody can do whatever they want and my single opinion will not change anything.
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Just respect his wishes...after all we had nothing before...
Don't want a back and forth, the guy who made this possible wants this to happen and unless we want oppos attention before it's even fully realised I agree we should tread lightly.
oppo_edl_hacker said:
Hello fellow developers and OnePlus users,
I come bearing some exciting news that could be a game-changer for those of us in the custom development community. As many of you are aware, the MSM Download Tool, a significant asset for unbricking and flashing OnePlus devices, has been restricted in recent iterations of OnePlus devices for the last few years, following the merger of OnePlus and Oppo. This move limited the tool's access to authorized service center employees, effectively locking out regular users and enthusiasts.
Today, I am pleased to announce that I have managed to bypass these restrictions, unlocking the MSM Download Tool for the OnePlus 11 and possibly the OnePlus 10 as well, although the latter remains untested at the moment. This breakthrough restores the ability to fix bricked devices ourselves, a feature that was greatly appreciated by the tech enthusiast community and was a significant factor in OnePlus's popularity within these circles.
What has been achieved ?
- Log in using any credentials, and it will work
- Select an official EDL package and flash it on a Oneplus 11 (Including rebranding, works perfectly and OTAs works perfectly)
- Stability trough time : Oppo will not be able to fix it in current versions of Download Tool. The vulnerable ones will work forever. We can consider Oneplus 10 and 11 safe to that aspect.
However, I want to make a few things clear:
Limited Release: For the time being, I will not be publishing the code publicly. My reasons for this decision are twofold. First, I do not want Oppo to become aware of the bypass and fix it, preventing future use of the tool. Second, the majority of users do not have a need for this tool, and its misuse could potentially lead to more harm than good. If you accidentally brick your phone while flashing a ROM or something, reach your local authorised service. There also are less moral service providers who offer flashing services for as low as $4.
Availability to Developers: If you are an experienced and recognized developer working on OnePlus 10 or 11 devices, you may access the unlocked tool by direct messaging me. Please provide proof of your work on these devices from Github. I believe that having access to this tool will be a significant aid in our development efforts.
Advice for General Users: For regular users who might need to unbrick their OnePlus 10 or 11 devices, I recommend seeking the help of professionals.
I may consider releasing this solution publicly once we get stable builds of LineageOS for the Oneplus 10 and Oneplus 11 series, but for now, this is the course of action I feel is best for the community. Thank you for understanding, and I am looking forward to seeing the exciting developments that will come from this!
Notes :
- The software is original and untouched, it is not hex edited. I am well aware of the hex hack allowing some sort of login, this solution is not based on that at all. The crack works using smarter ways (networking).
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any proof of works, or it is just a login bypass similar to any other crack, the main Problem is SLA, if you are able to bypass Oplus server to get signature back then really thanks
cavist said:
Since the current tool is working and its only an additional crack it does not change anything at all - they cannot disable it.
Also, it will just come out sooner or later, intentionally or via leak so why artificially make a closed circle on this I have no idea but everybody can do whatever they want and my single opinion will not change anything.
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They cannot prevent already released tools from working but they can patch future versions and prevent yet to be released phones from being flashed. If we keep it closed circle, maybe OnePlus 12, OnePlus 13 will be able to be flashed. If I release the code today, we'll be sure they will not.
mark332 said:
any proof of works, or it is just a login bypass similar to any other crack, the main Problem is SLA, if you are able to bypass Oplus server to get signature back then really thanks
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Some developers are starting to report that it indeed works for them so don't worry, if it is fake, it will quickly get known
I will discuss with some developers to release a video showing the software in action, while preventing the vulnerability to be shown.

