Task650s AOKP FAQ/Q & A (Editing NOW!!!) - One (M8) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This thread has been created strictly for
Questions and Answers​
[SIZE=+2]Dealing with[/SIZE]​
XDA user grubby0 created this whole thing here guys. Make sure to go and thank him.​
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[SIZE=+2]This thread has been created for people to share issues and question they may encounter while using this version of AOKP[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=+1]Please Please do not clutter the Development thread with non related development chatter.[/SIZE]
Go to his G+ to do that. ​
PLEASE make sure to thank task650 for his dedication to this body of work​
Thanks to all the members of XDA and Task's threads, credit goes to everyone as I have just taken info from users input and located it to one place. Thanks to you all for helping us learn everyday
Please read the OP in dev thread carefully on latest update, it has some very important info in it.
BUG REPORTING: Very minimal at least read the thread from the date of the update you are running. If you see a couple posts about a paticular bug then consider it noted by devs. They do read these. Remember if they can't duplicate the problem then they sure as hell can't fix it. IF you are going to report a bug - include the necessary information or it will be ignored.
thanks for understanding that after a few bug reports are made and i acknowledge them, that the unecessary 100 that follow are ridiculous. Task
Always read the OP. If it says full wipe then do a full wipe. If you don't follow the OP please don't post problems. This isn't helping anyone. Full wipe isn't a big deal. You can backup and restore your launcher settings with Nova or Apex, Backup and restore apps with Titanium backup(pro has the batch feature and is worth the money) and you can backup and restore most of your AOKP settings with AOKP backup. ***AOKP BACKUP can cause issues when restoring. If you have errors after restoring with AOKP BACKUP try the process again without using it.*** Using these three methods takes about 10 minutes. This is barebones backup/restore. If you have a lot of tweaks and kernel changes it will take you longer. So as stated in the OP if you have problems do a full wipe before you report any problems.​
Read the change log. This will answer a multitude of questions.
This is for the AT&T version of the Galaxy S3. This rom may work on different variants of the phone, but as for now Task and Ktoon do not have the time to support other versions. If you are on a different version of the Galaxy S3 and report a bug please understand that this ROM is AT&T supported only.
This is just to help Task and Ktoon keep repetitive questions out of there thread. If any information in this post conflicts with Task and Ktoon's OP or ROM thread then ALWAYS follow their information first.
Below is am alphabetized list of FAQ, bugs, known issues and tips.
This is just a collection of answers that have been posted in the thread. Use as a guideline not as a rule of thumb. Always follow the OP.
Read this>>>>>>> Helpful_Information
Annoying (small issues) repeatedly posted about
App FCing, freezing or causing reboot or just not working properly
2g Toggle
Black screen/Phone locked up/Can't wake​
Battery life
Bug Reporting
BenchMark Scores
Canadian users
Capacative Buttons
CRT animation
Data working
Data connection speed symbols
Error 7 in recovery
External SD card
Faux Sound​
Full wipe per task/Weird ****.​
Google Now/Google​
Home Screen/Home Button​
Inverted Gapps​
IRC channel for task - ##Task650_AOKP​
Links/External Links for ROM/Gapps​
OTA Update/Recovery​
OLD/OUTDATED versions of this ROM​
Performace settings​
Recovery - SEE OTA​
ROM control settings​
Rom Manager​
Runtime ​
Screen shot​
Signal/WIFI colors​
Swag (Pink Hat)​
WIFI/Signal colors​
Useful links​
Annoying bugs/glitches reported
Make sure you always have the latest recovery if you have problems flashing roms. See 17 of this posting.
Not all ROM control settings are back yet. As always this will take Task some time when updating to a new OS. Be patient. If you don't see it just "wait for it". See post 3 #3.
AOKP BACKUP is a great app for restoring most of your settings, but may cause some issues
Third party app not working properly
This ROM has nothing to to with 3rd party apps. You would need to contact the developer of those respective apps to get support for them. You also need to understand that not all apps support the Jellybean 4.4.x OS yet and need to be updated by the developers in order for them to work correctly. task650
Trying clearing data for that app
If you used TIBU to restore app, clear cache and data and delete the app and download it fresh from the Playstore.
Some people are reporting third party camera apps not working correctly and/or causing stock camera problems. This could be true for a number of third party apps that could be conflicting with system apps.
If any given app/process is giving you problems or fc'ing- try clearning data for that app and/or fixing permissions.
Make sure you have the app updated to latest version. The existing version may not be up to date for 4.2.X or whatever version the ROM is.
If your app won't sync or no notifications - try logging out and then back in. Or try deleting the account and add it back.
2g toggle
If you can't get your phone to wake up-
Hold down the power button for up to 30 seconds - it will restart. You should not have to pull the battery after using this step to restart. It does work and may take a few times for you to get it right.
We all at some time have been proud or dissapointed in our battery life, but please keep battery stats out of the development thread.There are threads for this and the Development threads are not one of them.
There are way too many variables that influence battery life to be concerned with in a DEVELOPMENT thread. This has been stated daily by the Developers.
Install betterbatterystats and figure out if the problem could be something causing a wake lock keeping your phone from entering deep sleep.
Go here to discuss BBS wakelocks and read the how to in the app. It is very beneficial.
It is a known fact that it may take a couple charge cycles for your battery to calibrate and settle in. Also it should be known that these batteries do not need the data cleared for them. THEY WILL CALIBRATE THEMSELVES.
If you are getting over 3 hours of on screen time on a single charge that is nothing to complain about. IF you do see a post in the development thread about battery life, ignore it. Once again, no one uses their phone the same and their set up is probably not going to influence your phone significantly.
Sometimes an app or process is just sticking and a reboot will help.
You could possibly see battery showing charging when not plugged in or a dramatic change after a reboot. Once again this is just the battery fuel gauge recalibrating itself. This is normal.
For some good tips on fixing battery drain go HERE.
Bug reports should contain a logcat or information that would help. saying this doesn't work or this is happening doesn't help us at all and at that point belongs in Q&A. task 650
Some bugs are being reported by a few that Task, Ktoon and others are not seeing. Follow avidmovies notes below on trouble shooting/comprehensive reflash and Task's suggestion above on weird sh!t. Stick to the basics and see if problem is there still - such as stay with kernel that is included with rom, skip restoring anything with titanium back up, other words just try the basics and if a certain app has been giving you problems download it from the market instead of TIBU and see if problem still persists. Some apps have been reported to make ROM features malfunction.
If you had a spontanious reboot, we need the file last_kmsg from the /proc folder.
If you have n FC on an app, thats when we want a logcat
Guide on how to logcat. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1726238
All In One Android Logger > AIOlog
Catlog - https://play.google.com/store/apps/detailsid=com.nolanlawson.logcat&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5ub2xhbmxhd3Nvbi5sb2djYXQiXQ..
If you do not have the latest update of this rom consider it unsupported. This is why they update- to get rid of the bugs that we may be having on older versions.
BUG REPORTING: Very minimal at least read the thread from the date of the update you are running. If you see a couple posts about a paticular bug then consider it noted by Task. He does read these. Remember if he can't duplicate the problem then they sure as hell can't fix it. Bug reports without a logcat or a random reboots without a last_kmsg will be ignored.
"Thanks for understanding that after a few bug reports are made and I acknowledge them, that the unecessary 100 that follow are ridiculous." Task
Just follow this practice and you will be golden.
If you see a bug reported once - go ahead and report it again with a LOGCAT or proper info.
If you see a bug reported twice and you are seeing it consider it a known bug and the following will probably happen-
Task has the same problem or enough info from LOGCATS provided and will fix it or
Task is not having the problem and can do nothing about it unless a LOGCAT is given
Point here is Task can't fix problems with out the proper information.
"Be patient for the galaxy s3 settings to be fixed." Task --- Some stuff is taken out, left out or temporarily removed for good reason.
If you are going to report a problem, include some details. Kernel, UC/OC, circumstances, etc...
Once again TALKING about a bug without the proper info including either LOGCAT or last_kmsg is nothing but A WASTE OF TIME.
Read THIS posted in the development thread by Task.
Please put logcats in a text file so it doesn't take up a whole page in the thread.
If your phone switches to vibrate when you connect to bluetooth. Check here
Settings>Rom Control > Bluetooth A2DP connected action
No action
Vibrate Mode
Silent Mode
The I747UCDLK3 bootloader is needed from rom update 5-17 and on.
Instructions for updating to the LK3 BOOTLOADER are HERE
LK3 is not the latest bootloader but it is that one Task calls for.
Bootloader and modem(baseband) are not the same thing.
Use ROOTCHECKERto check what bootloader you are running.
Task has given instructions to Delete the bootloader assert from the updater-script HERE
Messing with bootloader can be dangerous to your phone - MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Benchmark Scores
The devs have stated many times that these scores are BS. If you run a benchmark and want to discuss it, there are threads that are purely for discussing these random numbers. The development thread is not one of them.
It has been reported that this rom works with the canadian version phone
Please understand that Task does not support canadian users because he does not have that phone.
Feel free to use his rom with the understanding that he does not support it.
GO HERE for help with LTE/Data problems using this ROM.
Reported that you must turn off LTE to tether.
For instructions to disable capacitive buttons go HERE!
This is not a CM10 ROM nor is it based off one.
Comparing the two makes no sense. This is based off Google as is CM10. Other than that there is NO comparison. Please understand this. If something works or is in one rom doesn't mean it will work or is in the other.
If you want to compare CM10 and Tasks AOKP take it to the general section. A development thread is not the place for it.
CRT animation
If you put your animation speeds below .75 CRT will not work.
There are now toggles and more options for CRT - familiarize yourself with them.
If you have no data after a flash, dont freak out.
Try rebooting
Make sure you have data toggle turned on.
Try toggling airplane mode
Check APNs.
If you have no APN's make sure your SIM card is in good and reboot.
If SIM card is not detected during a reboot - your APN'S will/could be blank.
DO you have your IMEI intact?
GO HERE for help with LTE/Data problems using this ROM.
Data speed can vary greatly depending on user traffic and distance from towers.
SpeedTest app is not a reliable source of accurate data speed
The ATT APN is being phased out by ATT. You need to use the ATT LTE APN - task650
Network mode is for Canadian users only
Just because your stock ROM said 4G doesn't mean you actually had 4G/LTE. ATT roms report H/H+ as 4G where as this ROM gives you true data connection.
DATA Symbols
I flicker between H and 3g. AOKP shows true connection where as stock roms just show 4G. Also this rom controls data connection and kicks it down to 3G when not using data and kicks to H+ when you need it. This is a feature to save battery.
Blue symbols means you are connected to google servers - gray means you are not
Symbol equals>
This is usually caused by a corrupt download, or bad file signature. Re-downloading (or re-signing) the ZIP will usually fix this - check MD5 sum.
Update or try a different recovery.
Remove the build assert in the updater-script.

Below is am alphabetized list of FAQ, bugs, known issues and tips.
This is just a collection of answers that have been posted in the thread. Use as a guideline not as a rule of thumb. Always follow the OP.
External SD card
Faux Sound​
Full wipe per task/Weird ****.​
Google Now/Google​
Home Screen/Home Button​
Inverted Gapps​
IRC channel for task - ##Task650_AOKP​
Links/external links for ROM/gapps​
MD5 sum​
OTA Update/Recovery​
OLD/OUTDATED versions of this ROM​
Performace settings​
Here is a guide for formatting external SD card without reader are here.
Here is another way to format SD card http://www.online-tech-tips.com/comp...ive-to-fat-32/
My SD card is not working. Try this. EaseUS
Will my 64 gb sd card work? Except it works fine with a 64GB card. http://rootzwiki.com/topic/28124-doe...card-standard/ The SGSIII is the first phone to support exfatl, but the support is Kernel based, some people are having trouble with the replacement kernels and exfat support. The solution is to force it to format in FAT32. http://www.online-tech-tips.com/comp...ive-to-fat-32/ I know, because I've done it. --- Don't respond without actually doing research. I have no problem spoon feeding information, especially when the information you put out there can increase misinformation. The SGSII also supports a 64GB card as well. http://androidforums.com/samsung-gal...ing-sgsii.html
Facebook won't sync.
Try Friendcaster or facebook_contact_sync.
Storage options will not work with fast charge on.
Task has added patches to be able to use this. It is worth the money.
Disable HW to stop flickering
Disable HW tick will not stick after reboot. This is the way it is suppose to be. This will still help with any type of flickering, usually.
If you are having some weird sh!t going on.
Redownload rom and gapps
Wipe data factory reset
Wipe dalvik and cache
In mounts and storage select Format System
Then flash rom and gapps
Reboot task650
You must flash Gapps AFTER every flash of the ROM.
Use the Gapps in Task's OP or any Gapps package you want. They are just Google apps.
Sometimes you may have to flash Gapps twice - they have been notorious for not taking the first time.
Read the OP to see if a new version of gapps is required.
Delete app you are wanting to update with titanium back up.
Install newer version of app
Google now
Phone language has to be set to english for google now to work.
My google apps are working correctly. If it was just the play store force closing all you would've needed to do is reflash gapps. gapps is notorious for not taking the first try. but you always have to flash gapps after a rom install and make sure to clear cache and dalvik. no issues should occur if those steps are taken. Task. Make sure you are using the correct gapps!
Task and Ktoon do not support google wallet. There are fixes available but don't ask Task or Ktoon to fix it.
You can't remove the google search bar with default launcher but you can with nova or apex.
GPS not working correctly isn't always the ROMS fault. Sometimes its the satellites.
Make sure you have internel GPS selected.
Try flashing original stock and then come back to this rom if you have flashed a TW based rom.
To change your number of home screens
You must use Apex or Nova launcher, possibly some other third party launcher. But the default launcher will not allow you to do this.
You must use Nova or a third paryt home screen to disable search bar.
If you flash other things like inverted gapps or change things from the original packaging of this rom and something goes wrong or doesnt work. Think about it. We cannot support those issues here. This thread is for this rom and gapps that are posted in the OP. Thanks. task650
Inverted gapps are awesome but not supported in Tasks thread.
If you are using inverted gapps and having problems - full wipe and reinstall rom and gapps in the OP and see if problem still persists.
Go here for support of inverted gapps. > http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2138156
Task has started and IRC channel for his rom. ##Task650_AOKP
If you are using any kernel other than the one packaged with this ROM please post questions and problems to the appropiate kernel thread.
you need to understand that all devices are NOT created equally. one kernel might work awesome on my device while at the same time it may work horrible on your device. so to say that Ktoonsez says it works awesome, that means it works awesome for him. It has nothing to do with how it will work for you. If the symptoms that you're talking about are happening with that kernel it's obvious that your device doesn't like that kernel. Easy fix. Use a different one.
If you are using Ktoon's awesome kernel and experiencing problems, try reflashing with the kernel included with this ROM and see if the problem still persists. This may help understanding if the problem is kernel or ROM related and will help benefit development of both.You can full wipe and reflash rom and gapps to be back on original kernel.
If you wish to run another kernel other than what comes with the rom, Task suggest loading rom with included kernel, set up phone, then flash the kernel you want.
Governor/IO scheduler
Change these in performace control in settings
If you do not tick set on boot they will revert upon reboot.
This is a safety check in so you can try settings out before you make them permanent.
Last report in Feb is that Task uses row and interactive as his settings.
LED charging works exactly as it should.
0%-%10 = Red
%10-%90 = Yellow
%90-100 = Green
You can't change the colors for LED Charging unless you download the source and rewrite that portion of code.
You can only change the colors for the Notification LEDs not battery indication color.
Make sure you have "pulse notification light" checked - uncheck to turn LED notification off.
Some colors will not work. Test LED color before relying on it.
Go here for some LED color talk. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1890774
To set LED for miss phones calls>>
choose Activities>Contacts>Phone/ activities.CallLogActivities
Please do not post links for Task's ROM or gapps. He wants to keep count of downloads. Thanks.
If you don't have LTE in your area it's not draining your battery.
AT&T is phasing out the old non LTE apn either way so we will all be using the same "LTE" apn. Network mode has nothing to do with you if your on AT&T service. That's only for the Canadians.
Also see 14 and 15 in FAQ post 1.
MD5 sum is located in goo.im via download link.
This ROM does not include a modem. You will have whatever you had.
Modems are location based. Try this and see which one works best for you.
Any modem questions should go HERE.
OTA updater is a convienence. If you have problems using the OTA update just flash manually through CWM or TWRP.
cwm flashable
Read this >>>> http://teamw.in/androidmultiuser about the 0 folder
Old/out dated versions
Go here> http://goo.im/ to get old/outdated versions of this ROM.
See Kernel for performace control
Use TRICKSTER for stable reliable control of these features
Last report in Feb is that Task uses row and interactive as his settings.
Do not ask for requests, ETA's, features or changes on XDA use G+ request section.
Donations are for if you appreciate his work. He will not turn this into a job.

ROM control settings​
Rom Manager​
Screen shot​
Signal/WIFI colors​
Swag (Pink Hat)​
WIFI/signal colors​
Useful links​
If you can't delete the icons in ribbons just use the menu and reset them.
There is not a repeating ringtone on this rom(AOKP). Get a longer ringtone if you want more notification.
Ringtones are located in system/media/audio/notificating or ringtones depending on what you are looking for.
You need to set the permissions to rw-r-r and then reboot.
More RomControl Settings added
It will take some time to get all the rom control settings back in, be patient. This happens after any new OS.
If you see a major update as in a new kernel or OS, some items will take some time to be added back.
ROM CONTROL: This is a very customizable rom, please spend some time and learn the many features it has.
It is advised not to use ROM MANAGER APP. Notorious for causing problems.
Art or Dalvik
To take a screen shot hold volume down and power button at the same time.
You can add screenshot option to the power menu.
Changing the color of Signal and wifi only changes the color in text mode.
MMS not downloading
Some suggestions offered that have helped people with MMS.
Add "hipri" in your APN type and save. This has been reported by several people to help.
This is being seen on several phones with different roms and even iphones. Call ATT.
Try auto retrieve on.
Set Authentication type to "none"
In text client make sure "auto retrieve" is checked in all boxes.
This ROM does not having a problems sending MMS. It is most likely an ATT problem. But you can double check your APN to make sure it is not on your end.
If you are using a third party app to SMS/MMS it is not supported by Task.
If you want to use the quick reply option make sure you have it checked in settings.
If you are not getting sounds on something check your quite hours.
Make sure you have not accidentally toggled silent/vibrate.
Take a look at THIS in the play store. It's awesome.
Swag Pink hat - It's a joke. Either you have it or you don't. As cool as Task makes this phone he can't actually help you in this area.
If you are having graphical glitches and using a theme, try removing any theme and see if it still persists.
CM10 themes should work on this rom but if you encounter problems do not bring it to the thread.
Go HERE for themes.
Are located in ROM control
The toggle for DATA is called SIGNAL
This is an AOSP rom, touchwiz(sammy) features are not incorporated into this rom. Reason you ask? Framework!!!
Chances are something you want from TW is probably in the app store.
Voicemail number missing. Use your call forwarding number.
Try this for ATT visual voicemail.http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1641981
If your wifi won't stay on while phone goes to sleep check settings to keep on during sleep.
If your phone sometimes drops wifi check settings and uncheck avoid poor connections.
These are found under advanced settings in WIFI.
If you are having problems connecting or using tethering try changing your SSID and try unsecured.
Most of the time lack of WIFI connectivity is usually cause by router settings or router itself.
IF you are having wifi connections problems try rebooting your router.
Tether will not work on 4G/LTE unless you use a third party app.
Task can not test/fix since he obviously doesn't have a rogers phone.
Changing the color of WIFI/signal colors only changes the color in text mode.
Useful LINKS
Guide_and_Q&A_AOSP_LTE_ ​How to Update (Always follow OP directions)
Make sure you have CWM
Boot into recovery
Wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache, and wipe dalvik cache, then go into mounts & storage and format system!!!
(If already on AOKP JB/CM10 you should be able to just wipe cache & dalvik. If you have ANY ISSUES, FULLY WIPE BEFORE POSTING IN THIS_THREAD!!!)
Flash ROM
Flash Gapps
Troubleshooting/Comprehensive Re-flash
(Optional, but recommended) Back up any apps you may want restored (Titanium Backup's batch mode (a PROfeature) makes this painless! Set TB batch filters to User type only. DO NOT RESTORE SYSTEM DATA! Hell, don't even back them up.
Re-download the latest version of the ROM and Google Apps (even if it's the same version you have) from the OP. It's possible you may have a corrupted download.
Reboot into recovery. Follow the process below exactly, and there should be no NEED for a kernel cleaning script.
Wipe cache partition
Advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache
(Optional, but recommended) Mounts and Storage > mount /system & /data
Install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard (wherever you saved the download) > Flash [ROM] AOKP Task & Ktoonsez Run a Train (version)(TGFY ONLINE!!!).zip
(Optional, but recommended) Mounts and Storage > mount /system & /data
Install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard (wherever you saved the download) > Flash gapps-jb-(version)-signed.zip Jelly bean version only
PS. Sometimes all that is needed is a reboot again. Doesn't hurt to try it.
Test ROM, BEFORE restoring *any data* (if you did a full reset). DON'T RESTORE SYSTEM DATA! You have been told twice!
Fixing permissions in CWM/TWRP helps fix MANY *random* glitches.
If you still encounter problems, do a FULL reset ( Recovery > Wipe data/factory reset) & follow the steps again. THEN, you can report issues!
You may have to redownload ROM and/or Gapps. Sometimes you can get a corrupt download that will cause issues. It happens.
Thanks to avidmovies for the above instructions from S II AOKP FAQ. (with small modifications)

And another

task650 said:
This thread has been created strictly for
Questions and Answers​
[SIZE=+2]Dealing with[/SIZE]​
Follow Task on G+
[SIZE=+2]This thread has been created for people to share issues and question they may encounter while using this version of AOKP[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=+1]Please do not clutter the Development thread with non related development chatter.[/SIZE]
Go to his G+ to do that. ​
PLEASE make sure to thank task650 for his dedication to this body of work​
Thanks to all the members of XDA and Task's threads, credit goes to everyone as I have just taken info from users input and located it to one place. Thanks to you all for helping us learn everyday
Please read the OP in dev thread carefully on latest update, it has some very important info in it.
BUG REPORTING: Very minimal at least read the thread from the date of the update you are running. If you see a couple posts about a paticular bug then consider it noted by devs. They do read these. Remember if they can't duplicate the problem then they sure as hell can't fix it. IF you are going to report a bug - include the necessary information or it will be ignored.
thanks for understanding that after a few bug reports are made and i acknowledge them, that the unecessary 100 that follow are ridiculous. Task
Always read the OP. If it says full wipe then do a full wipe. If you don't follow the OP please don't post problems. This isn't helping anyone. Full wipe isn't a big deal. You can backup and restore your launcher settings with Nova or Apex, Backup and restore apps with Titanium backup(pro has the batch feature and is worth the money) and you can backup and restore most of your AOKP settings with AOKP backup. ***AOKP BACKUP can cause issues when restoring. If you have errors after restoring with AOKP BACKUP try the process again without using it.*** Using these three methods takes about 10 minutes. This is barebones backup/restore. If you have a lot of tweaks and kernel changes it will take you longer. So as stated in the OP if you have problems do a full wipe before you report any problems.​
Read the change log. This will answer a multitude of questions.
This is for the AT&T version of the Galaxy S3. This rom may work on different variants of the phone, but as for now Task and Ktoon do not have the time to support other versions. If you are on a different version of the Galaxy S3 and report a bug please understand that this ROM is AT&T supported only.
This is just to help Task and Ktoon keep repetitive questions out of there thread. If any information in this post conflicts with Task and Ktoon's OP or ROM thread then ALWAYS follow their information first.
Below is am alphabetized list of FAQ, bugs, known issues and tips.
This is just a collection of answers that have been posted in the thread. Use as a guideline not as a rule of thumb. Always follow the OP.
Read this>>>>>>> Helpful_Information
Annoying (small issues) repeatedly posted about
App FCing, freezing or causing reboot or just not working properly
2g Toggle
Black screen/Phone locked up/Can't wake​
Battery life
Bug Reporting
BenchMark Scores
Canadian users
Capacative Buttons
CRT animation
Data working
Data connection speed symbols
Error 7 in recovery
External SD card
Faux Sound​
Full wipe per task/Weird ****.​
Google Now/Google​
Home Screen/Home Button​
Inverted Gapps​
IRC channel for task - ##Task650_AOKP​
Links/External Links for ROM/Gapps​
OTA Update/Recovery​
OLD/OUTDATED versions of this ROM​
Performace settings​
Recovery - SEE OTA​
ROM control settings​
Rom Manager​
Runtime ​
Screen shot​
Signal/WIFI colors​
Swag (Pink Hat)​
WIFI/Signal colors​
Useful links​
Annoying bugs/glitches reported
Make sure you always have the latest recovery if you have problems flashing roms. See 17 of this posting.
Not all ROM control settings are back yet. As always this will take Task some time when updating to a new OS. Be patient. If you don't see it just "wait for it". See post 3 #3.
AOKP BACKUP is a great app for restoring most of your settings, but may cause some issues
Third party app not working properly
This ROM has nothing to to with 3rd party apps. You would need to contact the developer of those respective apps to get support for them. You also need to understand that not all apps support the Jellybean 4.4.x OS yet and need to be updated by the developers in order for them to work correctly. task650
Trying clearing data for that app
If you used TIBU to restore app, clear cache and data and delete the app and download it fresh from the Playstore.
Some people are reporting third party camera apps not working correctly and/or causing stock camera problems. This could be true for a number of third party apps that could be conflicting with system apps.
If any given app/process is giving you problems or fc'ing- try clearning data for that app and/or fixing permissions.
Make sure you have the app updated to latest version. The existing version may not be up to date for 4.2.X or whatever version the ROM is.
If your app won't sync or no notifications - try logging out and then back in. Or try deleting the account and add it back.
2g toggle
If you can't get your phone to wake up-
Hold down the power button for up to 30 seconds - it will restart. You should not have to pull the battery after using this step to restart. It does work and may take a few times for you to get it right.
We all at some time have been proud or dissapointed in our battery life, but please keep battery stats out of the development thread.There are threads for this and the Development threads are not one of them.
There are way too many variables that influence battery life to be concerned with in a DEVELOPMENT thread. This has been stated daily by the Developers.
Install betterbatterystats and figure out if the problem could be something causing a wake lock keeping your phone from entering deep sleep.
Go here to discuss BBS wakelocks and read the how to in the app. It is very beneficial.
It is a known fact that it may take a couple charge cycles for your battery to calibrate and settle in. Also it should be known that these batteries do not need the data cleared for them. THEY WILL CALIBRATE THEMSELVES.
If you are getting over 3 hours of on screen time on a single charge that is nothing to complain about. IF you do see a post in the development thread about battery life, ignore it. Once again, no one uses their phone the same and their set up is probably not going to influence your phone significantly.
Sometimes an app or process is just sticking and a reboot will help.
You could possibly see battery showing charging when not plugged in or a dramatic change after a reboot. Once again this is just the battery fuel gauge recalibrating itself. This is normal.
For some good tips on fixing battery drain go HERE.
Bug reports should contain a logcat or information that would help. saying this doesn't work or this is happening doesn't help us at all and at that point belongs in Q&A. task 650
Some bugs are being reported by a few that Task, Ktoon and others are not seeing. Follow avidmovies notes below on trouble shooting/comprehensive reflash and Task's suggestion above on weird sh!t. Stick to the basics and see if problem is there still - such as stay with kernel that is included with rom, skip restoring anything with titanium back up, other words just try the basics and if a certain app has been giving you problems download it from the market instead of TIBU and see if problem still persists. Some apps have been reported to make ROM features malfunction.
If you had a spontanious reboot, we need the file last_kmsg from the /proc folder.
If you have n FC on an app, thats when we want a logcat
Guide on how to logcat. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1726238
All In One Android Logger > AIOlog
Catlog - https://play.google.com/store/apps/detailsid=com.nolanlawson.logcat&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5ub2xhbmxhd3Nvbi5sb2djYXQiXQ..
If you do not have the latest update of this rom consider it unsupported. This is why they update- to get rid of the bugs that we may be having on older versions.
BUG REPORTING: Very minimal at least read the thread from the date of the update you are running. If you see a couple posts about a paticular bug then consider it noted by Task. He does read these. Remember if he can't duplicate the problem then they sure as hell can't fix it. Bug reports without a logcat or a random reboots without a last_kmsg will be ignored.
"Thanks for understanding that after a few bug reports are made and I acknowledge them, that the unecessary 100 that follow are ridiculous." Task
Just follow this practice and you will be golden.
If you see a bug reported once - go ahead and report it again with a LOGCAT or proper info.
If you see a bug reported twice and you are seeing it consider it a known bug and the following will probably happen-
Task has the same problem or enough info from LOGCATS provided and will fix it or
Task is not having the problem and can do nothing about it unless a LOGCAT is given
Point here is Task can't fix problems with out the proper information.
"Be patient for the galaxy s3 settings to be fixed." Task --- Some stuff is taken out, left out or temporarily removed for good reason.
If you are going to report a problem, include some details. Kernel, UC/OC, circumstances, etc...
Once again TALKING about a bug without the proper info including either LOGCAT or last_kmsg is nothing but A WASTE OF TIME.
Read THIS posted in the development thread by Task.
Please put logcats in a text file so it doesn't take up a whole page in the thread.
If your phone switches to vibrate when you connect to bluetooth. Check here
Settings>Rom Control > Bluetooth A2DP connected action
No action
Vibrate Mode
Silent Mode
The I747UCDLK3 bootloader is needed from rom update 5-17 and on.
Instructions for updating to the LK3 BOOTLOADER are HERE
LK3 is not the latest bootloader but it is that one Task calls for.
Bootloader and modem(baseband) are not the same thing.
Use ROOTCHECKERto check what bootloader you are running.
Task has given instructions to Delete the bootloader assert from the updater-script HERE
Messing with bootloader can be dangerous to your phone - MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Benchmark Scores
The devs have stated many times that these scores are BS. If you run a benchmark and want to discuss it, there are threads that are purely for discussing these random numbers. The development thread is not one of them.
It has been reported that this rom works with the canadian version phone
Please understand that Task does not support canadian users because he does not have that phone.
Feel free to use his rom with the understanding that he does not support it.
GO HERE for help with LTE/Data problems using this ROM.
Reported that you must turn off LTE to tether.
For instructions to disable capacitive buttons go HERE!
This is not a CM10 ROM nor is it based off one.
Comparing the two makes no sense. This is based off Google as is CM10. Other than that there is NO comparison. Please understand this. If something works or is in one rom doesn't mean it will work or is in the other.
If you want to compare CM10 and Tasks AOKP take it to the general section. A development thread is not the place for it.
CRT animation
If you put your animation speeds below .75 CRT will not work.
There are now toggles and more options for CRT - familiarize yourself with them.
If you have no data after a flash, dont freak out.
Try rebooting
Make sure you have data toggle turned on.
Try toggling airplane mode
Check APNs.
If you have no APN's make sure your SIM card is in good and reboot.
If SIM card is not detected during a reboot - your APN'S will/could be blank.
DO you have your IMEI intact?
GO HERE for help with LTE/Data problems using this ROM.
Data speed can vary greatly depending on user traffic and distance from towers.
SpeedTest app is not a reliable source of accurate data speed
The ATT APN is being phased out by ATT. You need to use the ATT LTE APN - task650
Network mode is for Canadian users only
Just because your stock ROM said 4G doesn't mean you actually had 4G/LTE. ATT roms report H/H+ as 4G where as this ROM gives you true data connection.
DATA Symbols
I flicker between H and 3g. AOKP shows true connection where as stock roms just show 4G. Also this rom controls data connection and kicks it down to 3G when not using data and kicks to H+ when you need it. This is a feature to save battery.
Blue symbols means you are connected to google servers - gray means you are not
Symbol equals>
This is usually caused by a corrupt download, or bad file signature. Re-downloading (or re-signing) the ZIP will usually fix this - check MD5 sum.
Update or try a different recovery.
Remove the build assert in the updater-script.
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For the noobs.


[JB:CM10:HYBRID] ParanoidAndroid 2.5.3 for Bravo

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is an ongoing developer project to make way for a modification that will entirely transform your device, but retain the aesthetics and the experience of your phone.
For more information about PARANOIDANDROID please check this website
Download the latest rom
Download Gapps for Jellybean
Back up your current ROM
Wipe data/factory, cache, and dalvic cache
Flash the ROM
Flash the Jellybean gapps
Wipe data/cache again
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Our webpage: http://www.paranoid-rom.com/
You want to port PA? Take a look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=27558806
Themes and other goodies you can find here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1822082
Go to Settings, System, Font size, set it to NORMAL
Check "Auto Hide" in Settings, System, Statusbar, to finally get Fullscreen
Trebuchet Settings: margins:SMALL, show permanent searchbar:YES, Grid: 4x4, resize all widgets:YES, Wallpaper scrolling: OFF
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This rom is based of the latest ParanoidAndroid sources and Latest Quarx CM10 sources, both as of 09-19-2012 around Noon CST. Any problems or ParanoidAndroid or Quarx's CM10 will be present in this rom. That said, most things are workings as expected, if you have problems can always report it here in the thread, I will be happy to help. This rom is fully built from source and always will be -- NO PORTING ALLOWED
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A Special Thanks to Quarx, Kayant, Tezet, Nadlabak, and Epsylon3.
Thanks to these guys for general help : cdesai, m11kkaa, gokussjx, scott.hart.bti, brajesh.sharma87
D4rKn3sSyS, molesarecoming and other PA members.
ldiomedi for the images
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Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks
Go to Settings\Performance and enable 16bit transparency
FROYO KERNEL - Change the Overclock values to [email protected]\[email protected]\[email protected] for better battery life and vsel2 usage.
Restart the system once you're done changing values (dpi, layout, etc) in Paranoid Preferences to prevent glitches.
System App "Bugs" -- Valid for any CM10 Rom and CM9 for Apollo
If the AOSP keyboard keeps taking preference and you don't want it to, delete LatinIME.apk & LatinImeDictionaryPack.apk or rename to *.apk.bak
If Apollo intercepts your long press volume track change or the lockscreen music widget doesn't work correctly, delete or rename Apollo.apk
This rom includes (and always will) a 30 step volume mod, if it messes with your player then uncheck "Direct Volume Control" or the appropriate setting in your music app.
Updating the Rom
This rom includes GooManager and it will let you know if a new version of ParanoidAndroid available.
The roms in Rom Manager are from Quarx's server. I'll be removing this in later versions of PA.
I recommend a full factory reset when installing new versions; but I do that with every rom I flash.
Use GooManager to update this rom -- It'll automatically reboot into recovery, wipe what you selected it to, flash the rom, and flash gapps. The only thing you have to do when updating is say yes to wipe dalvik cache and reboot.
Skeevy420 you are monster.. thanks thanks...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
Thanks! What are the advantages of Paranoid Android over vanilla CM10?
Parcae said:
Thanks! What are the advantages of Paranoid Android over vanilla CM10?
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Custom layouts, per app dpi settings, custom dpi doesn't break market functionality, many new ui options, tablet mode fully functional.
I could tell you all about it, but you really just need to install it and try for yourself. Its a completely different experience and has a ton of ways to configure it to your liking. For example, I set my launcher to 160 dpi (standard tablet dpi) and have a lot more screen area to place apps & widgets, while the rest of my apps are set to 240 dpi (our default dpi).
EDIT: Now Compiling 2.00
I'll compile latest CM7 either tonight after PA finishes or tomorrow.
AOKP coming soon
PA 2.0 Compiled and Running
Starting CM7 compile
Will upload roms tomorrow -- its 2:30am and I'm sleepy.
Uploading PA2.0 and CM7
Tweaks to get better performance from PA.
In performance settings, enable 16-bit transparency
In developer settings, enable Force GPU Rendering
PA is a lot smoother after enabling those settings, CM10 should be as well.
Unrelated to PA, I think I found part of the CM10 bad battery. I've noticed that my CM10 roms built from the Jordan-Common repo installs the Defy+ Battery bin and opperofdaemon. Since I haven't downloaded either of their JB roms, I haven't been able to check them for the right files. I fix it before uploading, but Quarx or Aleeyt may not have noticed. I only realized it because it wasn't adding in PAPerferences, which I added right below the battery script. In you /system/bin folder, battd should be 47.4kb and opprofdaemon sholud be 84.2kb. If they aren't, you're using the Defy+ versions. Once I'm done uploading, I'll DL the latest Quarx and Aleeyt CM10 and check those files.
/I'm not postitive, but I think we'll be the first device with PA2.0 released. I haven't found any other PA2.0 roms on xda yet.
//I registered for hosting at goo.im last night -- If all goes well I'll have a place to host roms that everyone, including you Chinese dudes, can download.
This is awesome! Trying it out. So far everything is running super well. I will be watching for future updates.
Dr. Orange said:
This is awesome! Trying it out. So far everything is running super well. I will be watching for future updates.
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They'll be coming often. This is one of the roms I've been wanting to do since ICS. I just wanted to get a stable up-to-date CM7 for us first. Better to have a stable rom and experimental roms that just the experimental ones.
I've been given access to host at goo.im. I think that should solve the Chinese issues of late. It'll also allow me to start having push updates for new roms -- you'll never have to check the forums for new roms that I put out. I'll start implementing GooManager for push updates on my next CM7 and PA releases -- PA should be tomorrow or the day after; no promises on the eta
media profiles xml
can you add this file into the next build ?
The main feature is that videos recorded by camera include audio track in stereo mode.
View attachment media_profiles.7z
PsyClip-R said:
can you add this file into the next build ?
The main feature is that videos recorded by camera include audio track in stereo mode.
View attachment 1287400
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I can.
Just a small thing I noticed with pa: I use a hotspot through my laptop's wireless card since the campus wifi where I live is an abomination. I can find and connect to my hotspot through your kang, skeevy, but for some reason pa cannot find my hotspot. I've tried added the ssid through pa on the phone, but no luck. Any ideas?
Dr. Orange said:
Just a small thing I noticed with pa: I use a hotspot through my laptop's wireless card since the campus wifi where I live is an abomination. I can find and connect to my hotspot through your kang, skeevy, but for some reason pa cannot find my hotspot. I've tried added the ssid through pa on the phone, but no luck. Any ideas?
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The wifi in CM10 isn't all the way finished yet, so some issues may arise. My wifi at home works and that's all I've tested it on. Does it work on Quarx's or Aleeyt's CM10 builds? If ts a bug in one of their roms, it'll probably be a bug in this rom as well. I build this rom with Quarx's branches of CM10, except for frameworks\base and settings, which I merged in Quarx's ones into PA's. I saw earlier today that Quarx changed his wpa6 branch back to mainline cm, I'll do the same and we'll see if it has a difference. Kayant's also been working on wpa6 and is merging in ics code that worked. I'll also do a build from his as well (first, cause he asked ).
That said, I may or may not have a java issue. I did a merge earlier that had a java conflict. I think I fixed it, but java's not my strong point. I've been working on CM7 so I haven't had a chance to compile since my merges earlier today; its compiling right now actually, so I won't be able to start a new PA compile until I wake.
skeevy420 said:
The wifi in CM10 isn't all the way finished yet, so some issues may arise. My wifi at home works and that's all I've tested it on. Does it work on Quarx's or Aleeyt's CM10 builds? If ts a bug in one of their roms, it'll probably be a bug in this rom as well. I build this rom with Quarx's branches of CM10, except for frameworks\base and settings, which I merged in Quarx's ones into PA's. I saw earlier today that Quarx changed his wpa6 branch back to mainline cm, I'll do the same and we'll see if it has a difference. Kayant's also been working on wpa6 and is merging in ics code that worked. I'll also do a build from his as well (first, cause he asked ).
That said, I may or may not have a java issue. I did a merge earlier that had a java conflict. I think I fixed it, but java's not my strong point. I've been working on CM7 so I haven't had a chance to compile since my merges earlier today; its compiling right now actually, so I won't be able to start a new PA compile until I wake.
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I haven't tried the latest cm10 builds due to classes starting again, and because I've been using your kang, daily. I'll download quarx's or aleeyt's while I'm in class and see if it is indeed cm10 related.
doing a PA compile to see if I fixed my java merge -- if so, I'm going to merge in the latest PA changes, change wpa6 source, and compile again.
on the CM7 front; still having java issues in one file. I've tried multiple times to fix it myself with no luck; gotta ask for help on it.
skeevy420 said:
doing a PA compile to see if I fixed my java merge -- if so, I'm going to merge in the latest PA changes, change wpa6 source, and compile again.
on the CM7 front; still having java issues in one file. I've tried multiple times to fix it myself with no luck; gotta ask for help on it.
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No luck with Quarx or some other dev? What about the group? Try to get some answers there!
josuearisty said:
No luck with Quarx or some other dev? What about the group? Try to get some answers there!
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I was going to post in the group, but some personal stuff came up and I haven't bee able to get to it at the moment. I'll leave a post there if I get time to put a zip together with the files I'm working with.
Have a new PA zip ready, just haven't been able to upload to goo.im. It gets to 3% and freezes and I can't get ftp to connect at all. Me thinks they're having issues. I wasn't going to release it since wpa is still the same, it was going to be my goo.im push update test for the rom I was going to compile later today -- I may not get to it.
Something small I noticed that you may or may not know about. When in Pa split-style apps like gmail, and the screen gets locked, the lock ring is smaller and shifted to the right. Screenshot:
It's not going back to normal either. Probably a reboot will fix it.
Edit: it fixed it, some of the other items were off too, like title bars too high. I also don't know if you can see the screenshot, it's my first img post.
Dr. Orange said:
Something small I noticed that you may or may not know about. When in Pa split-style apps like gmail, and the screen gets locked, the lock ring is smaller and shifted to the right. Screenshot:
It's not going back to normal either. Probably a reboot will fix it.
Edit: it fixed it, some of the other items were off too, like title bars too high. I also don't know if you can see the screenshot, it's my first img post.
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I've noticed it. The lockscreen gets a little off when you mess with SystemUI's dpi and layout, as do some other minor things. I've also had issues with TabletUI not working. For me, I've found most apps look good with 160-180 dpi and the 600px layout --- YouTube and Market look awesome on the 600px and 1200px settings, not in candybar, but when turned 90 degrees. Many apps look much better when the phone is turned 90 after changing from the 360px layout.
Anyways, reboot's fix the layout issues. If you have Rom Toolbox, I recommend using the quick reboot widget when messing with the layouts and dpi, especially once I release the next PA -- I'm going to add in an init script that wipes cache and dalvik cache on boot. That way all you have to do is reboot once a day to keep it running smoothly. I use Rom Toolbox Pro, so I'm not sure if the reboot widget is in Free or not (I think it is). RT has a restart SysUI and Quick Reboot which come in handy when tweaking the layouts; I use Quick Reboot or Restart SysUI for all changes in PA except for when changing from Phone to Hybrid to Phablet to Tablet; then I just reboot and wipe cache\dalvik.
I'll say this here since its relevant: whenever you change UI elements such as PA's layout and dpi, theme chooser themes, etc; its a good idea to reboot afterwords to prevent glitches -- this applies to any rom on any android version that you're tweaking the ui on. Some phone require you to go one step farther and wipe cache\dalvik upon changing UI elements; we don't necessarily need to, but it only helps when you do.
skeevy420 said:
I've noticed it. The lockscreen gets a little off when you mess with SystemUI's dpi and layout, as do some other minor things. I've also had issues with TabletUI not working. For me, I've found most apps look good with 160-180 dpi and the 600px layout --- YouTube and Market look awesome on the 600px and 1200px settings, not in candybar, but when turned 90 degrees. Many apps look much better when the phone is turned 90 after changing from the 360px layout.
Anyways, reboot's fix the layout issues. If you have Rom Toolbox, I recommend using the quick reboot widget when messing with the layouts and dpi, especially once I release the next PA -- I'm going to add in an init script that wipes cache and dalvik cache on boot. That way all you have to do is reboot once a day to keep it running smoothly. I use Rom Toolbox Pro, so I'm not sure if the reboot widget is in Free or not (I think it is). RT has a restart SysUI and Quick Reboot which come in handy when tweaking the layouts; I use Quick Reboot or Restart SysUI for all changes in PA except for when changing from Phone to Hybrid to Phablet to Tablet; then I just reboot and wipe cache\dalvik.
I'll say this here since its relevant: whenever you change UI elements such as PA's layout and dpi, theme chooser themes, etc; its a good idea to reboot afterwords to prevent glitches -- this applies to any rom on any android version that you're tweaking the ui on. Some phone require you to go one step farther and wipe cache\dalvik upon changing UI elements; we don't necessarily need to, but it only helps when you do.
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One more thing: we I reboot after applying swift key keyboard it goes back to stock keyboard. Ideas?
Sent from my MB520 using xda app-developers app

[Q&A] Jellytime for Desire HD/Inspire 4G

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Jellytime is based on CM10 and is compiled from source. The device/hardware files are for ACE from CM.
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RULE #1: This is KANG CM10. It is unnofficial and an early build and is NOT indicitave of a final release. Do not expect any form of support from anyone.
RULE #2: ALWAYS check Issue Tracker before posting!! (HERE)!!!
RULE #3: FULL WIPE FIRST - Don't complain about bootloops if you don't.
RULE #4: DO NOT ask for ETAs!!!
Based on CM10 4.1.1
New kernel based on 3.0.38 by synergye (included)
Working Camera, GPS
Wifi Tethering
Wifi - may not support some channels
HW Acceleration
And lots more...
Headset buttons do not work
Speaker phone mutes mic
Backlight sometimes remains on when you lock the device - with a black screen just lit.
HW overlays cause graphical issues - in settings/developer options check disable hw overlays to fix.
Install Instructions:
Reboot into Recovery
Wipe data/factory reset
Install ROM.zip from sdcard
OPTIONAL install gapps.zip from sdcard
INSPIRE ONLY flash Inspiremod
AR = Alpha Release
BR = Beta Release
RC = Release Candidate
Project Page/Downloads:
Please check the Issue Tracker BEFORE posting: HERE!!!
ROM Source
existz base beta 7-
synergye base kangbang beta 8+
LorD ClockaN
FAQ (A work in progress)
Where can I download this awesome ROM?
What's so awesome about this ROM?
Is a full wipe needed?
No, it is not required, but it is strongly recommended. If you choose to do a "dirty" flash, please do NOT post bug reports or issues you are having, as something from an earlier release might be causing the issue.
I flashed this awesome ROM but I don't have (insert Google app here) why?
Gapps were removed from the ROM back on Alpha 7. You simply have to download the gapps from HERE and flash via recovery.
Is Project Butter working on this ROM?
vsync was implemented in Beta 9 and triple buffering in Beta 10. So, yes, Project Butter in included.
I'm having an issue and want to report it but I don't know how.
First, check the Issue Tracker to see if someone else has reported the same issue. If no one has reported the issue then start a new issue and follow the provided template to describe your issue. Don't forget to attach your logcat.
I keep posting an issue to the Issue Tracker but it keeps getting deleted?
First, did you click the continue button on the page before the Issue Tracker? Yes? Are you sure you read that page and filed your report as explained on that page? No? Then there's your answer. Read the page that tells you how to properly submit a bug report and submit your issue properly. It will be marked as Invalid until it is properly filed after a day or two if is not filed correctly it will be deleted. For more information on how to file a log read below.
I keep reading about this "logcat" what is it and how do I make on?
"The Android logging system provides a mechanism for collecting and viewing system debug output. Logs from various applications and portions of the system are collected in a series of circular buffers, which then can be viewed and filtered."1 To learn more about logcats and how to create them please read both of these threads, they are very informative;
Adrynalyne's Guide
Lanternslight456's Guide
Is Jellytime better/faster then (insert your favorite ROM here)?
Its all a matter of opinion. You'll get 10 different answers from 10 different people. The reason for this is different people use their phones for different things, so what may be an awesome experience for one might be terrible and full of bugs for another. The best way to choose is to just flash Jellytime and find out for yourself.
How's battery life?
This is also a matter of opinion. Like the previous question you'll get 10 different answers from 10 different users. People use their phones for different things. The only true answer is to find out for yourself. If you are having battery issues however, there are a few things you can do. First, find out which apps are causing the most drain. Kill them and see if that helps. Second you can re-calibrate your battery (check THIS out). You can also read the post I made that has a few more suggestions HERE.
I can not flash this ROM why?
Ok, Jellytime is a ROM with a 3.0 based Kernel. For whatever reason (don't ask me why) but for some first time flashers the 3.0 based Kernel doesn't play nice. Have no fear, there is a "fix' for this. All you have to do is flash an up-to-date stock, sense based ROM. LIKE THIS ONE HERE. After you've flashed that you can flash whatever ROM with a 3.0 based Kernel to your hearts content.
1 - http://developer.android.com/tools/help/logcat.html
The purpose of this thread is to help those of you who aren't sure of something and to help find answers. All credits go to randomblame and his team for all their hard work and dedication. This will hopefully keep the dev thread clear of clutter so they can work more efficiently. Feel free to ask questions pertaining to his rom!
Over time I will be building a FAQ section (based on the questions asked here) that will be added here, to the Project Page Wiki, and hopefully to the thread page. Please keep this thread clear from flaming, there are no stupid questions. I ask that you read all posts here, the OP found above, and the Project Page before posting. Thanks
If you have a Question you would like answered please use this format;
Q: blah blah blah
If you are Answering a question please use this format;
"Quote question you are answering"
A: blah blah blah
If you are answering questions please provide any links to useful information about the question. If you are answering multiple questions please multi-quote them and answer them as above (quote then answer, quote then answer, etc). Absolutely no flaming. Any flaming will not be tolerated and will be reported directly to the mod.
I think the most important question for new users to Jellytime is:
Q: Is project butter implemented in this rom? If not will it be implemented? If not why it won't be implemented?
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
Q: Does using V6 Supercharger break anything when using this ROM? I'm on RC 5.1, while it doesn't seem that V6 improves anything (JellyTime is already super fast!), I'm not quite sure if it breaks anything
Q: Is it safe to remove the stock launcher, nova launcher, and the news and weather apps?
azrael97c said:
Q: Is it safe to remove the stock launcher, nova launcher, and the news and weather apps?
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A: Yes.
Daimonion1980 said:
I think the most important question for new users to Jellytime is:
Q: Is project butter implemented in this rom? If not will it be implemented? If not why it won't be implemented?
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
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Triple buffering and vsync are both implemented.
this was probably asked...sorry if it was.
whats the difference between the AOKP build 7 and the jellytime release 5.1?
ooglibooglie said:
whats the difference between the AOKP build 7 and the jellytime release 5.1?
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I just answered you in your other post...but one is based on AOKP, and the other is based on CM10. And yes, this has been asked and answered.
bananagranola said:
I just answered you in your other post...but one is based on AOKP, and the other is based on CM10. And yes, this has been asked and answered.
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okay thanks, what would be the better ROM to run the CM10 or the AOKP based? im currently running the CM10 5.1 release.
ooglibooglie said:
okay thanks, what would be the better ROM to run the CM10 or the AOKP based? im currently running the CM10 5.1 release.
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Honestly, the best way to find out is to try it yourself. Nandroid your current ROM and install the other one. If you don't like it, just restore your backup. The differences between them are slight, and it comes down to personal preference.
Q: is there a faster way of getting screenshots? The only method I know for this rom is Power + Menu then choose screenshot. In sense roms I used to do Power + Home and a screenshot is taken right away. I also checked Settings > System > Hardware keys and there is no option for screenshots for custom actions
azrael97c said:
Q: is there a faster way of getting screenshots? The only method I know for this rom is Power + Menu then choose screenshot. In sense roms I used to do Power + Home and a screenshot is taken right away. I also checked Settings > System > Hardware keys and there is no option for screenshots for custom actions
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AFAIK holding the Power and VOL Down button at the same time and holding until the screenshot is taken is the other way without doing the menu option. It takes a bit of getting used to and the timing has to be pretty close or it'll just activate either the power menu or the volume will go down. I'm not aware of another method, but if anyone has any suggestions, all are welcome.
---------- Post added at 07:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 AM ----------
I'm sure there's probably a blog or thread on XDA somewhere for this, if so please just throw a link up, but I am curious about the differences in the CPU Governors that are available. Other than just trying them all to see how my DHD performs, it would be nice to know about the subtle differences that make one operate different from the other.
zphantom1 said:
AFAIK holding the Power and VOL Down button at the same time and holding until the screenshot is taken is the other way without doing the menu option. It takes a bit of getting used to and the timing has to be pretty close or it'll just activate either the power menu or the volume will go down. I'm not aware of another method, but if anyone has any suggestions, all are welcome.
---------- Post added at 07:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 AM ----------
I'm sure there's probably a blog or thread on XDA somewhere for this, if so please just throw a link up, but I am curious about the differences in the CPU Governors that are available. Other than just trying them all to see how my DHD performs, it would be nice to know about the subtle differences that make one operate different from the other.
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From the Ace Think Tank. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1663809
Is there any difference of users experiences dependant on which loader they use CWM or 4ext, eg. certain types of bugs, glitches associated with one or the other. I may try 4ext and see if it cures my occasional vertical rainbow screen [ which am still reading up on logcatting ]
ps ... purchased a faster sdcard class 10 as unsure of the 8gig one i have in now
Jimpy0 said:
Is there any difference of users experiences dependant on which loader they use CWM or 4ext, eg. certain types of bugs, glitches associated with one or the other. I may try 4ext and see if it cures my occasional vertical rainbow screen [ which am still reading up on logcatting ]
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I have had problems installing inspiremod with TWRP, but nothing else that I'm aware of.
zphantom1 said:
I'm sure there's probably a blog or thread on XDA somewhere for this, if so please just throw a link up, but I am curious about the differences in the CPU Governors that are available. Other than just trying them all to see how my DHD performs, it would be nice to know about the subtle differences that make one operate different from the other.
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Try WaccoPedia. Post #3. Very informative general android info
about the screenshot using power + vol down, can't get it to work hehe but thanks
Jimpy0 said:
Is there any difference of users experiences dependant on which loader they use CWM or 4ext, eg. certain types of bugs, glitches associated with one or the other. I may try 4ext and see if it cures my occasional vertical rainbow screen [ which am still reading up on logcatting ]
ps ... purchased a faster sdcard class 10 as unsure of the 8gig one i have in now
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A: well i moved from cwm to 4EXT and to tell You frankly, i just hope that 4EXT will support all android phones in the future!!! all though still on RC version it is just a pleasure working in, both the .apk and the recovery touch it self. Besides the touch function 4EXT also has a much better, wider interface, no need to do jump in and out of dirs, the dev has made it so that You can for example choose if You wanna wipe cache and dalvik in one instance, and in tools You find all kinds of different and helpful combinations. 4EXT has everything + allot more then cwm. And not forgetting the .apk, from in there You can plan how You wanna for example wipe, install and so on, and by just pressing the button, it reboots and does the task You planed, reboots and that is that. Especially now when all the time wiping and re installing, it was tiresome and time consuming with cwm, but now....it is just quickly dun by the 4EXT.apk, just using half the time of what i used on cwm. As they say.....4EXT is the future recovery and i have been hearing that the dev. is also experimenting implementing rooting features, so You just install the .apk and it then roots a stock phone......that would just be great!!!
geko1966 said:
A: well i moved from cwm to 4EXT and to tell You frankly, i just hope that 4EXT will support all android phones in the future!!! all though still on RC version it is just a pleasure working in, both the .apk and the recovery touch it self. Besides the touch function 4EXT also has a much better, wider interface, no need to do jump in and out of dirs, the dev has made it so that You can for example choose if You wanna wipe cache and dalvik in one instance, and in tools You find all kinds of different and helpful combinations. 4EXT has everything + allot more then cwm. And not forgetting the .apk, from in there You can plan how You wanna for example wipe, install and so on, and by just pressing the button, it reboots and does the task You planed, reboots and that is that. Especially now when all the time wiping and re installing, it was tiresome and time consuming with cwm, but now....it is just quickly dun by the 4EXT.apk, just using half the time of what i used on cwm. As they say.....4EXT is the future recovery and i have been hearing that the dev. is also experimenting implementing rooting features, so You just install the .apk and it then roots a stock phone......that would just be great!!!
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It also seems that people are having fewer issues with things not showing up using 4ext rather than CWM, or maybe that was ROM manager. But you are right - 4ext works wonders in multitasking like flashing wipe rom, rom, fix, fix, gapps, TiBu all at once.

AOSP 4.1.1 R4 (JRO03L) for Wingray

I've started a project building an AOSP ROM for wingray for my own amusement, and I thought I'd share, just in case someone wanted a nearly pure AOSP ROM with some carefully chosen tweaks.
As far as I am aware this is a fully functional ROM, but I am unable to test exhaustively so treat it as a pre-release beta, use at your own risk, blah, blah, blah.
I don't make any promises to continue development or fix bugs.
Built from pure AOSP 4.1.1 R4 (JRO03L) source with the following tweaks:
Fixed Guava compilation errors (thanks to CM10)
Added Busybox binary (thanks to ChainsDD)
Added Superuser package (thanks to ChainsDD)
Removed cellular and tethering references from wingray build (thanks to Peter Alfonso)
Disabled inclusion of AOSP recovery in the build (thanks to Peter Alfonso)
Fixed init.d support (thanks to CM10)
Working Camera
Bigger thumbnail size in recent apps menu
To do:
Horizontal recent apps menu
Reboot menu
T-Mobile Theme Chooser
More ...
Known Issues:
May encounter an issue with Superuser forgetting app permissions. Workaround: install SuperSU.
To install this ROM, I recommend wiping System, and Dalvik Cache, and performing a Factory Reset, but feel free to try it your way.
Make a Nandroid backup first!
Use standard Jellybean gapps.
All feedback/bug reports welcome!
Well this is pretty neat, Thanks!
Glad you like it. I'm finding it quite snappy to use, even though it's not overclocked. I'll try to build in some more features as I get the time, if I can do it without losing the butteriness.
Hey thanx for your work.:good:
I wonder how this would run with a Tiamat/Eos Kernel ? Anyone tried?
Only one way to find out
Development is going a bit slowly in the last two days as I have been having trouble with corruption in my git repository.
i was just wondering if someone might ever do an aosp build for my xoom. thank you so much for your efforts, and for sharing the fruits with us!
cool deal man, i'll give this a spin and report back. so good to see others dev'ing for the Xoom! thank you thank you thank you
when looking in TB there is a system app listed with Chinese characters followed by 4.1.1-eng.zigackly.20120914.083408. What is this and can it be removed?
just like to add that first impressions go a long way and i dont normally look at the boot animation, but i did this time and it was way smoother than any other ive seen on my tablet, dont know what the diff is, but i like it
so far so good
Getting build.prop error 7 on install. Looking for Wingray in the build.prop line.
Might be a bad download? I am trying to update from CM10 and the stock update Stachre provides.
dodgefan67 said:
when looking in TB there is a system app listed with Chinese characters followed by 4.1.1-eng.zigackly.20120914.083408. What is this and can it be removed?
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That will be the AOSP Chinese keyboard. There's a Japanese one too. Look in Settings->Language and input and you will see them as options. I believe you can safely remove them.
tincbtrar said:
Getting build.prop error 7 on install. Looking for Wingray in the build.prop line.
Might be a bad download? I am trying to update from CM10 and the stock update Stachre provides.
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Could you try the download again? Build.prop should be replaced in system when you install, so it doesn't sound like a problem with where you are coming from.
MD5 checksum is 8cfdb670d42b5486f07f816f0e9a4791. You can check with MD5 checker from the play store.
If it's not a download problem, try a factory reset and wipe system before installing. Make sure you back up first.
In other news, I have fixed my git repositories although I had to redo all my work, but I am now working on a new build with improvements to the recents menu to take advantage of the Xoom's screen size. Hoping to implement bigger app thumbnails tonight and possibly a horizontal menu tomorrow.
The addition of a reboot menu is challenging. I made some changes based on the way Peter Alfonso does it and that didn't work, so I looked at the way CM10 do it and that didn't work either! I don't give up easily though. I'll take another stab at it this week. I'm learning this as I go along. Best way to learn, I think.
I'm also hoping to look at adding Theme Chooser this week.
Thank you for the md5, it matches, but still doesnt install.
z1gackly said:
That will be the AOSP Chinese keyboard. There's a Japanese one too. Look in Settings->Language and input and you will see them as options. I believe you can safely remove them.
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thanks and looking forward to the updates!
may i suggest one or two? i like the options for things like setting quiet hours or profiles, being able to change toggles, etc. not sure how easy those would be to add in. i'm more than willing to help out and test things.
tincbtrar said:
Thank you for the md5, it matches, but still doesnt install.
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what recovery are you using and are you sure you have done a complete wipe? (factory reset/wipe data, format cache, format system, wipe dalvik)?
Im using Rogue Recovery...did full wipe, dalvik, cache and system.
Perhaps its the recovery - but that doesnt make sense as every other rom ive installed worked well.
I modified the build.prop with some more operators to see if it will accept the model name or similar instead and I get a error 6 instead.
Maybe its just my Xoom? Nonetheless, ill wait for now, and stick with CM10 - its been pretty stable for me with no reboots.
tincbtrar said:
Im using Rogue Recovery...did full wipe, dalvik, cache and system.
Perhaps its the recovery - but that doesnt make sense as every other rom ive installed worked well.
I modified the build.prop with some more operators to see if it will accept the model name or similar instead and I get a error 6 instead.
Maybe its just my Xoom? Nonetheless, ill wait for now, and stick with CM10 - its been pretty stable for me with no reboots.
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understandable. maybe try TWRP recovery just to make sure? if you have the time or are up to it?
I guess I could try TWRP, but I dont like how I always have issues with mounting sd with it...its why I stick to Rogue.
Ill give it a shot later on with TWRP to try and pinpoint the cause.
Edit: Tried TWRP and it flashed. Interesting! Thanks a bunch!
Build 7 added with larger app thumbnails in the recent apps menu. Available for download in post 2.
I'll look at what it might take to add those features, dodgefan67. I'm looking to implement the ones in my wish list in the OP first though.
I also need to get my head around merging in some improvements from the AOSP code base from after 4.1.1 r4.
The build.prop error is caused by an assert in the updater-script which checks you're installing the ROM on the correct device.
You could extract the updater-script and remove the assert, then replace the updater-script in the ROM.
It's in /META-INF/com/google/android in the zip.
I'm trying to get hold of a build.prop from a wingray which exhibits this problem, so I can correct for it in the script, but I expect yours will be fine now.
Worst case I can just remove the assert, then if someone flashes it on the wrong device it's their lookout, but I'd rather add the variant which is causing the problem to the assert.
I'm going to have to halt development on this for a time whilst I work on some stuff for my Nexus 7. I've updated build 7 so it will work with Rogue recovery. Back in a little while.
thanks for the update!

[ROM][4.4.4][KTU84Q][DISCONTINUED][SlimKat - Hercules][OFFICIAL+Weeklies]

SlimRoms is a custom android operating system. The main goal is to offer users a slimmed down but still feature rich alternative to other android operating systems.
The entire SlimTeam work together to bring you this tailor-made beauty straight from Android Open Source Project (AOSP) source code.
All of the sources can be publicly viewed through GitHub and you can stop by the public Gerrit to submit patches of any type.
SlimKat is the project name for SlimRoms based on Android 4.4 and offers the following original features:
The Real Dark Slim
Full system-wide dark interfaces. - If you like it smooth and classy.
Custom Shortcuts. Everywhere.
Hardware keys, Navigation Ring, Navigation Bar, Lockscreen, Tiles, Notifications etc. - We've got you covered.
System-Wide Keyboard Controls
Rotation, cursor control, optional emoticions, etc. - You'll be tapping away to your heart's content.
Downloads, contact information, system app removal. - More fun than you can shake a stick at.
Camera Features
Trueview, Smart Capture. - Capture life moments with ease.
Important links:
slimroms.net - The official webpage where you will find everything you need to know about SlimRoms.
Slim Downloads - Download the ROM, GApps and other Addons.
Installation instructions - Follow these steps to the letter if you're about to install SlimRoms on your device.
Latest Changelog - Read here if you want information on changes in latest build.
FAQ - The most frequently asked questions with answers.
Kernel Source - The source of your device's kernel.
See Post #2 for Known Issues and Installation Notes.
Get in touch! - Contact SlimRoms at these places if you have questions, requests or feedback.
Special thanks to (in no particular order):
The Slim Team
Disclaimer: SlimRoms are not responsible for any damages to your device.
I do not own the SGH-T989, but I do have 3 SGH-i727 Skyrockets, and the Hercules is almost identical. My time is limited, but due to several requests for this, I wanted to share. Please help each other out, and keep the thread friendly and informative.
Install a 4.4 compatible recovery, and reboot to recovery afterwards.
Format /system, /data and /dalvik cache.
Flash a compatible radio (see below).
Flash the ROM.
Flash GApps.
Reboot and enjoy!
Known Issues:
Power-off charging animation not working.
You tell me...
Reporting Issues:
Do NOT report issues here if you're running a non-stock kernel, Xposed and/or modules, or any other non-stock mods.
For bug reporting (stock Slim ROM/kernel/GApps only), please use the Slim Bugreport tool, accessible through Settings > SlimCenter > Bugreport to produce a zip file in the phone's storage which you then can upload to the SlimROMs Hercules Subforum for review. Please see Reporting Bugs on the Slim web site for more information.
Any issues please explain with specific details, how to reproduce the problem, and provide a Slim Bug Report (preferred, in the ROM), or a logcat. Good feedback is ESSENTIAL.
Installation Notes:
Radios: Make sure you are running a JellyBean radio or newer (T989: UVMC6 | T989D: TLMC4), and follow the installation instructions linked to in post #1. A thread for flashable radios is here.
Recovery: Recommended recovery: CWM or TWRP.
Superuser: The Slim Team has made it so the Superuser App is not enabled by default, requiring users to intentionally turn on Root access. To enable it, navigate to Settings > Developer Options > Root Access and choose Apps and ADB (even though it may appear selected). For this to work, you need to first go to Settings > About Phone and tap on Build Number several times to gain access to the Developer Options.
Also see here: http://slimroms.net/faq/slimbean/441-how-do-i-enable-root
Kernel: The kernel is based on the Moretz CM-11.0 kernel, but overclocking has been disabled to enhance stability. For sweep2wake, fast charge, and CPU freq/governor control features, I'd recommend [ROOT] Kernel Tweaker from the Play store.
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi connection dropping issues? Check your region code in Settings > Wi-Fi > (menu key) > Advanced > Wi-Fi region code. It may be set to Europe by default, which uses a different set of Wi-Fi channels than the United States or Canada.
DPI: For information on changing the screen DPI, see here: How to change the screen density (DPI). Beware that some apps may not play nice with custom values, although normally the Slim GApps are modified to tell the Play Store and a couple of other apps that the phone's DPI is always 240.
Initial test build: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23578570567714111
Welcome to the Hercules forum and thanks for bringing this ROM back to us. I will be testing this later this evening after work. Also I will get the word out on G+.
big fan of slim cant wait to see what this brings
Initial Impressions
OK after a few hours of testing, here is what I found:
First of all, the instruction to not change the governor on the stock kernel apparently applies to Wild! V6 as well. After installation, boot was just fine. Thinking I could change the governor because this was a custom kernel, I changed the governor to Intellidemand. No problem then either, but after a reboot the phone boot looped. Re-installing the kernel fixed that, but then it happened again. Also the wi-fi setting was not saving my password either. So after getting the phone to boot up (had to install the kernel once more), I set the governor to Interactive. No more boot loops after three reboots. So that was taken care of.
The other issues I encountered were extremely slow charging (only 1% charge in about a 45 minute time frame) and Google Now FCd every time I tried to open it (even after I wiped data & cache). Upon those problems I had to restore my nandroid for now. I do also want to mention some positives. The ROM really does fly, and with Slim mini gapps over 200mb of free ROM space is available so the ROM lives up to its name of "less is more". Video recording was perfect and without any delay. I have been out of the loop for a bit on changelogs, but for those who don't know the new theme engine is still not included in this ROM as of yet. The real dark Slim does work though.
Bottom line this is not yet ready for a DD IMHO, but with tweaking, could be the fastest ROM we have available. I really was almost willing to deal with the bugs because I was so impressed with the speed. The screen wake lag that plagues all the other ROMs did not happen for me here. Thanks again @NoSpamDan, I'll be happy to try future builds as well.
ArtfulDodger said:
OK after a few hours of testing, here is what I found:
First of all, the instruction to not change the governor on the stock kernel apparently applies to Wild! V6 as well. After installation, boot was just fine. Thinking I could change the governor because this was a custom kernel, I changed the governor to Intellidemand. No problem then either, but after a reboot the phone boot looped. Re-installing the kernel fixed that, but then it happened again. Also the wi-fi setting was not saving my password either. So after getting the phone to boot up (had to install the kernel once more), I set the governor to Interactive. No more boot loops after three reboots. So that was taken care of.
The other issues I encountered were extremely slow charging (only 1% charge in about a 45 minute time frame) and Google Now FCd every time I tried to open it (even after I wiped data & cache). Upon those problems I had to restore my nandroid for now. I do also want to mention some positives. The ROM really does fly, and with Slim mini gapps over 200mb of free ROM space is available so the ROM lives up to its name of "less is more". Video recording was perfect and without any delay. I have been out of the loop for a bit on changelogs, but for those who don't know the new theme engine is still not included in this ROM as of yet. The real dark Slim does work though.
Bottom line this is not yet ready for a DD IMHO, but with tweaking, could be the fastest ROM we have available. I really was almost willing to deal with the bugs because I was so impressed with the speed. The screen wake lag that plagues all the other ROMs did not happen for me here. Thanks again @NoSpamDan, I'll be happy to try future builds as well.
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Thanks, I appreciate the testing and feedback!
Let me first say that details are everything, especially when I don't have a test phone available...
I am looking for bugs that exist in the as-built ROM, and therefore I am unable to provide any support for 3rd party kernels... This could have caused most of the issues you experienced.
Was there a problem with the stock CM-11.0 kernel bundled into the ROM, aside from the known governor switching issue? If so, the built-in Slim Bug Report tool (Settings > SlimCenter > Bugreport) will produce a zip file you can upload here for the time being for review. Please see Reporting Bugs on the Slim web site for more information.
For random reboots (RR's), you can also try using Bootlog Uptime to automatically dump /proc/last_kmsg for you to review/upload.
The Google Now issue shouldn't have anything to do with the ROM itself, that is in GApps. And if you were using the mini-gapps package, did you install Google Search separately? According to the TRDS GApps thread, it's not included in the mini package, and you could have been missing some key library files from the GApps package.
What version of KK4.4 GApps did you install? You said mini, but was it v155, v157, v160?
For now, I would recommend using the beta GApps with Unofficial builds until an Official ROM version is released. Please bear in mind that @dankoman has been producing new beta TRDS GApps versions quite often. His discussion thread is here.
What I really need are bug reports and logs using only the stock Slim ROM/kernel/GApps... Unfortunately, without these, I won't be able to provide effective support to try and make this ROM better, much less try to get the Hercules officially supported on the Slim site.
Thanks again!
NoSpamDan said:
Thanks, I appreciate the testing and feedback!
Let me first say that details are everything, especially when I don't have a test phone available...
I am looking for bugs that exist in the as-built ROM, and therefore I am unable to provide any support for 3rd party kernels... This could have caused most of the issues you experienced.
Was there a problem with the stock CM-11.0 kernel bundled into the ROM, aside from the known governor switching issue? If so, the built-in Slim Bug Report tool (Settings > SlimCenter > Bugreport) will produce a zip file you can upload here for the time being for review. Please see Reporting Bugs on the Slim web site for more information.
For random reboots (RR's), you can also try using Bootlog Uptime to automatically dump /proc/last_kmsg for you to review/upload.
The Google Now issue shouldn't have anything to do with the ROM itself, that is in GApps. And if you were using the mini-gapps package, did you install Google Search separately? According to the TRDS GApps thread, it's not included in the mini package, and you could have been missing some key library files from the GApps package.
What version of KK4.4 GApps did you install? You said mini, but was it v155, v157, v160?
For now, I would recommend using the beta GApps with Unofficial builds until an Official ROM version is released. Please bear in mind that @dankoman has been producing new beta TRDS GApps versions quite often. His discussion thread is here.
What I really need are bug reports and logs using only the stock Slim ROM/kernel/GApps... Unfortunately, without these, I won't be able to provide effective support to try and make this ROM better, much less try to get the Hercules officially supported on the Slim site.
Thanks again!
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Yeah I was afraid you might bring the logs up, and rightfully so. Reason that I did not use the built in kernel is that I have NEVER had good experiences with stock kernels from CM. Plus with the limited governor availability, I was hoping Wild! would eliminate that problem. I was also unaware of Bootlog Uptime or I would have used it to help with this situation.
On Gapps, I used these from the Slim ROMs web site: http://slimroms.net/index.php/downloads/dlsearch/viewdownload/1150-addons4-4/12060-slim-mini-gapps-4-4-4-build-6-112
Google Now wasn't included so I restored it via Titanium Backup. After the FCs, I wiped the data. Still no luck. I tried to uninstall it but when I checked settings/apps, it was still showing as installed. I should have just fresh installed it from Play or better yet, used the Banks Gapps I already had. At any rate, I know I could have fixed that problem if I had tried other things.
Any idea what might have caused the slow charging? I've had that happen on official CM as well.
ArtfulDodger said:
On Gapps, I used these from the Slim ROMs web site: http://slimroms.net/index.php/downloads/dlsearch/viewdownload/1150-addons4-4/12060-slim-mini-gapps-4-4-4-build-6-112
Google Now wasn't included so I restored it via Titanium Backup.
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Yeah, those GApps are pretty outdated, but should still work. TiBu on the other hand, can be pure evil sometimes...
After the FCs, I wiped the data. Still no luck. I tried to uninstall it but when I checked settings/apps, it was still showing as installed. I should have just fresh installed it from Play or better yet, used the Banks Gapps I already had. At any rate, I know I could have fixed that problem if I had tried other things.
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OK. Now (Quicksearchbox.apk) is a System App, so yeah, I can see trouble with it if restored.
Any idea what might have caused the slow charging? I've had that happen on official CM as well.
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Not off-hand. I take it you've tried different chargers/cables...? There's an app on XDA here called Skyrocket Charger Test that, while it's labeled 'Skyrocket', based on what it queries for information, might work on the Herc to check the charging rate and type. I believe it also works on the Note 1 SGH-i717... Worth a shot to test chargers and cables for issues. It's saved me many times.
NoSpamDan said:
Yeah, those GApps are pretty outdated, but should still work. TiBu on the other hand, can be pure evil sometimes...
OK. Now (Quicksearchbox.apk) is a System App, so yeah, I can see trouble with it if restored.
Not off-hand. I take it you've tried different chargers/cables...? There's an app on XDA here called Skyrocket Charger Test that, while it's labeled 'Skyrocket', based on what it queries for information, might work on the Herc to check the charging rate and type. I believe it also works on the Note 1 SGH-i717... Worth a shot to test chargers and cables for issues. It's saved me many times.
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Well thing is, on other ROMs like PA or Beanstalk 4.4 builds I get about 40% an hour charge. I use two different chargers at home & work, both Samsung with no issues. The slow charging issue is one I've only encountered with official CM (especially 4.4 nightlies), an old Beanstalk 4.3 ROM and unofficial Carbon 4.2 build back from last fall.
On TB it really is both a blessing and a curse sometimes!
Only issue is found is SD card usage. I don't have external SD card btw
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smokenbiskits said:
Only issue is found is SD card usage. I don't have external SD card btw
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Thanks for the report.
I take it you did wipe /data or perform a factory reset upon installation? This will not wipe your internal SD card (music/photos/etc)...
Sometimes just a dalvik and cache wipe from recovery fixes this. A log/bugreport might help. Did you try clicking on that SDCard entry to see what app or process it says is running? Do you have Outlook installed or Exchange mail configured?
And I couldn't help but notice, are you running Juice Defender? FYI many have reported worse battery life on KitKat with that... I purchased the full version myself back when I switched from GB to ICS, but ended up ditching it when JB came along, and never looked back.
Everyone's usage/situation is different...
NoSpamDan said:
Thanks for the report.
I take it you did wipe /data or perform a factory reset upon installation? This will not wipe your internal SD card (music/photos/etc)...
Sometimes just a dalvik and cache wipe from recovery fixes this. A log/bugreport might help. Did you try clicking on that SDCard entry to see what app or process it says is running? Do you have Outlook installed or Exchange mail configured?
And I couldn't help but notice, are you running Juice Defender? FYI many have reported worse battery life on KitKat with that... I purchased the full version myself back when I switched from GB to ICS, but ended up ditching it when JB came along, and never looked back.
Everyone's usage/situation is different...
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Yes to wipe everything except internal SD.
I will try a dalvik/cache wipe/battery stats and see if it helps.
Don't have either of those email clients installed.
Clicking on SD card entry in battery just shows cpu uptime for SD Card, not specific process.
I'll remove juice defender after the wipes above work/don't work, don't want too many variables changing while trying to troubleshoot. :angel:
LOL, yes, one step at a time is good. else you can end up with no clue at all
Oh, I just saw "battery stats"... and wiping those has no effect in Android 4.4. Google debunked that some time ago. See here. Recharging the device will reset the battery usage stats in Settings > Battery.
I used to wipe the battery stats myself, and I honestly didn't know there were still recoveries that still had that built in (TWRP maybe) since I've been on PhilZ Touch CWM recovery myself for a long time. No Fix Permissions either, wouldn't you know (not a bad thing, actually)...
I sure did like my placebo effect, though. I still miss it, lol.
The Dalvik/cache wipe fixed SD card issue... Thanks
First, thanks for helping us all out and working on bringing us this ROM. Tried it out today and was impressed by how fast it booted and its responsiveness. Flashed through TWRP along with newest beta slim mini gapps. Full wipe/clean install. A few things I noticed:
1) Native superuser doesn't function. Tried going into settings>advanced options>superuser and auto-allowing apps permissions...no go. Unable to create logcat/bugreport for this issue as they both require root. Fixed by flashing Chainfires SuperSU zip through TWRP
2) Battery charge speed seemed normal here
3) I live in US and wifi region code was set to Europe after install.
4) In your OP you mention radios not related to our model. The newest radio for T989 is T989UVMC6
5) Something not specific to your ROM, but with all recent ROMs (CM related?) stock messaging app no longer turns data on to send/receive MMS messages. Again, nothing on your end, just felt the need to bring attention to it.
Thanks again for your work
ive been on this all day today without any problems! slims as good it was before
HipHopAnonymous3 said:
First, thanks for helping us all out and working on bringing us this ROM. Tried it out today and was impressed by how fast it booted and its responsiveness. Flashed through TWRP along with newest beta slim mini gapps. Full wipe/clean install. A few things I noticed:
1) Native superuser doesn't function. Tried going into settings>advanced options>superuser and auto-allowing apps permissions...no go. Unable to create logcat/bugreport for this issue as they both require root. Fixed by flashing Chainfires SuperSU zip through TWRP
2) Battery charge speed seemed normal here
3) I live in US and wifi region code was set to Europe after install.
4) In your OP you mention radios not related to our model. The newest radio for T989 is T989UVMC6
5) Something not specific to your ROM, but with all recent ROMs (CM related?) stock messaging app no longer turns data on to send/receive MMS messages. Again, nothing on your end, just felt the need to bring attention to it.
Thanks again for your work
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Thank you much for the feedback.
1) You have to enable Superuser through Developer options. See installation notes in post #2, with a link to Slim's FAQ on it.
2) Good!
3) I've seen this before, and will look into it, although as you said, if you drill into the Wifi > Advanced > Region code settings, you can change it to whatever. So, low priority.
4) I'll look at the assert script for the radio version. Can you link the radio thread please?
5) I haven't heard of this. I don't believe it affects the Skyrocket...? Does this happen on the recommended radios?
I have a new build compiling with a "stock-ish" version of the Moretz kernel (no over clock/undervolting).
It has sweep2wake, fast charge, more governors, and reportedly better Bluetooth support (with SR users).
I'll post it for testing when it's ready for those interested...
I don't have any volunteers for testing (yet). . If you want to volunteer, you should be able and willing to clean flash at times 3-4 builds in a day, be able to capture logs and send them. Normal testing would be occasional builds, unless there was a major issue.
Looking for 3 or so testers to help possibly get this into the Slim weekly cycle.

Paranoid Android 6.0.3 - Geehrc (discontinued)

We are launching brand spanking fresh. All new features. New team members. New everything and we have made sure that everything that we are releasing has been polished to our best.
The main features and enhancements that you will probably end up noticing are our custom Quick Settings tile reordering functionality, floating window support, immersive mode, the new on-the-spot interface and CM Theme Engine. There's much more to come, so sit tight!
Feature highlights
Floating mode
Immersive mode
On-the-spot controls
Quick settings re-order
Paranoid OTA (Updates)
Battery styles
Advanced power dialog
Quick pull-down
Theme engine
BUGS:NFC (i hope fix it in few days)
First Boot Time may 10 minute
As we're getting back into the thread game, keeping up with threads and updating them as per changelogs can be too hectic given our schedule. However, very detailed changelogs always go up on our Google+ page, follow us for constant updates!
Instructions & requirements
We highly recommend you to follow these instructions very carefully. Users usually tend to skip a few steps and eventually fall in trouble. Are you with me? Good. Let's get this train going.
Just a few things to keep in mind first -
If you're coming from another ROM / Stock, your system data (not internal storage) will have to be wiped. This includes apps, accounts, messages, call logs etc.
There's been some users complaining about different GAPPS variants messing up installs and causing a ton of issues. Upon investigating it seems OpenGapps Mini/Nano and Banks GAPPS work best.
Understand that Paranoid Android is a custom ROM and it might lead to addiction as it's relatively good. We shouldn't be accused of anything just incase your cat starts drinking wine. Things get a little woozy in the Paranoid World.
Some brain might be involved if things go wrong. Not a lot though, as much to solve what's 1+1.
Okay let's get to the main bit -
Once you have all the required files - boot into recovery and wipe the bananas out of your device. Get into the wipe menu and wipe data, system, cache and dalvik cache (basically everything except Internal Storage).
Once wiped, get into the "Install from zip" menu and select the ROM zip. (pa_bacon_6.x...). Once added to the install queue, TWRP will ask you if you want to add more zips into the queue - Click on "add more zips" and select the GAPPS package.
Swipe the bar on the bottom to flash/install zips. Once both zips are done installing - Reboot into system and set-up your device, do not do anything else.
Once you're done setting up your device - well that's when you're done. One thing though - Make sure you DO NOT INSTALL any other zip in the same queue as the ROM & GAPPS. Meaning, do not flash anything like a kernel or a root package while installing the ROM. We recommend you do that AFTER you're done setting up your device.
Important / Useful links
As always, we listen to what you have to say. Help us make PA better by submitting good bug reports possibly with a log attached. Learn how to take logs HERE. Submit bug reports and we'll try to iron out issues as soon as possible - it really helps a lot.
Cheers and #StayParanoid!
Device Source :device-kernel-vendor
Special Thanks
XDA:DevDB Information
Paranoid Android 6.0.3 - Geehrc (discontinued), ROM for the LG Optimus G
Source Code: https://github.com/AOSPA
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: AOSPA
Version Information
Status: Beta
Beta Release Date: 2016-07-31
Created 2016-07-30
Last Updated 2016-10-28
cool, i will become an official tester of this ROM and will shall present bugs, errors and i will sending Logcats. Sorry for my bad english.✌
OK first, when you record a note voice, audio heard saturated. second: when you open often the camera and you spend to other applications can get a time when no longer opens and need to restart the phone. third: the ROM should bring a file manager by default
Ronaldj25 said:
OK first, when you record a note voice, audio heard saturated. second: when you open often the camera and you spend to other applications can get a time when no longer opens and need to restart the phone. third: the ROM should bring a file manager by default
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i m looking some small fixes i hope looking next time ur issues could u send me log ?
Could you say is that rom have wakelock problem too ?
JacubSKY said:
Could you say is that rom have wakelock problem too ?
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yea i know have small wakelock issues but amplify solve it
PA 6.0.1 Review
First: Thank you for your work :good:. First I tried the Kevinjoa CM 13, but it has a lot of soft reboots, so I moved here.
1) Installation: Before you beginn, you need TWRP (for e975), which you have to install via ADB (USB + PC) ask Dr. Google about that. Additional to PA you need GAPPs (I choose mini-Version) and it is useful to have chainfires SuperSU.zip (UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.76-20160630161323.zip). All 3 zips can be installed via twrp.
2) Limitations:
I use PA-Version pa_geehrc-6.0.1-20160730 since Aug 10th (2016). I don't have any reboots or something. Everything ist running smothly.
What is working:
- Wifi
- Mobile Data
- Camera
- Phone
- Bluetooth
What is NOT working:
- NFC (there seems to be no option to activate it) I love NFC!
- IPv6 **
- Bluetooth sometimes has trouble to connect (Garmin forerunner + Pioneer headset)
- Mobile Data (HSDPA): Whatsapp + Mail is not working, while signal messenger and Chrome are working
** I had to disable IPv6 with "IPv6 Disable Tool", otherwise I encountered problems with mail, etc. I have native IPv6 for internet and the ipv6-stack seems to be the problem: "Socket timeout: failed to connect to server". Update: This is related to my mailprovider (hosteurope.de), which has a workaround.
The version seems to be battery draining, my phone was empty after less than 12 hrs. I will look to the reason.
OK guys, I will continue on this post.
Update: I moved to resurrection remix, because oft Bluetooth and mobile data trouble.
garmintroll said:
First: Thank you for your work :good:. First I tried the Kevinjoa CM 13, but it has a lot of soft reboots, so I moved here.
1) Installation: Before you beginn, you need TWRP (for e975), which you have to install via ADB (USB + PC) ask Dr. Google about that. Additional to PA you need GAPPs (I choose mini-Version) and it is useful to have chainfires SuperSU.zip (UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.76-20160630161323.zip). All 3 zips can be installed via twrp.
2) Limitations:
I use PA-Version pa_geehrc-6.0.1-20160730 since Aug 10th (2016). I don't have any reboots or something. Everything ist running smothly.
What is working:
- Wifi
- Mobile Data
- Camera
- Phone
- Bluetooth
What is NOT working:
- NFC (there seems to be no option to activate it) I love NFC!
- IPv6 **
** I had to disable IPv6 with "IPv6 Disable Tool", otherwise I encountered problems with mail, etc. I have native IPv6 for internet and the ipv6-stack seems to be the problem: "Socket timeout: failed to connect to server".
The version seems to be battery draining, my phone was empty after less than 12 hrs. I will look to the reason.
OK guys, I will continue on this post.
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Thx ur commends .i know that bugs first i will said that battery issue is wakelock problem if could u flash Xposed u will use Amplify and solve this problem but absolutely I look at this problem first chance .I know u are not alone .NFC is really problem.i did Smal compiles from NFC but can't solve .I don't know what is the problem exactly but I contact my friend I hope fix it soon .ipv6 issue is device source problem i could not anything now.when I solve NFC and wakelock issue I will interest it .but not have any idea this problem.i m interesting AICP usually.but when I have free time I look .
I don't understand what do you mean ur 1. Comment but it is help for u.
I m useng twrp geehrc version 3.0 if u want I can upload it .every time I did full wipe and flash ROM+open gaps aroma +SuperSU (any version)+xposed+viper4ndroid .and not have any problem
But if u want use adb it is not problem can u do my steps but I don't recommend windows adb I use everytime Linux terminal and adb .so u can't usr aroma installer in adb but I hope open gaps stock is solve ur problem.
I did not upload last build s .I m really sorry basketbuild is going maintances .i bought yesterday one host and domain I m planning use h5ai system and upload my works to domain adres .when I will do this share it .
this work my hobby.i m interesting free times .i did not fallow this forum everyday because i m working robotic hands Project but if u want contact me using hangouts i hope help for u quickly than forum
pa 6.0.3 is up
How to enable hardware key backlight? Is there any option in the settings to configure it?
Working great on an old Sprint LG LS970 - thanks!
Question: Sprint/Ting 4G works, Sprint/Tello data does not work. Have attempted various APN editing tricks, but no dice. Any suggestions?
metrixx02 said:
pa 6.0.3 is up
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Any news about NFC?
tdurack said:
Working great on an old Sprint LG LS970 - thanks!
Question: Sprint/Ting 4G works, Sprint/Tello data does not work. Have attempted various APN editing tricks, but no dice. Any suggestions?
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Tello activate your phone as a modem APN works for me:
user ID: [email protected]
APN: mi.pamsn

