Anyone figure out how to launch apps with the word "wear" in them by voice? - Moto 360

Every freaking time I try Google Now interprets the word as "where". I try to really enunciate and it spits out "we are". Anyone figure out how to pronounce it? Most wear apps include the word in the title so this is really frustrating.

Must be your accent LOL.
Just tried and had no issues launching apps. I pronounce Wear like Ware (which is exactly how I would pronounce Where).

Have the same problem with 'Hue'. Fatal flaw... Android Wear needs user settable mappings for issues like this (so does regular Android for that matter).

I recall Google adding the ability to correct things sometimes like:
"Open Clothes Wear"
Opening Clothes Where...
OK Google, No.. Clothes WEAR
Opening Clothes Wear

pronounce wear "wey-ar" kind of weird posh voice maybe

God dammit I still can't get it to work. I've tried pronouncing it every way I can think and get stuff like 'where', 'Wier' (German? WTF?), 'we are', and 'we ya'. How in the hell can Google think that I am trying to say any of those things over 'wear'?
Anyone else have any ideas? You can't interrupt and correct it like you can on a phone, it's either get it right or pound sand.

i was thinking about this. how i can make google open whats app say person name and text message? I am also wondering if i can add custom voice commands?

Just spell it.
Ok Google
Android Double-U Eee Ehhhh Are.
Worked first time for me.

I tried calling my friend from Africa whose name is Ngu. It thought I was cussing at it...
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Google Voice Actions - Your Experiences

How you all finding this?
It can dictate a text no problem, but doesn't seem to pick up the TO: field for me.
So if I say "send text to bob how are you" it will fill in "2 bob how are you" in the message field and leave the TO field empty. how are you getting on? It's still pretty cool. And you can say things like "call 08665242424" and it gets that perfect. Although when I say "call Joe" it just won't find the appropriate entry on my SIM card.
So far with the actions, i had a little bit of troubling getting it to call my contacts e.g. "call Paul C" an it suggests everyone else in my list with the surname C except "Paul C" also the text thing doesnt seem to work at all, but i have found it's very good at web searching and also when you have already entered the texting menu, i think once it gets the support for different countries it will be really good and fun to use.
At the minute its more of a novelty, but it could become very very useful.
We had a lot of fun earlier as what I said and what the phone thought I said was so different!
Send a text to Teresa to say hello
Send a text recycle au
I did manage to get the thing to give me directions to Skegness (although I was trying to call somebody at the time).
Maybe I need to lay on an american accent and try again
But... But... But... It worked so well in the little video!
Very hit and miss for me. If it works, it works spot on 100% and great. If it fails, it fails epically.
Same here. If it works, it works, if not, well I just hope I'm not showing it off to a friend as it can make an ass of itself.
The text action? Doesn't work for me at all. Neither does setting an alarm. Getting directions is perhaps the most reliable voice action of all. Calling people is hit and miss. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just doesn't complete the action. I'll say, "Call Claire XYZ Mobile", and it displays a list of 'did you mean?' options. The top one is usually right, but when I click it it Googles it as a search term!
The Alarm is still in development
the fact it requires a data connection means its learning as it goes. Recording 10000s of new words per day and linking them based by region. In time it should be able to learn words with accents etc so well that its hard to fool.
at the moment it is certainly more novelty than technological wow. but.. I think it will get there. I wish you could "teach it" by sampling your address book. I mean you click on a contacts name and then say it 5 times and the google learns how this name is pronounced in your region. then it recognizes it next time. I think they'll get there. this is a good start.
If it learns as it goes, then all those who set theory phone to US English may not be helping out develop the software for their own language if each voice request is sent out with a language tag from the phone.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
How do I know what version of "voice search" I have?
I used the QR code from the google blog and and doesn't recognize some of them.
For example, it will recognize "note to self I am cool" but it will ask to do a search instead of noting to self.
It picks up very few words I say correctly. Usually "call" it always gets correct. Brilliant concept but not very practical for the masses yet.
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
I've found this terrible so far, 0% success rate! Even speaking in most clearest English with no background noise.
Maybe you have more success with an American accent??
But the odd thing is that the previous "search by voice" and technologies such as Translate both recognise voice really really well.
As with most of you, no success at all.. another interesting thing is set it to US English and hold it up to your speakers and play the guy from the Youtube video talking and it fails to get correct anything he says as well so I would like to know how they got 100% success rate in the video.
I have had limited success with it set to US english, one big problem is the "listen to" command, it insists that I need to install a music player, I have spotify installed (which is on the approved list) but voice action does not appear to recognise that it is there.
thejinx0r said:
How do I know what version of "voice search" I have?
I used the QR code from the google blog and and doesn't recognize some of them.
For example, it will recognize "note to self I am cool" but it will ask to do a search instead of noting to self.
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It is looking for the nearest psychiatrist, as it has deduced you are in urgent need thereof
Like the previous voice to text, it mainly accepts US english inflection, for the moment being.
However in my fake mafioso-US-english accent I could manage to type some emails, but I couldn't, for the hell of it, make it recognize the 'to' field most of the times. I think you really have to speak it all together "send email (no pause) to xyz (pause) how are you ?"
Too many "SERVER PROBLEM" .... not good.
OK, I've figured it out. It works and works just as accurate as in the Google vid. You just have to speak at your normal pace and the phone no more than around 6 inches away.
I can use US and UK accents to get it working. I've moved around enough to know them well.
- Sent via my HTC Desire -
I have tried it for directions, navigation, voice dialing good.text message no go on generic htc sense 2.2.
Northern irish accent.
Just saying one word searches for pizza, thai, pubs god tho.bruins up google search entries by point
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

[Q] Problem with Voice Actions/Vlingo???

I am quite frustrated, and wondering if there is a problem with my phone, or if I could have made some sort of unintentional setting change for my SGS2. I have had the phone for 2 weeks with no problems, but all of a sudden today my Google Voice Actions and Vlingo will not work. From my best assessment, it is not hearing my voice or not hearing it well enough to make anything out. Whenever I speak something into the phone -- and I have done this on this phone and my HD2 so I'm not new to speaking my requests -- it will sometimes immediately come back and say "No Matches Found". Once in a while it will open a browser window, and try to searc for 1 or two or three letter gibberish words: i.e. "bh", or "fns", or "g". It certainly does NOT recognize ANYTHING it used to! Just for fun, I downloaded JEANNIE, which seems to be another voice-action-type program. That also does not work. The microphone icon doesn't seem to light up much (which further makes me think it cannot "hear" me, and the program responds with, "pardon?" Phone calls I make are ok -- people can hear me -- just not these programs!! IS there a setting that I could have changed that prevents the programs from hearing my voice?? BTW, I did try to go to the Voice Actions app in MANAGE PROGRAMS and erased data, but that didn't help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, otherwise I'll take it back to the store and see if they'll exchange it or know what's going on!
Thank you all for your reading this and for your help!
Did you reboot or at least kill and restart the app?
uninstall it and then reintall it i just tested mines and i hav no issuses but ive only had my sinse thursday plus i rooted mines and removed most of the carrier apps
dude vlingo sucks man, the galaxy version is so much better
Does anyone know how, when in car mode, to get VLingo to navigate to a contact (say Home, for example)? You would think this would be a basic function for a hands-free program in car mode, but I can't figure it out. Everytime I say "Navigate to Home", it tries to take me to some Home bakery or something like that. Can I even navigate to an address I give it with this thing?
I know it's been overhyped, but Siri is the one thing from that fruit phone I wish this phone had. Don't get me wrong. I was so close to getting the "other" phone, but opted for the Samsung instead. And after playing around with the iphone, I'm glad I did. But Vlingo seriously makes me want to punch it in the screen sometimes.
Well, I figured out how to get Vlingo to go home. Go to Vlingo->Settings->Voice talk Settings->Home address and type in your home address. Now you can say "Navigate to Home".
But after using it more, I see more problems with it. Vlingo can navigate to restaurants, but not contacts. It can call contacts, but not restaurants. WTF Vlingo?!? Can we get all of the above please in the near future?

Where has the female TTS voice gone?

What has happened to the TTS voice that was on previous versions on android?
The UK voice was a quality female one, which worked very well. The new one ok the Nexus is male and far worse. The pronunciation of words is far worse with this, it make many more mistakes. A big step backwards, I hate it.
Where can I get a APK with the old, superior, TTS engine. Think it was called Pico TTS.
The Galaxy Nexus have male voice? Damn. I didn't knew.
Could be worse. The voice on my Nexus One pronounces 'meadowside' as 'meadowseed'. Took me awhile to figure out what she was talking about.
Download the free Text-to-speech app from the Marketplace, it's called eSPeak TTS. If not, try SVOX. There will probably be a port if others really want it, seems simple enough to accomplish.
Neither seem to work on the Nexus Galaxy.
You can't install any of these engines so that they appear as selectable in the settings. the only engine ever selectable is the "Google TTS Engine"
Yeah, i'd like her back too. Much prefer the old one back, any idea's anyone?
The new one sucks. I thought it sounded like the phone has been smoking for too many years, lol. I also think it's too slow when using navigation.
Speaking of incorrect pronunciation, there is a street in San Antonio called Wurzbach which navigation pronounced it, wasbitch. Seriously, no joke.
I also found my GN now says, for example, "at the traffic circle, take the third exit" whereas the previous voice would correctly call this a roundabout.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
It doesn't know street names anymore either. I had the SVOX running fin on my N1 but when I use Grace (SVOX) I some times get it telling my some bizarre URL with "Turn right onto route 24 north" jammed in the middle.
I know this is an old thread but...
IVONA tts seems to let you install it then will appear in the language and input screen allowing you to change the voice. There are quite a few to download and all seem to be good quality.
GN has TTS? Wow ive been missing out. I remember fumbling around in settings trying to get text messages to be read out to me but never figured out how. Anyone enlighten me? I'm on 4.0.4
csirac said:
GN has TTS? Wow ive been missing out. I remember fumbling around in settings trying to get text messages to be read out to me but never figured out how. Anyone enlighten me? I'm on 4.0.4
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Settings > Language & Input > TTS Output
That's turned on, but how do I get it to read say, a sms I just received?
csirac said:
That's turned on, but how do I get it to read say, a sms I just received?
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Buy ecid from the shop (enhanced sms and caller id), it also tells you whos calling and it can read emails too.
The ivona tts's are fantastic, really clear, very lifelike and now work fine with ics.
I don't understand... the maps/navigation voice (I'm assuming this is the system-wide TTS as this is the only time I've experienced it) is by far the smoothest, most correctly-pronounced female voice I've ever heard... even better than Siri I might conclude.
Here's a sample I just uploaded. How is that so horrible?

UK users - Speech to text

OK guys, before I rant at Google, does anyone else's phone do this?
I tap the little mic icon on the keyboard and speak. It gets the first three or four words, but every word after that is just a name from my contacts.
If I switch it to US English it works fine but I have to talk with an American accent to get it to recognise my speech.
I've reported it Here. Please star it if you want Google to resolve the issue.
mike freegan said:
OK guys, before I rant at Google, does anyone else's phone do this?
I tap the little mic icon on the keyboard and speak. It gets the first three or four words, but every word after that is just a name from my contacts.
If I switch it to US English it works fine but I have to talk with an American accent to get it to recognise my speech.
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Just tried the phrase
Testing speech to text to see if it works.
First time major fail .... including throwing a contact name in
Second attempt with tv on mute and it worked perfectly.
Im an ex southerner so dont have much accent
Mine is set to English UK and I don't even know some of the words it thinks I am saying.
Don't even think it is english
you guys just have to learn the correct way to speak English
wilbur-force said:
Just tried the phrase
Testing speech to text to see if it works.
First time major fail .... including throwing a contact name in
Second attempt with tv on mute and it worked perfectly.
Im an ex southerner so dont have much accent
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Try more than a few words as it only seems to glitch badly after the first sentence. Try talking to it like Duarte does and mine just chucks out a list of assorted forenames and surnames.
Annoying as I could talk to the old version like I was having a conversation.
I've reported it Here. Please start it if you want Google to resolve the issue.
Yeah absolutely, after more than a few words it seems to massively prioritise contact entries.
For example, "It's so cool" became "Richard Poole", which although a similar sound at the end (and a compliment for Mr. Poole) didn't seme remotely connected. And every word after were combinations of contact names. I find I have to keep doing short sentences/sentence fragments at a time, which appears to ruin the point of speech-to-text.
Luckily I'm not a big fan of talking at my phone. Hence Siri not being a selling point on the 4S for me.
It's a bit hit or miss but I'm not getting any contact names appearing.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
I'm finding my galaxy nexus much worse at recognising my voice than my HD2 running gingerbread was. I'd say with that I got about a 95% accuracy rate vs the Galaxy Nexus getting maybe 50% if that.
rashad1 said:
you guys just have to learn the correct way to speak English
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That is the correct way to speak English
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
I'm having no issues with the voice recognition at all. No contact names coming up, even after several sentences. I think it's more accurate too (for my voice, anyway), though it still gets it wrong sometimes!
Being able to dictate punctuation is very cool.
I had a little try with the speech to text and it was pretty poor. I hadn't put my contacts in yet but I was on wifi. It got most of the words wrong and lagged quite a lot. I'll test it a bit more extensively once I get my replacement phone
My Galaxy S was far better at recognising my accent.
Can someone else test this, I think it is a bug..
click voice button and say 'text [someones name on your contact list]'
When the screen pops up to enter a text message there is no way of inputting any text.
Ive had no problems with lagging it works ok for me when using for google search for the odd couple of words, but trying to dictate a sentence i've never got 100% accuracy.
I'm from saaarf laaandun no one has a clue what I say most of the time
So talk to text has no chance
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
for me some times its excellent and sometimes its useless and i get loads of contacts names that sound nothing like what i have said like some of you.
If there is any background noise at all i usually find it doesnt know what im saying. Some words for me it just wont pick up no matter how many times i try... the one that comes to mind is 'sure' it always comes up with 'so' lol.
Does the speech to text feature require WiFi or a data conection to work? I don't have the Nexus yet.
Didn't want to open a new thread so I asked here.
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
Chris95X8 said:
Does the speech to text feature require WiFi or a data conection to work? I don't have the Nexus yet.
Didn't want to open a new thread so I asked here.
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
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No it doesnt.
mskip said:
No it doesnt.
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It does on mine?
I'm also finding it works perfectly so far, even a long text message came out without any issues
i just tested this with 3 or 4 rather long sentences. I have a pretty weird accent (mix of Southern, central and northern regional English) and it never once matched anything i said to a contact.
it messed a few words up (understandably), but i'm not experiencing this particular bug.

Bixby ... is worthless for handsfree use

Does anyone HATE Bixby as much as I do ? I really wish someone from Samsung would read this. I hate it when Microsoft uses the public to beta test software, but Samsung has gone WAY TOO FAR! If the software is not ready, don't implement it yet!
I've been a Note user since my Note 2. I've ALWAYS relied on S-Voice to do two major things for me. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but it's been very helpful for me. One is creating an appointment while I'm driving. The other is calling customers while I'm driving. I assume you see the 'driving' portion of my need. I need and want it to work TOTALLY HANDS FREE! I use a Motorola bluetooth on my ear during my waking hours. I use it to call Bixby. I WILL NEVER hold that stupid button to talk to my phone. Very stupid idea Samsung! I will never have Samsung, Google, Amazon, or anyone else listen to me talking (or singing horribly) all of the time waiting for that magic phrase. Never happening! Sorry. my wife listens too closely as it is. I don't need the cloud to listen to me too! I ***** and gripe a lot!
On my old Note 4, and through the different versions of S-Voice (none of them publicly released for that device ... only installed via ROOT), there have been problems, but its worked almost 95% of the time. Now that I paid $1000 for the new flagship phone, I'm finding myself unable to do the same things I've been doing on my Note 2, Note 3, and Note 4 devices for the past five plus years. Since obviously I've had it more than 14 days, I can't return it.
Bixby DOES NOT work handsfree. Neither does Google Assistant either. But S-Voice actually did! Saying commands to Bixby like these produce very odd results. They worked perfectly with S-Voice.
"Create an appointment Joe Smith at 8am tomorrow morning" ... with Bixby, it will be named something like "APPOINTMENT JOE", but most likely it will be set to 8 o'clock TODAY and not TOMORROW! Sometimes it doesn't even pick up the time and it's set for 12 Noon! It also DOES NOT repeat your request, like S-Voice did. I have no idea while I'm driving if it got anything correct. So far, I've LOST a half dozen appointments because I don't know where, when, or even if they were saved. They disappeared after confirming for it to be saved. If it does get saved, it's almost always incorrect and I have to manually edit it.
Now I've tried the way they recommend making an appointment, by saying to open calendar ... blah blah ... but that doesn't work either. It stops to ask "what would you like to name this event?" ... well, you reply and it stops. So much for handsfree. I have to reach for my phone to complete creating an event, something so basic is beyond Samsung's Bixby.
This one really gets me riled up! When I say "Call Teresa Adams", sometimes it will pick up the contact correctly, but a majority of the time it won't. It thinks I said "Theresa" instead of "Teresa". The same thing happens with a lot of other names, like "Bird" instead of "Byrd", "Smith" instead of "Smyth". Or "Jon" instead of "John". It cannot find the contact to call ... meaning it's not longer handsfree. I have to pick up my phone to make a phone call while driving. In some states, it's illegal to even HOLD your phone while driving! These are only a few of the issues I've seen with Bixby. But the inconsistency of pulling names from your contacts is HIGHLY FRUSTRATING!
Another one that burns me up ... this happens for totally unknown reasons. I'll ask Bixby to do something, and the reply I get is just totally off the wall. It will come up and tell me I have to install UBER to do that. WHAT THE HELL? I don't need UBER for ANYTHING!
I had to rename my wife's contact. I guess have too many names with 'Teresa' along with a last name, It NEVER called the right one. It would find five other names (and not all were Theresa or Teresa). So I've rename her contact to 'THE WIFE', and yet ... a few weeks ago, I asked Bixby to call 'THE WIFE' and it dialed my neighbor 'Peewee' instead. He got a great chuckle out of the fact that my Note 8 thinks he's my wife. I find it disturbing it can't even do the VERY BASICS. If Bixby was my true personal assistant on the job. they would be fired instantly and shown the door.
What have I done to remedy this issue for myself? You're not going to believe it, but I still carry my Note 4 (with Verizon service) and use it to do the stuff my new and expensive Note 8 cannot handle. I use my Note 8 as my business phone, but Bixby is useless for me. I don't want my so called assistant to pull up photos I took last week based upon some request. That stuff I should do with it in my hands.
1. Must be able to function COMPLETELY HANDS FREE using bluetooth.
2. Must be able to respond with audible prompts and continue the process after an answer has been given.
3. Must verify and read back the information received correctly BEFORE saving the event (or calling the number selected)
4. Must be able to save a calendar appointment/event WITHOUT asking which app to use to save it. (this is a Google Assistant issue more than Bixby). As far as I can tell ... ALL CALENDAR APPS access the SAME CALENDARS! Duh! Why ask? Bixby wants to save to the Samsung calendar, but that can be changed and it will remember which calendar to save the requested event (and future requests). It should ask which calendar to save it to ONLY once, and use that as a default.
5. If you're going to release a REPLACEMENT software program, at least make sure it's CAPABLE of doing what the previous version could do first.
I've ranted long enough ... but haven't said all there is. I find it sad that I have to carry around my 4 year old device to do something so basic that my new expensive device cannot do without being coddled into doing my bidding. I refuse to switch to another device. If I wasn't locked in, I'd go back to using the Note 4 and never give Samsung my money again.
Whew ... I feel a little better, but I know I'm only blowing off steam. No one who reads this will be able to change anything. So I'm stuck carrying around two devices for now to do the basic stuff I've been doing for the past five years. Feels like we're moving backwards, doesn't it?

