[Q] U8 - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

just bought a U8 smartwatch , its paired , connected and can play my music from the phone , everything else it tells me to connect to phone , when it already is , about ready to throw it , please help lol


read/Bridging the USB jack to the Wince 5 on a chinese AIO stereo?

hi ! recently i get a chinese stereo.. its a "noname" stereo , with a 7" touch screen w/bt/radio/gps etc...
recently im very interested on the "unlocking" and i manage to run the wince5 on the gps soft.. , its simply, i installed miopocket 4 and its fabulous! , the "radio OS" , for the dvd play , the usb music play , its horripilant , slower and poor... so , im thinking.. what about if i play the music directly from the miopocket? , the problem is the unique way to read files from miopocket (wince5 app) , its the second SD slot! (the GPS SD slot) , there is a way to read the usb , or the second-SD slot from the miopocket? .. thanks in advance guys!

Cannot connect to other devices via bluetooth

My phone can search for other devices and pair with them, but cannot establish a connection. Did you guys face this problem? If there is any resolution, please let me know..
Same here but I'm facing during file transfer
Plz help

breackek smartwatch 2

hi all guys
i have smartwatch (sw2) . in the frimware upgrading my brother select wrong watch (mn2) an sw2 breacked
now when conected it to computer pc companionon known it mn2 and cant repair it
any soloutions for this problem ?
sorry for bad english

Moto 360 connection problem Iphone

Hi everybody,
I'm buy the moto 360 1 gerneration and i'm realy love this watch. I have a Iphone 5.
When i received the watch, cannot connect to my Iphone and just upgrade the watch to 5.0.1 and all work fine.
I receveid the last upgrade 6 and in begining all works fine.
Just i loose the Wifi and Bluethoot settings on the watch. But for the rest all work.
I don't know why but i do a reset factory to see if i cannot gat back the wifi and bluethoot option on my watch. After that i connect without any problem to my Iphone but When i try to have the whetar he always say me that the localisation fonction is not active on phone, but when i go to application meteo on watch he give me the Weather... and when the watch is disconnect from the iphone for any reason including charge, it's impossible to reconect ... I'm always need to do a factory reset, re connect my wath, work and again reset factory to re connect.
I'm really have a good sensation with this watch in the begining but now it's very hard.
Is somebody know this problem ? Is any possibility of resolution ?
Sorry for my bad english. But i'm realy need help.
Thanks all for your support.

Android auto for renault kwid

Hey guys,
So my one of best friend bought a car, we're having fun and suddenly his cellphone was shutdown so i offered her to make my cellphone connect and I open android auto app but what the hack , that is not compatible with that car and i couldn't forget her face . So I decided to come here and make a thread about this.
Is there any possibilities to get android auto compatible with renault kwid rxt 1.0 litre ?

