[Q] Camera app not working for other apps like Facebook or Whatsapp - T-Mobile LG G3

Every time I want to post a picture on Facebook or Whatsapp, the default camera app opens up, I take the picture, but instead of asking me to confirm and send the picture, it just lets me keep taking more and more pictures and I can't post it. I would have to take the picture normally and then go back to the app to choose the picture from the gallery. Does anyone know a fix for this?


camera picture not save in gallery.

hi guy,
want to ask which app i need to unfreeze to get my camera saved the picture i taken to the gallery.

[Q] Problems with gallery

Some times, every photo and video material disappearing from my phone. Gallery shows nothing. But all photoes and videos are still on SD card. The main point, that I can't reach them. Some widgets, like gallery widget, can show me the pictures, but when I pres on the photo to zoom it - black screen appears and that is it. How can I solve this problem?
see if there is a nomedia file in your photos folder if there one then delete it and your photos will appear again
if it doesn't work then try another app to see the pictures just to know if the problem from the stock gallery app

facebook picture sync problem!

My facebook pictures were syncing just fine with gallery 4.2 but now they do not show up. If I do a system restore and open gallery 4.2, they show up for a split second then they are gone....with the gallery only showing pictures on my phone. Does anyone know all the settings thst I need to get them to show up again?
Would also like to add that my dropbox pictures no longer show up in the 4.2 gallery either.

Messages app camera zoom, is it missing?

Still new to OnePlus,and would like to know if the stock SMS app has camera zoom capability. I tried attaching a photo from within the Messages app for the first time today, but couldn't zoom into the subject.
If it can't be done, any suggestions of another SMS app that can?
Thanks for any help given.

Replacing default Gallery App with Google Photos

I am coming from the GP4, and here's my issue. When I utilize an app such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and select a photo it automatically defaults to pulling the photo from the Samsung Gallery. Well, when I had a GP4, it would pull from Google Photos regardless, even if the image wasn't local, it would download it from the server and send. There's no way to change the default galleries app that I know of. Does anyone have a workaround for this? Is it changeable?
There's also the issue of taking a photo or video with the default camera app and if you happen to remove the Samsung Gallery APK through the console, pressing on the preview bubble of the just taken picture or video results in an error popup that there is no gallery app installed even though I have Google Photos installed.
I wish Samsungs version of Android would be more open and not so limited to their "core" apps.

