[Q] Debug Battery Drain - com.android.systemui - Galaxy S 4 Mini Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm using s4 mini LTE I9195 with CM11 M6, f4ktion 1.4.0 kernel, BN3 modem, TWRP 2.7 recovery
All was working fine, average battery drain on idle was 1%-2% (not great, but fine), and suddenly it rocketed to drain 15%-30% per hour.
I usually use Android Tuner's battery measure stats to track drain statistics over time.
After checking it, I"ve noticed that it () the drain) started in the middle of the night.
So it's not due to "I launched this App, and then..." It just went nuts on it's own...
I've checked which process is to blame and the first one with max battery consumption is:
com.android.systemui (with KitKat logo) followed by Android System, then Screen, and then all the usuals.
I tried to do reboots, disable wifi/nfc/rotation/data/sync/anything else/kill user apps - no effect ...
It still drains about 20% per hour on system and systemui for the whole day now :crying:
And I have no idea what causing it / how to revert it...
So, do you have any suggestions on how to trace this bug?
What to search for in logs?
Any thing else?
I'm not a big pro on android OS subsystem, so advises are welcomed!

I'd love to help, but I actually stumbled upon this thread while googling to help myself
I'm using Note 2 (N7100), running CM11 - newest nightly (although I flashed it today, after slightly recharging the battery once I noticed the problem) and Devil3 kernel.
I'm having the same issue - yesterday everything was fine, I've left the phone to charge over night and display time as usual and in the morning nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until 6 hours later. After those 6 hours my battery was fully depleted (whereas normally lasts whole day and is not even close to being depleted). com.android.systemui and Android System seem to be the problem for me too.
I've also tried turning off some functions, uninstalling some apps, turning off notification privileges for others. Even, as said earlier, flashed newest nightly. Nothing helped. Using phone with without flashing Devil3 kernel didn't help.
Anyone have any ideas?

Just try to flash stock software and again CM.

Try a older version of CM11, and if stability is a priorty stay on CM 10.2

OK, so I've tried a few things, and had a few surprising outcomes:
I've analyzed the CPU load with various tools, as Android Tuner, OS Monitor, and All-In-One Toolbox.
Most of them reported Android System using 30% CPU, and com.android.systemui using 25% CPU, all on the highest frequency.
But All-In-One Toolbox recognized top process instead of Android System as Lockscreen android process, so maybe there is a hint there...
(and I don't use any custom lockscreen stuff beyond stock CM's one)
So, backed up the current troublesome system (let's call it BKP_NEW), just in case, and decided to restore a full NANDroid backup I had from a week ago (and the issue is just from yesterday).
Restored all 6 partitions (/system, /boot, /cache, /efs, /modem, /data), rebooted, and....
...The issue was still present! Crazy battery drain just as before!
Very confusing... Then I went for a factory reset - it fixed the issue, but I have to start from scratch with all the SW installs and config, and I don't have a week to waste setting everything up again, and potentially running into the same issue some time later.
So, I've decided to move further back, and restored a two week old NANDroid backup > reboot > No issue presents
But it was just too weird, since the delta between 1-week old and 2-week old backup is infinitesimal.
So, out of curiosity I've decided to restore the BKP_NEW (the one of the system with the issue present)... and after the restore it works just fine! (WTF?!?!)
After thinking on it for a while, my conclusion is that there was some problem with some part of system that was wiped/fixed in TWRP's Factory Reset, but is not touched/overwritten during the NANDroid 6-partition restore.
But again, this is just my assumption, need someone more knowledgeable to confirm this possibility...
(maybe @ne0zone75 can advice on this?)
Since that, all is working fine (at least so far).
And if my assumptions are correct, @Ksenios, you can try to do this, and still have working system with all apps and configs (If youre comfortable with recovery / backups management).

(passing bye from google - just a note)
com.android.systemui cpu high usage (about 37%),
on my huawei media pad x2 (gem702l) but only while charging (and just sometimes), if that gives something for someone, any clues why ?


[Q] 100mA battery drain while on STANDBY !! ARGH !!

Hi guys,
as per topic title, I'm experiencing a monstruous battery drain.
In the last few weeks I devoted a lot of time in understanding how to get more juice, with very good results.
I removed (and noticed developers) every power hungry app I had. I recalibrated my battery.
Suddenly, all of this became futile, because of this 100mA battery drain while phone is in standby, EVEN with everything (wifi, radio, gps, bluetooth, everything) off.
Like the phone itself takes 100mA to just stay in standby.
Now, this is way, way higher than "healthy" (5-8mA from users experience here on xda), and means 5-6% battery lost every 30 minutes. Doing NOTHING.
What I did:
I'm using OpenDesire since 4.0.23 , upgrading to every stable version. Today I'm at 4.0.32
Also, I upgraded the radio to latest version,
and I noticed very good improvements.
Then, I flashed the RIL.
And the battery drain began.
Today, no matter what radio I flash, which revision of OD I revert back... Nothing seems to change, the battery drain stays.
I tried to:
- full total wipe/factory reset, always. Only app installed is CurrentWidget, to measure draining ; NO settings restored with Titanium Backup
- EVERY radio since ; flashed by Clockwork Recovery, phone only ; every time I tried the latest radio, I both tried without and with the suggested RIL
- OpenDesire from 4.0.23 to 4.0.32 ; Tried 4.0.23 and 4.0.28 with EVERY radio ; other OD releases tried only with stock radio ( and latest
- Umounted sdcard; reformatted sdcard; different sdcard; no sdcard at all
- restore my nandroid backup, made before all of this, which brings me back to my stock sense days... but with the hipotethic radio mess, and the same battery drain issue.
I don't really know what else to test.
I can't just get rid of this horrible 100mA battery drain.
Anyone has hints, suggestions, solutions ?
As of now, my Desire is ... barely a phone.
Flash a RUU and start from fresh?
Uhm... if that's the full package, with rom and radio, may be worth the try.
I hope it's doable without Windows. Only linux here...
Oh, great... I'm having issue "waiting for bootloader".
I launch RUU
phone reboots
stops on HTC screen
RUU on PC gives error 171.
Appearently, it's very important that the phone is recognized by Windows as "MY HTC" in system resources.
So, I did:
- install HTC Sync. Reboot. Plugged in the phone. This gets installed the necessary drivers.
- DISABLED WINDOWS 7 AUTOMATIC DRIVERS SEARCH. I think this is a windows update thing, don't really remember... I'm a linux guy ^_^
- Reboot phone in bootloader (pressing power while keeping pressing VOL- ) ; then, Windows will come up with an unrecognized device called "Android 1.0"
- Manually installed drivers under c:/programs/HTC Sync/HTC Drivers.
- Started RUU
- phone rebooted. Bad windows sound told me drivers dailed. So I went there... and the "HTC bootloader" driver appeared. Then I manually installed "MY HTC" to that device... and RUU finally started !
Also, I *HAD* to start RUU from normally booted phone. Otherwise, it failed the "minimum 30% charge" check.
chareos12 said:
Oh, great... I'm having issue "waiting for bootloader".
I launch RUU
phone reboots
stops on HTC screen
RUU on PC gives error 171.
Read here and there, solution seems
unplug & replug phone leaving as is
(note - unplugging the phone exposes the white bootloader screen, wuth RUU option only ; replugging pops up again HTC screen)
restart RUU
but isn't working:
RUU on PC can't read the phone, and gives error 170.
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Having the same problem (100 mA drain/hour in standby) ever since I started experimenting with roms/radio etc.
Going back to complete stock hasn't helped me though
Oh... damn, I just succeeded with starting RUU flash.
Oh, well. Let's see how it goes.
swine... said:
Flash a RUU and start from fresh?
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Successfully done...
but the 100mA battery drain in standby is STILL THERE
I begin to think just flashing 1-2 radios made some mess7damage that can't just be solved with another radio flash...
Helps my battery time.
zHk3R said:
Helps my battery time.
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... and I used it myself.
But here I'm talking about the barebone power usage, no cpu spikes, no software installed.
No phone should dry that amount of power by being on total unusage.
SetCPU is awesome, but doesn't help here.
Also trying safe mode (pwr on while pressing menu)
7% / 60 minutes.
This means 3-4% / 30 minutes, or 50-60mA / 30 minutes.
Oh, I had WiFi on.
Trying with WiFi off now...
Well that's some crazy battery use mate.
I have currently installed:
* OD version .32
* Radio .30_2
I have installed other ROMs before for testing, and I have tested all the radios newer than the 30_2 one. All bar the very latest one, as I have no need for it.
I have Current Widget set to update every 1 min, and not create a log or text file when I test my use.
With the screen off for 1 min, and then turned on, Current Widget shows either 4mA or 5mA, which is my standby power consumption!
After trying what you have with the RUU I don't know what else to suggest, but wish you luck.
#Edit# Since taking the phone off charge at 8am, I have lost 6% of battery. But so far today I have only sent one message.
chareos12 said:
Also trying safe mode (pwr on while pressing menu)
7% / 60 minutes.
This means 3-4% / 30 minutes, or 50-60mA / 30 minutes.
Oh, I had WiFi on.
Trying with WiFi off now...
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... and with WiFi off, it's 3% / 30 minutes. CRAZY.
swine... said:
Well that's some crazy battery use mate.
I have currently installed:
* OD version .32
* Radio .30_2
I have installed other ROMs before for testing, and I have tested all the radios newer than the 30_2 one. All bar the very latest one, as I have no need for it.
I have Current Widget set to update every 1 min, and not create a log or text file when I test my use.
With the screen off for 1 min, and then turned on, Current Widget shows either 4mA or 5mA, which is my standby power consumption!
After trying what you have with the RUU I don't know what else to suggest, but wish you luck.
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Thanks mate.
Question: have you ever DOWNGRADED a radio ?
If so, did you take any particular precaution ?
Just to be sure I tried everything possible, before sending my device to repair (risking many days without it, or even they discover my rooting here and there...)
may I ask you HOW do you flash the radio ?
My procedure:
- basic: I rooted via unrevoked 3.21 - all right with root permissions and got ClockWork recovery installed and working
- I (re)boot in Clockwork
- I go to Install zip from sdcard option
- I choose the radio zip file, all downloaded from the xda thread
- I apply and confirm the radio (file name is NOT update.zip ... is this an issue ?)
- phone starts to work. A progress bar apperars, fills only by 1/10th, 1-2 seconds, then suddenly process is complete and asks to reboot from menu. So I press back, and reboot.
- Phone don't reboot. It just sits 15-20 seconds saying "flashing radio" or something, but showing no progress bar. Then phone reboots. Almost immediately, reboots again
- Phone reboots back to os usable state. radio version is changed in system infos.
If I made something wrong, or something is missing or wrong in my procedure, maybe I can still solve all of this
chareos12, as you probably know by now: I got the exact same problem.
Updating/replacing radio roms/normal roms/RIL/RUU etc has nog helped me thus far.
I have one question however, what program do you use to monitor mA usage/hour?
(Nvm, found it, Current Widget, duh.... Mine is at 87mA at the moment....)
Secondly, I will follow this topic closely and help you wherever I can.... Let's fix this!
chareos12 said:
Thanks mate.
Question: have you ever DOWNGRADED a radio ?
If so, did you take any particular precaution ?
Just to be sure I tried everything possible, before sending my device to repair (risking many days without it, or even they discover my rooting here and there...)
may I ask you HOW do you flash the radio ?
My procedure:
- basic: I rooted via unrevoked 3.21 - all right with root permissions and got ClockWork recovery installed and working
- I (re)boot in Clockwork
- I go to Install zip from sdcard option
- I choose the radio zip file, all downloaded from the xda thread
- I apply and confirm the radio (file name is NOT update.zip ... is this an issue ?)
- phone starts to work. A progress bar apperars, fills only by 1/10th, 1-2 seconds, then suddenly process is complete and asks to reboot from menu. So I press back, and reboot.
- Phone don't reboot. It just sits 15-20 seconds saying "flashing radio" or something, but showing no progress bar. Then phone reboots. Almost immediately, reboots again
- Phone reboots back to os usable state. radio version is changed in system infos.
If I made something wrong, or something is missing or wrong in my procedure, maybe I can still solve all of this
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I think I always downgraded when trying the new batch of radios But really, yes I have changed version number up and down, and the one I found the best performer was the radio 30_2. But that may only be for me, even though a lot of other users report that it is also good. I did find much higer battery use on the radio, but after returning to 30_2 all was well again.
I would say the way you are doing it would be fine. And no it does not need to be called update.zip. I'm busy right now working, but will check back later if I think of anything extra. ;P
Exactly, CurrentWidget. That also reports the same mA variations as dmesg, so I take as trustable.
Yeah, let's hope it's fixable !
I fear sooo much repairing centers...
I'm no expert but it should be -2mA if in standby with everything off (including the display) and >80mA with display on. >30mA ish drawn is not possible with all hardware off/idle except by the display. That's unless you have the "Android System" bug I had where it consumes 10-30% CPU just resting.
What current discharge reading do you obtain with same everything except display on (black background)?
th3 said:
I'm no expert but it should be -2mA if in standby with everything off (including the display) and >80mA with display on. >30mA ish drawn is not possible with all hardware off/idle except by the display. That's unless you have the "Android System" bug I had where it consumes 10-30% CPU just resting.
What current discharge reading do you obtain with same everything except display on (black background)?
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Consider that right now I'm on the stock Sense...
disabling everything (any sync/background data), wifi off and then airplane mode on, sensor off, gps off, led notifications disabled, display brightness manually on the exact 50%, black background, ONLY widget across the 7 pages is CurrentWidget - which is also the only installed app... + Estrongs file manager ...
Which is
your normal 80mA + mine sick 100mA ...
as I said before, it is like the bare phone drains 100mA battery for just staying barely alive.
12 minutes uptime
Android System is accounted for 17 seconds (4636 menu)
but then, going in settings battery infos, I read
CPU total 49s
CPU foregroung 20s
Android system - usage 70%
Display - 22%
IF it is the bug you are talking about, how could it survive trough 4 OpenDesire releases and a jump back to RUU ?
The Sense ROM you have is totally default with nothing added except CurrentWidget?
You need to go barebones to figure out what is happening here. The 80-115mA baseline is from many users at 0% brightness on a black background. You need to also log your CPU usage with something like OSMonitor, System Panel or Show CPU Usage to see if Sys, Usr or IO are experiencing abnormal load. In apps like OSMonitor, see the debug errors it is showing you under Messages.
On some ROMs it has been my experience that the cell network, accelerometer and/or touchscreen goes haywire causing large battery drain in idle or use. Consistent network locations and network provider search was a key problem. That made me lose 5-10 hours from my usual battery life. There was no way that I could fix it except changing ROMs and starting from scratch. I reverted back to a clean HTC 2.2 ever since with no such oddities.
- Sent from HTC Desire via Tapatalk -
chareos12 said:
IF it is the bug you are talking about, how could it survive trough 4 OpenDesire releases and a jump back to RUU ?
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Admittedly, the existence of it after the change to stock RUU also had me confused. Providing you did complete wipes, that should have wiped out any soft bugs.
- Sent from HTC Desire via Tapatalk -

[Q] Problem with Omega 12 + Perseus 33.3 start up screen lasts forever

HI Guys
I'm an old iOS user but switched to android 2 months ago with a wonderful Note 2 International running android 4.1.1
after one month of use I decided to root my device for VPN service and custom ROM benefits
Everything went fine. First rooted with odin 3.07, then decided as most of users recommended to flash ARHD 11.2
After using my device for 2 weeks I noticed poorer battery performance. 4 days ago, After a lot of searching online I decided to flash Omega 12 then Perseus 33.3 for better battery performance and better control of my CPU.
That's what I did. First, wiped all data through CWM then installed Omega 12 ---> Perseus 33.3 ---> clean cached data ----> restored my apps through titanium ----> fixed permissions ---> charged my mobile to 100% then wiped battery stats ---> set gpu to 440mhz and cpu scaling --> frequency responsiveness to 600mhz === every thing went very good with wonderful performance and battery life with 40 hours battery life ,more than 7 hours onscreen and also did couple of successful restarts to change SIM card .I thought that's it "I will stick with this system forever no matter what."
As I said, after 40 hours of battery life my battery died so I put my note 2 with the recharger while off because it was night time. Next morning, I unplugged my phone then turned it on but my startup screen keep showing the big robot walking with no ending for 30 minutes. Tried to restart the phone couple times, searched online for a similar issue but nothing related to omega and Perseus, wiped cache, dalvik but still the same.
Finally, I restored an image through CMV contains my 4.1.1 old stoke ROM + factory kernel just after rooting. My smartphone now is working fine.
My question now is "Why did it happened? Did this happen with anybody before with the same circumstances? and what is the possibility of this happening again if I tried to flash a custom ROM or a new kernel?
I'm ready for any questions​
haniwilliam7 said:
HI Guys
I'm an old iOS user but switched to android 2 months ago with a wonderful Note 2 International running android 4.1.1
after one month of use I decided to root my device for VPN service and custom ROM benefits
Everything went fine. First rooted with odin 3.07, then decided as most of users recommended to flash ARHD 11.2
After using my device for 2 weeks I noticed poorer battery performance. 4 days ago, After a lot of searching online I decided to flash Omega 12 then Perseus 33.3 for better battery performance and better control of my CPU.
That's what I did. First, wiped all data through CWM then installed Omega 12 ---> Perseus 33.3 ---> clean cached data ----> restored my apps through titanium ----> fixed permissions ---> charged my mobile to 100% then wiped battery stats ---> set gpu to 440mhz and cpu scaling --> frequency responsiveness to 600mhz === every thing went very good with wonderful performance and battery life with 40 hours battery life ,more than 7 hours onscreen and also did couple of successful restarts to change SIM card .I thought that's it "I will stick with this system forever no matter what."
As I said, after 40 hours of battery life my battery died so I put my note 2 with the recharger while off because it was night time. Next morning, I unplugged my phone then turned it on but my startup screen keep showing the big robot walking with no ending for 30 minutes. Tried to restart the phone couple times, searched online for a similar issue but nothing related to omega and Perseus, wiped cache, dalvik but still the same.
Finally, I restored an image through CMV contains my 4.1.1 old stoke ROM + factory kernel just after rooting. My smartphone now is working fine.
My question now is "Why did it happened? Did this happen with anybody before with the same circumstances? and what is the possibility of this happening again if I tried to flash a custom ROM or a new kernel?
I'm ready for any questions​
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Firstly, NEVER let you battery die completly, it is not good for the overall life of the battery.
Secondly if that ever happens boot to recovery and clear dalvik cache and fix permissions. This will usually help.
It's hard to say exactly what cause this issue without a log.
Also, please keep regular backups through your preferred recovery, as this will help if you need to go back.
Thanks for the tips.... really appreciated
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
same thing happened to me exactly .
same rom same kernel
i couldnt even restore a previous backup of omega from a week ago - it just wouldnt restore without rebooting !!
also, for my note 2 to work again i had to reflash my recovery (twrp) via odin and reinstall my rom.
i had a whole load of other issues and in all honesty im almost thinking i may have a broken NAND chip - sudden death - not quite, but im patched for that, but may be a small fail on the chip had caused this event , i really dont know.
im back to normal now but im stll very worried about the next few days - please read my other post where i explained this fault at the time it happened.
I will look at it... but I think in the mean time I will stick with my original stock and kernel for a while till I have the courage for another rom/kernel trial
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app

SoD - Sleep of Death since mid June on my beloved Note 2.

Hey guys,
i have been using Ivan Mehler's cm 5.1 rom and since early this year i am on his 6.0 rom and everything was fine until mid june. Since than i have the 'sleep of death' syndrom (phone won't wake up from deep sleep until hard reset). I can keep it from freezing when i stop it from going into deep sleep via apps like 'Safecharge' or having muted music playing in the background. It could be a hardware issue. I have dropped it twice pretty hard, once in 2014 and a second time 2 weeks before the sods started. Else it runs without issues. I reverted to a backup, installed another cm 6.0 rom and reverted back to stock, to no avail.
First, how do i best diagnose whats causing this?
And secondly, are there any leftovers from older roms that could interfere when i install a new rom via twrp and doing a complete wipe including reformatting the file system etc? What i like to know is whether when installing the latest stock rom via odin, does that mean that every bit on every storage/memory of the phone is being completely wiped and newly written, or are there some basic parts of android/linux that would not be touched?

LG G3 D855 Battery drain while Idle

A couple weekes ago i rooted my phone and flashed fulmics 6.9. Then 1 or 2 days later i flashed Lineage OS, but because i didnt have some of the stock apps from LG that i use (QuickMemo+ and LG camera app) i flashed fulmics rom again. I decided to root the phone and flash a custom rom because the phone started to get laggy and the battery life wasn't the best. But then i start experiencing a restart loop on the fulmics rom. I then tried to do a clean install of fulmics rom again, but because of the constant restart loop i only managed to successfully install it again while plugged on the charger. I googled for a solution and found out that it could be a battery issue. I then tried to flash Stock v30B rom but without success (because of the restart loop once again, and also the flash software kept saying that it lost connection with the phone). I then took my brothers battery (He has the same phone, LG G3 D855), and successfully flashed the stock rom (v30B), but when i put my battery again it started to restart again in loop. After some testing i found out that it only happened when the battery was about 20/40% and everytime it restared, the battery percentage wasnt correct (I got drops from ~ 40% to 5%), and if i removed the battery from the phone for a few minutes it would show incorrectly again but with more percentage (like 25% instead of 5%), i even tried to calibrate the battery but with no successfull results. I then bought a new battery (supposedly original) and from my tests the restart loop stopped, but now the battery drains on iddle like it drains while using (It went from 100% to about 70/60% until it "stabilizes"). I researched for a solution and found out that it could be background apps and installed greenify and it seems to have improved a bit but nothing significant, and enabled airplane mode after that and it improved even more, but once again, nothing significant (I still think it drains more than normal while on iddle). When i rooted and flashed the roms i was on stock v30N and never have rooted the phone before that, and tried to follow all steps correctly so i wouldnt damage anything. Currently im on stock v30N again. And i've had experience with root and rom flash before, and never had any problems. My phone is almost 2.5 years and never had any issues with it or the battery, and also im now using the same apps as before.
Is it possible that i damaged the phone somehow during the root and rom flash process? or im just unlucky with the batteries ?
Note: The tests i conducted with greenify and airplane mode only went for a couple hours (still testing right now), maybe it needs more time so i note any difference.
Sorry if i mispelled something wrong (Im Portuguese ).
Vimaraes said:
A couple weekes ago i rooted my phone and flashed fulmics 6.9. Then 1 or 2 days later i flashed Lineage OS, but because i didnt have some of the stock apps from LG that i use (QuickMemo+ and LG camera app) i flashed fulmics rom again. I decided to root the phone and flash a custom rom because the phone started to get laggy and the battery life wasn't the best. But then i start experiencing a restart loop on the fulmics rom. I then tried to do a clean install of fulmics rom again, but because of the constant restart loop i only managed to successfully install it again while plugged on the charger. I googled for a solution and found out that it could be a battery issue. I then tried to flash Stock v30B rom but without success (because of the restart loop once again, and also the flash software kept saying that it lost connection with the phone). I then took my brothers battery (He has the same phone, LG G3 D855), and successfully flashed the stock rom (v30B), but when i put my battery again it started to restart again in loop. After some testing i found out that it only happened when the battery was about 20/40% and everytime it restared, the battery percentage wasnt correct (I got drops from ~ 40% to 5%), and if i removed the battery from the phone for a few minutes it would show incorrectly again but with more percentage (like 25% instead of 5%), i even tried to calibrate the battery but with no successfull results. I then bought a new battery (supposedly original) and from my tests the restart loop stopped, but now the battery drains on iddle like it drains while using (It went from 100% to about 70/60% until it "stabilizes"). I researched for a solution and found out that it could be background apps and installed greenify and it seems to have improved a bit but nothing significant, and enabled airplane mode after that and it improved even more, but once again, nothing significant (I still think it drains more than normal while on iddle). When i rooted and flashed the roms i was on stock v30N and never have rooted the phone before that, and tried to follow all steps correctly so i wouldnt damage anything. Currently im on stock v30N again. And i've had experience with root and rom flash before, and never had any problems. My phone is almost 2.5 years and never had any issues with it or the battery, and also im now using the same apps as before.
Is it possible that i damaged the phone somehow during the root and rom flash process? or im just unlucky with the batteries ?
Note: The tests i conducted with greenify and airplane mode only went for a couple hours (still testing right now), maybe it needs more time so i note any difference.
Sorry if i mispelled something wrong (Im Portuguese ).
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I have been testing the iddle battery life with greenify for a while now and it improved a bit, not nothing major. Any thoughts what it might be ?

How can I completely restore my phone and reflash latest miui with all the firmware drivers?

I'm absolutely losing my mind please help
A little story time, skip to the end for my question;
So, how to start - One day I unlocked my bootloader, went for some android 11 rom and all was fine. Then android 12 was released and I downloaded the crdroid 12 rom, where I was experiencing some battery drain issues. So I downloaded pixel experience rom. The Bluetooth died because of this rom's cursed source code. I flashed the latest miui fastboot rom and the Bluetooth issue still persisted (remember this for later - not all the drivers flash with the Rom). I fixed the Bluetooth issue by switching several miui roms, also made a guide if you're interested. That fixed the Bluetooth issue and I went for pixel plus ui rom. It was a bit laggy, so I switched to the shiny new Evolution X rom. It was amazing, so much stuff co customize, etc. Well, i experienced another battery drain issues, so I just went for the stock miui with magisk pixelify module. Im pretty fine with this rom, and I thought the problems are gone, because it stock and everything should be fine. Well no. The battery drain issue persists. I was wondering what even is happening, so I opened battery settings. That said that the top apps wasting my battery is screen, Google services and android system. I downloaded a CPU usage stats app, which showed me that the cpu usage is at 99% (I think it's correct as the phone is overheating). The app with most cpu usage was using only 1%. I don't know if this is a firmware bug or whatever, but I think some rom broke it and the latest stock miui didn't overwrite that driver, as written above with the Bluetooth issue.
So, how can I make my phone be as it was released from xiaomi with all the drivers to actually use the hardware correctly?
Thanks in advance for any replies, I'm seriously going to throw my phone out of the window
Also the way how I install the stock Rom is by downloading the latest fastboot rom, extracting it and executing ./flash_all.sh file.
SOLVED! My problem was because of my credit card. I have my cc in the phone case. The cpu was going insane because it was constantly detecting the card and loading info from it. Literally turning off NFC fixed this whole issue. Bruh.

