question about stock camera/camera apps - G3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

so with my old iphone, i could pull out the camera, and click where i wanted to focus. furthermore, if say.. i was taking a picture of someone near a bright light, and their face was really dark because the light was really bright, i could press near their face or somewhere dark, and the camera would adjust the lighting, and brighten up the face and darken the background.
so far that ive noticed, the g3 camera doesnt do there one that does?

Camera FV-5 has touch to focus and touch to meter features. In fact it has many more controls, and is the only camera app for Android I have used since discovering it a few years ago.


after all, is the camera bad?

Yeah, many options to change, but there is one missing!
When focusing on a bright light for example, it doesnt drop the brightness/aperture for the whole scene so you get a picture that the light is extra bright with no option to be able to change that...
My LG Optimus 4X had that option when the camera quality was VERY bad. Even my Alcatel 995 had this feature!
Tap on dark area of the scene, it brightens it, tap on the bright area of the scene, its darkens it.
Not matter where you tap on the screen to focus the aperture/brightness or whatever its called doesnt change
Is that a camera limitation or software? Is its a software limitation, is there an alternative one?

Getting the most out of my camera

Hey, I'm pretty new to my G4, and I was wondering how to get the most out of my camera.
I haven't downloaded any camera apps or anything, and just use the stock one. For pictures I take, I just leave the settings on auto, seeing as I don't know a whole lot about photography. How could I tweak the custom settings to work better under different circumstances and just get a better picture in general?
The automatic settings will give you great picture under most circumstances. Playing around with the manual settings will involve knowledge of basic photography concepts around ISO, shutter speed, etc. If you want to get into those, YouTube is the best place to start with tutorials
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Depends how you define better picture. in low light the slowest shutter will be 1/9. is this the best picture at that light ? no. A slower shutter with a lower ISO will get a cleaner shot and will display more. But to use a shutter slower than 1/9 requires you to stabilise the camera some how.
a tripod is one way if you use slow shutters that run into seconds. The G4 can go up to 30 seconds. But to improve over auto's 1/9 a 2 second will improve things noticeably.
on the other side you sometimes want a faster shutter to freeze motion. A slower shutter creates blur and auto might not pick a fast enough shutter. The camera has no idea what you are taking a photo of just a rough guess. If the light isn't enough you will have to pick a higher iso to compensate. If its in daylight then only a faster shutter that might be in the thousandths of a second is required.
other times you want to fix the focus or auto focus won't manage it, this is where manual focus comes into it.
white balance determines the colour, auto white balance does a good enough job but at times can get it wrong, if it looks too cold for your liking a warmer white balance will add yellow. If it looks too warm a colder setting will add blue.
A simple tip is to tap on the screen on your subject before shooting. It will focus there, and it will also set the exposure based on that area. Making your subject sharp, and properly exposed.
But it only holds those settings for maybe 2 seconds, so take the picture quickly after you tap on the screen. Wait too long, and it goes back to assuming you want the center of the frame.
I do this even if my subject is in the middle, as I prefer to let it finish focusing before taking the picture. If it focuses wrong, I may notice it on the screen before shooting.

CAMERA PROBLEM - Color unbalanced, reddish/overdose saturated

Over saturated*
My note 5, in ALL camera modes, does reddish photos. Only If i correct with PRO mode i can have decent photos. But isn't comfortable to change every time the settings for every light condition, or subject etcetera... this is an example of reddish photo.
Only with frontal camera. When I use flash, or I stay in a particular light condition, the reddish dissappear 90% or completely. Wtf? Help!!
Could be an effect that is active or HDR
Or maybe is yous screen colors

Black lines in high contrast pics with HDR on in stock camera?

Hi, this question is actually about an AT&T V35, but since that phone doesn't have its own sub and it shares a camera module with the G7, I figured I'd ask here. I love most things about the camera and UI, but when I take pics of high contrast environments, I get really nasty colors and black lines on every other pixel. This does not happen at all without HDR on. Any solutions or ideas? Stock LG cam, version Here's a pic as an example, one is zoomed out, the other is full crop. I know going to GCam solves this, but I prefer the zoom UI on the stock LG camera.
Edit: It is not PWM in light power supply, as this happens with fluorescent and incandescent light sources and the lines are very sharp. The lines also occur top to bottom of the phone, meaning they are horizontal in landscape orientation.
Sorry if a V35 post isn't allowed here, please remove if so.

Abnormal colors on selfie camera in low light

So I bought the phone (Note10+ 5G) about 3 days ago and everything was working fine even the selfie cam
But today when I changed live focus effect everything get ruined especially in low light
In the viewfinder there is a color flicker and a part of the screen changes to green or red effect
And everything get worse in video
Here is a 2sec sample in low light:
So what is wrong here?
edit / nevermind, watched the video and do not understand your problem...
live focus ? color flicker?
In live focus the effect green/red exists as part of the background effect. Your video does not show anything since there is nothing to focus on. You need a face for it to show anything correctly.
And you can change the live focus effect at the bottom of the screen, you have several icons for this and the far right icon is the red/green thingy.
If you cannot manage to get the settings right, just reset the camera (settings -> scroll down to initialize parameters).
Also, do not activate HDR+ for videos (available for 1920x1080 30p). This option is in beta and is buggy with many colour artefacts.
he's trying to take **** pics in the dark. doesnt like the out come. he thinks filters can correct small penis syndrome.
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